Disney - Lady and The Tramp II:Scamp's Adventure Into The Junkyard

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#1 of Lady And The Tramp II:Scamp and Angel

Another day and another spiraling vortex of pain and humiliation for myself. Why does it a...

Another day and another spiraling vortex of pain and humiliation for myself. Why does it always have to be this way? Just because I'm a female, because I'm so much weaker than the other, and so less than the others.... Damn it...

This is my burden ever since that time... Why? Why me? All I want is to....loved? Wanted? Needed?

Anything but this...

The smaller Pomeranian cringed as she felt the older Doberman pincser walked over her smaller form and then inserted himself into her vagina. It was always a strain but it was nothing new as she had been 'his girl' ever since he came here. As the larger canine rooted deep inside of the small Pomeranian's body the little canine kept her tears from streaming down her face as she bore both his weight and seed into her body.

It was never pleasant, their coupling, if one could call it that, but it wasn't about pleasure of two coming together as one but of one dominating the other. The small female turned from looking at nothing as she noted a young gray mutt of a canine who was watching from behind a set of piled up tires. The young pup seemed to be the same age as the Pomeranian who was being taken by the Doberman but there was somethig in his eyes that was unfamiliar to her...something warm...

After the Doberman had thrust into the other one final time he plunged his oversized knot into the small female causing her to give off a shrill bark and then whimper in silent reprieve as her tortue had finally come to an end. The Doberman huffed while lettting strings of drool drip from his mouth onto the ground before the Pomeranian and even onto her face. The fur on her face matted as the clear slime dribbled onto the ground beneath her form and then pooled leaving a puddle of heated ooze right below her nose, suffocating the female.

Scowling at the blantant disreguard for her own well being the Pomeranian grunted when the larger male turned around over her body and then slumping down, exhausted.

The small female looked to see if she could spot the smaller mutt pup but couldn't locate him from her vantage point so she instead chose to let her mind wonder until her 'mate' could release them from the tie.

It took more than thirty minutes but in the end the Pomeranian was able to squirm free and let loose a fountain of yellowish dog cum from her body.

"So gonna do something about the mess you made...?" the Doberman asked haughtily.

It took a lot of strength but the other canine looked at the larger dog and then down to his ample erection. The grotesque looking piece of flesh was blood red and pulsating with fluids running down to the sheath below and even further to the fat orbs underneath making the Pomeranian sick to her stomach. She turned to look at the other and then raised her leg and let loose her own trial of body waste.

The Doberman raoared almost shaking the Junkyard before the Pomeranian lowered her leg and then wobbly ran off out of the small enclosed area. The larger Doberman got onto all fours and then began to go after the female making the other canines stare in wonder at what had gone wrong today. Usaully the little female was reluctant but never defiant as she was on this day.

Running out of the Junkyard and to the streets, the Pomeranian made a mad dash for saftey as she was hesitant to turn and see if the Doberman was behind her.

'What made me do that? Now I'm in real trouble!' she thought frantically.

Something about today made the female feel adaciuos but she couldn't figure out exactly what it was. The, like a flash, a set of warm dark eyes popped into her head giving the female a rush of exhilaration.

'That other pup...why...?' the Pomeranian began to question herself until she heard a horn honk and then look up to see a car barrelling into her.

'...oh man...' time froze as the young pup watched in morbid fasicnation as her short life begin to flash before her eyes. It was quick and unpleasent but it was her life nonetheless. Being kicked out of home after home and then having to live in the Junkyard t finally ending up dealing with Buster.

'Talk about sad...oh well it'll be over in a second anyway. Hope there's a better place in heaven...if there is one.'

As the large mechanical vehicle honked a warning the Pomeranian female closed her eyes and waited for the end...

Something, however, pushed her out of the way just in time and onto the side walk as the car flew past. She tumbled over onto the sidewalk and then opened her eyes to see the mutt of a pup from earlier panting beside herself.

"Who...who are you?" she asked shakily..

"Me...? I'm...Scamp?" The small gray furred mutt answered.

"Why did you save me?"

"You were about to get smashed that's why! What were you doing getting in the middle of the road like that? Even I know better than that!" Scamp answered somewhat proudly.

The female felt her hackles rise as she marched over to her savior and then glared at him.

"Hey! I was running for my life, thank you very much! And who asked you to save me anyway?!" It was irrational but the Pomeranian couldn't hold back her ire at the other's know it all attitude. That always pissed her off when others seemed to know more than she did.

"You rather have been hit by that car?" the other pup asked confusedly.

"Well...that's none of your buisness...! Leave me alone!" taking off down the sidewalk the young Pomeranian left the other behind or so she thought...

