Weed: The Loss Of Ohu Mountians Part3
#3 of Weed Has Lost
Weed had settled down for the most part when Jerome made no move to do anything other than wrap his forepaw around the smaller canine. At first the Akita Inu was concerned for his safety being that he was usually grappled before being screwed within an inch of his sanity but this was Jerome, he had no reason to worry about that anymore.
Snuggling closer to the former assassin Weed sighed and began to drift off into sleep all the while a certain spotted canine had peeked inside to see what was going on. Looking at the two GB snorted and went about his way, grumbling all the while about no appreciation.
Outside the rest of the pack that had been loyal to Gin and Jerome had come together after chasing away the rest of Hougen followers. Once Jerome had beaten the Greta Dane and buried his body far away from the human shack the others had given off their howls of praise at finally being from under the mad dog's reign.
However there was still a bit of business that had been left unattended to. Now without a leader, who would take over control of the Ohu Mountains? None of the others were willing to follow behind Weed anymore considering that they now realized that as a pup he was no fit to rule over such responsibility effectively. As charismatic and awe inspiring as the Akita Inu could be he was still but a child and didn't have the proper application of strength to meet out his form of justice.
As for Gin, the former leader was still too unsettled by what had happened for those two weeks that he had been under Hougen's command to take up the mantle once more. There was a darkness inside of the older Akita that wouldn't allow him to shine as brightly as he had once before. Also, something else seemed to weigh on Gin's mind that occupied his thoughts totally.
That was how GB found the other sitting idly in front of a large river just staring out into nothingness; the cold morning light shining on his matted fur giving him an aura that seemed to beckon others to stay away.
There of course, was Jerome who had defeated Hougen and by right should have been the new leader but former friends and rivals alike were hesitant to follow the former assassin who they questioned. After all, the Ohu was not technically his problem nor his responsibility as the German Shepherd was a true nomad in himself. A talented officer when he needed to be but a rouge more than not.
So there lay the problem. As the others wandered about while subconsciously thinking about this problem nobody had any idea of any sort of answer. Sooner rather than later it would have to be answered.
By the time Weed began to wake up Jerome was already shaking off the fatigue and raising himself up to his full height. His wounds had closed over and healed during his slumber and the Shepherd was able to stand without quivering from the exertion or the pain. Wagging his long tail Jerome looked down at the heavy-eyed face of the Akita Inu and sighed before stepping over the pup and going outside upon instantly where he was met by a large black nose.
"Yes?" He asked grumpily.
"Oh...uhm...was just wondering how you were doing and how Weed-o was? Hehe..."
"You're still as palpable as ever GB. Go in to see." Jerome said while moving out of the way of the speeding Setter. Deciding that it was too early, even though it was past midday, for this the Shepherd made his way from the shack to the nearby river.
"I see you've awakened." Gin said as he watched the Shepherd pad across the snow laden ground.
"Eh? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be organizing this bunch for the coming months?" Jerome asked abruptly as he sat himself down next to the Akita and began to take his fill of the unpleasantly cold waters.
"It's not my business anymore."
The casual tone made Jerome pause mid drink and then look over to the other canine. The two shared a brief look between them before Jerome returned to his lapping.
"If that's true, then what will you do now leader?"
"You're one to talk."
The two males shared a moment of silence between them before Jerome finished his drinking and then rose up to shake himself. His fur had stood on end from the icy water but soon settled down into its rightful place on his body.
"You can always take over. No one begrudges you for what you did for your son."
"But I do. I blame me. If I had been stronger; more vicious, then none of this could have happened."
"Heh, you're smarter than that."
Gin looked to Jerome who smiled without mirth at the other. Something went unsaid between the two dogs. There was a heavy battle of resolve between the two canines that had more to do with spirit than understanding.
"I liked it."
"I know."
"How can I be forgiven?"
"By accepting it."
"Such is the burden of leadership."
"Says the wayfarer."
The two dogs laughed at that before going silent and looking into the day and watching the horizon beyond them.
