Kodi Needs To Make A Big Decision

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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#6 of Balto Has Lost Or Has he??

Sorry for the long overdue update to my Balto Series. Just been rather busy with things. Anyways I hope you all enjoy the new chapter :)

It was a few weeks later when Kodi went into labor and the whole house got turned upside. Between Aleu's return and brining her own pups no one had thought anything about Kodi's pregnancy and now it was staring everyone in the face.

The young gender swapped husky was moaning and whimpering as Jenna and Aleu helped him to deliver his pups in the kitchen while Balto had the pups with him in the living room. The older wolf-dog could smell the scent of blood coming from the other room as he turned an ear to listen to Jenna tell Kodi to push.

Whatever was happening in the kitchen Balto was sure he didn't want to know about it as Kodi moaned and grunted as if he were in severe pain.

It was several minutes later when the first sounds a whimpering puppy noises came from the other room and Balto looked up from where he was resting. The whines doubled and then tripled in volume until Balto heard Jenna congratulate Kodi and then tell him he could relax now. Wanting to know what was going on the wolf-dog got up, making sure Aleu's pups were still asleep, and then padded into the kitchen.

The sight that greeted him was both wonderful and somewhat ghastly to see.

Kodi lay on a blanket saturated with fluids and other body wastes as he panted and groaned while three little forms nuzzled up into his stomach. The small pups looked barely big enough to equal the size of Balto's foot paw as the cried out for their mother with unseeing eyes.

Jenna and Aleu looked at Balto with expressions of relief and warmth on their muzzles as the older husky female came up to nuzzle her mate.

"He managed to birth three on his first try," Jenna said almost as if she were speaking to herself.

"That's great. So I guess we're grandparents again, huh?" Balto teased making Aleu stick out her tongue at him.

"...da-dad..." Kodi turned his head towards the voice but he was just so exhausted that he only succeeded in cocking his ears at the sound of the other male's voice.

"I'm here Kodi." Balto stepped over, very much mindful of the new lives that were between him and his son, and then bent to nuzzle the other.

Kodi whimpered and whined like his children before passing out without another sound coming from his muzzle. Balto and Jenna and Aleu watched over Kodi for the rest of the night, not one of them willing to leave his side until morning.

The next few days after that found the entire house praising and congratulating Kodi on his newfound status as a parent. The husky blushed from the praise and a little embarrassment as this is not what he had expected to ever happen to him but he soon got over it. The most helpful thing to get him out of his somewhat ashamed demeanor was when his pups decided that they wanted to be fed.

Having teeth suckling down on your chest could humble just about anyone and as the three little ones fed Kodi realized that he hadn't chosen names for any of them.

"What do you think I should call them?" He asked his sister.

"Shouldn't you talk this over with the father first?" Aleu questioned tentatively.

"I doubt he would really even care," It hurt to say it but for Kodi it was the truth.

He really didn't think Steele would care after all he still allowed others to rape him even while he was visibly pregnant. What kind of father figure would allow such a thing to happen to bearer of his children and still claim to care?

Kodi just shook his head.

"Hmmm, alright then," Aleu looked over the small bundles and then thought for a moment.

Kodi had two girls and one boy, the two girls looking like him as a husky but the boy was easily discernable with his black and white malamute/husky black and white coloration.

"How about Salina and Tessa for the two girls and Charlie for this little tyke here?" Aleu offered as she nuzzled the monochrome colored pup with her cold snout making him yip at her in disapproval.

Kodi thought over the names and then smiled as he stared down at the lives he had helped foster into the world. His heart was almost bursting from the love he felt for his children and small tears pooled at the edges of his eyes as he watched over them.

"I think that's great," Kodi leaned down and licked over each one of the small canines getting a muffled whimper from them as they continued to suckle from his chest.

"It'll be okay little bro," Aleu walked over and then lay down next to Kodi so that her bulk was pressing up protectively against Salina, Tessa and Charlie.

It was an odd thing to see with the former masculine figure that Kodi had been now nurturing life from his body while Aleu acted as a sentinel and guardian for him. Life could indeed be capricious it seemed.

Nothing was said for several minutes well on into an hour before Aleu looked at her brother and then bit her lower lip as she spoke.

"Kodi, there's something I wanted to ask you." Kodi gazed up at the wolfish looking canine and then tipped on ear down.

"I don't know how long I will stay here in Nome and when I go I would like for you to come with me back to the pack."

"You've asked me that already and I told you that I would think over it."

"I know but not that you have pups I want to say again that I think my pack will treat you better than what you have here."

Kodi didn't say anything so Aleu was left to fill the void.

"I'm not sure who the father is but I can tell that you don't want him anywhere near your pups so, will you please come back with me brother?" Aleu nosed Kodi on the snout the same as she had when they were younger.

"Aleu, I-I just don't know," Aleu watched as Kodi pulled away from her and then laid his head down onto his paws.

"Why not?"

"I-I it's just a big thing and all. I mean, you are my sister and all but would a pack of wolves really accept a dog like me?" Kodi whined and then began to sob.

