Kodi Moves Into The Forest With Aleu

Story by SHIPPO on SoFurry

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#8 of Balto Has Lost Or Has he??

Kodi has finally made his/her decision he/she accepted Aleus offer to move with her to the wilderness but will Kodi be happy? How will he fit in with the wolf pack? Will he be raped like so many times before? What about his/her fear of Steele? Will Steele come to the forest to drag his bitch back to Nome or has Steele already forgotten all about Kodi? Read to find out :)

Kodi has finally made his/her decision he/she accepted Aleus offer to move with her to the wilderness but will Kodi be happy? How will he fit in with the wolf pack? Will he be raped like so many times before? What about his/her fear of Steele? Will Steele come to the forest to drag his bitch back to Nome or has Steele already forgotten all about Kodi? Read to find out :)

Kodi found himself settling in nicely with the wolf pack as he and his pups spent the following weeks readjusting to feral life. It wasn't the easiest thing in the world since there wasn't a rug to curl up on and no fireplace to lay in front of and no dog bowl already prepared for him to eat from, but it was still something wonderful all on its own.

However, the noise pollution was almost nonexistence as the young husky would often get up in the middle of the night and walk around and listen to the forest around him sigh as the wind changed direction on caprice. The pack having set themselves up in the middle of the forest left most of them out in the elements but Aleu and Kodi had dug a small tunnel underneath the base of a tree so that they could have some place where their pups could be shielded from the rains.

It was nothing to see some of the wolves getting up and nudging a friend and then several of them would start a round of mischief playing tag or something with each other. Another nightly occurrence was that the pack often had nightly howls that Kodi only recently got in on.

Hearing the calls from the others echoing in the middle of a moonlight night was just majestic for Kodi to even be present to and that was another reason he was glad he had chosen this route. Raising his head to the starlit sky and singing to the heavens was a joy that would have been intolerable back in town. Even Balto had to make an exit to his docked ship whenever he wanted to take a moment and relish in his wolfen heritage and now Kodi could understand why.

It often boggled him why everyone back in Nome seemed to consider the wolf aspect of his father something scary and downright dangerous, but it was easy to understand when you looked at it from a wolf's perspective. Every dog in Nome had to be brought to disregard certain traits that would have made them uncontrollable in human standards. You couldn't have your favorite pet running off in the middle of the afternoon to go out and catch a squirrel and then bring it back to the house.

He had to be trained that he only ate when he got served and if that meant he had to go days without then so be it. Only the more daring ones that had been abandoned as pups ate from the garbage cans. This didn't include Steele's gang as for all their posturing they were nothing more than pampered pooches despite their menacing ways.

Kodi often chuckled to himself as he thought back to how at one time the other dogs had seemed so brave and fearless in his eyes, and maybe some were, like the sled teams, but in the face of the pack they were just a bunch of pussies; though he would never admit that aloud in Balto's face.

The feeling of being amongst the pack was much more refreshing than anything he had felt back in Nome and as more time went by Kodi wondered if he would keep his promise to his parents and go back to the human world.

Thinking on how much he was adjusting Kodi had to blush as he thought about a certain wolf that was going above and beyond the call to help him out. Taking a gander over at the lupine in question Kodi felt his heart speed up just a little bit as he watched the regal form of his wolf talking with some of the others. The discussion about where to hunt tonight had come up and apparently Alex was coordinating who would go and who would stay.

Alex's ears perked suddenly and he whipped his head around and found his gaze centering on Kodi making the husky blush and turn away. Walking stiffly back to where he had left his pups Kodi thought about the handsome wolf he was slowly becoming smitten with.

Alex was nothing like Steele and for that alone Kodi would be endeared to the large wolf however, when the other would offer to watch over his pups while Kodi went off with Aleu the husky felt himself wonder about things...

The subject of his mateship status was still in the wind and none of the other wolves were pressuring him about it, not even Alex. That didn't change the fact that Kodi couldn't keep the restlessness in his chest from surging whenever he looked at all of the males working together or just playing out in the open. All of the males being together, most of them being mateless unless they had chosen a male to bond with which was few and far in between, left a veritable pool of eye candy for Kodi to watch every day.

Alex stood out against them all though, with the exception of the alpha but he was claimed territory, and when Kodi felt a nose press into his backside and turned to find his wolf looking at him the husky felt that he would melt right then and there.

"Is everything okay?" Alex asked as he walked up to press his nose right next to Kodi's.

The husky breathed in the scent of the other's musky earth-like scent and felt a recognizable flush start to creep across his face.

"Yes, I'm fine."

"Oh, ok. Did you want to take part of the hunt this time?" Kodi had been getting the finer points of hunting etiquette from Aleu and some of the other females and while he was able to sneak up on two rabbits and a gopher he was still not sure he was ready for taking down caribou.

