Kodi Has Become Pregnant

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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#4 of Balto Has Lost Or Has he??

Kodi has been raped by Steele and his gang for weeks now. He had entered his heat or should I say her heat :P and Steele made her pregnant with his pups.

By now Kodi was so ill that all he wanted to do was to go off to some small corner underneath a building and lay down to die. He never knew that any one dog could feel the way he felt and then he realized that every other dog had probably felt the same way since the beginning of time. Groaning and shifting around on the floor Kodi grunted when he felt pressure against his spine and then he sighed before opening his eyes.

The young husky looked down at himself and realized that, yes indeed; he was both still altered and now quite pregnant. That alone should have been impossible but thanks to the advances in modern medicine, and his traitorous owners, Kodi was now the proud owner of an impossibly large abdomen complete with squirming bundles resting in his belly.

The worst part was the near constant nausea he had nor the pain and feeling of having life shuffling around inside of him, no, the worse part had to have been the fact that Kodi knew exactly whose pups he was carrying and the thought made him whine as his heart plummeted.

Steele had, for the last month or so after his change, had constantly been reaming Kodi's new pussy open like he owned it. The larger malamute seemed to have a serious determination to make Kodi pregnant with his litter leaving the husky to wonder what that was all about. There was no way that Steele really wanted to have pups in his image running around Nome and calling him daddy. The very thought of little Steele's running around the wintery city of Nome was almost laughable and Kodi had to chuckle, that is before his stomach began to quiver in discomfort.

Kodi was sure that it was probably because Steele could rub the fact in Balto's face that he had been so adamant about fucking the husky. The older wolf-hybrid had been almost dumbstruck when Kodi had come back from the vet some weeks prior after throwing up and becoming moody, not to mention suddenly overemotional at the drop of a pin.

Having the prognosis actually had Balto in something like a daze as he realized that he was going to be a grandfather until he had grilled Kodi on who the father was. After that it looked like someone had someone had taken his favorite bone, chewed it up and then deposited the remains in front of the wolf-dog for his amusement.

Kodi could remember the conversations real well that day as he sighed and tried to roll over again,

"What do you mean Steele's the father?!" Balto growled while lowering his pointed ears down onto the top of his scalp and raising his tail up into the air.

"Come on, who else has been around me almost all of the time? Who else would want to breed me?" Kodi challenged as he felt his hormones go every which way while his brain tried to make sense of his newly acquired condition.

Balto didn't say anything for several minutes and then just seemed to deflate. Tail going down and ears rising, the larger male's body visibly shifted to a more defeated stance before Balto let out a whimper and then a puff of air.

"Can you atleast tell me how long it's been since you and he...have been...you know..." He could barely say it for.

"You remember when you left me alone on the ship out by the beach..." Kodi started before lowering his head as his father looked at him.

"You can't mean..."

Kodi just nodded and then lowered his head. His dark eyes looked at his somewhat thicker midriff trying to see if he could sense where the new life inside of him was exactly. Nothing looked out of place, even though he did have a little gut, but that was just because he had been bred so much and probably had some extra dog cum in his belly, right?

"I don't believe this..." Balto said.

"...you?" Kodi whispered while glaring at his midsection.

And that was how Balto had come to find out. Jenna had only been to happy to hear the news, the female husky nuzzling up to Kodi and offering him congratulations. At the time he had been something close to mortified but not yet as much for the fact that it all seemed to unreal for him to appreciate the sentiment.

Talk around Nome came some days later as several of the local mutts had been sniffing around Kodi's tail during their usual playtime at the boiler room. It didn't take long for them to realize what the new scent coming from the husky meant and when it did Kodi felt like he wanted to just run off into the surrounding forest and never return.

That thought got squashed easily as he remembered the rumors of wild wolves had been popping up lately on the human circuit.

Back with the gang though everyone had been teasing and very unsupportive to Kodi while at the same time giving big cheers to Steele at his ability to knock up his new bitch. The malamute had eaten up the praise with relish but that was to be expected as he made it quite clear that Kodi's pussy belonged to him and him alone. The larger monochrome colored canine could be quite possessive and made sure that everyone knew it after one careless canine had tried to mount Kodi's well used vagina after Steele had dismounted from him.

