Kodi's Nightmare becomes Reality

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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#2 of Balto Has Lost Or Has he??

The morning sun illuminated all of Nome and while the world around him was waking up and preparing for another mundane day Kodi was busy trying to not to look around and wonder where Steele had gotten off to. Kodi could still feel some of the slimy dog cum dripping out of his nethers and leaking onto the ground and that thought alone had him blushing furiously as he walked down the street to the post office on his way to work.

Kodi wasn't sure what to think after the events of last night when he had been made to be the female of both his sexually repressed father and Steele. The young husky had been filled with so much male seed last night that he had literally sloshed on his way home from his overstuffed belly sinking low between his legs almost touching the ground. Steele had been a beast and made sure that the younger dog would remember his first time with him by mounting the other several times during the night on in the morning.

It was only after Steele had finally finished emptying out his balls into the younger canine's rump that he allowed the other to go back home, but not without reminding him who he now belonged to. Just thinking about it made the husky shudder in slight revulsion and maybe a little something more as he remembered the older canine's body hunched up on top of his own and panting, drooling and slaking his lust with wild jabs of his hips as the malamute fucked him there on the small marooned ship on the beach.

Steele's breath had been hot onto his back and his hips had smacked into Kodi's own so hard that it left the younger dog walking somewhat oddly as he tried to steady his pace to keep from making himself too conspicuous to surrounding eyes. His tail actually hurt a bit as he wagged it while barking to some of the other dogs who were going about their way through town but Kodi paid the bite of discomfort little mind as he just smiled and kept going on his way to the post.

Just get to work and everything will be okay, Kodi thought almost like a mantra as he kept a steady jaunt down the street.

When he did finally make it to the post office building the young husky looked around to find that the humans who were supposed to be there weren't around so that gave him the chance to duck off into the alleyway on side of the tall structure and then do some midmorning cleanup of his tail end.

Sitting himself onto the hard ground and then pulling his left leg up into the air Kodi sniffed down at his underside and then proceeded to lick out where Steele's cum was still leaking down over his body to try and get up the leftover evidence of the other canine's seed from out of his fur.

The taste of Steele was thick and viscous almost like a jelly, not surprising considering that the other had been so brutal with his ass that his tailhole was still distended a bit from the rough knot-fucking the malamute had been so keen on. The memory of having the black and white canine shoving so deeply into his rectum made Kodi shudder as he hoped against all hope that the other would be satisfied now and leave him be, though he doubted it.

"You're my bitch now, pup. Get used to it because this is going to happen again," Steele's voice echoed in between Kodi's ears as he flicked said appendages close to his skull to try and drown out the rumbling echo that made his stomach tighten up.

Lowering his head further and getting into his tailhole Kodi was mildly astonished that he could actually get half of his entire tongue up into his rump as he finished licking himself. The goop that dribbled out across his lips tasted faintly of both his father and Steele mixed together and Kodi almost blanched as he remembered how all of this had gotten started with him going out to look for his father on his mother's command.

Kodi never would have thought that his dad could be as frustrated and pent up as he had to fuck him there in the middle of his private little getaway without his consent, but it had happened and Kodi was now not sure what he should think of his sire anymore.

There was no way he was going to tell his mother about what happened. It would have been too embarrassing for him to even describe it let alone tattle on his father like that but at the same time Kodi wasn't sure he could ever look at the other male ever again. What could you really say to a person who had helped bring you in the world and then made you their female all in one lifetime? That was definitely not something one brought up at the dinner bowl so Kodi was left to swallow the pill he had been forced into his throat, along with almost a cup of Steele's cum, and grin and bear it.

Pulling back and sniffing over his rump and underneath his tail Kodi found that he was at least clean enough to be presentable to the world and decided that he could walk out with some measure of pride in himself as he lowered his leg back to the ground and then padded out to the front of his building once again. Several humans were waiting in front to be let in and as they turned to see Kodi come out to look at them many waved and made with the greetings and in return the young husky barked back his own before everyone headed into the post office and got ready for the work day.

