The Lion King: Nala Escapes!

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#3 of The Lion King Nala's Training

The long awaited update to my first TLK series is here!! Now that Nala has become of age what will become of her!? Will she become Scars mate!? Will she remain as Banzais play-thing!? Will she ever escape!? Will Simba come to the rescue!? Read on to find out!! :)

Nala was never as grateful as she was as she made fast tracks across the dying and drying grasslands to get away from Pride Rock. One of the other lionesses had been good enough to waylay Banzai and the other hyenas so the smaller lionesses' presence would go unnoticed for several days before anyone got suspicious.

'Thank the sun for sisterhood,' Nala thought as she made her body move in fast strides over and across the brown earth, even though she could feel the spikes of want coursing through her veins.

Surprise of all surprises, Nala was just about to enter her first heat. She along with the other females were all ovulating, yet at the same time and Scar seemed all but hell-bent to get at the youngest one of them. Probably because he felt that the others had been 'tainted' by Mufasa's seed.

It was really pitiful how petty the other male could be, but then again he hadn't been the 'real' king of the Pridelands. Having usurped leadership after the former king's and heir's deaths Scar had done his best to try and ruin the once lush and bountiful lands with his inane laws and dictates.

What kind of king would let the hyenas run amok throughout the lands, especially given their voracious personalities and appetites?

Nala tried not to mind the elephant carcasses that lay rotting under the sun as she wove around the once mighty beast towards...somewhere else. This one of the things that Mufasa would have never allowed had he still been alive. To have such a large beast lying on the ground would certainly bring all manner of ills over the land and call out to scavengers that wouldn't honor the beast for its sacrifice by devouring it wholly.

Up above vultures circled around and Nala felt a shudder go through her as she lifted her head up just in time to see one of them swoop down to begin the feast. There was always something creepy about those damned things. They seemed like they were forever on the lookout for easy game and the little lioness wanted to be far away just in case their appetites suddenly called for...fresher meat.

Her paws ate up the ground as Nala moved further and further away from Pride Rock. It was of little coincidence that the more distance that she put between her and her former enclave that the land seemed to look and feel a lot more alive than what she was becoming used to.

'Looks like mom and the others might be right,' Nala gazed around her and wasn't surprised to see a few gazelle flee from her presence towards a flowing waterfall with lush greenery surrounding it. 'The others may have to abandon the Pridelands if we hope to make it another year.'

Sarabi and the others had been trying to press that fact into Scar's head, much to the disdain and annoyance of the new 'king'. It was almost as if Scar was somewhat fearful of having to give up the lands around him whenever one of the others tried to talk some sense into him, always snapping and roaring in displeasure when the topic was brought up. However, the fact of the matter was that the lands were meeting their ends and if nothing changed soon the great lions would follow the same fate.

Of course the hyenas didn't seem to be fettered by any of this. This was more than likely true because they could survive by just moving away and going to new lands. There was no need for them to try and cling onto one spot of land or another; they were free of the burdens of leading others, besides themselves, after all.

Was it any wonder why they weren't liked so much?

Of course Nala had problems with them on a more...personal...level. A shiver ran through her back but the little lioness suppressed it in favor of moving closer towards the paradise in front of her. Of course, not having have been fed and hydrated properly from days prior it wasn't that much of a head scratcher that she began to slow and tire within minutes from getting out of the outer borders of the Pridelands.

Her breathes came out in ragged pants as her paws touched firm grass. Her eyes watered and her legs threatened to give out on her but Nala refused to stop and rest. Her internal fear that she may have had eyes following her, even though she couldn't feel them, plus Scar's fury at her leaving without his permission made Nala keep going.

'Just...a little...more...' The small lioness huffed inside of her head.

To her credit Nala did manage to get to a clump of several trees before the need to rest took her up, giving the lioness just enough shade to cool off her sweaty form right before she collapsed in a dead faint. Her chest heaved rapidly while her muzzle parted and gasped openly to try and get air into her exhausted lungs.

Twitching and grumbling, Nala let herself subconsciously curl up into a ball as the need to be held and comforted started to creep up over her.


Sadly, it wasn't her mother that found her when two shadows crept up over her prone from. Actually, between the two there wasn't enough width or girth amongst either shadow to make up a third of the bulk of what Sarabi and the other lionesses had in their hindquarters.

Thankfully though, there was enough strength in the largest shadow's main form to help it get the little lioness up and along his backside before the two made their way back home with their newest catch.

