Ginga Densetsu Weed-The New Pack Bitch

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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#1 of Ginga Densetsu Weed: The Bitch Files

Gin was having one of those days, those days when he'd give anything to escape from his duties and run away into the forest and just disappear. Weeks into the coming spring and tension in his pack were higher than they had ever been before. Not surprising since he was the leader of an all male pack, essentially and the first year's mating season was upon them and soon it would be time for all of his warriors to go out and find mates. However, the entire territory that he and his pack kept control over had almost no females in the entire region and that was something that everyone knew.

Having already been mated and sired a pup Gin knew what it felt like to go without and with Sakura having passed for so long he himself would probably be going without this year. Standing out over the mountain range and looking down at the green field of trees and grass below Gin scented the air and drew in the thick natural scent of the world that was his own to protect. Sun raised up into the sky and the morning dew fading away Gin was left to look over some twenty to thirty odd canines that were under his command sleeping on the ground.

"This is gonna be hell..." Gin muttered to himself before his ear cocked and twisted around behind him.

"What's wrong dad? What's gonna be hell?" A smaller version of himself asked and Gin swallowed a sigh as he looked to his young son bound up behind him.

The younger version of himself was named Weed, not something that he himself had picked but at the time he hadn't been there to name the pup so he couldn't complain...much. The younger and somewhat more energetic form looked down at the world below and then wagged his tail happily. Gin didn't know why but he wondered, not for the first time, what it would have been like to raise a family together with Sakura. Just him and her and their pup without the thought of war looming over them like some oppressive shadow, hungry to swallow up all the passion and glory that was a peaceful life that Gin dreamt of, but Gin knew that it was just an illusion.

"It's nothing Weed. Go on down and wash your face." Gin said as he butted the pup with his head and sent him off on his way.

Weed smiled and then ran off down the mountain trail to find his friends while Gin returned to looking over his pack. The wind rustled the leaves and made him shiver, not surprising giving his short fur this time of year. Another form came up to him and Gin had only to sniff to know who it was and smirked darkly before turning to face Akame.

"Good morning Akame. How can I help you?" Gin asked while turning around to look at the older canine and finding a strong Kishu Inu coming on side of him and then looking down at the world below.

For minutes the other dog said nothing, just barely wagging his tail while Gin turned and followed the others gaze down to the waking group of canines bellow.

"You do know what time of year it is, don't you?"Akame asked while not turning to look at the other canine.

"I know."

"Then you know what you'll have to do this year, right?"

"No, enlighten me..."

"Heh, if you can keep that spirit up then I'm sure you can handle things well enough." Akame said before turning and walking off down the way he had come up.

"It'll be tonight." Gin replied making Akame snap his ears up before continuing going about his way.

Gin listened as the other dog walked off and breathed deeply before making his plan. Watching a certain bluish streak walk around through the camp of dogs Gin only felt slightly bad about what he had in mind as a dark smirk curved up onto the side of his face. Watching all the dogs pile around his son Gin felt sure that more than half would find his form of relief for this year's mating problem something intriguing to say the least.

That night Gin gathered everyone together and then carried his son up into his maw and then dropped him into the middle of the large circle of males that were looking around with unbridled lust in their eyes. Weed, completely unaware of the implications of what would soon be happening was made aware that something was definitely wrong when his father dropped him haphazardly onto the ground and then spoke out to his pack,

"Alright everyone here knows what this is about!" Gin shouted getting several loud barks for his trouble. "This year is the time for mating for the pack and since we have a lack of females one must be decided amongst us of who will be the pack's bitch for this year."

The boisterous barks that came from the crowd were deafening in volume and made Weed shrink back some as he noted that many of the males, his friends no less, were staring at him like a fresh kill. The scent of male musk rose in the air followed by sweat, earth and raw desire as the crowd of onlookers began to grown frantic in their want of a nubile body to put underneath their paws. Weed looked up at his father but only got an empty gaze in return as Gin continued to speak.

"Since all of you know that the youngest of us here is the freshest amongst us then he will be the one to sate the pack this year! Any complaints?" Gin shouted as he looked around.

Not one of the members of the surrounding group bothered to say anything to the former and without a word of complaint Gin felt justified when he went over and grabbed Weed by the throat and then hefted the body of the younger dog up.

"DAD! Dad stop!" Weed tried to say but he only received a growl of annoyance for his troubles and then a tight squeeze on his neck making him gasp and then go slightly limp.