Kodi didn't know why but he felt somewhat hot and uncomfortable as he remembered the fierce look of anger and dominance that had been on Steele's face when he had growled and barked and snapped at the other canine. At the time the other dog had been too into what he was doing to care but that all came to a sudden pause when Steele, in a rare fit of rage, grabbed the other by the scruff of his neck and hurled the mutt away from Kodi's tired rump with almost unfathomable force. The others inside of the sweltering room had been shocked by Steele's viciousness after that as the malamute savagely bite, clawed and all but mauled the other dog as he lay on his back begging for mercy.

When Steele had finally had enough patches of fur had been torn off in all manner of places across the other canine's body and a little blood had seeped through puncture holes by Steele's fangs. The malamute had turned to the others, his snout and muzzle a mess of drool and eyes almost glowing with hellfire as he offered a challenge up to anyone else that might have thought to take Kodi from him.

Not one of those so called studs offered up a ghost of a growl in challenge.

Steele's place as the alpha had been reestablished after that and all thoughts to his betrayal from years ago had become nothing more than a distant memory. The curse of living only in the present was that it was easy to focus on the now and not take everything in all at one time to analyze the full picture. Where before the other dogs had looked at Steele in contempt now they were almost literally bowing to him to try and pacify his fury.

Kodi too had been a little shocked by the amount of aggression Steele had shown and when the other had come over to him and nuzzled his neck the husky felt almost faint.

"I never hurt my bitches," Steele had whispered into Kodi's somewhat lowered ears as the once male canine lowered his head and submitted to the much larger canine.

His tailhole seeping with the malamute's cum while standing up in the room and being warmed by Steele's larger bulk Kodi would have felt almost elated to have the greater canine's seed dripping from his stretched hole, had it not been for Steele saying what he said lastly, "Though I can get a little rough sometimes. I have to make sure that my bitches know exactly who's in control of them." Steele muttered a grunt before going back to Kodi's backside and then sweeping his tongue through the husky's spent cunt.

Having him lick up his cum and then nibble at the taint between said opening and his tailhole Kodi wasn't sure what he should think so he let his mind drift as Steele cleaned him down. The other dogs were let at him a few minutes later and then the night of amoral mating began again for the now feminized husky. Though, Kodi realized that no one seemed to even hint that he was a female as they all automatically bypassed his sloppy pussy for burying their bones into his tightly clenched ass.

It was almost as if he had never lost his masculine pride as the other canines humped him hard and fast and then blasted a stick load of semen up into his tail before knotting him.

Kodi blinked and shook his head as he came back to himself, realizing then just how much his hormones were affecting him as he felt his backside start to ache with need. A whimper escaped his throat before he could stop it and soon Kodi was humping against the floor as his needy sex trembled and pulsed right there between his legs.

Groaning quietly to himself Kodi's bladder saved him from any embarrassment as the last thing he needed right now was to spread his juices on the floor around him. He had been leaking more than a little lately, probably because of the pups, and Kodi had to make a habit of keeping himself together to keep from seeping fluids around him and stinking up the air with the scent of his pregnancy.

A little late for the latter effect, he thought angrily before softly groaning and getting up onto his paws and then stretching.

Kodi padded his way to his food dish and then dipped his head into the kibbles only to realize that he suddenly wasn't as hungry as he normally would be on waking up. The first mouthful felt like mush in his muzzle and Kodi chewed on it slowly and then swallowed the mass down into his throat. Grumbling and turning away Kodi decided to go out and relieve himself.

Making it through the doggy door had become something of a hurdle with his growing belly but the husky was able to manage. When he was outside Kodi looked up to the sky and watched the shining afternoon sun shine up above and felt the warmth rub up against his thick fur as he walked to his favorite tree and then softly began to squat.

Urine poured out of his cunt hitting the base of the tree and marking it with his pheromone scented liquid waste and as his nose caught the scent of it Kodi felt more than knew that it would time for the pups to come out soon.

Is this what mom went through, he asked himself before shaking his tail and then standing upright. Deciding that he didn't want to spend the rest of the day at home, Balto having gone off somewhere while Jenna was busy with their owners, Kodi made his way into town.

