Weed's Pack Meets Mel Part2

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#5 of Weed's Life

Weed and the others were getting frustrated that they hadn't managed to pick up the scent of the golden pup within the last hour. The little thing couldn't have gotten that far but then again the way he had ducked and dodged through alleyways and cut corners through herds of humans had managed to make the trio befuddled in their search. But Weed wasn't about to let that stop him, something burned inside of his chest at the words of the smaller retriever. It wasn't right what this so called 'Leader' was doing that was for sure in Weed's mind. The Akita pup was unfolding in his desire to get to the bottom of this and he would do whatever it took to find that golden pup.

Smith and GB were both amazed at the resolution that the smaller canine had as he held his head up with his ears set forward and his tail held high. The smallest one had a lot of spunk about himself as he took the lead to search for Mel; without a word Weed moved ahead and sniffed the ground and then caught the scent of the retriever before dashing off with the other two following behind at a steadfast pace. Before long Weed barked as he sniffed around a few pieces of meat that fallen on the ground where Mel had dropped them unconsciously.

Again the Akita never voiced any directions to the others but Smith and GB followed wordlessly. Smith smirked as he saw some of his good friend coming from his son and the spaniel was happy that Weed would make a good leader just as Gin. It was just to natural as he led and he and GB trailed like loyal followers. That dominate alpha that Weed was or would become was glimmering like a star in the night as he ran through the congested city of humans.

Most of the people scattered like rodents as the three dogs made their way into a dark forest that was too small to be a forest. Smith looked around as he flicked his ears about and took in the scent of the grassy area that was abundant with trees. Having lived a long while the monochrome colored dog assumed that this was a 'park' that he had heard about from other canines. A human made area of land that had flora and fauna. Why humans just didn't live in the open plains confused the French Spaniel 'til this day but soon his thoughts shifted as he heard a loud bark and then a growl from Weed.

Weed was horrified at what he saw as he entered the field of trees in search of his friend Mel. The sight of a huge dog lifting Mel up in his maw with the smaller canine dripping of yellow liquid from his body made Weed halt in his steps before his eyes widen.

Mel was unconscious but his body was trembling like a leaf in the wind while the older canine growled and chuckled maniacally. Eyes lit with the fires of evil burned as the canine who held Mel squeezed the smaller retriever and took delight in the soft whimpering moans that were released from Mel. Too make thing even worse the older dog was sadistically twisting his head back and forth while putting pressure on Mel's fragile form making the pup seem like a rag doll. It was the sharp bark from the retriever that sent Weed into action.

Without thinking the Akita pup rushed from his position at the other dog and then head butted him with all of his strength. His skull hit the bigger dog in the chest and made him gasp as he dropped Mel from his jaws and then step back to stare at what had assaulted him. Weed was moving again before he could control himself and head butted the other canine and then growled out before taking one of the triangular ears of Mel's abuser in his mouth and shaking as he had seen Mel being rattled around.

The older dog barked in distress before swatting the annoyance away. Getting up from the ground the blue and black furred canine growled and opened his lips to reveal two rows of deadly incisors. There were droplets of yellow and red dripping from them as a testament of the fate that was in store for Mel. Weeds' eyes glowed like the sky in the early dawn as he growled and barked at the other dog.

Both canines circled each other as they looked deep into each other's eyes in a battle of wills. The desire to kill burned bright in the blue and black canine's soul as he looked at the one who had dared cross his patch and try to stop his right to punish his minion. While in the other's soul was the fierce need to protect and defend the one which he had just met but cared for without thought or question.

The night surrounded both forms with only the moon watching the others before both combatants charged at one another. Weed's smaller form clashed with the other dog's as they tumbled together with Weed on top before the other dog was caught in his fierce hold with his small fangs. Weed bit down with all of his strength as he tried to subdue the other but the older dog was not to be done in by a pup so easily. Reaching around he knocked Weed away until the pup flipped and landed on his legs to stare at the other. The blue and black dog was running towards him before two forms knocked the other away.

