Weed's Pack Meets Mel

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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#4 of Weed's Life

Smith woke up before his other two companions and looked around his surroundings. His head was fuzzy with disorientated thoughts and his body was numb for some reason. He felt as if he had just run for miles and miles without pause before collapsing but the French Spaniel knew better than that. His age was slowly catching up to him and he was smart enough not to over tax his body with unnecessary strain, but then what had happened to make him...

A slight yawn followed by a content whimper made the monochrome canine turn his head and look down. There right beside him was a young blue and gray furred Akita pup resting on his side with a happy smile on his face. The little guy had his ruby tongue hanging from his mouth and his cute paws sticking up into the air waving around like he was trying to catch himself something. It was really endearing but in a flash all of Smith's memories came flooding back to him. This pup was the son of his good friend, the same pup he had screwed in frustration and anger, the same pup he and GB had ushered into the world of mating and the pup who he had to return to his father today.

Smith moaned and put his paw over his dark face and then whined out loud. Gin was going to kill him when he brought his child to him. The older male would rip his throat out and probably piss over his dead carcass in a show of complete and under disdain for what he had done. He had screwed the poor boy, allowed him to mate with him, and then allowed him to suck on another male. Oh, Gin was not going to be happy about this at all...

Laughing in delirium at the fact that he would be dead in roughly the next twenty or so hours Smith looked at the boy and then his green spotted friend before nuzzle the youth.

"Come on pup. It's time to get up now." the older black and white dog watched as the little one's eyes opened slowly before his azure orbs took on the sight of his friend. With a little bark the puppy was up and bounding around like a out of control rabbit

Smith smiled and then stared at the other bundle of fur that was also dead asleep and then went over and nuzzled him.

"All right GB, get up." a little more forceful was how the French Spaniel addressed his long time friend but that was how he always was with the English setter. As expected the other dog just rolled away from the prodding that Smith was doing and curled his body further into a ball to go back into the land of Nod.

As expected as well, Smith growled at how hard it was to get this sorry bag of fur and bones up when he wanted to sleep and would have just nipped the other canine on his rear to jolt him away. Thankfully, GB's butt was saved from mauling however his stomach wasn't so lucky.

"UP! UP! UP!" the little Akita leapt and then dived onto the green tinted dog's back, which made GB yelp and then scamper away just a few feet.

Looking around for an attack the black spotted, fur raised canine looked to see that his friends and not his pack mates had awakened him from his slumber. The dogs from his current pack wouldn't have been so kind as to just jump on him, they would have probably bitten or maybe even put another of those 'things' under his tail like before. Shivering in fear the young male shook himself of the memory and then yawned as he gazed at Smith and the pup.

"Wha...what's going on?" GB asked while not understanding why he had just been rudely taken away from his dream of chasing those rascally foxes in that big forest

"We need to leave. We've all stayed and rested long enough, it's time to move on." Smith took on a commanding tone as he stood with his chest stuck out and his eyes glittering in determination.

"Young one, where is your mother?" the blue and gray pup shook his head from side to side and then looked around the area he was in. the field was close to the place where his mother and he stayed in and as the sun was slowly rising into the air he barked and pointed his paw in a general direction

"Over there! Are you going to see mom now?" Smith nodded his head and the began moving in the way the pup had pointed while looking at GB and growling

The green furred dog looked sheepish as he was trying to slink away but at the warning growl from his friend he sighed and headed with the French Spaniel and the little Akita Inu. There was no way he was getting out of punishment and if Smith had to suffer the consequences of last night so would GB. Sighing in despair the English setter made his way with the other two and soon they were off in a fast pace to where Sakura was. As the day star rose into the sky pushing back the night it found three travelers on the way to a new journey and for a sad surprise as they made their way unknowing of what today would bring.

Passing by trees and across plains of green grass the three canines moved as one as they hurried along. The little pup was in the lead as he ushered the other two older males along to where his mother was, followed by GB who was being steadily watched by Smith. Knowing how the other canine liked to disappear when things got rough the French Spaniel kept close watch on him to make sure he stuck around. He wasn't the only one getting chewed out today and if he had to go he was making sure he had company for the ride. GB, on the other paw, was sulking as he moved along and yipped when he started to slow at feeling Smith's strong fangs on his tail when he moved to slow.

Once all the canids got to their destination the little puppy barked out as he called for his mother. When he didn't get a response he barked louder and louder and moved closer to where she usually rested. It was Smith who pulled the young one back as he scented the air and understood what the sour smell meant.

"GB watch the pup while I look around." again it was more of an order than it was a request as Smith moved in front of the Akita and began a through search of the area. His nose to the ground the French Spaniel was on the trail of his leaders mate.

