The Lion King: Nala's Training

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#1 of The Lion King Nala's Training

It was a dark day for PrideRock but that was to be expected. The king was dead, young Simba was gone and now Scar was claiming his right to the throne. Hearts were heavy indeed but even heavier came the news of what was to change in the lands.

For years the king, Mufasa, had done everything in his power to keep the hyenas out of the fertile lands. His sheer presence alone was enough to deter most and for those who were uncaring of their actions swift justice was met out by fangs and claws alike. The times had been fruitful indeed but now Scar purposed a union between the lions and hyenas. Not that this was really needed since the lioness were able to hunt well enough to feed themselves and their young while also leaving just enough for the rest of the predators that were around to eat relatively well.

Now with them having to work together things were going to be much harder for the lioness since the hyenas were known to drive off herds with their gluttony. Who knew what was to happen now that they would have full reign of the lands.

Of course that was when the new king let the females have the last blow and told them that they would be left to the mercies of the hyenas since he, of course, could not satisfy all of them at one time.

That alone made several of them roar in displeasure but they were swiftly silenced by Scar's powerful roar. All that was left behind in the wake was a miserable sense of despair and loathing followed by snickering laughter of the hyenas who loved this new information. At the top of the rock Scar looked down with ample glee on his cruel face, his dark eyes watched the females below and several in particular that would satisfy him just as soon as he got down from where he stood.

Meanwhile, one little lioness in particular was looking up at her mother with tear struck eyes as she wondered why things had turned out this way. "Mama," Nala asked as she looked up to her sad faced mother.

"Yes, dear?"

"Is everything going to be alright?" Her wide eyes as looked up at her mother begging the other to tell her that things would be ok.

"I don't know..."

Days later found little Nala being carried by the scruff of Scar's fangs as he walked her to his den before plopping her down roughly. The little lions growled but didn't do anything more before she looked up at the new king in question.

"Now don't give me that look. As the king I'm here to make sure that all the needs of the people are taken care for and that includes our new allies." Scar said as he glowered down at Nala who looked defiant.

"So why am I here then?" She challenged.

"It's because you my dear are a young lioness and as such you will be expected to bear cubs in the future. As I cannot possible mate with you now I'm going to let one of the others here show you how it is done and what will be expected of you." Scar proclaimed before turning his head somewhere far off.

Nala looked and found Zazu locked up in a cage made of picked bone, feeling particularly bad for the bird but having her own problems to deal with as she found her eyes wandering over and seeing the face of a certain hyena that was known for his particular personality.

"Well hey, lookie what we got here." Banzai strode over and then began to circle around Nala as if he were some kind of buzzard.

"Scar," Nala began only to turn around and find the other walking out of the cave with a glide in his stride. This left Nala alone with the hyena who was sniffing around her and giggling in that immature way that all of his species did.

"This is going to be so much fun. Just think of all the fun you and I are going to have." Banzai said before stopping in front of Nala and showing her his goods.

The little lioness tried not to look and backed away out of the cave only to be cut off when the hyena suddenly bolted around her and snapped at her flank.

"Don't even think about it. Scar's promised you to me and there's no chance that I'm letting you go without having a taste of the little princess."

"W-what did I ever do to you?" Nala asked while turning around and backing up hesitantly.

"Just think about all the times that you and that little punk Simba caused me all kinds of trouble," Banzai said with a growl as the memory of old pains came back to haunt him before he shook his head.

"Wasn't that your own fault?"

The hyena grumbled but soon ended the conversation when he bowled Nala over and then began to struggle with her to make her submit to him. Pride injured enough that Banzai wanted to settle things rather than going tat-for-tat with the smart aleck little lioness. Nala tried to fight back, injuring the other by batting him over the ears with her sharp kitten claws but that didn't have effect other than to piss him off and have the hyena snap at her in Nala's face.

"Nala! Stop that you brute!" Zazu squawked though not able to do much even as he struggled against the ivory bars holding him in.

"Ahh, shut up bird." Banzai said before subduing Nala and then positioning himself so that he could mount the little female while she was on her back.

Nala, having never before been taken in such a way, was both thoroughly unprepared for the short, but sharp penetration of Banzai's cock into her cleft and yowled out as loud as she could as her cervix was broken though like a blade of grass. Outside, many of the females listened to the yowl of their smallest member and looked to Nala's mother for answers about what to do but there was no answer from the older female as Scar was busy subduing her in the same way that Banzai was handling Nala. The older male lion happily getting a chance to lay claim to a female as he had never been able to do while his brother had been alive.