"Smith! GB! Leave him, he's mine!" Weed growled as he looked at the other canine with protectiveness coursing through his veins like magma

"Weed! Take care of the pup! He needs you now more then us! We'll deal with this flea bag!" Smith ordered as he never let his sights off of the Alaskan Malamute

Weed felt torn between his two feelings. The need to punish the one who had hurt his friend warred with the need to comfort his injured pup mate. A soft whine decided for Weed what would happen as the Akita turned to see Mel slowly trying to get away from the area where he had been. His tired body barely obeyed his commands as he tried to get up and away as he slumped to the grass and whimpered pitifully.

Weed was by Mel's side in moments before he licked the retriever pup on his snout to comfort him. Mel looked up with tear filled eyes to see what was happening to him now and then barked shallowly at seeing the other pup he had met earlier.

Seeing that everything was all right GB barked at Smith and then both growled and snarled at the other canine that had hurt the retriever pup. Rage filled them as they looked at the coward who would use a pup and then discard him like a old shoe. This one had no honor and didn't care about anything and both Spaniel and Setter vowed to make him pay.

The other canine wasn't happy about this turn of events and took of with his tail taunting both of his adversaries to follow. Smith barked to Weed again before he and GB took off after the other into the trees and deep into the night. After running for a good distance the other dog stopped and then turned when he had come to an old torn up fenced area. In his rush to get away he had made a mistake an ended up in a dead and but he would not die today. If he could just lame one of them he could use that to get away and then regroup with his 'brothers' and get rid of all of them once and for all including that pain in his tail Mel.

"So run out of places to hide coward!" Smith said as he and GB walked up and spotted the Malamute looking around

"Not likely. This is my town. I run this place and I don't need to run from interlopers in my area!" the Alaskan Malamute charged at Smith and then wrestled with the older canine but GB was there and sunk his fangs into the back of the other to get him off of his companion

The blue and black canine was thrown away and GB nuzzled Smith who licked his muzzle before getting up and shaking himself off.

"I remember you. Your scent. You were the one who came to the Ohu Mountains a few years ago." Smith said as he looked at the other with recognition

"The Ohu Mountains. Yeah I remember that place a while back. Looked like paradise unless you looked a little deeper. All that blood on the ground right underneath the pretty flowers and green grass." The Malamute said in a mocking tone as he growled and leapt at GB but caught air as the English Setter moved away but as Smith was rearing to counter he was kicked in the sides by the Malamute and sent back a ways

GB snarled as he attacked and took hold of the other dog's neck and began to chew roughly into the thick fur to get to the pulsing arteries right below. The Malamute yelped and then tried to get the Setter to release him by sending them both on the ground with GB going head first into the dirt. It took at least two tries to get the spotted canine to free him but just as one pain went away he was knocked to the ground by a heavy weight on his back.

Smith had recovered and seen that his friend needed him and so jumped onto the Malamute and then rode him. Four long legs clamped the other's body like a vice and didn't let go while Smith bit into the same place GB had. Red dotted his muzzle but the Malamute was desperate as he was strong and so body slammed himself with Smith taking most of the force and then getting away from him. Backing away all three dog mentally surveyed their injuries with the blue and black canine taking the blunt of the damage but not all.

"Why did you leave the mountains? You would have been a great warrior for Gin and had everything you could have needed." Smith asked while noticing that the fight was turning in their favor

"Ha! That's if you didn't mind the underlining necessity in order to live there. Fighting day and night. Killing any one who touches your patch. Dieing alone. Never knowing when death will come. And the fountain of blood one needed to fill in order to have your so-called 'peace'. Unlike the other fools running around and pretending to not notice what was going on I'm not that blind." the Alaskan Malamute shook himself as he felt cold creeping in his body from where he was bleeding

With a bark that shook the air around him the Malamute charged at smith and then plowed into him. He had the dog on his back and was trying to claw and bite him in order to turn the tide of battle. So desperate the blue and black furred canine disregarded GB who was on top of him and biting at his neck and clawing at his flank in order to get the bigger dog off of his friend. Smith wasn't idle as he clawed at the other and then bite the Malamute's legs until he heard a sickening crunch.

Rearing up the canine yelped as he felt his leg bone snap in two pieces. That gave GB the opportunity he needed as the Setter took hold of the others throat and then bit savagely. Red splashed onto Smith white and black face as GB tore the skin from their opponent's neck and let the copper tasting fluid fill his mouth.

Half crazed with pain the Malamute flailed to get the other off of him and succeeded when he tripped on his broken leg and sent GB to the ground. Backing away with eyes filled with pain and terror the other dog looked at both Smith and GB.

