Kayla Redux: Currents of Fate

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#5 of Kayla's Life

Kayla Redux: Currents of Fate Story By: Professor Bob Commissioned By: Shippo

  • * * Even as the horrible events that plagued the early years of Kayla's life came to pass and fade into memory, they never truly left her present. It was just the cruel sort of world she came to live in after escaping a different, more tyrannical planet. She experienced rape and pain in both places, but only one showed a glimmer of compassion and love. During the time after her kidnapping and assault at the paws of a fellow Aspatrian, and his kennel, the young fox's resulting pregnancy brought forth much teasing. Only seven, and a kindern, she and the other children around her at school did not have the conservative tongue of an adult or rejuve. If it was mean, they just said it. Teasing the belly of a pregnant little off-worlder was fun to them, despite the emotional and physical ramifications carrying children caused her. "How big of a litter are ya' going to have?", some of the bigger, rougher boys would snap at her when they gathered to bully. "Kayla has babies, Kayla has babies!", the others would chant in support of the bully in front, as they enjoyed remaining in the background. The fox had friends whom would come to her aid in the school yard, and not everyone could so easily get away with making fun of her. Sometimes it would result in yelling, or the sad excuses for fist fights children under ten could have. Either way it went, the tight, bulging belly Kayla protected remained unharmed. Motherly, and quietly, her paws would hold the lump of cub growing inside of her - shirt leaving her lower tummy exposed, since maternity clothing did not come in kid's sizes. What was insult to injury, was that kindern children didn't even understand what they teased her about. As she and her offspring grew, the tightness of her belly grew to sting. Her fur did not grow as quickly as needed, leaving more pink, stretched skin showing beneath her soft silky orange fox-fur. The rest of the work and care was done by her adoptive human parent, providing the necessary assistance to pull through towards Kayla's birth. When not under the teasing scorn of her kindern school peers, she was at home with a medical tricorder hovering over her. Smiling tiredly from the exhaustion of being so young and eating for more than one, she often fell asleep on the sofa during her daily exams and checks. It took only a week or so to discover she was eating for three, and not only two. An Aspatrian son and daughter, even at the immature age of seven. Such biology was foreign to her human guardian. Being pregnant at Kayla's age was different from what he was used to, and more so since the father was a feral Earth canine. Puberty did not seem to mean the same thing to Kayla, as he knew it to be for a human. At least his alien daughter followed his directive and took good care of her tummy. It would have been awkward to discipline such an off-balance girl, whom teetered as she walked. A single corrective spank would have tipped her right over. It was only one of many awkward complications and thoughts he was forced to ponder as he worried of Kayla's safety. Giving birth to twins at the age of seven would be a harrowing ordeal, but he had time to psyche himself up and prepare before Kayla's pregnancy ended. Months passed, slowly ticking by under the same conditions. Such a young child did not know how long she would carry children before birthing, and her father did not know enough about her species to answer that. It was only with the help of his medical tricorder and imaging that he could see that time approach. Nearing eight years old, the time finally came. Kayla awoke one morning to a twinge in her belly. Then another. Tiny contractions that yielded a hormonal response, urging her natural species instincts to find a place to give birth. She climbed out of bed slowly, and with care, using the night stand beside her old tattered bed to not bump her cubs. Once her footpaws were upon the floor, she took a few steps to the standing mirror against the wall of her room, smiling weakly with heavy eyes. They spoke of the trials she endured to come to this point, and the energy her tiny body needed to expel to bring her first children to this point. In only her bare fur, she stared into the mirror, as if to enjoy her bulge for one last time. By now the sting of having such a stretched uterus and belly was gone, and replaced with an aching back that mothers of any age would have. Her thin fingers and feminine paws held the basketball-like hump, stroking her thin fur, and feeling the small tremors from the kicks of her cubs, and the preliminary contractions her Aspatrian anatomy was giving her. In the mirror, she could see her vagina quiver with each passing preliminary contraction, as the muscles of her passage clenched and opened back up a little wider each time, as she began to dilate for birthing. Kayla's body was strong at work, even if her mind and spirit was weakened, and tired. Sliding her paws down to her pelvis, sliding around her inner thigh, she shivered and sharply took a breath through her ebony nose. Closing her eyes just a bit, the endorphin-esque nerve impulses brought her soothing comfort and pleasure, granted by her hormones. Cupping her immature looking mound, she dipped a finger between her swollen lips, to feel past her gently widening hole, and the moisture it provided. Taking her paws from herself, she sighed comfortably; a drip of watery fluid falling from her finger. It was certainly time. Abandoning her mirror, she used one paw to support the lump of cub she had to carry, and the other on the wall to keep balanced. School was out of the question, needing to fetch her father for her "big day". He told her about it, and how it would hurt, but how she'd be a mommy, and he would be proud. To call it a special day was the least he could do, to soothe Kayla's kindern fears, even if she wanted to birth her kids. Her instincts and loving personality demanded it. "Daddy?", called her little voice, bracing her heavy body against the frame of her father's door. The older human man slept as bare as she did, so once he sprung from his bed he was far from decent. Throwing off his covers and getting to his feet in a hurry, there was certainly a good bit of jiggling and bouncing from his balls - especially when he staggered a step or two from getting up too fast. He couldn't help it; he knew what ‘daddy?' meant, when said in such a meek way. "Mrrf... What's wrong honey?", the human asked in a hurry, taking a few big steps to her side before kneeling down. It's not like Kayla hadn't seen him naked before. Although, the tickle of fur against the tip of his cock was a touch more embarrassing. He already had quite a few thoughts in his mind, having taken care of his little Kayla for so long, and seeing her heavy with young. Kayla being distracted, as well as comfortable with her parent, paid no thought to the masculine appendage against her warm hip. Instead, she looked down at her belly with an idle smile, giving it another stoke with her paw. "It's the big day, like ya' said. I feel it happening. I'm ready.", Kayla spoke softly in her childish voice, but calmly, like a good, exhausted girl. She could finally see her cubs. Before going to get his medical tricorder, her father reached between her legs as Kayla herself had done before, cupping her groin and dipping a finger between her feminine lips to check and see how she was doing, and if she was right. It was so warm. Almost hot. The passage that was so tiny, even if not virgin, was now wider, and acceptant of his