Back with Nala, Banzai was erratically moving his hips around as without much grace or form as he tried hard to breed himself inside of Nala's too tight cunt. The young female's body hadn't really been prepared for this now and was struggling to accept the thin girth of the male that was dominating her. It was really not helping things that Banzai was making that stupid cackle of his while fucking her and looking all the much like a lunatic while thrusting powerfully into her sex.

"Doesn't this feel good?" Banzai said with a grunt as he pounded away with all the force he could muster.

"N-no. St-stop it!" the little lioness tried to say but her breathing was becoming erratic as she felt her throat closing up in response to what was happening at her groin.

Banazai did just the opposite however and pulled himself back and up off of the little lioness just to give her time to breathe a pant of air before looking down and seeing exactly what it was that kept delving deep inside of her body. The tip of Banzai's penis was still wedged between the folds of her sex lips but the rest of his cock was liberally covered by the flow of liquids from the inner depths of Nala's cunt. The long spire was much thinner than what she thought it should be, not having experience on the matter Nala was left with interpreting what she felt as that monstrous thing kept going in and out of her without mercy.

For all the effort that was happening Nala could barely believe that something barely the size of her arm length was causing her so much pain. And looking down below she got a chance to see what exactly it was that was smacking into the underside of her tail every time Banzai thrust into her. Two oblong looking spheres were held nicely against the underside of the hyenas cock, perched in dark brown skin and looking like they were almost writhing together.

Nala didn't know what to think as she was sure that this couldn't have been as much fun as what her mother and her mother's sisters had talked about when king Mufasa mounted them in such a way. There was just too much pain for it to be pleasurable and when Banzai drove back in she nearly screeched to the sky as something inside of her was poked at with much more force than was needed. Nala cried and grunted, trying to put on a brave front but it didn't really her anywhere as the little lioness was hammered over and over by the large beast.

"Stop that you monster!" Zazu added his two cents only to get a series of chuckles from the hyena.

"Shut up already! Can't you see I'm busy here? This takes a lot of work, you know."

Banzai grunted and thrust his entire body almost into his work as he pumped into Nala again with enough force to literally rock the two of them.

Nala was panting harder now. Her teeth were chattering and her thighs actually felt like they were bruised as the hyena drove forward into her again and again. The lips of her sex were almost completely worn out by now and spread open almost like a flower as Banzai pulled back suddenly and then delved inside of her deep enough to make her stomach ache.

"Damn, this is so good. I want to do this every day." Banzai said with a cackle as he thrust deeper into Nala with every stroke.

"Simba's going to kill you for this!"

"Simba's dead and be lucky you're not. Otherwise how could you ever enjoy all this fun we're having." Banzai grunted before moaning aloud.

The hyena wasn't gentle in the least nor was he mindful of his charge however he was quick to come and with several more thrusts the larger mammal sunk himself deep into Nala and then started a series of shrill barks as he flooded her with his essence.

Though it wasn't helping anything that his knot, which Nala didn't even know he had happened to pop into her at the same time spreading her cunt open even farther and getting her to yelp out loud from impact as it drove inside of her.

If she could have been thankful Nala would have been grateful that there was no chance for the other to breed her with his cubs, but at the time she was just too full and too filed with aching pain to even bother.

Nala laid there underneath Banzai for several seconds before the hyena slowly pulled out of her, mapping her torso and chest with his seed as his sputtering tip rained down on her,Banzai's knot having shrunk enough so that the two could untie. Panting and drooling out of the sides of her mouth from the little exercise Nala slowly got onto her sides and then pushed her tired limbs up before shakily waving her rear just to see if it was still working properly.

"That was so good. Can't wait to go again, can you?" Like the original male Banzai flopped over onto his side and panted hotly at Nala while eyeing her sticky rear and sniffing at the cocktail of scents that wafted from both of their sweaty bodies.

It had only taken a minute for the both of them to get sticky but to Banzai that made the sex even better as he usually never got a chance with the females back home.Watching Nala with eagerness in his dark eyes the hyena leaned himself down and started to lick and lap at his leaking cock, tasting both himself and the little lioness and finding that he liked the taste with every rub of his tongue.

"N-no, I can't." Nala said as she tiredly walked out of the room and then went to go find a nice spot to lay down in where she couldn't be disturbed.

