Weed: The Loss of Ohu Mountians

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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#1 of Weed Has Lost

Falling onto shaky legs in the dense snow covered field of white, Weed looked upon the proud face of his opponent who stood over him licking his broad tongue against the rim of his muzzle. The smaller Akita Inu had used his greatest attack against the other but there hadn't been enough strength in him to take down his enemy and now the young pup was trying his hardest to get himself up before...

A swift spotted paw knocked Weed away making the smaller dog bounce four times before landing into a large snow bank. The force of the blow was enough to stun the pup making his head reel and stars dance before his eyes. Only the soft crunch of padded feet walking over the snow made the Akita turn his head just in time to see his enemy looming above him. The face was fuzzy and distorted with white flakes clouding his vision but unmistakable to the leader of the Ohu warriors.

"Nice attempt, but not good enough." Hougen laughed darkly.

The older canine had waited for this day as he bent down to pick up the last obstacle in his bout to win the Ohu mountains for his own and once he had the Akita pup in his jaws Hougen hefted the younger dog up and turned towards the fallen warriors that had aided the younger dog. Everyone, both on Weed's side of the battle and Hougen's, was beaten, battered, and bloodied but all gasped as they looked to their respective leaders with both fear and awe.

'Was everything really over...?' Everyone thought.

Marching over triumphantly towards those under his command, the spotted canine dropped the weakened Akita onto the frozen ground and then placed one large paw over the smaller blue gray colored body to hold Weed down. Making sure that the other had nowhere to run to, Hougen raised his head up and then barked out...

"My soldiers, on this day, the Ohu Mountains belong to us!!!" the Great Dane shouted.

There was loud, booming roar from those who served under Hougen as his men barked, yipped, and howled their praise to their leader while those who were led by Weed, Son of Gin, bowed their heads and closed tear filled eyes in shame.

'Jerome, I'm sorry...' was the last thought in the young Akita's mind before he passed out into darkness.

When he woke again, Weed found himself inside of a dark room lit only by the waning light of the moon as large fluffy clouds passed over into the sky almost drunkenly. Looking around and then listening for any sounds, the small Akita Inu was able to see and scent something that made his heart jump, but only for a moment...

"F-Father!? Is that you?! Father?!" Weed shouted staggering over with his battered form towards the older Akita canine from his light doze. The scared male blinked and waited until he could focus in order to see his son clearly through the gloom of the room.

"Weed? Weed!? Oh no..." Gin slumped from where he was imprisoned inside of a large steel cage as he realized what seeing his youngest son here meant.

"Father?!" Weed tried to crawl over to his sire but a heavy paw stamped down on his back before the pup could get too far. Turning, the pup stared wide-eyed as he peered into the cold eyes of the canine who had beaten him and taken everything he held dear.

"And where do you think you are going?" Asked Hougen maliciously.

"You!" Weed growled at the older dog and tried to get up but the spotted Great Dane applied more pressure with his left front paw nailing the pup down until he was immobile.

"Now, now. Is that any way to treat your new owner pup? Me, being so kind as to let you live and all..." the threat well spoken in those words making Weed calm down just a fraction but keep the harsh growl emanating from his throat and burning flare shining in his eyes.

"Now seeing that you've calm down I won't have to break your legs, so be a good boy and Don't Move." Weed did as told as the older dog slowly lifted his paw off of his back and then went over to the cage where Gin was held. The two leaders spoke at length with Hougen making comments that spurned Gin's anger but soon doused any feelings of rebellion at the same time.

Weed wanted to get up and run over to his dad's side but every time he made the slightest slide forward Hougen would lift his head and turn towards the pup with a snarl on his muzzle. In the spotted Dane's eyes was a dark light filled with hatred and cruelty that froze the pup to the spot. When the young Akita settled down Hougen turned back to Gin and resumed his conversation.

After about ten minutes Hougen stepped away from Gin who had his head bowed and walked up to Weed.

"Well I have good news and bad news. The good news is that you'll be leaving here very soon. The bad news is it either will be in my stomach or as my bitch but you will never again be the leader of the Ohu, not now or in the near future. I'll let your old man make the choice and he rather you'd live. Maybe to overthrow me someday down the road or whatever might be in that head of his, I really don't care. But as for today..." Hougen stood over the other and then raised his hind leg.

Weed had just enough time to gasp before a yellow stream of stale and bitter fluid rained down over and into his muzzle. Gagging and chocking the pup tried to get away from the deluge but ended up just getting his midsection and body wetter when he stumbled. After a minute Hougen was done the older canine set his hind leg back onto the floor and then sniffed at the golden coated Akita Inu.

