Kayla Ackarts (Childhood)

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#1 of Kayla's Life

Kayla Chronicles: Aspatria

By: Professor Bob

Owned By: Shippo


Kayla Chronicles: Aspatria By: Professor Bob Owned By: Shippo

In the 29th century, the technology of rejuvenation allows for immortality. This is not that planet, or that time. The Chronicles entail the stories of the past and present yet to be told. (Side Story One)

The brick wall behind the short, young Aspatrian fox was colored red from the dark sunlight breaking through the dark red atmosphere and dense smog as she stood and stared at the two solitary metal coins within her scraped right paw as her customer walked away as if nothing had even happened. Standing in front of the wall beside the alley she called home was her daily, daunting task. Barely five years old, the girl had little else besides her name - Kayla Ackart. There was certainly nothing rewarding about acting as a prostitute to stay alive, earning usually one coin for her troubles, or the back of another Aspatrian's paw. A beggar child, skinny and living in the slums littered between the factories and apartment complexes, could be abused without repercussions from the industrial-operated police para-military taskforce.

The child Kayla bore no letters upon the backs of her paws, but instead cuts and bruises from her struggle to live to the next day. Those around her showed her how to speak, get food. She had no parents aside from all the other homeless Aspatrians that covered the industrial city. Her customers were the rich, or the frustrated, who desired a piece of a child's muzzle or other preferred orifice. They ventured out from their clean, indoor paradises and wealth to satisfy primal sexual urges, seeing that no Aspatrian child wore clothing, and using them was not illegal. While the poor children, barely eating and breathing the polluted, toxic air were often bony and used, there was always those few diamonds whom stayed in decent health. Kayla, even if her fur was messy, at least had some meat on her bones from all of her efforts. Her body was sore from the occasional beating - bruises on her little belly aching as she knelt down and tucked her earnings under a brick laying broken on the ground.

Despite the pollution, and the beggar adults in the alleys dying of cancers and disease, her young body could stand the stresses of the pollutants in her little lungs, and her eyes could see clearly in the dense sea of red that was her planet. This was more then enough to attract customers who wanted a little girl that they could leave and never think about again. Men, women, and even the occasional child dropped a slip of currency at her footpaws as she wiped her muzzle clean and tidied her pride back up. All enough to eat a meager meal of food and repeat the process, while those past clients went back to their lives of riches, far away from her grasp and sight.

Looking up from her idle, adolescent thoughts, Kayla spotted someone walking down the dirt lined road, coming towards her and her alley. With the thought of maybe earning three coins in one day, even if that wasn't enough to buy scraps, she swished her small tail in excitement to await an offer she hoped would come. Her back was to the wall, orange fur seeming tinted red from the sickly light of her planet's sun as she placed her paws at her side and stood up straight. No five year old looked this attentive and obedient, leaving this sort of pose, chest out, thinly furred groin visible, to be the standard position to advertise yourself and show you were open for business. Flat chest, sweet little body - almost looked like she kept herself clean! This tactic showed her body to the passer's eyes, to allow them to stop and examine her form and body parts. As most did, the man approached her and knelt down quietly, reaching his paw between her slightly spread legs as she stood at attention, running two fingers across her tiny feminine lips. Thankfully, even at her young age, she was accustomed to this enough to not even look the man in the eyes and seem disrespectful as a female. Feeling her vaginal lips being spread for visual examination of the pink, supple flesh in between, Kayla took a deep breath and awaited the man's decision. Felt like a long, silent wait, as this man dipped his muzzle in close till she felt the wetness of his ebony nose press to her hood, and the movement of dry air against her moist folds as she felt him take a deep sniff. Scent examinations were not uncommon, with their noses rubbing about her still firm pedals of skin, but it was still hard for a five year old's mind to stay so quiet and stare forward over the top of the man's head and shoulders without moving her eyes. The man's fur tickled her puffy slit as he kept it spread firmly with a press and pull from his thumbs.