"This is technically your own fault pup. Considering the females that you could have gotten for us in the beginning then you are the one responsible for sating the needs of the pack. Be grateful, atleast there will be some civility amongst this crowd." Gin said around Weed's scruff as he lifted the pup's body and then made the younger version of himself look out at the surrounding canines.

"Just imagine all of these dogs trying to fight over you all at the same time. The entire army could collapse and then the strongest or maybe the craftiest of the lot would have at you without end until they got bored. Then the next one who could get up and then the next and so on until the entire pack had at you."

Weed shivered as he looked at the dozens of eyes that were glaring at him. Many of the dog warriors were drooling and licking their muzzles in want of him and his body. How many times had Weed seen the males kill others without restraint and take down others twice their sizes for some of them? Way too often and realizing that his father was somewhat right Weed deflated instantly.

Seeing that he wouldn't have any more trouble from the pup Gin maneuvered his son around to where Weed was standing up on all fours with his curled tail lifted up and his head somewhat lowered in submission. Gin scent the wet smell of tears coming from his pup and realized that he had better get things started before he lost his nerve. Maneuvering so that he stood completely over the other, Gin managed to get his groin right at the underside of Weed's tail and then began to quickly thrust himself at the end of the younger canine making sure that he would be the first to show his leadership.

"Hey, why does Gin get to go first?" A canine said out of the blue making others grumble as well only to be silenced when a large German shepherd barked out and shut the rest up.

"That's because he's the leader and this is his son." Ben exclaimed even though in his own mind he was wondering the same thing.

"You'll all have your turn but it's the leader's right to get first dibs at any female that belongs to the pack, so shut up and get those cocks out and ready." Akame said while humping the air and feeling his own doghood rising out from his sheath.

Many of the others grunted in displeased disagreement and barked in annoyance but as they stared at the father and son pair rutting in front of them many of them felt their own cock start to slip out at the hot action going on before them.

Gin wasn't slow in his ministrations as his hips pumped rapidly at the end of Weed's tailhole and began to stretch it open from the head of his cock beginning to spear out from between his legs. The first few inches made Weed groan and cry out with shrill barks as he was taken for the first time in his life there in the middle of the grasslands. The eyes of others around him were hot and scalding as they judged his worth as being less than a leader-to-be and more like a female that had extra plumbing between her legs. And speaking of that many watched and jeered as they saw how Weed's own miniature balls were being knocked forward in time by the harsh thrusts of his father.

Weed's face burned with shame knowing his father declared him pack bitch for an entire year but it was nothing compared to the burning that was coming from the back of his ass as his father's mighty stalk of flesh began to thrust further up his rectum and deeper into his anus.

Gin tried to fight it but he had to admit that this was something he never thought he could actually be enjoying what was happening. The tight insides of the smaller dog were tighter than Sakura's depths and hotter as well, not to mention much drier though the last fact was being altered by the fact the Gin's cock was shoot pre out deeper and deeper into the pup's body. The sounds of mating between the two quickly began to grow wet and noisy and as many of the dogs around listened they couldn't help but smirk as they listened to the virility of their leader echo out in the middle of the quiet night.

Weed kicked at ground and dug up dirt in between his toes as he felt raw fire run through his back as his father fucked him deep and quickly. Tears in his eyes and whimpers in his throat the younger canine fought hard to keep from yelping out but much of his bravado was lost when Gin hit something deep in him way too hard and much too fast and a moan shot out of his throat as shrill bark. Head flailing around Weed felt like he was going to be ill and coughed desperately to try and find some relief for his stomach which felt too full for some reason.

"Look at him! Kid looks like he's gonna throw up." One dog said.

"Gin's a real stud! His hips are moving so hard the pup's getting smashed into the earth."

"Man I'm glad it's not me who has to be underneath Gin. This almost looks painful."

Gin for his part was trying not to get an over-inflated ego at all of the praise that was coming his way. While he had gobbled up the praise that his mate had made when he had been with her way back when but that was a loving act made to procreate life. What was happening now was nothing more than a variation of depravity which he was doing to his own son just for the sake of peace in his pack. How low the mighty had fallen but such was the price that had to be paid by the leader. Sometimes the greater sacrifice will have to give up ten times what others would in the name of order and for the sake of the greater good.

It wasn't helping things at all that he was starting to enjoy him as he felt his full girth sneak out completely and fill the tight tunnel in front of him to completion. The tight vice coupled with the scent of his sex were like a heady tonic that made Gin drool and then grit his fangs together when he felt the body underneath him tighten up for some reason. Looking down and seeing that Weed actually starting to tense up Gin looked down to see that his knot had actually started to fill up faster than he had expected and that he would have liked and that the pressure on the tender pup's rump was actually making things harder to thrust into.

