The Fox and The Hound-Unedited

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It was a perfect day outside as a little fox kit ran in a large glade followed by his bloodhound pup friend. The two laughed and ran as the wind breezed by them both and stirred up blades of grass and flower petals. The bright red fox kit circled his canine companion making the pup dizzy until he fell over and then was tackled by the other.

"Gotcha Copper!" the fox yipped playfully as he bound up and down atop his best friend while the younger dog growled cheerfully.

"Yeah you did, but..." Tod looked down at his friend and then yelped when he was flipped over and shoved onto the dry grass making the blades surrounding them flutter towards the sky before cascading down to earth.

"Who's got who now?" Copper grinned at the pinned vulpine before rolling off of the other and then smirking before trotting off with a flick of his tail in the universal cub language of 'Catch if you can'.

Tod growled before he bound after the other and the two continued on with their merry chase. All around them insects and smaller animals watched as the two friends played their little game while up in a tall century old tree a maternal owl gazed down at the boys disheartenedly.

The boys made their way through the glade mindless of the time that was passing and before long the night had crept up over them and Tod and Copper made their way back home to Copper's house. Once at the bloodhound's home the pup says goodbye to his friend and then both split up for the night.

"You know one of theses days your going to get in real trouble." A dark voice says scaring Copper and making the pup turn around to stare at his adoptive father with fear and trepidation in his eyes.

Copper says nothing but when he hears his name being called by the human who owns himself and Chief he cringes and makes his way inside of the house to face his punishment. Not that that would stop him from seeing his best friend again, no matter what the man did.

The following day Copper met up with Tod again, back behind the human man's house and both decided on something new for their adventure.

"Hey, let's go and check out that barn over their with the cows and stuff?" Tod beckoned with his black paws towards the red shed.

"Why?" Copper inquired as he had always been told to keep out of their by Chief.

"...cause..." and with that Tod padded off to the barn while the bloodhound pup followed obediently behind.

Both younglings made their way to the large building surrounded by the smells of dozens of animals and bright green grass growing all around the edge of the perimeter. Tod smirked at the slow pace Copper was trailing before he nudged open a crack between the barn doors and disappeared inside. Copper whimpered as he knew that his father and the human man would be upset but he couldn't just leave Tod all by himself...

"Hey Copper come here!" Tod's voice was but a whisper as he called out to his friend.

The bloodhound pup cocked his head to one side in question before following on the footsteps of the fox kit. Inside of the old barn was dried hay scattered onto the dusty ground, a number of horses munching on oats with their muzzles bound to feed bags, cows standing around talking to one another and a sleeping pig. Copper was amazed at the variety of other animals in the place as Chief had kept him out but the bloodhound lost interest in the others as he searched for his best fiend.

Over by two loads of hay were two horses and both were doing something that made Copper's nose twitch and his belly do flip-flops. The little canine took sight of Tod and then settled down quietly beside the fox kit and eyed the two horses.

"What are they doing?" Copper asked.

"How am I supposed to know?" Tod quipped while eyeing the two horses.

"Looks like they're playing..." Copper interjected while not taking his gaze from the two males in front of him.

The two stallions grunted and groaned while the one atop the other bucked his hips into the other with quite a bit of force and then he made a loud neighing noise while stopping his hips from moving against the other. When the first horse stopped his gestures he backed away from the other and hopped from his back onto the ground.

"Had fun Charlie?" the horse that had hopped down inquired.

"hahaha...always stud." The voice of the other male replied.

The horse called Charlie nickered while shaking his head and walking behind his companion and sniffing at the tailhole of the other. To Cooper and Tod their was a white sticky stuff dripping from the other stallions rear but to Charlie it was a representation of his place as a stud horse. Charlie nickered again and then moved out of the two younglings view point followed by the other horse.

"That was weird, what do you think...Copper?" Tod looked to the side to see that his canine friend was making the same motions as the other animals had and was greatly confused by them.

"Whatcha' doing?"

"I...I don't know but the smell...the smell is..." Copper started to circle the small area he was standing in as his midsection felt funny and it disturbed him.

"Let's go and get something to are acting weird like they were." Tod left his friend behind with a funny look on his face and yipped back at the bloodhound pup to follow him.

Copper stopped his twirling and chased after his friend unaware that a little spit of pink had poked out of his sheath.

The two raced into the pasture in front of the barn and then onwards to the forest area to a small pond. Copper took a few cool sips of water and then looked down at himself.

