Nala Visits The Shaman Rafiki

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#2 of The Lion King Nala's Training

Here we find Nala has grown tired of this rape it having gone on every day for the past few weeks and she is getting ever closer to her first heat. Will she enter it soon? Well to find out Read the story :P

It was amazing what the mind could adapt to with enough time and patience and forced repetition while doing certain acts. Once again Nala was underneath Banzai as the hyena thrust away like a freight train inside of her. The young lioness was barely aware of herself as her body was lit up like some kind of living lightning conductor as the larger male pounded away at her now non-virgin pussy while grunting and lolling his tongue out over her. The dumb chuckle he was snickering wasn't helping things but Nala had learned to ignore it at this point and instead focus on looking at the ground or wondering about where her mother and aunts were.

It had been a few weeks already and the entire Pride lands were feeling the burden of Scar's rule, not just the lioness but the land as well. The skies seemed to be much darker than before and rotting carcasses of prey animals were strewn around like garbage through the once jade lands. It was a deplorable sight but even more than that it was disheartening for Nala and her kin as they were forced to share hunting space with the hyenas.

The brutish shaggy furred creatures didn't seem to have much care or concern for the land and it showed as they hunted almost ravenously every other day while sating their hungry bellies. Many of them even scarped amongst themselves over meals while leaving half dead animals to suffer listening to their brutal snaps of fangs and claws against one another. Things like this would never have happened had Mufasa been alive but Nala was starting to dimly forget what those days were like as the weeks started to trail by.

Nala had spent a lot of time sucking on Banzai's cock and was currently slobbering over the hyena's large rod with her small muzzle. Whimpering and crying the little lioness was all but trying to get away from the other mammal as he thrust into her muzzle while at the same time felt her body getting really hot underneath him.

For his part Banzai was going to town as he rutted Nala's mouth with his canine-esque prick. The large knob at the base was thick and ready as the hyena jammed it again and again into the fuck-hole that was the lioness muzzle. Tight and hot, not to mention wet, Banzai was all but drooling as he humped forward hard enough to make his balls tap lightly against Nala's chin.

Just before the hyena came he grunted and pulled away, a string of drool coming from Nala's maw or it might have been from his pre at the tip of his cock, Banzai didn't know or care but he did force Nala to turn around and then present herself. The hyena wasted about a second looking at her pussy before he roughly mounted the little feline and then hammered his way home inside of her fleshy cunt.

For her part Nala was doing the traditional whining, whimpering and crying as she was raped again. Giving a grunt and moan the little lioness really wished that she would grow up soon so that she could toss the other onto his back and repay him for his kind services.

Almost half an hour later...

"S-stop...please!" Nala chortled as she turned her head back behind her and looked at Banzai.

"What? You not likin' how I'm doing you or somethin'?" The hyena said with a slur to his words as he hunched forward into Nala once again, burying his knot deep inside of her and then grunting as he began to really go to town.


The little interludes between the two had only started as of late but that was because Nala was starting to descend further into her lioness-hood and her natural aggression at having the other literally raping her day after day. The young lioness was becoming more and more growly with every time the two came together like this and it would only be so long before she reached her maturity and became more than Banzai could handle.

That just left dealing with Scar, the importuned king of the Pride lands, and his promise that Nala would be his when she came of age. The thought alone made Nala shudder as she realized what having his cubs inside of her womb would do for the next generation of Pridelanders.

Not realizing it, Nala's shudders were mistaken for sexual excitement as Banzai pulled his dripping prick out of Nala so far that his bloated bulb at the end of his cock slurped loudly out of the smaller female's cunt and then thrust all the way back in.

"I see you aren't too mad about this," he said while gripping his paws around Nala tighter and then hugging her tightly into him before hunching forward with quick power strokes of his hips.

"Ahhhhh," She cried out loud and to herself before scratching out across the ground as Banzai began a series of cut off barks and then she felt the familiar hot sensation inside of her pussy that meant that he was through.

