Aleu Pays Her Family A Visit

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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#5 of Balto Has Lost Or Has he??

Welcome to Chapter Five of Balto Has Lost Or Has He series we now bring in Aleu :) I hope you all enjoy this new addition :P

The wolfess heard the howl and looked to the sky as she wondered who was making such a boisterous call. It sounded like someone in the throes of a passionate mating frenzy and as she listened to the fading echoes Aleu had to blush as she realized what she was doing.

Looking back down and nuzzling one of the pups by her side the young wolf hybrid realized that she was going to have to do something about her reactions and responses once she returned home. Things that happened in wolf culture were somewhat an obscure occurrence in the so called civilized world.

Others would not understand that when the alpha male and female mate in the pack it was nothing to look at them for a few moments and then go off on your business. For the pack the two leaders going at it hot and heavy meant that the pack would grow and expand.

It meant life and it meant a future.

However, Aleu realized that she wasn't with the pack as of right now and being as such she had to remember all of the grace and proper mannerisms that her mother had taught her. Lowering her tail slight and shaking her fur so that it didn't look so wild Aleu grunted and thought that maybe this wasn't such a good idea anymore.

She thought for a second and hesitation made her second guess herself before a firm nip at her leg made her jump slightly and then turn to see one of the more mischievous of her pups smiling and wagging his tail at her. The smile on the little one's face was all she needed to return her courage and Aleu breathed a deep huff before taking one foot and placing it ahead of her.

Another foot and then one more and was walking again through the forest with a calmness in her heart as she just knew that she was making the right decision.

Her mate had been adamant about her not going but she had to see her family just once since the pack was back in Nome now. The caribou had returned and with that the wolves too. Though it hadn't been exactly forever it felt like it to Aleu and letting her parents know of the happenings in her life just felt right.

It would also give her the chance to have her father and mother to spread the word throughout the canine population so that when one of the packs howled they automatically wouldn't find a hunter's bullet in their hides. Not to mention the war that had started as a rival pack had come to Nome looking to settle roots here in the wintery wonderland of wolfen kind.

It had started with a simple fight between some of the pack and scouts of this new pack. Though there had been injuries there wasn't any loss of life so Aleu had been grateful for that, but not so much for the ultimatum that had come from the leader of the other pack.

In its entirety the other had basically told them that if they didn't submit to him and his pack that they would fight to the last wolf to dominant the surrounding land. Arguments had been brought up to solve things without any more bloodshed but when one of Aleu's pack had come out of it with one of his eyes torn out, she and her mate had known that it wouldn't be long before things spiraled into an all-out war.

The worst part was that she and her mate didn't know if they could win and all out brawl with the other alpha's pack. Though the numbers were about even, not minding the one wolf that was now missing an eye, the other pack was vicious and wilder than anything Aleu had ever expected. Many of them were males who looked to have been born to kill and the fact that some of them were ready to start war now only made thing worse: hence why she was going home.

Well actually she was going because her mate thought it would be safest for her and for their pups. If this went south then at least she and the pups had a future, but Aleu was no coward. She wouldn't just abandon the others, not when she could rally supporters instead.

If she could get aid from the other dogs of Nome then maybe all of them combined could intimidate the other pack into leaving for other territories.

No one should ever underestimate the ties those of dogs and wolves, and especially not their social connections to one another. The line of howls that could send out would travel far and wide and the wolves would hear it just in time to disappear if and when the hunters came for them.

Though the line of ancestry might be somewhat blurred by times passage there was a firm connection there between the two species and Aleu planned to exploit it fully; if only for the sake of her new family which she loved just as much as her old one.

Just thinking about them made Aleu hunger in her soul to see Kodi again and find out what changes had gone on in Nome while she had been gone.

And when she found out Aleu would never imagine that everything she had missed out on was just one patterned piece of a gigantic tapestry called Life which she was playing a great part in knitting together.