The trip only took five minutes and by the time he made his way through the streets of Nome Kodi instinctively felt as if he needed to find something. His body felt hot all of sudden and a deep flush covered his face making the husky pant and then it was gone. Kodi wondered what had just happened before he moved through the town on his way to somewhere he wasn't sure of when a presence made itself known on the other side of the street.

Kodi turned his head suddenly and found himself looking into dark eyes as Steele stood under the shadow of one of the buildings along the street. Almost as if hypnotized Kodi stared at the malamute and then turned his steps and headed over to the other without having to be goaded or coaxed.

Getting up to the larger dog, breathing in his scent when his nose pressed next to Steele's broad chest and then feeling the malamute lick out across his ears almost affectionately, Kodi whimpered a whine before nuzzling the father of his pups.

Lowering his ears and then offering his neck up in submission Kodi heard a chuckle from the bigger dog and looked up to see Steele's snout right in front of his own. Heat coiled through his spine making the husky shiver as unknowing slipped through his head at Steele's sudden actions.

"Is my bitch feeling lonely?" Steele's voice was mocking as it always was but something else tinted the lines of his words making Kodi gaze up at him without moving.

"Well," The other asked with a huff.


"I see, well I guess it's up to her stud to comfort her." Steele turned away, putting his tail in front of the husky's face and making sure to let Kodi see the fat canine balls that had bred him many nights before while wagging his impressive tail before starting to walk away.

"Follow me," Steele said over his shoulders and then the two were making their way down the alley.

Kodi didn't understand what was up with him as he followed the black and white canine through the back roads of the town. His mind was too conflicted with contradictive thoughts for the husky to make anything coherent up that could even remotely make logical sense and by the time he had come to decision that he was going crazy the two canines were standing in front of a large structure.

Kodi bumped into Steele's flanks when the other suddenly stopped and then his nose was pressed right into the cleft between the mighty nuts of his breed stud.

"Getting a little anxious aren't we?" Steel tossed over his shoulder as he looked back to see Kodi stand behind him for a second longer than he should have before pulling back suddenly and then bowing his head. "Don't worry; we'll get to that in a minute, but first,"

Kodi watched as Steele began a sudden series of barking before hearing someone tell him to shut up and then the door to the front door of the house, which the husky just noticed the place was, opened revealing the form of a towering lumber jack. The human looked like the quintessential logger type with his large overall, thick long-sleeved shirt covering his big barrel of a chest while he kept a skull cap quaintly placed on top of his oversized head. The man's face was like a forest of fur as he had a long beard growing down his face and a thick moustache that made him appear older and mature.

"What are you doing back here so early Steele?" The man's hard voice asked as he looked down unexpectedly at having his purchased pooch suddenly in front of him.

Steele didn't say anything, wouldn't have made any difference if he had since humans were uneducated in the language of the dog world, but did turn his head around him to point his muzzle at Kodi. The human lifted his head to the side and then cocked an eyebrow as he saw the face of the blushing husky who was panting in embarrassment.

"Oh, so is that the girl that had you all riled up?" The man asked as he stepped further out of the doorway and then crouched down to have a look at Kodi and waved for the other to come to him.

The husky wasn't sure what to think but he did take a few steps forward after Steele roughly snarled him. Kodi soon found himself with two large human hands on his face and around his neck and shoulders as the human checked him over like he was some prize breeder at a dog show. The man grunted as he moved his hands down over Kodi's thick midriff and then pressed down onto the husky's stomach making the pregnant canine whimper as he felt his pups shift around inside of him uncomfortably. Steele gave a bark to which the man told him to shut up and then got up to look down over the two dogs.

"Well I can see why you have been acting like a little shit for so long Steele," The man began as he turned his head to smirk at the malamute, which made Steele grumble some in annoyance. "Bring the little bitch in and I'll share some of your food with her." Steele's owner walked back into the house leaving the two dogs alone for a second.

"Come on before Bruno shuts the door on us," Steele said somewhat hurried.

Kodi nodded and quickly followed the other canine inside just as Bruno was about to shut the door on them. Kodi looked around the small house and noted some of the things that had been put up on the walls and on the floor and realized just how grateful he was that his owners demanded that their home always be clean.