fingertip. Despite his parental and innocent sort of examination for her birthing, the feeling of bare, rough human skin against her moist, over-excited folds made Kayla moan a sort of whimper out from her throat and closed muzzle. Closing her eyes more than last time at such an intimate physical examination, her paws took hold of her adoptive dad's arm, leaning her head forward to rest on it. It sounded sexual, if not at least deeply comforting. His girl's face now obscuring the view of her active groin, he let go of some of his inner fears, seeing nothing more than a wonderful girl. His Kayla. It made him smile just as Kayla was, so softly, and silently. "It's tender.", Kayla said barely above a whisper, saying it slowly and lisping the word ‘tender', being barely almost eight. It was a tougher word for kindern elementary school kids. At least she used it right. "Could you rub it daddy?", she opened her eyes to a squint to ask, as her father felt one of her preliminary Aspatrian contractions through her crotch. It was one hell of a question to hear, but honestly... Kayla being so hot and moist, and seemingly older due to her soon-to-be motherhood, it seemed more than tempting. Besides, the fox asked, and it was her "big day". If it hurt at all, it was his duty to help anyway. With the help of his other fingers, the man rubbed at Kayla's groin firmly. Thumb against her front and pelvis, and his fingers working her lips and surrounding muscle. Massaging and essentially masturbating the expecting fox, drops of fluid began to coat his busy fingers as they rubbed at her pedals and sensitive, sore flesh. It was an intense feeling, and the fingertips that rubbed at the very opening of her vaginal passage between her chubby, furred lips soothed her the most. The preliminary contractions she endured was slowly making the ring of muscle around her little hole ache, and the swirling press of older, warm fingers was loosening them up. It just felt so good, making her whimper happily, just holding on to his arm. Even her clitoris stood on end, stimulated by the mass of activity and hormones that streamed through her sex. Drops of clear and milky feminine fluid dripped down her orange inner thighs, as well as straight to the ground, as the fell from her trembling lips. It was copious and abundant, occasionally dripping to the coarse carpet loudly enough to hear between Kayla's deep breaths. It wasn't long though till the combination of sexual and pregnant feelings made her weak in the knees, making them buckle under the brisk massage of her father's hand; fingers reaching as far back as her bottom as he worked the muscle beneath all her supple folds of pink, and reddening flesh. Only once her tail hugged her legs and ceased wagging, seemingly cumming onto his fingers at a constant rate, did he gently slow to a stop. Kayla's toes uncurled, pulling her claws from the carpet. "I think that's as good as it's going to get Kayla. We need to make you a place to lay down, and start birthing.", the man directed with a cozy sigh of his own as he absorbed the task he just performed. It felt so right, and made him happy to feel that way. Receiving a light nod from his furry daughter, he kissed her forehead and got her to brace herself against his doorway before hurrying off to prepare. The older human washed his hands clean of her cum and fluids, to be ready and sanitary for her cubs. On the sofa he set up thick sheets of towels, and an extra set beside where Kayla would be, for her young. This was going to be a messy ordeal, he figured, as he fetched his medical tricorder and first aid kit, to set it on the other side of Kayla's towel cluster. With a helping hand, the man lead Kayla kindly by the paw, and helped her up onto the sofa; reclined back with her legs spread wide. Young or not, her slit remained wide open and juicy, ready to deliver her twins. Working in his black case of medical tools, he placed a hypospray to Kayla's neck and injected a mild pain-killer to help the girl through the birthing, without harming her cubs. As the hypo hissed, the fox's eyes drooped, with her body relaxing. That combined with her father's kind massage of her most intimate of parts, she felt pampered and ready. Now in place, Kayla moved along from her preliminary contractions to real ones, by pushing against the small muscle twinges to start helping her cubs along. All instinctive, and like a brave cub herself, she started the birthing gracefully, holding her father's hand, as his other helped her below. Fluids traveled down the soft bit of flesh beneath her vagina, over her tailhole and down both sides of the base of her tail, suddenly gushing a little more from time to time as Kayla gripped her dad's hand and pushed. Such a small little feminine place putting forth such effort, was a wondrous thing to witness and be a part of, as her father rubbed her outer lips and kept them spread to ease the pain of pushing the first of her twins into her birth-canal. Out of her uterus and into her cervix, her pregnancy was coming to a close through her own motherly efforts. Aspatrian births were more work than a waiting game. If she wanted her cubs out, her muscles would have to put forth their strength, and she would have to do it all herself. Push after push, Kayla's fur and skin grew clammy, panting as her father picked up his medical tricorder and started scanning to make sure things were still safe for the older of the cubs; his daughter. He didn't even get to start, before Kayla dipped her muzzle low and grunted from a heavy contraction, and a pair of tiny wet fox ears crested from between her gaping legs. Her fluids lubricated her first cub all the way down such a tiny hole, and Kayla did not scream one bit. Tears in her eyes from the pain and weight of motherhood, she didn't need to be told to keep pushing, even if her dad acted as doctor and urged her on anyway. In a few brief minutes, with Kayla's ears folded back tight and her teeth bared as she panted and strained, she moved her cub through the tender opening of her vagina and into the open air and light. The young one felt so slimy, and stretched her agonizingly wide, but it was a positive experience to place in memory once her cub was in the arms of her father, and began crying for the first time. It was her son; sheath nothing more than a soggy speck upon his front, and a sac empty and devoid of testicles. Umbilical cord carefully cut, he was placed upon his own towel to be rubbed clean of blood and fluids, as the mess leaking from Kayla tinged red as well. All normal, but, still unnerving. Kayla's own little girl was on the way now, right behind her brother as she entered the birth canal behind him. "Come on!..", Kayla whined pitifully, throwing her head to one side with a pained snarl. For a seven year old, one cub was enough. Giving birth to two was too much, but the small kit was already there, and waiting for her turn. Gasping for air in her effort and pain, her father wiped her brow and helped ease the baby girl from her tired vaginal cavity. Spittle upon her maw from her work, Kayla's head craned backwards, panting and gasping for air as her daughter did the same, out of sight in front of herself. Her little ones cried one and the same, as well as Kayla herself, tended to by her anxious father. Once Kayla recuperated and her placenta had been gathered and all cleaned away, the young mother could finally sleep for a while. Her father was left with a tiny, soggy-furred pair of Aspatrians; boy, and girl. After the long morning passed, the house was much more bustling in the wake of the twins' birth. Cloth diapers and baby bottles abound, Kayla and her father took turns with each cub, feeing and