Weed Meets Tsume

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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#7 of Weed's Life

When morning came, the group of canines and little lupine pup woke up with the rising dawn and stretched out the kinks of their furry bodies. Everyone rubbed their eyes and shook their heads before the pups bundled over to one another and then started to lick and nip at one another.

"So what do we do today Smith?" GB asked while looking at the older canine for a response.

"Well, Toboe, you said that you are looking for your friend Tsume, am I correct?" the little auburn furred pup nodded his head after giving a big yawn.

"Mel, your friends are still at the warehouse district being kept by two other dogs, right?" the golden retriever nodded before being pounced on by Toboe.

"And we still need to get Weed back to the Ohu Mountains." Smith sighed as such a simple task had gotten so out of hand before he looked at the pups and then to GB who was staring at him in concern.

"So what do we do first?"

"First, we go down to the warehousing district and then free the other pups and then we see about finding them shelter. Next we deal with Toboe's friend and finally get back to our original journey with Weed." Smith made his decision and the other canines barked their compliance and before setting out.

Unbeknownst to them a figure watched them carefully in the wooded area of the park and then made their way to the city on a different path.

The five canines were quiet as they made their way through the city's alleys and back ways while keeping out of sight of humans. Mel had warned them that there were humans called dogcatchers out and about who snatched up dogs and then took them away to never be seen again and Smith realized that their time in the human world would have to be short if they were to be safe. The oldest of the canines was determined not to let anything happen to Weed or else Gin would be even more pissed off with him than he would be for the monochrome canine's earlier...slight.

The morning mist made a perfect cover for the dogs as the headed for the warehouse where Mel's friends were being kept. GB and Smith went around to check on potential areas to infiltrate the building while leaving the pups to watch their backs and stay out of sight. Soon the older dogs came back to the three younger pups who had found a safe place by a storehouse.

"Mel, what do you know about the other two canines?" Smith asked once he and GB returned from their explorations.

"Uhh...what do you mean?" the little golden pup asked confusedly.

"Do they have any types of weaknesses or points of defenselessness? Somewhere we can attack and get them down without anyone of your friends being hurt."

"I...don't think so. I never really paid attention to that." Smith sighed but hadn't expected much from the little pup and so chose to use a semi-direct approach to enter the building.

"Mel, I need you to go inside and draw the two out here so that none of the pups will be hurt. Tell them that their leader was injured and is outside here then go back inside to take care of the others. Can you do that?" Mel nodded and then went to the front of the warehouse and began scratching on the door.

"Weed. Toboe. When the other two come out I want you to get ready to chase after Mel and help keep the other pups safe, alright?" the two pups nodded and then as the door to the warehouse opened just a fraction of the way, the plan set itself in motion.

"What are you doing here and where's Blue?" one of the dogs said as he looked down at Mel crossed.

"Out here! He's hurt!" Mel led the other two older dogs to where GB and Smith were and watched as the two unknowing canines were ambushed the other two older dogs. Not taking a moment to think about it, the little golden pup raced inside of the building followed by Weed and Toboe and then barked out to the pups to get up.

A large assortment of canines whimpered and whined before they realized who it was waking them and before long the warehouse was filled with yips and growls. Outside, GB and Smith easily took down the two dogs with speed and skill. Though the two canines might have held down the pups with ease, taking on trained warriors from the Ohu Mountains proved too much. GB made use of his impressive speed while Smith used his fangs to bite and tear into the other canines

By the time the two Ohu warriors were finished the other canines scampered off after calling the fight a loss. GB smiled triumphantly as he walked over to Smith and nuzzled the older canine and licked along a few superficial cuts on the monochrome canine's face. Smith chuckled at his friend's nursing before groups of barks came out of the warehouse and followed then by a dozen or so puppies led by Weed, Mel and Toboe.

"Where did the other two go?" Weed asked while looking up to Smith worriedly.

"They're gone. They won't be coming back for a long time, if ever." The monochrome furred canine responded.

After making sure that the puppies were all right Smith and GB were at a conundrum about what to do with the large group. It was with great surprise that their answer came in the form of another canine that had been following them. His name was Hook and the older mixed breed canine announced that he would take charge and care for the pups while finding them good homes. Sincerely, Smith thanked the strange dog and then left the warehouse area with Mel in tow since the little golden retriever wanted to stay next to his new best friend.