"Feel better?" Tod asked

After checking himself over and then giving himself a tentative sniff the pup smiled and nodded to his friend. For the rest of the day the two friends frolicked and played until it grew late and they parted for home.

"You have some strange wish to get in trouble kid?" Chief asked his adoptive soon for the second day in a row even though he knew the answer.

"You won't play with me and I get bored. Besides Tod's not doing anything bad." Chief smirked at his son before he heard the master's call and watched as the pup was drawn inside with his head down.

"Kids...if I ever see that little fox..." the older canine didn't finish but the way he bore his fangs was statement enough.

During the night Copper had weird dreams that made him roll around in his sleep. Most of his dreams dealt with himself and Tod but this dreams was different. In this dream he and Tod were together jumping around and running all over the place but soon it was changed to him tackling Tod and then rubbing himself against the little fox kit.

Copper was standing over the little fox and then he was bucking his hips against the other. In his dream the young bloodhound drove his hips against the other and then the dream ended because he felt something out of the norm in his real body instead of his dream one.

Opening his eyes the little canine looked down at himself at the wet trail of fur on his belly. Rolling over form his back the bloodhound stared at the mess while sniffing at the sour sharp scent and then taking one lick off himself. The taste was the same as the smell but there was an underlining hint of salt that made the flavor bearable.

"What are you doing pup?" Chief asked the smaller canine while opening his eyes and staring at his boy.

"I had a dream..." it was the only thing that sprang to mind when Copper could gather his thoughts as he continued to lave over his stomach until the bare hint of the bitter liquid was left.

The older gray furred dog got up and went over to the bloodhound and then licked the pup's body with his broader tongue. At the taste on his pallet Chief smirked to himself and continued licking Copper.

"What are you doing?" the little bloodhound asked

"Cleaning you up. You made a mess of yourself...can't have master seeing you like this." Chief was pleased with his own half lie and smirked in his mind before grunting and finishing his job.

"oh...okay." Copper relaxed and let his adoptive father continue and in the next couple of minutes the older dog stopped what he was doing and then settled back down to sleep.

Copper nuzzled against chief before he yawned and returned to sleep with both canines wearing happy grins on their respective muzzle.

The next morning Copper and Tod met up with each other and the two friends played around with each other until the young bloodhound was atop of the fox kit just like in his dream.

"Hey Tod hold still would 'ya, I want to try something..." the little vulpine nodded and waited for his pal to do whatever it was he was going to do.

The puppy made slow jerking motions with his hips before he gained a structure to his movements and then began to hump himself against Tod's body.

"Wh...what are doing?" Tod felt a splinter of fear before his heart began to pound in his chest and his midsection throb.

"Something I did in a dream last night with you..." Copper kept up his motions but Tod was squirming around too much for any dog friction to start.

"Stop moving! It'll just take a sec."

"No!" Tod slipped from up under the bloodhound and then he turned over onto his back and backed away with his tail curled under himself.

Copper began to give off miniature growls as he stalked up to the nervous fox kit. Tod yipped in fear before he turned around and started to run away but his tail got in the way and the little kit fell onto the ground. Copper took the opportunity to pounce on his friend and then growl at Tod while rubbing his hips against him.

Tod yelped when something poked at his tail and then he whimpered before sobbing. The bloodhound was mindless as he felt really good at the time and soon enough he felt that wet feeling on his friend's tail. Stopping once he was sated Copper looked down at Tod who was motionless and then blinked when the fox took off like shot for home.

"TOD!!!" the last thing of the fox Copper saw was the matted and glistening tail of his friend waving in the wind behind him.

Copper felt his ears droop and then a bubbling vibration in his chest before he let out a mournful howl. The sound carried a short distance because of his age and completely missed the little kit who was almost home at Ms. Tweed's house.

When almost an hour had passed and his voice was hoarse the pup turned and slowly sunk home with his tail flat on the ground like a paperweight.

'I did something' bad...' was the last thing he thought before leaving the grassy field.

When the little bloodhound finally got home Chief was waiting and was going to reprimand the little pup but the look stilled anything the older canine would have said. Instead, the older hunts dog watched the pup slink down beside himself and then curl up in a ball while whimpering. Chief felt like he should have said something to the pup but he was never any good at comforting others so instead the older dog curled around his pup and nuzzled close to him while Copper cried himself to sleep.

It took three days before Tod showed at the usual spot for both himself and Copper. The little fox carefully made his way over to a crestfallen bloodhound pup who was too busy howling for him to notice the red fox kit sneaking up on him.

