Kodi A Mother Once More

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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#9 of Balto Has Lost Or Has he??

Kodi has finally chosen a mate named Alex and they have courted one another. Will Kodi bare Alex some pups? What will become of Kodi's first born litter? How is Aleu taking to Kodi being a female? Does she still have concerns? Issues? What about Kodi him/herself? Will Steele finally be making an appearance?? Read on to find out :)

The forests around Nome were really beautiful this time of year. The leaves had turned a brilliant shade of green with the reoccurrence of spring and all of the wolves in the area were thoroughly enjoying the bursting feeling of life surrounding them. Many furry forms raced back and forth around the local pack's territory while older wolves watched from where they rested along the ground as the pups bounded to and fro.

Two wolves in particular were enjoying the sights as they lay together underneath the shade of one large tree. Aleu and Kodi raised their heads and barked twice at some of the pups who were roughhousing too roughly, which made the youths whine and then separate before going in different directions. It was sometimes really good to be a parent and have the power to make your young do what you tell them to.

"They seem to be getting more energetic the more time goes by." Aleu noted while kodi just noted before her once-brother rolled around next to her to lie on his back.

"Yeah, were we ever like that back then?" The red furred husky asked while gazing up at his sister adoringly.

"I think I had more energy since I've got more wolf in me than everyone else. You liked to just hang under mom and sleep all the time." The grayish furred female said before she leaned her head down to nuzzle at her sibling.

It was still somewhat hard for Aleu to get use to thinking of Kodi as a female now, even though he had sans mammary glands like the rest of the females of the pack. Long story short about her brother; Kodi had gone through a trail where he had been castrated and, for all intents and purposes, turned into a female by his once owners. Though Aleu only got some of the information out of Kodi, the other canine still not wanting to talk about it much, the wolfess figured that Kodi had a strong submissive streak in him that had led to his sexual transformation.

Though, the change had come at a price as Kodi had, had to deal with a certain malamute that was...how to say...very aggressive and domineering, if not all out brutal in his affections towards the husky. The other canine's actions, plus the news that Kodi had been with pups at the time made the husky resolute that he could not stay anywhere in his former home and had decided to vacate Nome. His only other choice of locales left was to go with his sister and become part of her wolf pack.

That in itself was something of an odd occurrence since Aleu had last been heard of shrinking away to some island a good deals away from Nome on the track of the wolves' primary food source.

Caribou if Kodi was sure about what he and the pack had been feasting on for the last few months. Licking his lips Kodi felt his stomach grumble satisfactorily as he thought about the elk the pack had taken down a few days ago that was still digesting.

It had been a long time since those dark days for Kodi, however, the husky's transition was made easier by the appearance of a certain wolf that had gone head over paws in an effort to make Kodi feel at home. And more comfortable with his new sexuality.

'Who would have thought that you could enjoy getting mated by another male?' Kodi thought silently as he waved his paws into the air while letting his tongue curl out onto the sides of his lips.

Back in Nome, back when he had been 'attacked', Kodi had been...violated by a certain Malamute and his gang, not to mention his own father. That had been what had brought along his sex change. His former owner had gotten the brilliant idea to have his castrated and then implanted with a female's womb, all because he had come home one day covered in the seed over several other males. All against his will no less.

Kodi tried to grumble and shake the thoughts away, but it was hard. Not because of any sort of regret he had for what had transpired - his mate had helped him get over that- but because of how he remembered how he had felt afterwards when he submitted. Though he couldn't say it out loud, Kodi did like to submit to his mate in anyway the other could think imaginable. His submissiveness was something paramount and Kodi relished in being taken by the stronger male: over boulders, underneath the shade of trees, up against the side of the pack's den or in several other ways so long as his mate held him tight and wouldn't let him spiral into oblivion.

Maybe it was some kind of pseudo-dependency thing he had going on. Kodi could only shrug at that part.

No matter what might have been going on with him he preferred, the fact of the matter was that Kodi liked to be fucked and didn't mind doing the nasty at any turn, so long as it was his mate that did him. At the thought of the other wolf, the husky turned hirself over and then raised hir head to look for the male in question.

Kodi didn't have to look far. The pack hadn't dispersed very far today, the warm spring day and cool breeze having nearly made the entire enclave somewhat lethargic with their movements around the forest. Kodi let his lips rise up into a canine smirk as he saw the strong back of the wolf who had claimed him and let out a soft woof to get the other's attention.

A furry ear popped up and the wolf was quick to turn his head so that he could find the source of the noise.

How that led him over to the pups to go and wrestle with them was something Kodi wasn't sure of pup he didn't bother to complain, though Kodi did roll his eyes some.

"He really has no sense of direction when it comes to getting little signals." The she-male husky said as he plopped back down next to Aleu.

The other wolf only chuckled before placing a single paw over her nose to keep from letting out any louder guffs of mirth.

"He's not so bad." Aleu chuckled while letting one eye roam over towards the husky. "I mean, take mine for example," The two siblings turned their heads and watched the alpha of the pack walk around and snuffle over each of the members of his group before walking a tight circle around the small territory near their den.

