Ginga Densetsu Weed: Weed's Bitch Training Continues

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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#2 of Ginga Densetsu Weed: The Bitch Files

The morning sun rose through the sky shining dow...

The morning sun rose through the sky shining down on the land below with a warm radiance. The burning light of morning waking the land and rousing the plants and animals from their slumber while at the same time highlighting those below that had been awake since evening. One such group was a large collective of canines who had spent the last twenty-four hours nonstop mating with one particular canine in particular. And now, even as the sun continued its passage into the sky the abused dog was still being hammered full by a larger mirror image of himself.

Fur matted down with white and yellow, eyes unfocused and somewhat dizzy the young Weed was grunted and whimpering as he held his nether ends up while up on top of his back his sire was thrusting hard and heavy into him.

Around them the other canine warriors, those who were still awake anyway and hadn't walked off somewhere to fall asleep after the night's coupling, were busy cheering on the virility of their leader as he mounted the pack bitch hard and heavy. It was a spectacular sight to see as the larger Inu busied himself with thrusting as deep as he could into his young son all the while hanging his broad tongue out of his muzzle and drooling constantly from the pleasure he was feeling. His large furry nuts slapped restlessly against those of his son's and this spurred the older dog on to continue mating within the confines of the younger Inu's fully distended and soaked tailhole.

The young Weed had spent the past few days being nothing more than a receptacle for the pack's frustrations and every last canine in the pack had made the younger dog realize just how restless they had all been without any females in their numbers. Tears streamed down his face while whimpers bit out of his throat as the sore spot inside of his backside was struck again by his father's large shaft. Weed grunted and barked into the ground as his body shuddered and shivered against his command while trying to keep from protesting out loud, something he had learned did him no good in the face of the pack's mounting tensions.

Weed still didn't understand why they had chosen him for this indignity but what he did come to know was that he was stuck here underneath his father and would be for the rest of his days for as long as there weren't any females for the rest of the pack to use.

Up above this was something that Gin was finding out not to be much of a problem as he felt another load beginning to swell up from out of his balls and into his shaft. His large knot had already ballooned inside of his son and locked the two of them together so the older canine wasn't able to thrust as hard or as powerfully as he had in the beginning. This wasn't so much of a problem as Weed's insides were almost completely loose and sloppy with all of the cum that was dripping out of him down onto the ground. The multiple numbers of dogs that had had the younger pup had spilled so much cum into Weed that the Inu's stomach was actually sloshing some as Gin continued his fast paced strokes into his son.

Weed almost felt sick as he grunted and felt his father grip his sides harder before going stock-still against his backside and then he was filled up once more.

Gin barked out as loud as he could into the waking dawn as his nuts pulled up into his groin and then his backside shivered all the way up to the tip of his tail before he came into his pup.

"Good boy Weed," Gin managed to get out before he hissed between his teeth and dumped all of what he had left into the pup's stomach.

Weed groaned and then hiccupped before tasting cum inside of his throat though if he had been able to think clearly from the haze of pain he was in he would have known that his stomach was actually backing up with what little space he had inside of his fleshy sack and some of the contents were coming up into the back of his esophagus.

"Yeah Gin!" One of the dog's yelled out while barking in pride at their leader.

"Breed the bitch!"

"Do her real good!"

"Make sure that she'll stink of you for the rest of the day!"

The entire pack wasn't long in shouting their praise for Gin as he lifted his head and howled into the sky while doing exactly as his pack proclaimed he should. Meanwhile, Weed was between throwing up and breaking down mentally as he was used without care or concern for his well being. Inside of his head there was already something breaking down into the system and soon it wouldn't be long before the younger Inu was lifting his tail at the very scent of a stud male in heat. Though no one knew this, and even fewer would care as this was something that would benefit every member of the pack save for one little Inu pup who was too lost to really care.