Kodi grunted as he stirred from a restless night's sleep, not something unusual as of late as he had small furry bundles inside of his womb kicking at him. Yawning and blinking his eyes, the young husky turned his head when he heard heavy breathing by the side of his head.

Looking to see that it was Steele Kodi let his lips lower into a slight scowl as he remembered how he had come to be between the legs of the other male.

Steele had bred him hard and fast once his owner had left and once he had was done the malamute had decided that it would be a good idea to flop down on Kodi. The smaller canine didn't have much strength to resist but he had protested when the other decided to forcibly drag him to the carpet.

Not just because said carpet was wet with their combined seed, Steele had pulled himself free before he could fully knot Kodi so a large puddle of malamute cum was stained onto the floor along with Kodi's cunt juices. Kodi had also vigorously protested because Steele wasn't being mindful that any excess damage to him would recoil onto the pups.

The malamute had quickly become apologetic, and Kodi was surprised to realize that it was authentic, and then eased the two of them down before wrapping the other male into his embrace.

Kodi had grumbled and sighed at the time, trying to fight the fact that he was growing much more use to Steele's rough treatment. The young husky didn't think about how later he had put his snout on Steele's nap and quietly dozed off once he was comfortable as he could manage. Nor did the pregnant husky think about how often Steel had licked his nose and face and then murred to get him to settle down and go to sleep.That would have been like admitting that Steele cared and this was Steele.

The fact that the other had woke him up later on that day to eat when his owner came back from wherever he had been to feed the both of them was a plus.

The fact that afterwards Steele had mounted him in the kitchen and fucked him so hard he had nearly heaved the food back up, a definite minus.

Kodi looked at the sire of his pups and wondered just what kinda quirk of fate life had thrown him to have such a big, brutish, seemingly oafish, rough, brash and just infuriating male as his would-be mate.

Leaning down and looking at the malamute Kodi studied Steele and wondered to himself, Just what part of you will our pups have?

Shaking his head and deciding that it was time to leave, Kodi got up from underneath the other, a feat that took more effort than it should have been worth considering that Steele had suddenly turned into an octopus. Then he quietly tiptoes his way out of the living room area and then through the house towards where Steele's owner was.

Thankfully the big human was still up and grunted to get up and let Kodi out once he had come in and then whimpered at the man.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming dammit." The human had his back turned to Kodi as the husky stood in the doorway so it took him some time to get up and then walk him out of the house.

The sound of a zipper being pulled up and a belt being tightened went straight over Kodi's head as he eagerly waited to be freed from back out into the world of Nome.

The human took Kodi to the front door, not before nudging Steele with his boot to get the other up and failed, then opened said door to let the pregnant husky out. Kodi bolted for home without looking back, his stomach swaying more heavily than it had before thanks to Steele filling his stomach up with his dog ejaculate.

The happy husky didn't even know that once he got home a surprise of a lifetime was waiting on him. A surprise which might change his luck if he played his hand right.

Back home Aleu had made her way through the busy streets of Nome as silent as a cat's footsteps as she carried each of her pups through the doggy door of her house one by one. The pups had protested but they were promptly ignored as they were introduced to their grandmother who was only too elated to see her daughter and her grandpups. Jenna, being the gushing female she could be at times, went over and licked each pup and sniffed at them to memorize their scents.

The pups had playfully licked her back, the feisty one yipping and wagging his tail, ready to play, before everyone turned their heads to see Balto entering the house and going completely motionless.

"Dad, it's me. Aleu."Both wolf hybrids looked at each other for several minutes, neither one saying anything to the other.

Then Balto broke the silence that was trying to stretch into eternity in that little room in the kitchen.

"Welcome home Aleu." And then Balto nuzzled his daughter.

The two wolf hybrids groomed each other's fur and faces, both trying not to fall apart in tears as they reacquainted themselves with the other's scent and feel. Though they didn't say it both never thought they would ever see each other again and this moment shared together was for all the time they had lost.