So it came as a bit of a surprise to Nala to find herself waking up somewhere that she knew that she hadn't been before with sleep covered eyes. The lioness blinked to get the filmy residue off from her face, making sure to clean herself off with a tongue wet paw to the face, before she sprang up and then looked around in curiosity.

"I'm telling ya, she looks just like you." Someone spoke up and Nala all but turned herself fully in the direction of the voice.

"You think so?" A somewhat familiar voice asked dubiously.

"Well, she is a girl and stuff, but other than that I would have to say, yep."

Nala crept over on the pads of her soles, just as her mother had taught her to, so that she would not startle whoever was conversing.

"I have to agree with him sim..."

The little lioness' eyes nearly pop out of her head at who she saw.


The startled heir to the Pridelands jumped, along with the portly warthog next to him and slim meerkat. The trio barely knew what to do with themselves when Nala ran over and pounded onto her best friend, who she had thought died months prior. The two crash onto the ground and then began to roll around, kicking up a serious amount of dirt, before Nala knocked Simba onto his back and then held him down to nuzzle him silly.

"You're alive! You're really alive!" Nala cried out happily as she cried into the soft fur of the other lion's chest while waving her tail around happily back at the other two in the cavern. The lioness didn't really pay much attention to their current locale in her joy and relief, so the latter could be seen as a moot point right then.

"Hey Nala!" Simba greeted cheerfully back at his cubmate. The formerly dead, but now alive heir, seemed not too bothered by the appearance of his best of friends, though that might have had something to do with the fact that they hadn't been away from each for years on end, rather just about sixteen weeks.

"I can't believe that you are alive. Scar said that you had died." Nala spoke rapidly and didn't notice when Simba froze. "Now you can some back and be our king. You have no idea how bad Scar is at being a leader. He's got the hyenas roaming around and..and..."

The male lion said nothing even as Nala continued to prattle along. Had she looked into his eyes Nala would have noticed that her best friend seemed like he was far, far away from the one sided conversation. Yet, she continued on and on and on until finally the need to breath caught up to her. When she finally decided that air was more important than her rambling Nala pulled away from the still frozen Simba to back away and chuff at the air. Her head felt a bit dizzy but she ignored it.

"Simba?" Nala looked to Simba who seemed to not really be with her at the moment.

"Hey, kid..." The short meerkat walked around the back of the gargantuan, in comparison, warthog and then poked at the other.

Simba jerked from the touch and then sprang up, only to dart away from Nala and bolt out of the cave. Dust followed him since Nala was still a little too fatigued to be able to do so, which left her and the other two inside to wonder about what had just had happened.

"W...what...happened...?" Nala turned her head to regard the smaller form next to her only to have the meerkat shrug.

"Don't know. Whatever his story is it's not our business to make Simba tell it so we've never asked." A nod from the warthog had Nala turning her head back to look at where the other lion had gone.

"Simba...what happened to you?"

"Not sure how much I should say, but I'll tell you this. Me and Pumba over here found him in the opposite direction of where we found you this afternoon." That made Nala's head snap around. "He was kinda bad off but we managed to get him some grub and water and he'd been with us ever since." The meerkat crossed his arms over his chest and then looked confidently up at the lioness.

Nala said nothing as she tried to process what she had just been told. A lot of new information was battering at the corners of her mind and in her current state she just didn't have the mental agility to deal with it all right then.

"Thank you for looking after him."

"No problem. He's our good buddy now so it's not a problem."

"What's your name by the way?"

"Who, me? I'm Timon." A paw was raised up at her and Nala reached out to shake it accordingly.

Hours later found Nala walking outside into the darkness and searching around for the illusive Simba. After having been treated to a 'grub' Nala was more than able to get up and around on her own. The little lioness ended up finding the other lion sitting outside on his rear, looking up at the stars. She was careful to not scare the other, but that didn't stop Nala from getting as close to him as she dared before looking over into his face.

"I got some of the story from Timon. How did you manage to survive Simba?" The lioness asked after several silent minutes with only the wind between them.

"I fell off of a cliff after...after my father died." The comment was clipped and Nala tried not to feel hurt by it as she prodded the other to continue, which Simba didn't.

" need to go back. You need to go home. It's a mess there without you... Scar's doing..."

"I don't care!" The shout made Nala jump a little bit. "I don't have the right to go back there. Not after what I did." The lion turned his head to the side and ducked his ears down onto his scalp.

"W-what do you mean?"

Simba didn't say anything so the two were left with a stretch of silence between them.

