Kayla Redux: Memories Resurface

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#4 of Kayla's Life

Kayla Redux: Memories Resurface Story By: Professor Bob Commissioned By: Shippo

  • * * As the tale had gone, Kayla faced hardships until her arrival upon Earth. Escaping the clutches of her captives onboard the supply vessel she stowed away upon, battered and sore, until falling under the care of a kind man. Hacker by nature, and a technological thief to support himself and his adopted Aspatrian daughter, matters that once made Kayla silent drifted away into enjoying the warmth of a home. It was a home with care, and clothing - even the opportunity to go to school, which thrilled the once poverty stricken girl. In a life different from what would have been, she was marked as a kindern, and enrolled in a school for real, un-rejuvenated children. Dressed in a simple pink t-shirt and blue shorts, she had given the human man that took care of her a wave before heading off to the first day of school. She was growing up, slowly but surely, though it took time to become that comfortable. At first, young Kayla didn't even understand the concept of underwear, or why there were cartoon characters on her panties. That, was two years ago. Now seven, learning the ways of Earth outside her home, the fox could be just like anyone else. The memories of Aspatria, and the horrors of the cargo ship, faded into distant adolescent memory. Each day, the young furry girl would come home with the story of her day, speaking in a genuine child's voice and excess enthusiasm. Her caretaker, and fatherly figure, would feed her, love her, and send her to bed with the promise of more fun the next day. Kayla's first Friday came to be, which she was explained to be a special day that everyone hopes for all week, because the weekend was for play. That morning as the man helped Kayla dress, sliding her underwear up her legs to hug her pelvis and bottom snugly, the idea of breaks between learning and this Earthly concept of weekends tickled her every fancy. Her muzzle flapped even as he pulled her shirt over her head, asking curious questions, before he kissed her forehead and sent her off to the hover-bus to experience the day for herself. "Bye daddy!", Kayla called with her small voice, running to the steps of the bus while looking over her shoulder for a moment. The middle-aged hacker encouraged her to use テ「竄ャヒ彭addy', to play as her legally adopted child, along with wanting to give her such a figure. To watch the girl get on the bus, waving back and thinking of the past two years, he felt relieved that his reclusive nature allowed him to have a child through a twist of fate. As the traditionally yellow hover bus lifted into the air, he turned with his light smile, and stepped back inside their home. A few steps past closing his door, he heard another sound that was awfully peculiar. Humming deeply, a nervous tension crept down his arms as he paused and looked out the window beside the door. At the usual hover height, a yellow bus slowed down, before increasing speed and taking off as normal, as if they didn't see a student they intended to pick up. "What the hell?..", the man said beneath his breath. Only one hover bus came down his street every morning. For Kayla and her current young age, she didn't know what hit her till well past it being too late. The bus' door closed behind herself, and climbing the last step revealed a nold, ill kept hover bus interior with empty seats. There was not even a driver monitoring the auto-pilot. Taking off before she was seated made her feet uneasy, holding on to the front of the first seat as she looked on in confusion. Memories long past did not clue her in. "Hello? Where is everyone?", Kayla asked the empty space as a typical kid would, expecting something to answer her. There was nothing but the drone of the hover engines, as the bus sped off to a location unknown. Holding her paws to her chest nervously, the young girl began to get scared; her lower lip quivering, making one step down the center aisle at a time. One empty seat after another, until a stronger shock to her being. Something grabbed her upper left arm as she approached the fifth row of seats, pulling and swinging her around to pin her against the seat with a violent thump. Kayla screamed at the manhandling with her eyes closed, trying to squirm, but was pinned by a heavy form. She didn't open her eyes till a hand of some kind wrapped around her muzzle, silencing her frightened cries. Opening them with a snap, chest heaving, she saw her assailant, whom had an all too