"Why are you doing that?" Tod asked while keeping a good three feet from the other.

Copper stopped his howling and opened his eyes to see his best friend and immediately the puppy started for the other. However, Tod kept the distance between them as he backed away.


"Don't...don't ..." was all the fox kit said as he shook his fuzzy head and tail tucked between his legs.

"Tod...I'm sorry about before. I...I really didn't mean to scare you... I just..." Copper sunk his head low and his floppy ears touched the ground while the little pup began sobbing.

Tod stopped his retreat as he gazed at his friend and then sniffed the air before sitting down on the grass and twitching his ears in question.

"Why did you do that before?" Tod asked.

"I...I...just...well...I...wanted that...thing" Copper tried to talk as he sobbed and his voice tightened while his throat started to go dry.

"What thing?" Tod's natural curiosity made him eager to understand what his friend was talking about.

"In my and me was...doing the thing...those horses...were...doing."

"That's why you got on top of me?" Tod's tail swished side to side as he remembered what those stallions were doing to each other back in the barn a few days ago.

"Yeah..." Copper tried to smile through his streak stricken face but his matted fur and crust in his eyes made him look kinda mucky which made Tod smile a bit.

The little fox went up over to his best friend and licked over his face with his little tongue while murring at the little bloodhound pup. After a while Copper's face was clean but Tod kept up his tongue's motions on the other's face. Copper made a funny sound in the back of his throat at the warm feelings moving down his face to his groin. His middle started to feel funny and before long Copper was hunching his hips into the fox kit's stomach while Tod kept up his ministrations.

"T...To...Tod...I'm...f....feeling...funny...again..." the fox kit paid little mind and kept licking over the pup's face until finally Copper couldn't take it any longer and gave out a shrill howl and spurted over the fox's stomach.

Tod stopped what he was doing when he felt that warm and wet stuff over himself for the second time and then backed away from the little bloodhound. Looking down at his glittering stomach the kit dipped his black paw into the stuff and then took a sniff of his glimmering paw.

"It smells funny..." Tod tentatively stuck out his tongue and flicked over the shiny substance and then recoiled. The taste was salty and bitter like an old peanut but once the flavor rolled around in his muzzle, Tod found that he kinda liked it.

The little fox licked up the rest of the slimy stuff from his paw and stomach and then turned to look at his best friend with a silly smile on his face.

"Tod...ugh...I'm sorry about before and just now...I..." Copper babbled a half formed apology before he was met in the face by Tod's heavy form as the fox kit knocked him down and over onto the grass.

The two continued spinning around for a while before Tod was able to get control and lay on top of Copper.

"Its okay...just tell me next time before you do that..."

"You forgive me?"

"Yep! We're friends and friends forgive each other!" Copper smiled up at his friend before both began a long day of playing and running around.

Meanwhile, one large hunter dog sat on his haunches in the shade of a tree while watching the two cubs tussle and another little fox kit watched from her vantage point a couple feet away. As the two friends broke away from each other and into a dead run the little female fox kit perked her ears and looked to see a large dog a few yards away. Huddling back into the shadows of the bushes, the little vixen quietly scampered away and out of sight.

Chief snorted as he watched his son and the little fox play but all the while a stirring in his groin kept the older canine from chasing after the little fox. Watching on and then getting bored, Chief found his way back to the master's house and casually walked off without a word.

Tod and Copper kept up their games until the darkness of the night crept over the field and the stars began to come out to twinkle.

"Same time tomorrow Tod?" Copper asked while scratching his head with his paw.

"Yep! See ya'!" Copper watched as his best friend ran off towards home before he decided to do the same.

Later on when Copper finally got back, home the older human that owned him was surprised to note that the little pup was back home without any problems. Patting the bloodhound on the head, the man fed both of his dogs before going in for the day. It was later on during the night when the little pup had rubbed himself against the older canine that Chief couldn't take it any more.

"Hey kid, wake up." Copper stirred and blinked opened his eyes and the yawned widely before looking up at his guardian.

"Huh, what is it?" Scratching on the side of his head the pup rose off the ground and then stared at the other dog intently.

"There's something I need you to take care of for me." Chief walked over the younger pup until his sheath was at the top of the bloodhound's head and a small tip of pink peeked out at Copper.

"Wh-What are you?" Copper stuttered for a minute before he noticed the pink tip getting larger.

