Ginga Densetsu Weed - Weed's Fateful Night

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Another long night of training was coming to an end and things were getting steadier easier for the young heir to the Ohu. Currently Weed was trying to stumble off to find his GB and Smith and relate to them his advance training skills while being watched over by a somewhat impressed Tesshin. The older canine was a bit envious with the rapid pace the smaller pup was able to learn at in such a short time but then again he was the son of the renowned Gin, so it was to be expected.

A bark behind him made Tesshin turn around to see one of his subordinates trying to call his attention. Not really in the mood but knowing that things would just get more complicated later on if he didn't see what the problem was now, Tesshin sighed and gave his full attention to the dog behind him. Meanwhile, trouble was brewing within the camp of canines as the young and restless began to plot and scheme.

There had been a veil of unrest around the younger males as of late with the seasons changing and the blood of youth was beginning to bubble back in expectation for things more carnal than battle. Heated tensions were rising along with other fiery parts of some of the more rambunctious canine's anatomies. Not to be unexpected since there wasn't a single female amongst the militaristic union of canines under Tesshin's command. Whether that was a conscious choice or not, the fact remained that some of the dogs were starting to get anxious of a chance to breed and eyes were turning slowly on their fellow comrades all too easy these days.

In particular, three canines were talking to each other in a coveted part of the camp in low, almost hushed whispers. One was a Kishu-Ken, a type of Japanese dog, with an array of long gash like scars littering his pure white furred body named Kyoushrio. Currently he seemed to be the mastermind behind the uprising of horny canines and was currently trying to ally himself with two other dogs who were of liked minds and hardened erections.

The other two were Kagetora or Kage as he was often times called, a Japanese Tiger dog and Ken, a Great Dane mixed with a Saluki.

Each of the three canines were tough enough to stand on their own but became a deadly trio when combined together like they were now. Kyoushrio was whispering to them about which of the dogs in their camp were the least likely to put up much effort if they happened to have their tails lifted at the right time during the right moment...

"Maybe the Husky if we timed this right?" The Kishu-Ken questioned while trying not to appear to conspicuous standing in the shadow of a overly tall Sakura tree.

"Too much effort. Maybe the Akita?" Kage supplied.

"He's bite off his own tail before letting someone think it was raised in invitation. How about that German Shepherd?" Ken wondered out loud while trying not to drool over the firm rump of a brown and tan male who was busily scratching an itch behind his ear with his left foot.

"No, he's supposed to go on watch tonight. It'd be annoying to have someone come looking for him and then have to come up with a good excuse for his disappearance. How about..." Kyoushiro began before noticing someone approaching them and then blinking when Weed bouncing by them happily but also tiredly.

The smile that crept up onto the Kishu-Ken's face was almost scary but not as scary as the length of maleness that seemed to jut out farther from between his thighs almost as if pointing at the young Akita. The other two looked at Kyoushiro and then to where his gaze was locked before turning back to each other and then smiling almost cruelly. No words were needed as a thick wave of repressed lust seemed to almost pulse from around the space where the three canines were becoming almost visible in the wake of their straining cocks pulsing like beacons from their respective sheaths.

Thankfully night fell over the camp quickly. Guards changed rounds with each other as tired canines came back to the main area to sleep while newly awakened dogs groaned and stretched before licking their chops and heading out. Tesshin wasn't with Weed since he had duties that would keep him from sleeping with the pup for the greater part of the evening so that left the young Akita completely unguarded and ripe for the picking when three forms cast their shadows over his sleeping form. Kyoushiro was the one to pick the pup up by the ruff of his neck in somewhat gentle jaws as not to awaken the younger male while Ken and Kage kept a look out for anyone who might be nearby to question what they were doing near Tesshin's marked area.

Hefting the pup and hauling tail once the coast was clear the three canines made a dash around where the sentries weren't keeping watch to stride far enough away that it would be too late before anyone knew that their current leader had been kidnapped. There was no chance of staying anywhere near where Tesshin's paws could brush over the land so the three vagabonds ran and ran and ran well into the night. From the countryside into the city and then further towards a large section of trees and grass that was the human park.