"...you love him don't you?" She blinked in realization.

"I think I don't hate him as much as I used to seeing that he helped me bring such beautiful pups into the world." Kodi lifted his head and looked back at his children as they settled down to sleep.

Aleu didn't say anything else and let the kitchen grow heavy with their combined thoughts. Meanwhile, in the living room Balto and Jenna were playing with Aleu's pups to try and keep them from going into the other room.

Thankfully for them all the humans of the house had been rather understanding of the whole situation and had made a small play area in the living area for their guests. Rosy had been the most helpful as she brought toys for the young wolves and let them chew on them to their hearts content giving Balto's tail a break.

Jenna had been tickled pink to see her mate's tailend chewed up by little jaws and then slobbered over while Balto was none too amused. The older wolf-dog had nipped two of the pups onto the rear when they had gotten too rough for him and instantly they settled down into polite form.

Days afterwards once Kodi was able to get up and around he had decided to go out into town to try and get a breather from being a mom. Aleu had viciously teased him about it but at the time he had been too tired to bother with retribution but he swore that as soon as he got his energy back he was going to make her pay.

Making his way through the twilight streets of Nome Kodi suddenly found himself being grabbed by a fierce set of jaws and then dragged away down the street. Yelping didn't get him any aid as his throat decided that now was the time to seize up close leaving him with breathless cries for salvation that would never come.

Padding down a familiar alleyway and then into the boiler room Kodi was released and thrown to the floor so suddenly that he flopped down barely even able to get himself up once his captor appeared before him.

"Good evening," Steele said making Kodi lift his eyes and then stare up into the scowling face of the greater canine with a mild sense of fear penetrating him.


"I see you went and had the pups already." Kodi didn't say anything as he shakily got back up onto his feet and panted tiredly.

His body still hadn't recuperated enough and he was dreadfully close to collapsing.

"Well, that's all well and good since it means that you're ready to birth some more little Steele's into the world." A group of chuckles surrounded them and Kodi turned his head to see several of the local gang of mutts coming out of the shadows like shadows themselves.

It was almost eerie to watch since when he did get a chance to look at them fully Kodi saw that many of the males present were already hard and eager for a piece of him.

"I just had a bunch of pups; don't you think I deserve a little mercy?" Kodi said with as much gusto as he could manage while focusing his sights on Steele.

The other canine stepped forward and pressed his nose into Kodi's nostrils before giving a canine huff and then said, "Not a chance bitch."

The scene that came afterwards was just too brutal as Kodi was mounted by Steele, not only without any kind preparation at his sore cunt but also then repeatedly taken by some of the other dogs without thought to his condition.

Kodi bore the brunt of it and cursed inside of his mind as he held his weight firm while holding himself and the latest canine that was thrusting furiously at his back inside of his ass. Moaning and grunting Kodi felt a raw hate start to build up inside of his chest as he stamped down the flower of consideration that had been blooming in regards to thinking that Steele might be a worthy mate after all.

There was no way now as the husky watched the malamute grunting and grinning at him while thrusting inside of his mouth as one canine pulled out of his gaping ass only to be replaced by someone else. Steele's fat doggy balls slapped Kodi underneath the chin and the husky felt like he wanted to retch as he realized that Steele was going to come into his mouth and fill up his already full belly.

The taste and scent of the other was enough to make him want to be ill and when Steele forced his knot in between his teeth and start to choke him Kodi promised himself that tonight this would be for the last time. The husky refused to let himself suffer anymore indignities underneath the reign of this brutal monster. The thought that kept entering his head as Steele snickered down at him and said something vulgar and provocative was,

Is this the kind of mate that I was really considering to father my pups?

By the time Kodi was allowed to leave the husky walked with a limp but a determined stride back home. Not even bothering to try to hide the cum that was dripping from his backside Kodi pulled himself through the doggy dog and then looked around for Aleu.

"Kodi! What happen..." Was as far as she got as she hopped up from where she had been sitting to try to keep the pups warm before Kodi cut her off.

"You remember that offer you had for me to go with you to your pack?" Aleu just nodded as she sensed a newfound determination within the other.

What is this newfound determination that Kodi has gotten? What will he/she choose? Will he/she go with Aleu or Stay with Steele? You will have to wait till New Year's Eve to find out :P Untill than enjoy this new chapter :)

Aleu Pays Her Family A Visit

The wolfess heard the howl and looked to the sky as she wondered who was making such a boisterous call. It sounded like someone in the throes of a passionate mating frenzy and as she listened to the fading echoes Aleu had to blush as she realized what...

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Kodi Has Become Pregnant

By now Kodi was so ill that all he wanted to do was to go off to some small corner underneath a building and lay down to die. He never knew that any one dog could feel the way he felt and then he realized that every other dog had probably felt the same...

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Kodi Loses Her Virginity

Waking up and rolling over Kodi yawned and brushed off the last few dregs of sleep from out of his eyes with his paws before getting up and stretching himself out. The young husky slapped his muzzle close before going and padding to where breakfast had...

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