"I was watching you and your little friend today and if you don't want me to chew him up and hand him over to the master you might want to get to it. I know you know what to do kid." The older canine hunched his hips forward as the final few inches of his doggy cock pushed out of his furry holder and pointed at Copper. A subtle drop of sticky liquid dripped down on the ground right near the pup's nose making Copper back up just a bit.

"Bu-but..I..." the younger canine was between fear and somewhat elation as the scent of the musky stuff wrapped around his senses.

Chief didn't say anything more but let a slow growl leave his throat, as he wanted the boy to hurry up. Copper yipped at the sound his guardian made and padded up to the other's cock and then clenched his eyes shut before reaching up and giving it a tentative lick.

The taste was horrid, as the older canine hadn't been washed in weeks and the gamy feel of the usually unused mating tool made Copper's stomach roll. Unfortunately, Chief was in heaven, as he hadn't mated anything since he was a younger canine. Dipping his hips closer to the little bloodhound, Chief wanted to feel more of that hot wet tongue roaming over his cock as he didn't know if he would have the kid to do this again.

'Who am I kidding? He's going to be doing this a looooong time if he can make me feel this good.' Chief thought to himself.

Copper extended his tongue more and more while trying not to breathe in the scent of the unwashed canine. The sticky stuff that had dripped onto the ground coated the inside of the younger pup's mouth and gagged him but Chief wouldn't be denied. Bucking further and harder, the older dog felt his knot start to enlarge and push away from his body out of his sheath, all the while Copper kept his eyes close and his tongue lapping at the cock in his throat.

The pup had no real style when it came to this and often his immature fangs would prick against Chief's making the larger dog groan out but the tight feel of his throat muscles squeezing the other made the older canine pant and clench his teeth to still the howl that wanted to come out. His hips were almost a blur as Chief dragged his rear end back and forth from Copper. The pup face and muzzle was coated in both saliva and his pre and with a quick bark Chief let out the cum that had been in his balls.

The sudden deluge of seed caught the pup off guard and he choked down the first blast that shot into his mouth but when the next shot came Copper backed away and was caught in it. The sudden bursts hit the bloodhound on the face, body, and ears until Chief had nothing more to give and just kept humping air. Once the older dog was done, he looked down at the pup and laughed to himself at how the younger one tried to vainly get the white stains of seed out of his fur.

Bending down and lapping at Copper's body, Chief was able to clean the other with a few licks before he sat down on his rear end and licked himself clean. His large canine cock was still dripping cum but soon the flow ended and the hard staff retreated back into its holder.

"You did pretty good kid. Might get you to keep it all in next time." Chief noted the horrid look on the boy's face and settled down to sleep while drowning out the quiet whimpers emanating from the young pup.

The little bloodhound whimpered a few times before he got up on shaky paws and left the safety of the doghouse to the cool outside night. Not wanting to go back and have to be near the smell of Chief's cum, Copper walked a little ways away and then settled down near a tree. Falling into deep sleep, the little pup curled himself into a tight ball and tried his best to go to sleep all the while repulsed at the taste on his tongue and in his throat.

The next morning found Copper wide eyed and bushy tailed as he got up and ate breakfast that his master had set down for himself and Chief. The two canines refused to look ate each other but every now and again Copper could feel the older dog's eyes on his back making long shivers run down his spine. When the last of the dog food had been eaten the pup scampered out of the house and to where he and Tod were supposed to meet for the day with the older human looking befuddled at the bloodhound's speed of pace.

"Wonder where's he off to in such a hurry boy?" the older huntsman asked his loyal pooch.

Chief turned to look at where his charge had gone and licked his lips while thinking about a certain red tailed fox.

Copper was running at full speed as he raced into the forest glen to get away from home. All through the night his mind was a whirl of thoughts and emotions and dreams that depicted scenes of situations that would make a holy man burn his eyes out. Copper held down by Chief as the older canine ravaged him with his great length, being filled with the older dog's cum, having to take that stiff cock into his throat to nurse on, being used again and again and again until he was so filled up that he would burst, all the while Chief would be in the height of ecstasy while Copper was having the longest day of his relatively short life.

The dreams had been so bad that Copper had woken up several times and look around him just to be sure that Chief was sleeping in his house. Not wanting to take any chances, the little pup made sure to keep his tail down at all times around the other and his body at a far away distance in order to not give the older canine any ideas of a repeat performance. How Copper would sleep tonight would be a mystery but he'd figure something out.

Coming to the spot where he was supposed to meet his best friend, Copper took note that his buddy was nowhere around and guessed that he was a bit early. Hunkering down and circling twice, the pup made himself wait for Tod while watching insects flutter around him in both the sky and on the ground.