changing. Kayla could not move much, but was now free of the messy towels and under a comfortable blanket as she looked into each of her offspring's eyes for the first time. They were an off sort of brown color, and her son had black and tan, canine-like streaks down his back and tail, without the white tail-tip. Clearly he had a few extra of his father's traits; the German Shepherd that managed to impregnate her with narrowly compatible genetics. Her daughter though, took much after Kayla herself, aside from an extra black spot on her tail, and around her ankles and groin area. Such details would become more obvious as they grew and gained more substantial fur. Both Kayla and her adoptive father decent; one wrapped in a blanket and the other properly clothed, their invitations for a baby shower and opportunity to meet the cubs later that day was received by their friends and family. Her father's family primarily, and Kayla's own friends. The other kindern were dropped off by weary parents, whom were unsure about getting baby gifts for a shower with other kindern. It was hard for the humans to wrap their heads around, but most of her school mates were able to come by and see the fruits of her long pregnancy, and meet the pair of cubs they worked to defend from the bullies. It was like a kindern birthday party with the giggling, amused children, aside from her father's close family. She received baby toys and things to help care for her little ones. It was not the richest of worlds, so it wasn't much more than the bare essentials, and baby clothing modified for her cub's tails. Blankets to keep them warm, and durable teething rings for their sharp teeth. Matching blue and pink pacifiers and rattles. Those miniscule things that mean more than their simplicity, or size. The odd couple - Aspatrian girl and human guardian, felt cared for, as Kayla's children enjoyed their first day of life by eating and sleeping. As the fanfare faded back into their busy new lives, the cub's mother had a more personal opportunity to meet her offspring. Fueled by her paternal instincts as an Aspatrian, Kayla halted her own play without a second thought. Boy and girl in her lap, huddled against her, they barely fit. Kayla was not exactly massively bigger than they were, but she was still big enough to at least be their mom. The two would sit quietly, cradled and rocked, individual pacifiers in their maws. Her son didn't need the blue one to be identified, as the black and tan, German Shepherd sort of streaks and spots on his back; but it was simply cute, and his own. Kayla's muzzle huddled between her young's, keeping them wrapped up and warm. Her belly was finally empty, and she rested and cared for her reward. As the days passed, Kayla worked to get back in normal shape, and returned to school. While away, her father cared for the newborn kits, and she returned to her place as mother once back at home. Her son she named Vance, and her daughter, Elisa; getting to know their names as quickly as she picked up on their personalities. Even as a baby, Vance was a rougher sort of boy, seemingly crying and howling out fox-like complaints for little to no reason. It was like he was making demands, despite getting a large chunk of the attention since he refused to rest or eat at times. Crying for attention often upset his sister, whom was a fairly quiet kit. Elisa could cry at small things, like losing her pacifier, but Kayla was alright with that since there was at least a reason the little one did it. Vance seemed like a troublemaker, considering she had already caught him tugging on his sister's ear only a week after he had been born. That same night, when he wouldn't sleep and kept trying to play and keep Elisa up, Kayla gave her first spanking. Placing Vance in the spot in her room she set up for him to sleep in, meant to go to sleep, not keep crying for attention. She had taken the little boy to her bed, where she sat down, holding him as she would to give the tike a quick burping. With a tug of his dry diaper, she brushed his half fox, half German Shepherd tail aside and gave him three quick, moderate slaps. Moderate, considering Kayla was barely eight herself, was pretty light. The smacking told the cub she meant business, and to respect momma's directive. Vance opened his maw as if he'd cry, letting out a delayed, sad wail. When offered his pacifier, the wail shallowed as he took the blue device into his muzzle, suckling with watery eyes. Kayla cradled her son to her, stroking him and his chubby, tender little bottom as she placed his cloth diaper back in it's standard position. Not wanting to give Vance the wrong message; that being naughty gained extra attention, she was sure to place him back to his bed of protective pillows once she had soothed him. Once returned to his back, he scuffed a footpaw against the floor and opened his muzzle a bit with a babyish whine with the pacifier still in his maw. It was returned by a very immediate thwap to the front of his left thigh, with Kayla's index and middle fingers. "Sleep sweetie.", she told the newborn boy, whom closed his maw at the authoritive swat below the leg hole of his diaper. Properly disciplined, Vance complied, laying quietly with his pacifier as told as his blanket was placed back over him. Kayla's work was not often complete, and this was no different. Crossing her arms as she stood in her night gown that evening, now that she could fit back into it, she tilted her head over to her daughter's makeshift pillow bed. She needed a bath before bed. It was endless work. But, it was her's. She'd take good care of her children, with help from her instincts, and willingness to parent. A week later, a change of pace came as a treat at school. It was all the more fitting now that her rape-caused children had been born. The school year was drawing to a close as summer was about to begin. Kindern and rejuve alike throughout the city were gearing up to celebrate their final day of school, gathering in cafeterias, auditoriums, and gymnasiums for the last words of their administrators that year. Word was, the man that had kidnapped Kayla and took her to the "dog kennel" he operated had been captured and rejuvenated as a penitatas. In the cruel, twisted sort of world they lived in, revenge was as key as the punishment itself. The man, now a little girl, would serve as entertainment for even kindern at the paws of ‘her' victim. The fox was given ample opportunity to prepare, staying backstage with her friends as they giggled and talked of the best ways to spank and otherwise discipline a miscreant penitatas that has been shrunk down to their size. They heard she was only four now! Maybe five, tops! It was the rumor that leaked around from those who saw the penitatas brought in the back way; naked, and vulnerable. This time in full control, as well as fully clothed herself, Kayla stood strong and confident as she waited for her call to join the school's final assembly, and their "treat". Kids, and kindern especially, loved to laugh and tease. At least this time they would be directing their taunts the right way. Granted a switch she had chosen herself from the big tree in the middle of the school, she held it in both paws; prepared to be on top this time. Young or not, a switch could bite hard, and sting deep in vengeful paws. "Gonna' put the hurt on her Kayla? The penny helped make your kids.", asked one of Kayla's human female friends, making the fox flick and ear and turn her head. Kayla was smiling fairly comfortably, aside from a nervous twitch in her leg that made her black claws tap against the shiny, dark wood in the dim light of the stage behind the curtain. "I love my kits, but they were made in a