Nosing around the ground and picking up the trail of the female the monochrome dog followed he scent through a clump a trees another fifty or sixty feet until he came to the form of the prone Kishu Inu. The female's cream-colored fur looked lifeless as she lay on the ground and her chest rose too slowly to be healthy. Soft almost unheard pants left her throat as if it was a strain just for Sakura to breath while her paws quivered in exhaustion. Smith nosed around her form and then had to take a step back from the sour smell of the dying canine.

"Sakura..." Smith pawed at her flank and then whimpered just enough to get the other dog to turn slowly in his direction

Upon looking at her face Smith had to grimace in distaste and horror. Sakura's face was red and a little swollen around her eyes. Her tongue hung from her mouth limply, her body was wracked with small shivers, and tail sat limp and motionless, as it wouldn't even try to wave in either pain or agony. Sakura looked like a helpless sight as she breathed in her last breaths but with the little energy she had she made a happy face to see a good friend one last time.

"Smith...nice to see...you again..." how strange it was for such simple little words to take so much energy from the once energetic canine. There was a time that Sakura was more of a pup in her ways than even her son but staring at her now no one could have ever guess that.

"Hey...Gin wants you to come back home. Come on and get up so you can see your mate again." It was with a slim hope that Smith's words could stir the female into getting up and fighting her ailments but...

"Really...how is Gin...?" the words were like a soft prayer as Sakura wondered about the well being of the strong male she had mate with so many years ago. The proud look on his face and the way he stood so dignified day after day.

"Very good. Worried about you and your pup. He needs you to come back to him Sakura. We need both of you to come to Ohu Mountain." Smith looked at his friend and whimpered just a bit as he kept himself from crying

"Tell Gin...that I was really happy...that I could be with him...for so long... It was fun...we had so much fun together...I wish it had never...ended..." Sakura's mind was becoming cloudy as more and more time passed and she began to drift from this life

"You can tell him that...please Sakura don't ask me to tell him that you died today...just get up...please...get up..."

"Get up mom!" the small yip made Smith turn his head and look to see the small Akita pup standing not but a few feet from both himself and Sakura. Looking past the blue and gray furred dog Smith growled at the embarrassed GB who was trying not to bail

"Boy...so you're here too... Listen to me...I want you to go with Smith...he's going to take you to see someone...very important..." the female looked up at her son with pained eyes and then looked to Smith before she rested her head on the ground and the closed her eyes

"...okay mother..." the little pup nuzzled close to Sakura's form as the female took her last breaths and then went motionless

Smith looked at the little pup and then over to GB who were both silent. Walking close to the pup the older male bent down and started to rub his muzzle into the boy's flank for comfort.

"You can cry if you need to..." Smith said so quietly it was hard to determine if he was talking to the pup or himself

"...mom's sleeping now... I'm not going to cry...because..." the little Akita turned and looked at the monochrome dog before giving a small smile and closing his teary eyes

"You're a tough little weed aren't you." Smith said it in jest but it seemed to fit the pup for some reason. Maybe for his resilience or maybe because he had a lot of growing and hardships to over come.

"..." the smaller canine said nothing and looked back between his mother's body and his friends. Walking over to the female's body the blue and gray puppy began to dig a hole. Seeing what the boy was doing Smith joined in followed by GB and soon a large carter was made and Sakura's form was placed inside and then covered.

Done with the burial Smith looked back to the pup to see if he needed a moment but surprisingly there was nothing in his eyes, neither sadness nor pain. It was like he understood what had happened and accepted it. But how could a pup understand the implications of death?

"Weed..." the black and white male said out loud which made the smaller Akita look up for some reason

"I guess we'll call you Weed then. You seem like one in a way." Smith said to the boy but instead of taking offense the little one barked and wagged his curly tail in joy

"What should we do know?" GB asked, even though he had been silent with all the events happening around him. With everything that had been going on there was no reason for him to return back to his own pack and truly none of the other dogs would have really cared had he came back or not. So he might as well tag along with Smith since being around the other canine would mean he would get away from his abusive pack mates.

Smith looked up and saw that the day was progressing into the afternoon and he, Weed, and GB might as well make the most of the time they had since it would be a while before they could get to Gin's mountain. Barking out Smith took the lead and began moving the way to Ohu Mountain. Weed followed behind the older dog while GB trailed behind.

The three canines raced through the plains passing through fields of growing grass, canvasses of trees and shrubbery, and rolling hills for hours on end. All three tired as the day began to draw to a close and Smith made camp in a forest glade much like the one GB and Weed had first met at. A large lake was staring in front of the traveling dogs, along with a few deer running around, a canopy of branches and leaves above them, and a human trail leading into the forest along the way to a near by city.

