Disney - Lady and The Tramp II: Angels First Heat

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#3 of Lady And The Tramp II:Scamp and Angel

Licking herself between the legs Angel finds that it was just as Lady had told her, her fi...

Licking herself between the legs Angel finds that it was just as Lady had told her, her first heat was coming up as her tongue dipped between the folds of her sex and felt the almost painful tenderness of her vagina lips swelling with need. Pulling her head back up and walking through the Darling household the Pomeranian sighed as she wondered what she was going to do now. It had been six months since her adventure with Scamp and her introduction into the human home and although Angel was happy with being Scamp's girl her eyes seemed to stray from the rough but charismatic pup to the more mature form of his father.

That in itself made Angel feel conflicted as she wasn't sure how Lady would react to such happenings but then again it wasn't like the two of them had been doing anything with each for a long time now. It was almost like an open invitation in Angel's mind to try and seduce the Tramp but at the same time what would that mean for her and Scamp. Thinking on her boyfriend the Pomeranian walks over to a window and looks to see the grey canine outside chasing his tail.

'Six months later and he was still the same,' Angel thought to herself. It was cute in the beginning but there were times when she really thought that Scamp should at least try and grow up some but then again that was also what she loved about him with his nearly bottomless pit of energy and enthusiasm. However, those might not be the right traits for her pups.

Turning her head and seeing Tramp sleeping in the living room Angel felt the tightness of her pussy beginning to remind her of a pressing issue that was creeping up on her at the moment. Stepping down from the windowsill the Pomeranian cocked a leg into the air and then looked at the moistening folds beginning to drip fluids onto the carpet and then stuck her nose into them to sniff at her readiness.

The sweet and hot musk coming from the silt of her clitoris made Angel slightly dizzy spell but it was pushed aside when she pulled back and then lowered her leg back to the carpet.

Thinking about her choices again Angel remembered her previous playful advances on Tramp that were not outright met with dismissal. Though they had been playful and well out of Lady's line of sight the older male hadn't barked or snapped at the Pomeranian to get her to leave him be, actually as she thought about it, Tramp had been receptive. Very receptive.

Closing her eyes and envisioning how the Tramp had jovially nipped at her flank when she brushed up against him while making her way to the kitchen, Angel wondered just what would have happened had she tried something else more determined for his attention back then. The feel of his teeth on her hind quarters made the Pomeranian shiver as she thought about the strong, regal form of Tramp and about the heavy package he carried between his legs as she caught sight of him walking past her numerous times in the past. The shaggy mixed breed's balls had enraptured Angel's attention making her almost drool as she kept her eyes on the dangling scrotum that seemed to bob like a tennis balls before her.

Opening her eyes and feeling her sex grow damper making a small wet spot onto the carpet Angel decided to forgo caution and do what her natured entailed of her.

Putting a bounce into her stride the former street dog walking into the living room and then over to Tramp who was still out like a light. Being only six years old the other former street dog seemed to love his naps giving Angel the perfect opportunity to initiate the start of her plan. Carefully moving closer to Tramp and then getting to his nose the Pomeranian lifted her tail and then ran the moistness of her cunt over the male's nose .

At first nothing happened, other than the steady breathing coming from Tramp's rising and falling chest, but then the older male's nostrils began to wiggle before sniffing and brushing close to Angel's heat. The Pomeranian had to bite the side of her cheek to keep from yipping at the feel of his cold nose touching the heated flesh of her pussy but soon that was made moot as Tramp let his tongue lick out instinctively and drive quiet whimpers from the smaller female. Groaning and whimpering quietly Angel looked around to make sure that she didn't have an audience before remembering that the Darling's had taken Lady and Scamp's sisters out for a walk.

It was almost like someone up there in that big kennel in the sky was telling her that her actions were permitted and Angel thanked them over and over whenever she could breathe through Tramp's slobbering over her rear. Panting some minutes later and pulling away from the older male Angel made her way down Tramp's body and then began to sniff over the heavy musk between his legs. The older dog hadn't had a bath in the last few days so the scent of his sweat and testosterone were thick enough for the Pomeranian to choke on before she backed up and coughed.

Turning her head to see that Tramp was still dreaming Angel decided that it was time to pump things up a bit put a little bit of her own stimulations into the game. Trying not to breathe too deeply Angel lowered her eyes and then her head before opening her muzzle and then beginning to lave over Tramp's sheath with her demure tongue. The older canine grunted before panting and soon Angel could see a small tip of light pink trying to sneak out of the hole at the top of his furry pouch.