familiar appearance. It was another Aspatrian, staring down at her with bare, white fox teeth as he grinned. He laid in wait half way down the bus, being that it was so common for those he captured to wander down the aisle and essentially right into his grasp. "Another from Aspatria. I wanted you as soon as I discovered your existence, little Kayla.", the cold, older male fox spoke down to her, as he leaned in to keep the girl pinned to her back. Her head was propped up on the back of the seat, canid ears folded back with these twitchy, and watery eyes. It was like her past came back to haunt her. Never in these two years had she seen another from Aspatria, much less be kidnapped by one. On an unfamiliar hover-bus and accompanied by a violent, snide stranger, Kayla just kept trying to scream. The loud, muffled squeals that came from her throat, made the man hold her muzzle tighter, and force it harder into the back of the seat. "Shut up girl!", he snapped at Kayla, sort of shaking her head via her muzzle. The tone in his voice, though, was more amused than angry. It was as if he enjoyed her young attempts to scream, and getting to quell them through his physical restraint. Even to a real seven year old, she could notice his enjoyment, as a pair of tiny tears trailed down her soft cheek to be absorbed by the fur of his thick fingers. "You may have embraced Earth's ways, but I have not. Little girls do not wear clothing, and I am allowed to do to them as I please.", the older fox sneered, hissing out his rough voice. His elbow pressed harder into Kayla's abdomen with bruising force, causing little Kayla to sputter and gurgle in pain as she tried to cry with her maw shut tight. Once the weight was off of her belly, a paw cupped her groin through her shorts, holding it firm. An unwanted act that told her she would be raped again, as well as hurt. His paw was strong, and the squeeze, even through her clothing, pinched and curled her sensitive, baby-soft labia and groin. Those long forgotten memories resurfaced in the eyes of the man atop her, as that lustful, cruel stare was one she recalled from her days on the streets of Aspatria. Time passed, with Kayla remaining still now from fear as the spot on her tummy throbbed. Eyes clenching shut, the older man squeezed at her vagina and pelvis with a rough massaging motion, forcing her lips and folds every which way. Her panties slipped into her slit, sucking away the moisture of her pre-pubescent pedals; enhancing her discomfort and the amount of things that could be pinched and grinded together. The violation and hurt made her growl, clouding her mind and focus to the point that her acute hearing didn't pick up a drop in output from the bus' hover engines, as they settled back down upon the ground. "We're home!", the Aspatrian man spoke again, with a cruelly amused mannerism about him as he released Kayla's groin and maw both at the same time, to scoop the child up. Feeling herself released, the smaller of the fox's tried to kick and fight again, only to be thrown easily onto her kidnapper's shoulder and carried like baggage. His right paw held Kayla to his shoulder by the seat of her shorts, holding her bottom snugly with his thumb around the base of her bushy orange tail, as she pounded on his back with her fists and screamed to be let go. Getting off the bus, those demands became more teary, and her flailing more futile, looking at the ground below and afraid to fall, seeing nothing more than the man's casually swaying tail. "You're going to get to meet one of my pups. He's a big one, for such a little girl.", her tightly folded ears picked up alongside the crunching of his boots into gravel below, making her eyes open to watery slits. Dogs? She remembered a dog, from those two long years ago. Her demands ceased, and her screams shrilled, crying whole heartedly at her repressed memories and the cruel teasing of what would happen to her. "He's eager to mate, and I am eager to get breeding. A dog as special as he, and a dog like you, seem like a fine pair. No need for a dog of his caliber to mate a mutt. You can be his property instead.", he continued to drill into the frightened kindern, occasionally being tapped on the muzzle by her thrashing tail. It was nice to seal her fate, as he walked into the front door of his building, and the door swung shut behind them. Distracted still, the radical change in scents still alerted young Kayla's soft, ebony nose. The room was dusty smelling, and she could smell a kennel adjacent. Dirty, with reddish walls, and a sort of rough brick floor, it seemed the cruel things