Work was easy enough for Kodi as he let his mind focus on the task at hand and then made his way through town carrying letters to the residents while getting patted on the head and small treats from older people who liked to spoil him. It was easy enough to almost forget about the events of last night even when Kodi yawned out loud several times and let his eyes and head droop as sleep deprivation began to get the better of him. Going all night without sleep wasn't going to be something he allowed to happen much anymore and when the day came to an end Kodi was only so happy to be on his way home that he almost missed the sight of a black and white canine walking up to him that he barely noted when he suddenly started to feel anxious for some odd reason.

Turning his head, Kodi looked up into the face of the last malamute he had ever wanted to see today and groaned in the back of his head as he tried to pad away from the other and walk steadily homeward.

"Don't make me chase you, pup. You wouldn't want that now would you?" Steele said as he matched Kodi's pace and then brushed up on side of the younger canine hard enough to make Kodi yip and then come to a sudden stop.

Following his motions Steele gave his characteristic smirk and then sat himself down onto the ground right in front of the husky making sure to spread his legs wide and give the pup a good view of his ample goods.

Kodi tried not to look down but his traitorous eyes dipped low for a split second before he corrected his gaze and then looked directly up into the face of his antagonizer, while wondering if this was what his father had gone through when he had first been introduced to the terror that was Steele.

"W-what do you want Steele?" Kodi asked while trying to muster up as much courage as he could, his quivering tail not helping things in the least as he sat down onto his haunches and steadied himself for what was to come.


Kodi's eyes widened to large proportions as he looked at the older canine before quickly turning his head around and then looking to see was anyone else paying attention to them. Thankfully no one was and Kodi breathed a sigh of relief, right before he felt a familiar hot muzzle right next to his own with sharp canines grazing the side of his muzzle in warning.

"Not here though, pup. Meet me at the boiler room in one hour. I have something special planned for you tonight," Steele growled making Kodi's back lock up as the ruff on the back of his neck stood up and then prickled.

"I-I'm a little t-tired Steele. C-can we do this tomorrow or something?"

"One hour pup." Steele said again before nipping the husky onto his ear making Kodi whimper and yelp and then walked away down the street.

Kodi watched the other go and sighed to himself as his plans for a restful evening were now all but canceled. Sighing to himself Kodi walked his way home and then resolved to take the quickest nap in dog history after he put something into his empty stomach.

Of course once he got home his mother fussed over him and asked him ten and one questions but Kodi managed to stave all of them off in favor for eating his leftover dog food that had been left out in place for his since this morning and then found his way over to the side of the sofa and flopped down asleep. The older female husky wasn't sure what to think when Kodi had muttered for her to wake him in an hour but didn't say anything as Kodi wrapped himself up into a ball and then fell immediately asleep.

True a mother's intentions Jenna did wake Kodi up in an hour but when the other only grunted and rolled over she let him sleep a little longer.

It was two hours after his deadline when Jenna tried to prod Kodi up again getting a sleepy yawn from the pup and then a yipping jolt of surprise when he realized how late he was. Kodi was barely fully on his paws for about a second before he bolted out of the doggy door to the house and then dashed down the streets of Nome to where Steele was waiting. Thinking that he was going to be in loads of trouble with the other canine Kodi was pleasantly surprised when all he found upon arrival was Steele and his groupies waiting for him with bored expressions on their faces.

"You're late," Steele said somewhat impatiently though not with as much venom as he could normally muster making the young husky feel somewhat relieved as he walked into the warm room.

"S-sorry, I overslept..." Kodi said lamely making the others around him snicker.

Blushing bright Kodi didn't know what to think but he did freeze in place when the other dogs began to get up from where they were sitting and then circle around him. There was something very strange about their posturing and as Kodi looked he noted that many of them seemed to be walking with a heavy set of movements, almost like something was weighing them down and as his curiosity got the better of him the young husky looked to see that each of the dog in question had full blow hardons dripping between their assorted legs and ample sacs that looked almost impossibly full. Realization came in like a hurricane as Kodi realized what was going on and the husky curled in on himself and tried to back into the door only to have someone nip him on the tail and force him forward.