Steele's placed looked something like a pig's sty and smelled faintly of unwashed male musk forcing Kodi to snort for a second to get the bitter scent out of his nose. Steele let out a huff like chuckle at him and then grunted for the husky to move along as they made their way to the kitchen.

The two were fed some minutes later, this time Kodi felt his hunger more than before, and ate with quiet vigor before Bruno told them to keep to themselves as he was off to return to whatever it had been that he was doing. When the man was gone Steele pushed Kodi along to the living room and then settled himself onto his haunches on the rug in the middle of room.

It didn't take rocket science to guess what Steele wanted and as Kodi looked down between the malamute's legs he got the chance to see a familiar red spire rising up to full hardness from the center of Steele's sheath. Kodi felt his world narrow to the point where he was fully focused on the other canine's maleness rising up to its half hard state before his nose quivered at the scent of Steele's musk filling up the room around them.

His mouth watered as his stomach began to rumble, a familiar hunger taking over Kodi's thoughts as he realized that it had been some time since he had last had Steele's milk inside of his belly. An off thought strayed across the husky's mind as he wondered that since he didn't have the thick breast of a female would his pups end up suckling down on Steele's cock to get their nourishment before he shook that thought away.

He was really starting to worry that he was becoming obsessed at this point if his brain could even come up with such an option before Steele slowly got up and then walked around to his flanks.

"Since you seem to be so in need right now I think that we'll skip the foreplay to go right to the main course of our little affair," Steele murmured in a low and heated tone that made Kodi shiver before a hot and broad tongue was pushed deep into the folds of his snatch and then laving over him.

Kodi groaned and stretched out onto the rug beneath his as his body began to quiver and shudder at having Steele taking preparing to take him. While he knew that it was a completely one sided love affair, Steele on caring about owning Kodi rather actually wanting to become anything like a proper mate to him, the husky did know that at least Steele took good care of his nether regions and made sure that Kodi was well prepared to administer to his needs with his body.

The place where rape and consensus met together became somewhat blurred in the world that Kodi lived as he still hated the thought of having the other dog on top of him, and fought some when Steele would mount him to roughly, but at the same time he felt an instinctual need to give into the bigger brute.

Maybe it was because of all the milk that he had been pumped into his gut, Steele's rich cum had probably made him almost biologically needful to having the other canine on top of him and fucking him as if there was no tomorrow. The fact that he could actually like having the other doing such things to him was a faint thought in Kodi's head as he felt Steele pull his wet tongue back from out of his gaping cunt, fluids trickling out and dripping onto the floor to add to the musky scent wafting around the room, before Steele grunted and then hopped up onto the husky's back.

Steele was almost a master at breeding bitches and knowing Kodi's form so well he was able to only take three thrust before he found his mark. Hammering home on a single thrust Kodi cried out as he was violated so suddenly and then grit his teeth as pain trailed up his backside into his head. Steele was neither thoughtful nor was he gentle as he grunted and then began a series of serious rutting across Kodi's backside. Rough slaps of body on body were the music that played in the room as the two dogs went at it hot and heavy, well Steele anyway while Kodi just rode out the waves of pain that were churning through his gut.

Feeling the larger dog's shaft poking deep inside of him and then pulling back, completely spreading his vagina open until it was nothing less than a fuck-hole for the bigger malamute, Kodi mildly wondered could his pups feel what their father was doing to him. Shaking and being forced forward, his larger belly wiggling underneath him and making Kodi feel overly hot as he grunted and then pushed his ass back to counter Steele's motions; the husky really hoped nothing would happen to his pups.

"You know," Steele grunted before slowly down and then just lying on top of Kodi as still as the grave. "between you and your mother, I don't know who's the better slut." Steele said almost as if seriously contemplating his comment, with his dogshaft buried up inside of Kodi's anus it was something surreal for the husky to listen to and then process as he wondered where the hell that had come from.

And then, "What are you talking about?!" Kodi asked suddenly, feeling more than a little anger and shame as he was compared to his mother by the malamute.

"Don't be a dumb bitch; you have to have known that I've had Jenna underneath my paws before right?" Steele said down to Kodi before snapping his hips forward and making the other gasp.

