A Real Soft Sell

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#2 of The Severance Package

A Real Soft Sell

By Bunny Boy

This story and Bob is copyrighted to Bunny Boy, Arcc is copyrighted to his player

Warning the story contains nonconsensual sexual acts between an adult and a young furry male. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

Bob sighs out loud, it has been two days since he quit his old job at CubbyHole, and he doesn't start his new position for a full week. "Damn this is boring." It's three in the afternoon and the German Sheppard is still in his maroon bathrobe, which is ironic since he hasn't actually bathed today. He heads into the kitchen to grab a beer before walking out to the living room. As he makes his way into the living room he pauses by the window. The twenty-seven year old dog peers out between the blinds.

He growls softly as he spots a group of cubs across the street, they look like they are playing soccer. He watches the boys in those tight running shorts, and slowly starts to massage his randy doggy dick. Just as he gets into his fantasy the doorbell rings jerking Bob back down to reality. He smiles for a moment remembering the frolic that sprang from the last masturbatory interruption, but he knows he can't be that lucky again. The bell rings again and the Dog rushes to answer it, cursing his lack of underwear.

On the other side of the door stands a little 5-year-old white fox, behind him on the step is a little red wagon full of large tins. He looks so spiffy in his scouting uniform. Arcc is just so proud to be a Cubby Scout, he always makes sure everything is neat and tidy, and he always tries to live up to the six scouting virtues: Service, Obedience, Dedication, Open-mindedness, Motivation, and Youthfulness. He's not supposed to be out here by himself but it's his first fund raising drive and he wants to prove he can do it on his own. He adjusts his neckerchief before ringing the bell one more time. The owner of the house answers the door. The dog is wearing only a ratty old bathrobe and is flushed like he's out of breath.

Bob stares down at the little vision of beauty stationed on his doorstep, his doggy cock instantly growing rock hard. It must be something about a boy in uniform. The little fox, not even aware that the tip of his cock is peeking out from the folds of his robe, mesmerizes him. He just can't believe his luck.

Arcc just giggles at the silly adult before launching into the prepared pitch, "Hello Mr., I'm Arcc and I'm selling pop corn to raise money so my scout troop can go to camp this summer. Would you be interested in buying some Cubby Scout popcorn to help us out?" When the adult doesn't respond for a bit Arcc looks up at him. "Hey earth to Mr. Dog, would you like to buy some popcorn to help out or not?" He tries not to giggle because the man's pecker is hanging out.

Bob leans his head out the door, looking up and down the street, making sure no one is looking. "Say there little man," he says with a grin. "How much to buy all your popcorn?"

Arcc chuckles to himself, wow this guy must really like popcorn. "Well sir I brought about sixty dollars worth with me."

"Sold," says the Sheppard, "Why don't you wheel your wagon on in here and unload it in the kitchen while I go get my wallet." Eager to close the sale the little white fox pulls the wagon in without a moment's hesitation. He never notices Bob locking the door behind him. As Arcc stacks the tins of popcorn in the kitchen Bob runs to his bedroom returning with a hundred dollar bill. He pauses to watch the little fox, so diligent in his work. He walks up behind the boy putting one paw on his shoulder. "Well Arcc, I've been thinking, how would you like to earn more then that sixty dollars?" The older dog waves the hundred in the little cubs face. It's more money then the boy has ever seen all at once. "If you play a game with me you can have this. It'll cover all the popcorn and your still have lots left over for something you want but you can't tell anyone where you got it. So kid, do we have a deal?"

The little fox's eyes are fixed on the bill. A hundred bucks to play a game, how hard could it be. "Umm... Okay Mr. what do I hafta do?"

The older dog picks Arcc up and sets him on the kitchen counter his legs, his legs dangling over the edge. "Well, first little man, my name is Bob and if you want to get your money you're gonna have to do exactly like I say alright?" And the Sheppard just grins as the fox kit nods enthusiastically. Bob reaches up, one hand stroking the foxes muzzle, skritching up behind one of the fox's white little ears. Arcc almost purrs at the friendly touch. "Ohhh you're so soft my boy, but I really must get you ready for the game. First I'm going to show you something, then I'll show you how to do it, and then you get to show me if you can do it right. If you do it really well you'll get a surprise too." Bob pulls up a chair and takes a seat before the fox. Before the boy can react the adult undoes the buckle of the scout's pants and tugs them open.

Arcc moans softly, too startled to struggle as the dog massages his little bulge through his red underwear. "Ohhh wow, is this, uh, the game sir?" asks the confused little pup.

Bob licks his lips, drooling in anticipation, "Not yet, this is just the warm up." The dog slides one big paw up along the fox's thigh, under those tantalizing red undies to grope the sweet little boy bits concealed beneath. He rolls the little kit's jewels about in his paw while running his thumb up the boys swelling sheath. "Now watch carefully, here comes the fun part." Bob hooks his thumbs under the waistband and tugs down just enough to free that little cubby boner. He leans in and lays a long slow lick across the tiny black tip that's peeking free of the snowy white sheath.