Gin finished some minutes later and then he grunted as he forcibly pulled his hips back and drug his bloated knot out of his son's rectum. Weed yelped and barked in pain as his sloppy anus was forced to widen itself again to proportions that weren't natural for his size and then a loud 'popping' sound was heard throughout the group as Gin found release.

A flowing river of cum splashed out from the depths of the smaller Inu's ass and it looked like some of it was tinted both pink and yellow at the same time. Not that many paid much attention to the colors but more to the overall amount of fluid that was leaking down Weed's legs and then down to his feet where it made a puddle against the grass that grew larger and larger within minutes. Soon after a large pond of sticky and stinking musky liquid was turning the ground muddy as Weed was allowed to expel everything his stomach couldn't keep in.

Gin walked around to the side of his son letting everyone watch as he pressed a paw to the pup's stomach and made the younger pup groan and cough as his asshole actually belched out more cum. Almost like a wine skin being emptied Weed's stomach made sick gurgling sounds as he was forced to deflate against his will and by the time Weed actually had nothing more to give the younger dog literally flopped to the ground and curled himself up into a ball to try and make the pain he was feeling diminish. However that wasn't allowed as fangs found his scruff and pulled the pup up onto his feet again and then face a thick red, goo covered cock that was aimed directly between his nose.

"You're not finished yet," Gin growled before removing his fangs from his son's scruff and then poked the younger Inu's nose with his girth.

"P-please..." Weed's rough voice tried to squeak out but it was paid little mind as his open muzzle was filled and soon the pup was tasting multiple loads of cum, his own tailhole and his father's mighty shaft into the back of his muzzle and down his throat.

"Wow, he actually can keep going?" One of the dogs around asked to his companion.

"He's the leader," Someone replied while snickering at the scene before them.

Gin grunted and lowered his ears as he humped forward into Weed's throat and then waited for the pup to naturally start cleaning him off. Looking down and rolling his hips around it didn't take long before Weed's small tongue was wrapping around his length and then a sucking feeling was encircling his cock and swallowing around him. Grunting and pushing his hips as far as he could into Weed's throat it wasn't much of a surprise when the others watched as the older Inu began to hammer into Weed from the front as he had the back.

And to think, I wasn't sure about doing this at first, Gin thought as he started his and his son's day with a good bout of relief that would last for the rest of the day.

By the time Gin pulled out of his son once again the younger Inu was literally coughing up come from out of his throat almost in cups. Looking up into the eyes of his father the younger Inu barely had the time to think before the pink tip of his father's cock was once again in his face and a yellow stream was shooting out into his nose and down his throat.

"S-stop! P-please...I-I can't..." Weed tried to please with his eyes wet and streaking tears down the sides of his face.

"Shut up and take it bitch!" Gin barked making everyone but Weed cheer for him as he hosed the younger canine down from head on back. Gin tipped his hips forward and filled his son's throat once again and then pushed his cock back into the pup's throat to fill his cheeks to bulging and then watched as the other was forced to swallow it.

"When I'm done the bitch is up for use!" Gin shouted and many canines around him were licking their lips and chuckling as many hard cock hung low from multi-colored sheaths.

Six months later...

Weed was busy trying to scout the area around the pack's territory as he wagged his tail into the sky while grunting and as he tried not to mind his own tailhole's soreness as he walked with slow and measured steps. His place with the rest of the dogs had slowly but surely plummeted until he was almost treated as less than a bitch would be. The others would often find him somewhere and then use him before casting him aside to someone else and then letting the rest of how many of whoever were with them use him until he was swollen with cum and leaking down both the front and back of his body.

It wasn't as bad as it had been at first, Weed having gotten used to the repeated pummeling of his throat and tail until he would barely make barely any noise anymore, atleast with most of the pack anyway. It was strange how Gin and some of the older canines always knew how to make him cry and shiver as they fucked him hard and fast or slow and deep before spilling their contents into him, but such was the way of things for the pack's bitch. Weed didn't even bother to delude himself anymore as he knew that this was going to be the only thing he could probably be in the pack anymore.