"Don't worry about it, pup. You gave everyone here time enough to get ready for you so just lift up that pretty tail of yours and get ready for a full night of being the bitch to the pack." Steele said with as much grace as a wrecking ball as he sauntered over to the younger canine and then positioned himself over Kodi to where his own hard dogcock was straining out at the pup's snout.

A dollop of seed dripped down onto his nose making Kodi open his mouth and yip in protest. "S-steele, don't make me do this. Last night was a mistake. I-I don't even," was about as far as Kodi got before Steele rolled his hips forward and then inserted his cock into the husky's mouth.

Steele chuckled out loud as Kodi struggled and tried to pull back only to have someone behind him nudge him forward with their snout and then push him so far into the black and white dog's crotch that Kodi was sniffing a heavy set of balls in seconds flat. Steele groaned and shuddered from the feel of tight warmth wrapped around his malehood and didn't even give a thought to pushing his hips forward even more into Kodi, making sure the other choked, before pulling back and listening the pup try to cough around his prick.

"Awww, don't worry pup, the night's still young enough for you to enjoy this. The boys and I decided that since you're so willing that we should pass you around to make sure that you get enough experience at cocksucking and tailbending before tomorrow comes." Steele teased while rocking his haunches forward into Kodi's throat and starting to fuck him proper.

Kodi wasn't sure what the malamute meant by that but it was of little concern as he felt his throat starting to tighten around Steele's cock more and more as his gag reflexes started to kick in. Knowing that the other would willingly let him choke in order to get his own pleasure out of this Kodi began to suck and curl his tongue around Steele's shaft while bobbing his head back and forth around the other, if only to get enough air so that he could breathe around the thick scent of the other dog's musk. Steele didn't seem to be in any hurry as he rocked back and forth sawing his cock through the ridges of the smaller dog's mouth over and over again while panting and lolling his tongue out for everyone to see.

The other dogs watched this with ample interest as they stroked their hard cocks while scenting the change in the air as Kodi became more and more submissive to Steele's ministrations. One of them, Kaltag, watched and noted how Kodi's tailhole almost seemed to pulse in time as the young husky grounded his paws into the floor to brace himself while grunting around Steele's large organ. Kaltag, like the others, had gone without a female for a while now so when Steele had offered them up some fresh female tail he and the rest had jumped back onto his bandwagon in seconds flat.

That was one of the reasons why so many had followed behind him years before; somehow, someway, Steele was always able to get the best pussy in town be it canine or human.

As Kodi sucked and slobbered over the older canine's cock Kaltag nudged Star and the others to look at Kodi's tailhole and all of them had laughed and jeered as the pup's pink ring seemed to wink out at them while gaping open just a bit. The scent in the boiler room thickened quickly as Steele got closer and closer to his orgasm, the other canine seeing no need to hold himself back tonight as he was going to have a very long time using Kodi before he got bored with the other, so when Steele suddenly grunted and hissed Kodi got a small shock as his muzzle was suddenly flooded and canine cum began to pour out down into his throat and into his stomach.

Eyes wide and lips held apart Kodi grunted and sucked down what Steele was offering before chocking around the other and then letting some of the whitewash pour out through his nose and down onto the floor. Steele looked at this and then pulled himself back to let his cock shoot right in between Kodi's eyes right in front of everyone.

The sight alone had the group of males barking and yipping out loud as they watched the alpha male spray the younger canine down and then back away so that he could brace his lifted foot back onto the floor. Kodi looked like a mess as he was liberally dripping with the other male's seed down his pristine fur while in between his lips his muzzle dipped with cum almost like a small river before Kodi licked his lips and then swallowed what was in his muzzle.

"Bitch is primed boys," was the last thing Steele said before he walked around Kodi and then out of the boiler room to leave him with the others.