Several minutes later Nala was walking bowlegged out of the cave where Scar liked to somewhat hid her and Banzai's copulation, her backside dripping fluids onto the ground behind her like a ghostly tail, before the little lioness made her way over to where her mother and Simba's mother were waiting for her. The two older lioness didn't bother to say anything, any conversation would have just been awkward regardless of how pleasant they tried to make it sound, and just herded Nala away under a shady tree before helping to clean her off.

Tongues roved over Nala's used cunt making the young lioness sigh as she felt the strained edges of her pussy almost quiver in frustration at being stretched open so wide for another time this week. It was getting to the point that Nala was worried if she would be alright when it came to taking a real lion but her mother and aunts reassured her that she would be fine before grooming her fur and flanks. Sighing Nala just let them do as they wished while wondering if things would ever get better again. Meanwhile, Banzai was lying curled up in the cave with a flustered looking Zazu trying not to be too conspicuous as he groaned while his bird cock twitched from between his legs as he felt the pangs of want thrum through him.

Zazu had been made a guest of his little cage for so long that he was wondering if he would ever get the chance to spread his wings, or other parts of his anatomy as he was made preview of Nala's debauchery over and over again. Sitting inside of the bone prison and getting an up close and personal view of Nala's quivering sex day after day getting pounded was doing nothing for his composure as the hornbill started to wonder if he would ever get a chance at the young lioness. While normally not something he would have dared considered under normal circumstances nothing about the world right now was even close to being normal and Zazu was just as much a victim of circumstance as was everyone including Nala in this.

Grunting and settling down as he watched the large hyena roll around on his back, Banzai's cock jutting up from between his legs showing off his not quite slackened lust Zazu really hoped he could get out of her someday soon, otherwise he knew he was definitely not going to be able to Mufasa in the eyes in heaven.

Days later found Nala just returning from another unsuccessful hunt with the other lionesses, discourage making a bitter tension snap between each of them as they hung their heads and shuffled their paws onto the earth in disdain. The little lioness had conversed with the others and they were all in agreement that if things did not change soon then they would have to spread out their hunting circle to encompass more miles than what covered their territory. It would be as much as poaching to them as each of them knew that sooner or later they would either find themselves in competition with other predator lions or end up having to all together leave Pride rock for the sake of convenience.

Of course, his majesty, didn't want to hear anything about this as Nala's mother made the report to give the others a chance to ease their own battered egos from this failure. The russet red furred lion was livid when he noticed that the others had come back empty handed but the older lioness had told him, just as the others had before, that their food was almost running out. Scar shouted that there was food to find if the hyenas were steel filling their bellies but even he knew that they were most likely scavenging on already dead wildebeest and the likes. The hyenas could probably fill their bellies for days on the left over remains of what they had killed long beforehand but to a lion, especially a pride such as theirs with a young and growing cub, they needed quality meat or at least large amounts of not so quality meat.

These days the pride was lucky if they could find a half dead hippo lying around somewhere.

Of course for Nala this was a moot point as she looked to find Banazi watching her with that look in his eyes and sighed, "Here we go again," She murmured before to herself before getting a gentle nuzzle from one of the older females.

Nala didn't even bother to resist as she walked, or more like trudged as she drug her feet into the ground, over to where the other was waiting for her.

"Awww, not happy to see me," Banzai asked while walking around Nala and sniffing at her tired and sweaty form.

"Like a broken claw," She muttered under her breath, trying to summon courage she didn't feel.


"Noth-" Inspiration hit the little lioness like a flash as she began to limp and pant before collapsing onto the ground and whimpering.

Several heads snapped to the side as they looked at her and soon Scar's shadow loomed over both Nala and Banzai like a curse, "What happened to her?" His voice was tight as if trying to hold back his already rising anger, and with his limited patience that was a feat all on its own.

"I-I-I don't know! She was coming over here and then she just passed out!" Banzai circled around Nala with a worried whine escaping his throat and Nala almost felt bad for her little feint before she realized that a nose was at her flanks.

"What's the matter with you small one?" Scar asked as he walked around to get a good look at Nala before staring her in the face.

"I-I don't feel well. I feel hot and sick..." She dramatically wheezed and then coughed for real when she slightly choked on her own breath.

