The Fort

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#1 of Cool Fort

The Fort

By BunnyBoy

This story and the characters in it are copyrighted to BunnyBoy...

Warning the story contains nonconsensual sexual acts between a number of young furry males. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

The sun was bright as the milling students sat down to eat lunch. At a quiet table off by himself sits a slight framed ten year old bunny named Tommy who peeked between the slices of bread to see what sort of sandwich his mom had packed him. So it was a moment or two before he noticed that some one had joined him at the table. The black and white rabbit squeaked softly, surprised since no one usually sat with him, especially not the older boys like the white and gray tabby unpacking his own lunch right next to him.

"Hi there," said the Tabby with a smile, "Your names Tommy right?" The boy just nodded shyly. "Nice to meet cha, I'm Ryan." For the rest of lunch the boys just chatted Tommy feet so good, he was still new to the school and hadn't made any friends yet. But this older boy was just chattering up a storm it finally felt like he had a friend here after all. "Hey Tommy you got anything planned for after school?" the still shy little bunny shakes his head. "Aww then you gotta see something I've got the coolest fort out behind my house. I'll show it to you if you like but you gotta be careful. No body knows about it so you'll have to wait a bit come to my house at quarter to four after school tonight. My folks don't know it's there and they should be gone by then. Now be careful I've never shown this to anyone."

The little bunny is so excited that he agrees instantly. The rest of the school day flies by in a blur he can't wait to meet his new friend and see this cool clubhouse. Maybe they can play some games. After school he runs straight home. He tells asks mom if he can go to go play at a friend's house. She can see how excited the boy is and agrees provided he's home before dark. Tommy is excited, since that give them plenty of playtime. After a snack the little bunny notices it's time to go, with a quick bye to his mom he's out the door and down the street.

He's a couple minutes early when he gets to the house but he hears Ryan's voice coming from the backyard. He slowly opens the gate and heads out back. "Hello?" he calls out not wanting to surprise anyone.

Moments later the 13-year-old black and white tabby comes bounding out of the bushes grinning from ear to ear. "Ohh hey buddy you made it." He looks around shiftily checking to see if anyone's looking before he grabs the bunny's paw and hauls him back towards a small gap in the bushes. "Hurry up, it's just over here. Gotta be quick cause we don't want anyone to see it." Ryan drags the smaller bunny threw the bushes after him, it's not long though before then reach a ladder leading up to a good sized tree house built in the branches up above. Tommy looks up at the ladder nervously but Ryan urges him on. "Go on buddy. It's safe I spend loads of time up there. I'll be right behind you." As the little bunny buck makes his way up the ladder Ryan stares at that butt wiggling in those tight little shorts and licks his lips.

As the bunny crests the top, his paws grip the forts floor as he pulls himself up. Before he gets a good look though a big strong arm grabs him by the waistband of his shorts, pulling him in and tossing him bodily across the fort. Tom yelps first from the wedgie and then from the rough landing on a beaten old couch. As he catches his breath he glances around the fort, it's dark on the inside but he can make out the form of a large black and gray cat with tiger stripes standing by the door. The bigger cat leans out and shouts down to the ground, "Is that the last one little bro?"

Ryan's familiar voice calls back up, "Yep he's the last one today."

Hearing that voice Tommy gets confused. This must be some sort of secrete initiation, he thinks, they probably just want to scare him. Surely his friend wouldn't let anything bad happen. The bunny's eyes slowly adjust to the lower light inside the fort. He notices there are no windows, and the walls aren't bare wooden walls like he'd expected. They seem to be covered with posters or pictures but it's to dark to see what they are.

A quick glance towards the doorway shows the big cat is still guarding it but the little bunny can hear his friend clambering up the ladder. It's another sound though that draws his attention next. The bunny is surprised to hear a faint whimper from the back of the room. He crawls off the sofa towards the noise. At the movement the big cats watchful eyes fall on the young bunny, he smiles for a moment but just watches. "What the..." exclaims Tommy as he stumbles on a mattress in the corner. The little bunny trembles as he realizes that huddled on the bed with their paws bound and crude gags stuffed in their muzzles are some of the other boys from his school. He's about to scream when he realizes that the sound of Ryan on the ladder has stopped. He turns about on the spot just in time to see the door shut plunging the room into pitch darkness.

Tommy nearly wets himself and after a few moments, an evil chuckle cuts threw the silence. "Let there be light." Right on cue the room is filled with an almost blinding light. The bunny lets out a small shriek of surprise and falls back onto the mattress. His roving eyes take in the now well-lit room. He whimpers as he notices the walls near the door are plastered with obscene posters, and dirty pictures of little boy cubs. In one corner above a small second hand desk with a laptop and a number of cameras there is a banner with the words "Fort Cub Fucker" blazoned across the top.

