Balto¥¥¥'s Family Troubles 2

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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Don't own any of the charcters or the series.

How many years had it been he would never know but for each and every day he lived it would be a reminder of everything he had lost. His friends, his respect, his place amongst the humans and even the mate he wanted. All of it gone because of one half breed mutt of a dog...

All because of that Balto!

After the wolfdog had returned home a hero Steele had been cast out of his home and tossed away like garbage. Not to say he was totally abandoned but he was given the lowliest of tasks in another city in Alaska.

Nome was no longer his home as Steele's owner had given him away to a man who needed the extra labor the Alaskan malamute could bring with his strong back.

The man he had been sold to worked in the mills up north and he along with many other dogs had been forced to work backbreaking jobs just to get a bowl full of left over slop that the man put together.

At first it hadn't been as bad to Steele, with his body and demeanor he would have easily been able to subdue everyone and take over a head of the pack but he was sadly mistaken as all of the others dogs showed him just how much of a stud he wasn't.

The smallest dog was a male husky that was the same size as Steele while the Alpha was a Siberian Husky that towered over everyone and came up to Steele's new owners hips. The large bred dog was a dusty gray with blue undertones for feet and chest and muzzle. His eyes were like cold fires and the smile on his muzzle whenever he looked at Steele could make the already frozen water in Alaska's winters frost over.

There was no mercy in his eyes and the Siberian Husky made sure that his rule over the other dogs was absolute. Steele had heard the stories from some of the others after a painstaking day of work but he thought it nothing more than talk. The kinds he made up to keep the other canines in Nome underneath him.

The tales that whenever a dog got too much for his muzzle to back him up where his fangs could the Husky would take the canine out into the woods and would return with blood covering himself from head to toe and the balls of the other dangling from his mouth to show the others.

Steele had laughed and said that there was no way a human would let a crazed dog be near them but Steele didn't know alone of anything.

The owner, as he had found out later, had raised the Siberian Husky to do exactly that! The man was cruel in a way that Steele had no idea a human could be.

Muscular, large, bulky but not obese, the human had spent years working in the lumber mills and training dogs. He had an assortment of scars on his arms and shoulders where he had wrestled down canines that had gotten out of control and needed lessons in humility.

And those lesson had been painful as they were numerous; from beating with belts to crushed footpaws and broken ribs down to the worse tortures imaginable. This human was no one who should be trifled with and Steele paid good mind to remember that after seeing something he shouldn't have one day.

The man had a small house in the middle of a large forest that he kept himself in away from prying eyes of people. He had built it himself years ago as well as a medium sized shed where his dogs could sleep and avoid the cold.

The two structures sat less than twenty yards away from each other and that was how Steele had found out just how twisted the human that now owned him was.

After a day of harsh labor and being fed what could only be called slop Steele had gotten up to take a piss in the biting cold with the winds whipping everything around being tossed along up and down without any restraint.

Once the Alaskan Malamute had done his business he had heard the yelps of a canine in pain. Curiosity over came him and he strode over to a lit window and peered inside and what he saw would remain with him forever and maybe into his next life if he had one.

The muscular man had one of his canines tied up on the floor of his den with a muzzle on and something under his tail. There was something wet drying on the floor surrounding the dog and a milky white substance mixing with the crimson liquid. Steele guessed that it was blood by the sent coming from the window and cum beside it.

When the man moved away Steele felt his blood go cold at the sight of the long red phallus of the canine being held in what looked to be rope around the base all the way to the middle where the penis was bloated with blood and the veins had turned a sickly bluish purple.

The dog himself had his ears lowered u¥onto his head and his tail raised like a bitch in heat. There was a black round thing that wasn't crap because it remained in place no matter how much he squirmed and tried to wiggle his book to get away. His legs quivered as the canine tried to keep himself upraised to not fall onto his rear and driving that thing up inside of himself more than it already was.

There were indentations in the dog's fur from where he had been beaten repeatedly and the wounds left trails of blood flowing like water to the ground. His eyes were tired but refused to close as if death awaited him should he shut them. The binding on his muzzle was held so tightly that the canine was unable to make any sound other than weak whimpers and groans. Whether in pain or by the stimulation of his engorged cock Steele had no clue and didn't really want to know.