Banzai let her go for now, there was no need to chase what was already his and with Scar's promise there were going to be a lot more good times to come. Now all he had to do was make sure that Ed never got a whiff of this and tried to cut in.

Nala walked out with her legs shaking and found a tree to plop down under next to some of the other lioness that were talking to each other in quiet whispers. One of them, Nala couldn't tell who because she was just so exhausted walked over and then began to clean the other off with her tongue while lightly growling at the other in sympathy. The effort was appreciated as Nala looked up at the female and gave a growl back in return before lowering her head and going to sleep.

Meanwhile some of the females were conversing with each other about what they could do.

"This can't go on. It's not right." One of them said.

"shhh, lower your voice. Don't want to wake her up now."

"I know but to make Nala do this so young, what is Scar thinking?"

"He's the king..."

"Not a good one..."

Many of them nodded in understanding but they all knew that there wasn't much they could do about Scar's rule. Not with Simba gone anyway. All they could do was accept their place underneath Scar's rule and hope that something better would come of this. Some of the lioness looked out onto the rolling plains and watched as the grass and sky seemed to look almost darker these days and how many of the animals that once roamed were scare at best as many hyenas scoured the land terrorizing what limited prey was still in eye view.

Dark days were ahead and everyone present knew it, even little Nala as she curled up onto herself while basking underneath the warmth of one of the older females.

It was a few days later when Nala found herself back underneath Banzai.

"S-stop it!you're hurting me!" Nala tried to cry out but only got a snicker for her trouble.

"I'm not even in all the way yet!" Which was somewhat true as Banzai only had the tip of his cock inside of Nala but at the same time was holding her down as he laid down across her back while keeping her in place.

"Stop this you fiend!" Zazu said from where he was still trapped inside of his little cage.

"Ahhh, shut up bird," this having become something of a mantra between the three of them in an odd way.

Zazu would yell out, Banzai would tell him to shut up and then Nala would be left to moan in agony as the hyena would fuck her so hard that she was sure her hips were moving slowly out of place. Not helping any was the fact that her body wasn't growing accustom to these acts as Banzai made sure than he filled the little lioness up with his cum day after day while tapping his sac against her ass and grunting like he was doing some serious labor. However, today was a little different as the hyena was actually working differently in his ministrations as he took Nala on all fours instead of on her back.

Zazu meanwhile wondering, politely to himself, if there was some odd chance that maybe he could get a shot at Nala. Though there was little chance for him to ever address such a thing out loud and in good company.

The little lioness' tail was hiked up into the air, her sex was open and weeping and Nala herself was just barely grunting around the tip of Banzai's thin organ. The hyena chose today to move at a slower pace and thrust gently into Nala, spreading the lioness open so much so that she could feel every inch of him burying himself inside of her cunt.

The muscles in her back tightened up from the girth of his straining tip but that was alright with Banzai since it made hammering into the little cub so much sweeter. Letting his tongue drool out and down the side of his muzzle Banzai pushed and pushed and pushed until he popped fully inside of Nala. Laying there inside of her completely the hyena grunted and then rested on top of her back while letting his balls cool against the back of her underside.

Nala didn't know what was going on but she did know that she was in somewhat less pain than before but that was only slightly so much as Banzai was still too big for the limited space of her hole. It would be years before Nala was able to accept something as big as Banzai but for now she was getting much practice as she lay underneath he hyena and let him sit up in her as if he belonged there.

Seconds ticked by between the two as Banzai and Nala stood together, body to body, breathing slow and shallowly before the hyena made the first move. Pulling back, just an inch at first, Banzai let his cock slice through Nala's used cunt to where the little female was actually able to tell just how much was out of her rather than in. Pushing back with a deep stroke Banzai was able to get a grunt from Nala as he entered her fully once again only to pull back the same way and then push forward.

Using his hips to make the transition as deep as possible Banzai began to fuck Nala with practiced ease as he pulled more and more of his cock out of her before burying himself back in. The hyena hissed when he thrust too fast and the little lioness tightened up on him but that only served to teach him how fast to go and not to go.

For her part Nala was panting and moaning as she writhed underneath the bigger beast. Her snatch had literally been torn open before so there wasn't much else that the hyena could do to her to make the pain she had experienced any greater but what he was doing now was...just something else. For the first thing Banzai's cock was just too thin to fill up her depths the right way, though this made him long enough to poke deep into her guts at re-entry, and for the second he just wasn't gentle enough to do it right. Having her body angled at such an odd way wasn't adding to any pleasure in this as Nala scratched at the ground beneath her and turned up the rocks when the male began to slowly gain speed in his ministrations.