"No, not this time. Maybe when I'm more confident in my skills." Kodi leaned forward and licked across Alex's face on instinct and nearly jumped out of his fur when the wolf returned the gesture.

He was definitely getting a little too friendly and at this rate things would be transpiring that Kodi wasn't sure he was ready for yet. The memory of being raped by Steele and his cronies was still fresh in his mind and though he was miles away from them it always felt like the malamute was right next to him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." Alex apologized when he saw the look on the husky's face but Kodi shook his head and lowered his ears before replying,

"No it was my fault. I guess living with the pack is making me somewhat more affection than normal...or it could be because I just had a litter not too long ago." Kodi was still wondering about how having pups was affecting him and even now when he didn't have much of a trace of his former malehood he still questioned whether he was male or not.

Looking into Alex's face he felt that the line between being female and male was starting to blur and though he would forever had a trace of maleness in his spirit his blood was starting to sing of laying down underneath a stronger male and giving himself over to them.

"Heheh, I can't answer you there." Alex chuckled making Kodi huff in mock annoyance. "Hey, want to come with me for a bit?" Kodi stared at Alex in shock. "No, no, nothing like that. I just wanted to offer you a chance to come see my spot where I have the best pick on the fattest rabbits, that's all."

Kodi lifted his head to look over Alex's frame and watched as some of the other pack members were watching and playing with the pups, his included as a large female was busy licking one in the face, and then dropped his head to look Alex in the face.

"I'd think I'd like to, yeah." Kodi leaned his head into Alex's cheek and nuzzled him on happenstance.

The bigger male wagged his tail behind him like it was going out of style before he grunted and settled himself down.

"W-well, come on then! We don't want the little buggers to hop away before we can get to them, right?" Alex bent low and then bounded off around Kodi to head into the green canopy of the surrounding woods.

Kodi chuckled as he watched Alex romp ahead of him before sighing and padding off after the other.

He was really going to have to do something soon...

The two ran through the forest for several minutes, Alex having to backtrack some as his scent marks were starting to fade. Hiking his leg the wolf changed that fact and Kodi watched in rapt attention as the thick sheath of the other would pull back some and a small hint of pink would poke out before a golden stream would flow from the tip. He would never admit it aloud how his muzzle would water at the sight and didn't have to worry about being caught watching the other as he got a sharp yip from Alex setting them back on track.

When they found the spot where Alex promised the rabbits were going to be Kodi found that not only wasn't the wolf lying but he was holding back information actually. Several brownish-tan forms hopped around easy enough making the husky's stomach rumble as his eyes greedily watched the little morsels go about their daily lives.

Unknowing of the danger that was right next to the Kodi sunk himself low to the ground as he remembered his training and kept a vigil eye out on the one that seemed to call out to him.

Alex crept close to his side so that the two of them were sitting shoulder to shoulder and as Kodi felt Alex's warmth seep into him his thoughts became muddled about why he was there. Turning to look at the other Kodi found Alex panting eagerly as the wolf stared at him, not even trying to hide his wanton admiration for the husky as heavy breaths blew out from between his jaws.

The two watched each other instead of the rodents bounding around never noticing when two forms emerged from the other side of the forest scaring all the rabbits away. It was only when one jumped out in front of Alex's nose, spooking the wolf into yelping out loud, when the two turned and looked to see what had scarred of their snacks.

What they found made the both of them blush and pant hotly as they watched Aleu and the alpha male running around together while chasing one another. The larger male was obviously not trying too hard to catch his mate as Aleu easily dodged his jaws as the bigger wolf tried to nip at her flanks. Alex would yip and then give dance away from him before standing with her rear up to the sky and her head placed low onto her paws.

Kodi found it strange that he wasn't so much interested in what his sister was doing as his eyes seemed to keep focused on the alpha male. It could be argued that this was because he wanted to know how the other male would react to such teasing gestures but in truth Kodi couldn't seem to keep his eyes off of the bigger male's groin.

The alpha's sheath swung heavily between his legs and as the larger wolf barreled straight for his mate Kodi began to whimper some as he felt a heavily cloying feeling running up and down his spine. Alex shushed him though, knowing that it would not be wise to be caught by the two alphas when they were so obviously having a moment together. The wolf really would have liked to try to get out of there but there wasn't much a chance for that since Aleu and the alpha male were bounding around like pups seeming to almost command both his and Kodi's attention.

The two alphas soon stopped their frolicking and then Kodi and Alex got the chance to watch the two nuzzle and lick and wuff at each other before things really got interesting. Aleu was obviously not in heat as her mannerisms spoke more of playfulness than need but that didn't stop the female from turning around and presenting herself like an offering to her mate.

The tight folds of her sex seemed to be literally pulsing for the other wolf and as the alpha male stepped up to nose at her depths Alex and Kodi felt themselves respond eagerly from the show of intimacy. Alex's cock was heavy in his sheath as the wolf tried to pant as quietly as possible while Kodi's cunt twitched back behind himself and seep a small trail of clear fluids out down between his legs.