she was being told were true. テ「竄ャヒ廝reeding', was a word she did not yet understand. However, テ「竄ャヒ徇ate', she did, and she certainly did not wish to be the property of a dog, or be treated like the young girls from her homeworld were. "I don't want to be mate!", Kayla sobbed awkwardly, using the word inappropriately in her childish voice. Anything she could have said, would have just made her kidnapper more pleased. "Nobody asked if you did.", the fox carrying her laughed, as he began to un-shoulder her. Legs stiff, she was set back down upon her feet. First instinct was to duck to her left, towards an old brown desk she saw, but the jerk she made didn't make headway, being held by her arm once more. Kneeling down in front of her like a parent, her kidnapper took the bottom of her shirt, and pulled it up over her head as she stared at the desk, imagining a place to hide. Suddenly unable to see, Kayla cried out again, crying and stamping her feet, but with a rough pop over her ears, the shirt was removed from her head and off her body to crumple on the floor at her side. Upon the center of her bare chest was her tuft of white fur, and to it's sides, her nipples from beneath her fur, all of which the man was only getting to see for the first time. Seeing what he was staring at, Kayla tried to cover her undeveloped chest, only to have her arm smacked away as she was stripped down piece by piece. Sobbing, with weary eyes, she clenched her fists and tried to fight him away, as his claws dipped into the waistband of her shorts. With her free paw, she tried smacking at his muzzle, screaming and kicking her legs, fighting if she couldn't slink away and hide. The older man huffs through his nostrils, shifting his weight to lean to his right side. Not bothering with the button above her tail, he yanks her shorts hard enough to break the fabric above her tail and drop the garment to her ankles. Not able to kick as easily with her ankles attached together by her shorts, the man shoved her backwards while still holding her, to pin her against the wall aside a dark blue door frame. Not having enough sense to use her footpaws to pull her shorts off her ankles, her kicking wasn't working in the least, and her hitting turned into just trying to push the man away as it felt like he was close enough to smother her. Her panties were bare to the open air, sporting the white cotton imbued with pink, playful cartoon characters along the groin, sides, and seat. Between her legs, her adolescent pussy was well outlined, with that bit of fabric between her tiny slit lips. A camel toe, that caught the attention of her kidnapper easily, and brought about a quick teasing laugh outside of the struggling and shouting. Grabbing her underwear by the crotch, he gave a harsh tug just as he did with the shorts, pulling the fabric from her vagina and breaking the Velcro tab above her tail to leave the child's panties at her knees. Trying to fight the man off, all the poor kindern could do was scream and cry, begging, and flailing, with her eyes closed and her head snapping about as she thrashed. Pinning Kayla to the wall with his left forearm across her chest and towards her neck, instead of holding her arms, he waited just one extra second longer for one of the girl's feeble attempts to kick. Once she did, he dipped his fingers right between her legs, to have it clenched between her cub-fat laden thighs. All the commotion brought about other sounds, which hit Kayla as sharply as the new, sudden, brisk rubbing of her vaginal lips. Her labia rolled around, being stoked by furry fingers into her own thin fur, to excite nerves and further tense her pelvis and legs. In the vent of the door to her side, at her height, was a loud scratch, and a bark that made her wince and accidentally straddle the fingers masturbating the outside of her genitalia. "You smell her already boy? She's your's today.", the fox said with a louder voice and twisted enthusiasm, turning his head to the door while his fingertips did their dirty work upon Kayla's pre-pubescent muff, shifting her labia apart to stroke orange fur, ticklishly through the pink, gently soft inner lips of the girl. Kayla, eyes shut, heard the dog whine, and a subsequent barking and ruckus from deeper within the building, as if more dogs inside the kennel were replying to the dog that was already waiting for her in that room. The paw left her groin, pulling her panties and shorts down off of her legs to finally free them, just to allow her legs to spread wider. "You're going to like her, boy. Her hole is still nice and tight, not being on my