"You see...this is what I didn't want. I didn't want to die fighting for what was mine! I didn't want to have to die! I won't die! I won't!" the Malamute, insane with pain and blood loss bounded to the fence and then hopped over using his three decent legs.

He landed onto concrete just in time to hear car horns blare at him and see two white lights rushing towards him.

GB and Smith only winced as they heard a shrill yelp and then a sad thump before the call of several cars knocking into one another. Shaking his head Smith looked at GB who was staring at him and the blinked as the spotted Setter nuzzled his face and then licked him on his snout. Smith ducked his head shyly but let the other do as he pleased to clean him. Once done Smith reciprocated and then both trotted back to where they had left the two pups.

Weed had been hard pressed not to return to the battle with the Alaskan Malamute after seeing the damage that the other dog had inflicted on the golden pup. Fur covered in stale urine, dried blood flakes and saliva made the beautiful pup look like a broken doll. Weed looked in the retriever's eyes and saw the light of innocence dying within. Betrayal, hurt, sadness, and pain bloomed inside of the smaller dog as he sat on the grass with the Akita standing over him.

Weed licked Mel over his entire body cringing at the taste of the fluid cocktail the pup was bathed in order to clean him. Mel looked to see the other canine caring over him and gave a small whine of thanks as he felt some sort of peace. He never would have thought that 'leader' would do something like that to him. As Mel thought about it and remembered back 'leader had always smelt different after taking one of the pups away and returning alone.

Now the retriever understood what had happened time and again. 'Leader' had probably taken the others away and done 'things' like this to them and then... Mel whimpered loudly as he shook his head to jar those thoughts from his head. He didn't want to think about what had happened to the others. He didn't even want to be here right now enduring this. He just wanted to go to sleep and not wake up. Or maybe wake and this would all be a nightmare and his friends and he would be somewhere safe and warm.

"Are you feeling better?" a gentle voice asked and Mel looked to see who was speaking to him

"..." Weed lapped at the golden pup's face as he returned to cleaning him with his small tongue

Once he was done with the body Weed had nudged Mel in order to get him to turn over. The retriever, so exhausted from his trial, numbly turned over onto his belly and lifted his paws into the air in a sign of submission. Weed licked over the pup's underbelly getting down to the dried dog semen covering Mel's fur all the way to his sheath and tailhole. Mel gave a whine as the other dog roved over his lower area and then flinched every time that course tongue lapped at him.

"I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?" Weed looked into Mel's eyes as he heard and felt the subtle shiver from the other pup

"H...hurts..." Mel said with a quiver in his voice as he tried to curl in on himself with his tail folding over his tailhole

"I'm sorry..." Weed stepped back and looked over the fallen canine not knowing what to do next

Mel closed his eyes and then whined as he let out all the pain he was feeling. The sobs and whimpers lasted for a good minute and Weed moved over and settled down next to the retriever. Mel cried for a few more minutes and then looked over to the Akita pup.

Two sets of eyes stared back at each other in mutual understanding on some level before Mel rolled into the fold of Weed's body. The Akita licked over Mel's muzzle to try and comfort him but this time looked for signs of tremors or of discomfort.

After seeing that Mel was slowly drifting off Weed felt a surge of anger in his heart again. He wanted to go after that other canine and tear him apart. He wanted to get revenge for what he had done to the little pup and make him hurt just as he had hurt Mel. It was almost scary for Weed as he had never felt such passion about something before. Not even when it had come to getting food for his mother.

This feeling he was having was new and dangerous but Weed didn't let it swamp him up and drown him. He had to watch over Mel to make sure that nothing else happened to the other. He had to protect the little one until Smith and GB got back and then decide what to do about him.

Weed looked at the gentle rise and fall of the golden retriever's chest and wondered what would happen next.

Hearing a sound coming near them Weed sprang up and then stood before Mel protectively. He narrowed his eyes in the darkness and watched for the first signs of whoever was coming. He wouldn't let anything happen to Mel. The pup was his friend...and friends looked after one another.

A Shadow moved from the surrounding bushes and Weed sprang up and darted for the on comer.

Written By shaesullivan Requested by me.

Weed's Pack Meets Mel

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