"One problem solved and the day's only begun, eh, old man?" GB ran around like a pup as the group made their way back to the inner city and Smith was straining to keep his calm instead of hurting his good friend. It was when GB had put himself in front of the older canine and then turned around to swish his tail at the other, Smith did a normal canine thing...

"OOUUUUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" GB howled when his tail was taken into a tight muzzle and then clamped on with vice like pressure.

The green and black spotted canine whimpered as Smith muttered something about respecting elders before letting the other go with a slight smirk on his face. The pups giggled quietly as GB nuzzled his hurt appendage and then kept silent the rest of way.

Following their way into the human infested area of the darker portion of the city, Toboe raised his nose into the air and then gasped before taking off.

"Toboe!!" Weed called out but the little wolf pup was so focused on his sprint that he didn't bother to look back.

"We need to catch up with him!" Smith ordered and the three other dogs nodded before taking pursuit.

For a little thing Toboe could pour on the speed as he moved with great swiftness through the legs of humans and into the dank darkness of a dismal looking alleyway.

'I know this scent! Tsume!!' Toboe mental cried out his protector and brother's name while running as fast as his body could carry him.

Once he finally came to the place where the other wolf's scent was the strongest, Toboe cried out, as he could smell fresh spilt blood; blood that belonged to Tsume. Not caring about anything else, Toboe sniffed at the pavement and found a cubbyhole he could slide into and was soon immersed in darkness. Just as the last flick of his tail was swallowed up the four other canines had caught up to their irrational acting friend.

"What's wrong with him?" GB asked the others as if they would know.

"I'm not sure but this is very bad. We should not be in this place." Smith looked around and noticed that the area was filled with the scents of decay and death. The land seemed to be dark and void while the sights were an almost perpetual gray.

"What is this place Smith?" Mel felt his body curl on itself by instinct and the little pup whimpered in fear.

"This may be a hell for dogs if I'm right and we need to get out of here as fast as possible." Smith nodded to the others to try and squeeze through the crevice that Toboe had gone through.

Toboe made his way down the darkness of the little tunnel and when he got to the end he bumped his nose into something hard. The scent of his brother made him resilient to the pain and Toboe kept pushing himself against the darkness until he was able to see small crevices of light. Knowing that the barrier was almost gone, the pup pushed and pushed and then stumbled into the light as whatever was in his was lifted away.

Rolling out into the light found Toboe falling onto his tail and swirling his vision at three black furred canid looking creatures with X shaped scars on their chest staring at him confusedly.

"TSUME!!!" Toboe cried out once he could see again.

A black canine looked down with his body covered in bandages and his fur sticky with blood and other things to see a wet tongue slurp him in the face. Instantly on guard the dog growled at the attack until he noticed whom it was and then groaned in exasperation.

"Toboe, what are you doing here?" the older wolf asked in dismay and something else.

"I was looking for you Tsume. After we got separated I ended up meeting these other dogs and then I..." Toboe happily babbled.

"What other dogs?" the older canine asked in both curiosity and frustration.

"He would mean us." A voice said and soon four forms crawled into the tunnel where Toboe had come through.

The black lupine looked at the motley crew and then to Toboe before sighing and slumping down onto all fours. Toboe prodded the other with his nose but got a sharp bark and then a vexed groan from the Tsume.

"Toboe, how is it that you keep picking up strays to follow you around?" Tsume nuzzled the pup while Toboe licked over the bandages covering his friend.

"Well, I got lost after we split up and then I forgot where we were supposed to meet so I ended up meeting Mel and then Weed, GB and Smith. Did I do something wrong Tsume?" Toboe's cinnamon colored eyes stopped the nasty retort that was about to leave from Tsume's throat and instead the other chose his words carefully, a feat in itself for the often gruff black wolf.

"You were supposed to meet back up with me in a few days at the park and learn how to make it on your own. Suppose something would have happened and you would have gotten in trouble, what would you have done then?"

"I would have been fine because you'd rescue me Tsume!" In that child like way of thinking that the world revolved around Tsume, Toboe totally missed the point.

"Runt...ohhh...never mind. So then I have you to thank for keeping him safe. ...thanks." Tsume said offhandedly before he turned away from the others and started to lick his wounds.

"Well geesh, this is the guy you're looking for Toboe? He's kinda grumpy, don't you think?" A warning growl made GB stop whatever else he was about to say as golden eyes stared at him with piercing accuracy and malicious intent.