Rubbing her warm and wet organ over his outer skin Angel coaxed out more of Tramp's cock before moving up and then licking over the slightly dripping tip. The taste was not so much bitter as it was tart. Having seen such things from her time at the Junkyard and witnessing Buster take his pleasure with some of the strays, both male and female, Angel guessed that this was just how male's tasted which could explain why they so many females looked like they wanted to gag after pulling away from tasting the Doberman mutt.

Tramp's hips were starting to dig into her chin making Angel look up to see the older dog grinning and panting with his maw open and his long tongue hanging out and drooling onto the floor. It made her chuckle before the Pomeranian began to sweep her red organ over his maleness even faster to try and see just how much fun she could have with her new toy before things got serious. Pulling back and rubbing her nose between his balls and sheath Angel could feel the signs of his knot starting to balloon even inside of his furry holder.

Tramp's hunches get faster as he begins to rouse from his light slumber but with her head nuzzling between his thighs Angel completely misses the older canine's sleeping face waking up. Instead the Pomeranian is more concerned with the thick and cloying male musk that is starting to make her head spin a bit. With Tramp starting to lightly perspire from all the heat running over his lightly furred underside the smell is starting to drift out of the house outside underneath the cracked windows of the living room.

Alternatively, the smell wanders over to where Scamp is playing with a rubber chew bone making the young canine stop what he is doing to lift his nose into the air. Sniffing then snorting Scamp drops the toy from between his lips and then makes his way to the open window in curiosity of what the new scent is. What he sees make's Scamp gasp as his eyes widen in disbelief.

Tramp is fully awake now and looking down at Angel rubbing her lips over his cock while his legs twitch and his tail flags behind him thumping on the floor with the force of a marching parade. Not sure what to say as he doesn't know whether to stop what was happening and admonish Angel or rather to praise the female for her oral talents Tramp just continues to lay down and watch everything with attentive eyes.

Angel is sucking and bobbing her head over the full length of his now completely aroused canine dick and doing a better job than Lady had ever done. Maybe it was because she was ready to be pupped or it could have been than Scamp was too inexperienced to show her the correct way to be bred. Either way, Tramp was enjoying the sight with extreme fascination covering his face as he panted and humped upwards into the Pomeranian's throat without trying.

Something he did must have alerted her to his attention because the next thing Tramp knows his doghood is shivering in the cool air and he is looking into Angel's face. The moment of silence between them is rather awkward as the younger canine faces the older. For his defense Tramp is not really at fault as he hadn't started the whole affair but then again he wasn't sure he was not guilty of having led this entire affair into fruition.

The moment to talk is stolen by Angel who winks and grins at him before leaning down and swallowing one of his balls into her muzzle. Tramp nearly bites his own tongue when he feels the soft suction of the Pomeranian's throat start to massage over him.

"A-angel...w-what...h-how...oh boy!!!" Tramp started to say as he let his eyes roll up while his hips began to smack desperately into the front of the other canine's face.

Of course this is also when the other male of the house had decided to give his two cents and bark making Angel stop and look to the window to see Scamp growling and making a fuss.

"Daaaaaad! She's MY girlfriend!!" Scamp shouts before running from the window and then entering the house through the back dog door to make his way up to the coupling pair.

"Well what can I say other than Angel just wants to be my bitch." Tramp admits with casual ease even knowing that this was usually not what a father was supposed to be doing with his son's girlfriend right in front of him but after all...he was a tramp.

For her part, Angel didn't say anything but instead let Tramp's nut pop out of her mouth, completely soaked in her spittle and glistening before she found the older canine getting up and then setting a paw down onto her back and moving in to mount. Scamp sat down on his haunches and just stared agape as he watched his father slowly insert himself into the Pomeranian with casual ease. Angel looked somewhat pained at first as her face scrunched up before settling back down into place and then lifting up into a self-satisfied grin.

Scamp watches and then bends his head down to see everything his father is doing and taking note. It could have been idle curiosity or it might have been a twisted sense of morbid fascination but regardless Scamp couldn't tear his eyes off of Tramp's cock delving into Angel's clit. Spreading the twin folds open and then holding still to allow his balls to rest on the underside of her body before pulling back. The Pomeranian's pussy was spread again as Tramp pulled out until just the tip was inside and Scamp blinked in astonishment as he noted the dripping wetness that literally covered his dad's length.

The smell coming from the two of them being intertwined was a mixture of sweetness and bitterness making a cocktail of musk that caused Scamp's legs to spread and his own sex to start to creep out of his sheath. His tail slowly began to wag behind him and before he knew it Scamp was easing himself forward to lick over where his father and girlfriend were connected together. Tramp and Angel shivered together from the extra stimulation before the oldest dog of the group pushed himself back into the female to the hilt. This of course caused his hanging orbs to smack into Scamp's nose not that he cared at the moment and not that Scamp seemed to mind in the end.