"Hey wait a minute!" the gray puppy called after the little female.

"Leave me alone, I said!" the small Pomeranian cringed as her hips still hurt from earlier but she refused to let the other catch up to her.

"Just wait!"

Down the sidewalk and through the narrow back streets of the city the two ran after each other. Well Scamp ran after the Pomeranian and the Pomeranian...she had no idea why she was running but she was still angry at the other.

The two darted through the legs of people and over and under anything in their way until finally the Pomeranian began to tire and slow down to a trot. Looking behind herself she became vexed when Scamp was right on her tail but not stopping. Angel looked around and found that she had let herself be chased into the park area away from the surroudning people and canines walking around.

"Alright...already! Geez...your...annoying! Why...are....you...still...behind...me?!" she asked out of breath.

"I...I wanted...to...know...your name. And ask you something else." The gray puppy stopped and sat on his haunches when he looked at the other as his stubby tail wagged in obvious glee.

"My name is Angel. What did you want to aske me? I saw you back at the Junkyard but why are you following me?" Angel suspiciously enquired

"I wanted to ask what was that other dog doing to you?"

Angel felt her face heat up in shame before her anger returned and she dove towards the other. Caught off guard the small mutt pup leaned back just enough so that both ended up rolling on the grass underneath them. The weight combined with the force of Angel's attack sent them both tumbling until Angel ended up on top of the other glaring down with her small fangs.

"Listen you, that's none of your buisness okay!" Angel growled into the other's face with her tiny teeth.

"I just wanted to know. I...I didn't mean to make you upset but you looked like you were hurting."

"I was stupid! Do you think I like getting raped by that asshole!" Ange felt the weight of her words fall onto her shoulders like bricks as she shivered and backed away from the gray pup. Tears welled into her eyes befire she could control them and the Pomeranian turned her head from the other pup as they began to fall.

"Are...are you okay?" Scamp hopped up onto his feet and went over to look at the other but the female kept her face from his.

"Just leave me alone, okay! Just go away!" Angel screamed while folding into herself.

"I'm...I'm sorry..." Scamp turned tail and then walked off.

Angel sat inside of the park until her tears were finished falling and then she wiped her eyes with her paw to clean her face. Looking around and up to the sky the little Pomeranian saw that it was rapidly getting dark and that she would need tofind shelter to keep from getting cold tonight. Making her way out of the park Angel spotted a pair of canines walking side by side as the female American Cocker Spaniel weeped by her mate's side.

As Angel looked to the male she analyzed him critcally before she quickly passed them both before they could take a look at her. Ducking out of the park and down the dark streets the little Pomeranian sighed and made her way to a pretty safe neighborhood where she could bunker down for the night.

Loud sounds of scuffiling and yipping passed through the Pomeranian's ears and she silently made her way to see what was happening. The scene before her was unqiue to say nothing less as the gray pup from before was being chased by old Reggie back and forth while a small can was held in his mouth.

'What is that idiot doing?' Angel moved before she could think about it and soon had her smell teeth in the larger canine's back leg. The dog named Reggie howled as he felt his limb being chewed on and soon the burly looking canine was staring down at the Pomeranian in indignation.

"ANGEL!" Scamp cried out and dropped the can while Reggie shook his leg making the ivory furred pup break free from her hold to fly into a wall and fall into a daze.

Scamp panicked noticed that his friend was in trouble and that the larger dog was coming up to her stunned form. Charging for the other, Scamp bit the older canine on the ass making hi howl again and then dash under his legs towards Angel. The mutt pup nuzzled the Pomeranian until she was able to get her bareings and then both darted out of the small alleyway with Reggie hot on their tails.

The three canines ran through the city but before long a net wrapped round Reggie and the older canine was carted off by a human wearing a strange suit. The two pups quickly made their way through the city and then found themselves by a string of resturanunts.

"This would make the second tiem you've saved me." Angel said somewhat annoyedly.

"Hey you saved me so we could count it as even!" Scamp cheered.

Angel didn't say anything about the other's math skills instead she walked on side of him until they got to a nice spagetti resturanunt.

"Why were you messing with Reggie? You looking to die or something?" the Pomeranian asked curiously.

"Nope! I wanted to prove to someone that I could take care of myself and anyone else that was with me!" Scamp announed.

"hmmm...did that well I see..." Angel replied with more than a little disbelif coloring her voice.

"Uhmmm...well..." Scamp bowed his head somewhat abashed.

"Who would ask yu to take something from Reggie? Everyone knows that he's a little bit off."

"That bigger dog that I saw you with earlier..." Scamp said offhandedly.