Looking around at the group of randy males and seeing that he wouldn't have that much time to actually knot the other and then enjoy the afterglow Gin grabbed at Weed's tender sides and then hunched himself forward so that he could get his knot inside and then jack hammer home into the other. Grunting and puffing Gin became almost wolf-like as he mated with Weed with an intensity he didn't think he possessed. The feel of his cock spearing the inside of his son and getting up so far that it felt like he was almost going completely through the other made Gin grumble in pleasure but it was the knowing of what he was doing that actually made him sneer in sexual delight.

Weed felt the change of pace and cried out more and more, tears running down his eyes in rivulets until he could barely see anything around him. Nose running like a sink faucet and legs quivering underneath his body, Weed did his best to hold up the weight of his father and tried to use every drop of strength that he could muster to keep himself in some kind of order. And then he felt a large ball pop into his tailhole and then everything went stock-still.

Gin had his first orgasm by accident as it snuck up on him so quickly that he pulled out of Weed's tail without meaning too. The force of it made Weed yelp which caused many of the other dogs to yip and bark out as they watched Gin's leaking cock slurp free from the smaller dog's rear and then spurt copious gobs of slime onto the backside of the now opened tailhole. Gin for his part just stood with his front back on his son's back and let his load shoot out until all he had to give was wasted on the outside of Weed's ass.

Atleast this way, Gin thought silently, Weed will have some lube for this orgy he was going to get himself into. Gin smirked as he caught his own scent intensifying before his climax came to an end and he hopped down from the younger canines back.

"Alright then guys this bitch has been bred and you all get a shot at her. Make she's full before the nights over with and leaking out from both ends." Gin shouted as he stepped back away from his son and then watched as two forms came up.

Akame and Ben were the first two to take the center stage as they positioned themselves at both ends of Weed's body.

"Alright then pup, time to open up and taste your first drink of male seed," Ben said as he drew Weed's tear streaked face up and then positioned himself so that his cock was looming at the borders of the younger dog's snout.

"Oh great, now I have to look in your face while having my fun, joy." Akame said with a roll of his eyes as he hopped up onto Weed's back and then began to push himself himself into the younger dog's cum soaked backside.

Weed didn't know what to think as his throat was forced open by the Great Dane who was massive in ways that Weed shouldn't have been forced to know this intimately. The smell was one factor that made the pup's head spin as he caught the musk of the sweating dog in front of him not to mention the stink of Ben's balls as they smacked the underside of his chin like a lead weight. The two oblong shaped spheres were full and heavy and dragged the shepherd's cock down so that Ben was forced to dig himself deep into the younger dog's throat and over his hot tongue.

Back behind Akame slide into Weed almost completely on the first thrust as he began to fuck the pup with vigor no one wouldn't have suspected an older dog like Akame could possess. Tail up, head pointed forward and looking into Ben's face Akame grunted and began to move his hips fast and furiously as he tapped his nuts against the underside of the younger dog's ass. Growling and huffing the older canine began to move with staccato like force into the pup while trying to lol his tongue out as he felt relief surge up through his spine for the first time in too long.

"Could you turn your head or something? That dumb look on your face is distracting." Ben said while moving himself so that he could actually pull out of the void that was his leader's son's throat.

"You could always bend down. That would solve the problem for the both of us."

"And be closer to your balls then I want so no thanks. The only bitch here is underneath us and I plan to atleast keep it that way."

"Then stop bitching and fuck this bitch already." Akame said while humping Weed as hard as his back legs could manage.

Ben grumbled but did as he was told. The fact that Weed's hot tongue was like wet velvet on his cock, rolling around unconsciously and then teasing the edge of the tip of his cock made the Great Dane grunt and murr in time with Akame's own quiet howling. How long had it been since he had felt the pressure and wetness around his doghood? Too long in Ben's opinion as he pulled back and let his tip lay on the wet edge of Weed's tongue allowing the pup to taste the other male just as he promised.

For Weed it was like something out of a nightmare as he got a drink of hot male pre down his throat. Unable to back away and run the younger canine was had no option other than to drink the sticky, salty liquid and fill his stomach up with something that he shouldn't have. It felt so thick and gooey as it ran down his gullet but even more than that it was coming too fast for Weed to swallow and much of it ended up welling up and seeping from between his lips.

"Awww, too much room in there? Here let me help that," Ben said and soon Weed was literally choking around the male.