It didn't take the other dog's long to figure out what to do as they noted that Kodi just stood there in the center of the room without rebellion or trying to curl himself away into a corner somewhere. They hopped on him like misquotes as they barked and shuffled around one another to try and get to the pup's town holes. Kaltag was able to get to Kodi's muzzle and jam his thin cock into the husky's wet muzzle, glorifying at the feel of the wet sucking sensation that covered his cock as the younger dog got to sucking without having had been commanded to, while back behind Nikki had gotten at Kodi's rump first and pushed himself almost halfway into the other on the first thrust.

The other dogs grunted but resolved to wait their turn as they knew they would be able to get a chance at the bitch before the night was over. And with the half a dozen of them standing around and panting and drooling in expectation, it was going to be a long night for Kodi indeed.

For the husky there wasn't much to think about as he rode the waves of having the two older males inside of his rump and his muzzle. All he really had to do was clench his back muscles to get Nikki off while opened his jaw wide enough and breath through his somewhat clogged nose as Kaltag grunted and shuffled himself farther up into his face that Kodi could actually make out the differences between his balls and Steele's. While the malamute had large oblong spheres that looked like small peaches almost, Kaltag's nuts looked sort of like misshapen plums. One was slightly bigger than the other and weighed the bigger dog's sac down low between his legs while the baggy flesh that housed them seemed to almost ripple in time as Kaltag swung his hips into Kodi's face without any kind of grace of rhythm.

The older dog seemed to almost be trying to stuff himself into Kodi on every single thrust instead of bringing his hips back out of the other in order to get maximum leverage and grip around his cock. It also was a strange thing to see and feel as Kaltag's knot didn't so much as inflate as it seemed to almost pulse on every thrust getting both bigger and smaller at the same time as the older canine kept on hammering home in between Kodi's lips. Whereas Steele's knot would grow larger and larger from its smaller seed like form to the greater apple shaped texture it could become, Kaltag's knot just kept flex almost like a muscle. Strange as it was it didn't stop him from sucking and bobbing his head over it, trying as he may to swallow the other dog if only so he could get this over with and go back home.

However, back behind him Nikki wasn't about to let that happen so easily. The small wiry canine was grunted and gripping Kodi so hard around his waist that the husky could actually feel his insides start to compress. Stomach grumbling in complaint Kodi wanted to bark and get the other off of him but that was impossible as Nikki was literally going to town on him. The smooth hips of the other canine graced his rump over and over again nearly at breakneck speed as Nikki huffed and growled while trying to drive his cock well on up into Kodi's guts. The shaft back there was actually smaller than either Steele's or his father's but it was also wider at the end. His outer rump felt spread so much more than his inner depths that Kodi would have given his right paw to be able to look down and seed what it was that was driving through the back of his ass.

Short and mighty, much like Nikki was Kodi gasped when a large knot popped into his tailhole some minutes later and then snapped his eyes shut when he felt waves of cum pour out into his backside. The warm heat felt good in an odd way and when Nikki pulled out of him on a sudden backwards thrust that he popped out completely all of the surrounding dogs got a good look at the distended hole that was Kodi's tailhole and marveled at how it wrapped so perfectly around the very tip of Nikki's cock before the other drove balls deep back into him and finished unloading his nuts.

Up above Kaltag almost roared as he came into Kodi's throat, his cum watery and thin enough that Kodi felt like he was drinking water almost as the older dog let his seed gush into his belly without pause. The knot that had been at his lips was now fully inflated and as Kodi looked he was slightly impressed that it was almost as wide as Steele's own bulbous mass before watching as Kaltag pulled out of him and then padded off to flop down out of sight.

Nikki, for his part, got a few more seconds to finish up before someone grabbed him by the tail and then snatched him away out of Kodi's rump and then pulled up onto the husky's back and then began to power drive into his ass. Star took over control of Kodi's muzzle as he began to fuck the husky's used muzzle with slow but powerful strokes of his hips and as Kodi relaxed his muscles, both forward and backwards, to let the others have their way with him the submissive pup grunted and tried to used what limited skills he had to get them off while not realizing how quickly he was coming to enjoy the fact of what was happening to him, even though it was still against his wishes.