Back with Weed the smaller pup was getting pounced on by the larger GB who was lightheartedly jostling with the Akita Inu. The two, despite their age difference, could honestly be called the best of friends since the Setter seemed to have the same mentality as the Akita. Rolling over and barking, yipping while woofing at one another the two canines made a mess of the already untidy shack before bumping into one another and then crashing into a heap. Weed lay underneath the larger GB who was busily panting and huffing like mad.
"That was fun." Weed replied as he wiggled from out under his godfather.
"Wasn't it? Let's do that again in a minute."
Before Weed could consent two figures made their way inside of the sheet that acted as a doorframe for the shack. Looking up Weed and GB were able to spy both Jerome and Gin standing before them with confused looks on their muzzles. Weed barked happily as he noted his father smiling down at him before rushing over to the older Akita and nuzzling him. GB made his move to stand up and then silently slink away with as much dignity as he could manage.
"And where are you going?" Jerome asked to the spotted canine.
"Uhm...outside. Bathroom!" He said right before darting past the former assassin.
Jerome watched the tail of the other retreat before shaking his head exasperatedly.
"Weed; there is something the both of us need to discuss with you." Gin said to his son while looking down at the pup.
Cocking his head the smaller Akita sat down on his haunches and then stared up with his wide blue eyes at his sire.
"Between the three of us, there only needs to be one leader of the Ohu Mountains. However, we can't come to a decision about that. The others need someone to look after and command them in order to insure the survival of out clan but no one wants to pick and choose so the matter is left to us." Said Gin as he stared down at his son.
"That being said we've determined to take matters into out own paws and do what is essential for the survival of everyone. That is why we want your opinion on something." Jerome began as he stared at the pup.
"Who would you rather see rule; you, me or Jerome?"
For a first time in a long while Weed now stood conflicted. In his heart he wanted to see his father take up leadership, but he had too great a respect for Jerome to say as such right offhand. Choosing himself would be too disgraceful at this point bearing in mind everything that had happened with Hougen and his pack but between the two males in front of him the pup wasn't sure what to do.
"I...I...don't know."
"As we had thought. Then the only way to do this would be to have a vote between the rest of the pack. But as they all have variances of who they want to have as leader this could mean the Ohu stands without a leader for a long time. As of now that is a deplorable choice. So we both decided that two of the three of us should submit to the other and let them rule."
"How will that be decided?" Weed looked up unknowingly between his father and Jerome while both older males knew.
The attack was like lightning when it came and Weed was thrown off balance when he was tackled. Barking and whining in confusion the young pup was able to look up into the eyes of the older canines before seeing that they were glaring down at him will hunger clouding their vision.
"Since you are the youngest and the weakest of the two then you'll be submitting to us either way." Jerome said as he grabbed the pup up by his scruff and then settled him into position. Head bent down and tail raised up the Akita Inu could only gasp when he felt the heavy weight of his sire on his back.
However, this time there was something different about the situation. In the past with Hougen it had felt so much like a desecration of his body and mind when his father was enforced to mount him, but now it felt...dissimilar. His curled tail wagged behind his back while his tailhole was firmly pushed aside by the warm tongue of the one who had bred him from his own loins and that feeling made his body soar high off into the clouds. The feel of Jerome's fangs into the back of his neck was also unusual as the older Shepherd was merely asserting his supremacy rather than just forcing him to the floor. The heated breath of the former assassin warmed the pup and made some of his fear fade away as he tried to think further than the feelings in his rear end.
Once Gin was through with his prep the older Akita rose up over his son and then pressed the tip of his elongated penis into the younger canine. The slick shaft dripped with clear liquid as it sought the depths of Weed's channel before sliding inside of the heated tube and then settling. From below Weed grunted when he was speared once more by the same shaft that had birthed the seed that had made him but didn't fight the full sensation filling him. It felt...excellent this time for some unknown reason. Not like before when he had been violated by the command of the Great Dane and forced to endure pain unimaginable but...right.