The scene before him was abhorred, as it was somewhat erotic in a ghastly since.

The human moved away from the canine and then returned to bring with him a long whip that ran from his beefy hands to the ground and then coiled by his foot like a loyal pet.

Steele heard something the human was saying but only barely even as he lifted his ears letting the cold winds envelope them. Something inside of himself, some force that prevented Steele from looking away, made the malamute want to hear everything that was going on.

"...learn a lesson..."

"snap at me..."

" some respect..."

"the alpha male..."

As Steele watched on he saw the human raise up the whip and then bring it down like a blot of lightning from the skies. A shrill yelp was let loose from the canine broke from around his muzzled mouth. Body jerking to get away but held fast the dog took the punishment he was receiving with little dignity as tears rained from his face to mix in the pink puddle under his paws.

The lashing went on for what seemed like forever and with every one after another the whip drew redder and redder skin as the fur was torn out and thrown up into the air. The yelps died down to become mutter whimpers that became squeaks soon after.

Steele had never in his life felt pity for someone not even himself but as he watched this canine taking abused just feet from him he could feel something along those lines burn in his chest.

The whip crashed down one last time and then was put away by the human who then returned with a bottle in his hands. The container was small enough to fit in the man's hand and was brownish in color. Bending down the human popped open the cap then poured the substance inside over the fresh wounds he had made.

The scream let out by the prone canine was ungodly and Steele jumped back from the window to fall into someone.

Rolling off of whoever he was on the monochrome malamute looked to see the eyes of the Siberian Husky staring down at him accusingly.

Once Steele was back on his feet he jerked as he heard more muffled scream coming from the house behind him. The husky move passed the malamute without a word and then hopped onto the ledge of the window to see what was going on even though he already knew. Dropping down after a minute the larger canine growled as he saw Steele slinking off back to the shed.

"So pup, you see what happens to rebellion around here. This should be a reminder for you anytime you think of getting uppity with your superiors, your betters." the other canine growled maliciously at Steele who tried to slink into himself in order to disappear

The husky looked to Steele one last time before he walked away to the sleeping area without pause.

Steele was so shocked at what he had heard that his mind began to throw out picture after picture of what would happen to him. He saw himself being tied like that and whipped consistently by the human that was his owner while the other dogs around him laughed at his misfortune.

His body trembled and then he broke off in a run to the woods. He didn't care where he went to but he had to get away, there was no way he could stay here. Not and have those things looming over his head every time he decided to open his mouth. He had gotten away with sly remarks and empty threats but with this new revelation Steele found his once macho veil being lifted to reveal the scared dog that he was.

Running for minutes Steele didn't look behind him and was sure he had become lost but the most disturbing thing was the sounds of footfalls behind him. Turning his head for a brief moment the malamute looked just in time to see powerful jaws lunging for him and the feel of fangs piercing his neck.

Wanting to get away he fought with all of might and thrashed like a wild beast in another's grasps but to no avail. Trapped Steele cocked his ears when he heard gruttal laughter above him.

"Stupid." it was the only word he heard as the Alaskan Husky claimed the other dog in his jaws and then began dragging him back to the master's den.

For his credit Steele fought all the way but with every step he tried to back pedal he was carried along another three. When he tried to snap his teeth at the husky he neck was squeezed just a little tighter until his vision began to fade. As a last ditch effort the malamute did what he did best in tight situations...beg.

"please...just let me go. I won't come back. I won't...!" sadly his pleases fell onto deaf ears as the husky moved just a little fast to try and get them both back to the master

Once they had returned the human was outside with his furs on looking at both Steel and his favorite dog Jeriko.

Looking to the pair the human watched as Steel tried to get away from the other but was held fast by iron like fangs.

"So an escapee. Well do what you do best to break him in Jeriko." With those damning words the human turned away to walk back inside and just as the door closed Steel caught sight of the other canine that had been tortured wobbling to the floor in exhaustion with the muzzle removed from his face and the same milky stuff on the floor flowing from his lips

When the door slammed closed Jeriko drug Steele to the barn and then tossed him through the over sized dog door used to get out and in.