Kyoushiro had Kage and Ken scout out the area while he kept his jowls tightly locked onto the still sleeping Weed's neck in case the pup woke up, which surprisingly he hadn't. The two other canines sniffed the ground and air noting all the scents that could be a possible danger to them and after a good solid hour of cataloguing smells the two rouges deemed the area fit for their current caper. A set of bobbed heads was all Kyoushiro needed as he opened his jaws and dropped Weed onto the ground like a sack of rice getting a grunt from the pup and then a whimper when the young Akita blearily opened his eyes and noticed that he wasn't where he had fallen asleep.

Standing up and shaking the dirt and grass free from his fur Weed turned to look around to see three of his subordinates looking at him very strangely.

"Kyoushiro? Ken? Kage? What's going on? Where are the others??" the pup asked but only got quiet snickers that made the fur on the back of his neck stand up in uncertainty. His curled tail lower down as if trying to find its way between his legs.

A wet and cold nose pressed against his back making the young Akita turn around to see Kage snuffling his backside and trying to lift his tail. An odd thing indeed but not as odd as the ruby red length of doggy maleness leaking onto the ground and staring him in the face when he turned back around. Weed wasn't sure what was going on but his sense told him that he was in imminent danger.

"Don't worry about it pup. You're in good paws." Kyoushiro answered while stepping forward when the young Akita pulled himself back enough to look the older canine in the face.

The look of rampant dominance was clear as the moon sailing up above overhead on Kyoushiro's face as he smirked down at Weed while behind the pup Kage and Ken had taken steps to completely surround the younger dog. Twisting his head back and forth Weed noted that the other two also had their hard cocks straining out from the tips of their sheaths and that the slick crimson rockets all seemed to be pointing at him as if in preparation to deliver sentence upon him for some unknown crime.

Turning around to face the other two and try to make sense of what was happening, Weed unfortunately gave Kyoushiro the perfect opportunity to pounce on the smaller dog's back and try and mount him. The white scarred canine didn't have much mercy as the raw need to mate became him as his pale hips thrust around erratically to try and find some purchase within the body beneath him. Both Kage and Ken snickered out loud as they listened to the puppy yelp, not in the least concerned for the other dog's wellbeing as and instead more intent to use him for their own gratification once Kyoushiro had had his turn.

"No! no! no! You cant do this to me I'm the leader!" Weed shouted in both disbelief and terror as he tried to move his butt out of the line of fire of the dog dick that was trying to hilt its way inside of him.

The three canines looked to each other, with Kyoushiro taking a quick glance before letting his head fall down to see how he could angle his quarry into position, and then began a loud series of laughter as if they all knew some joke that Weed was left out of. However, the next few words that came from one of the three dog's lips were like a cold splash of water dousing any flame of hope for the young Akita,

"Your no leader Weed. Your our bitch tonight and forevermore once we finally stuff you full of our puppy making juice and then watch that small gut of yours distend as if you were pregnant with our combined litter." Kage was the one to speak as he stepped in front of the downed pup and then pressed one of his larger paws onto Weed's forehead to keep him in place.

The move was just what Kyoushiro needed as he lined himself up completely and then drilled his doggy penis into the hole underneath the puppy's tail. The sound Weed made was like that of a wounded animal dying when he let out a fierce howl that made the other three canines grunt in disgust while turning their heads and lowering their ears to deaden the blast of sound coming from the younger dog's muzzle. It didn't stop Kyoushiro though. Instead it made the scarred white canine push himself further into Weed to make all the trouble and frustration he was feeling worth the effort and strain of his grating nerves.

"W-why are y-you d-doing this!?" Weed asked as he felt the turgid length inside of his ass slid through his anal walls up into a place that was probably not meant to be touched at his young age. His belly felt so full but in an odd way that defied his simplistic logic while at the same time his rectum felt like it was being torn open from the penetration of the somewhat lubricated cock.

"Were doing this because we have no females to relieve us of our needs so we decided we'd take the next best thing and that was you Weed. You're both young and tight and not really likely to be missed all the way out here." Kyoushiro said with complete confidence in his voice as he finally hilted himself up to the point where his somewhat plumped knot was mashing the outside of the young Akita's tail hole.

Kage eased his paw from off of Weed's head once he saw that the younger dog wasn't going anywhere and then took a step back so that Kyoushiro can lift himself up instead of squatting from the point where he had skewered the pup. This action caused Weed to raise up off of the ground some and dangle his feet into the air while whimpering and yipping in pain. His eyes were teary and his nose was leaking but that wasn't the biggest of his concerns as something thick, hard and musky pressed into his face making the young dog blink and then gasp as he witnessed Kage's erection bobbing in front of him.

