Sagwa The Chinese Siamese Cat-A Naughty Kitten

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The Title of my story is Subject to change. Meaning I will be changing it when I think up a better name for it.

Mama Miao and Baba Miao watched their children with a happy smile on their faces. Both quadruped Siamese felines purred happily as they look down to see their children slowly begin to nod off before turning to one another and then grinned mischievously. Turning and walking out of their kitten's room, with both of their tails intertwined in a show of adoration, Mama purred quietly into Baba's ear before turning and walking out of the kitten's room. The older male let a dirty smile cover his face as his wife's rumbles sparked things in him that made a tightness swell within his groin. Maybe now they could start to work on their fourth child, Baba thought as he leaned into Mama and inhaled her sweet, feminine scent.

It was a few minutes later, after being unable to fall asleep, that the oldest of the kittens, Dongwa, opened his eyes and turns around to look at the door his parents had exited through. Deciding that he wasn't going to be getting any sleep anytime soon, Dongwa crawled from his sleeping area and followed after Mama and Baba.

His sisters, still asleep, barely made a sound of protest as their older brother left the room and then made his way into the brightly lit hallway. Feline ears perked in readiness for any signs of his parents, Dongwa makes his way down the hallway and then further down the stairs towards the kitchen once his ears pick up on a sound, so slight, that he could have imagined it. Creeping on the balls of his feet, the kitten stalked his way steadily and surely before coming to the edge of the kitchen door and peeking around the wood frame to see what was going on.

There on the floor was both Mama and Baba, apparently bathing one another in that traditional feline way as the older male Siamese had his head buried in between Mama's legs and was running his tongue leisurely across her body, over and over again. Dongwa wondered if his parents were playing some kind of game with the way Mama was making funny noises out of her mouth but figured that maybe this was one of those grownup things that he had yet to learn about. As he peeked more of his head around, Dongwa noticed a smell coming from the room that he had never scented before. It was both sharp and musky at the same time; kind of like what both his sisters smelled like whenever they had been outside playing for extended periods of time without bathing.

Not sure what was going on, Dongwa was in for another surprise when right below his waist he felt something in between his legs grow stiff from the sight and poke up from his private area. Looking down and seeing the naked, furry pouch of his groin swollen wide with the tip of his penis tip, Dongwa reached down and tried to press it back into his sheath but instead got a funny feeling lanced through his spine for his troubles. Running the pad of his paw over the moistened tip of his adolescent maleness again, Dongwa felt another shock run up his spine and then down to the tips of his toes, making them curl.

Completely confused now, the kitten wasn't sure about anything as he watched his parents continue at their 'game' as his tiny erection crept out of his sheath from the tickling sensations of his paw pad ghosting over it.

Meanwhile, Baba was enjoying himself more than words could express as he licked over his wife's pussy with his raspy tongue and purred into the hidden cleft of Mama's sex. The female Siamese was trying not to scream and wake her kittens as she continued to arch along the kitchen floor while her tail ceaselessly slapped against the ground. The rhythm of his mate's body dancing underneath his prodding tongue only served to make Baba even more pleased with himself as he dug his red organ deeper into the Siamese female. His ministrations took his tongue so far into his wife's vagina that Baba could feel the tightening of his mate's muscles squeeze down on him like a walnut cracker as he touched a spot within Mama that made her hiss with pleasure.

His snout and muzzle thoroughly coated in the female's juices, Baba hummed to him as this was the moment he looked forward to the most as it signaled that his wife was getting close to fulfilling her climax. It was also the moment where Baba found that he could play with his mate better than a ball of yarn as he pulled himself away from her and then slowly licked over his lips, right before Mama's eyes.

Mama was panting and groaning as her body tingled with the expectations of orgasm soon to come but instead of growling at her husband and demanding him to finish, the female Siamese rolled over onto all fours and then hiked her tail. Her scent was thick and cloying at Baba's nose, so Mama wouldn't have to wait long for the next round of pleasure to engulf her and like clockwork, hands pressed into her sides, holding her close before a warm, while a heavy weight pulled itself onto her back. Mama chuckled when her husband purred into her ears before gasping as something hard and wet poked at the underside of her body. Baba grunted as he caressed his mate's back with his moist tongue while trying to find her dripping sex with his roving erection.

Mama grunted as she was taken with feline quickness as Baba hit home inside of her making her yowl. The barbs on the tip of his penis always made her yelp but thankfully not loud enough to wake her kittens as the male dug into her as far as he could. When both were sure that they hadn't been heard, Mama opened her stance just a little wider and swung her hips side to side, letting Baba know of her eagerness.

The male Siamese hissed and grunted before easing himself out and then thrusting into his wife in one fluid motion.

Three kittens later, it was nice to know that Mama's body was eagerly ready for his presence and took him in without it hurting the slimmer female. Their first time...Mama had walloped him so hard for breaking the veil of her virginity that Baba crashed onto the floor from off of Mama's back with his cock dripping shamelessly as stars dotted his vision. Now though, Mama was only too eager to couple as Baba pulled himself back out and then sunk himself into her again, getting a mewl of pleasure and then gasp as he thrust forward again.

