Growing up Bunny

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#1 of The life of Timmy

Growing up Bunny

By BunnyBoy

This story and the charactors in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy...

Warning the story contains material of a sexual nature between male cubs. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

The house is quiet as Timmy sits at the computer giggling to himself as he passes the time. Timmy, an eleven-year-old bunny cub, decided it would be a nice break from things if he played sick today. Since both his parents work all day that meant the normally shy, scrawny little bunny had the run of the house. He'd spent a good portion of the morning on the family computer just goofing around, typing in keywords to see what things the Internet could dredge up now that no one was peering over his shoulder. With a few lazy keystrokes he enters a search never realizing it might just change his world forever. Scanning the links as the search engine spits them out he clicks on one at random. As the screen loads the young boy's eyes go wide with wonder at the site he beholds.

Now Timmy had seen naughty pictures before, one of the older guys at school had snuck in a magazine he found in his big brothers room, but these pictures were different. In the ones the guys at school passed around there were ladies with no clothes on, and despite his getting older Timmy still thought girls were icky. But there weren't any girls here, Just picture after picture of naked bunny men, touching each other, kissing each other, licking each other, and so many more things. He went through the sight looking at picture after picture, watching movie after movie. He didn't know what to make of it but he knew he liked it. With a movie running he starts to daydream as on the screen a big throbbing cock stretched open some groaning and moaning bunny's tail hole, another fur soon fills that muzzle too. Watching those lips wrapped around that thick fleshy rod little Timmy's mouth starts to water, he idly starts sucking on his thumb, wondering what that must be like. In the back of his mind he also wonders what makes that bunny so happy to have his rear pounded like that, and he swears he'll find out. He jerks from his daze realizing that his own bunny cock was rock hard and drooling in his pj's. One paw wraps around it and he starts to stroke it like the guys on the screen sometimes do. He doesn't last long. Moaning and panting as he quickly brings himself to his first orgasm, coating his paw with his sticky seed. Pulling his cream coated paw from his pajama bottoms he stares fascinated. He wants to know what it's like but he's scared. He slowly licks his paw clean, suckling on his fingers as he finds he likes the taste and wants every single drop. Shy little Timmy purrs softly as he savors the taste of his own seed. He wonders what other boys taste like. Quickly clearing the computers history he gather up a few things in the right shapes and retreats to his room intent on practicing the new things he learned.

At school the next day it's all he can do to stay on task. His mind keeps wandering back to the images he say the day before. All these new feelings welling up inside him were confusing him so much. Deep down though Timmy felt one thing that overwhelmed every bit of confusion, a deep gnawing hunger for more. His mind wanders again to his new dirty habits, He wiggles in his seat almost moaning at just the memory of how the Popsicle felt.

Finally the bell rang, next period Timmy has gym. Always the shy type the little bunny took his time changing clothes, but this time his eyes wandered. As he slips into his shorts he scans his classmates in the boys locker room. The corners of his eyes follow the shapes and curves of young bodies, catching peeks of sweet and savory bits of boy hood, as well as tight and tempting glimpses of rear. With a deep and reluctant sigh he leaves the locker room. He's the last one out so he's sure not to miss anything but that also means class is starting and that's not something Timmy is really looking forward too. It's a long and grueling class too. The teacher has them running laps for what seems like ages. He wants to toughen them up for the president's fitness test, Timmy lags a bit behind most of the boys, just wanting it all done. He's not much for sports, even at running which should come naturally to a bunny.

Finally there is a whistle, and not a moment too soon if Timmy has anything to say about it. The tired youngsters march off the field and back towards the school. Even know though with conversations flitting back and forth all around him that little bunny boy can't help but think of other things, that gnawing hunger now ridding in his belly certainly isn't helping matters either. Back in the locker room Timmy takes his time again getting everything ready, there is along break after PE so most of the kids aren't in too much of a hurry. He lays out his clothes and get his towel ready all the time one eye watching the tired guys heading into the showers, definitely putting on a better show now then before. As the come back and get dressed he's still sitting there patently waiting his turn. Once again Timmy lets out a wistful sigh before padding off into the shower room. The sound of running water hits his ears, it seems like some one else is taking there time here too.