Above him the two older canines were looking at each other's muzzles once Jerome had released Weed from his hold, all the while Gin was steadying himself into position and getting his paws over his son to where he could thrust himself without hurting the other. Gin licked his tongue over Jerome's muzzle before he leisurely pulled back from out of Weed's tailhole and then pressed back in. The motion was carefully timed so that each inch of the older Akita was pressed into the smaller pup to maximum capacity all the while not ripping Weed's inner muscles. Gin repeated the action over and over all the while his pre made the tight channel easier to maneuver within to where the older canine could speed up his motions. Lapping at Jerome's muzzle made the Shepherd pant and murr all the while his own sheath began to thicken and stretch outwards.
Weed groaned and guffed as he felt his father taking him like a female. It had become so unfamiliar to the smaller Akita that he had long disilluded himself from thinking that there was anything but pain in the act but the slick hammering of his tail to the other's hips let him know that the act in itself could be enjoyable when done with care. The wet sounds of the older canine's cock entering and exiting his butt, the heavy scent of male sex in the frost bitten air, and the quiet muttering of the two older dogs above him kissing one another sent Weed's mind for a reel. It was too much to think about in his short life and the experience was having an erotic effect of its own on the puppy as his immature penis swelled up and got hard in appreciation for all that was going on. His own pre spit out against the hardwood floor to where it puddle between his paws and saturated the room with his own musky scent.
Gin's knot was almost full when he allowed Jerome's tongue into his own muzzle. His jackrabbit thrusting had been kept under control to a certain point but as his own doggy mind began to fog over with need and primal exertion the older Akita began to really pound his son's tail. Jerome meanwhile, was happy to be in control of the situation as he rubbed his cock against Weed's muzzle and pressed the sharpened tip between the fur of Weed's head and Gin's body. The heat and feel were more than pleasing as it made a vice like hold over his length of meat to there point where his own bulb welled up with blood and smack into the pup's forehead. His own pre showered between the two Akita's bodies making their fur slick and straightforward to rub over giving more pleasure to the shepherd.
Weed barked when he felt something large jam into him and then pop free. The sensation came again and again until the pup knew that his backside would be numb for quite a while. Grunting and trying to breath around the exhilarated experience Weed relaxed his inner muscles and then pushed back against his sire. Gin barked and humped forward without pause as he hilted into his son. Nearly biting down on Jerome's tongue the older Akita pressed his muzzle against the Shepherd's and then rubbed his furry testicles against the younger dog's. Jerome had enough time to force his tongue into Gin's muzzle in order to save himself from the pain of the clenching jaws, but even he couldn't suppress the howl of passion that bubbled inside of his chest when his knot was squeezed between the two Akita's bodies.
Like an intensifying wave the three dogs ground themselves into one another before going off and barking like mad. Gin was the first to lose himself within his son when he shoved his hips so far into the pup that Weed was pushed forward off of the floor a bit. His milky white seed blast up from his balls into the younger Akita to where Weed's stomach overflowed and swelled like a balloon. Jerome was the next to climax as the sudden push of Weed's body upwards clutched at his knot sending him spiraling over the edge. His cum fired out like a faucet between the two males into their fur where it painted a new color over their already blue/blue-grey coats. Weed had his first orgasm when his prostate was heated by his sire's seed and then rushed over with the force of a roaring river. The pup's seed was thinner than the older duo's but made an impression onto the floor where it sprayed right between Jerome's hind legs.
Settling down was a trial as Gin lifted his leg over Weed's body and then turned facing away from him while Jerome was able to casually slip out from between the two and then stand on shaky legs. Weed was the odd one out as he was unable to move and his belly almost sloshed with every motion of his father. It was strange and yet welcomed even when Jerome pressed his canine shaft into the pup's muzzle and let the slimy cock ease over the younger dog's jaws and tongue Weed didn't get the sensation of being despoiled. Instead he just took the Shepherd's penis into his muzzle and nursed it clean, swallowing bits of fur and cum along the way.
Looking into Jerome's eyes Weed could see that the former assassin wasn't through yet and kept his dark eyes on his father all the while quietly thrusting into his throat.
Outside GB had the good sense to keep himself as quiet as a field mouse while looking down at his own hard cock that wept in need.
"Oh boy, now what do I do?" GB asked to no one in particular.