Weed: The Loss Of Ohu Mountians Part2

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#2 of Weed Has Lost

Weed awoke to something poking him in the nose. He tried to move to the side but all he got was a paw on his chest keeping him in place. The poking continued for a while and then before long the Akita Inu awoke with a sleepy yawn. However, what was poking him surged forward into his muzzle and then began to thrust into his maw along side two large furry covered balls and strong white and black spotted hips; the same hips that belonged to the current leader of the Ohu Mountain.

Weed sputtered but his muffled words fell on deaf ears as Hougen pushed himself deeper into the smaller dog with bruising force, his hips and thighs smacking the pup in the nose over and over again. The heavy sac laden balls filled Weed's nose with the scent of the dominate canine while fat shaft sunk past his throat into the depths of the Akita's esophagus. A malicious smirk colored the larger Great Dane's muzzle. Weed's tear filled eyes could only stare up sorrowfully as he was forced to endure the other's ravaging. Filled with the salty taste of Hougen's horrid cock Weed thought that he would throw up but while his stomach was turning his mouth was too full to attempt any such thing. Even worse was when the spotted dog's shaft began to spray with precum into the pup's belly did the Akita get a full sensation making him even sicker.

Hougen growled down when he saw the terrified look in his bitch's eyes and his tongue waggled from between his jaws in satisfaction. Soon enough the new Ohu leader's knot began to bulb and press deep into Weed's nostrils. His balls drew closer to his body and his furious humping began to grow even wilder with abandon. Weed meanwhile, was trying to move around but the paw on his back pushed him down even further against the floor of the wood cabin to the point where he was forced to open his muzzle even wider just to breathe since his nose was being drowned in the musk of the Dane.

Hougen gave a sharp bark when he felt himself peak. Burying his knot between the fangs of the smaller pup the Great Dane nearly howled when his cum sprayed into the back of Weed's throat down deep inside of him. The Akita struggled hard when the hot blasts filled him and seeped into his digestive track. The taste was like that of something stale and salty. It was grotesque and that was when Weed finally lost it.

His throat tightened making Hougen grunt before what little food hadn't been processed by his body rolled back up. The Akita pup chocked but Hougen just turned his eyes away and grunted.

"Stupid move. Now you have to swallow all that back down." The Great Dane spoke in his rough reverberating voice making Weed shudder.

The smaller canine didn't want to, he rather just get Hougen cock out of his muzzle and go throw up the rest of the gunk that was between his stomach and throat but the spotted dog still length deep into him growled and pressed his paw even harder into his back making him whimper and run his tongue of Hougen's shaft.

When he was done Weed had tears pooling in his eyes and down his cheeks but Hougen took little notice as he gave a grunt and withdrew his cock, his knot had shrunk while Weed was slurping over him so the entire length came out without incident.

"Well that was terrible but you'll have much more practice in a moment." The Ohu leader turned and walked away leaving Weed alone before another dog sauntered in with a lecherous smile on his broad muzzle and his cock leaking from his sheath onto the floorboards. The Akita pup had just enough time to stare horrified before the other adult dog rushed over to him and tackled him. This one took no time of finesse but simple punched the pup in his stomach and then insert his cock into Weed's muzzle.

Outside of the room Hougen stood before a large collective of dogs who were all more than a little ready to enjoy Weed's talented body. The Great Dane spoke to the others and educated them on the dos and don'ts of the newest bitch to the clan. The others listened raptly as Hougen made his commands and...suggestions to them and once he was done every dog in the group was more than salivating to get at the Akita.

Hours later after being ravaged and thoroughly fucked he could barely stand anymore. The weight of his shattered pride had long since made his body heavy with sorrow and grief. Not to mention the other things that weighed heavily upon his shoulders. Yellow liquid doused his fur coat along with the white dregs of left over semen caking his rear and muzzle. The once proud and regal looking Akita had fallen to the edge of despair as he had been thoroughly beaten by his rival and enemy.

Footsteps made the small Akita look to see someone standing in the doorway leading to the outside. Flecks of snow swept in from the outside and a chill breeze made the pup shiver or it may have been fear clutching at his heart in the wake of what may have been coming. The resounding steps against the hardwood floor made the year old Akita cringe while hugging closer to his body with his tail wrapped over his snout. A strong set of jaws clamped onto his muzzle and the Akita's body went limp as he tried to minimize any and all resistance. After all, the more he fought the more painful the sodomy became when the others saw their chance to break him down even more.