"Now that the small things are finally out of the way and everyone knows why we are here: get to sucking like a good lil' bitch." Kage commands making Weed turn his head with unresolved defiance. He may have been down and outnumbered but his pride wasn't tarnished. Not yet anyway.

A pair of claws raked down his face making the pup yelp as Kage forced the pup's muzzle back forward and then shouted, "Do it!"

Turning his head back around, Weed's resilience was met with a hard thrust from his back where Kyoushiro had pulled out of him and then rammed forward knocking the wind from his lungs and causing the young Akita to choke. It was all the leverage Kage needed as he forced the pup's face back around and then stuffed the small blue and white cheeks full of his abhorrently hard length of meat in between the smaller dog's jaws.

The only way to describe what Weed looked like at that moment was like a pig on a stick. His muzzle wasn't so much wrapped around Kage's cock as it was stuck onto the hard phallus with his little fangs made a small white ring around the girth of the older dog's length. His cheeks were ballooned almost comically while his eyes were open wide as saucers from having something both sickening and foreign inside of his maw. His nose was pushed up into Kage's groin as he dipped his hips forwards and then back from Weed's mouth while trying to get what ever stimulation he could from the sputtering and coughing Akita below him.

Weed's body ached from being stuffed so tightly, as though ever fiber of his being was being molded and shaped into something more fitting for his captive's pleasure rather than by his own will. His insides felt as if they were conforming to new dimensions never before having been necessary for the young pup's form. His ass was stretched wide and being beaten into putty as Kyoushiro thrust faster and harder into him sending mixed signals of pleasure and pain, something that would haunt Weed for nights to come, while up front his throat was being tortured by the gait of Kage's cock. Whimpers and sobs were the only sounds the younger dog could make as his abusers took him there in the night like some kind of toy they could rearrange for their amusement.

Weed's mind began to shut down and his base reactions came online from the oncoming stimuli. Without thought his lips fell down around Kage's cock and his tongue began snaking around the hard shaft making the older canine squirm and bark into Kyoushiro's face as the two faced each other over their conquest. His hips meanwhile, dipped back onto the white scarred canine's hips making Kyoushiro's nuts tap against his own smaller pair getting more pleasurable sensations from the forced mating he was undergoing.

Kage was salivating at the mouth like a rabid beast making a thick foam coat over his lips as he rutted inside of the only other hole the Akita possessed. His scrotum tapped into the underside of the pup's chin making the batter inside of them roll around in preparation for the oncoming frosting that would coat both inside and outside of Weed's body.

The hot scent of musk drifted through the area making all four canine's present more and more aroused to the point where it was hard not to gain a rhythm to their somewhat out of place dance. Even Ken, who was desperately pawing himself off while watching the show in front of him was finding some measure of satisfaction in what was going on even though he was not taking part of it. Looking at Kage's upturned tail the Great Dane was finding it hard to keep himself focused as the pink pucker seemed to call out to him to take his own pleasure inside of its depths.

Licking his lips Ken felt that his resolve would soon leave him as his red rocket began to swell to its full hardness while his knot grew thick and fat to the size of a lemon. Deciding to wait to see if he would get a turn at the pup before doing anything rash Ken turned his head from the tempting sight to watch Kyoushiro who was going full tilt inside of the Akita. Pumping and grinding into Weed with enough force to make the pup's legs swing forward over the ground as he was held up by the twin cocks that were a foot away from touching each other inside of his body.

Kyoushiro was in heaven as he pulled his forelegs around Weed trying to drag the other as close to him as he could. Even though the pup was smaller than a normal sized female the bigger canine was able to gain enough of a grip to drive himself forward even harder and deeper into the body beneath him making Weed yip and swallow fully over Kage. The tip of both older male's cocks were jetting out streams of pre like a kind of leaky water hose as they found their climaxes creeping up on the both of them without warning. Hunching forward and trying to ram his half full knot into the younger dog Kyoushiro breathed deep into Kage's face before licking the other male on the muzzle and gathering up the slime that was covering his lips and drooling down onto their shared female's back.

"Oohhh! I'm sooo gonna enjoy this bitch for the rest of my life." Kyoushiro says through his restless moaning as he leans down and licks over Weed's ears making the pup's pointed appendages fold down onto his scalp in resignation.