"Overprotective much?" Aleu muttered with a playful sigh. "He's done that four times already. You would think that he would be secured in the fact that everyone is safe right here, but nope. Not my mate. He's always got to be on high alert, that one."

"I think its kind cute, actually." Kodi teased as he looked down at his sister.

"Only because your mate doesn't do it."

It wasn't long before the two began to jovially bicker back and forth about the pros and cons of their mates. Snoring and tail habits made up the bulk of the argument along with erratic tail movements and other peculiarities.

Time passed and the brother and sister pair soon found themselves getting twitchy. Restless was more like it, however twitchy was a better word since both of their tails could be seen slightly snapping at the air behind them. It was still early though, not even halfway towards dusk and yet the two felt like they needed to expend some energy.

"Hey, why don't we go for a run?" Aleu asked and Kodi rolled and eye up towards her from where his head was placed on his front paws, before nodding.

Getting up and letting his body stretch out, the younger husky yawned widely before shaking hirself off and following after the wolfess as Aleu turned to pad away from the back. A few heads turned to see the alpha female and her "sister" left but no one felt that they needed to follow after them. The good thing about being so far from the human settlement of Nome was that the fear of being shot at or falling into a bear trap was slightly moot. Most people didn't travel the many miles away that the wolves had traveled to make up their pack grounds, too tiring for the most part, which worked in the packs favor.

The wind swept pass the pair gracefully as they raced along the unbeaten path towards where they knew where they could find some peace and quiet together. There was a slight chill in the air and it made both Aleu's and Kodi's fur stood up along their shoulders. A playful series of howls broke out from between their lips as they two let the world around them know of their excitement at being alive. This in turn scared several smaller animals from what they had been doing while others just tipped their ears in acknowledgment of the two predators who were roaming their territory.

Aleu was the first one to stop as she halted her steps just along a grassy glade while Kodi had to pad up behind her at a slightly slower pace to keep from bumping into the other's rear end.

"What's up Aleu...?" Kodi asked but then clamped his muzzle shut when his sister turned around to look at him with a strange gleam in her dark eyes.

The husky, not sure of what was going on, walked up and around the older wolfess to see what had slightly spooked his sister. And when he did he nearly let his muzzle drop straight onto the ground at what he spotted.

There in the middle of a smaller clearing just beyond the glade were two moose going at it hot and heavy. One of them, the male most likely, was bucking and braying while thrusting his hips back and forth into the, probably, female's hindquarters. The two large ungulates didn't even seem to notice the world around them as they continued mating with each other, much to the amazement of the two siblings.

Kodi, like the submissive he was, let his eyes nearly bulge forward as he watched the larger moose bray and buck while sliding his erect maleness in and out of the female with a passionate frenzy. It didn't take long for the husky to start to pant as his bitchquaters started to moisten and then puff slightly from the excitement that was going through him. His eyes seemed very content to watch what was going on while at the same time Aleu was keeping one eye on her brother, even as her own puss was starting to tighten and flex. It wasn't really that surprising to see the other members of the forest copulating, it was Spring after all, but usually everyone maintained a certain level of respectful distance from each other during these times.

'Must have been because they were downwind,' Aleu thought as she sniffed the air openly and then let out a short sneeze when her nose caught the smell of animal rut coming in two different directions. 'Definitely downwind.' She muttered internally before she turned to look at her sibling and then smirked as she found Kodi all but nibbling at his bottom lip to keep from moaning openly.

A stray eye moved towards the red husky and the wolfess watched her bother-turned-female groan and then roll his hips back and forth while his paws lightly scratched at the flora underneath him. His claws tugged away at the grass and dirt, making nice furrows in the ground, but what really got Aleu's attention was the mix of scents coming from the other. While for the most part, Kodi was all but female save for in his mind, there was a slight masculine odor coming from him that would confuse another wolf if they had to sniff underneath the husky's tail. Knowing what she knew about her brother, Aleu wasn't surprised by the rush of feelings that ran up into her as a she, but at the same time she began to wonder.

Kodi whimpered and hissed when he saw the male moose grunt and then let out a warbling call from his lips as his large sac swayed into the female one last time before he stilled himself. The scent of seed wafted through the air as the other pulled back suddenly and Kodi's eyes widened even further as he saw a lightly trail of white flood out from the female's depths. The swollen vaginal muscles of the other could just be seen by the careful gaze of the wolf as Kodi gazed at the male when he humped forward leisurely to get the last of his orgasm out. The shudder that ran through them both was almost electric as they suddenly finished their copulation...

But it was nothing compared to Kodi's own body racking shivers when he felt a large, warm organ run up his backside. His head whipped around and the husky did let his muzzle drop open, to moan more than complain, when he saw that it was Aleu who had slathered moisture underneath his tail.

"Wha...what...are you...ohhhhh...." Kodi rolled his head around when Aleu quickly licked at him again with her tongue.