Smith remembered that he had used the human path to get to where Weed and Sakura had been and was thankful that he hadn't gotten everyone lost. Though he didn't like to admit it at times his sense of direction was less than up to par. Though he would never tell anyone that, it would have been to embarrassing to admit that even with his great sense of smell he was a mess when it cam to directions. That was one of the reason it had taken him so long to find out where the other two dogs had lived.

Shaking his head and letting his long ears flop around the monochrome dog told GB to stay with Weed while he hunted up a few rabbits. The green tinted canine nodded and the looked over to Weed who was staring at the pond almost in awe. Not knowing what to do about the recent events GB strode over to the pup and sat down on his haunches a bare few inches from toughing the little guy.

Looking at the boy and then the crystal lake the black spotted canine huffed and stared out alongside his charge.

"Pretty nice isn't it...?" GB sighed at his own lameness at staring a conversation

"It really is. Hey what is Ohu Mountain's like?" Weed stared up to his older friend with his wide little eyes boring holes into the green furred dog's head

"Well...actually I have no idea. I've never been myself but Smith says that it's beautiful with a lot of flowers, lakes, and fields. Supposedly it's a paradise for dogs of every breed to come and find a place to live." GB tried to come up with something that sounded halfway like it could be true, having never even seen the place. Then again with Smith's constant talk about the place it should have been like he had lived at the mountain himself.

"Wow! It's really nice like that?" Weed's tail began to wag around furiously as he imagined just what this mythical place was like

A small thump was heard behind them and Weed and GB turned around to see Smith had come back with a fine hunt. Three fat rabbits were all waiting for them and before long the three canines dug into their dinner.

Once finished each one cleaned themselves in the lake and then shook themselves dry before curling around one another and resting for the night. Weed was anxious about going to the Ohu Mountain and so he quickly tired himself out with his constant tail wagging and mutterings and soon he was off to sleep. Smith looked to GB and then nodded at the other dog before putting his head down and falling into Nod. Flustered at the praise the black spotted canine had a blush on his muzzle as he settled down and then drifted off.

Through the night the wind was the only witness to the goings on around the forest that night to the happy comfort that radiated from the three canids. However farther away something was brewing, an evil of sorts was rampaging across the lands and stirring up trouble for both man and animal. Right now though the simple bliss of being close to good friends was the only thing that Weed, Smith, and GB could think of. Who could have guess that within the next few days everything would change even more than it already had.

When dawn broke through the trees Weed woke followed by GB and Smith. After stretching out the kinks and getting a drink of water all three resumed their fast pace to Ohu Mountain. However, before they could get to Gin's mountain they would have to pass a human city and events would transpire that would led the trio into the arms of their first adventure.

"Where is that little shit?!" a large Alaskan Malamute asked to no one in particular as he snarled and made tight circles with his tail lashing around like an angry snake

In a small abandon warehouse on the north side of the human city a few other dogs stood around as the one who had spoken circled round and round in aggravation. All of them were smart enough to know better than to incur the wrath of their leader when he was in this type of mood. In the small building were an assortment of dogs, a few were older than most but the majority happened to be pups. Had the setting been different it might have been almost homey save for the dankness of the old structure, the shadows that loomed over the walls, the cobwebs hanging from the ceiling and the bugs scurrying about.

One of the pups happened to hear the question and in youthful ignorance answered. His immediate reward was to be slapped against the far wall and to slid down and land like a rock. Some of the other pups around gathered around their fallen comrade and then nuzzled the prone form of the little downed dog. Some looked afraid and others were trying to move away from the large and angry canine.

"I wasn't asking you! Never mind...Bell and Ned! I'm going out to look for him! Watch the runts!" the Malamute ordered while moved out of the warehouse to look for the missing pup he had order to go return and return with food

Meanwhile, a small golden retriever pup was busy running for his life as a mad shop owner was chasing him down the street. In his tiny mouth was a package willed with a bundle of meat that the man had made for a special customer today. The pup zipped down the asphalt as he ran and ran to keep from getting his tail beat. The people in the city watched the display with a myriad assortment of expressions. Some were laughing as the well built meat shop owner was running down a little pup not even a tenth of his size. Others were smiling wistfully at the little dog as he was trying his best to evade the bigger human. And a select few had expressions that were indefinable.

The little gold pup had just rounded the corner when he heard a loud crash behind him. He turned his head to see that someone had stuck their foot out and had tripped the bigger man up. Looking up further he saw that the person was a human male who was smiling at him and then waving. Giving a short bark the retriever moved on his way down the street without any more stops...that was until he met just one...