home planet for long. You'll fix that, won't you?", he joked with the dog, only to shame and frighten Kayla. Quite effective, as her forced apart legs trembled and her bare vagina clenched it's inner muscles - catching the knuckle of one of the man's fingers momentarily in the entrance to her feminine tunnel. Fur stroking across clitoris, urethral opening, and her immature folds, gave rise to moisture from deep within her sex. Flowing like a gentle rain down a pipe, her little vaginal opening began to glisten lightly, spreading the clear juices around her skin from the brisk, seemingly endless stroking to her. Using a sole fingertip, he wormed it between her lips, rubbing in a circular motion. The spreading and closing of her lips made a tiny wet smacking sound that only their sensitive ears could pick up, distributing the scent of her childish arousal around the room, and to the awaiting dog's nostrils. The dog grew more impatient and desperate, clawing again at the door with a bark; the sounds only serving to make Kayla more uncomfortable. Barely able to move her legs with the feelings in her vagina growing so intense, her small paws gripped at his arm, just trying to push it away from her neck. She cried, dampening her cheek fur, and lamenting her rape even before anything had been shoved up into her. Her folds and chubby baby girl-lips grew hot from fur to fur friction, making the skin beneath raw and sore, and her unused bits of sexual flesh over-stimulated with confusing, almost peaceful feelings. "S-s.. ss-stop!", Kayla found the courage to howl, even if it was sharp like a little girl, and tear filled. Her knees began to bend from the unwanted stimulation, with it feeling like one of the most sexual things ever done to her. Most things hurt, and this was more geared towards getting her wet. She didn't understand it, and the fact this was exciting the dog's senses. "My pleasure!", the man said with an odd sort of growl, pulling his fingers from her vagina with a scrape of his claws that made the little one cry out. His fingers went straight for his muzzle, where he took a big sniff while Kayla thrashed and screamed once more, holding her feminine mound due to the sting the light scrape of his claws caused. The Aspatrian man's nose was filled with the smell of her undeveloped sex, and with a light lick, he got a taste of it as well. The amount of moisture that ended up in his fur was small, as a kindern of Kayla's age could not produce a large amount, but it was more than enough to excite his breeding dog. Grasping Kayla by the shoulders, he spun the naked fox around and nudged her towards the door. Grasping the door's old-fashioned knob, he opened it slightly, though Kayla's footpaws pressed to the rough brick floor to try and not go forward, like a kid having a tantrum. "No! No, no!", Kayla cried out, wailing like a baby, only to be shoved in the doorway with a paw to her back. She stumbled, catching her small claws as the brick floor turned to smooth tile, and landing on her paws and knees with a painful thump. Once she turned around and threw her tail out of the way, the door was closed; the man sitting down beside it to watch through the cracks of the vent. All she could see again, were those lustful eyes. He said not a word, as if he wasn't even there. A wet nose sniffed under Kayla's tail from the opposite side, rubbing it against her rump and across her tailhole before moving downward, seeking the source of feminine scent. It startled Kayla whom whimpered pathetically, feeling the nose touch the spot of skin between her ass and genitalia as she squirmed and crawled to her feet, running to the other side of the room and crouching down. The room was cold, and empty, aside from the dog she was with. One door on each side - one silent, and the other echoing the sounds of barking and clanking chains from other dogs. It was a frightening sound, to go with a plain, white, normal room. It smelled strange, reminding her of many frequently traveled sex alleys in Aspatria. Those memories she worked so hard to let go. Before her, and approaching with it's strong, large paws, was what Kayla would simply call a テ「竄ャヒ彙ig doggy'. An older child, would call it a German Shepherd. Using her footpaws, Kayla slid on her bottom backwards along the wall, whimpering and making desperate sorts of sounds as the large canine inevitably came closer. The black and tan blend of fur and sharply pointed ears amidst a large body intimidated her, making the dog the largest she had come across thus far. Between it's hind legs, hung a bulbous, oddly shaped red appendage, that