"Nice. Now here is how this is going to work; you are going to do everything I say or else I'll kill and then eat you. I've done so to others beneath me before and would relish in having the son of my greatest enemy in my belly so don't test my patients." The spotted Great Dane smirked down at Weed before reaching out with his fangs and dragging the other back over to the puddle of piss he had showered him by his curled tail when Weed tried to slink away.

"Now the first rule of this little deal will be for you to relinquish your role over the Ohu Mountains official to all the others down below. Who I will remind you are currently being watched by my men so there won't be any rescue coming for you on this day." The tiny hope that had been in the back of Weed's heart was snuffed out with theses words and the younger dog tried his hardest not to whimper.

"Number two, I'm afraid that there aren't many females in these regions being that it's so cold and all so my men and myself have taken to alternative means for relief. That said," Hougen lifted Weed up by his tail and then snaps his jaws over the Akita's rear end making the former leader of the Ohu warriors howl. "you'll be my new bitch until I can find one to sire a litter with. Personally, I would rather have my brother here to take care of me but one of your men injured him too badly and so I have to find a replacement." There was something in the older canine's voice that caused a shiver to run up the Akita Inu's spine but it could have been having his tail end thoroughly mauled.

"You will fill that role but also...no I'll let that wait for now." Hougen mumbled before dropping Weed and watching the other splash into his pool of urine.

"Now there is one clause in this little deal; if I happen to expire at anytime you and your people can do whatever you like with the Ohu Mountains." Weed wondered why his longtime enemy would say this to him and in answer...

"But, I plan to live a long and happy life with you by my side as my personal servant. That means that your former comrades will either fall into place or be killed by my men unless you tell them otherwise and believe me I would take great pleasure in turning them into carcasses for the birds come this spring, understand?" Weed nodded while pursing his muzzle into a tight frown.

"Now, don't be like that. I could just have them executed before your eyes, which I'm still contemplating unless I hear some kind of confirmation as of yesterday." The bigger canine tilted his had to the side as if thinking grinding the little one's nose in the fact that he had total power now.

"Y..yes." The pup mumbled.

"Yes what?"

"Yes sir."

The paw that struck him sent the young Akita Inu back about three feet into a wall. When he rose up there was a slit going down his muzzle with a red trail of blood dripping down seconds later.

"Try again." Hougen demanded coolly.


The Dane raised his paw up...


"What was that?"

"Yes master."

"One more time"

Yes master."

"Just a little louder."

"Yes master!"

Weed broke down into sobs as he said the same phrase over and over causing something in him to break.

"That's enough Hougen!" Gin roars from his cell. The spotted Great Dane turned around so fast and rushed the few feet towards the other captive Akita that Gin barely had time to blink before the spotted canine was snarling and barking at him savagely.

"Don't test my patients Gin. I could kill him and then you if I so pleased. Instead I'm being mercifully, because I can do whatever I like. To the victor the spoils, as they say. You should thank whatever god is watching you that I am instead of trying my patients. And, I also think that you should hold up the end of your agreement because killing both you and your son would make me very happy right now." Hogen whispered before he sneered down at his prisoner and turned to go back over to Weed.

"Now, now calm down. I haven't given you a reason to cry yet but I will soon enough. Open your eyes and look down." Weed did as commanded while chocking on his sobs and then gasped.

In between the older dog's legs was a weapon that should only be used in battle. A thick, fat sheath with two long hanging orbs encased in white flesh was built into the Great Dame's groin right under his tail and swung silently as a small tip of pink pushed its way out. Weed unconsciously stepped back as if thinking that the thing would shoot out and snap him up like a snake.

"Now, that's no way to treat your new best of friends. You and he will be spending a lot of time together so I suggest," Hougen's voice deepened with lust and desire. "that you come here and greet him. And if you try anything stupid I'm going to make you regret it from now until forever." The small Akita Inu shakily went over and under Hougen who lifted his leg and then Weed sniffed at the Dane's private area.

There was a heavy musk coming from the older dog's maleness that made the little one snort and Hougen smile before the spotted canine dropped his leg and smother Weed into his groin. The pup flailed about before dropping onto the floor. Not wanting to let up the other's humiliation and submission, Hougen sat down on Weed's head and then began to pant as if he had done some sort of strenuous work. Behind him Gin growled and barked obscenities but the Great Dane ignored him in favor of listening to Weed's muffled yelps. The feeling of having a squirming mass underneath him was almost as good as sinking his cock into a tight asshole, almost.

When Weed began to slow in his tumbling and attempts to escape Hougen lifted off of the other and then looked at him. Taking in gulps of air the spotted dog smiled at the mix of scents coming from off of the pup's fur and skin; it was an arousing blend of sweat, urine, musk, and tears that fueled the larger canine's need to rut. Wondering if he should take the other right now, Hougen was interrupted when someone came into the small room he had settled into with his new 'guests'.