bad way, by a bad man. I want to show him... her, that bad people still have to pay for what they do, even if they get away with it for a long time. My kits won't even have a real daddy, aside from my own daddy.", Kayla tried to explain as deeply as she could, which was hard due to her age. Words did not come easily to kindern. As she said her words and feelings, she looked down with her soft blue eyes to run her right paw down her belly, in memory of her tummy bulge. Her kids quickly became her life, and took her childhood away in a sense. Innocence gone and lost, the only thing that would give some of it back, was if that mean, cruel man gave some of it back. Crying and howling at her lashes, finally below her, there was a chance she could redeem some of her dignity. That thought of determination took her paw from her belly, placing it back on the stick she wielded. "[It'll help?]", her other friend, a Drakonian male that always stood up to the bullies for her, asked as meekly as the spits and snarls of his language could sound. It was hard to word for him as well, but he wanted to know if punishing the penitatas would help Kayla feel better. The Aspatrian got the context of the message, nodding to him. "I think so.", she replied, appreciative of the thought at least. Nelson, the boy, was not as big as the female drakes, but he was a solid friend. Certainly big enough to bully the humans back. Kindern had to do a lot to earn spankings at school, especially at their age, but he fought back hard enough for her to land himself under the scorn of a lightly studded paddle at least three times that year. Kayla didn't dare pry into whether he was punished at home; Nelson was a private individual, despite not wearing clothing as drakes tend to. "[Then you should do it. Think of us, and give him a good whack.]", the young boy smiled, looking like a toothy, reptilian sneer due to his own species. Against his looks and tough outside, he was as gentle as Kayla herself. At least as thoughtful. As his encouraging words ended, the voice of their middle-aged principal was speaking aloud. It was muffled backstage, but Kayla had been summoned. Since Nelson was her male companion, she found it fitting to give him a smack on his big shoulder before throwing the heavy curtain aside and making her way out into the stage. The hot light from above warmed her fur immediately, with her principal and target right in front of her as she stepped in from stage left beneath their red flag adorned by the Earth and sword; whippy switch in paw. "Children of the Terran Empire. When foul crimes are committed, one expects to be punished for what they do to the greatest extent of our law. With this in mind, I bring you all an entertaining surprise this last day of the school year.", he began strongly as a speech, as Kayla approached his side. The man in his black dress suit and tie gestured to his left with his hand and gaze, over a small female fox. She was bent over an adjustable ‘horse', lowered to even her small stature and age; tied and bound, with even her tail hiked high and secured to her neck with a tail-restraint. Bottom and bits pointed right at the audience, the penitatas kept her teeth bared and her eyes clenched closed as the stares and lights burned at her. "A penitatas is what we call a criminal in our empire. This was once a bad man, whom hurt one of our own. Your classmate Kayla, experienced a scene most cruel, and lived to be here to return the favor. He was rejuvenated, leaving him a mere five years of age, and a girl. Everything that was his, is now gone, along with simply being a boy. Let him serve as an example of those who defy law.", the principal's voice echoed through the auditorium from the miniscule microphone attached to his collar, as he concluded his speech with much body language to all the young kindern he was given to direct. Even before kindern, the real children, it was no taboo to place a terrible criminal in their midst for education and entertainment. At her principal's side, switch held in her right paw and ready, she looked up to get a smile from the man once he turned away from the crowd of kindern that filled the seats. "As his victim, Kayla has the right, by our law, to provide the first lashing this penitatas receives. Kayla, you may make this girl, Jane's punishment as memorable as you please.", he told the older of the two Aspatrians with a ruffle of her fur between her ears, getting a tiny giggle of amusement as she was left to her own accord. The principal stepped away towards the other side of the stage, hands behind his back to watch. Needing only a few steps to position herself, Kayla was prompt to pick up a low growl with her ears. Hearing being so acute and directional, the auditorium was silent aside from the smaller Aspatrian bound with her legs slightly spread in front of her. "Jim. My name, is Jim.", the frightened Jane sobbed; her words trembling as her fingers did. Only five, the girl was like a toddler in size. Fragile and incarcerated, left to the mercy of a kindern. Selfishly, all the small fox seemed to care about was her own tarnished image and dignity. She could not let go of her name of all things, but it was okay to take away a chunk of Kayla's innocence. For her age, this still did not escape Kayla, who bared her teeth similarly to the penitatas before her; paw gripping at the rough surface of the switch she held. "Funny name for a girl. I hope your penitatas parents have dogs.", Kayla spoke low and pained, digging deeply with her small voice. It was loud enough for a fellow Aspatrian to hear loud and clear, as Jane's ears folded back timidly at the damning words from someone so much younger than she was. Younger in mind, but not body. Not now. Opening her eyes to slits, Jane pulled against the twine binding her wrists, looking back at the switch in Kayla's paw. Surely she couldn't hurt that badly? So soon after rejuvenation, her mind raced with unfamiliar, child-like thoughts and worries. Blubbering in fright - like a brat. Caring of consequence, and not repentance. At least Kayla had an opportunity to change that tune, in front of so many people. Changing her footing made the pseudo-wood stage flooring clunk, leaving an ominous reverberance through the wide auditorium; Kayla taking a practice swing of the switch through the air. It swished sharply, displacing air without the harsh crack against flesh at the end. Even so, the five year old bent over and bound flinched. The muscles of her small, bare back rippled and made her orange fur stand on end. It didn't make Kayla feel much pity. Sadly, it just didn't. Later maybe, but now, little "Jane" needed something to really cry about. Kayla rolled her right wrist to make sure it was loose, and with a heavy draw-back of the switch, she swung with the lacking grace of a real child. Poorly controlled and with no holding back, it was a wild lash, whacking the smaller Aspatrian from her right upper thigh, straight over her left cheek in a diagonal manner. It displaced the girl's fur roughly, making a dull crack that bounced around the confines of the stage as the audience erupted in a childish squeal at the sound of something that rather hurt. Jane's arms shook as she whimpered pathetically, right on the edge of sobbing. The older fox drew more air in through her nose, and tried to ready herself to do this right. If she could lash with more control, this would hurt more. She proved her theory with her following series of moderately paced spanks from the whippy stick she chose. By no means a wimpy switch, she learned how to wield it better with every swat she got to experiment with. Jane's pain meant little as she learned, using the five year old