Angel was in heaven as the breeding slowly began with the two males behind her pleasuring her making the scalding heat she was feeling abate somewhat to be replaced by a different warmth. Scamp tongue digging into her when Tramp pulled out made the Pomeranian yip and push herself back onto his muzzle getting a happy murr from the younger male. 'Definitely could get used to this,' Angel thought as Tramp pushed into her again and then pulled out in the same second.

Scamp wasn't sure what he was doing but he couldn't seem to stop himself either. The smell of the rutting going on before him was making his instincts flare up and all the younger canine could think about was wanting to be a part of the mating happening in front of him. The smell that had drawn him closer almost radiated like a beacon from Angel's backside and when he first dipped his tongue into her the taste was enough to drive him up the wall. It was so damn sweet and tangy not to mention the fact that his father didn't seem to upset by what he was doing as long as Scamp could handle getting smacked full of the older dog's nuts he didn't complain.

Tramp was in his paradise as he kept thrusting harder and faster into Angel while having his son lick over him at the same time caused his hips to buck and thrust upwards over and over as his knot began to slip from his sheath. The sphere of flesh jammed up further into Angel forcing Scamp to back up when his nose was caught in the way. Having been a while since he had last had a good mating Tramp wasn't going to last very long so instead of trying to do a lot of extra tricks to delay the inevitable the former street dog grabbed onto Angel's side and then began to pump her hard enough for the both of them to begin sliding across the floor.

Rubbing his snout and watching as his dad continue to pound into his girlfriend Scamp noticed the forward movement and had a blast of inspiration that was usually uncharacteristic for himself.

Making his way in front of the Pomeranian Scamp stood up and forced his groin in front of her face making Angel blink before she looked up and then nodded before opening her muzzle. Having already gotten excited from the show Angel deep throated her boyfriend in one gulp sucking and nibbling on his erection and finally stopped moving forward from the extra weight counterbalancing Tramp's thrusts.

Face to face with his dad Scamp felt a little weird but that soon passed when his old man leaned up and licked him on the muzzle. Wagging his tail and moving his hips back and forth into Angel's face Scamp found a good rhythm to match Tramp's and soon the two male were giving all they had to the female. Twin cocks moved inside of the Pomeranian causing Angel to experience double the pleasure giving her everything she wanted all at once which only served to make the smaller canine tighten both her lips and clit over her two studs.

Barks, croons, growls, and murrs bounced off the walls of the Darling house along with the wet sounds of sucking and hips meeting hips. The floor became soft with the extra rain of body fluids coming from the three canines while the air thickened with the musk of bodies in full throes of ecstasy. But what really made the moment between the three dogs the most memorable was when Tramp finally hilted and knotted Angel making the Pomeranian choke around Scamp causing the other male the yip and thrust his own knot right into her nose.

The scent of Scamp so deeply against her nose along with finally being knotted made Angel pass out even as Scamp still kept thrusting into her open muzzle while Tramp grunted and filled her with his puppy-making juice. Tramp let out a happy bark as he came into the female below him before settling down and then finishing his tie but cocking one leg up and over the Pomeranian and then standing tail to tail with her. Scamp came just as Angel began to wake up and swallow the pungent tasting cum that was running down her throat and into her belly.

"Angel that was sooo good!!" Tramp praises getting a muffled compliment in return from the female. Turning his head back Tramp chuckles as he watches the white flow running from the smaller dog's lips onto the floor before raising his head to look his son in the eyes when Scamp yips out loud, "OOhhhh I get her next Dad!" Scamp both whimpers and barks at the same time as he keeps cumming into Angel while his knot stays right outside of her mouth.

"I guess this means that she's both of our bitch," Tramp states while chuckling and winking.

It was nine weeks later that Angel was tiredly looking over a group of grey and white pups while letting them suckle on her tits while Tramp and Scamp looked over them before turning to each other and chuckling. Jim Dear and Darling were elated for the new addition to their household while Lady couldn't exactly figure out what was going on between her mate and son and Tramp's sisters were surrounding Angel's basket while watching their nephews and nieces.

How to break it to them that these were also their new brothers and sisters as well was something both Tramp and Scamp were never going to figure out but in the meantime they were going to get as much of a laugh out of this as possible.

Written by Shaesullivan Requested By me He is taking commissions. Send him a PM if you want a story written.

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