"You went to the Junkyard and saw Buster! What were you thining!" Angel furiously barked at the mutt pup.

"Well I wanted to show everyone that I wasn't a house pet and could take care of myself. That guy, Buster, said that I'd never be able to do it so I challenged him to let me prove myself. To prove I could protect you..." Scamp covered his mouth at the last statement.

"You...you went there...for me...? No wonder he made you go up against Reggie he was trying to get you killed!" Angel felt her face heat up again as she looekd at Scamp and conveyed her message.

"I...kind figured that out when I went to get that can from the other dog but I wanted to..." Scamp was cut off when a round human with a long thick mustache came out to see what the noise was all about. Looking down at the two puppies the man called for his partner to see what he had found.

"Well...isn't this familiar. It would seem that another little one has come to our place of buisness with his beau on his side. Shall we treat them to the dinner special?" the the thick mustache man asked his much slimmer partner. The two went back insdie just as Angel and Scamp looked to each other.

'Beau?' they both thought as they looked between each other in question.

When the two humans came back out the bigger man sat down a steamming plate of spagetti down on a large table cloth atop of a upturned box while his partner gestured for the two pups over with his hands holding two lit candles. Scamp and Angel walked over to the food and both their stomachs growled as they both hadn't ate today.

The two human returned inside and got out instruments and began playing music to enchant the moment, completely lost on the two pups. As the humans made their musical prowess known, Angel and Scamp ravenously ate but nonetheless the moment was special as the fullmoon shown down on the allyway with stars shining beside the bloated disk of white.

Both canines finished off their meal and then yipped at the two humans before running off to find shelter for the night. Angel and Scamp made their way into an empty alleyway and then hunkered down side by side underneath a bunch of discarded trash. Side by side the two pups huddled close to each other for warmth as the night wind blew through the city and chilled everything in its path.

When the morning had come both Angel and Scamp rose groggily to the sight of each other and two tails wagged in happy greeting.

"Morning..." Angel yawned as she stretched and look at Scamp.

"Mornin..." Scamp blinked his eyes as his vision began to focus and the mutt pup carefully walked out of their bed area into the cool morning.

"So what do we do now?" Angel asked as she and Scamp walked into the city from their alleyway hideout in search of something to eat while glancing at the gray furred canine by her side.

"I'm...I don't know...I ran away from home thinking I could be a Junkyard dog but..." Scamp began to lament before Angel cut him off.

"You ran away from home? You ran away from your owners? Why?!" the little Pomeranian ran in front of the mutt pup and looked him dead with disbelief.

"I wanted to be like my dad. He's the legendary Tramp! And I wanted to be..."

"you...You...YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!" Angel all but howled.

Scamp fell onto his rear at the loud bark from Angel. Looking up at the little Pomeranian the mutt pup was confused by her words and even more by her anger.

"Wha...what are you so mad about?"

"You think living in a junkyard is a fun thing? You think having to scrape around for food and dodging the dog catcher is fun? Why would you ever leave home...to throw away a good thing for this!!!"


Angel watched as the mutt pup stumbled around for his words but soon Scamp closed his mouth and lowered his at his loss for words. Angel felt her anger seethe and then disapate as she looked at the lost expression on Scamp's face before she walked over to him and then nuzzled his head against her's.

The two pups stayed liked that for a while and then two sets of stomachs rumbled in hunger making Angel and Scamp look to each other sheepishly. With a pair of goffy grins they continued in search of something to eat never noicing someone following behind them.

It took a few hours but Angel and Scamp were able to get a few scraps of food from the butcher and grocer before they made their way into the park.

"Scamp...go back home, okay? This...this isn't the life for you..." Angel said as she watched a pair of ducks swim by in the park lake.

"I...I don't know if I can. Dad's probably really mad at me and mom's..."

"Your mom and dad were here last night. I saw them when I was leaving and both were talking about. They wanted you to come home." Angel said almost silently.

"They...do...?" Scamp nosed the Pomeranian in question.

"Yeah...I knew it had to be your folks because the older dog looked too much like you. Just as shaggy and unkept..." Angel smirked as Scamp growled at her and soon the gray pup was wrestling with his friend on the grass. Their barks and growls echoed making humans and a few other passerbyer canines look to them curiously.

When they finally finished their game the two pups dropped side by side and looked at each other with happy smiles on their faces.

"What are you going to do Angel?" Scamp's musing caused the Pomeranian's smile to waver but she kept the bright warm light in her eyes from dimming as she answered.

"I'll probably go back to the Junkyard. Buster's probably stop being mad now and will forgive me...I hope."