Scar turned his head to look at Banzai and before the other could even defend himself they hyena felt a large and hard paw smack him in the face. The force of the motions of Scar slapping the other sent Banzai up through the air only to have the other drop down some feet away and roll to a stop as his body got swung around in the air.

"If you've done something to injure her permanently then it will be you the lioness hunt next, moron." Scar glowered before turning to look at one of the lioness that had dared to come up to see about their hurting charge.

"Find that fool Rafiki and tell him to come to my den, I'll have him look over her to see what this is all about." Scar commanded then picked up Nala into his jaws but her scruff to carry her into his cave.

He never looked back to see the lioness behind him smirk as she saw Nala smile coyly at her before sauntering off to go and tell Rafiki of what was going on.

"Good job Nala, you're learning," The female said while waving her tail behind her back.

Rafiki was a tired, tired baboon and as the days went by he was feeling it even more than the land as the dark days ahead drifted through his vision. Eyes closed at the moment in meditation Rafiki sighed heavily as he felt another life out on the plains get snuffed out as it died from dehydration and sickness. It was happening more and more now, with the Pride lands suffering from the string of carcasses left behind and not getting enough rain things were turning into a veritable wasteland. There was no way that thing could keep up this way, something would have to be done, however the old baboon knew that the only way for that to happen was if a certain king in the making returned from the dead.

Opening his eyes and turning his head Rafiki too glance over at the mural on his wall of a lion wiped over by his own fingers.

"Oh Simba,"

A noise made him turn and then widen his eyes as one of the lionesses from down below had someone found a way to climb up into his home and was now looking at him with a twisted smirk on her face.

"And how can Rafiki help you huntress?" He asked while getting up from his place on the floor and grabbing his staff.

"Nala has gotten ill and Scar would like for you to come to administer to her," She said with an air that was more playful that the baboon was used to hearing from the despondent females.

"I take it that she has suddenly come down with somthin' that's made her somewhat unresponsive to a certain hyena's advances?" He smirked ruefully and got a chuckle from the female for his troubles.

"Apparently something has just come over her and left Nala somewhat weak and addled. We're hoping you can make it worse,"

"I may have a thing or two," Rafiki went to go and grab some powders from his jars and bowls and then stuffed them in a pouch at his hip. "But first old Rafiki will need to go and see about his ward. No can administer healing from all the way out here."

The lioness nodded and turned to lead the baboon out into the dreary light of day and then the two set off for Scar's cave.

It didn't take them long before they got to Scars cave but once they had the female lioness was sent away and then,

"I seem to have a problem baboon. Apparently the little one here seems to be in some sort of pain and I need you to find out exactly what this is all about," Scar said as he sat right behind Nala who was looking surprisingly well for someone who had just collapsed just minutes before.

The little lioness looked up at Rafiki with hope in her eyes meanwhile Rafiki himself was trying hard to keep focused on the current king as to not give away anything.

"I see then, well Rafiki will need to have someone to help him, if the king would be so kind?"

"Fine," Scar went over and opened Zazu's cage to release the hornbill.

Zazu didn't miss a beat as he flapped himself free before going to stand beside Rafiki, making well sure to keep from anywhere near Scar's sharp claws.

"Now then, Rafiki thinks he should spend some time with patient alone with his new assistant. Will the king permit this?"

Scar growled but acquiesced as he slowly slunk his way out of the cave, but not without turning and saying quietly, "I do hope that something is wrong with the little lioness. Because if this was all an attempt on my patience...she is going to wish that she never played with me so." Scar then left.

Nala released a breath she hadn't even been aware that she had been holding before she sighed and then looked wearily at Rafiki. "Sorry about all of this Rafiki."

"Thinking nothing of it child," the baboon walked over to her on his fist and then patted Nala onto the head. "Rafiki can guess that you've had it hard down here so he doesn't blame you for your attempts."

"Yeah, but now I'm in something of a bind, if Scar comes back and you haven't found anything then I'm going to get it big time." She shivered as her mind tried to play over what the horrible king could dream up to punish her with.