bobbed loosely as it walked. Kayla knew well what a penis was, as well as the heavy, thinly furred ball-sac that hung behind it. Back up against the corner of the wall, the dog came up to her front, nudging his large head past her paws and forcing his maw into her groin. Sniffing sent air across her little vagina, and it made her quiver, and freeze. She did not move again, till the dog began to lick at her nether-lips. So large and wet, the tongue pressed her fur clear up against her skin, essentially licking flesh to flesh, right between her tender slit. Slap, slap, sounded the tongue, with Kayla painfully tense with each lap of the German Shepherd's tongue. With the fifth lick, and feeling the dog's teeth against her labia he was so close between her legs, Kayla made a growl of her own, albeit tearily. With her paws, she shoved them both at once upon the male dog's neck, shoving him away enough to close her legs and quickly try to squirm away out of the corner. Her actions were quick, but not quick enough, hearing the dog make a whining sort of growl just as her knees began to get off the tile so she could run. It's forelegs and paws landed on her shoulders as he leapt up, laying his weight down - forcing Kayla back to her paws and knees. "Get off! Go away!", Kayla screamed in order, trying to pull away, or at least lay down, to protect herself from being raped as she once had been. The German Shepherd, making a simple, growling sort of sound, turned it's head and latched his teeth onto the sides of Kayla's neck. It kept her up despite her sounds of protest, with the small fox too scared to thrash. Taking it's mating stance on a テ「竄ャヒ彭og' so small, the German Shepherd certainly hurt, even if it did not break skin. Chest heaving as she sobbed and breathed, scared like waiting to be stuck by a needle, the dog thrust it's hind quarters wildly, trying to find it's target. Opening her muzzle, it curled into a pained expression as she was poked harshly on her lower extremities by the tip of the dog's cock. It jabbed her behind her slit, looking for it by feel, till it parted two bits of familiar feeling flesh, even if his breeding mate wasn't exactly a fellow dog. Humping at Kayla's small vagina, his canine cocktip thrust hard at her slit, again and again, trying to force it's way into her while his weight remained heavy on her back and shoulders. Kayla's vagina seared with pain, knees pressed into the unforgiving tile, forced to remain doggie-style with the teeth of this beast clenched upon her delicate scruff of her neck. Kayla grunted abruptly, her body quivering sharply with this look of hurt upon her face. The German Shepherd's cock sank into her vagina, little by little with each press of his hindquarters and legs. Tail curled lightly, and Kayla's own forced to the side like a bitch he would normally mate, he found vaginal walls clenching tightly upon his thick shaft. Kayla's lightly furred lips spread wide, with her entry hole stretching to painful proportions to fit such a large dog's penis. That familiar feeling of pain and heat, and the dog's humping, made Kayla drop her head and cry as she screamed and bared her teeth from the terror of her rape. Pinned and unable to escape, being violated so roughly by an act meant to be so tender, that abused her tender folds of girlish flesh. The inside of her vagina reddened from the stretching - dog hilted inside of her to his sheath, with his cockhead forcing apart little Kayla's cervix he was in so deep compared to her age. The masturbation forced upon her had been so deep into it, her vaginal walls were made to clench orgasmically even without her knowledge or wish. It hurt too badly to be pleasureful, though her own cum was mixing with the dog's own, and her tears sounded half like sullen moans. Dog mating wound be such a short thing, but the fox was not so fortunate. Her nether lips stimulating the large dog's penis made him squirt his seed every several seconds, spurting from the somewhat pointed tip of his shaft, but he continued despite, with a knot forming to seal the deal. Each rough thrust withdrew his penis quickly, just to be forced back in rapidly in an act of carnal instinct. Young Kayla's sobbing and cries were loud and forceful, desperate to fight her rape, but not making any sense. Her poor pussy burned, with her personal lubrication not being enough to make the dog's mating comfortable. Inside of herself, she felt テ「竄ャヒ彷ull', stuffed and stretched painfully by such a large masculine appendage. It was slick and hot to her vagina's touch, and growing more uncomfortable by the second