Steele's body thudded to the ground with a small oomph and then the panicked malamute got up on his shaky legs after hearing the voices of the others around him.

Turning his head this way and that the black and white canine saw the eyes of his fellow dogs looking at him. Some with mercy and sadness but most with a deep hunger that should never be in a intelligent and rational animal.

The looks sent his way, those looks, made Steele realize just how much he had lost and how much more was about to be taken from him.

To say what had happened to Steel that day would scar the minds of sane men but the yelps, howls, cries and moans from the shed went on for the entire night well into the morning where they continued unabound. Growls sounded out as fighting had started but a deafening roar silence the riot leaving only the steady panting and wet smack of bestial sex coming from the barn like structure.

When the human master had come to feed everyone the next afternoon he found Steele and another of his loyal canines still rutting. The pool beneath the monochrome malamute was so large that it almost spilt to the door despite the hay soaking so much of it up. The sight of Steele was something that could only be described as horrific.

No longer was his fur as sleek and well groomed as it had been but now reduced to a wet mass of sticky dog seed and hay along with yellow stain of what had to have been urine embedded into his fur. Ears lay to his skull, eyes half dead and watching listlessly as Steele's mouth remained opened and yellow drips fell to the mushy flooring. His tail was bent at an odd angle and listlessly waved as the malamute tried to keep it from being broken with the staccato like pumps coming from a large breed German Shepard.

The pure gray furred canine was pumping his hips into Steele's so much that the other dog had his paws buried into the ground until muddy dirt had settled over and made a kind of seal to keep him in place. With a low growl and sharp bark the Shepard had stopped moving and tilted his head up to the ceiling as he filled the newest female of the pack with his seed.

Steele howled to as the Shepard's knot grew larger and locked inside of him pushing against his prostate and sending a weak trickle of bitch juice from his weary penis if it could be called that anymore. So many of the others, no all of the other had rutted inside of Steele for so long that the malamute's mind began to waver from his original thought process.

How could he think of himself as a male after being mated so many times so brutally and mercilessly?

Steele felt the other dog pulling back from his swollen tailhole as the others had done and then spring free with a quick snap of his hips. The yelp from Steele was so weak that it sounded like a sob or may have been one.

The German Shepherd walked a ways a bit around to face the Alaskan Malamute and then lifted his hind leg. Without thought Steele began to lick the still hard cock that had broken him in along with the others as he had so much practice from the night before. As the malamute laved the Shepherd's penis it softened and whenever the other dog's tongue would lick at his orange sized knot he would groan with pleasure.

Finished with his chore as the gray furred dog's cock receded back into its sheath the canine did one last thing.

A trail of bitter yellow fluid was released to coat Steele's muzzle and the tired and broken malamute opened his mouth to let the flow gush in as he had been taught/forced by the others.

The human went over and patted the Shepherd and then walked over to analyze Steele.

Through with his inspection the man walked passed him and then picked up the bucket of slop he had and then filled up the bowls of food for his pets leaving Steele to slump to the ground defeated.

Steele remembered that time for as long as he lived and even more so as he walked into Nome. He had managed to get away one day after an accident had caused the mill to close and then made his way back to his former home. Since one of the other dog's had been hurt his owner had taken everyone back to the house and in the confusion the malamute had crept away unnoticed.

Now that he was home he was going to get revenge on the one who had made his life a living nightmare. Steele knew that he would never be able to fight the other back home but he would get his chance to kill Balto and he would relish in it. All of his pain, sorrow, anger, and hatred had been saved for just this day.

Looking up with burning eyes Steele saw Jenna coming his way.