There was no one in the pack that would respect him enough to follow his leadership so Gin had named a second-in-command of one of the other dogs leaving Weed to be nothing more than another member of the pack. This wasn't so bad since it meant that he didn't have to think so much about everyone else's problem or have to worry about the happenings of the pack as he was just a grunt soldier without much of a future. He couldn't bare pups so he wasn't able to be useful in that respect and he wasn't old enough to try and fight back against the others, or strong enough to anyway, so that left him with being gang-raped whenever someone needed to let out some pent up frustrations.

And it was surprising how pent up a large group of thirty some odd dogs could be day in and day out as Weed almost always found his ass being drilled until his hole was actually reminiscent of a female's vagina. Some of them even agreed that Gin should mark the pup to make sure he didn't stray from pack in case someone came along and tried to claim him so Weed was forced to suffer another indignity when his father, not to mention several others, decided to lay claim on him by urinating onto his fur and underneath his tail.

The taste of bitter and salty canine piss made Weed shudder as he distinctly recalled having to wash his mouth of as he was fed his mid-morning breakfast of cum and dog urine from a bunch of males who had whisked him from out of Gin's embrace that morning. The older Inu had been keeping a much closer eye on Weed as of late as he could feel a change coming into the air without really knowing or understanding what was changing. That was why Weed was thanking whatever stars he had been blessed that he was able to talk his father into going out by himself today as Gin had been too preoccupied to think up a reason to tell him no.

Walking through the fields and into the forest area surrounding the pack's territory Weed found a nearby river and proceeded to take a long, stiff drink before dumping himself inside and washing off. The scent of the pack had been so strong on his fur that Weed was grateful for these times when he could wash off and cool down given that it was almost the end of Summer and getting ready for Autumn. Usually the only times he got a chance to clean off was when he was able to go out into the rain and let the sky clean him off. Though this provided little relief because as soon as he was finished getting cleaned off he would pad back into the dry warmth of the pack's area inside of the mountains only be greeted with smirking lips and well-hung cocks as the pack wanted to use him again.

Pulling himself out of the river and then grunting as he shook himself off before licking his fur down to dry off Weed actually thought that he could tell who was trying to use him from either the back or the front by the length and girth of the dog trying to get into his body. His father was not the longest nor the biggest, though Weed refused to say this anywhere where ears could hear him grumble about it, Ben actually beat the other Inu by several centimeters in length and a full inch in girth at the knot. GB was actually the longest canine of the group but he was whip thin so that meant that Weed actually felt the other inside of his stomach more than any other. The biggest dog though had to have been Jerome though.

The German Shepherd was actually the thickest canine that had been under his tail for someone who had only appeared in the recent months. The knot actually made Weed's tailhole stretch out so much that when he pulled out a few of the other dogs could actually push one of their paws into his tailhole and sink themselves inside of the pup so much so that they could actually see their appendage press out against his stomach. Mel having found this so interesting that he would often do this with both front paws pressed together before spreading Weed's anal walls even farther before pulling out and making Weed clean of his dirty front paws which were almost sticky and coated with cum.

Weed lay out on his back and looked up at the skyline through the trees as he wondered about this and that and when he would be breed again. One would think that he would have tried to think up anything other than this but in actuality Weed was coming into his role as the pack bitch so well, despite his incessant pleas and cries and whimpers about the opposite, Weed was actually wishing that someone would come along and use him again. It was a kind of twisted logic but it was something that worked with Weed. He hated what happened to him but at the same time he enjoyed it enough that he wanted it to happen over and over again. Keeping it up and filling him deeply enough until he could almost taste the other's in his muzzle even if the pack had only used him from the other end that entire day.