Soft, incoherent sounds woke Copper from his light nap, one he hadn't realized he had fallen into, and the little pup lifted his head to hear a quiet yips and murrs coming from a couple of yards ahead of him. Getting up and shaking himself off, Copper quietly crept over to where the noises were emanating from. Looking around a tall oak tree the young was amazed to see his fox friend with another little fox playing with each other. Or maybe 'playing' wouldn't be the right word as Tod was on top of the other vulpine and humping his hips into the other while barking and yipping like mad.

Copper padded over as quietly as he had come and stared at the two while keeping downwind. Tod was driving himself full paced with his hips slapping against the other fox as the other kit murred out loud and turned her, since the scent of the other wafting into Copper's nose was female, head back and forth in pleasure as Tod kept up his fast jackhammer like thrusts.

It was about the moment when the bloodhound caught the wet, musky heat coming from the two vulpines that he began to rock his hips in time with his best friend. His body ignited under the barrage of smells; Tod's personal scent, the smell of the female under him, the heady flavor of precum, the air of a female being bred, and his own musk as his cock tip dripped clear fluid out into the forest. Not paying full attention to himself, Copper walked up to the duo and dug his nose into the back of Tod's tailhole while taking in his best buddies musk.

Tod yipped and stopped humping and then turned around to see what it was that was poking him in the butt.

"Copper?!" Tod stared at his best friend with wide eyes as he felt every lick of the other's tongue crease over his tight little pucker running electric shocks up his back.

Tod kept still for so long that the loss of friction made the little female kit under him turn around to see what the problem was and then take note of the little pup. Shock fell over the other fox's face and she pulled away from Tod's grip and ran away into the surrounding forest. The fox boy watched as the younger female ran off while dropping from his raised position onto the ground with his small foxhood leaking from the tip back to his immature sac.

"Copper!!!! You made her run off!!!" Tod turned to his canine companion and growled while waving his tail around out of the other's face.

"So?" the little pup was still mindfully licking the other's tight anus completely unconcerned with Tod's lack of relief.

"..ggrrr....will you cut that out!" Tod snarled over his shoulder as Copper started to hump into his licking before he pulled away and then jumped on top of Tod's back.

"W-What are you doing? Get off of me!!" Trying to shake the other off Tod waved his hips around against the poking of Copper's hips.

"Come on, just let me do what you were doing to that girl. She was liking it so you should to."

"But I don't have a..."

"Yes you do..." With a quick jab the little bloodhound pup pushed his small cock into his best friend's tailhole and then hilted himself in one go. "See?"

Tod grunted as he felt the full weight of the pup on his back and then the thrusting of the canine hips against his. While the little vulpine may have had fun mounting the female he wasn't sure he was enjoying what his best friend was doing to him. Not that it was bad with Copper rutting inside of his backside, but it was just so weird. Tod never had anything inside of his body that made him feel quite like what Copper was making him experience. The lightning fast jabs punched inside of his butt while their two sacs slapped against each other, and then the heavy scent of the pup's breath over his shoulder and right near his nose proved to make Tod just a bit lightheaded.

But nonetheless, the fox kit bore the weight of his buddy and soon found himself pushing back as Copper hit something dead on inside of the vulpine. When the little canine would heave forward with all of his weight his cock would punch against something that made Tod see stars. Gasping and groaning, it felt only natural to have more of the sensation running through and only by counter thrusting his hips into his friend's thrust did the pleasure in Tod rise.

Copper felt himself getting close, as he was too young to hold back his lust and prolong their mating. With several deep jabs the bloodhound sunk himself as deep as he could into Tod and then howled out. Tod yipped as well when his best friend started to cum inside of him and then his own cock pulsed out white thick trails of seed onto the green grass.

When their rapture had come to an end, the two collapsed onto the ground and then panted out heavily against one another.

"Tod?" Copper asked while looking down at his playmate.

"Huh?" the fox looked upward.

"That was fun."

"I...I guess so..."

"Let's do that again real soon, okay?"


Tod didn't say anything more as he wasn't sure about repeating this performance but a quirky smile did pop up onto his muzzle as Copper gave two small humps with his hips into the vulpine's rear. Across the small meadow, the little female was busy watching the two boys resting on top of each other while turning her head this way and that, that she never noticed a large shadow pass over her body and a white set of fangs glimmer over her head until she heard a deep growl and then turned her head around and gasped in fright.

Written By Shaesullivan Commissioned by me

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