fox's bottom and legs as a test subject. From the base of her quivering tail, right down her thighs, Kayla would whap a messy line into the smaller Aspatrian's fur; gauging it's potency from how shrill Jane's shriek of agony was. It was her first spanking after all - the penitatas had no sense of pain tolerance or restraint yet. Her cries and sobs were unhindered, except by her own sputters and gasps for air; tears flowing down her orange muzzle as it hung in her wide open, restrained position. Those in the auditorium smiled, giggling and whispering to one another at what was certainly entertaining for a young crowd. Kayla was finally in the good light, making them all wince in almost a playful sense at what was a terrible ordeal for the penitatas they were shown. Boys and girls alike in the first few rows pointed at the tiny hint of feminine slit through the fox's fur, mocking and teasing. It was the world they lived in, where they could witness such a thing openly without taboo; Kayla making the once adult man howl like the fox she was. Jane's wrists yanked at the twine that bound her to the spanking restraint, pressing it harshly into her skin as she shook and bawled, only so soon after Kayla began administering her vengeful punishment. The lashes of the stick felt rough in unskilled paws, cracking into her flesh and fur to leave a strong sting and burn. Kayla did not even mind her lashes, crossing over as many as she could; intensifying welts without even being aware. A red welt went clear across the pucker of her pink, dainty girl's tailhole, making it look puffy, red, and swollen along the very middle of it. It shined in the glaring light of the stage, making it something for all to clearly see - spank after spank of the stick into the backside of a penitatas that could not endure even a dozen from a girl only a few years older. All Kayla had to do was pant, and swing, not knowing any sort of technique. She wanted to scold Jane. To yell at her, and tell her how scared she was when she was kidnapped, and all the things her friends and father had to go through to keep her safe. Nelson had to endure pain of his own; reddening and marking his brown scale, for Kayla's sake. All because of this girl! Thinking of her friends, as Nelson had asked, she stiffened her arm and cracked the switch as harshly as she could across the base of Jane's rear. If it wasn't for being bound, it looked as if the little fox wished to buck as she cried out in pain and lament; legs trying to kick, making her tied-up ankles squirm. Taking a few breaths, Kayla sneered at the young, toddler-like bottom she had lashed. All Jane's fur was messed up in various directions from the numerous lashes of the stick, which was growing worn over the few minutes the older fox had spent spanking the smaller. But, like the other children, that tiny hue of pink peering through orange fur between the girl's legs stood out. Kayla remembered the pain her own vagina endured, both in childbirth, and in rape. Her right paw shook as she stared, cheered on by all the other kindern behind her. "Kayla, Kayla!", they chanted, excited. It was like seeing someone thrown to the lions, for all the coliseum spectators to watch. For once, Kayla got to be their hero. Rolling out a harsh growl, Kayla slid her footpaws on the smooth stage floor - sending her right foot back as she swung the stick like a sort of sword. Underhanded, she swung it upwards with force, right between Jane's tender thighs. It's impact made a dull sound against pubic bone and the flesh of the penitatas' ever sensitive new vaginal lips; smacking them apart from the sheer force of the lash that crossed diagonally both the fox's lips. While the sound of impact was small, it was still the loudest of them all, as the switch splintered, shattering into many wooden pieces. To Kayla's audience, it was a slow-motion moment, hearing such a wooden snap of the stick breaking into pieces; shrapneling into the air, while others bounced off Jane to fall to the ground prematurely. It brought about a massive scream from the once kidnapper, at the wild lash of the switch across her tender, very young groin. It left behind the angriest of red welts, nailing her roughly enough to cut into her thinner bits of pink flesh. As Jane howled, muzzle wide and teeth bared, her tail trembled enough to make the metal brackets of her tail-restraint jingle. A thin line of blood seeped from the very center of Kayla's punishing, switch breaking strike - showing the tiny cut she had left in the ends of Jane's petals and chubby slit-lips. The crowd of kindern students roared in amusement, laughing and giggling as you would expect kids to. Holding only the small remnant of her switch, Kayla turned and gave the audience a nod. She had been asked to do that to show when she was done; it was like a tradition in the Empire justice system. With it, the giggles eased and turned into a clap. Even her principal clapped, all as if they were celebrating the end of an act of a play, and thanking the performers. Jane thrashed in her restraints in agony, howling and bawling, as Kayla turned her gaze back to her principal, whom returned to her side. "That was certainly a good job, Miss Ackart. Jane will be going home to another dose when she meets her new parents. You are dismissed.", he said calmly with a smile; Jane still sobbing and jingling her metal bits of tail-restraint so close by. He turned out to the other kindern, opening his arm and hand in gesture. "You are all dismissed, at that! Enjoy your summer!", their principal wished everyone, whom all cheered and leapt from their seats to head for their busses, and home. Leaving the stage, Kayla stepped by her kidnapper one last time, as two Empire enforcement officers un-did her restraints to take her back into their custody. Accompanying them was a man and a woman, whom had watched from off the other side of the stage; likely the penitatas' new parents, and they looked rigid. "Not everyone gets to win, Jim.", Kayla snapped at the girl as she walked by, mocking her once more by actually using her masculine name. It made Jane growl sharply, like a little girl having a tantrum. That's exactly what it was. And like that, Kayla was again gone from her new life. For the penitatas, on this planet, it would be a long period of suffering. Closing that chapter of her kindernhood, Kayla could work to be a mother and parent to her cubs. It was so hard to be her age, and try and care for two, but at least she had help. If anything, it gave her a goal. Kayla's purpose in life would be to care for kits and make sure they don't have the same start she did. In a world filled with rape and violence, it would be her place to teach her kids have to be safe and street-smart. Any man who abused her daughter, or her son, would meet a similar fate as Jane. For the same reasons Kayla would have hated the switch in another time and universe, she grew to love it. It became what she corrected her own children with, learning to control it and use it lightly. Those red lines left behind, no matter how thin, always left her boy and girl with something to rub and sob about when they had been bad. ‘Bad', usually entailed being mean to one another, disobeying momma's rules, or most importantly, doing something that placed them in danger or risk. A part of protecting them from kidnap or rape, was stopping their own foolish actions as they got older, year after year. Playing out front without permission and supervision was one major offense that was very memorable for all involved when the twins were six years old. Kayla was so scared to death when she found her little ones, she made each of them pick their own switch, and they were