His stomach rumbled and Weed groaned as he realized that he hadn't had anything solid to eat in the last week. Food was becoming scarcer but that was to be expected with the large number of dogs in one location and eating up every bit of prey they could manage forcing the pack to scout larger areas to try and find deer or whatever else to feed on. However this was little concern to Weed as he was actually able to adapt well enough to the other dog's cum that he would be full up for the entire day if he only sucked off two to three canines the entire morning. Though that didn't mean he wouldn't have liked to taste another flavor of meat on his tongue as he rolled around and then curled up to try and take a nap.

Dozing off some minutes later Weed never noted when a large form walked over and up to him before said form overshadowed him and then looked the little pup over. A cold nose found itself pressing against Weed's stomach and then moving down his nethers before it shuffled itself into his tailhole and began to lick inside of the other. So far gone in such a short time Weed murmured and whimpered before panting excitedly as the tongue scooped out the rest of the cum that always lingered inside of his ass. Several minutes of heavy lapping later the tongue pulled out and then the form moved away to return to where ever it had come from while leaving the sleeping pup alone to rest.

Hours later someone else found Weed and this time the person woke the pup up by pushing the other over onto his stomach and then pulling up the pup's rear. Taking the young Inu's tail between his teeth the dog grunted and then pushed himself up into Weed's backside right where his groin met the other's tailend and then proceeded to wake the pup up with fast and hard strokes of rough jack hammerings.

"Wake up pup, time to get to your duty." The voice said making Weed yelp out as his tender insides were spread open and then he was taken against his will by a familiar canine.

Weed grunted as he flailed against the ground digging his claws into the ground and tearing at the grass before he grunted and then began to slowly relax as he was taken once again. The feeling of the growing shaft inside of his rectum was making signals fire into his head and soon a picture of who was behind him was coming together into his head.

"K-k-kyoushiro...?" Weed tried to say before he grunted and then yelped as the larger canine began to mate him with rough strokes and even deeper thrusts.

"Afternoon pup. Gin sent some of us to find you so get ready for your afternoon orgy." The white canine said after he released Weed's tail and then gripped the other around his hips and then began to screw the younger male with powerful strokes.

Weed grunted and then flicked his ears skywards as he steeled himself to take what the older Kishu had to give. It was something to Weed to think about how Kyoushiro had lived his life defending younger canines from being abused and how readily the other was coming to screw him without a second through. Though it might have been exactly as the older canine had said before, he was just a bitch and bitches were meant to be used and not so much abused by a rough stud who had a thick load to give them. With the way the other was sawing his long cock through his rectum Weed realized that his age didn't so much matter to the others as his usefulness and his easy access.

The two dog grunted together, Weed with tears in his eyes as he felt every inch of Kyoushiro's cock push deep past his inner walls and then poke up into the upper ends of his guts at the lower end of his stomach, meanwhile Kyoushiro was busy tapping his nuts against the other canine's own robin egg sized furry balls while trying not to clamp his jaws down on the bitch's scruff and drill him as hard as he knew he could.

"Hey Kyoushiro where are you?" Someone barked making both dog's turn and then see a shadow walking right past them without seeing or smelling them.

"Over here Rocket!" Kyoushiro said while trying to get his breathing under control.

The other dog turned his head at the sound of the voice then walked out of the tree line only to turn his lips up into a smirk at what he was seeing.

"Couldn't wait?" Rocket asked as he walked over to the pair as he felt his own erection starting to fill out his sheath at seeing Kyoushiro hammer inside of Weed hard enough to make the pup literally jump forward from the force of his thrusts.

"Nope and you're one to talk." Kyoushiro said while looking down at where Rocket's rocket was starting to fill out into the air. "Use the other end because this one will be occupied for a while."

"Fine but remember that we have to get back soon," Rocket reminded the other canine before padding over to the front of Weed's face and then lifting up the other's front and then press his cocktip at the pup's nose.

