A Midnight Duel

Story by BunnyBoy on SoFurry

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A Midnight Duel

By BunnyBoy

This story and the charactors in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy...

Warning the story contains voilance and material of a sexual nature between males. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

The City of Ganna is never silent at night. Known as the city of war there is always some business happening. In the forges the smiths work nonstop producing swords and armor for the schools and guilds. With 3 separate fighting schools the city is crawling with guards from one or the other. The assassin's guild is out there holding the classes by moonlight, and the motleys of thieves prowl for prey. But it's one of these fighting schools that draws our attention.

The long stone halls are silent, but it's not the silence of an empty hall. It's the silence of someone moving quietly. The hooded rabbit blends perfectly into the night. Most people think black is a stealthy color, but in truth its not dark grays or greens seem to blend into the night a little easier. He makes his way to a raised alcove overlooking an arena. Below him waiting there scanning the shadows is his target, a young swords-fox, and the best in his class at the war collage. With a grin the rabbit abandons stealth and leaps over the railing. His study of the ancient foot fighting art lets him land safely on the cobbled floor far below. Though when he lands, it seems he hit the ground with more force then his small body should allow.

"I've been waiting a long time for this." hisses the swordsman as he draws his rapier and falls into a fighting stance. With a grin and a flourish the silent rabbit produces a butterfly sword. The two combatants circle each other, weapons ready, each searching his opponent for an opening. They are practiced and slow in their movements circling each other waiting for any opening. It was the rabbit that strikes first, leaping forward, bringing that short chopping blade around in a deadly flashing arc. The fox shifts slightly, letting the blow land on his shield before countering with his own blade. Back and forth they go, each searching for an opening, but neither finding one. The clash of steel on steel echoes through the empty arena. It only lasts a few passes though as both fighters return to there circling. The fox the model of cool calm determination his quick and efficient. But the bunny moves fluidly, gracefully, weaving in and out of the fight his blade flashing in the night. The fight looks like it could go on for hours, until the fox lands a lucky blow that knocks the sword from the rabbit's paw. With a grin the fox advances on his prey, bringing the sword down in a swift overhead strike. The bunny acts quickly throwing himself to the ground. He lands hard on his back lashing out fast, one foot coming up to catch the blade just above the hilt, with a loud clang. The other foot comes around knocking the weapon from the fox's grip. The iron boots that are the mark of his fighting style protects his feet as he manages to disarm his foe.

Now the rabbit grins, they are both unarmed, and this is his specialty. Twisting about he launches himself to his feet. He closes in, hoping to end it soon with a roundhouse kick towards the fox's head, but somehow this was expected. The fox steps forward, trapping the rabbit's over extended leg with his left arm, as his right comes down in a blow that would make any gladiator wince. The speeding paw stops though just short of his enemy's groin, turning what was a brutal assault into a hard, vigorous grope at the last second.

The rabbit groans loudly, "Ohhhh damn it Chris, I'm gonna call that a draw... you just can't play fair can you?" The fox releases the rabbit's leg so that the bunny can throw himself into his lover's arms. "You always cheat, you naughty thing."

"And you wouldn't want it any other way, would you?" says the grinning fox as they kiss. "So what next, lovely? Usually to the victor go the spoils. But with a draw... should we just leave?"

The rabbit steps away, shrugging off his cloak and leaning into the fox before kissing his lips again. "Little smart ass, Draw be damned your going to claim your bunny. Victor or not, that's all I want." says the horny hare as he steps back letting his pants puddle on the floor. With a lusty sigh he falls to all fours. He looks back over his shoulder, flagging his tail at his lover.

The fox just grins and walks up behind him, letting his fingers run thorough that leaf shaped tail, stroking the taunt, tight bunny butt. He fumbles with his trousers, freeing his own throbbing cock. The sight of that fierce bunny warrior submitting so readily to him just makes his blood boil. He grips the rabbit's hips, leaning forward, stretching that tight athletic ass as he takes what's now his. With a loud groan he slowly drives himself deeper and deeper, listening to the moaning, panting rabbit below him, as he scratches at the arena floor. As he hilts himself in the tight little rabbit hole, he roars eyes glazed, as he stares out across the empty arena, picturing it filled with a thousand furs cheering them both on. He leans forward, letting the bunny take his weight, as he grinds his hips causing the bunny to gasp. His nose, though filled with the musk of rutting hare, picks up the pungent scent of fresh blood as he notices one of the bunny's ears was nicked during the duel. Silently he takes the ear tip in his muzzle, suckling on that sensitive ear tip, teasing the flesh with his teeth, probing the cut with his tongue.

This mix of sensation drives the trapped rabbit wild, the thrusting cock pounding deep inside his body, and the sharp stinging pain in his ear, blended with the erotic feeling as the fox suckles on that sensitive area. He cries out, flooding the arena so used to the clash of steel and scream of pain, with the wet delighted sounds of lovemaking. Pre dribbles freely, coating the floor, matting his fur as he nears the edge.

The fox bites down gently on the tender ear as he buries his knot into the bunny, tying them together. He leans back, howling to the whole world as he drives his throbbing fox hood deeper, before exploding into his mate. Wave after wave of hot seed burns deep within the bunny's bowels, the pressure and heat sending the rabbit over the edge, spilling his seed out onto the dusty floor.

With a delighted sigh the bunny collapses into the red dust, his spent seed plastering his belly with matted earth. The fox nuzzles the back of the bunny's neck, purring. "Looks like some one needed that as much as..." He cuts off, as the sound of clapping reaches his ears. Both rabbit and fox blush bright red under their fur as they look up, seeing one of the school's many teachers standing in the doorway, applauding, and a group of giggling novices behind her.

Growing up Bunny

Growing up Bunny By BunnyBoy This story and the charactors in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy... Warning the story contains material of a sexual nature between male cubs. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you...

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The Wrong Treasures

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Blind Date

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