spanked in their bare fur right there beneath the tree, over Kayla's lap. Not only did Vance and Elisa get it good, when they were taken from the corner later that evening, Kayla switched them a second time before sending them both to bed. It was harsh, but even Kayla herself was abducted in front of this same house. It was hard to punish them so strictly, but the quicker they learned, the safer they would be. Needless to say, neither her son or daughter did that ever again. As Kayla grew alongside her offspring, she gained knowledge and wisdom with them, finding ways to be a better parent. So young, it was tough at times to seem serious, and not just their friend. Only almost eight years older then they were, she looked nothing like the adult human male of the household. But, the older of the Aspatrians worked hard, and with love, to teach and take care of her cubs as best she could. In the end, as she grew to adulthood, she was certainly successful. Good grades in school, and living normal, happy lives on Earth, Vance and Elisa were growing up to be what she had hoped for. Rape and violence was but a thing of the past, remembered only by Kayla and the man that slowly became her partner, and husband. ‘Daddy' had taken care of her and her cubs for so long, the pair grew from their parent-daughter relationship, into something more intimate. The man loved Kayla as he did long ago when Vance and Elisa were born, though he had to hide it. Now, they were comfortable and open, enjoying the bond they shared. It was odd for him to scold Kayla any longer during her younger teen years, but the fox still appreciated his guidance. She felt she needed it, if she was to guide her own children. A few rare times she had to be spanked herself; kept secret and private from her kids. It was an awkward complication to being so young, or letting her school grades slip because she was unwilling to place the responsibility of looking after the twins upon him so she could do her homework. Kayla could be stubborn. Now eighteen years old, the once tiny Aspatrian child, crying and lonely in an unforgiving new world, had grown to be a ripe new woman. As a young adult, the fox's modest breasts stood matured upon her chest; swelling with milk, as her belly swelled with young. Sitting at the dinning room table and figuring bills for her husband, the home was filled with the sound of Vance playing with his toy cars in the living room. The twins now ten, it was an interesting day. For once, it was Elisa in the corner, and Vance behaving himself. The growing cubs were starting to argue about space as they reached towards puberty in the next two years, arguing over who's was who's, and where they should place it. Vance had claimed the living room for his own play, and was willing to share despite, but her daughter wouldn't have any of that. Instead of trying to play mediator when it wasn't exactly necessary, considering Vance was offering to share room, the older of the foxes found it more appropriate to end Elisa's nonsense with a "lesson". Forcing the girl to place her paws on the wall, it took Kayla nothing more than a few moments to drop the cub's shorts and underwear and spend a minute slapping Elisa's bare furred bottom with her open paw. Ten years old or not, a solid flurry of swats from mom's paw could still have the girl sniffling and sobbing - sorry for what she had done, as her tail thrashed from side to side, trying to keep obediently out of momma's way. As Kayla sat her papers down, she jumped slightly at a thump within her belly. It brought such a warm smile to her muzzle, placing her paws under her shirt to rub her tummy as she did long ago, when she was little. She loved being a mom, above anything. That lump of life inside of her even had a biological daddy nearby. Her husband, with a hint of medical help, was able to impregnate her as consensually and naturally as her uterus would allow. Placed on her back in bed, the man she had lived with so long on top of her, accepting his seed made her swell with pride, among other things. It had only been two months, but she knew this lump inside of her to be another daughter from the medical tricorder images. Taking her paws from the bulge of life inside of her, Kayla sat back up in her chair, crossing her arms as a sniffle from the corner in front of her perked her ears up. Elisa was bare below the waist, only still wearing her blue t-shirt to go with her orange, white, and black fur. The mother stared a moment, figuring fifteen minutes was long enough for her kindern girl. "Elisa, you can step out of the corner and come here.", she called the few mere meters to her daughter, granting her permission to leave the corner and come collect her clothing, and lecture. The young girl turned from the corner, placing her paws protectively over her lap as she walked timidly, and bashfully. Kayla promptly discouraged it with a wag of her finger. "No need for that. Paws at your sides.", Kayla was quick to remind. It's not that she didn't want her cubs to touch their parts; not at all. She was pretty sure her twins knew what it meant to be boy and girl, and what they did in private, by themselves, was all their's. Still scarred by her own kindernhood, Kayla just had trouble seeing cubs touch their privates - her son especially. Once, Vance was punished for it. It was something she apologized for, regretting her actions. Her past haunted her at times. Obediently, though reluctantly, Elisa hung her head, blushing through her muzzle and cheeks. Her paws went behind her back instead of her sides, just to hold them together nervously, even if it wasn't at her front any longer. Standing in front of her mother, Kayla placed her right paw under Elisa's chin, lifting it to meet the younger Aspatrian's watery brown eyes. Without her paws upon her thinly furred groin, the black fur of her crotch stood out like a sore thumb. It's not like her mother paid any care, though. "Honey, you're too old to not be able to share space. Vance was even willing to move aside so you could bring out your own toys, to watch the holo while you play. There is no need for arguments or demands, or needing me to resolve them.", came Kayla's lecture, speaking in her deeper, more womanly voice. It was soothing and calm, though still authoritive as she gave her girl the lesson behind the brief punishment. Elisa whined, giving a light stop of her right footpaw against the carpet. "But momma, Vance~.. !", Elisa began to retort, before getting a more stern look, and a tap against the side of her muzzle. "See here, now. But nothing. Your brother's hover-cars are as important as your own toys. I'm not going to ask Vance to pick up his things and leave the room just because you said so. That's not fair.", Kayla worked to explain, as Vance watched on from the living room. It made him tense, holding a car in either paw. The scene made him feel guilty, for his mom's sake. Elisa was a bit selfish at times, as she grew up. The two twins' behaviors changed places over time, as Vance learned his lessons, and Elisa simply got older. The younger of the girls looked on quietly, sort of scowling at her mother as her lower foxy jaw quivered from time to time. Silence being uncomfortable, the defiance made Kayla sigh in a sad sort of way. She did not like being this strict, but damn, her daughter was such a strong willed girl. Elisa took after Kayla in that sense, but lacked the humility needed to control that will, even as she stood with her ebony furred groin blatantly in the open from it's contrasting color. Her little lips shifted as she stepped from footpaw to footpaw - Vance could see from his own vantage point. "Elisa, if you're not going to accept your