Banzai let himself ease into his rougher fucking as he swung his hips back and forth into Nala with all the care of a wilder beast stumbling across the ground. His balls slapped teasingly at Nala's cunt while at the same time they churned the cum in his sac so much that it made them pull upwards into his belly and then grow hotter on every stroke. Rolling his head around from the feelings alone Banzai grunted and pulled himself up, bringing Nala up with him in turn, and soon flopped down onto his back to where he was able to keep the little lioness positioned right on his stomach.

Nala's paws twitched in the air as they tried to find purchase but soon they shot straight out as Banzai began to hammer deeper inside of her than he had before. The positioning between them giving the hyena more leverage as he merrowedlike some kind of cat and then hilted deep inside of Nala with several fast thrusts.

Nala wasn't sure what had just happened, the pacing having broken itself off and then gone back to its original tempo before she realized that she was looking up and not down. Thinking that she could probably get away at this point the little lioness began to struggle to try and get away, not knowing that this was exactly what Banzai needed to make things even better.

"ohhh, yeah! Just like that. Move around on my cock just that way little kitten." Banzai said to himself though Nala got the cusp of it.

Growling and trying to fight Nala ended up bouncing up and down onto Banzai's cock over and over, making much more friction than she would have thought she could given the position she was in, and unwittingly impaling herself onto the hyena without him having to say a word.

It was an odd sight to see but at the same time it was what it was. Nala, in her youth and unknowing was literally fucking Banzai while the bigger hyena jammed up into her sex making sloppy wet noises echo out throughout the cave. Nala was still in pain though and Banzai was still enjoying himself so not much changed on that front but if anyone could have seen it, Zazu having been behind them so he couldn't see much, not like he wanted to anyway, they would have seen the hyena's cock forcing out juice from Nala's snatch while letting his own coat her widen lips with his pre.

Banzai's knot was starting to inflate once again and spread open Nala wide enough that the little lioness was groaning from pain even as she fought for her freedom. Tugging and slipping herself over the round girth without meaning to Nala only succeeded in making things much more pleasurable for Banzai in the process.

The two bucked and groan, shivered and moaned but all in all there was no change between them, save for when Banzai began to speed up.

Nala hissed when she felt herself coming without command and for his sake Banzai took full control and bucked up into her as hard as he could, try as he may to stimulate the inner nerves inside of the little lioness' pussy so that they would clamp down onto him. Banzai learned that this was it made the feeling of spreading his seed into Nala even better as the female clamped down onto him like a vice and held him steady as he sprayed her with his hyena cum.

The voices of the two rose together, Nala keening and Banzai laughing his usual laugh and before long the hyena came up into Nala literally making the female gush as his cum filled up her belly and them came out in a flood around both of their legs. His knot full and eager slipped up inside of the little lioness and tied the two of them together once more and this time making Nala yowl like a female in heat as she was once again spread open onto the larger male. Nala yelled again when she came, mixing her honey with Banzai's seed and shuddering uncontrollably while rolling around onto the hyena's stomach.

Balls tight against his stomach and wiggling, Banzai's orgasm lasted for several seconds longer than it had in prior times before the hyena came down from off of his heightened sensory deprivation and then started to pant heavily against Nala's scruff as he sniffed at the little lioness.

"You know, you are really one of the best. Can't wait to do this again." Banzai said mockingly causing Nala to roll her eyes as her stomach did the same. "Even better since you are so getting into this. I mean, who would have thought that you would actually fuck me like that while lying on my belly. Hehehe,"

Nala barely comprehended what the male was saying before she looked down at herself and then came to realize just what Banzai had meant.

"Oh no," she started but Banzai finished.

"Oh yeah man, I mean come on. That was just so great! Next time however, could you put a little more effort into moving your hips though; my stomach is really going to hate me for this late." Banzai spoke like he was actually talking to a female of his own species while sharing fuck notes.

Nala tried to muffle a whimper but it was no good. She started to ball her eyes out as the thought of what she had just done seeped into her head and without warning she snatched herself off of the other, the knot of the male still slightly enlarged enough to keep them together while dripping fluids all over herself and then raced out of the cave area.

"W-what? Was it something I said?" Banzai asked in confusion as he lifted his head up and then cocked an eyebrow.

Behind him Zazu only had one thing to say, "Moron. I could have done better than that."

To Be Continued???

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