Being hefted up into the air and then outside the small Akita never made a sound and his tail along with the rest of him hung like a wet and soggy rag as fluids dripped from off of his body onto the heavy blanket of snow outside. The silence of the night was broken only by the quiet crunch of padded paws sinking into white tuffs of billowed snow. The Akita took notice as well as with the hot tongue that caressed his beaten and battered body. Cringing in apprehension of what was to come the pup let his mind drift off into nothing; a trick he had learned on the days prior to his defeat and his...humiliation.

An hour or more ticked by and finally the pup was released from the jaws that had kidnapped him onto a slightly warm bank that sealed around a large steaming pool of water that smelled the same as rotten eggs. The Akita pup stared at the murky water before a slight giggle made him turn around and stare agape at a face he had thought to never see again. Just as he opened his muzzle to speak the one who had taken him butted the pup and in the small Akita was tossed into the drink.

The pup thrashed and splashed as he tried to fight his way up to the surface all the while holding his breath. The heat was enough to vaporize the liquids coating his body and to loosen his fur from any remaining traces so when the Akita broke the waters surface he came up sputter with indignation but sinfully clean as well.

"GB!!! Why did you do that!?" Weed shouted at his long time friend and guardian.


"Because what?!"

"You smelled?"

Weed wanted to argue but eh knew that eh did and when the reason behind his horrendous odor came to mind the small Akita bowed his head into his chest. The older spotted canine saw this and lowered his ears before padding up to the pup and then nuzzling him.

"Hey, now. It'll be okay." GB said while nuzzling Weed.

The Akita huddled into the warm fur of his guardian and then began to soft cry as he let loose everything within him. All the pain, humiliation, anguish, and despair just flooded out of the small pup onto the soft snow below his feet. GB didn't say anything but he did comfort his charge by drawing the pup closer to his chest and then looking behind him.

‘It has to be okay, or else...' The spotted canine thought morbidly.

Meanwhile, a battle was taking place outside the cabin where Weed had been kept. Dogs of all shapes and sizes were fighting against one another all the while a dark figure was making his way around the battlefield without being noticed. Hougen stood above a small hilltop watching the happenings below with fury raging in his eyes. The Harlequin Dane couldn't believe that things were turning out the way that they were. Every since Gin had disappeared from his prison just a few days ago the other who ran with Weed had been acting uppity. Of course no one lifted a paw towards him or his men but they were beginning to become annoying.

Ears swirled behind when the Dane heard footsteps slosh and crunch in the snow making Hougen turn around to see someone who couldn't have been there. But, putting two and two together it made since in a way.

"I'm actually surprised that you're still around. One would think that Death's embrace would keep you calm for the rest of your miserable afterlife but maybe not." Hougen jeered at the dog behind him.

Standing in the cold night with his face set in a determined growl was none other than Jerome. The same Jerome that had risked his life to defend Weed and taken the plunge into freezing waters to save the son of Gin. It was almost unbelievable but nonetheless the black and white canine stood before the new leader of the Ohu mountains with his fangs bared and his tail raised up into the air in aggression.

"How did you survive that dive? I thought that you would be somewhere drifting in the outer ocean by now?" Hougen asked with more than a little boredom clouding his voice as he gathered himself into an attack stance in preparation of the challenge before him.

"Sorry but I've already died once before. The Grim Reaper's gotten sick of looking at me." Jerome barked before he began to circle the other canine.

The cloudless night sky watched as the prelude to Hougen and Jerome's battle commenced as the two dogs padded around in the freezing white all the while glaring at each other. Their individual eyes locked onto their respective opponent looking for an opening to strike at while tails rose up and ears lowered. Dark eyes watched on until at last one of the canines saw a chance and took it. The other leaped in counterpoint to minimize the damage and turn the tide on the other. Jaws locked against tender flesh and brittle fur as fangs sunk past into bone with crushing force. Blood welled in each dog's muzzle but neither let go as they sought to tear a vicious wound into the other.