brother's generosity and act politely, go to your room.", Kayla reluctantly had to order, for the sake of keeping the peace, and being a parent. Even the task she loved had it's downsides. Elisa huffed, snatching her shorts and panties from the table before hurrying off to she and her brother's room. She sniffled, before closing the door, and leaving the house in quiet once again. Kayla shook her head, and looked away back down to the papers on the table. Behind her, Vance whined to himself, toying with his fingers while he held his toy hover-cars; looking down. "Sorry mom.", Vance felt the need to say, sounding a touch forlorn. It perked Kayla's own ears right back up, turning in her seat to look back out over the living room at her boy. "There's no need to be sorry hun', you offered to share and resolve things on your own - like a man of the house.", the older fox smiled and encouraged, getting up from her chair with the help of the table now that she was pregnant once more. Stepping over to her son, she gave a light downward wave with her paw, to gesture that he shouldn't worry. "Your sister is going through a phase. That's all.", his mother explained, kneeling down and stroking the young fox's cheek to make sure he wasn't upset after all he had seen and listened to. Vance nodded for Kayla, setting his cars down as he leaned forward to nuzzle upwards at his mother's muzzle. Kayla gently nuzzled back; an affectionate thing she and her two children shared, as Aspatrians. "Is she in trouble?", the boy asked curiously, looking up as their nuzzle parted. This ‘phase' thing was something different, he thought, despite the fact he had a few of his own already. "I hope not. I'm going to talk to her later, when she's calmed down.", Kayla sort of sighed again, rubbing her head behind her right ear. It was something of a timid reaction. She did like being open with her cubs like that. At least, she liked to imagine she wasn't that strict of a parent, unless things got out of control. Bringing her smile back, a thought crossed her mind. "Why don't we get your bath out of the way? You kids are headed back to school tomorrow.", she noted and suggested, considering it was Sunday, and growing into the early evening. With one cub in their room, it was easier to supervise Vance. The two were old enough to shower, but Kayla didn't mind baths. Vance didn't seem to either, so she was happy to continue her duty until puberty urged her son into privacy. "Sure.", the boy replied in his smaller voice, turning a little to scoop his cars up into a pile. Preparing Vance's bath, Kayla gathered a towel and began running the water by the time her son had finished cleaning up his toys and entered the bathroom with her. With the water running, it was a lot harder to hear Elisa's pouting in the room next door. Stripping off his shirt, shorts, and clean white cotton briefs, the boy climbed into the warm rising water while Kayla knelt at the side to give his fur a quick scrub down. The German Shepherd-like fur streaks down his back and tail were much more defined and pronounced in color now that he was older, and it was where his mother would start washing with her soapy sponge and fur-brush. It was one of Vance's most distinguished features, and he couldn't even wash it himself, which made his baths much more relaxing than trying to shower. Fur did complicate matters. Together, the pair, mother and son, enjoyed a quiet time. Gentle splashes of water as it moved, and drips from the faucet made the ambience of the room. Top to bottom, Kayla bathed her young boy thoroughly and slowly, as best she knew how with all her experience. Every bit of Vance, right down to his sheath, sac, and paws; which had grown significantly since he was born. Though slight, Vance's member had gained the ability to knot at the base, like his canid father. Kayla had discovered that due to Vance's more embarrassing moments, when he got erections he could not control, simply due to his age. It was hard for Kayla to see at times, but she was Vance's mother, and she wasn't about to damn him for his anatomy. In the end, her son was beautiful, and a good child, even if he could cause mischief. By the time Kayla's husband and ‘daddy' came home, Kayla was comfortably watching Vance play with a toy boat and rubber duck in the water of the tub. His tail and fur sagged with the weight of water, looking like a little drowned rat - something the human always found adorable, especially in Kayla, when he was giving her baths in this same tub. "Hey lil' guy!", the man greeted the young Aspatrian boy first, since Vance noticed him first. Walking in, he knelt down and rubbed the young male between the ears, smiling playfully before turning to Kayla. Then, he gave her a kiss on her foxy lips, as they did each day when he returned home from work. "Welcome home.", Kayla chuckled after their usual greeting, watching her newfound husband look down at her growing belly. The look he had on his face, even if human, reminded her so much of her own. She looked in the mirror when she was little, and felt that same warmth. "How is my daughter today?", he spoke more quietly, as he asked about the young one. Kayla found it ample time to make a quip. "The one inside me, or the one I sent to her room?", the eldest fox tried to say in a humorous way, leaning back on the toilet unit with a paw comfortably on her tummy. It made her old fatherly figure groan, and place a hand to his face. "She get lippy with you again?", the human asked, citing an issue Kayla had with Elisa only the other day. "No, she just wanted things her way. In the end, it's the same phase.", Kayla replied, lacking in enthusiasm at remembering the backtalk Elisa had for her only a few days ago about doing her homework. The older human hummed, tapping his fingers on his cheek while looking towards the doorway of the bathroom. "I think I should have a ‘talk' with her.", he said in a manner which sent a shiver down Vance's spine particularly. Being older than his mother by quite a bit, a ‘talk' from dad typically meant nothing good. Kayla shook her head, but only a little. She just seemed reluctant to punish Elisa a second time. "Let's give her some time. Might need to be delicate with her, you know?", Kayla persuaded, using her other paw to ask for leniency. Her good ol' human companion was only looking out for her, and as asked, the man gave a reluctant nod. Kayla was their mother, he would always respect her wishes. "Oh alright.", he acknowledged. Vance sighed in relief, giving his rubber duck a quick bat through the water. Elisa would have been even more pouty if it came to getting a dose of what she deserved. "I have the bills ready and organized on the table. I'll fix dinner once I get Vance dried off.", Kayla assured as she sat back up, motioning for her son to stand up out of the water. While Vance pulled the drain plug, and stood bare, dripping, Kayla and her husband shared one last kiss before he left the bathroom. It wasn't the easiest life, but it made Kayla the most happy. It was all she could have asked for, managing to survive so many cold encounters. But, life isn't always so lenient. As this Earth had proven, it could also be a dark and foreboding place, governed by twisted fate. The above part of the story is the good ending. The following last part of the story is the bad ending. While a possibility, there is a chance none of these events would have came to play in the time after Jane's initial lashing. She and her children would have grown as life orchestrated, but good things may not last. All it would have taken was one mistake on Kayla's part. One lapse of judgment. Vance could have come home bloodied and sobbing when he was