When they separated from each other Balto looked down and blinked as four similar faces to his own looked up at him. Each one had a different look on their muzzles when regarding him and all of them warmed the wolf-dog's heart.

"So who do we have here?" Balto asked as he bent down and nuzzle one little wolf and got a nip on the nose for his troubles. This forced the older male to pull back and rapidly take stop of his injured nostrils.

"Down you. Sorry about that dad." Aleu apologized as she watched her father lift himself back up and then wiggle his nose to make sure it was still functional. "Dad this is Joe, Jett, Aneu and Stella."

In order the pups yipped one by one, the shyest one being Aneu who yipped most quietly and then tucked her head into her shoulders while the loudest had been Jett who had nipped Balto.

"Quite a group you have with you." Balto smiled as he licked and sniffed down over each pup, getting their scents and some playful bats at the snout as they wanted to roughhouse with grandpa."

"Balto why don't you take the pups out so Aleu and I can chat?" Jenna asked with that look on her face that made Balto comply without question and soon four smaller grey forms were following him out the dog door and into the afternoon.

Once they had gone Jenna turned to Aleu and then looked at her daughter for a moment. Aleu shifted slightly underneath the penetrating gaze of her mother and realized that she had to learn how to do that to her own pups before she returned back to the pack.

"So, are you going to tell me that this was all just a coincidence or is there something I should know about Aleu?"

"You always seem to know what's going on, don't you?" Aleu


"I maybe Balto's mate but I'm not as clueless as other's think all the time." Jenna smile coyly.

I hope one day I can be as clever at that as you mom, Aleu thought before she opened her mouth and gave Jenna the news.

"I see, then you're going to try to stay here and see who you can find that will help against this other pack?" Jenna went and nuzzled Aleu.

"I have to mom. I have to go back. I can't just stay here while my mate and pack are in danger." Aleu returned the gesture and began to sob a little. "Please understand that,"

"I do dear. However, I also know that this won't end without someone getting hurt or killed even. Remember the story we told you of how things went with Steele and Balto?"

"Yeah?" Aleu backed away in confusion, one ear lowering to her head while she cocked her head.

"I mean that, if two males go ahead and clash the rest of the pack will have to decide who to follow. It won't be just as easy as having one or the other win the territory they want even if they try to wipe the other out. The humans will intervene if they feel that these new wolves or your own present a danger."

Aleu nodded. "I know. I wanted some of the dogs that were friendly to dad to come and help, at least that way I know who I can trust and who I can't."

"Don't believe that everyone who smiles is a friend. Some of the same dogs still wouldn't trust you're farther any further than they can chase their own tail."

Aleu looked down at this and contemplated what her mother was saying. To say that worry overcame her was a mild understatement as a bodily shiver took control of the wolf crossed female before she heard a chuckle.

"Don't worry too much though; I think I know of a few burly canines that'll stand by your side if you need them."

Aleu's eyes opened wide at this and she let her tail wag behind her at super high speeds right before she turned her head and noticed someone coming into the house. A red snout followed a reddish body as Kodi entered his home completely unaware of the two females watching as he wondered if he had gotten the last of Steele's come off of his hind legs and tailfur.

He did not want to have to return home and explain to them why he stank of Steele, if only so he wouldn't have to explain himself to his dad.

A body tackled him and instantly Kodi yelped as his face was showered with kisses and one or two playful nips across the ears. Looking up into the face of a person he was sure he didn't know Kodi gasped when the other suddenly let him up and then bent low in the stance of someone getting ready to pounce.

"Who are you?!" The husky asked aloud. Rolling over to get up onto his feet he backed up some.

"What, you don't remember your darling sister? I'm hurt." Aleu said with a pout even as a smile danced in her eyes.

Kodi blinked several times at this. His eyes widening when his nose caught a familiar scent and then he rushed over to play tackle his sibling.

The two rolled around in playful banter, unmindful of Jenna who had taken the wiser course and moved well into the living room. Chairs were pushed out of the way by their bodily tumbling while dirty paws scuffed up the floor and muzzles snapped at the air tauntingly as the two tried to get at the other.