"What is it!" Hougen snapped to one of his soldiers.

"Uhm...sir the others are having problems trying to control those guys that came with the pup. Some of them keep pressing to see him and are getting out of control. We have them suppressed for now but..." a large black malamute says while ignoring the smells in the room.

"useless..." Hougen mutters before staring down at Weed and then getting a bright idea.

"Tell them that their leader will be coming soon and to be patient." The spotted dog orders and watches as his underling nods and runs off without hesitation.

"Well it seems that your public awaits you young one...let's not disappoint them shall we." With that the Dane picked up the Akita Inu by the scruff of his neck, licking over the wet fur with his broad tongue and trying to hunch the air from the electric taste of himself on the pup before leaving Gin alone with nothing but a pool of Hougen's piss and the sight of his son being hefted away by his enemy.

Outside, in the cold dawning day with a few clouds passing by leisurely, Hougen marched over to where his soldiers and Weed's troops were in a stand off. The two sides were barking and growling at each other until those who served under the Akita Inu stopped dead and looked up. No one could speak as they stared in shock at their leader's deterred form hanging limp in Hougen's jowls. When he seemed to have everyone's attention Hougen dropped Weed into the snow and then puffed his chest out proudly before speaking...

"Those of the Ohu Mountains hear me, you leaders have been beaten and now I reign over these lands. You have two choices; Submit to my rule or die." Hougen left little room for anything else as he nodded to his two betas who advanced on the Ohu warriors pushing them back some few feet but never showing fangs.

"Never!" Rocket shouted as he stood his ground with the others nodding in agreement and holding their own.

A quick click of his teeth and the large brown and white dog was staggering as crimson dripped from his neck. A compact Dalmatian had moved from Hougen's ranks to attack Rocket before stepping back in place. Everyone blinked as they wondered what had happened since no one saw the Dalmatian move but the red stain on his lips was definitely of Rocket's blood. Rocket shivered before falling over and then lay motionless.

"Anyone else have anything to say?" Hougen questioned to the frightened dogs.

Three dogs of the Ohu stepped around Rocket to nurse on him while others formed a half-barrier that coveted their fallen friend. Those who had not circled around Rocket growled and snarled at Hougen's soldiers getting ready to go on the offensive.

"Now then, if you want to save him I suggest you get up and say the words or else you can watch him die along with those others who are behaving rather stupidly right about now." Hougen chided to Weed.

The smaller dog got up on his wavering legs and then stood up besides the spotted Dane before speaking.

"Stop! Hougen has won. From this day forward I, Weed, give up my right to lead the Ohu warriors and..."

"Don't be shy, that dog doesn't have long." Hougen said when Weed stuttered.

"And the right to the Ohu mountains!"

There was a hush over the field of white for a moment before howls rang out all around. The wails of broken hearts tore into Weed as he thought about everything he had lost and the promises he had now broken. It was over for him and his troops.

"Now then, get that mutt into the base to patch him up and the rest of you break up this crowd, I've got something personally to take care of." The leer that came from off of the Dane's made some of his men chuckle as they could imagine what would happen in the next few hours. Doing as commanded none of them met resistance from any of the dogs that they had just fought as the war had finally come to an end.

Hougen picked Weed back up into his jaws once more and then made his way back to the storehouse he had came from. The Akita Inu wondering what all would happen next to him.

Inside of the room where Gin was, Hougen dropped Weed onto the floor and then went over to the older Akita's prison. Opening the latch that bound him with his teeth, the Great Dane watched as his enemy and rival slunk out before going over to his fallen son. It was a heartfelt scene if only Hougen had a heart, but since he didn't the spotted canine coughed to draw attention towards himself.

"As touching as this is, there is something that you have to do as well Gin to cement our little agreement." The words had been spoken and caused bile to rise into the back of the former Ohu leader's throat but he managed to swallow it down before he could puke.

"You are disgusting." Gin spat making Hougen smiled at his with an devilish grin on his muzzle but do nothing else.

"Sticks and stones...sticks and stones... Now get to it."

Gin nosed his son while trying to not retch at the scents wafting off the smaller Akita's body, making Weed look up tot him with bleary eyes. There was something in the older Akita's eyes that made sober up and look at his father and at the same time a sudden chill run up his spine.

"Turn around Weed."


"Turn around and lift up your tail pup."


Gin was hesitant to speak again but a heavy cough behind him made him continue.

"Get into mateing position so I can mount you and bang that tight little tail hole." Gin barked down to his son with a blaze burning in his eyes.

The little pup shivered at the words coming from his sire and curled into himself just slightly.