"You're acceptable. Stay silent and I'll use you", the older male Aspatrian spoke in their native tongue, still upon his knees as he lifted his head from Kayla's groin and into her field of vision. His tone was deep and plain, clearly having done this many times before as his eyes met her's with a cold sense of distance. The fur of his two ears were entirely black with a patch of white against his neck - body shrouded in a simple semi-wealthy man's robe. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary to the child fox, as this degree of male dominance was how the planet was run, and so was the self-prostitution business. To approve, the young Kayla gave a quick two nods and awaited instruction, or the male to begin, smelling the sweet aroma of his fragrance no homeless Aspatrian wore. Barely moving from his spot, the male lifted himself from his knees and pulled free the robe's ties to make the shroud of clothing fall to the ground with a heavy flop against the dirt road to bare his body and clear erection. Orange fur tinted red in the glow of the foul air, the girl looked down his form to examine the canine appendage peering from the white furred sheath of the man, and the fact his sac was only half white with an orange patch on the left side of his body.

Kayla did not expect so much force from the man after she just accepted his 'patronage'. The young fox was taken by sharp surprise as she felt a quick slap of the man's thick fingers across the top of her muzzle as she looked forward into his crotch, sting biting into her snout. She yelped aloud and took one step back with her right footpaw, sight down towards the ground, not seeing the other Aspatrian's paws lunge for her arms. In an instant she went from her innocent attempts to gain food, to being slammed against the solid brick wall behind her - back making the hardest contact as her shoulders were pressed into the wall firmly. Her head shot up with a look of fear and shock, finding darker eyes and an amused grin only an inch from her muzzle. Seems things had gone awry on her yet again, lips quivering at the thought of being hurt while doing this yet again. She just wanted to eat! Even one coin! Please!

"Wha' are you doing? Don't.. you want me to..?", the smaller fox spoke in her tiny jittery voice, messing up the words of her language slightly as she tried to figure out his intentions. He just stared at her that whole time, as if begging for her to say something and show her fear. Didn't he want her to do her thing?

"Hush girl!", the man snapped in a light tone that Kayla could not understand, rubbing his thumbs hard into her shoulder-blades to make the child wince and whine. Pressing into sensitive areas like that and seeming so calm and pleased, and she hadn't even begun doing anything for him yet. The quiet nature was frightening the girl more then any loud, grunting, thrust-happy man would be. Skin of her muzzle tensing from the pain, she was on the verge of tears, turning her eyes to her left towards the alley she called home with other homeless Aspatrians. Could they hear her if..?

"Help! Help!", Kayla got to call out twice towards the alley, hearing nothing more then her own voice in the empty niche she sold herself in before she was again struck by the man's thick right paw - this time close fisted. His bony knuckles bit harshly into her left ribs, causing her to sputter and cough, losing her balance for a moment as she began to sob and wail like a baby from the treatment. The mild punch to her side left an immediate bruise, and was the man's sign that he'd have none of that. Eyes clenched and crying as she stood, pinned to the wall, Kayla folded her ears back as soon as she heard nothing more then the cruel man's heavy breathing. There was no one in the alley right now to come and save her, leaving her all alone within the man's grasp.

"You better cooperate if you want this to end any time soon, filth-urchin", the man threatened above her, speaking cruelly and authoritively, as any rich Aspatrian male would speak to a low class female child. As emphasis, he again smacked Kayla's right shoulder into the wall, scraping up the back of it against the rough brick. The little fox could only shake and sob from fear and pain.. which gave the man a malicious idea to give her something to actually cry about before he had his way with her body.

Taking her by a tuft of fur on top of her head, the older Aspatrian yanked Kayla away from the wall and got his left arm around her small form. Paw grasping her left arm, securing her in a standing position in a lightning fast instant that threw her small footpaws off their balance, he raised his right arm high and let his open paw cut the air. Not caring much where he struck the young girl, the man landed heavy swats that made a loud 'pop!' that echoed against the walls across the small dirt road as his palm and fingers drilled sharp stings into the backs of her legs, rear, back, and tail. Out of a child's instinct, Kayla howled out hoarsely from her small fox throat, trying to drop her footpaws out from under herself to fall away from the painful spanks behind herself, but his grip held her up. This wasn't like any spanking she had ever received.. once in a while, she'd do something foolish to her life and one of the other homeless Aspatrians would ensure she'd never made such a mistake again. Their callused, heavy paws upon her tender, tiny body often left her bruised to prove their points, the few times that had happened. The man beating her body was much stronger then the starving foxes in the alleys, and did not direct his swats with good intentions. It was nothing more then striking her for his own gain, but without a closed fist as other angry males would do. That was blunt, sudden pain that quickly ended even if it left an ache after her duty was done. These swats were taking the air from her lungs each time his paw sharply spanked her flat, bare furred back, and the sting accumulated as if being punished. Kayla's cries and howls slowly turned to a high pitched sob, stepping back and forth on her dirty footpaws with her eyes clenched and ears folded tightly back as the tears pooled and flowed down her orange cheeks freely. If there was anything she hated, it was this pain, and being scared. Spanking was by no means her forte - life was hard enough as it was.