seven, beaten up by older bullies in the neighborhood because he had fur; if Kayla didn't keep her cubs in the yard to play. Elisa could have been raped. Or, even worse, they could have lost their mother. Life could have easily gone a different route, in Kayla's late teens as she talked with her long time father about changing their relationship and getting married. The plans were set. Her cubs were at home, raised as well as they could be, just as they had been. But, she could have not watched her back one day, or taken a bad turn, deciding to walk out to pick up groceries. It could have been an inkling as benign as wanting to have dinner ready before her man got home, instead of waiting till after. Such a risk could have demonic results; it all depended on the demons looming from the shadows. In such a place, they would be the gatekeepers of her destiny, away from the comforts and protection of those whom loved her. Carrying articles for dinner, all it would take would be a crack to the back of the head. A smooth, sly move from the shadows, or behind a trash receptacle. Groceries falling to the ground with her collapsing body, they would be left there to be found by the Empire law enforcers - long after her body had been taken. Another victim of a slaver, or body seller. From this, Kayla awoke in an agonizing daze. Her body did not respond to her urges to move; muscles like gelatin. Opening her eyes and seeing an immature orange paw, it was quickly figural that the lethargy was due to being rejuvenated only shortly ago. Mind filling with fear, reality sank in. Sounds began to appear, echoing through her tiny, over sensitive ears. She could feel her body moving, almost rocking. And a pain. A heat. It burned in a way that tormented her memories, of things long ago, and long since passed. Her mind was forced out of it's trance, by a harsh bite from a dog to the back of her neck; not liking that she had tried to move. Snapping her head to one side, Kayla sobbed out a terrified yelp, gripping at a dirty, grimy tile floor. All the sudden her senses were assaulted with the full force of all around her. There were others nearby - children of all species, and all female. On each, a dog mounted. Other dogs stood in wait, taking turns, and moving from cub to cub. Two dogs fought over whom would mount a Drakonian girl, whom could not be older than five. They bit and scratched at her scales, frightening the armored reptile more than anything, as fluids leaked from the slits beneath her tail. All of them seemed as weak as Kayla. Having been in such a place, the fox wished to fight back; to go home and see her kids. Again, the dog above barked, shoving a paw down on her back - the sharp claws scraping at her thin, defenseless kit skin. It hurt enough to make the Aspatrian cry out like she hadn't since she was little, shaking. So "Jane" was one of many. The kennel itself, was one of many. Kayla, as a victim, was one of even more. Each of their young crotches was filled with the thick, solid meat of a dog's full length, lined up in disorganized rows, all in the standard mating position. Ironically, or perhaps appropriately, they were all taking it ‘doggie style'. Once again, there was a knot firmly wedged in her new, still virgin slit. Her passage did not give, thanks to being rejuvenated. Feminine parts once deflowered and prepared for such intercourse were now as unused as a cub's. The pain and torment was all new yet again. Having woken up after the dog began, his duty of mating her was already done; the warm feeling of cum and droplets of blood seeping from around her chubby little vaginal lips, to further dirty the ground. To her nose, the smell of so many male dogs and their watery ejaculates was overpowering. It was all she and the others were there for; to excite and delight these insentient, filthy canines. But, it made Kayla cry to see a German Shepherd among the dogs. It reminded her so much of her son, Vance. She had dealt with the pain so many times, but the hurt it caused her emotionally, she could not resist. Crying forcefully at the dog's punishing scratches to her back, the dog continued to try and hump despite being firmly knotted. It rocked her body against the ground, making her fur mop up cum and fluids from the tile. Looking out at all the others, the shine of something in the corner caught her attention through the burn of her tears. Off the clear casing of it's tube, she could see a small rejuvenator standing alone in the corner. In it even now, a tiny Karrian girl huddled up, tail between her legs - waiting to be taken out and thrown back to the dogs. Across the door of the rejuvenator, a dog's seed had been smeared. It seems her green scaled crotch was missed by a dog that liked her ‘company', and was now as virgin as Kayla's own. Refreshed for more use. Defeated and tired, poor Kayla could not tell the dog's efforts to hump her had brought on another series of cums from the male dog mounting her beneath the tail. She couldn't even see what he looked like, as his balls emptied further into her young cervix - overly stretching her passage to accommodate his length, girth, and knot. It spilled down her inner thighs, and through squirts and squishes of knot to her flesh, forced some upwards across her little tailhole pucker. It covered her messily, all the while receiving harsh, hurtful scratches to her back. Behind her, out of sight, a second smaller dog was busily lapping around the shaft of the larger, to lick at her sore slit lips and pinkened pucker at the base of her fox tail; licking up her and the other male's sloppy seed. His hips married to her haunches as if she was a dog herself. Covering her eyes with her paws, Kayla growled and cried in desperate ache and shame. The sounds and smells. The rejuvenator. She would be here forever. Forever an object for these dogs; restrained on her paws and knees, to be mated at will. Over time, the various dogs and canines would mount her, and thrust every which way. Foolish ones would mount her from the front, spilling their semen and ejaculate all over Kayla's muzzle, and in her mouth. The taste was so strong and musky, it stayed with her. Cum would flow between her teeth, and leave greasy, vulgar residues. Their ball sacs would rest with weight upon her nose, as another larger, more authoritive dog mated with her. Sometimes they would miss, and would get her tailhole. Either way, it hurt enough to make her seven year old frame writhe in pain; sobbing at the endless cycle of dogs coming in and out. In such a world, it would have been just as likely for Kayla to experience such a thing. Whether she lived a good life, or the life of slavery, was up to the cruel, eternal struggle of good and evil. It was for no one else to decide, but some semblance of fate, what would truly happen to a hopeful refugee of a world with a red sky, and those she touched along the way. Or maybe, above all else, it was up to Kayla Ackart herself.

Kayla Redux: Memories Resurface

Kayla Redux: Memories Resurface Story By: Professor Bob Commissioned By: Shippo * * * As the tale had gone, Kayla faced hardships until her arrival upon Earth. Escaping the clutches of her captives onboard the supply vessel she stowed away...

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Kodi Learns to mate Part2

When Kodi's knot popped out from Balto's backside it was with a wet pop sound that resounding in the loneliness of the forgotten ship. The wolf hybrid shook himself and then planted his haunches onto the cool floorboards before lifting one of his legs...

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Weed: The Loss Of Ohu Mountians Part3

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