The bunny scurries backwards across the mattress, "please, please no," he begs as the cats' just chuckle. He nearly screams as he feels something bump against his back, glancing over his shoulder he finally remembers the other boys. His eyes go even wider as he sees them now under the harsh electric light, stripped down to there undies, there socks stuffed into there muzzles, their paws bound with there own shirts, and there eyes red from crying. There are three other boys, the raccoon, and fox Tommy has seen at school but doesn't know and the last one is the shy little mouse named Ricky that would some times trade lunches with him. Ricky's glasses were askew and the poor boy was sobbing into his gag. "Oh gods no!" screams the bunny as he scrambles to his feet.

The bigger cat just grins wide and walks over to the shaking bunny. "Ohh yeah scream all you want boy," He leers down at the rabbit before grabbing the front of his shirt and tossing him back onto the couch. "No one's gonna hear you. This is one nice fort, I mean if anybody was down on the ground they'd barely hear a thing even if you screamed your head off. But hey no one's out there to hear anyway. Besides me and my little bro here like it when you make some noise. Oh and don't think of running for it either that ladder is tricky try to take it to fast and splat... you could break an arm or maybe even your neck so better to stay here where it's safe." The older cat grins at that and turns to Ryan, who has already started to strip down. "Mmmm nice haul this time little bro, we got some real cute ones."

Ryan grins up at his older brother already drooling, "Aint that the truth. I can't wait this is going to be so much fun. Remember though you promised I could bust a fresh little cherry on camera this time." The older cat chuckles and nods to his eager young sibling, "That I did bro, that I did. How about I let you do the fox later, he can be your cherry popper. We've got more pressing business first. I say we start with the bunny since the others are all tied up." The gray tiger smiles down at the frightened bunny as he strips of his shirt and shorts. "Start filming, I want this all on tape."

"No prob Jeremy." The younger cat readies a digital camcorder. The camera pans over the now nude cat as he takes a seat on the couch near the trembling little bunny boy.

Jeremy leers down at Tommy licking his lips in anticipation. The cat grins as the fingers on his left paw make walking motions down the back of the couch towards the boy as he hums "Little bunny foofoo" The tiger cat leans closer and closer as Tommy whimpers and pleads.

"Please Mr., don't do this. Ryan don't let him... please I don't want too..." As the big cat gets closer the bunny finally bolts, screaming for his mommy. The scream fades out suddenly as Jeremy grabs the collar of his shirt and yanks him back to the couch, knocking the breath from the little bunny.

"That's a bad little bunny, trying to run away like that, just when the fun is starting." Jeremy pushes Tommy's head into his lap rubbing his now throbbing erection against the little bunny's soft face fur. The bigger cat starts to sing as Ryan leans in to catch it all for the camera. "Little bunny foofoo, hopping threw the forest, loving on my cock, and kissing it on the head." The cat smears his pre into the bunny's muzzle as he sings. "Come on bunny kiss it. Just a little peck. Look he really likes you..." The cat chuckles at the squirming cub before pulling him into his lap, one arm holding the boy tight about the waist as he peals the shirt off the struggling bunny. Next go the shorts, leaving the boy in just his skivvies. Jeremy adjusts the bunny in his lap so the boy can feel his thick throbbing erection pressing under that virgin tail. With an eye toward the camera the cat slips a paw under the cubs briefs roughly fondling the terrified boys little package. "Aww your such a pretty boy aren't you bunny. Now smile for the camera. Tell everyone your name, and exactly why you came here."

The sobbing bunny looks up into the unblinking eye of the camera, and immediately tries to look away, but Jeremy's paw slips under his chin and points that pretty face right back at the camera. Tommy snuffles and snorts as he tries to talk like the bigger boy wants him too but it is so hard. He's so scared and that cat is doing things to him that he'd never felt before. "I... I'm Tommy sir." He sputters, "And I came cause Ryan wanted me to see his fort" As he finishes the cub starts bawling.

Jeremy shakes his head, "Tut tut tut... the first one always makes the most fuss. Bro sit the other boys up against the wall I want them to see this. I want you boys to know what's going to happen. Just accept it, you can't get away and you can't stop us. Now Tommy we are going to try again and this time none of your lies. Tell the nice people the truth. The real reason you came to night is because you wanted me and my little brother to fuck that sweet little ass of yours, and because you really want to drink our kitty cum. Now isn't that right pretty boy" The bunny shakes his head as if to say no when the grip of the cats paw on the undeveloped package changes slightly, promising pain if he doesn't comply. "SAY IT!"

The bunny's shoulders slump and he whimpers before looking back up into the camera. "I came here cause I wanted Mr... J,Jeremy and Mr. Ryan to fuck," the boy pauses her and whimpers softly before a light cuff gets him talking again "my ass, and so I could drink there kitty cum. Is that right sir?"