An hour later of this and Nala let out a yawn and Simba's head turned in curiosity. Another open mouthed yawl made Simba smirk and nudge the side of Nala's shoulder.

"Let's go back. It's getting late." Nala nodded her head in compliance, her former ire and questioning almost completely dissolved by the need for sleep.

The two lions walked towards the cave area where Simba, Timon and Pumba were holed up and nobody questioned it when Nala found her way over to Simba's spot and plopped down to rest. A few minutes later the little lioness was out cold. Simba followed seconds later as he curled up around her.

"Hey, have you noticed something?" Timon whispered as he looked over at Pumba.


"There's a weird smell coming from our new guest over t'ere." The meerkat chuckled openly when he watched the warthog take in a giant gulp of breath.

"Oh, that...I thought she was just sweaty from being out all day."

"Nah, it's not that. It's somethin'...else..." Timon wrapped his arms together around his front and then cocked his head to the side.

Unfortunately, nothing concrete came to mind and soon he shrugged it off to get ready to bed down to sleep on top of Pumba's head.

Throughout the night the twin pairs mumbled incoherently and rolled around whenever the wind would shift through the cave in just the right direction. No one noticed however, that a stiff breeze made the scent of Nala's on coming heat, which had been forgotten by the little lioness, waft throughout the cavern area. More specifically, into Simba's nose.

What the group did discover, or rather Nala, was a pair of rutting hips bucking into her hips sometime during the night making her shift and wake up some in aggravation.

"Banazi...quit it already..." The lioness muttered, but sadly the 'hyena' in question didn't comply with her.

More humping and grinding later Nala finally got fed up and kicked out with her right leg to strike the offending male into the crotch.


Nala blinked and then jumped up only to find Simba grunting and curling in on himself as his bruised groin made its current pain known throughout his body.

"Oh...Simba...I'm so sorry." Nala apologized as she watched her best friend groan and then stir awake to glare up at her.

"Nice kick." The heir to the Pridelands grumbled.

"Sorry...reflex...though I am surprised that you would try something like that on me."

"Try what; you kicked me for no good reason." Simba said as he massaged his pride.

"You were trying to hump me in your sleep." Nala glowered at the other.

"I was not...was I?"

It took Nala a minute to realize that Simba was confused in and of himself as he looked up at her through the gloom of the cave. Having been mounted by Banzai so much the little lioness was suspicious of another male near her hindquarters.

"You don't know...about the time of year it is?" Nala watched as Simba got up and then shook his head negatively.

A thought raced through her head at this as the little lioness turned her head to look at the still sleeping meerkat and warthog.

"Hey, follow me. I want to show you something." Nala commanded and Simba nodded, even though he wondered how Nala was going to show him something in the home he had had dominion over for the last few months.

He knew were all the best grub spots were thanks to Timon and Pumba after all.

Padding out of the cave and then a little ways away, Nala got herself situated by a running stream and then turned to present herself to Simba. Of course, being as unknowledgeable as he was, the young lion was seriously confused about what his friend was doing. Right up to the point where his eyes honed in on the wet folds of Nala's quivering sex.

"Nala...what...are you..."

"I-I'm going through my heat Simba. It's when a female gets ready to go through the steps of having cubs." Nala said, cutting off the question she knew was coming. "Usually, I'm supposed to wait for the king to decide how to deal with this, but since Scar isn't here and you are the rightful ruler-to-be..." The little lioness left the statement open as she waved her tail up and down for Simba to see.

It didn't take long for Simba's legs to follow the dictation that his mind and groin sent through him as the young lion walked over and up to Nala and then buried his face into her quivering nethers. A lick of a tongue, both very raspy and wet, had Nala scratching at the ground before that same organ pushed open her enough that Simba's nose touched just below her tailend.

Simba was very inexperienced, but at the same time he was eager as he flicked over and over Nala's sex to get at the scent that seemed to be teasing him. His tongue tasted the juices that were leaking just inside of her pussy but at the same time it didn't feel as though it were enough to sate the hunger growing inside of his loins.

Nala panted openly and nearly wept up to the night sky as she let her best friend do to her what had been done by so many males beforehand. Thankfully, Nala had a say so about how and who she wanted to be with at that moment and not a certain ruffian that she would have given her claws to kill. It helped out a lot that Simba seemed to know just how to slip his tongue up and around over the little button on the inside of her cleft to make her squeak out so cutely.