The female Siamese purred and rolled her shoulders letting Baba tongue run up her back to the scruff of her neck while nibbling on her shoulder blades with the tips of his sharp fangs. The sensations began to become dizzying as Mama yowled and grunted while pushing back against her husband and all the while Baba could only hilt himself into her again and again while hissing to the heavens. With her sex juiced with the combinations of Baba's spittle and her own fluids, every thrust moved Baba's cock deeper into Mama and touched her so deeply that it widened her pussy a little more than before.

Minutes into their coupling both of their feline tails twined together in a sensual show of love and adoration as Baba sped up the lengths of his thrusts. Mama's breasts began to swing together back and forth underneath her body making Dongwa stare in awe. The little kitten wasn't sure about anything now but as he took his full erection into his paw and began to rub his paw up and down over it, Dongwa was sure that whatever was going on was too good to be anything bad. Despite the way Mama was moaning and arching on the floor, Baba was going strong inside of her making the kitchen swell with the stench of their coupling and their breathless cries of intimacy. Dongwa grunted as he felt something tighten again inside of his lower regions as his tiny oblongs jumped up and down from the force of his hand jerks and got ready to give up what they had inside.

Back with Mama and Baba, the older male was grunting and gasping in that feral was that made his feral nature all the more palpable as he stopped licking over his wife's shoulders and grabbed at her nap with his teeth and then began to power slam inside of his mate. Hips audibly slapped together, hissing cries echoing like a haunting curse, and teeth gnashing together along the meat of Mama's shoulder, the two Siamese looked more like they were fighting than fucking as they tussled together onto the floor making Dongwa's eyes widen like saucers. A screeching yowl from Baba made the fur on Dongwa's arms stand up on end and a surprise shot of musky pre shoot up from the tip of his cock onto his neck.

The older feline male hisses and grunted as he slapped his thighs into Mama three hard times before moaning and flopping down on top of his mate. Below him, Mama had cum at the same time her husband had but instead of making an overly loud fuss, the female let out a rumbling purr so rough that it made her entire body shake. The juices from her sex mixed with Baba's own cum and made a small river that flowed out from between her legs and onto the ground to become a small puddle of stink that clung inside of both feline's noses. Baba's fangs still inside of Mama's scruff, the older male only let his wife loose when he could no longer feel his mate's vaginal muscles holding him in that tight vice-like grip they had on his penis.

Dongwa, meanwhile, was on shaky legs as he had his first miniature orgasm while watching his parents settled down and smiled like a loon, once his fur had settle from the inopportune scare Baba had given him. Looking down at himself, Dongwa noticed the slick mess on his tummy and chest and wondered if this was what now coated the floor below his parents when he noticed Baba pulling out from Mama and then letting his front feet flop onto the floor. Not wanting to be caught, the young kitten pulled himself away from the kitchen entryway and then hurried himself back into his and his sister's room. Dongwa was able to crawl in bed just in time too as Baba turned his head and looked to the side and wondered why he could smell his son so keenly but decided to check on the kittens later as he turned back to his wife to purr at Mama.

The two older, quadruped Siamese cleaned each other up, taking close to thirty minutes just to make sure they got up EVERY little hint of detail, and then the mess they made on the floor before standing up, albeit somewhat tiredly, and then went to check on their three children. Peeking inside of their children's room, Baba and Mama nuzzled each other close before turning and closing the door again, seeing as everyone was still asleep. Neither noticed Dongwa sneakily chuckling to himself as he ran his paw over his felinehood and lightly humped his hips along his sleeping mat, once he was sure he was safe.


It was well after breakfast when Mama and Baba had taken Sheegwa, the youngest of the three kittens, out that Dongwa and Sagwa were talking in their room about what Dongwa had seen last night,

"It was really odd. Mama and Baba were doing things to one another and then Baba crawled on top of Mama and..." Dongwa was saying animatedly as he waved his tail around in the air. The stiffness in his lower regions had returned again and as the older of the three kittens thought more about what he had seen the feelings grew and grew until they threatened to swallow Dongwa whole.

"Calm down, I understand what you're trying saying, but what does this have to do with you? So you spied on Mama and Baba doing something naughty. What does that have to do with us?" The middle of the three kittens was looking bored with the entire thing but a hint of curiosity was peeking up inside of her eyes, keeping her attention on her brother.

Dongwa didn't say anything for a long while. The older kitten not sure where he was going with this but his mind couldn't stop replaying the images he had seen. It was making him feel really funny inside, like last night when he was stroking himself but this time his mind cried out for something more than his own paws stroking his cathood. Looking over to his sister, Dongwa began to compare the smaller female to their mother and noticed some things that caused the stiffness in his pants to become visibly apparent to both he and his sister.

Firstly, Sagwa wasn't built exactly like their mother. Sagwa wasn't as big as Mama, nor was she as tall, but there was an air of maturity about her that spoke volumes to Dongwa. Maybe it was because she was so intelligent and gentle, just like Mama, and Sagwa always had the ability to make everything seem right in the end, no matter how bad things became. She was really smart and tough and...and...