as it's knot grew. Hot panting air rushing against the skin of her neck, the dog squeezed it's jaws, pinching her neck skin enough to make Kayla squeal sharply alongside her cries. It pumped a larger, more orgasmic load into her little girl-hood; enough to leak out her tight and confined passageway to dribble over her clitoris, and down to the dirty white tile below. Watery and cloudy, it was still thick enough to hang stickily from her fur. Seemingly finished cumming his load into the fox beneath him, the German Shepherd's knot swelled to complete it's job, with the dog holding his hind quarters firmly to Kayla's adolescent rear. Feeling her vagina stiffen and become loaded with more than it could handle, her cries became quieter, trying to pull away to escape the knot she knew to avoid. The dog bit down on her neck harder, jerking itself to ensure it stayed right where he was. Knotted, they were well stuck together, whether either of them knew that already or not. Clenching her paws, Kayla's black claws scraped across the tile, dripping tears from her muzzle, and loose bits of canine cum from her muff with each pain stricken twitch of her body. It hurt so badly to a seven year old's innocent mind, to have her vagina stretched and torn so mercilessly by an animal she could not even talk to, or beg to stop. Having already done it's deed, she was forced to remain on her knees, even as her back gave out from the weight and her paws ached to support her weight, just to keep the teeth upon her neck from cutting her skin. It was a waiting game, feeling her rapist's body panting above her, holding her down, as his penis claimed it's ownership of her immature flower. "Please.. ", Kayla sobbed chokingly, urging the dog to let go of her. For the knot to recede, and stop throbbing against her vaginal folds. She was so tiny and delicate compared to the smooth, meaty canine cock wedged in her. Within a minute, the dog stood up upon her back, panting with it's tongue hanging out, finally releasing her neck. The claws digging into her naked back made Kayla breathe quickly, enduring it till the dog climbed off of her. With a wet, vulgar テ「竄ャヒ徭chlop' sound, the dog's penis slid from Kayla's short passage. As soon as she was free, Kayla cried out in relief and agony, as she stood up and bolted towards the door, even though her vagina hurt with each shift of her thighs. By the time she approached the vent the Aspatrian man once was, she was waddling with her legs wide, dripping strands of cum messily along the floor from her widened opening. Red and sore, her once sweet opening hung painfully open, and her outer labia and it's now messy fur remained lightly spread. Once at the door she leaned against the frame, banging against it and shaking as her footpaws kept their balance. Looking over her shoulder, she saw the German Shepherd where it once had been, now laying on his side and licking himself clean. That moist tongue lapping over his softening cock and his sac, made the girl more desperate to get out of the room. "Let me out! Please let me go!", Kayla pleaded with her kidnapper which she could no longer see, wanting to get out of the room before she could be violated again. Looking at the closed door with teary eyes, she expected something to happen. When it didn't, she looked down, sobbing like the kindern she was, listening to the dogs in back barking again. There were so many more that could rape her, and hurt her. But then, the door clicked, opening quickly just as she had first been shoved into it. A paw grasped her folded right ear, pulling it back upright, and out towards the door. With ears as sensitive as an Asparian's was, Kayla howled being pulled from the room by such means, stumbling forward into the older fox's arms. As the door to the mating room closed, the other dogs howled upon hearing Kayla's own cry. Lifted up and thrown over the man's shoulder, the little girl wailed defeatedly like a cub that got a good spanking. Her body was limp as her small pussy folds, which dribbled onto the man while she was hauled outside, towards the bus. "Daddy!", the girl cried out between her cries, tail tucked to her rear as if to cover her vagina as it pointed towards the sky. The sun's warmth made it sting. "I want my daddy!", she added in child-like clarification, demanding to go home. Her pleas received no answer as she was taken back on board the fake school hover-bus, watching the ground and sputtering from being too tired to cry. The man stopped once they were on, hitting a few buttons on the bus' piloting console, before walking two seats down and dropping