"Steele...what are you doing here and what happened to you?" the red furred husky asked with concern in her sweet voice never knowing what lay ahead of her

"Balto...balto...where's balto...?" like a mantra that wouldn't stop all Steele could focus on was his rival and enemy

"I...I don't know. I'm looking for him right now... Steele you should see the vet you don't look so good." Jenna backed away from Steele as he began to come closer to her. The feral look in his eyes made the female husky shiver and her tail furl under her belly

"You smell like balto...balto's had you...he's been inside of're his..." words making little since to Jenna the red husky backed away until she felt a large mound of snow at her back

"Steele?" with that the malamute dove at her

Evading his attack Jenna ran for her life as she howled out and barked into the night.

The two ran through the streets of Nome as Steele chased Jenna through alleyways and across silent vehicles. In his haste Steele broke part planks of wood when Jenna had to hop over a wall to escape from his and his madness.

Kicking up snow Jenna tried to make her way back home to the safety of Lucy and the other humans but was caught when she slipped up and fell face forward.

A large weight at her back made the red furred husky cringe and try to get away but under the force of the male she was powerless to get free.

"balto...balto's here...he's insie of you...I'll get him...I'll make him pay...!!!!!!!" Steele grabbed Jenna's flank in his jaws making the husky cry out with a shrill howl

The female began to cry and squirm to get away as those sharp incisors cut into her skin pass the thin fur and down to her hipbones.

Just as she felt the pain reaching new heights the pressure eased and the jaws were gone. Looking up and over her Jenna saw that Kodi had come to her aid and was fighting with Steele. The small pup put up a daring fight as he bit and snarled at Steele and cursed him for hurting his mother.

The insane malamute tried to grab the boy in his jaws but was unable as Kodi's small size made it easy for him to dodge the attacks and counter with his own.

The two fought for a long while until voices began to come from the nearby housea and buildings. Steele took no notice as he wanted kill the 'Balto' that was fighting him until a sharp hit on his head knocked him unconscious.

Falling like timber the Alaskan Malamute went dead silent as he was removed from Kodi and the drug away.

When the pup looked up all around him were the faces of the people of the town and a few of the canines he had known all his life. Giving them a happy bark the pup wagged his tail and then broke free of the person holding him to go over to his mother.

Jenna looked tired but happy and as Kodi sniffed at his mom's hindquarters he was unable to smell any blood although there was a slight tear near her anus and the fur was ripped Jenna would live.

Wagging his tail he nuzzled his mom and licked her face just as Lucy, Balto, and Aleu made there way to her.

The tired husky closed her eyes as she was picked up by the local vet and taken to his clinic while Kodi told his father and sister what had happened.

A few days later Steele was shipped back to his owner who was 'glad he was safe and would be thoroughly punished later'. The look in the bulky human's eyes made Steele wish he was never born and as his owner took him by the leash to his car he was put in the backseat with a pissed off looking Jeriko.

Jenna made a full recovery later on and praised Kodi for days on end and showered him with licks and adoration.

Balto was upset and sulked for days but finally calmed himself down within the next week.

Aleu was strangely quiet for the next few days but within the same week as her episode with Balto she left the family to become the leader of the wolves of the small island in Alaska.

Kodi was the acclaimed hero of his family and was treated like a star the same as Balto for a few days and was given extra scraps of food from the tables.

All in all life returned to normal for everyone and things settled back into routine. Though for Steele that routine would be one he wanted to escape everyday but with all of the dogs in his new home watching him he was forever bound in his new life. The Steele plated collar around his neck and him being neutered settled his temper and made him a very humble bitch to his packmates.


Written By Shaesullivan This Chapter is the last one though anyone can continue it if they wish to though they must incude Shaesullivan and me in the credits.

Weed's Pack Meets Mel Part2

Weed and the others were getting frustrated that they hadn't managed to pick up the scent of the golden pup within the last hour. The little thing couldn't have gotten that far but then again the way he had ducked and dodged through alleyways and cut...

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Weed's Pack Meets Mel

Smith woke up before his other two companions and looked around his surroundings. His head was fuzzy with disorientated thoughts and his body was numb for some reason. He felt as if he had just run for miles and miles without pause before collapsing...

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Weed,Smith, and GB Night Time Fun

Smith looked to see someone who he thought he would never have to see again, at least not for another few years. Weed looked and barked happily at the canine standing before both he and Smith. In the moonlight was the figure of an English Setter but...

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