Kodi Makes Her Decision

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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#7 of Balto Has Lost Or Has he??

This is just a short story before the major part of the story resumes. We finally find out what Kodi has decided for herself. Will she stay with Steele? Or will she go with Aleu? Read and find out :)

"I accept."

It was two weeks later when the two had packed up their combined pups, Kodi's group traveling in a small sack like bundle that was strapped onto his shoulder like his mail carrier, and then the entire family was nuzzling everyone good bye.

Jenna was almost in tears as she watched her pups once again leave her but she kept herself together so that she could stand proudly before her grandchildren while Balto looked livid. Kodi had confessed everything to his father and by the look in the wolf-dog's eyes he swore that he was going to make Steele pay for what he had done to his son. The two male nuzzled each other, with Aleu being the last one to do lick Balto's face, before Kodi and Aleu turned and headed for the forests of Nome.

The journey took them about two days but that was mostly because Aleu had to hunt for something to feed the others as Kodi still had to stop and nurse his three little bundles. Once they got to a safe enough place Aleu went to a hilltop and then let out a howl so loud that it reverberated through the air like a dead man's curse before answering howls responded to her.

It took several minutes before the two of them were onset but dozens of wolves but once they were, Aleu standing in front of Kodi boldly, the wolfish husky let out a yip of joy and barreled forward towards her mate. The sight that met Kodi was a very strange one as he found his normally confident and headstrong sister acting so much like his mother did whenever she was in heat around Balto.

Aleu was growling and murring, licking and nipping a much bigger wolf around the face and ears while her tail wagged behind her like an out of control kite lost to the wind.

When she finally got control of herself Aleu licked underneath her mate's chin twice before walking back to where Kodi was with the other in tow.

"Everyone, this is my...sister Kodi." Many of the other wolves looked but didn't say or do anything. "She was abused and raped by her mate and now, with the alpha's permission, live here with us with her pups." The wolves snarled when they heard the news, all of them knowing that a female was the most precious commodity to wolf culture since they promoted life for the pack.

The large alpha came over to Kodi and sniffed the other from head to tail tip, paying special mind to the three bundles that were pressed together in the carrier that Kodi had around his shoulders, and then snorted.

"You certainly know how to come along with some interesting baggage Aleu." The deep baritone growl of the other wolf spoke making the fur on Kodi's nape rise up in deep respect and some mild fear.

"Thank you."

"That wasn't exactly a compliment, but whatever. Since she is family then she can stay." Aleu looked ready to beam at the information and she yipped in glee. "It's only because the danger is gone with the other pack having lost."

"They're dead?" Aleu inquired almost as if talking about the weather.

Her mate just nodded and then the pack was moving deeper into the woods with a new set of additions. One particular wolf decided to make himself known to Kodi very early on and walked up to nuzzle his snout into Kodi's neck making the husky jump a little.

"Sorry about that. Didn't mean to scare you." The new wolf apologized getting a nod from Kodi. "My name's Alex. I wanted to welcome you personally into the pack and hope you find it comfortable here."

"T-thank you. I hope I do too."

"If you feel like you need anything just let me know," The wolf known as Alex leaned in to whisper into Kodi's ear. "I know of a special place with all the best rabbits you can sink your teeth into." Alex murmured before licking one of Kodi's ears playfully and then moving on ahead of the other.

Kodi's eyes caught the sight of the other male's backside and blushed as his gaze focused on an ample set of round spheres, not to mention a thick canine sheath that made the husky's mouth water. Turning his head and looking at many of the other wolves Kodi found several eyes watching him intently.

It might have been his hormones running out of control or it may have been because of his recent birthing but Kodi found many of the males more than a little interesting to look at and wondered to himself,

I wonder how long before I'm pregnant with a set of wolf pups?

That thought followed by a deep blush was the last thing to color Kodi's face as he walked along with the rest of the wolves into his new destiny.

Kodi is now part of the wolf pack what will become of him? Will he be made to submit to a male that he doesnt choose as a mate? And he is eyeing the male wolves. How many mates will he have? Will he have any? What will become of his pups!? Wait till next time to find out! :) Enjoy this chapter the next one will be uploaded Feb 1st or 2nd

Kodi Needs To Make A Big Decision

It was a few weeks later when Kodi went into labor and the whole house got turned upside. Between Aleu's return and brining her own pups no one had thought anything about Kodi's pregnancy and now it was staring everyone in the face. The young gender...

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Aleu Pays Her Family A Visit

The wolfess heard the howl and looked to the sky as she wondered who was making such a boisterous call. It sounded like someone in the throes of a passionate mating frenzy and as she listened to the fading echoes Aleu had to blush as she realized what...

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Kodi Has Become Pregnant

By now Kodi was so ill that all he wanted to do was to go off to some small corner underneath a building and lay down to die. He never knew that any one dog could feel the way he felt and then he realized that every other dog had probably felt the same...

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