"Maybe we could at least perform a thoroughly cavity search over you," Zazu says as he flies around the little lioness and then sticks his beak into the back of her tailend.

"What are you doing Zazu? I am not sick!" Nala growled before covering her mouth just in case Scar was listening in.

The hornbill said nothing as he continued to poke his nose at Nala's rump only to have the end of it push directly at her snatch making her roar down at him.

"Oh come on, it's not like you're not used to this by now." Zazu huffed in indignation; meanwhile Rafiki stroked his face as he looked at the two in curiosity.

"Yes, but not by choice," She growled at him wanting to bat the bird away but finding her body reacting on instinct.

Zazu didn't say anything as he felt the trembles and then looked down at himself to see his own birdie cock pushing out between his legs. It wasn't anything really long or impressive but then again Zazu was but a bird after all. The hornbill continued to say nothing before suddenly pulling back and then flapping his wings to that he could get up and then onto Nala's back.

"What are you doing?!" The little lioness screeched and then smacked at Zazu on reflex knocking him to the floor of the cave.

Nala was all too ready to have at Zazu but hands at her flank made the lioness look back to see Rafiki holding her down. Her eyes traveled south to find the baboon's cock had lengthened between his legs and was now sticking out directly at her. Unlike Zazu's miniscule bird sex Rafiki was packing a wallop as Nala looked and then registered that his maleness had to have been even bigger and longer than even Banzai's. The sight of it made her lips twitch as her nose caught the scent of animal rut coating the musty air of the cave and soon Nala's body was being positioned without her approval.

Rafiki was sure that this wasn't going to end well but at the time his own frustrations had been mounting and now that he had a good chance to survey Nala he found the little female to be something more than desirable. Her soft golden fur, the gait of her spread legs and the swinging tail not to mention the feel of her growing form underneath his calloused hands made Rafiki feel more amorous than he had in a long time. Humming into the back of his throat the old baboon looked Nala into her half closed eyes before getting a reluctant huff from her as she turned and lowered her chest to the ground.

Zazu chirped as he slowly got up off of his back, rubbing his aching head in turn, then turned to see his prize being stolen out right from underneath his nose. "Well at least I can get the front." Zazu hopped up and over and then presented Nala with his birdie anatomy.

Nala didn't want to, she didn't want to do a lot of things these days but she was beginning to find that her own feelings really didn't matter, not when Zazu grabbed her head and forced her down while mashing his cock up against her face forcing his cock down her throat.

Nala tried to muffle a protest but it didn't do much good as she was made to suck on bird dick. Zazu didn't even try to act like he cared for her, even when her eyes watered against his crotch and she tried to back away from him, the hornbill just jumped his hips forward and then began to fuck the little lioness right into the face like a jack hammer.

Behind her Rafiki grunted a moan and then pressed himself up and into Nala so much so that his cock slipped gently into her folds and inside of her depths. The tender heat and warmth was somewhat unfamiliar but then again this was a lioness he was breeching so it was to be expected.

The aftertaste of the bird was not something that he would have thought about in any other given circumstance as she tongued at the hornbill, not at all pleased with this situation, while cupping her lips to make sure that they stayed around his shaft. Bobbing her head back a second afterwards Nala found her rump being fully filled out with a certain long baboon's cock and that her spine was tingling as Rafiki hit all the right spots inside of her that Banzai usually missed, except when he was knot-fucking her.

Rafiki for his part was grunting somewhat as he slipped further up and into Nala's flanks. His cock felt like it was getting a through massage as Nala's insides gripped at him with a forcefulness that was pleasant enough to enjoy while at the same time he was sure that this was not how he had ever planned for things to go in the back of his head. However, his scrotum didn't seem to care as he began to thrust forward into the little lioness and fully spear her onto his needy maleness. Eyes looking down and watching Zazu getting himself some rapture out of this, the bird had his mouth open while his wings were perched on top of Nala's head, the old baboon wondered exactly what twist of fate this all was.