"Yeah, yeah but I think we have time for this real quick,"

Neither needed to say anything as Weed obediently opened his muzzle and then allowed Rocket's cock to sink into the depths of his muzzle and then lay across his tongue. The older Borzoi was one of the shorter but thicker males so it was a bit of a challenge for him to actually deep throat the other but it wasn't something that he had much of a problem with or much resistance against as the older dog would rock forward into his throat and then force open his wind tube enough so that he could get balls deep into Weed. And of course that was something Rocket did immediately once he felt Weed's tongue curl and then sneak around his length before bobbing and then slurping against him.

With back and forward openings being filled by the two canines Weed had a chance to scent the musky smell of the two males and realize that the other's must have been looking for him for a while now because both stunk of sweat and earth. A firm pull at his rear made Weed realize that Kyoushiro's knot had gotten engorged real quickly and was now trying to pop both in and out of his rectum. That was something about some of the other dogs, some of them seemed to be able to inflate really quickly and yet had enough stamina to keep going for almost a solid hour while others who didn't get a large so quickly only lasted maybe half that time.

Knowing this trait was something that helped Weed to be stand the other's assaults as they fucked him deep enough to that the space between where his stomach was was able to withstand the onslaught of the horny canines using him.

"Damn, he's still tight inside of here, can you believe it?" Kyoushiro said through breathless pants as he grunted and lifted his lips into a snarl while trying to pound Weed hard enough to actually put the other into the ground.

"Looking at that tight ass of his wiggling around all the time you'd have to wonder how he manages to stay that way though." Rocket said as he sneered down at the teary eyed Weed who was trying to keep from crying out around his cock.

"Guess there really is nothing you can do to break as pussy then because there is no way this could be an ass anymore.

It's just too firm!"


The two dogs continued to appraise the worth of Weed's hole while all the while grunting and fucking him hard enough that they actually lifted the other up off of the ground. Weed for his part couldn't do too much as he was used the way he knew he would always be so he left to whimper and yelp while trying to withstand the pain of what he was going through.

Kyoushiro grunted as he pulled his hips back all the way and then pulled out of the other before barking and making Rocket jump and then pull back all of a sudden.

"What's going on?" Rocket asked as the tip of his cock remained inside of Weed's tear stained muzzle while looking at the white canine in curiosity.

"Listen? You hear that?" Kyoushiro asked while looking around, his large cock drooling pre down onto the ground and beating in time with his frantic heart rate.

Rocket cocked his head to the side and then listened before letting his lips turn up into a smile and then, "Over here guys!" The Borzoi shouted and then watched as several forms came up to them and then made a small half circle.

"Damn, you guys sure know to work fast if you're already that worked up?" Jerome said as he chuckled at the other two while looking between them at Weed.

"Why don't you let us have some fun after you're through?" Kagetora said while reaching down and palming at his cock and brining out his own weapon for those around to see.

"Why wait? Why not come on in and join the fun?" Kyoushiro asked while stepping to the side and then pulling up Weed's tail and showing off the other's dripping cum dump.

"Think we can all fit in there?" Ken said while snickering and looking hungrily at Weed shuddering form.

"Maybe not ALL of us at one time but two-on-two sounds about right?" Kyoushiro said before pushing the tip of his cock back at the bull's-eye of the younger canine's asshole and letting his tip lube up the somewhat stretched ring.

The other dogs looked between each other and then without having to say anything Kagetora and Ken walked forward, the former up front and latter to the back, before positioning themselves beside the other two canines. Two sets of dog cocks found their way at Weed's holes and then pressed in together with perfect harmony and filled up the Inu until he was literally bulging at both ends. Cheeks puffed out while trying to swallow around the lengths in his muzzle Weed was forced to breathe out of his nose as Rocket and Kagetora began to pump forward into him with slow and easy strokes. With both dogs not having as much room as they would if they were fully taking over Weed's muzzle alone it left them moving slowly together while rubbing against one another while moaning and panting together.