"Y-you mean before my dad showed up to kick your tail?" Kodi, no matter how he was now, still possessed more than greater respect for his father, something which made Steele snarl his anger out loud and pound his frustration straight through Kodi's pussy.

"Very cute bitch, but no I'm talking about later," The malamute huffed while drilling the other with rampant mechanical movements of his never stopping hips.

The two grunted and rutted harder against each other before Steele slowed down, his annoyance steaming down and becoming more of a mild annoyance. "It was actually a little before I found you that night when I had Jenna for another time. I can almost remember it like it was last night," Steele said as he continued fucking Kodi while going over how he had taken Jenna in her home while she had sent Kodi to look for Balto.

Steele had come in during the through the dog door and presented himself to Jenna with all of his canine glory. The older husky female had been somewhat reluctant at first but she soon gave in as Steele moved over to her and whispered fond memories of times long before into her upturned ears. Jenna had shivered as her sex twitched between her legs while blushing innocently up at Steele, the other canine easily seeing through this as he made motions for her to turn around and present herself to himself.

Steele had been forceful as he always been in the past as he prepared Jenna for him with his familiar tongue while his nose shuffled its way into her thick cunt lips and spread them open. The malamute hadn't wasted time on formalities, guessing that his rival may show back up at any time to interrupt him from taking what should have been his, and then Steele was on top of Jenna and grunting.

The two barked and yipped as the sensations of two old forms coming together for a first time in a long while began to make its way through the small house at the end of the streets of Nome. Jenna was only too thrilled to have Steele take her again, she loved Balto with all her heart but Steele was just so had so much dick. He split her open and then molded her onto the edge of his cock while at the same time slapping his balls underneath their legs. His twin nuts were heavy from being pent up for so long and he was all too eager to spread his seed into the husky female underneath him.

Steele had taken Jenna's scruff into his teeth and yanked her head back to the side making the husky croon out in pain before a particularly hard thrust of his black and white hips pierced her nethers. She yipped, Steele groaned, and a large knot began to form between them as blood rushed rampantly to the base of Steele's cock. The fat bulb of flesh and veins plumped up like a water balloon and soon Steele was harder and more eager than he had been at the start of things as he shoveled his hips further up into Jenna, determined to have her plugged by his girth.

The two grunted again when Steele's knot found purchase and then Steele was growling like a quiet engine as he bite harder onto Jenna's neck as he resolutely smashed, thrust, pounded and all out drove himself deep into the female. Jenna's muzzle was open and panting heavily by this time, her eyes somewhat glassy as her body felt like it was almost burning as Steele passionately made her remember what it felt like to be his bitch again.

Balto was just too loving and tender for this kind of rough copulation, Jenna would never say that to his face though, and when she heard Steele snarl in frustration at not being able to get up fully inside of her the husky respectfully spread her legs and allowed him to finish his business.

Steele muffled a bark of superiority before he dove into Jenna with everything he had. The husky barked out loud at this point and then the two were tied. A few rough tugs later and Steele found all the stimulation he needed to cum into Jenna and fill out her belly with his impressed load of doggy spunk. Her belly felt so full as he did so, the familiar wash of Steele's load expanding around inside of her always made Jenna wonder what would have happened if Balto had never come along to impregnate her before all thoughts trailed off as her own orgasm snuck up on her making the husky wuff happily.

"You're lying!" Kodi screeched as Steele buried his knot into him and the ties the two together, grunting as Kodi's snatch squeezed him almost virgin tight.

"Hehe, I don't have to. Just go ask Jenna some day when Balto's not around." Steele grumbled as he felt his legs tremble from the onslaught of his coming climax. "Oh and pup, I think you're way better because you spread your legs without having to be told to anymore. Jenna had to remember how." Steele grunted then and Kodi gasped as he realized that he did have his legs spread wide between the malamute's.

Then Steele came.

Kodi Loses Her Virginity

Waking up and rolling over Kodi yawned and brushed off the last few dregs of sleep from out of his eyes with his paws before getting up and stretching himself out. The young husky slapped his muzzle close before going and padding to where breakfast had...

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Kodi's Nightmare becomes Reality

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