Disney - Lady and The Tramp II:Angels Nightmare 1/2

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#2 of Lady And The Tramp II:Scamp and Angel

This story takes place after Scamps Adventure into the junkyard and before Angels First Heat.

This story was written by The Golden Malamute http://www.sofurry.com/user/view/profile?id=62971

Commissioned by me :)

Angel lay next to a sleeping Scamp, she could feel the warmth of his body pulsing next to hers. This comforted her, and there were even some nights where she was able to just curl up with him and fall asleep. She felt safe with him right next her, and because of this she stayed, this and because she wasn't sure where else to go. She opened her eyes and saw the dark outlines of the Darling household where they slept. This whole life was so different from the junkyard, and for the most part she liked it. She loved scamp, and liked his mother and sisters just fine. The problem was Scamps father Tramp, she wasn't sure if she could trust him.

Three weeks ago she had met Scamp, and he had helped her escape Buster. Tramp had come just in the nick of time, and saved Scamp from getting raped by Buster. Angel couldn't get the image out of her head of the larger gray dog raping Buster, proving who was top dog. Initially this relieved her, but this quickly faded as Tramp commented on her being a pretty little thing. Angel had thought her days of worrying about getting raped by the top dog were over; but she was worried again.

For the past three weeks she made sure to spend as much time as possible away from Tramp, and the times that they were forced together she always made sure that Scamp was with her. It seemed to be working so far, if she was alone and Tramp approached she would find scamp immediately. Lately it had seemed like he had been about to say something to her, but she never gave him the chance before she ran off to where ever Scamp was.She sighed as she moved closer to Scamp hoping sleep would overtake soon.

Lying in the room alone Angel could smell something. She wasn't quite sure where the smell was coming from. She walked around the room her head darting around trying to find where this smell was coming from. As she walked by the door she decided to stick her head into the hall to see if the smell was coming from outside the room. She sat down and tilted her head slightly. Not smelling the smell out there she continues to search the room. It wasn't until she came by the door again, and smelled the slightly wet floor where she had sat that she realizes she's in heat. She curls up with her muzzle just inches from her slit. It's moist and puffy, and the smell is much stronger. Not really sure what else to do so she starts lapping up the juices dripping out. Initially she just meant to lap up the dampness between her legs, but after her tongue comes in contact with her sensitive slit all she wants to do is keep going. Her tongue continues probing inside, as she forgets the world around her.

"I'll help you with that."

Angels head jerks up and away from her crotch as she looks at the door to see Tramp standing, his muzzle in a smile. His large red cock already unsheathed, his pre dripping onto the ground.

"How..., how long have you been there?" she stammers out. "Uh never mind. No thanks Tramp I'll go find Scamp, he can help my just fine."

She gets up and starts walking to the door when Tramp steps in her way. As she looks up at him the smile has gotten bigger. "You can't run from me this time, oh, and that wasn't a question." Before she can react Tramps teeth are around the back of her neck and she is lifted off the ground. She jerks around trying to get free, only to have Tramps jaw clamp down tighter making her whine.

She is sure the bigger dog is about to make the back of her neck bleed when he drops her into a corner. As she looks back he is already walking over her. She watches as he large cock comes closer and closer until she feels it pressing against her anus. "Tramp. Please. NO" she screams as her thrusts into her his knot pressing against her entrance.

"You can scream as loud as you want no one will hear you." He said as he continued thrusting.

She cried out in pain with each thrust. This was her first time anally, and he was so big, it felt like he was ripping her insides.

"Your such a tight bitch!" he yelled as he came, not long after beginning. Angel felt his seed spraying into her. She exhaled grateful that he was done and pulling out. She was about to try to get by him when she felt his tongue against her moist pussy. She moaned from the attention to her lips as she let her head sag down. With her head down she was able to look between her legs getting a good look of the larger dogs underside. Her eyes focused on his member, she barely noticed his cum and her blood dripping onto the ground below it. All she could think about was how much bigger he was than Buster, and no wonder it hurt so much.