Their play lasted several minutes before they had to come to stop and then they panted heavily before collapsing together onto the floor. Jenna popped her head back in a second after hearing the silence.

"I'm so happy to see you Aleu. It's been a really long time." The husky said as he licked his onto the muzzle and snout.

"I know. I'm so glad to be home."

The two chatted together for a full hour before Balto returned inside, now thoroughly a mess as leaves and other assorted pieces of fluff covered his fur like bristles, the pups also covered from head to toe in dander, but none of them seemed to mind. The older male was beaming like sun as the pups called grandpa fun and exciting and would have been ready for another round had they not been yawning and tuckered out.

Balto looked to see that Kodi had returned and nuzzled his son before Jenna asked him politely to come and bring the pups with her so that they could get a nap. The wolf-dog pushed the pups on with his nose and then herded them after their grandmother, Kodi and Aleu watching as some of the pups seemed ready to just drop where they were at that moment making the two of them laugh.

Once they were all in the other room, "Kodi I wanted to ask you something." Aleu said without warning.

"What is it?"

"Why don't you have a sheath anymore?"

Kodi froze for a second. In his mind Kodi never for a second thought about his new condition, not in the face of his sister's triumphant return and now as he did his head hung low in both shame and disdain. It took him several minutes of not answering before Balto walked back in and then confessed what had happened to his son, partly because of him no less but he left that part out.

"I see, well if it's any consideration I don't mind one bit bro," Aleu confessed making Kodi look up at her with mist in his eyes.

"Thanks. I appreciate that."

"Want to tell me who the father of your pups is?" Balto perked his ears up at this before Jenna grabbed him by the tail in her teeth and pulled him away from the obvious private conversation now.

"No." Aleu took aback to this as Kodi put a bite to his words before going silent again; his face contorting into a mask of a million emotions all at once.

The two didn't say anything for some time. Then without warning Kodi suddenly got up and left out of the room out the doggy door. Aleu got up to follow and found her brother sitting on his haunches by a large tree, one of his paws stroking his rounded belly as his face remained blank.

"You know," Aleu started before she came over to sit beside him.

"I don't mind that either Kodi. I just wanted you to know."

"It wasn't supposed to happen like this! I was the one who was supposed to breed a female and get her pregnant, not get bred and have someone else's pups! Especially not his!" Kodi barked and then snarled as he thought about the father of the mutts inside of his womb.

"He's abusive?"

"Worse, he's a jerk who thinks he owns the world. He's aggressive as I don't know what! And he's also someone I'm coming to like!" Kodi stopped at this as realization hit him.

Aleu watched her brother go through another exchange of emotions before he finally deflated. When he didn't say anything more the wolf spoke up,

"You can always come back to my pack if things don't go well here," Aleu got a sharp look from Kodi at that before she continued. "The wolves in my pack are really sweet and would cherish you and your pups. I know you could find a good mate there and raise a family the way you might like."

Kodi gazed at his sister for several seconds and then turned to watch the setting sun and began to think. Thoughts of Steele and repercussions, not to mention his own feelings, were crashing though his mind making Kodi take a second to wonder.

Could it really happen?

Kodi hangs his head before looking up at the rising moon.

"I.....I...will have to think about it...thanks Aleu." The husky says before nuzzling her softly and getting a heartfelt lick in return.

*Gasps* Will Kodi leave with his sister to live with her and her wolf pack or will she stay with Steele and become pregnant by him again!? Only time will telll :P I hope you all enjoy this story. Btw Today is my birthday :) Nov 12th

Kodi Has Become Pregnant

By now Kodi was so ill that all he wanted to do was to go off to some small corner underneath a building and lay down to die. He never knew that any one dog could feel the way he felt and then he realized that every other dog had probably felt the same...

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Kodi Loses Her Virginity

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Ginga Densetsu Weed: Weed's Bitch Training Continues

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