Ben for his part wuffed and hissed when the bobbing throat of the pup began to tug on him and pull his nectar out of his throat like some kind of vacuum. Pulling back out and then striking forward again Ben began to fuck Weed's throat as fast and hard as Gin had at the younger male's backside just minutes before. Back and forth, over and over again the Great Dane covered the face of the smaller dog with his sex scent and made several males envious as they watched Ben's face contort in a mask of rapture as he hammered deep inside. Balls slapping at the Weed's chin and hips dancing along the ground it should have been impossible for the two of them to burden the pup with their weight but somehow they did so with a passion that beguiled the fact that they were spectacularly raping the smaller dog just for their own pleasure.

Meanwhile Weed was slowly starting to lose sight of the fact of whether this was reality or a dream. The pain at his backside, in his throat, at his face and the hot burden growing in his stomach made Weed want to pass out and drift away from all of this but there was no chance of that. Not when Akame was knot fucking him in the back over and over, the older dog having reached close to his limit from just these first few minutes alone but giving it a good showing all the same as he reached his peak.

Around them many other dogs were going crazy at what they were seeing and smelling. By the side Gin was watching with an unsure eye as he didn't know what exactly he should do to try to stem the tide that was looming over Weed like a curse. His cock had long since shrunken and gone back inside of his sheath but at the same time it was starting to come back out beguiling his own want to go back in and have a go at the younger dog. Watching out of the corner of his eye Gin noted that several males were conversing too quietly for his liking and he made sure to keep watch on them as things began to come to a close with the two males taking his son.

Ben's knot was now jamming into Weed's muzzle as he pumped his thighs forward almost as if trying to get the large bulb of flesh into the young pup maw. Grunting and humping forward as fast as he could Ben tried to force himself into the other as far as he could but Weed's resistance and his unwillingness made for things to work against the older dog's favor. Realizing that he wouldn't be able to finish up the way he wanted Ben decided to get his revenge in another way and watched as Akame thrust hard two more times before going still.

Akame, not seeing anything behind his closed eyes, yelped when he was nipped on the shoulder all of a sudden and jumped back ripping his entire cock out of Weed in one motion. This act caused Weed to scream out loud and then that was when Ben shoveled his entire cock into the pup, knot and all. Everyone watched as Weed thrashed on the ground like a fish stuck on a hook before he went still all of sudden as white seed began to leak out from his throat and then down his nose before coming quicker and quicker. Ben chuckled and howled as he came in torrents while lightly tapping his cock forward to make sure that Weed would have all of his cum in his belly before he finished.

For the pack it was like watching a balloon fill but for Weed it was like someone was filling his stomach with too much water and he had nowhere to expel it. Ben's cum was thicker than milk and as so much of it came down his gullet Weed's belly began to grow larger and larger before the shepherd pulled away from him all of a sudden and then shoot the rest of his cum onto the younger dog's muzzle.

Finishing up a moment later the others watched as the younger dog was literally covered with seed from his neck down and all across his tail and lower thighs. Akame having helped with the latter part as the sudden bite from Ben made him tear his knot of Weed and shoot his load before things came to a head. The older Kishu Inu grumbled and muttered low into his throat as he glared at Ben from across Weed's back as they other rolled his tongue out from over his lower jaw and then shook his cock trying to get every drop of dog milk out and onto Weed.

"Well, I'm done. Next up!" Ben said before sauntering off with a perk in his step.

"You're an ass Ben!" Akame shouted before moving away from the pack's bitch and then following after his comrade.

"I know." The Great Dane smirked as he bypassed two other dogs who were taking their turn.

A large mastiff and rough collie take position at Weed's tailside and muzzle, respectively, and then began to breed the younger pup like dogs who hadn't been with a mate for years and considering that Moss and Wilson hadn't been that made their rhythmic thrusting into the sloppy holes that were becoming looser by minute.

Moss was the gentler of the two as his large form covered Weed's body like the shadow of a tree while Wilson was left to wrap himself down underneath the larger Mastiff to where he could maneuver his hips into Weed's open muzzle. Personally that put his face way too close to Moss' groin but it was the only way he could get by the sheer bulk of the other as he so desperately wanted to get into the muzzle of the pup...or pack's bitch.

The drooling cum leaking out from Weed's muzzle made things slick and easy for Wilson as he slide home and then down on the first thrust, though unlike Ben he wasn't so interested in trying to fuck a new throat into the younger dog's maw, he just wanted a warm place to dump his cum. With Moss it was more like a fact rather than something to be emotional over as he rutted the backside of the younger male with a strong series of frenzied thrusts until he could easily spread the tailhole of the other dog to greater proportions.