Humming to himself Hank is indeed still in the shower. Hank's a bunny too but he's a bit bigger and stronger then Timmy. The smaller bunny just watches for a moment as his larger classmate runs some shampoo through his head fur. Hanks humming and the running water hide Timmy's approach very well. The bigger boy doesn't know what hit him till it's too late. A nice long lick across that bunnies sensitive cock head wakes the big boy up though. Hank winces as the shampoo stings trying to back away at first from the strangers tongue, but strong paws grip his rear pulling him closer as that tongue greedily laps at his rapidly hardening cock. Hank isn't trying to get away anymore, the initial shock is gone and he's noticed that it feels really good. As a pair of warm wet lips wrap around his cock head he gets enough shampoo from his eyes to make out Timmy's cute little face with a big fat rabbit cock wedged obscenely between his lips. The normally shy quiet kid's fingers dig into hanks ass pulling him closer as he suckles on that cock like it was a pacifier.

Timmy can't believe he's actually doing it, and right here in school too. He leans in taking a bit more of that oh so wonderful piece of boyhood. Letting his lips do all the work just like he practiced last night, but that soda bottle didn't taste nearly this good.

Hank's knees go weak as he climaxes, filling that wonderful mouth with all the bunny juice he can manage. It's not his first orgasm but it's the most intense one he's had in his short little life. He groans softly before stumbling back, his now limp cock slipping from that hot young mouth.

Timmy swallows down every drop. He couldn't help it he saw Hank here in the shower the water sheeting off his fur and the hunger just egged him on. He sighs happily, the taste and feel of that throbbing cock in his muzzle made the whole thing that much better, and the load of bunny cum was icing on the cake. Timmy keeps his eyes focused on the floor staring at a spot near Hanks feet. "Did you like that?" the quite little bunny whispers.

Still shocked by the whole situation Hank manages to choke off a yes.

Timmy smiles, his eyes still on the floor. Oddly he's not embarrassed at all, though some might notice a red flush under his fur it comes from excitement not shame, but he still can't believe the words that slip from his lips. "Do you want more?" He asks, his tone growing ever more confident as the hunger, while sated for now, give him the confidence to press on. "If you do there will be rules," he declares his eyes never leave the floor but his words seem to demand obedience, "First rule this is a secret you can tell no one about it. Second you must bring me more... Bring me more boys, boys you think might like this, but most importantly boys who can keep a secret. You can't tell them what will happen, it is a secret, but just bring them to me after school. We'll meet behind the tool shed. Do you understand?"

Hank nods but then realizing that the smaller bunny won't see that he mumbles a quick "Yes Sir." Before bolting to the locker room.

Once he's alone Timmy begins pawing franticly. His little rabbit cock was rock hard the moment he got close to Hank's shaft and it stayed that way the whole time. His paw works his shaft quickly as he closes his eyes, he can still taste the bigger boy on his lips the memory of that throbbing cock in his muzzle is all he needs to get him off. He cums all over the shower floor purring loudly at the wonderful feeling. He licks his paw clean still smiling, as he looks forward to his after school special.

As the last bell rings Timmy grins relieved that the day is finally done. He leaps up from his desk and bolts out the door. Weaving in and out of the crowds of kids like a fish he makes a beeline for the soccer field and the tool shed at the far end of it. He's the first one there and slips round back to sit in the shadow waiting for Hank and his promised boys. He hears them coming long before he sees them. They're talking among themselves mostly peppering Hank with questions as to why he brought them out here after school.