Crashing into someone the pup opened his mouth and dropped his package as he stumbled over the person in question and then tumbled over like a sack of potatoes. The person in question was actually Weed and the Akita had to shake his in order to orientate himself from what had just happened. Once grounded and the world had stopped spinning Weed was able to see the rear end of whoever was on top of him.

Not that it was a bad position to begin with all things considered. Taking in a few good whiff of the other dogs tail end Weed was happy to say that he liked the smell of the other canine and the before he could do anything more the other dog squirmed off of him. Once the golden pup was standing again he looked to the three standing around him and then whimpered in fright.

"Are you okay?" Smith asked as he watch the other canine cower before him as he stepped closer

"Please...don't hurt me...I'm sorry..." the little thing yipped frantically as he closed his eyes and bowed his head while trying not to incur the wrath of the other dogs

"We're not gonna hurt you!" Weed moved close and then licked the other on his face to show him that they meant no harm. The smaller pup began to relax a bit as he felt the warm tongue of the Akita lave over his face ad then he opened his tightly closed eyes to stare at the other pup.

"See! We're all friends right?" Weed looked to Smith and GB who just smiled down at the retriever to get him to relax

"Friends? Who are you?" not knowing any other dogs except 'leader', how could these strange canines be his friends?

"My names Weed! He's Smith and that's GB! What's yours?" Weed asked in exuberance as he wagged his tail and let his tongue hand from his mouth in excitement

"My names Mel. I have to go so goodbye." Mel sidestepped the blue and gray pup when he saw 'leader' moving just around the corner of a building but not before glaring at the golden puppy

"Where are you going?" GB asked while noticing the way the other dog was submissively lowering his ears and lowering his head. Looking to where the other had been staring the green and black spotted English setter saw the someone but before he could determine who it was they moved into the shadows

"I have to go back home or 'leader' is going to be really mad at me and probably hit me into a wall again." Mel said while picking up his package and then moving away before he got block by two larger forms

"What do you mean 'hit you into a wall'?" Smith questioned while looking down to the little guy and beginning to snarl

"...h...he..." Mel tried to speak but at the thought of receive more punishment he darted around the side of the two older canines and then rushed off

"Hey! Wait!" Weed was hot on the pup's trail as he chased after the young one. Stunned at what just happened it took both GB and Smith a few moments to reorganize themselves but after that moment they too were hot on the two pup's tails.

Behind a large building the Alaskan Malamute was watching the scene and was less than please. If these dogs caused in trouble here it might shake is firm grip on his followers. There was no chance that he would give up his tight control over the few minions he had and so he made his way back around the side of the city to meet up to where Mel was to make the drop off. He was glad that he had been smart enough not to let the pups lead others back to their hideout since today it seemed that things were going to get interesting.

Mel had lost the others a while back and once he was sure he wasn't being followed he headed to where 'leader' had told him to come. The only problem was that he had lost half of his package on the way here. Some of the meat had fallen out and had to be left behind so that he wouldn't get caught. 'Leader' wasn't going to be happy about this at all. But some was better than none...right?

Once at the spot Mel entered into a park that was secluded during this time of the day and was able to see his 'leader' waiting with a patient look on his face. This was good...if 'leader' looked like this than it usually meant that he was in a half way good mood. That being the case he was less likely to hit Mel and more or less just yell at him. As Mel came to a full stop in front of the other dog he dropped his bundle at the 'leader's' feet and then barked out...

The older canine looked down at the puppy wagging his short golden tail and then smiled down at him. The look would have been comforting hadn't it been for the darkness that loomed within the Malamute's round orbs.

"Very good job Mel but I see that you dropped some. Did something happen?" the concern in the dog's voice was both foreign and disconcerting for Mel

"...w...well...some other dogs...en...ended...up following through the city... But I lost them and ten came here!" the little retriever said in hopes of not being punished

"I see. Good boy Mel! Come here..." Mel strode over to the other male while not understanding this very unfamiliar show of affection as the other canine began licking and laving over the golden pup's face

The larger canid washed the face of his little follower gently with his tongue and had the pup wagging his tail even faster than he already was. The love and care Mel had long been looking for now was being showered onto him by the one he called 'leader' and it made him so happy inside. Soon the Alaskan Malamute had the young one on his back with his paws waving around in the air like the pup he was while he roved his wet red organ over ever inch of the puppy. Mel barked and yipped his approval but soon he let out a high-pitched howl as he was skewered.