The female wolfess seemed to know exactly what it was that she was doing as she pushed her head, and thereby her cold nose, into her brother's depths and then began to tongue at him with ample enthusiasm. It was something impressive to see as Kodi stretched his body out fully along the ground and then began to wag his tail, kick up his front paws and all out croon to the sky as his sister had his way with him. Not to say that he was repulsed by any of this - far from it - as Aleu seemed to know the exact spots at where to pleasure his bitch cunt.

Having had so much experience in the past with having her mate, the alpha male, fuck her with his masterful organ it was with little effort that Aleu worked Kodi over until he was a furry pile of goo in her control. And Kodi loved every minute of it. He wouldn't have tried to stop his sister even if he could have voiced some complaint; however with his own muzzle clamped shut as tightly as it was, he wouldn't have been able to open his jaws even if a rabbit jumped right in front of him with a sign around its neck that said 'Eat Me.'

Aleu grinned as she felt Kodi's snatch close up tightly around her tongue, the juices leaking out of the other were more than enough to fill up her muzzle and force her to take heavy swallows to get air into her lungs. The taste of her brother was rather...pleasant...if not something of an oddity on her palette. The taste of another female was not something that Aleu went around sampling and maybe it was because Kodi was her brother/sister that she found herself wanting to please the other as much as she could. Stroking the edges of the vaginal walls and then spreading them open and pushing up against the button of flesh just on the inside, Aleu listened and watched as Kodi panted hot and heavy in praise of what she was doing.

Back behind her own legs, the wolfess could feel her own snatch starting to get wetter and tighter and a thought popped into her head all of a sudden.

The tongue moved away and Kodi let out a needy whine, that was, before he was pushed down onto the ground by a strong head butting into his chest. He yelped and then yipped when a large body hopped up onto him and then pressed something warm and moist into his face. It took him a moment to figure out what was going on, that was, until he found himself blinking up into the twin folds of Aleu's bitch cunt.


"Just lick and shut up." Aleu said dominantly and without hesitation, Kodi was doing as he was told; his tongue flicking out and eating away at his sister's warm depths just in time for Aleu to return to doing the same as him.

Aleu and Female Kodi in 69

And though neither of them were paying attention, the two moose behind them had long since separated and then walked away to return to, wherever they had come from. This fact was totally lost because Aleu was all but grinding down onto her brother's snout while she was holding his legs down and pumping her own head up and down into his thoroughly used pussy. There wasn't a lot of foreplay of seduction in the ministrations between the two, Aleu seemed to be going for overall intensity as she nibbled and slurped over her brother/sister while Kodi was trying to force his entire muzzle up into his sister. The fact that the both of them were dripping with female juices onto each other's faces didn't seem to stop them from enjoying the experience with each other as they went deeper and deeper into one another.

Kodi's tail snapped at the ground while Aleu's remained sentient along his face and head as the two siblings relayed their excitement to one another. Back when he had been whole and attached, Kodi might have tried to thrust his hips up into his sister's face to get some pressure up onto his balls and sac, but now he was steady and content with just letting them rest on the ground as Aleu completely held him under her control. A sigh broke free from his muzzle when a wash of female cum surged down into his throat and Kodi had no problem drinking it all, letting his tongue bob up and down to coax more from the wolfess even as Aleu was chewing neatly along his folds.

Aleu grunted and tried her best to keep from gnashing her fangs together as she felt a premature climax take her over. She hadn't been ready to release just then but Kodi was just so good at what he was doing, or maybe she had been more eager than she had first thought. No matter, the older wolf made determine her resolution as she pounded further into her brother, vowing to have him scream out loud in praise before she came again.

Ten minutes later, Aleu got what she wanted. Kodi's muzzle pulled away from her nethers and then he howled so loud that many of the wolves back at the pack's ground lifted their ears in wonder as to what had gotten one of their own so flustered. In particular, one large male cocked his head to the side and wondered what in the hell had gotten his mate so enamored and resolved to go find out, once he caroused one of the other members of the pack watch over his pups.

Back with the brother and sister pair, Aleu grunted and sneered up to the sky as she came onto Kodi's face once more. Her body was locked so tight that she could have broken a tree in half if fell on her right at that moment, but of course she was too far in ecstasy to really care. Her little brother's tongue was something out a dream as it snaked and plowed, pushed and delved up into her so far that Aleu wondered if she could have bent down enough over him to have it up into her tummy area. Not wanting to suffocate her sibling to find out, Aleu shakily raised herself up from off of Kodi and then wobbled over a ways to plop down onto the ground.

It took Kodi a second to note that he wasn't being restrained anymore, and once he did the husky rolled himself along the ground before snapping himself up and shaking off. The scent of female juice along his face was a task to get off and by the time he realized that he wouldn't have been able to do it alone, Kodi turned his head just in time to see that Aleu was panting hard and fighting not to fall asleep.

"What made you do that?" The husky asked, padding over to Aleu and then sinking himself down next to his sister so that he could lick at her face.

"I wanted to." Aleu shrugged and then returned her brother's favor by cleaning his face.

Neither of them noted when they drifted off together and not one ear raised itself in warning when a certain figure came over to sniff at them and then let out a happy whimper of his own.

Kodi Moves Into The Forest With Aleu

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