When each could take no more they broke away but not before trailing a stream of crimson onto the snow and turning the white frost pink. Both panted before charging the other again this time one going in low while the other went high. Teeth clicked together as one dog missed the other as his opponent bit into his foreleg and giving a bite so hard that bone snapped with a sickening crunch. A scream and yelp pierced the darkness but was soon muzzle as a roar broke from the wounded canine.

The two fought for hours it would seem as both tried to take one another down with snaps, snarls, growls, and bites. Any and every part of the other's body was a fair target and both took every opportunity to maximize the damage they could do. By the time the sun rose into the sky beyond the horizon the ground around them was soak with red and only the outer ring of snow where neither had stepped out of was white.

A deafening howl ripped through the dawn and below the fighting that had gone on for more than four hours came to a halt. All eyes looked up to the hill above to see a body being tossed to the ground where it landed after bouncing twice. Eyes widen when the figure could be seen more clearly and then whimpers and whines filled the air before the victorious canine stood above them all grinning down.

As the morning light stretched upwards over the field there stood the victor and with a triumphant bark he let himself be known to the world.

"Jerome!" The voices below cried when they looked at the beaten and battered canine who stood above them all.

Weed found himself coming to wake with the land bobbing up and down between his vision. Gasping and looking around the Akita found himself being carried onto the back of his guardian. Yawning Weed hopped down and then stretched himself out right next to GB who huffed at having his back freed from the extra weight.

"Good morning Weed-o!" The green tinted canine cheered.

"Morning. What's going on? Where are we?" Looking around and seeing familiar sights that had brought nothing but heartache for the Akita in the last few weeks.

"Back home actually." GB said casually while scratching behind one of his ears.

Weed looked around with terror coating his eyes. He just knew that the Ohu leader would be around and the thought of going back to the brutality that he had just left stirred fear inside of his heart.

"Come on. We have to hurry up or else he'll blame me for keeping you away." GB walked away from Weed who couldn't help but follow listlessly.

Once at the cabin where Weed had just escaped from with the aid of his guardian the Akita Inu bowed his head, lowered his ears, and walked into the human made den. What he saw inside wasn't what he had thought and Weed's heart soared at seeing a familiar face.


The beaten and battered former assassin looked up tiredly from where he lay licking his wounds. The sight of the pup made him rise to his feet albeit wobbly and slowly trudge his way over to Weed. The two nuzzled one another brushing their tongues and noses cover one another while happy little whines bore from their individual throats. GB had the good sense to stay outside of the den while keeping a floppy ear out to get all the gossip later to tease Weed with.

"How did you...why are you...when did you?" Weed could barely make a complete inquisition when he backed away from the other dog and looked him into his dark eyes; his own filled with tears of both joy and relief.

"One question at a time Weed. First off it will take more than being thrown into a cold stream to kill me. Surprisingly enough, I managed to wash ashore on a small bank and was nursed back by a few strays roaming around." The black and white furred canine spoke while cocking his rear leg up and scratching the back of his one intact ear.

"As for why..." There was silence in the cabin as Jerome stared at Weed with some hidden emotion that the Akita understood too well.

"The when is a little easier; this had been in place for a wee, ever since Gin and a few others managed to slip away and find me. We all made a plan and then executed it today. It was rushed since...well forget about that." Weed cocked his head as he stared up at his role model in question but the older dog said nothing more.

Jerome looked his former charge over before turning and padding back to where he had been before and then slumped down to the floor. Weed opened his muzzle but before he could ask his bright eyes caught the sight of a small red stream coming from the other. Acting on instinct the Akita Inu walked over and prodded Jerome until the older dog turned over and revealed his torn leg, which had split open and was bleeding once more. Dipping his head down Weed began to clean the wound all the while staring up at Jerome in sympathy.

Ten minutes passed before Weed backed away, the taste of copper coating his tongue all the while the pup kept watch over Jerome as the black and white dog fell asleep under his nursing. About to turn away and leave Weed was met by a paw that pushed him to the floor and drew him towards the bulk of his friend's body. Gaping and trying to squirm Weed stopped when a sharp growl echoed in his ears. Not knowing what else to do the pup settled himself down and waited...

Weed: The Loss Of Ohu Mountians Part3

Weed had settled down for the most part when Jerome made no move to do anything other than wrap his forepaw around the smaller canine. At first the Akita Inu was concerned for his safety being that he was usually grappled before being screwed within an...

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Weed: The Loss of Ohu Mountians

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