"Your ripe for the taking." he said interrupting her thoughts.

"Tramp please no," she cried out again. He had stopped licking her and was mounting her again, his tip pausing at her entrance for a second. " Please Tramp, You've had your fun."

"The fun is just beginning!" He said as he thrust into her making her yelp in pain.

His speed was intense, and his thrusts powerful enough to knock her muzzle against the wall. Angel had to adjust herself so that she was pushing against the wall. The strain from keeping her muzzle from smacking into the wall, and his large member stretching her was almost too much. She was almost relieved when he announced that he was about to cum. This was until she realized the implications.

"No Tramp, I'm in heat. You can't cum inside me. I can't have your puppies." She pleaded.

"I can, and you will." He said drooling on her as he sped up, and slammed his knot into her tying the two together. Angel scream out in pain as his knot stretched her tight slit out. Tears started rolling down her eyes as she felt his load spray into her fertile womb. She whined as he stepped over her and completed the tie.

After a minuet of lying there tied to Tramp she can barely hold her upper body up. She collapses her front legs resting her head on the ground while she waits for tramps knot to shrink. After about half an hour, which felt like days to Angel, his knot slipped out, and their fluids dripped to the floor. Angel was ready get as far away from Tramp as possible. She shakily got back to her feet, and was about to bolt. "Where do you think your going?" Tramp growled at her.

"I though you were finished." Angel said. Still hoping she could get away.

"Aren't you going to do something about the mess you made?" Angel couldn't believe how much he sounded like Buster right there. She looked at him, then the wetness on the floor between them, to the door then, back to Tramp again. " I wouldn't recommend running." he laughed. "Ill catch you, and it will be all the worse. Better just to get it done with now." Angel looks to the door again then concedes to Tramp and starts lapping up her mess. She can taste herself, as well as a bitterness she is sure is Tramps seed. She chokes down the mess, and looks up to Tramp her eyes pleading that she is done. A smile is on his face lets her know she still has more. He gestures down to his semi erect member. "Just one more job, my pretty little thing."

Angel reluctantly began crawling under the larger dog stopping once her muzzle is inches away from his wet member. The knots completely shrunken, and his member is starting to go back into the sheath slightly. She reaches her tongue out and places it against the tip, grateful that the taste is mainly hers. She starts running her tongue up and down his member her taste dissipating, and the larger dogs unpleasant taste taking over as his member started growing and spurting his pre.

Thinking that his cock was as clean of her as it would become she stopped licking it and was about to pull away when the larger dog spoke up. "Just one more thing." Angel opened her maw to find out what she still needed to do before she could get as far away from Tramp as possible. But before she could get a single word out Tramps cock is inside her mouth cutting her off.

She is barely aware of what's going on when Tramps large member is trying to slide down her throat, she has just enough time to try and relax her throat before he slides down her throat, and his knot starts hitting her muzzle. Her nose is so close to his balls that with each thrust she's not sure if she's fighting her gag reflux more or the smell of the balls that's seed was right then trying to inseminate her. The next thing she knows he steps his front paws onto her lower back forcing her to bear his weight as he thrust into her sliding her backward. It's not long before she has nowhere left to slide back and her hindquarters slide into the wall.

Praying for a quick release, the tears run down her face as her loves father continues mating with the only hole he has yet to claim with his cum. After a period of time that she is sure was longer than either of the other times she hears him whine slightly. This is the only warning she gets before his first load sprays down into her throat. She is grateful that he is deep enough that his cum isn't coming in contact when he starts pulling his still cumming cock out, his last few loads filling her mouth as he slips the rest of the way out.

She is about to spit out his warm bitter seed as she looks at the bigger dog. "Ya gonna do something about this mess you made." She knows what he will say, and she chokes down the doggy cum as she collapses to the floor.

"Welcome to the family my pretty little thing." Tramp said as he left her alone in the room.