Kayla off on the right side of the bus. Between two seats, Kayla backed up away from the man, whom blocked the exit to the aisle with his body. Finally able to see him, the Aspatrian man's penis was as erect as the dog's, with pre glistening from it's tip. He had jacked himself to his breeding experiment, and had plans to finish what he had started. "We're going home to daddy, girl. You'll be in one piece as long as you're good, and bend over!", he started with a threatening tone, before reaching out and grabbing the girl to turn her around. Kayla let out an exhausted sort of complaining sound, kicking her legs in a tantrum motion, only to be pinned down upon her belly. The seat was cool to her fur, and smooth, unlike the strong paw atop her back. She wanted to see daddy though, and as stiff as her body was becoming, Kayla did not try to get up this time. Kneeling down in the aisle, the man's groin was level with the edge of the bus' seat. The crying, scared little girl in front of him had already been so used, as he could see up close after moving the little girl's tail off to the side. Beneath the base of her tail was a cute, pink recess, where the skin wrinkled yet remained smooth, and below, her vagina remained battered and sore, sparkling in the sunlight from the cum and juices that flowed around her pedals. "Just a quickie.. We have a few minutes.. ", the older fox mumbled, using his fingertips to scoop some of the lubricating fluids from the little Aspatrian's spent vagina. Removing it from her slit as if it was a bowl made the little one gasp, with the man coating his penis in the dog's ejaculate, and Kayla's juices. It was sticky and wet, and still warm, which tickled his fancy as he eyed the pink pucker of untouched skin above her groin. Kayla's tailhole remained unused, and tight as can be. Scooting forward on his knees, hover-bus now in the air and off enroute for Kayla's home, he placed the tip of his cock upon the girl's furry bottom. Running it up and down between her cheeks, it elicited a muffled series of sobs from the fox he was about to rape; her second one of the day. Nestling the tip of his penis against her tailhole, he tickled it against her pucker for a moment, making the little one's thighs clench, and his own penis thicken in excitement from having a few of his nerves graced by such delicate flesh. Pressing upon the tailhole made it clench, but despite it, the older fox pushed on, using his weight and strength to force her young anus apart. Kayla's maw shot open wide, but the scream was delayed a second due to the shocking sort of pain that shot up her spine. The pink ring of muscle hugged his cock head tightly, till it accepted the head and moved onto the less flared width of the shaft, sliding warmly into her bowels. As he pushed his way inside for the first time, her insides felt soft, and it made way to accommodate him, even as Kayla herself cried aloud and thrashed her head about. He withdrew a tiny bit of himself as he readied his hips, and made his first thrust. The man sank his penis right down to the hilt, straddling the girl's backside as he began. Each pumping, pounding hump into her ass made it clench, despite her wanting to loosen up and make it hurt less. The sound it made was like a squishy slurp from the cum he had used to lubricate himself - a foamy film forming upon the stretched folded wrinkles that formed her pucker. To Kayla, it was like having a rod wedged into her out-hole. It pressed on her genitalia from the inside, causing some of the dog's seed to slowly again spill from her tired vagina. Her tailhole felt like it was being abused by a rock, as large and solid as her kidnapper's penis was. Like a glove, reddening and hot, her flesh formed neatly around his own, fitting it snug even as he thrust his shaft in and out. Her tailhole stroked his dick as it clenched, massaging it even has he humped and welled up his cum for orgasm. It was such an arousing tease, enough for him to want to call Kayla a テ「竄ャヒ彙ad girl', even if she was too innocent to know the joys her ass was providing for him. Holding her sides with his paws, he leaned in to work his thrusts deeper, so her clenching little ring of anal muscle could stroke at the base of his penis while the head could finish to the warm embrace of her insides. Thrusts becoming quick and short, he moved in and out only a small amount, just to make his motions quick. It was hard on his hips, but it was Kayla's own tearful cries that made him want to go on. As he did his short, brisk thrusts, the clenching at the base of his penis just after his sheath