His eyes opened wide and tears bubbled just on top of his lower eyelid as he felt unimaginable pain shoot through him with such force. Looking up the smile that had been on the muzzle of the scarred eye dog was now twisted into the cruelest smirk imaginable. His face was set in a rough sneer as the Malamute stared down at the pup, his eyes were like a starless and moonless night as they held nothing of the kindness Mel had dreamt he had seen moments ago, fangs poised in the afternoon light glistening as trails of drool splattered down across the Golden Retriever's face.

Mel felt himself being thrown forward just a bit but soon two heavy paws dropped down upon him and then held his tiny body down as if he was being implanted into the ground. The claws broke past the yellowish into the to the pink and white skin and down to the bone, red beaded and washed over Mel's body in slow rivers as he was jabbed constantly by, what felt like a tree.

Looking down at where the pain was centered the young canine saw that something red and hard was being stuffed into the place where he didn't know anything could be put before. It was big and had many lines running through it that seemed to pulse with every breath Mel took. Soon it was pulled away from him and the yellow pup bore witness to just how long and monstrous the thing really was.

Mel was awestruck as he watched his 'leader' thrust forward and then place the thing into him again. The pain was excruciating as he felt his inside cry out at being so violated but the Malamute could only raise his head in utter joy at having his way with Mel.

The Alaskan Malamute lolled his tongue out as he rammed into the smaller canine and assumed his dominance over the boy. He knew that the youngling had no idea as to what was happening to him and that made this all the more fun. It was thrilling the control he possessed over the other and the feeling of his lions, drilling deep inside of the body laid beneath him, released all the tension he had stored for the day. It made the older male forget about what was going on around him, the other dogs in 'his' city, and even the fact that things would change for him forever.

His body ran hotter as the Alaskan Malamute hilted over and over into the tiny retriever, and his mind was lost in the sensations of having another under him. His 'brothers' and he never used one of the pups in this way before and he had only decided this after seeing that stupid face look up at him with hope and admiration. It was disgusting to see such devotion in another's eyes and it filled the Malamute with such contempt that his dark side begged to stripe the light of any hope from the boy. He wanted to tear any and turn the young one into nothing more than his bitch and as he assaulted Mel and he could see the tears dribble down the youth's face the older canine could tell that it was happening.

Mel wished he were dead after feeling his body being ravaged like it was. He cried out and barked as more of 'leaders' weight was pressed onto him and then something like a orange was pushed into him. Not wanting to but some sick and morbid curiosity making him, Mel looked down to see what was happening to him. 'Leaders' whatever it was that was being pushed into him had something like a ball at the end of it and every time the bigger canine would force it inside of him the ball thing would pop inside and then out of him. The experience was hell on Mel as his body was unused to this kind of torture before. He had endured many forms of pain from being thrown into a wall to being stepped on by the other older dogs but this...this was agony incarnate.

The older canid was almost finished as he felt his knot lock and then unlock from the boy's body with more and more time in between. His eyes felt like they wanted to roll into his head and his lions were set aflame with hungry lust as he took the retriever pup. Soon the older male hunched one great time and then locked himself into the pup and then stay. His body was uncorked himself and soon he poured his seed into the little one with great reverence.

Mel howled like a demon as he was tied by the older canine and then impregnated like a female. It was degrading and humiliating to say the least but worst of all was that it was by his 'leader'. Though the other male had never shown Mel the slightest bit of kindness, never been nice to him, never even came close to comforting the puppy, Mel couldn't believe that 'leader' would ever do something like this to him. Sure he knew about the pups who didn't listen to the older three canines and 'disappeared', but this was...

There were no words for this kind of degradation and sadism. Nothing could explain this kind of sick, torture that was placed upon Mel. The up was so helpless as he lay under the older male that he wasn't able to even bark as he was filled up with his 'leader's' doggy milk.

The last bit of cruelty that the Alaskan malamute could do to the pup was when he ripped himself from the boy. A sharp bark was emitted from the tired muzzle of the golden youth as he was torn and then released. His backside was a mass of pink and white as Mel's blood and the Malamute's cum mixed together in a Molotov of uncaring hatred and disgust by the older canine.

The larger male looked down at the little one to see that his claws had in fact torn through the skin into the flesh and small trails of crimson ran down the golden fur all the way to the green grass.

"Pathetic..." that was the last thing the Alaskan Malamute said to Mel before he raised his leg and did the unthinkable

A hot trail of yellow urine was poured over Mel onto his body and directly onto the puppy's face and body. His small muzzle was covered in the older dog's waste as he used him like an old tree. It was the last straw for Mel as his mind shut down and his body convulsed with tremors as he cried out. The Alaskan Malamute on the other paw was more than happy to act out his one last moment of degrading before he dealt with this boy...

Written By shaesullivan Requested by me.

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