"Please stop! No more! Don't spank me!", the five year old Aspatrian cried out in a pleading yell that was garbled by her crying, even if the words were understood clearly by her assailant. The child's swishing and lashing tail was a joy to spank, feeling his paw warm up from the harsh slaps against her small, sensitive body. Her fur between his fingers, claws nicking at her pelt to leave welts, simply spanking a 'naughty' street child.. It was turning out to be invigorating. Only as a cruel grin crept across the muzzle of the older fox did the swats end, and the area around them again silence aside from the desperate sobbing of Kayla. The slaps to her small back and limbs from such a large heavy paw left her in the middle of a good cry, sting and ache very deep from her skin down into muscle. Across her back it felt like constant pin pricks, her backside stung and throbbed, her legs and tail ached from being pounded on; all more then enough to persuade one as young as Kayla to cooperate and show some respect.

"I'll think about it, if I get to do it a bit more. Turn around!", the male ordered, even if he turned her body around by himself with light force and placed her belly and muzzle right up against the brick wall. The sand from the wall caked into her fur as she laid her cheek against the wall to sob and allow the older male to do as he pleased. She wanted no more of this, and to accept it was the only way to eventually escape it. The man's paws on her back, shoulders.. sliding around her fur, made her muscles tense and her tail tuck tightly between her thin little legs. Feeling his claws drag down her back, across her stinging slap-marks, the fox bared her teeth from the pain - claws scraping across her lower back till they reached the base of her tail. Grasping the base of the furry tail in his left paw, he yanked it up to bare her young rear to his sight while his right paw stayed on Kayla's right shoulder to hold her to the wall. Took a lot to try and calm her cries, in fear of the further spanking. Tearful whimpers were still abound as that paw on her shoulder drifted down her side in a quick motion against her matted fur to cup her young bottom, with the man massaging his fingers into the soft behind, and his thumb against the warm, fleshy pucker of Kayla's tailhole. The man's clean fur tickled and teased the sensitive patch of bare flesh; a feeling that made her jaw quiver harder as the older male molested her to bring out good sensations against the sting he had already drilled in.

Taking his paw from Kayla's backside after a few moments, he repositioned his footpaws to steady himself, erect cock bouncing in the open air. Eyes locked on that soft little ring of muscle below the base of the child's tail, he slapped his open paw, solid and firmly, against her. The slap was crisp and sharp sounding, with the top of his palm, at the base of his fingers, spanking a sting down into her tailhole like a hot needle, while the rest of his paw struck furred, baby-fat behind. Kayla squealed aloud quick enough before receiving six quicker spanks to her bottom, towards the base of her rear and legs, to the sexual delight of the male behind her. To him, little Kayla's cries and footpaw squirming reactions were priceless - making pre bead copiously at the tip of his canid shaft. Her tail fought against the squeeze of his restraining paw, and her tailhole clenched and quivered with each volley of spanks to her tender flesh that now stung and ached quite badly to her adolescent mind. To use the little one was pure trill to him.