"Father, why? Please don't do this to me...I'll do anything you ask! Just please don't do this." The desperation in that voice broke Gin's heart but he steeled himself because he had made a deal with the devil and he had to honor it or see his child murdered in front of his eyes.

"Do it!!" the resounding vbark brought a smile to Hougen's muzzle as he watched the smaller pup turn around slowly and then carefully lift up his tail to reveal a tight pucker of pink. Licking his tongue unconsciously the spotted Dane wondered just hot tight the little dog was.

Gin didn't want to see his son's tailhole and would have preferred to never be in this situation but life wasn't that kind to him. Wanting this deed to be over with the older Akita climbed over his son and then started humping. The force of his hips sent the pup down further into the floor but he bore the weight as soon a pointed shaft was poking into his rear. Tears welled into Weed's eyes but he kept silent, save the occasional whine, but soon that whine became a howl when Gin speared the smaller Akita Inu. Hougen was almost laughing as he watched the show going on in front of him and thought that he had finally done the impossible. He had won and broken his two worst enemies without having even tried.

Gin, meanwhile, was finding it harder and harder not to enjoy himself as his cock spread the flower of weed's tailhole open and sunk deeper inside. The moist and hot walls of the pup's anus was both tight and grip like a vice at the same time it allowed him to maximize his thrusts by opening further to him the more he put the effort into the mating. Locking his lips together and keeping his determination to end this quickly the former leader of the Ohu mountains couldn't help the thoughts of his and Sakura's rutting from passing through his head.

Hougen felt his own sheath stir as he watched on with rapt attention. He hadn't lied when he sad that Weed would be getting to know his groin better in the near future but this was just to be sure that both Inu knew who was truly in charge. Bending down and licking his inflating cock the Great Dane waited to see something...

Weed's breathing grew shorter as he felt the air being forced from his body and then his backside being hammered by his own father. The tears that had cascaded down his face grew in number until there was a waterfall on silver trailing down the pup's face.

"I don't know why I didn't do this sooner, you're much tighter than Sakura." Those mumbled words made the smaller dog's heart break as he didn't know what to feel or think as his sire was mated him. What should he have thought?

Faster and faster Gin slammed his hips into Weed's tail end and then he slowed down, as he smelled something familiar. Opening his eyes, which he didn't remember closing; the grinning face of Hougen met the former Ohu leader.

"Having fun?"


"I'm not the one enjoying my son's rape old man."

"If it weren't for you..."

"ahahah. The loser's always cry when they lose but I'm not the one still humping."

Gin looked down and found that while his mind was repulsed at this his instincts called out for him to drill himself into the body of the bitch under him, even though it was his own son. Staring back up into the Dane's face in shock the larger Akita was met by a haughty grin before he found that he could no longer his son's weeping. Gazing south, gin saw that Hougen had sunk his long, red doggy cock into his boy's mouth and Weed was chocking on the large thing just to breath.


"Get back to humping or else..." the threat was made and Gin obeyed, but was it more out of fear or lust?"

While the two males above him were having their time with his body Weed was fighting for control of himself as he was being raped from both ends. It was strange to have his father doing such things but when Hougen's dick entered into him the pup felt more than just defeated, he felt used. Not only was his pride now broken but his body was starting to disobey his commands as his sheath pulsed and swelled with his immature cock rising out with a trail of fluid running from the tip.

"Suck it you little bitch." Hougen commanded and the Akita gulped around the fat organ and ran his tongue over it.

The two older dogs humped in a bizarre rhythm that both followed without command as Hougen savagely thrust himself into Weed while Gin tried to stem the force of his hammering without seeming obvious about it. Neither seemed to be very conscious of Weed who was suffering from his inexperience but soon it wouldn't matter as both canines were reaching their end, Hougen from too long being pent up and Gin from a twisted since of love and devotion.

"Gods!" Hougen moaned as his knot sunk into the pup's muzzle locking it open as his balls rose and sent cum into his shaft and down the younger dog's throat.

Gin was next as he gripped the sides of Weed's midsection and then howled when his fat bulb worked its way in and then lodged inside filling the boy's guts to the max. The deluge of seed made the Akita's belly distend and then Weed could no longer hold himself as his cock came in a rush of watery white ribbons that spilled on the floor below him. All three, locked together said nothing to each other but the air was charged with the recent mating making all of them tired and lethargic. Hougen collapsed to the floor dragging Weed down as not to pull out any teeth which made Gin fall onto his boy and make him yelp when his cock push deeper inside.

"Oh yes, this is going to be lots of fun!" Hougen said as he eyed his two captives.

This story was written by Shaesullivan. Requested by a friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous

Weed Has Lost

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Weed Meets Tsume

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