It didn't take the two very long to cum; Weed's resistance was minimal at best even though his tears and sobs weren't helping to make things any easier. The young pup's throat was almost swollen as Wilson dug deep into him and then pushed his knot in the same as Ben before pulling back out.

The two dogs came fast and then pulled out and then another two came up and started the cycle all over. By the time that the things were finished with the entire pack had finished with Weed and given him enough cum in both ends that he looked like a rained soaked pelt of fur and muscles rather than a dog of any standing. His belly full and sloshing, his nose full and breathing was a little hard on him but that all was nothing compared to the crater his tailhole had become as he was left with an open back door that looked as if it were a pink well rather than an anus.

Worse still was when GB and Mel came up and proceeded to have their way with the cum slick Weed. Mel, the golden retriever taking the backside of his friend and digging his cock into the other so much so that Weed had to actually grunt because of the thin, but long cock actually hitting him into his inflamed prostate making Weed yelp when the younger dog started his incessant hammering. Things got not better for the young canine as GB came up to him with his long, dog cock pointed out directly into Weed's nose.

"...p-please GB, don't do this..." Weed begged though he didn't get much in terms of mercy as his godfather looked down at him with bemused eyes.

"Sorry pup, but you're the pack's bitch now. Don't worry though; it won't be this bad in the coming months. Heck you might even get to like it." GB said though the last part more to himself.

Weed opened his mouth to try and plea out again but that only got him a muzzle worth of pre for his trouble and then a muzzle full of GB.

With his two closets companions copulating with him against his will Weed felt himself sink low into a depressed state of mind as things began to swirl around and around his head in a sexual whirlpool as Mel fucked him deeply. GB added to this madness as he hammered his hips forward into Weed's muzzle so hard that he actually made the other gag for the first time in hours. Those watching around yipped in approval and many of them cheered the two other dogs on even as Weed lost more of himself to the actions of his friends.

Mel actually lifted his leg some so that he could position his hips so much so that he actually allowed others to see what was going on with Weed's soggy behind. With the way things had been happening Weed's behind actually looked like a well used cunt as it sloshed and barely held onto Mel as the golden retriever's knot popped in and out before going forward and locking the two together. This didn't have much effect for GB who continued to stroke his shaft into Weed's muzzle and prepare himself to cum.

When the two were ready they came together into Weed and made the pup choke before filling his swelling belly up with their cum even more than it was before popping themselves free and then moving away. Weed's asshole no longer able to get as much grip as it was so runny with other males cum and seeping a waterfall of fluids onto the ground around him.

Gin was the last male to come up to look over Weed, the rest having moved away or piled around the other while panting and drooling trying to catch their breaths. The older dog sniffed at his son, who was surprisingly still standing and then lifted his leg before he thought better of it. The pup had had enough degradation for the day and in the time to come there would be more. However, that didn't stop Gin from lowering his leg and lifting his body up onto the pup's back, trying to ignore the squishy mess and then pressed his cock back into the pup. Gin had long ago gotten excited again from the endless hours of sex and now he was going to make sure that he would be the last one to fill up his pup.

Weed, by this time, was gone, his mind in a whirl and his body only standing on autopilot the pup didn't do anything more than just stay completely still as another weight came up onto his back and a thick pole jam itself up into his rectum. Bowing his head and snuffling out a few strings of cum the pack bitch stood and let himself be fucked again while watching as the first rays of light shone throughout the sky.

Gin moved fast but with ease as he had no reason to rush now. There was nothing more to be done but like a song that kept going on and on without end he felt like there should be something to end this night of sexual insanity. As the leader he took it upon himself to breed his son once more, making sure to thrust home and the pull out completely before returning to spear the other once again. His knot engorged itself slowly this time and his balls jiggled restlessly as the older canine used Weed's hole without really thinking about it.

By the time he was through Gin grunted and locked himself into Weed and then turned around and locked the two of them together. The sun made its first appearance to see the evidence of the night's happenings as well as the empty but mournful look on Weed's face as he was locked together with his father. The thick musk of male sex covered him from head to toes while his open mouth dripped with the stain of dozens of males's cum. Stomach bloated and sloshing the younger pup stayed directly in place and he was emptied into again, not moving or saying or word...

Just whimpering and standing there looking into the dawn.

To Be Continued...???

Written by Shaesullivan

Commissioned by me "Shippo"

Want this continued? Than talk to Shaesullivan

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