"Stop!", Kayla screeched in lightly bawling tears, scuffing the rough pads of her bare footpaws against the ground - tip of her tail twitching as her bottom reddened more beneath her fur, and her bare pucker grew hot from the rough treatment. With a growling, sexual sound of approval, as if he wasn't even listening to Kayla's cries, his right paw slid between the young Aspatrian's legs as his muzzle dipped in close to her rear. Furred lips parting, the fox drew out his wet tongue and licked it up the crease of the girl's behind to press it against the flesh of her sore pucker as it passed, moistening the skin and the fur at the lower base of her tail. Nose sniffing as he licked for aromas of the little one, lips and tongue massaging at the ring of tailhole muscle, his right paw stroked at the girl's inner thighs, and the soft patch of skin between her puffy young slit and her bottom down there between her legs. Kayla's pelvis pressed into the cold wall and took a deep huff through her nostrils from the licking and brushing, filling her chest with the smog that crept down towards the ground. The man made a contented moan, vibrating the tip of his tongue as it slid inside of Kayla slightly, licking away and massaging the girl's small slit to feel her chubby lips and the heat between them with his fingers. Brushing his fingers towards himself and away, he shifted the young vagina around and toyed with the folds as he pressed it up hard towards her body, generating much heat from the friction of his fur against her almost barely furred slit. Was an intense sexual feeling for both parties, even if Kayla was forced to take it unwillingly, taking in the stimulation to her nethers. Parting his tongue with the girl's tailhole, the man watched the saliva slickened hole quiver as his muzzle left it and blew a stream of air across the delicate anus of his young toy. His paw only had to rub at the pink, soft flesh of the girl's sex to feel the peak of his arousal, smelling his scents and a hint of female fox from his paw's unwelcome attentions.

Fingers slowly absorbing lubricating fluids from the walls of the girl's slit into the fur of his fingertips, as soon as the moisture hit his skin, the man took his paw from Kayla's groin and held her to the wall with his free paw to indulge his senses. The male wafted his fingers in front of his nostrils to take in the kit's personal scent, then wiping the moisture on his lips with a shallow inhale of breath from the sheer sexual delight. All Kayla could do was stand still on the tips of her toes, pressed to the rough wall to try and stop her tears. But at five, as a total age, there was nothing to stop those sorrowful sobs. She hurt from her back all the way down to her knees, as well as within her own mind from the other, less painful sensations. It's not like she wanted the genitals of others in her muzzle; she just wanted to eat. The man frightened her to no end, scared of making any sudden moves or mistakes that would earn more smacks of the other fox's open paw to her bare back or legs. From the scratches left on her skin, her back stung worse then her rear, but only by slightly. She didn't want to do this anymore.

"See? What a good little girl.. ", she heard the man taunt into her folded ears, tail shaking in fear as she listened to him nip and lick the light bits of feminine moisture from his fingers. Her own moisture was no mystery - she had seen enough other females to know that things got wet. But she was five, and it was hard to accept she'd be making even little bits of moisture as if she was liking it, like those females she was forced to provide oral sex for if she wanted a single metal coin. Her clitoris was erect, as tiny as it was, and the entrance that she simply called her 'hole' felt dilated and funny. Wasn't the time for such things, and made her more frightened and used.

"Can I go now? Please?", the young Kayla was prompt to ask as soon as she swallowed the saliva she built up, to quench her dry throat. Didn't even want to ask for a tip at this point.. only to get back in her alley. She tensed in expectation of a crack across her back, or claws digging into her vagina's defenseless lips, but nothing like that had happened. Instead, she felt the man get closer to her.. very close. His belly pressed to her back, and his arms held her's, stroking down them slowly, almost sensually. Arousal diminished his force and he wanted nothing more then to please his throbbing shaft, and the sac hanging between his legs that needed pressure taken off them. Hormones and scents were strong to his senses, with the male rubbing his muzzle against Kayla's neck, breathing in her dirty fur scent and nipping at her pelt. It stung badly when her skin was pinched during some nips, but the girl kept it to a teary whine, nice and quiet.

"You are going no where yet. Lift your tail. You have a job to finish", she was ordered quietly, with the man speaking at a whisper into her folded ear, feeling his hot breath against her skin and moving her fur. Not liking the idea, but not about to argue, the young Aspatrian did as told, lifting her sore tail. It was promptly pinned to her back by the man's own body as he moved in closer, pressing her to the wall as the tip of something sticky and hot touched the very back of her slit where the two lips came together. Not being a fool of a girl, Kayla lowered her head and closed her eyes in fright and shame that this happened. In moments, the older man's paws were on her shoulders for leverage, and his cock was squarely positioned with it's pointed canine tip between her labia. Whimpering and whining, Kayla served to enhance the rich male's pleasure through her disdain as he felt her moisture meet his own, pre mixing with adolescent female juices.

