101 Dalmatians: Perdies Infidelity

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#1 of 101 Dalmatians: Family Escapades

Pongo and Perdie have rescued their puppies and eighty-four other dalmatian puppies. They and their masters have moved out of their London home to the farm where they are as free as they can be. But now Perdie has gone into heat and Pongo is no where to be found! What's a female to do when their mate is no where to be found!? Read on to find out :)

Written by MonaBella http://monabella.sofurry.com/

Request/Commissioned by me

It was just after lunch and the plantation was quiet. All of the pups were spread out under the trees, napping. All except Lucky. The normally adventurous pup had caught a scent in the air and had made his way back into the house. Originally he had tried to search out his father, but Pongo had been nowhere on the plantation. It seemed he had left with the masters. The scent was driving the pup crazy, and he wanted an answer.

With his nose pressed to the floor, he sniffed hard, another delicious tingle running through his body, tugging at a place that had never been active before. He stopped momentarily to sniff and lick his sheath before heading towards the stairs. The second floor landing carpet held a strong store of the smell, the fibers slightly wet. Lucky's tail wiggled behind him as he licked the warm wetness. The tingle pulled stronger at his little body, his sheath warming.

He swallowed, panting, and followed the scent to the attic stairs. Nosing the door open, Lucky heard what sounded like someone receiving a bath. He followed the sound, nose still to the floor, and soon the lapping was joined by a soft whimpering. Coming around a stack of boxes, Lucky found Perdita, his mother, leg stretched high in the air, lapping at her swollen sex. The pup stood watching his mother as she attempted to please herself, lapping greedily at the one spot, the tip of her tongue flicking briefly inside the folds, eyes tightly closed, whimpering softly. The tingle in his belly was starting to burn. "M-mom?" Lucky whimpered when he started to grow restless.

Perdita looked up quickly, panting, eyes wide. "Lucky! What are you doing here?" She almost growled.

"I-I followed my nose." He whimpered. "A-are you making that smell? Wh-what is it? What are you doing?" The pup took a couple small steps forward.

Perdie bared her teeth. Lucky stopped. "Where is your father?" She asked, dipping down to lap at her dripping folds again. The female let out another whimper.

"Not here." The pup stepped forward, licking his lips. "What is that smell, mom?"

Perdy looked up and rolled her eyes. Dropping her leg, she shifted on the blanket and looked at her son. "This is really something I need your father for. Where are your siblings?" Perdie shifter her rump away from Lucky's nose.

"Napping under tree's mom. Lucky sniffs the air You smell good mom." The pup nosed under her tail and sniffed, feeling the tingle increase. "Why do you smell so good?"

Perdie suddered slightly. It had been three months since all the puppies had been returned to the plantation, the evil woman who had taken them was now in jail. Irritatingly, after they had all settled, the female felt the familiar pulls of the beginning of her heat. She had tried to ignore it. There had been so much to do since returning home. Several of the pups had needed comfort, having seen others killed. Arraingements needed to be made for sleeping, she was just too busy to be in heat. But the pull got stronger.

Every chance she got, she found herself presenting before her mate. Pongo ignored every attempt she made, so she had resorted to self satisfaction. At nap time she found herself sneaking off to the attic, licking her swollen, hot pussy until she reached a small orgasm. Today however, no matter how hard she licked or how far she wormed her tongue inside, nothing worked.

Again the female sighed. Why wouldn't Lucky just go take his nap and stop sniffing at her tail.

"Why do you need dad?" Lucky's line of questions continued.

"Lucky, just go take your nap." She growled, wanting to return to the task at hand.

"Why won't you answer me?" Lucky asked confused.

Perdie could smell her son's slight arousal, though she was certain that he dind't know what was happening. She caved. "It's called heat." Perdie spoke, surprising Lucky. "All girls go through it."

"Does it hurt?" Lucky asked, looking up at his mother.

Perdie adjusted, presenting her rump to him, allowing him a better smell. Instinctively, Lucky's tongue flicked out to taste his mother's wet folds. The female quivered and Lucky's arousal began to present, the small, pink tip poking from his sheath.

"No," Perdie panted, adjusting again. "Do you want to help mommy, darling?" She asked softly.

Lucky looked up. "Okay." He spoke, tail wagging. He licked her folds again, and his mother moved, laying on her back, both legs in the air around Lucky's head. "Good boy." She panted out. Lucky's erect puppyhood was now fully extended from his sheath, the females folds dripping and ready. "I need you to do everything mommy tells you," she cooed, and her son nodded. "Put your paws here." She indicated her belly, and Lucky complied. Perdie could already feel the tip at her entrance, a welcome feeling indeed. "Now push forward, slowly." Lucky did as instructed, beginning to pant as his mothers warmth enveloped him. The feeling was new as he looked at his mother with a smile.

Perdie and Lucky Missionary

He had only ever hand his tongue and his sheath around his puppyhood, and neither were as soft, wet or warm. He whimpered slightly, wanting to pull away. Lucky resisted the urge however, enjoying the warm squeeze from his mother's sex. "Good boy." She panted, feeling his belly against her as he sunk in to his knot. "Now thrust. In and out." Lucky looked confused. "Go on."

She urged, squirming slightly. The small pup moved, slowly at first. The feeling was so new and and amazing. His puppyhood was wrapped tightly in wet warmth, and he couldn't help himself. Lucky picked up speed. He started to growl as he pumped in and out of his mother faster, and Perdie dropped her head back, closing her eyes. "Finally, Pongo!" Perdie panted, growling.

With her eyes closed, she forgot it was her son's cock buried inside her, pumping furiously. Lucky's instincts had taken over. He thrust into the wetness around him, growling, unable to correct his mother as she called him Pongo over and over again.

In the distance a car door closed. Neither heard it. Pongo bounded from the car, heading for the house, looking for his beloved. The smell of her heat was everywhere, and he fully intended to satisfy her need. He could hear her calling him. "Pongo! Pongo!" He followed the sound of her voice and scent of her heat. Lucky picked up speed. He felt a swell at the base of his puppy hood. The small dog had no idea what it was or what it meant, but he was driven to push it, too, inside. Lucky's thrusts piced up speed and intensity.

Perdie continued to call out Pongo's name. With a final, quick hard thrust, Lucky's knot popped into his mother's folds. The pup howled as he felt his orgasm wash through his body, his seed pumping into her. Perdie soon joined in his chorus, her orgasm tightening her muscles around his knot as he filled her. Neither moved as the door creaked open. Pongo growled as he came around the stack of boxes, finding his son joined to his mate, post mating. "Perdita! Lucky! What is going on here?!"

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