"Forgive him, Tsume. He's a pain and an idiot." Smith grabbed GB by his neck and drug the other canine over to his other side and then growled at him to keep his muzzle shut.

"I know what's its like to have a burden to take care of." Tsume looked down at Toboe who was mindlessly licking his wounds with his soft puppy tongue.

"So, Tsume...what are you doing in this place?" Weed chose to ask when he finally noticed that the adults had come to a standstill in their conversation.

"I was gathering...information...about someone for someone else. It's a way to keep my nose to the ground and know about what's going on in the towns nearby." Tsume gave a small murr when Toboe's warm tongue lapped over his sheath on his administration to the black wolf's wounds but said nothing more to draw at everyone's attention.

"I see...how did you get hurt?" Weed asked.

"Do you realize where you are kid?" Tsume noticed how the older black and white canine kept himself on guard, as he understood the gravity of their settings.

The blank look on Weed's face made Tsume growl annoyed before bringing to light their current situation.

"This is a dog fighting ring. Dogs come here with their human masters to fight to the death for their owner's pride. It's a place where many don't walk out and the weak are obliterated easily so unless you have some reason to be here, leave!" Tsume directed that comment to everyone with the inclusion of Toboe.

"Tsume?" Toboe questioned.

"What about you?" Weed inquired

"There's someone who I have to meet and then I'll be on my way out of here." Tsume cocked his ears as he heard someone coming.

"Hurry up!" Tsume grabbed Toboe by his scruff and carried the younger wolf pup to the enlarged hole he had crawled through and dropped him before the dark tunnel with a warning growl.

Toboe looked defiant for a moment as he and Tsume stared each other down in a struggle of wills before the older wolf stopped his front and gently licked the other over his auburn head.

"Go." The quiet strength of Tsume's words made Toboe falter and then nod his head in defeat before licking at Tsume's cheek and taking the path out. Weed, Mel and GB followed after him but Smith stopped at Tsume's behest.

"There's something out there in the woods and whatever it is, doesn't mind killing dogs or wolves alike." Tsume felt he could convey his concerns to someone who had seen too much bloodshed, the same as himself, in good confidence that the other dog wouldn't say anything to the small group he was watching over until necessary.

"I see...I'll keep him safe until you come." Tsume said nothing but gave a fellow warrior a tight nod and turned just in time for Tsume to push his bed back over his little escape hole as the door to his room being opened. Two humans came inside to see another human wearing tight fitting jeans and bandages smiling cold at them while hopping that a certain auburn furred pup would be alright.

Outside of the building, Mel, Weed, and GB looked at Toboe as the younger canine clenched his eyes shut and sucked in the surrounding air. The little one refused to cry but it was obvious that he was miserable without his companion. Weed walked over and nuzzled the other and Mel followed soon after while the older canines stood back and watched the proceedings.

"Alright everyone. Let's get back to our journey. Toboe, you are welcome to come with us until your friend comes for you." Smith stated.

"Alright." The group nodded and continued out of the alley and onto their journey to the Ohu mountains.

The journey took the five canines out of the city and back into the woods with GB and Smith looking out for danger discreetly. Smith had heard the rumors of a monster plaguing the surrounds of Ohu but he had hoped that they were nothing more than troublemakers making noise. However, that Tsume person had too much fear in his eyes behind that grumpy mask of indifference. There was something in the forests that was killing off the Ohu warriors and that was why Smith went find Gin's mate.

Sakura had been left alone for her protection but it would seem that the time for secrecy was over. Gin would be heartbroken to find out that the female was dead but at least his son was alive and in safe paws for the moment. Making their way to a safe place, the five canines hunkered down as the night began to draw over them. The darkness brought with it cold winds and the little pack banded together in a semi circle and went to sleep.

"Hey, wake up..." a voice whispered in Toboe's ears and the wolf pup blinked up to Tsume staring down at him.

"Tsu---." A paw clamped over his mouth and muffled Toboe's happy shout while the older wolf growled down at his protégé

"Quiet runt. Come on." The older black wolf nodded for the pup to follow him and soon the auburn canine stood up and followed after his big brother.

They walked for a good distance and then Tsume stopped to sniff the air and then turn to look at Toboe. Warm amber eyes stared at the wolf pup before Tsume walked over and nuzzle the young one. Toboe yipped with glee and reciprocated the gesture and before long the two were sniffing at each other's muzzle and licking one another. Toboe loved these moments when he could be with the older lupine and soon that familiar feeling in his stomach swelled and Tsume was rolling the boy onto his back with gentle prodding's.