"And keep quiet!", the nameless fox snapped at Kayla as a warning, readying his muscles to thrust while the kit spread her own legs at the first initial press against her vaginal opening. With one solid, strong thrust with his hips, the man pressed Kayla to the wall and sank her down onto his cock. The pain made her want to scream, jerking her head and opening her maw wide, but nothing came out. His cock forced her lips wide open and plunged into her less-than-virgin passage, seeing now why another homeless girl had used an old rod in the alley to break that little flap of skin inside her 'hole'. She bled and cried then, but was spared the excess pain this time, and understood why it had been done when she was four and her vagina was growing to be more then an insignificant scratch that nothing would ever fit into. The male was much too large for her and stretched her feminine walls to the point of splitting, making tiny bleeding cuts that stung her sensitive slit to the point of silent, streaming tears. Though, as the man behind her held her and began to thrust in and out, beginning at a punishingly rapid pace, for his own sexual gratification, the small amount of blood pooled around his cock and mixed with her secretions to make a better lubricant for her short, tiny passage. The man could barely hilt himself sheath to slit with his street-toy he hit the back of her uterus so fast, but he forced himself right in till his balls smacked Kayla's inner thighs. Kayla's slit clenched and flexed the walls of her young passage, squeezing the adult's cock in what felt to him like stroking motions that were choking at his penis they were so tight and strong. It was a reaction more from pain then it was stimulation, but the girl's lubrication was coming from somewhere, with her clitoral hood rubbing against her sweet young nub against the wall. The motions against the wall were rough on the front of her body and groin, as well as her right cheek, but she was happy to stay still and take it if it meant getting away.

Huffing through his nose and muzzle, the man thrust his canine cock into Kayla quickly and violently, putting a lot of pressure and friction on her little pink folds. They turned from pink to red after seconds, till the lubrication got around and her skin stopped burning. Gave the man a warming sensation around his cock, with the masculine appendage throbbing inside of her body as deep as it could go. Kayla took in her breaths in sharp, quick intervals between her cries and squeals, scuffing her footpaws in the dirt and curling her fingers as the tears trailed down her soaked cheeks to drop from her fur, or land in dryer fur to be absorbed. All this time, no one had come to save her? Impossible! Why wasn't anyone helping her! It.. it hurt! At the desperate thought, Kayla cried aloud a sharp scream against the red tinted brick wall. It was met with silence, and more thrusts into her tender slit, with the nerves deep in her passage making muscles in her pelvis clench and quiver. They hurt to grasp the man's cock, and she did not wish them to.. as well as the constant pleasureful pulsing of her vaginal muscles from the brisk rubs to them the adult's thick cock was providing.

"I'll put you in your place, little street girl.. ", the male growled through his teeth from his lustful humping into the small toy he had found. The pressure in his full balls wanted out within the tight confines of Kayla's slit - the warmth, moisture, and sexually arousing aromas drove the lustful man mad. With lacking care that she had cried out, the man sought to finish his sex with the kit as he grew tired of holding her against the wall and thrusting into her from below. Paws squeezing her shoulders, cock impaling the young girl, he pulled her from the wall and thrust her body downwards till her face smacked the dirt below. Kayla howled into the sandy ground as it all filled her maw and her muzzle throbbed, being pressed down on nothing more then her knees, with a paw clasping her neck from behind, and the fox's left paw grasping her side. Being flung to the ground while still having him within her, tore her poor vagina even more. Thankfully the sting was only renewed, and not made worse for her, as the man leaned in over her.. looming, and rough, and began thrusting harder into her. Each thrust withdrew his cock most of the way, only to be rammed right back in, with each rock of his fox hips hilting his sheath firmly to the flesh of little Kayla's slit. Trace amounts of blood pooling around the outside of her slit, around her vagina like a perfect circle from the knot growing around the male's base of his cock, it trickled over her clitoris and pooled under her hood as he thrusted, humped, and rammed his pelvis in every which direction, to rub his cock against all of Kayla's young walls and incite different clenches of her genitalia around his appendage. Pumping and throbbing within her, his cock leading pre-cum steadily, there wasn't much more left for him till his new toy became scrap once again. Howling and crying into the ground sharply, toes curling and body trembling, Kayla tried to breathe and make it a bit longer, as his treatment of her tiny nethers became worse - as if she was a grown adult, but she was no where near as big enough to accept something so large.