There was no way that Nala could have planned for all of this to happen because of her little stunt. Pushing back onto Rafiki's hips she was at least grateful that certain things were wide enough to pleasure her as she began to push her hips in time with the bobs of her head. Like a well oiled machine she pushed and pumped herself back enough so that Rafiki could slide up and down through her while at the same time she would nuzzle and suck at the end of Zazu's cock trying to maximize the pleasure for the bird so that he could get her off ASAP.

Something she had learned to do with her snatch very quickly to get Banzai out of her face.

Grunting and moaning around the flesh trapped between her teeth Nala began to feel a hot sensation course through her back and spine and realized that she was slowly coming around and into a mild orgasm. That was shocking considering that things had only begun but Rafiki's cock was making it happen as he fucked her with growing passion. His head swinging back and forth behind him as he stood around her, his hands finding their place against her belly as if to ride out a storm, the old baboon was soon lost into a haze like fog that only spoke of bliss of the sexual kind.

Wading through it as best he could Rafiki grunted and pulled Nala back against him a little harder than he had meant making the little lioness yelp around Zazu as pain laced through her backside. He would have apologized if he had been in the right state of mind but currently the being known as Rafiki was out to lunch leaving only a body of lust and carnality behind that had but one desire, to mate and mate hard.

So there the three were, groaning and rutting, slamming hips and muzzle into each other in a strange line of pleasure that had to have been nothing less than amorality itself made real. Nala was fluttering her eyes as she had a mini orgasm from Rafiki's long dick sawing its way up through her, touching her guts as it spread her vagina open like a ripe mango, while at the same time Zazu was busy shaking like some sort of epileptic as he got the thing he had wanted so much after seeing Nala get screwed the first time. Birdie beak to the sky Zazu was all but a mass of writhing pleasure as he hitched his hips forward and thrust so deep inside of Nala's mouth that he was sure he could feel every bump along her tongue.

The fine sensations of her raspy organ running along his cock were heaven for Zazu and he felt the onslaught of his own orgasm coming up behind him like a shadow. For Rafiki it was more like watching a volcano go off as he slammed his eyes shut, panted a huff through his nose and crushed his fingers into Nala's belly like he was digging through the earth. Nala barely felt any of this as her true climax was ready to come up out through her as she humped back onto Rafiki with growing force.

The three came in the next second with a collateral voice of passion as Rafiki showered Nala's backside with cum, his sexual fluids spilling out and through Nala's backside in a large torrent before whitewashing the ground. Nala came from the heat and warmth running through her and then she lifted up off of Zazu's cock only to let out her patented roar as she added to mix of fluids seeping across the cave's floor. Zazu got the short end of the stick on this as he grunted and then came in short bursts onto between his legs as the sudden loss of the heat of Nala's tongue struck a chord in him and made his senses spark.

The three stayed in that mesh of shared feeling for several minutes and then once it was over they all pulled back and away from each other to flop down together. Nala's rump was a mess, soggy with baboon cum and stinking of Rafiki's scent so much that it made the little lioness wonder which was worse, baboon or hyena cum before she closed her eyes and then faded into unconsciousness.

It took a moment but once they had managed to clean Nala up, Rafiki getting Zazu's help to find some leaves to wipe Nala up with before the old baboon went outside to find the king. Scar was busy as usual trying to maintain order with the hyenas and took only a second to glare at them before whipping his head around and casting his glare out on Rafiki.

"Well?" The impatient king asked when the shaman said nothing at first.

"She needs rest and comfort for a week and then she will be well," Rafiki said in pure honesty as he looked directly into Scar's face.


The lion walked away from hyenas and shouldered past Rafiki to return to his den and upon doing so he found a perfectly content Nala lying asleep by Zazu's cage, the hornbill looking very smug as he watched the little lioness making the scarred lion quirk an eye at him.

Scar walked by and grabbed Nala by her scruff to return her to her mother and just before he left the cave completely he could have sword he hear Zazu say, "Can't wait till I have another go at her," Before he left out of the cave.

Whats this!? Zazu wants a go at Nala!? What is he crazy!? Will he ever have his chance? Or will he be eaten by the Hyena or Scar? To Find out Tune in Next year to find out... Just Kidding :P In Two weeks :)

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