"NO! You can't go back there!" Scamp rose to his full height as he stared down his friend.

"Scamp, I don't have a choice. I have to go somewhere and being out in the cold isn't a good way to survive on the streets, House Pet." the last part of the statement was in pure jest made Scamp scowl but the mutt pup only knocked the Pomeranian over with his body instead of taking offense.

"It would be nice to get rid of Buster but..." Angel began and then out of the blue an idea formed in his head.


"Scamp...what if we..." the Pomeranian whispered into the other pup's ears making Scamp cock his head and then stare at her wide eyed before a grin appeared on both their faces.

"It...it could work but..." Scamp began.

"I have a plan. Come on!" Angel raced through the park out out into the streets followed by a hesistant Scamp.

Back at the Junkyard Angel and Scamp watched as Buster walked around the area with a sneer on his muzzle as he lorded over the others. The mutt pup and the Pomeranian nodded before they both headed towards the other canines.

"Well look who came abck without the item in hand. I see you found something better though so I guess I'll forgive you pup." Buster walked up to the two pups and then circled Angel like a vulture as his sheath began to swell at the thughts he ahd planned for her later on.

"Well I did find something much better. Here let me show you..." Buster watched as the gray pup walked behind Angel and then hop up onto her back.

The Doberman pinscher stared confused as he wondered what the hell was going on and then nearly roared when Angel started groaining and humping her hips back against Scamp's The two pups groaned and moaned as they humped into each other and then with a short pair of yips Scamp thrust into Angel once more and then lolled his tongue out of his muzzle in rapture.

"What...what...?" Buster watched the scene in amzement and some arousal before Scamp got down from Angel with a clear trail of precum dripping from Angel's clit. The female looked somewhat dazed but happier than she had ever been with the Doberman.

"I just wanted to show you that this female belongs to me and is my bitch. I'm sure she'll be happier with me than with a limp dicked runt like you." Scamp and Angel trotted out of the Junkyard with happy smiles leaving Buster humping air before his mind began to clear of the need to rut.

With an indignant roar he tore the ground as he ran after the two pups while the rest of the dogs looked somewhat confused by the entire thing.

Buster found Angel and Scamp running throuh the streets of the city and gave chase as his rage swarmed over himself. Angel was his bitch! Nobody touched her but him!

The three canines ran down the streets and through the backalleyways until Angel made tactical error and got lost. Ending up in an dead end the pups looked for a way out but the only exit was the way they came and Buster was soon blocking that escape.

"So...you little stud...think you can take what's mine and get away with it?!" the Doberman roared and charged for Scamp.

The little gary furred mutt pup rolled onto his back just in time to dodge the claws and fangs of the odler male while Angel barked and bit at Buster's legs. The older dog kicked her away into a pair of trashcans but gave Scamp the time to grab one of his ears in his jaws and then tear into them with his minitaure fangs. Buster howled and shook dislodging the pup and then stared at him with rage.

"You little brat...want to be top dog huh? I'll show you who is top dog!" Buster knocked Scamp over onto his back and then stood over the other with his sheath bulging and his hard red cock pushing out into the air. Scamp growled even as his tail tried to curl under his legs but soon he looekd up when the Doberman howled.

"Top dog's the one with the brains not the brawn. I thought I told you that before Buster." A shadow loomed over the Doberman before a steel clamp was placed over the fallen male's neck in the form of a unforgiving set of fangs.

"Tr...Tramp! Bastard!" Buster tried to srcamble but the jaws on his neck wouldn't give and it was he who was being mounted and hilted into.

"I know that but if you ever try to touch my son again I promise you that I'll kill you." Tramp thrust his hips back and forth into the other male and then looked down at his son before giving him in a wink and returning to his activities.

"DAD!" Scamp rolled onto his feet and stared up at his father who was mating the other canine male before he heard the whimpers coming from Angel and went over to her.

"ugh...Scamp...wha...happened?" the Pomeranian shook her head as she looked into her friends face and then over to where Buster was being screwed by a larger gray dog.

"Is that?" Angel started.

"Yep! That's my dad!" Scamp told her proudly as he watched his father pushing his knot into the Doberman and locking them together. Buster howled loudly as he was tied and bowed his head at being taken by the other canine...again...just like before...

"Forgot how good this feels...remember the old days Bus? You're still as tight as ever and grip just as good as before." Tramp huffed as he felt his seed rush into the other and then slow to a pause before he tuged his shaft out of the other making the Doberman yelp and curl in on himself.

"Now I suggest you get out of here before I decided to have another go at you for what you tried to do to my son." Tramp watched as the beaten dog crawled out of the alleyway with a dark glem in his eyes.