The two went at this for several more minutes. Nala panting and whimpers served to make Simba growl slightly and hump at the air, even as his tiny prick began to pop out from the pouch of his sheath. While nowhere as large and full of girth like Banzai's prick, Simba revealed a hard shaft that would serve him well into the...very...near future. Of course, that would have been truer had he known what to do with it...which unfortunately Simba didn't.

"Kid, you've got to mount her or you'll have a jaw ache by the time you're done."

The voice made the two lions stop and then turn both of their heads, Simba having to pull his up to reveal his matted chin dripping with Nala's fluids, to see Timon and Pumba watching them slyly.

"W-what are you two doing here!?" Nala shouted in surprise.

"We live here." The meerkat replied.

"That's not what I meant!" Nala roared while Simba just looked really abashed.

"You talk a lot and upon hearing your babbling me and Pumba here came to have a look at what was going on. Surprise. Surprise."

"I ugh..."

"Forget it. Just let the kid mount you so we can all go back to sleep." At this Simba looked seriously confused, which made Timon sigh in that adult way that was always so irritating. "You need to climb on her back kid and then start moving your hips around until that thing between your legs meets that thing between hers. Understand?"

"Nala?" Simba turned his head and watched as the other lion blushed at him before nodding.

It was not long after that, that Simba did as he was instructed, much to Nala's relief and Timon's amusement whenever the other would try to hump forward just a little off target. However, once he did find his center Simba hissed as his felinecock entered Nala's used tunnel. The little female was obviously wet from her heat coming on, but the tight grip and pressure nearly made Simba throw both of them to the ground as he jumped forward with all of his might into her.

"Not that hard kid. Slowly. More tender-like."

Simba nodded and then began to buck and thrust himself up into Nala's backside. This in turn made the little lioness croon out loud as she felt Simba's balls smack back and forth into her underside.

The action between the two wasn't really all that spectacular to Timon. Having lived in a meerkat colony before Timon had basically seen a lot of things before his time. That didn't mean that he didn't enjoy Nala getting screwed by Simba's frantic hips something good and proper, he wasn't celibate or a eunuch after all. Reaching down, Timon began to rub at his groin and just as he was getting into it...the only other person in the area decided to pipe up.

" things all funny down there."

"So go and put it in the lioness' muzzle or something." The meerkat said curtly.

Of course he never expected Pumba to do so, so when the warthog walked over and then propped himself up next to Nala's open and babbling was Timon who got the biggest surprise of all when the little lioness popped the boar's cock into her mouth.

'Did not expect that...but hell if it ain't a good show." Timon cheered as he stroked himself more and more while getting into the show.

Simba at her back and Pumba at her front, Nala got a double dose of what she had been used to getting when she dealt with Banzai back home. Though, at that moment she could admit that she was enjoying herself a lot more as she let herself be taken by the two males who she was, maybe one more than the other, was very fond of. Maybe the feelings between the pair made up the difference of the rutting? Nala wasn't sure.

The three jerked and humped and bucked and groaned into each other as the moon above passed through the sky. Nala, having more experience that the others two, knew exactly what to do to stimulate the others to their full potential as she slurped along Pumba's tip, allowing his balls to tap into her chin, while clenching herself around Simba, forcing the other lion to push into her more deeply.

It was kind of odd to see just how much control Nala had on the other two, but maybe not so much as seeing Timon walk over the then settle himself up along Nala's head so that he could pump his cock at her face.

Roaring and moaning and all out rocking into each other, the group didn't have the mental fortitude to time the exact moment when they all came. It was just a sudden occurrence that started with Timon spurting in between Nala's eyes, which caused the little lioness to gasp which then allowed for Pumba to pump his hips into the back of her throat so as to drench her esophagus with his cum.

The taste of warthog, while not something she was unfamiliar with, was uniquely different for Nala as she swallowed the boar's load down into her sucking throat without having to be asked. Her nethers twitched from the taste and that was what finally sent Simba off like a shooting star as he let out a boom of a roar and then had the first orgasm of his short life. His cum burst out from the tip of his cock to coat the walls of Nala's pussy with the future king's seed and the heat from the rocketing streams made the little lion pull away from Pumba to let out her own roar when her own climax came into fruition.

Her juice puddle out around Simba's own load and drenched onto the ground as the two lions stayed locked together in mutual climatic bliss.

It took several minutes for the group to calm down from the heights of orgasm but once they did they all slumped down onto the ground and began to huff in exhaustion.

Silence filled the space between them as no one was really sure what to say, but as always it was Timon who had the first and last word.

"What I would give for a grub right about now." The others just chuckled at him wearily before fatigue set in and dropped everyone off into sleep.

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