Once Toboe was down on the ground he looked up at his protector and brother and then bent his paws towards his chest and wagged his tail eagerly. The older male lolled his tongue from his black muzzle as he gazed down at his little lover before he nuzzled the boy's neck and gave the vulnerable area a swift bite. Toboe yipped as Tsume drew back to lick over his hurt area and then moan when something warm poked at his tailhole.

Knowing this was normal; Toboe relaxed his muscles and let his alpha slid into his anus. It hurt as it always did being that Tsume's penis was thick and relentless but the pup said nothing and gave subtle murfs while the older lupine drove his hips forward. Tsume never knew why he was so inclined to take the younger boy under his paws and care for him but as he sunk his length of flesh deeper inside of Toboe he couldn't have cared. The little one belonged to him in ways that no other would ever. Toboe was Tsume's in ever sense, his body was just a small portion of what Tsume owned.

As the black wolf hilted into his lover he huffed and bent his head down to see Toboe clenching his eyes and whimpering.

"It's alright. Open your eyes, Toboe." Tsume's voice was low but held the same quiet strength he had used to usher the boy out of the room earlier that day.

Brown eyes splintered before opening completely and then gazing up into heated amber. Tsume smiled down in a wolfish smile before sliding himself back out of the boy's rump. Toboe sucked in the air with his teeth as his inner muscles burned and clenched around the shaft of flesh before Tsume stilled and groaned. Driving back inside with the same care as he used to pull out, the older wolf humped forward into the tight vice like grip that was Toboe.

Hips met against one another and Tsume pulled back out while Toboe kept his ears low onto his had and his tail from wagging. The younger boy always loved the way his protector made him feel with the way he...fucked him, as Tsume said. Staring up at the other, the wolf pup watched as Tsume kept his full strength held back from making the experience uncomfortable. The slow strides that the older wolf made with his back and pelvis drove his cock into Toboe in ways that made the little one moan and hump his own hips with quick jab like motions.

Tsume fought like hell with himself as his inner urges wanted him to pound the other into the grass while slaking his lust but this was another part of that protector instinct inside of him that wouldn't let the older wolf hurt the boy. It was enough that the small hold could take the other without too much discomfort but to full drive into Toboe might actually damage him and Tsume didn't have use for broken things. Opening his closed eyes, the older male watched as Toboe's sheath swelled and the slim tip of his immature penis pushed out into the night. One day it would be a massive tool to use to breed with but today it wasn't a concern for the older lupine, as even the boy's tiny balls couldn't produce seed.

Toboe groaned as Tsume began to speed up his humps and put more force into his fucking. It was about that time that the fat bulb of Tsume's knot kissed at Toboe's tailhole and begged to enter. With ever pump the knot grew just a little bigger and then widen the hold between Toboe's cheeks. Tsume panted and growled as he held himself rigid and drove further into his mate's body. His vision began to darken and the world was drowned out to the place where he and Toboe were connected.

"Toboe..." Tsume muttered as he pulled his lips back over his fangs and then howled into the night.

The black scarred wolf's knot broke the barrier of Toboe's anus and drove inside and the older lupine stopped dead and flooded the other with cum. Toboe howled out as well as the feelings of being bred by his protector and lover filled him with more than just milky seed. The two howls joined as one and traveled over the park area to the city and four sleeping canines waking one.

"Tsume..." Toboe said while whimpering as the knot pulsed inside of him quietly.

"Shhh...we've got a long day ahead of us when morning comes." Tsume said as he kept himself from turning and hurting the boy.

"Huh?" Toboe asked sleepily.

"We have somewhere to go later, so rest up and I'll wake you soon enough." Tsume said cryptically and watched as the pup gave a shrill yawn and closed his eyes to sleep.

The black wolf's balls emptied into the pup and his knot kept them together for a long time but Tsume remained on guard as he watched for anything that could harm them. Once his knot had finally shrunken enough the older lupine pulled free and looked down at his pup. The white trail leading from the smaller wolf's tailhole made Tsume lean down and lick at the mess while his own cock pulsed out and dribbled small strands of seed onto the grass.

'We've got to go soon. That guy...he's playing a dangerous game.' Tsume thought as he finished with Toboe and then cleaned himself off.

'Jerome. What are you thinking?'

Written by Shaesullivan Requested By me

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