By the time everyone was done with him Kodi was leaking from both ends like a faucet as he sat onto the ground, legs having given out about ten minutes prior. Steele chose this time to walk in and coming over to the prone husky he dipped his head down low and began to scent the miasma of scents that were oozing off of the younger dog and growled in delight.

"Looks like everyone got a chance to use you pup and right before dawn no less." Kodi wasn't exactly sure but it sounded like Steele was somewhat praising him and though it did make him blush some Kodi didn't think it was endearing. "Well time for you to go home, pup." Steele said before nudging the other up onto his shaky feet and then walking him out of the boiler room.

Kodi wanted to protest, he really did, but at the same time he was just too tired. It was a lot of work to fuck so many dogs in one night and not having gotten enough sleep once again the pup was almost like a zombie as he moved through the dark streets of Nome home. He didn't really notice that Steele was walking with him along his route or that the large dog was eyeing his ass almost appraising him in a weird sort of way, not that Kodi really noticed. By the time he got to the dog door of the house he was almost asleep and Steele had to shove him into the house with his muzzle as the pup slowly sauntered in.

Kodi made his way over to his spot on the corner, dripping as he was without really thinking about the ramifications, and then dropped down asleep. He would never notice when his owners would come up to him and then look him over nor would he see the looks that crossed both Balto's and Jenna's muzzles as they listened to what the humans had to say about their pup, both dogs having a mix of feelings to different to express to one another.

When Kodi woke some hours later he found himself looking up into bright lights and human faces looking down over him. Not really sure what was going on, and thinking that he was dreaming, the young husky rolled his head around and tried to go back to sleep, yet voices kept piercing through his head bothering him,

"...u sure you want..."

"...est way really...probably what he wants too..."

"...o going back later if you change your mind..."

"...'s fine..."

"...alright..." was the last thing Kodi heard and then he felt something prick his hind quarters and then he was asleep once again.

When he awoke again Kodi felt much better than he had before and rose up to give himself a comfortable series of scratches before yawning and opening his eyes to look down at himself out of habit. What he found when he woke up was not what he had expected and the barking he let out made Jenna fly from where she had been to see what was wrong with him.

"MOM!!!!" Kodi tried to say as he dipped his head back and forth between his crotch and Jenna before his mother walked up to him and then nuzzled him to try and calm him down.

"W-wh-what happened to me?" Kodi asked with a sniff as he slowly came down from his near hysteria.

"It's ok Kodi. The owners thought you would be happier like this." Jenna cooed while licking her pup's head.

"HOW COULD THEY THINK THIS WOULD MAKE ME HAPPY!!!!!" Kodi shouted and both he and Jenna looked down to see that his once prominent sheath was now missing as well as his canine scrotum only to be replaced with a healing series of stitches that connected all the way to the back of his rump.

Said rump now having two holes where a feminine set of lips were tightly clenched such and throbbing raw from the incision that had been made to open them.

"Well, when you came home a week ago and dripping with dog seed they thought you'd be happier as a female. They even had a womb in placed so that you could rear pups." Kodi thought he was going to faint as he listened to what his mother was saying before he shakily sat himself down and then began to lightly huff and pant as he felt the world shrinking in on him.

"Hey Jenna you home?" Someone said making Kodi turn his head.

"In here,"

Kodi wanted to pass out. He really did when he saw his father come in and then padded up close to him. Balto stood with his comferting smile on his face and then nudged closer to Kodi than the husky would have liked before talking to his mother.

"Everything ok?" Balto asked with some genuine concern which made Kodi blanch somewhat.

"He just woke up today."

When the world finally stopped spinning, Balto's teasing bite making Kodi sure that he was actually standing on his head and not his feet, the young husky looked to his mother and then gave her a quizzical eye.

"Now may not be the time to tell you this, but after we heard about what happened your father and I decided to find you a mate. We haven't decided anything yet because this concerns you just as much as us and...Kodi?" Jenna asked in concern as Kodi let his eyes roll up into his head and then passed clean out.

To Be Continued..???

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