"Don't be like that. We know how to pleasure a female too. See," A paw reaches down to rub over the young Akita's smaller erection making a shiver of uncomfortable pleasure rise through Weed's body like a breeze ruffling over his fur. "Good bitch. See? We'll take good care of you, even though you won't be having our pups." Kyoushiro says almost kindly, or as kindly as possible in this situation as he rubs the underside of Weed's belly and sheath and pumps the smaller dog along time with his hips.

Ken was about to say something when he let out a loud bark into Kyoushiro's face making the other jerk back and then cock his head in confusion until he saw what the problem was.

Ken couldn't take it anymore and finally let loose all of his frustrations into Kage's ass and was now giving the other dog everything he had. Staccato like humps made up the tempo for the Great Dane's hip movements as he thrust into Kage with abandon letting his lemon thick knot bang against the other canine while trying to plug him full. Gripping Kage as tight as he could Ken rocked into the dog below him hard and fast which alternatively made Kage spear the inside of Weed's throat. The pup gagged and tried to suck as hard as he could to keep his esophagus from being ripped to shreds with little success.

Over and over the four dogs now made a mess of themselves, their captive and the ground beneath them as they moved like a well oiled machine against one another. Nuts swung back and forth like pendulums while the musk and sweaty scents of the four males became a thick fog that tore away at their rapidly shortening holds on their orgasms. The bulbs of flesh at the ends of the older dog's cocks found new homes inside of warm and tight caverns of flesh making three out of four of the canines present howl in unison as they began to draw an end to the long night of sexual Olympics with a steady forward set of pumps that tore at the earth beneath them.

Kyoushiro was the first to find his way to climax as he grunted, snarled and moaned before finally jack hammering his hips into Weed and then finally holding still when his knot could no longer pop out of the vice like walls made of silken heat. His balls churned and then drew up as the scarred white dog came into Weed and started the first of a short line of inseminating the pup with puppy juice.

Weed's eyes snapped open from being formerly half lidded as he had come to an uncomfortable surrender of himself and his pride to the more dominant threesome before him. When the warmth of Kyoushiro's cum sunk deep inside of his belly it both heated his body and at the same time filled him up more than the twin dog cocks holding him captive by his dual orifices. The older dog's knot kept everything inside and if the young Akita had been able to look down he would have seen his belly slowly start to distend like a water bottle being filled.

However, that slowness soon sped up when Kage felt Ken power drive into his ass and then bite him onto the side of his shoulder in a firm mating hold. His eyes rolled up into his head as the Tiger dog yipped and came into Weed's muzzle adding his own puppy batter to the inside of the younger canine's stomach. Now the Akita's stomach filled up quicker until it looked as if he was three months pregnant with a litter. Weed's throat kept the younger dog from being anymore filled up as his inner tubing throbbed and clenched around Ken's maleness making some of the oily thick cum back up around his shaft and then out across Weed's lips.

The fur around his chin was soon steaming and then glistening from the overflow mixing with the tears that had fallen uselessly onto the pup's face at the beginning of his ordeal. The knot in between his lips was held fast by his own fangs keeping his muzzle held open enough so that both Kage and Ken, when the other dog could at last focus his vision, could see the spilling fluids that marked the smaller male as their own bitch.

The paw that was still running over Weed's now rock hard and almost ready to fire cock finally released itself from around the tube of meat to instead play with the round belly pushing into it and listening to the sloshing sounds that came from within.

The three dogs got a good laugh out of that but what really broke through the lingering resistance that Weed was clinging onto dropping him down into the abyss of dismal certainty was when Ken said these words, "Ohhhh yeah, can't wait for my turn on our new bitch."

It took some time before all three could pop themselves loose of the younger canine but when they did Ken was the first to back away as he removed himself from Kage's tail hole and began to lick his best friend's rear. Keeping a sharp eye on Weed, Ken chuckled some as he saw the pup not so much slump to the ground but instead had to turn on his side as to not aggravate his overly full belly when Kyoushiro finally withdrew from inside of his rectum.

They all grinned at Weed as he lay there covered in cum and filled to the brim, while slowly letting some was seeping out quietly around Kyoushiro's smaller knot, knowing his fate was sealed cried silently to himself before passing out from exhaustion.

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