However at the backside of the young dog the same could not be said. Kyoushiro and Ken had pressed their cocks together with little space between them but yet at the same moment they hilted deep inside of Weed making the pup yowl around the meat in his mouth as stars popped in front of his eyes. Kyoushiro's cock being filled with more blood from having been pleasured by Weed's tailhole it made for the small ring that was Weed's rectum to spread further than it had been previously as Ken's cock began to stiffen and then swell up to its full girt.

It was a strange sight to see with Weed being so full of male sex while at the same time looking like some kind of stuffed rabbit as he was made to take what was being forced on him. It wasn't helping things that his eyes were slightly rolling up into his head as his nose was being filled pre by Rocket and Kagetora's fluids backing up into his throat and then backtracking through his nostrils. Not that this mattered any to any of the four dogs as they took the bitch like he was supposed to be taken and then hammered forward with enough force to compress Weed's form together. On the sideline Jerome watched with an eager eye as he growled and humped his hips against the ground while sniffing against the air and memorizing the smell of the five canines rutting together there in the forest.

Eyes watching the pup with more than a little desire Jerome had to wonder just how much more the younger canine could take before he got his answer when Ken's knot began to grow to its full size.

It was an odd thing to see as Weed's ass was being tapped by two large balls of red flesh looking more than ready to spread him open and then drench him full of cum. The two owners of said knots were panting and licking at each other as they huffed and shivered from the feelings of the ass that was holding them so tightly. Up forward Rocket and Kagetora were almost trying to make a race out of who could get off first as they bucked and thrust into Weed so hard that they looked to be bruising the pup's snout with their forceful fucking. The two growled and snapped against the air with eyes shut tightly while two large spheres tried to find purchase inside of Weed's muzzle.

The minutes rolled by with sounds and smells of mating happening and then like a switch being thrown it all came to a head as they four dogs all came at the same time, though not the way they had meant to. Rocket and Kagetora flooded Weed's throat so much so that it bulged obscenely, cum ripped out through Weed's nose and then over the pup's face and older dog's groins as they tried to stuff him as hard as they could. Kagetora grunted and held still but Rocket was still going despite his orgasm and ended up knocking the other way making Kagetora pull back with a yelp and spray his cum over Weed's head and snout blinding the pup momentarily before he pulled out completely. Rocket would have looked to the side to apologize but having so much free and warm space all of sudden made the Borzoi pull all the way forward into Weed and then stuff and lock his knot into the pup.

At the back both Kyoushiro and Ken pulled back at the same time and tried to drive forward but it only made the two of them bounce their knots against each other causing both to yelp in pain and then pull out to shoot at the underside of Weed's belly and back of his thighs before pushing forward together and filling up the pup. It was a sight that made Jerome open his muzzle in awe before he snickered at seeing Weed stomach start to inflate as cum rushed inside of his belly and then spread wider and wider. His own cock having been close to the edge the German Shepherd grunted and bit his lips to calm himself and save up his load for whenever he got a chance at the bitch.

The four dogs came down from their orgasmic high some time later and then pulled out of Weed, though not without some difficulty as thick knots weren't exactly completely deflated yet. Firm pops of flesh against flesh followed by the trickling sound of cum gushing out were the sounds that echoed through the small area around the group before heavy pants drowned everything up.

"Damn, that was actually amazing." Jerome said before walking up to the pack bitch and then sniffing over him.

"Would have been better if things had gone the way they should have." Ken grumbled before shaking himself off.

"Well we have time for that later. Let's get back before someone finds us out here." Kyoushiro said as he grabbed Weed, who had flopped to the ground and passed out, and then began to pad off back to where the others were.

The five older canines followed and snickered together as they watched a trail of cum run down behind them from where Weed's ass could no longer hold in all the mess. While the pup might have been tired now that was going to be nothing compared for later on that night when the pack decided to have him and as he doze off while hanging listlessly, body covered with cum from back to front, it was something that the pack's bitch was used to enough not to bother to complain about, if he had been awake anyway.

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