The feeling is so intense Arcc's eyes cross and he lets out a long, loud moan of pleasure. The little fox's paws grip the adult's head as that talented tongue coaxes more and more of that sweet ebony shaft out to play. Bob collars the tip with his lips and starts to suckle gently. The feelings stir up something inside the confused boy, egging him on. "Oh, oh that feels so good sir, please don't stop," pants little foxy, as he starts to thrust into that warm willing muzzle. The boy can't last long and he shudders to a stop, his whole body shaking as he climaxes for the first time.

Bob is disappointed he didn't get a drink for his trouble but the little fox is only five. He's content to savor the taste of that unspoiled little pecker for a moment more before he releases the boy. Arcc slumps back against the counter trying just to catch his breath, panting wordlessly.

Bob doesn't pull back, instead he rests his cheek on the boy's thigh. He watches Arcc recover while sneaking the occasional kiss or lick on those immature little jewels. "So did you like that part of the game my resilient little scout?" Arcc still can't talk so he just nods. "Then let's move on to the next part of the game. You'll have to try and do the same thing I just did. But I'll be nice and you can practice first." Bob straightens up in his seat, his right paw reaching up to stroke the stunned boy's cheek. The dog places his thumb against Arcc's muzzle. "Be a good scout and open up. Now try to do to my thumb what I did to your pecker."

Still panting the boy nods, "Ya, yes sir. I'll try." The cub gently licks along the thumb before closing his lips around it. He suckles gently almost giggling as he thinks of how his mom would yell. She doesn't like him sucking on his own thumb, she surely wouldn't like him sucking on someone else's.

Bob for his part uses his free hand to stroke the endearing little kit's head. Purring gently as his dribbling cock waits impatiently for its turn. "Mind your teeth son, that can hurt it. Now suck on it a little harder, such a good boy. Your such a quick study," instructs the adult. Satisfied with the cub's performance Bob pulls his hand away, surprising Arcc who almost topples off the counter. "Okay lad it's now time for the real thing. Remember if you do a good job you'll get a surprise." The dog picks the boy up off the counter gently setting Arcc on the floor. The shepherd shifts his position in his chair, leaning back and spreading his legs so his manhood is positioned a little more impressively. "Now go ahead and play, but remember what you practiced and don't be afraid to use your hands. He likes it when little scouts pet him."

Arcc hesitates for a second, the adult's thingy is so much larger then his thumb was, and it's dribbling some sort of goo. However he did promise, and the man was giving him a lot of money. He leans in, laying one tenitive lick along the man's shaft. His tongue hits the slippery pre and surprises him with the taste. It's kind of salty but it's not too bad. Standing there on the kitchen linoleum, his pants open and his little black cock hanging out, both paws wrapped around the bases of the grown man's cock little Arcc licks along the tip like a Popsicle, slurping up every drop of pre he can. In his hands he can feel the base of the man's knot swelling and the little cub gives it a squeeze, making the big dog moan in pleasure. The fox kit's muzzle finally closes around the tip of that throbbing dick and he suckles gently. Bob's paws rest on the top of the pup's head, gently skritching between his ears. The kit slides himself down along that throbbing slab of meat, doing the best he can to take it all, but he's such a little fox, there is only so much more then he can take. His paws work franticly along the dog's shaft, as he suckles like a starving calf. It feels so good. When Bob had done it for him he wanted to make sure the nice man felt the same way. The dog moans loudly at the kit's antics, trying to hold back, wanting this to last as long as possible. But it's a losing battle and that hot little mouth just feels too good. With a loud howl Bob grips the back of Arcc's head thrusting into his muzzle as he cums. He floods the startled boys muzzle with hot dog seed, and the boy swallows what he can, if just to keep from drowning in it. He doesn't get it all and the overflow dribbles down the lad's chin and cheeks. The big dog collapses into his chair releasing the cub, who falls back, off the spurting cock, only to get spattered with the last throws of the adult's passion.

Arcc coughs and sputters on the floor. He's a little worried, he didn't expect that to happen. Did the man pee in his mouth? He realizes it can't be pee, the stuff is some sort of thick white goo. In fact it tastes a bit like the stuff he licked off Bob at the start. He coughs a bit, "Did I do good Sir? Was that the surprise?"

Bob smiles down at the spooge-covered cub. "Yes Arcc you did a great job. But no that wasn't the surprise. Remember when I did that to you?" The little white head nods in reply. "Well when your older and you get that feeling the same thing will happen to you. Did you like it?"

The little fox licks his lips and nods, "Yes sir, it surprised me at first, it's kinda salty but it's okay." As he stands up the adult scoops the cub off his feet hugging Arcc close.