Thanking the wind for not giving them away the two looked to each other and then nodded before padding backwards just as quietly as they could manage. At the moment they were safe since the alpha male had his nose buried inside of his mate's pussy and was busy slurping the folds open but that could soon change at any moment.

Gently the two eased back further and further, their eyes watching as Aleu grunted and then began to moan as the bigger wolf behind her ate her out thoroughly, and were just behind two pair of trees when the alpha male pulled back to lift himself up across Aleu's back.

Ears perked towards the sky Kodi and Alex watched as the alpha male tried to find his correct positioning, Aleu helping by holding absolutely still, and just when the other male buried himself inside of the smaller female they broke out and ran the opposite way to get away.

Neither one of them spoke as the ran through the woods, they were too busy trying not to burst out laughing as they realized what could have just been a serious consequence to them both, and as they made their mad dash around the trees the two of them didn't even notice when they brushed up into each other's sides. Giving warmth and comfort to the other Kodi and Alex ran faster and faster not even knowing where they were going as they lost themselves to the moment.

When they finally needed to stop and take a breather the husky and wolf dug their paws into the grass and kicked up green flecks of earth before flopping down and panting like mad.

Laughter followed soon after as the two rolled around onto their backs and kicked at the air while their bellies danced with mirth at their successful caper.

"Oh man, can you believe that?" Alex said while yipping happily.


"My favorite spot found out by the alphas. Man, I guess I can forget about going back there anytime soon."

"It won't be so bad next time. I don't even think Aleu and the alpha noticed that there were any rabbits around." Kodi said sagely.

"Yeah, maybe, since the two of them were so wrapped up in each other." Kodi just nodded. "Wish I had me a mate I could wrap myself up into, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah," Kodi stopped his rolling and then settled himself to look at Alex who was busy lying on his back with his face towards the sky. "Hey Alex?"

"Huh?" The wolf got up and shook himself before tilting his head at Kodi.

"Will you wrap yourself up in me if I let you?"

"Huh? Y-you mean..." Alex watched as Kodi just nodded and then turned his head to the side.

The wolf walked up to the husky and nosed his chin so that both of them were face to face. Once that was done Alex looked in Kodi's eyes and found what he knew to be there.

"You want to be my mate Kodi?"

"I-I think I do." Kodi admitted as he lowered his head and then nuzzled at Alex's neck before licking the other up onto his muzzle.

The wolf returned the gesture with several sweeps of his tongue across Kodi's face and before long the two were soon wrapped up in each other just the way that they had wanted to be.

Kodi didn't hesitate as he turned and presented himself to Alex the same way his sister had done to the alpha male and while he was already soaked through with juice leaking down his back Alex pressed his nose into the other and inhaled deeply.

"You don't have to be gentle if you don't want...I've had rough before." Kodi whispered more to himself than to Alex but the wolf heard anyway and shook his head.

"No way, you deserve better than that. Let me show you how I'd be with you as a mate." Alex tongued at Kodi's vagina for several seconds and then placed himself up and one the husky in one smooth motion.

Kodi grunted and tensed when he felt something hard and familiar poking at the underside of his tail but when Alex gently began to probe he relaxed and allowed the other to mount him at his leisure. Alex found his target and slid in with a few easy thrusts of his hind legs and once he was pressed groin to back with Kodi he began to show the other why he was such a better choice than the previous male who had pupped him.

The two mate for several times after that, Alex being a master of stamina and milking Kodi so good that the feminized husky came again and again until he was nothing more than a mass of orgasms that seemed to never end.

When the wolf was finally ready he hilted his knot into the other and came powerfully, raising his head to the sky and howling, before filling Kodi's body up with his too hot seed and making the husky cum for an unknowing time once more.

The two panted and groaned as Kodi flopped down onto the ground and once Alex had moved so that he wouldn't smoother the other he grunted and then bathed the husky's ears with wet slobbery licks.

"Thank you Kodi."

"Thank you Alex."

The two were silent after that and rested for a few hours before Alex's knot popped out of Kodi's sloppy cunt breaking the tie between them and letting Kodi's channel drool over across the ground.

Getting up and then cleaning each other, Kodi finding that Alex's tongue was really long as it thrust up into him to get the excess wolfcum out of his pussy, the two mates walked back to where the pack was and were greeted by a worried Aleu.

"Are you two okay?" Aleu asked as she watched Kodi wobble slightly while being helped to stand by Alex.

"Yeah. Hey sis, I want you to meet my new mate, Alex." Kodi turned his head to look at the wolf beside him and watched as Alex's chest just seemed to puff out with pride.

"Oh Kodi! That's so wonderful!" The female said as she padded up to her brother and then licked him several times across the face.

Yeah, it is isn't it, was the last thought Kodi had before he passed cleanly out, his body just no longer having the energy to keep himself standing.

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