"Look guys just shut up okay, I can't tell you why but it's so totally worth it alright? So just shut up." Says the larger bunny in a rather annoyed tone. He rounds the corner of the shed and spots the smaller bunny sitting on the grass leaning up against the shed. "I brought some guys just like you wanted," stammers Hank. He doesn't know why but he struggles not to add a sir on the end of that statement. There is just something about that little bunny lately that almost demands a sir.

Timmy smiles, and stands up but he doesn't look at any of there faces his eyes never seem to move above chest height as he takes in the group Hank's assembled. There's John a 12-year-old colt, Mike an 11-year-old cat, Rick an 11-year-old fox, and finally Tom a 12-year-old mouse. It's a good group, he knows all the boys by sight anyway and they are handsome specimens. "Hank did you tell them why I asked you to bring them here?" he says with a smile.

Hank just shakes his head. "No I didn't. Just like you said I didn't tell them anything except that it would be loads of fun." Says the rabbit.

"Good." Says the young hare, "My house is just down the street follow me. It'll be better if we do the rest of this in doors." There is something about the way he says it that makes the other boys know it's an order. They fall in line grumbling at following this pipsqueak. All except for Hank, he's very quite doing just as he's told with no complaints.

Once at Timmy's house he leads them down into a furnished basement. The boys spread out taking positions on the couch, the chairs, and the carpet. "Now I asked Hank to bring some guys he thought he could trust with a big secret." Starts the little bunny. "Since you're here I'm assuming he trusts you boys. Now If I let you in on this game there are some very strict rules you must follow. Rule one is absolute secrecy. You can tell no one, and I mean no one who isn't in on it already about what will go on. Rule two is recruitment, I'll want you guys to keep your eyes and ears open for anyone who might be interested in joining this little group. However you must remember rule one at all times if you try to recruit them, and the final decision is mine on wiether they are in or out. Rule three is mutual benefit. I'll be helping you out here and in return I want you to help me out from time to time okay? Nothing major just making sure I don't get picked on out there is all. Now do you think these rules are fair?"

Hank immediately chimes in the affirmative, but the other boys seem hesitant. Mike starts to ask a question but Timmy looks up. For the first time they get a good look at his face and it scares them a little bit. There is something in that little rabbits eyes, a hungry, predatory look that sets the others back. A little frightened of the alternative the boys reluctantly agree to Timmy's rules.

"Good," says the little bunny. "Hank come here let's show them why I wanted them here. Lose the pants."

Blushing slightly as the others look on in shock the larger bunny steps forward, "Yes sir." He stammers as his jeans and boxers buddle on the floor. His cock already hard, and though he'd hate to admit it. It had been that way since he first saw Timmy at the tool shed. The smaller hare hits his knees almost reverently as he starts to lick the head of hank's cock.

"What the hell are you doing!" shouts John "That's just wrong." Most of the other boys mutter there agreement but they all feel something stirring as hank moans softly obviously enjoying the attention.

Timmy doesn't stop figuring Hank can handle explanations. The little bunny wraps his lips around the head suckling like a baby. "Ohhh god," groans Hank. "It's not wrong guys it feels so good."

"Hey look if that's what you like then fine, I'm into girls so I'm out of here." Growls the your stallion despite the substantial growing bulge hidden in his jeans.