"Now it's time for your surprise my boy." Says Bob as he carries the little fox into the living room. He doesn't even give the scout a chance to pull up his pants, rather he pulls them down around the boy's ankles. Once in the living room the dog plops himself down in an over stuffed chair. It is his favorite since it is perfect for watching porn. He positions the little fox in his lap so they can both see the TV. The dog's semi-hard cock arching up between Arcc's legs and resting against the fox's snowy white jewels. Bob thinks about stripping the boy naked for a moment, but he decides the uniform is just so sexy. "Your surprise, for doing such a good job." says the big dog, whispering into the little fox's ear, "Is we are going to watch a movie together. It's a extra special movie made just for grown ups but since your such a good boy you get to watch it with me." With his left hand on the cub's waist, just in case, Bob turns on the DVD player with his right. Bob doesn't pay much attention to the movie, as it plays through corny dialog, instead he spends most of his time nibbling and nuzzling the sweet thing seated in his lap.

It's not long before Arcc realizes something is odd with the movie. It's almost exactly like one of his favorites, the one about the lion, and his dad and the evil uncle, but it's also different. The actors are new, they are saying things differently, and most telling is the colorful costumes are weird with holes so their thingies can hang out.

While on the screen the daddy lion crouches behind his son, to explain the circle of life, his hard on pushing under the lion cub's tail, Bob decides to take the next step. Over the moaning, and wet sounds of sex coming from the speakers the dog starts making demands. "Arcc hold out your hands." Startled away from the vision of digital sex before him the fox mutely obeys. Bob squeezes a generous helping oh hand lotion onto each of the little fox's paws. "Now you see my cock son? I want you to spread that lotion all over it. Make sure you cover every inch my boy." The little scout hesitates but soon those soft little paws are stroking up and down that big dog dick. Bob moans into Arcc's ear, "Oh yeah, just like that boy." As the little kit's paws smear the slick lotion on to the dog he marvels as the adult gets bigger and bigger before his eyes. The cub isn't even watching the movie anymore just watching that thick throbbing slab of manliness in his paws. "Okay it's about ready." Groans Bob, as his hands slide down to Arcc's waist.

As the man lifts him up into the air Arcc's turns his head to one side peering at the German Shepard, "What's ready? What are you going to do?" The little fox squirms a bit as he feels something pressing up under his tail.

"Why I'm going to fuck you my little slut scout." Murmurs bob into one little ear. "I'm going to do the same thing as they are doing on TV." His hands pull the pup back into his lap, the tip of that slick rod slowly stretching the boys tight little anus. Bob moans loudly as he pushes the boy on further. Those little muscles gripping his cock like a fist as he plows on. Arcc hisses between his teeth, eyes shut tight as he feels that fleshy invader pushing in deeper and deeper.

"Please Mr. Doggy, stop, it hurts." Whines the little fox, but the man doesn't stop, or even slow down. Soon he's pushed as much as he can into that little scouts tight rump. Arcc whimpers softly wondering just what he'd gotten himself into.

"Why would I stop now? The movie just started." He does wait a few seconds so the boys body can adjust before he lifts him up sliding Arcc about half way up that pulsing shaft before pulling him back down, thrusting up to meet the boy. Bob grins as the cub's pained little whines shift to pleasurable moans. He keeps the pace nice and steady for now slowly masturbating himself with the fox's sweet little tailhole. Gradually the pace picks up. Bob lifts the boy higher and higher before driving back in with more force. "You're my bitch now boy, and I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to sit for a week."

Arcc squeals and squirms in the man's hands. He knows this is wrong but it feels good at the same time, especially when Bob pushes into him really hard. There is the same sort of feeling as when he was in the kitchen; that happy floating feeling. He'd never tell anyone but the little fox even liked the way the dog talked to him sometimes.

Bob is close, he's so damn close. He wants to tie with his bitch right now, with one last hard shove he forces the Fox wide open, his howling climax mixed with Arcc's squeals as that thick fist of canine meat stretches the poor boys ass further than ever before. Bob slumps back in his chair, collapsing as he pumps the boy's bowels full of puppy juice. Arcc also falls back leaning against the dog's belly, the feeling of that swollen knot pressing against his prostate making him spasm once more. He shudders and moans softly, out of breath.

While Bob and his new pet recover the room is still filled with the sounds of sex as on the TV two lion cubs are molested be a number of hyenas. Bob lifts the boy in his lap, causing Arcc to groan as the knot strains the ring of muscle. But the dog doesn't pull it out instead he turns the boy to face him. The Shepard hugs little Arcc close for a moment before kissing the little cub's lips with passion. "Ohh thank you so much my boy. You did wonderful. You more then earned that sale."

After two days Bob still misses that scout. He remembers taking him again while the boys love stained uniform was in the laundry. The very active shower they shared. It was a truly sad moment when he had bid farewell to his little friend. Slipping the boy an extra twenty and patting him on that sore little ass. He did keep a memento though. The little cub's cute red undies. He could still smell Arcc's scent on them.

He was a little despondent when his doorbell rang that morning. As he opened it there to his surprise stood a little white fox in shorts and a t-shirt. "Hello Mr. I'm selling candy bars to raise money for my school's computer program. Would you like to buy one?"

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