made the overwhelmingly solid feeling in his penis appear, and all his pleasure double as he teetered on the brink of orgasm. Holding it for just a moment, his thrusts slowed... drawing out the enjoyment of the feelings, before withdrawing an inch, and shoving his length back into her - balls making a light slap against the back of Kayla's slit. Inside of her, his penis jumped and pumped, squirting strands and globs of cum deep within his adolescent victim. Perhaps later, he thought as the warmth of his seed surrounded the tip of his cock, this seed would drip from her, and into a fresh pair of underwear, just to remind her later. To finish his orgasm, with his pumping growing stronger and longer as it came to an end, he pulled himself from her tailhole with one, messy sounding pull to stroke her right down his length. The sudden withdraw made Kayla's butt clench, forcing a watery portion of cum from her pucker to roll down the crack of her bottom. Tail trying to curl, it intercepted the last, small squirt of thick cum the older fox had to offer, which caked in her bushier fur. Breathing deeply, the Aspatrian kidnapper caught his air, as Kayla laid limp on the seat. Her tears smeared across the fabric, and her tongue laid partially from her maw from strain. Now even her tailhole was redder than normal, and slickened from sexual moistures. Though, as the man looked up, he heard the engines wind down on his bus, and got to his footpaws startled. His act took longer than he thought, and he wasn't about to stay at the scene of the crime. Lifting Kayla up under her arms, he took her the few steps to the front of the bus. Without a fight, Kayla was dropped on her front lawn with a thud, where she collapsed into a pile, too tired to run off. Closing the door, and looking on with a cold smile, the Aspatrian gave a wave; hover-bus reaching back for the sky, and speeding off into the distance. Inside the home, Kayla's adoptive father was worried for his daughter. He knew now that she indeed was not in school, and that first bus was not right. Not knowing where she was, made him check the front window every so often. Within a minute, his curious peering had spotted his daughter, laying nude in the front lawn. With a bolt out the door, the man scooped his daughter up into his arms, rushing her inside. "Daddy!", Kayla sobbed, with her voice raspy from crying. The abuse to her nethers was apparent and clear, leaving a lump in the human's chest. "Honey, what happened to you?", her fatherly figure asked, only to receive quiet sobbing in return. After being a rape victim so many times in her brief life, she still could not readily discuss what happened to her. He could understand that, but needed to find out of she was okay one way or another. Placing his girl on the sofa, he spread her vaginal lips and looked examine her. The skin looked raw and sore, and Kayla herself, exhausted. Finding his first aid supplies and scanner, he pulled it out from under the couch. Scanner in one hand, and home tricorder in the other, he examined his furry daughter from top to bottom to find any injuries he didn't know about. But, there was a detail he found, that made him stop. After sweeping past Kayla's crotch and moving towards her legs, he moved back to her lower belly, and scanned again. Then, again. It made him sick, and he had no way of telling a seven year old what he found. There was just no way. He wanted to say it, but his mouth ran dry. She had already been so scared, and beaten. Just say it. He knew he had to. "Kayla. You're pregnant.", he said low, and quiet.

Kodi Learns to mate Part2

When Kodi's knot popped out from Balto's backside it was with a wet pop sound that resounding in the loneliness of the forgotten ship. The wolf hybrid shook himself and then planted his haunches onto the cool floorboards before lifting one of his legs...

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Weed: The Loss Of Ohu Mountians Part3

Weed had settled down for the most part when Jerome made no move to do anything other than wrap his forepaw around the smaller canine. At first the Akita Inu was concerned for his safety being that he was usually grappled before being screwed within an...

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Weed: The Loss Of Ohu Mountians Part2

Weed awoke to something poking him in the nose. He tried to move to the side but all he got was a paw on his chest keeping him in place. The poking continued for a while and then before long the Akita Inu awoke with a sleepy yawn. However, what was...

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