Timmy reluctantly lets the throbbing bunny cock slip from his lips as he fixes those hungry eyes on John. "Ohhh you like girls do you?" His voice still as demanding as before but now there is a sultry purr to it that seems to play havoc with their inhibitions. He crawls over to the 12-year-old horse, which slowly starts to back away, "When's the last time a girl wrapped her lips around your thick throbbing cock ehh stallion? When's the last time you felt those moist, hot lips wrapped around your shaft sucking like there's no tomorrow? And besides if you like girls so much why is this so happy?" With those last words he reaches out one paw gently squeezing the horse boys massive bulge. From his spot on the floor Timmy looks straight up at the horse his eyes telling the boy that he will get what he wants. "Lose the pants, you'll be the first in my muzzle" orders the tinny little rabbit. Almost with out realizing it John obeys stripping off his jeans, letting that thick, black horse cock out into the open air. "The rest of you too, Drop them now." He turns back to Hank who seems a little shocked that he won't be first. Timmy just grins. "Lay down on your back we'll try something new for you" says the bunny in charge as he straddles Hank's lap. He lowers himself onto that needy cock beneath him. Hank catches his breathe as he feels the cock tip start to stretch that little bunny's tail hole. As Timmy pushes himself down his virgin tail hole stretched open by Hank's eager shaft John steps forward pre already dripping from the tip and begging for attention. Timmy gladly gives it to him too, lapping up the copious amounts of pre that horse puts out. As his lips smother the tip of that horse cock with attention he rocks back and forth driving that bunny cock deeper and deeper into his rear. It's too much for Hank that ass is even tighter then the boys mouth. He cries out thrusting up into the little bunny as he cums

Timmy moans loudly at the feeling of hot bunny spunk filling his rear. Now he knows why the boys in the videos liked it s much. Lifting his rear up off the spent bunny he wiggles his spooge-covered rear at the others. "Tom," he gasps, "I want you to fuck me next." And with those words out of the way he leans forward stretching his lips around the almost impossible large cock pressed to his muzzle. John whinnies as those tight insistent lips wrap around his head bobbing slowly and trying to coax out that sweet foal juices. He squeals into the horses cock though as that mouse boy mounts his boycunt. Pure animal lust driving them now as that cute little mouse thrusts into the bunny's slick spoogey rear. Timmy's grunts and groans are sending vibrations down Johns shaft causing the horse to lose control much sooner then he'd want. But what the colt lacks in staying power her makes up for in volume. Timmy could swear he's died and gone to heaven as he savors the taste of hot horsemeat in his muzzle as he fairly drowns in cum and that mouse relentlessly pounds at his rabbit hole. The little bunny tries to drink all he can but it's too much, a generous helping oozes past his lips dribbling down his chin to splatter the trapped form of Hank. John's knees give way just as his nuts give up the ghost, and he stagger back collapsing on the couch. Timmy sputters and coughs as that spurting dick is pulled from his muzzle leaving him still wanting more. The bunny claws at the carpet now as the rutting mouse lets out a long loud squeak before adding his load of sweet mouse cream to his cum slick ass.

"That was amazing you two." Purrs the bunny, "Now Mike you're up front, Rick I want you to ride the bunny." As the little house cat steps up Timmy takes a second to examine the feline manhood, he marvels at it for a moment "Ohh so many different types of cock out there, I want to try them all." He licks at Mike's sensitive shaft, purring as his tongue traces it's way over the knobs and spines that cover his shaft. Just as his lips wrap around the base Rick slides his cock into the hilt. Impaling the bunny in one long stroke, still in heaven he suckle on the kitty his eyes glazed as the yipping foxy thrusts in faster and faster. He kitten grinds his groin against the bunny's muzzle as he whimpers and purrs knowing it won't be long. Mike looks down at the fox, his tong lolling out to one side as he slams home again and again. With a soft mewing noise mike also climaxes adding his own contribution to Timmy's swelling belly. The kitten slides back collapsing at John's feet. Timmy moans softly as he feels something odd in his backside it feels like there's something strange with Rick's shaft, it's so thick at the base. The little rabbit doesn't know what a knot is but he can feel it pressing into him on every push. With one final Yip the fox stretches the boy even wider forcing his knot deep into the bunny locking them together. Timmy squeals as that knot plows deep into him. It's still growing too, and as Rick floods his guts with another load of sweet boy juices. This last one is finally too much for little Timmy and he collapses onto Hank in a quivering heap cumming onto the other bunny's belly with a smile. It looks like this will be a fun school year.

The Wrong Treasures

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Blind Date

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