Dongwa didn't even realize he had moved off of chair until he was a hair's breathe from his sister's face. The younger between the two didn't seem to mind or back away so when Dongwa opened his mouth and said what he did, the next few minutes were kind of expected, "Let's do what Mama and Baba were doing okay, Sagwa?" Dongwa asked with his voice clouded with expectation and desire.

The younger Siamese tilted her head left and then right before closing her eyes to think as he left ear twitched in concentration. The smell of the fish on her brother's breath wasn't helping her thoughts along, but when Sagwa opened her sparkling eyes she nodded and smiled up at him with endless seduction covering them. Dongwa let out a hiss of pleasure before leaning into his sister and using his forehead to nuzzle his sibling. The younger kitten purred happily and soon Dongwa was walking around his sister and purring at her while licking and sniffing the sides of her body in that cute feline fashion.

With the both of them being so young and Dongwa being too excited to use any tact, the two kittens were already hypersensitive from their first intimate contact to thoroughly enjoy what was happening. Dongwa's tongue ran down his sibling's torso and then further until he was running his red organ out over his sister's vagina. Teasing and touching her so quickly Dongwa made Sagwa groan and arch up on the floor, the same as Mama had been doing last night as a smile crept over his muzzle. Thinking that he was doing it the right way, Dongwa buried his tongue so deep into his sister's vagina that his head was pressing hard against Sagwa's vagina making her moan between discomfort and pleasure.

The young male grunted as he kept up his ministrations for some ten minutes. Between digging his tongue into his sister and then pulling out to sweep his tongue over her folds, Dongwa mimicked everything he had seen Baba doing and then some. Going back down, but this time a little more gently, Dongwa began to eat his sister out with rapid licks and laps of his restless tongue. His tail was swaying behind him like a chime in a storm while Sangwa's own tail was energetically tapping against the side of her bed as she tried to control herself.

All the while Sagwa was enjoying everything he had to give. The affections of her brother were like magic as the older male worked his tongue and face into her making her hiss and purr pleasurably. The young female didn't expect things to be this entertaining nor pleasurable, so when she began to scratch at the sheets and let out a feline hiss Dongwa took it to mean that he was doing everything the way he was supposed to and increased his efforts with greater zeal.

By the time Dongwa had had enough, the male Siamese's was awash with the dribbling fluids of his sister's snatch and a blissful smile of satisfaction was covering his face. Grinning down at his sibling, Dongwa saw that she too was enjoying their bout of sex play, which they would learn to call it later on in the years to come. After this point Dongwa wasn't sure what to do at this part but some instinct inside of the kitten called for him to hop up and hump himself along his sister's back so that he could roll the fold of his sheath back fully from around his penis and then delve the bumpy head of himself inside of the waiting female.

The first contact was met with resistance as Dongwa and Sangwa were both too inexperienced for this kind of contact but soon proactive force was applied and whimpers and moans resounded from the room as Dongwa sunk himself into his sister. The younger female let out a shriek as her virginity was taken by the older male causing her to clamp up around Dongwa and make him counter her instinctual actions by bucking inside of her fully.

"Ooowww...not so hard, Dongwa." Sagwa cried as her brother tried to force himself into her too deeply.

"S-sorry...Sagwa..." Dongwa pants and slows down.

The two cried out together again when Dongwa thrust once more and smashed the wall inside of Sangwa's pussy completely before both let out a purring hiss as they began to rock together on the floor.

With their coupling being based off of more instinctual desires and wants more than time honored practice, Dongwa was making his sister arch and moan wildly as he pounded himself into her, again and again without any real finesse or practicality. Dongwa's body was slowly being covered by thick sweat as his immature form danced on top of his sister, trying to find something that he couldn't place with words. His hips bucked, his back strained and his thighs cramped, but the older kitten wouldn't have stopped for anything. It just was all too good to stop.

Below him, Sagwa was between pleasure and pain as she was taken by her brother's relentless hammering and humping. Her pussy was soon dribbling with the sweet nectar as her back arched and spots dotted her vision leading shocks of pleasure to run through her tightly clenched being like a lightning bolt. Sangwa wasn't sure what was happening but her mind made note that it should happen more often and as she spread her hips wider and then wrapped them around Dongwa, pulling him close. Sangwa was thinking through the fog hovering inside of her mind of the many was to spend more time like this with her brother later even as her first orgasm began to sneak up from behind.

Both kittens grunted as they made love together on their sleeping mat as the sun outside moved through the sky and set the world alive with its warmth. Neither kitten was aware of time as they continued to groan and buck into each other, just as they were unaware of their parents return with their youngest sister. All Sangwa and Dongwa knew was that they were one together at this moment and would be one for a long time to come afterwards.

As Dongwa felt his climax coming, with Sangwa getting the first taste of her own first orgasm causing her sex to tighten around her brother, the two of them were treated to a grand sight of Baba stepping into the room with a happy smile on his face before it all went to hell. The two kittens panted and turned their heads just in time to see Baba's horrified expression as both of them came together with a screeching feline yowl of ecstasy.

"Dongwa!! What are you doing!?"

To Be Continued...????

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