Claws biting into her pelt, the man reached his limit and closed his eyes, baring his teeth to release his load and free his balls from the pressure his toying with Kayla had caused. With one last push of his pelvis into her, balls coming up and smacking against her swollen vagina as his knot grew larger to where he could no longer thrust. His hips twitched like he wanted to continue ramming the child's slit, but in moments, breathing heavy through his nose, his cock swelled with cum and he orgasmed strongly. In pulsing spurts, his penis contracted to shoot out strands of thick white cum, growing quickly watery and rapid, as he sprayed out a constant stream of Aspatrian seed. The milky white fluids filled Kayla's uterus and never made it into her passage thanks to his humping, and the pressure his knot was making on her already over-stretched slit. The bulb at the base of the man's shaft grew and grew to it's full size, with Kayla sputtering out her cries into the dirt as her body shook, in too much pain to stay focused at five years old. She did not want to clench her vaginal muscles or pelvis muscles while she was knotted.. it felt like she'd rip there was so much tension - wetness from the blood dripping from where it pooled around her clit, down to the dry ground below. Forced into the ground, all she could hear was his grunts and pants as his orgasm had finished and she was full of his nasty male fluids. Ache and sting aided her sorrows, crying into the ground as if trying to rest after such an ordeal, even if she was attached to the man by his cock. Her vagina was stretched wide at it's opening - skin around her lips looking stressed. Thinking about how it must please the man to look down and see the bulge of his knot splitting her slit and her spirit. Kayla simply buried her head under her arms and wailed to herself, not caring if anyone would hear anymore.

Minutes pass under the punishing pressure of the man's knot, till.. she felt nothing there anymore when she had moved slightly. Quickly wiping at her eyes, the kit opened her eyes and raised her head, to see the man adorning his robe and stepping away, paws in it's pockets as if he had done nothing. His cock was flaccid and sheathing itself, with a content smile across his muzzle. At her side, Kayla saw not even one sliver of metal to get a meal with. He used her and left without giving her even the equivalent of a penny, as most would. Seeing the man walk away, passing her alley and leaving while she laid there drenched in her own tears, cum, and blood down the line of her slit.. brought her sadness and rage. Even at five, she could not believe that whole time no one came by and saw what was happening. She was abandoned just as she was at birth. Alone. She couldn't take this anymore! The pain, the hunger! Breathing so much from being scared burnt her lungs from the pollution! Her feet and paws were scraped from daily life, and as the man turned the corner and left her eyes, she knew she'd never live. There'd always be another to take advantage. Working her way to her footpaws, trying to ignore the pain of her aching girl-sex, the fox kit ran.

She ran, and ran. Down the alleys, the roadways. Tired, dirty, broken. She had to get away from that place - it was no home! She was scared! Blindly the little girl ran across the industrial factory complex that was her home in the wastelands till her waddling legs gave out on her at the edge of a metal support wall that overlooked a drop of about seven feet. Falling on her tummy and chest, Kayla wiped at her eyes with the backs of her paws and gasped for air in this filthy place. What she felt between her legs she never wanted to feel again, she decided, after touching her slit by reaching back under her tail. She was shot with a sting, and found bits of blood on her fingertips. The girl in her plight, had not even taken her measly two coins she had worked for earlier that day. Her stomach was empty and her heart blackened. From the ground, the young girl looked out over the metal wall she had fell on, looking down from the short cliff out across a clear space. The red of the sun had diminished and it was darker as night fell, leaving her to see the flashing lights of a landing pad, and a trade vessel stationed atop it. She heard men loading it's cargo and the antimatter engines idling as their propulsion systems came online.

Anywhere was better then here. No more

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