"Dad..." Tramp looked to his son and then growled at him to be silent before walking over and huddlilng the pups into the side of the alley.

"I'll...get him...one day...I'll get you Tram---yelp!" Buster wasn't paying much attention and didn't notice when a large net landed on him and swept him up into the air.

"Finally got you! I've been out all night looking for you dogs and I'm not letting you get away this time." The dogcatcher smiled and whistled as he took Buster to the back of his van and dumped him inside a cage with another occupant. Closing the cage and then the van Buster was left in darkness with the other dog and turned to stare fearfully at who was next to him.

"Bitch...good bitch..." In the cage was Reggie and the dimwitted canine licked his hips as he glared lustfully at the Doberman. Buster squeaked and tried to back away but he hit the metal bars of the cage and shivered as he nerveously looked at the other dog.

Reggie had been kept locked inside the small cage since yesterday as the dogcatcher had been too obsessed with finding more of the strays around the city to return to base. The mentally off balanced canine had dried slobber crusted onto his muzzle, dirty matted fur, and smelled like stale drool as he looked at Buster with hunger in his smoldering eyes. The Doberman wanted to back away even further, even if that ment crawling between the narrow space of the bars but couldn't as the space within the prison trapped him with the other to the point that neither could get more than five feet from the other.

Reggie sniffed as he took in the sight of Buster's beaten and battered form and the scent of another male on the Doberman. In his somewhat off kilter mind, the rugged looking canine recognised any other dog with another male's scent on them as being a female and after years of not having a suitable mate he felt his loins ache as his sheath swelled.

"Good bitch..." Reggie lunged at Buster who was unable to get out of the way, both from his physical abuse from Tramp and the mental scarring at being bested by his better again.

Reggie grabbed Buster in his jaws and then twisted until the Doberman had his back to the other, a difficult feat as the cage was cramped at best and Buster's face was smashed into the cage walls and then scraped across while being doghandled. Once Buster had his asshole towards Reggie the unstable stray hopped on top of the other and then thrust his long red flesh covered bone into the backside of the Doberman.

Buster howled as he was taken for a second time in les than an hour and with even more force than Tramp had used. The mental canine above him drooled onto Buster's face as he drove his cock into the moist and warm tightness that was the Doberman's hole. It was the perfect fit and wrapped around his aching length like a warm muzzle but better, much better.

Pulling his hips back and then pushing forward, Reggie bred the other male below him with stcatto like humps. There was no sense of rhythm and therefore Buster was unable to find pleasure in the mating and grit his teeth as his inner linging was ripped again. Reggie grunted and growled as he barked with pure alpha male dominence before his knot began to fill out and slip into Buster.

The Doberman shut his eyes with a snap as he was bred and thought back to how many times he ahd done this to others below him. The irony of the situation was that hadn't he duped Scamp into messing with Reggie the other stray wouldn't have been in the dogcatcher's van, breeding him.

Reggie gave two loud barks before his knot expanded to its full size and locked them together. Panting over the other, Reggie licked the back of Buster's neck before muttering something that made the Doberman cry...

"Good bitch. My bitch. Always mine." Reggie thrust his hips as best he could given his position and then bit on the back of Buster's neck before trying to pull out.

In the next minute the sounds coming from the back of the van consited of more growls, howls, whimpers, and moans but the human failed to notice over the happy music in his head as he started the engine and drove to the pound.

Back in the alley Tramp had looked out to see Buster get carted off and thn returned to his son and the little Pomeranian. Both pups were over each other nuzziling one another and Tramp ahd to admit that his son ahd grown up but...

"Scamp..." the older dog called to his son and the pup flinched before wlking over to his dad.

"We have a long conversation ahead of us but that can wait until later. I'm glad your safe." Tramp nuzzled his son and licked over the other's muzzle as the adriniline drained from his body to be replaced by peace at knowing his boy was alright.

After the two males had finished their show of affection both looked over to the Pomeranian who was blushing and staring at them. Tramp walked up to the little female and then looked her over before turning to his son and grinning naughtlily.

"So this who caused you to go out of the house to see the world, huh? You're a pretty little thing." Tramp appraised as he looked over Angel from head to paw.

"Dad..." Tramp turned to see a peeved look being thrown toward him before his son walked around him and stood in front of the other puppy.

"This is Angel and she's MY friend." Tramp got the message and laughed before heading out of the alleyway.

"Well you still have to introduce your FRIEND to your mother, so come on." The older canine led the pups out of the alleyway backtowards home with a nervous Angel being herded by a happy Scamp...

The End???

Continued in my Disney - Lady and The Tramp II: Angels First Heat

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