The cat grins down at the bunny smiling benevolently. "Oh yes Tommy yes that was perfect." The bunny risks a smile back as the cats paw slides from his groin. The bunny grows scared again as that friendly smile shifts into a predatory one in the blink of an eye. "And now for a bunny's reward." The cat flips the boy over onto his belly. His left paw in the small of his back, the other tugs the boy's undies down to his knees. The cat slowly starts to smear something cold and slick under the boys tail working fast but thoroughly as the boy tries to struggle. Once every thing is nice and slick Jeremy positions himself behind the boy. The bunny's struggles only increase as he feels that big piece of maleness pressing against his virgin tailhole.

"Please sir don't." the bunny sobs trying to squirm away from the thick feline cock that's pressing against his tight anal star. "It's gonna hurt I know it is, please I don't wanna..."

The bunny screeches as the cat starts to thrust into him. The cats grip shifts down one paw on each hip as he pulls the boy back onto his cock slowly stretching that sweet rabbit hole wide open. Tommy resists trying to force the intruder out but the cat is just too strong and the slick lube doesn't help fight it. "Ohh fuck yeah. That's it just half way there." shouts the cat as he leans back so that Ryan can get the camera in close for a good shot. The sight of that fat kitty cock wedged obscenely between those tender young ass cheeks just drives Jeremy wild. With one solid thrust he drives the rest of that seven-inch cock into the bunny right up to the hilt. Tommy lets out a yelp of pain, sobbing into the couch cushions as Ryan crouches down to catch his face on camera.

"Ohhh it hurts!" whimpers the bunny as Jeremy pulls back letting almost all of that rigid maleness slip free before pounding it right back into the boy. "NO, Please take it out, your tearing me apart"

"Ohh no your such a tight little slut." Growls the big cat as each thrust rocks the boy back and forth on the couch. "Mmmm such a sweet ass, I want to fuck it till that tail falls off." The bunny shudders and spasms as something happens it still hurts, it hurts like hell but each pounding thrust mashes that cock against his prostate, sending all sorts of unfamiliar feelings through the little boy. Jeremy notices the change, in fact he's been waiting for it, one hand snakes down under the boy gripping that ridged little penis. "Ohh I thought you said you wanted me to stop?" The cat thrusts hard into the boy with that. "Looks like your little friend here likes it. Should we show the other boys? How about everyone who might watch on TV later?" With his shaft buried balls deep into the boy he rocks back into a sitting position with little Tommy impaled on his lap. Jeremy turns to face Ryan and the 3 other captives, his left hand lifting the bunny up, sliding him up and down on that throbbing pole as the right paw fondles his young little shaft finally standing free of its fuzzy sheath. Tears stream down the boys muzzle as he looks down at the floor. He can't bear to look into the camera lens or into the eyes of those other boys. Jeremy rocks the boy back and forth in his lap moaning. It is not going to be long now, such a tight virgin ass takes a lot out of a man and it's taken all his will power to put off his climax this far. Both paws grip the bunny about the waist lifting him up and sliding him back down on that cock faster and faster. The cat grits his teeth and almost lifts the boy free before driving him right back onto that pulsing organ. The rabbit and the cats cries mix at the climax, one of shame and scary new sort of pleasure, and the other shout one of triumph and release as he floods the bunny's bowels with his hot sticky seed. "Ohh yes, Tommy that was a nice fuck." Sighs Jeremy as he holds the traumatized cub in his lap still buried deep into that tight tail.

Ryan strolls over the camera focused now on the bunny's face as his head lolls back and forth. One paw holds the camera as the other grips his pre dripping cock out to the bunny. "Kiss it." Orders the younger cat. Ryan moans as he's obeyed. The little bunny seems to out of it to even resist anymore. "Ohh good boy, now suck on it little bunny, and don't even think of biting." The cat presses his cock between those yielding lips, groaning at the sweet feel of suction. Truthfully the boys not very good the brothers will have to spend a lot of time training them to suck a proper cock but that doesn't matter right now to Ryan since the show he just watched has him so close to the edge already. "Ohh suck it harder boy like the yummy pacifier it is." He tries to keep the camera focused on the boys face as the bunny sucks on one cock while another is still planted firmly in his ass but his paw shakes as he gets closer and closer. Suddenly Ryan grips the back of the bunny's head with his fee paw holding him down onto that cock as he cums. The bunny chokes and coughs on it accidentally spurting semen out his nose. In an effort to keep from drowning the boy swallows what he can before the cat finally releases him. The last few spurts of cum splashing across his muzzle.

"Ahh now that's a good start I think." Says Jeremy as he lifts the shell-shocked young boy. His cock slides free from that abused pucker with a wet slurping sound. " The first boy is always the hardest. Since we've got to take that edge off ourselves and prove to you boys it's futile to resist." The cat pushes Tommy over towards the mattress where he collapses limp as a rag doll. The last thing he hears before he passes out is Jeremy's voice, " So which one is next."

Camp Gannahawmpyuh

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