After a few minutes of lying on the floor crying Angel hastily curls up and starts trying to lap Tramps seed out of her fertile vagina. She quickly realizes this is futile and gives up.

She is not sure how much time she has been curled in a ball and crying when she hears the rest of the house start to come alive. The family has gotten home. She hears a dog running up the stairs and knows Scamps heading up.

"Angel, Angel I got you a present." She hears him bark, something in his mouth muffling him slightly. Angel sits up and waits for Scamp to come to her, tears no longer flowing.

A gray pup excitedly runs into the room, a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his mouth. He barley manages to stop before her sitting down quickly, and setting the flowers in front of her. "Angel these are for you." He said excitedly.

Angel was about to say something when she saw Scamp inhale a few times, and his eyes lit up even more than they had before, and he stood up his tail wagging quickly his member starting to unsheathe. "Angel your in heat." He barked completely unable to hide his excitement as he hopped around, his member growing as he ran around finally stopping once he was behind her. "Angel can I. can I you know." He said as he hopped on her back. Angel wasn't sure how to respond, so she stayed silent. The pup took her silence as a confirmation and crawled the rest of the way on her.

The inexperienced pup thrust blindly a few times before he achieved penetration. Both pups moaned softly in pleasure as the smaller dog mated Angel. Angel couldn't believe how much better her love felt that his father, how he didn't hurt. She was only disappointed when his knot penetrated her and he began to cum. Scamp collapsed on her. "I love you Angel," he whispered into her ear. "I can't wait until you bare our pups."

Right then Angel's heart broke. She though she might have been able to lie to Scamp, now she knew she couldn't. Scamp turned so that he was facing away from Angel as she started to cry again.

"Angel what's wrong?" Scamp asked.

Angel took a few deep breaths she had to tell him, he was her love, he would understand. "Scamp I love you." She took another breath trying to gain just a bit more courage. "But they wont be your pups. They will be your fathers. He beat you to me." She said looking back at him.

"Angel, how could you. He's my father." Scamp whined. The pain in his face made Angel's heart hurt.

"Scamp you don't understand I didn't"

"Stop talking" he interrupted

"Scamp please." She said as Scamp jerked away suddenly with a loud pop as his knot was painfully pulled out of Angel.

The gray dog turned on Angel growling. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE." Angel turned and ran crying as she fled the Darling house running as far and as fast as she could, not stopping until her legs wouldn't carry her any farther and her lungs burned.

Angel woke up panting heavily, her mouth dry feeling like a desert. It takes her a moment to realize where she is. She's laying next to Scamp in the Darling household, like she had been just a few hours before. "That was all just a nightmare?" she asked herself softly. Once her breathing slowed down, and she had calmed down a little she reluctantly gets away from Scamp to get some water and to relieve herself. Once she had finished these tasks she sat outside watching the sun come up.

"Beautiful isn't it." She heard from a voice behind her making her jump. She turned around knowing whom she would see. Tramp stood behind her his expression changing from a smile to a frown as he saw her face. She got up and was ready to run when he spoke again.

"Angel." He said softly. "what's wrong."

"Nnnothing." She stammered as she started backing away.

"Then why are you looking at me like a have rabies or some other disease."

Angel swallowed not sure what she was going to say until it came out. "I need to know when you're going to rape me. The anticipations killing me."

"Rape you." The larger dog coughed. "What makes you think I'm going to rape you?"

"Your top dog, and top dog gets the bitches when he wants them."

"Angel, this isn't the junk yard. This is a family, and you're my son's girlfriend. I would never force you to have sex with me." He said as he walked closer to her. "Besides Lady would kill me is she thought I was messing around with another bitch, she's top dog." He said as he nuzzled his head against her. "Come on lets watch the sunrise together." He said as he lay down.

Reluctantly she lay next to him surprised by how much he smelt like Scamp, and how she felt comfortable with him like she did with scamp.

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