101 Dalmatians: Lucky becomes a Father

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#2 of 101 Dalmatians: Family Escapades

Uh oh! Pongo has discovered his own mate and son together tied! What will he say!? What will he do!? Will he join in? Will he feel angry or betrayed!? Read on to find out :)

Written by MonaBella http://monabella.sofurry.com/

Request/Commissioned by me

Chapter 2 of 101 Dalmatians: Perdies Infidelity

"Perdie? Lucky! What are you doing?" Pongo looked quickly between the pair, the pup laying against his mother's belly, whimpering, still knotted to her. His father stood over them, teeth bared. Perdie glared back at him.

"You are too young for this! And to lose your virginity to your mother?" Pongo scolded as the pup whimpered. "You should know better! This is your mother!" Perdie growled.

"Leave him alone!" She barked. "If you had just taken care of me when I asked, this wouldn't' have happened! This is your fault!"

Pongo looked at her quickly, shocked at her words. "My fault? You didn't give me a chance to take care of you!"

Perdie couldn't help but laugh. "I gave you several chances! You ignored me as I presented to you." Pongo sighed. "You are right."

Perdie looked at him, confused. "I should have taken care of you. I am sorry. I have just been so busy..." He trailed off, then glanced at his son. The pup's knot had finally released it's hold on the pair, and he had slipped off to the corner, ears down, licking his puppyhood clean. Pongo sighed and looked back to his mate.

"But now it looks like Lucky will be a busy pup." Perdie looked up from her own cleaning. "What do you mean?" She asked softly.

"Now that he has mated with you, he is going to have to be the one to satisfy your heat." Pongo sat and lucky looked up.

"You are kidding, right? I mean, this was just a fluke." The female glanced to her son.

"I'm not. You took his first, and you mated with him." Pongo glanced at their son who hung his head." Besides, we don't need any more pups, and Lucky couldn't possibly get you pregnant, he's too young." Perdie looked at her son. Pongo was right. He had to be. Lucky was still just a pup. His system couldn't be mature enough to impregnate her. She hung her head.

"Come here, son." Pongo spoke, and Lucky walked over to his father, tail between his legs. "I need you to continue to help your mother." Lucky looked up, confused. "But she said she needed you." The pup whimpered softly. "She needs you now." Pongo assured him. "You can't give your mother pups, so she needs you more then she needs me." Lucky looked over to his mother who was licking herself again. "Now?" The pup whimpered. Perdie looked up quickly. "No, not now, but later. After supper, I think." Pongo answered for her as she resumed her cleaning. "Now, go play. Don't tell anyone about this, okay?"

Perdie snuck up to the attic while the puppies ate, unable to wait any longer. Pongo caught Lucky's attention, and the pup snuck off after his mother, the delicious tingle pulling at him again. After a quick check of the children, Pongo trotted off after him. The males found Perdie in the attic, presenting and whimpering softly. Lucky looked at his father who nudged him forward.

The pup trotted over, tail wagging, sniffing and licking at his mother's sex once again. His puppyhood poked again from his sheath. Adjusting, Perdie stood before a crate which Lucky happily used as a perch. Letting his instincts take control, Lucky mounted his mother, pressing his erection once again into Perdie's wet sex. He whimpered slightly as he sank in, and Perdie let out a content groan. Once fully in, Lucky adjusted and began to thrust.

Pongo sat in front of his mate, watching his young son thrust and hump furiously, a soft, wet sound issuing from where they were joined. The larger male sat, the smell of the mating and whimpers issuing from his mate exciting him. As he sat, his own member began to show out of his sheath. Perdie took one sniff of the tip, and began to lick. The larger male's member pushed readily from it's sheath into her maw, her tongue still lapping hungrily against his flesh. Moving quickly, Pongo mounted her head, thrusting in and out of her hungry mouth.

Pongo whimpered, feeling his knot inflate and deflate, unable to maintain a constant pressure around his member. Lucky began to whine louder and gave a hard thrust, his knot7 once again pushing it's way into her folds. Instincts in full charge, the pup thrust a couple more times before howling out his orgasm, his seed rushing quickly into his mother's quivering body. Moving quickly and expierenced, he turned, knotting his mother tail to tail and panting. Pongo couldn't take the tease anymore. Moving quickly, he positioned himself over Lucky and mounted his mate. Despite her protesting growls, Pongo pressed his member roughly into her tail hole.

Perdie yipped and whimpered, echoing the whimper from her son as the pressure around his cock increased. Pongo began to thrust, roughly mating the female's tailhole as she growled her protests and Lucky cried. The larger male felt his knot grow and wanted nothing more then to knot with her, and his thrusts increased. Just as Lucky was able to slip free of his mother's wet folds, Pongo gave a quick, hard thrust, howling as his knot popped int0 her tailhole and he came, his send shooting deep into Perdita's body.

Two days after the first, Perdie's heat mercifully started to recede. Unfortunately, some other, more worrying signs had started to show. Pongo approached her as she laid under a shady tree. Perdie had just mated with Lucky again, and the pup was braced against the tree, licking his puppyhood clean. Perdie was dozing in the late afternoon warmth. "Did you tell him yet?" Pongo asked his mate as he joined her under the tree. "Hmm?

Oh, no." She glanced back at the pup, cleaning himself. Lucky looked up at his parents. "Tell me what?" He asked, lowering his leg. "Your mother- well, we were wrong about you." Pongo spoke as Perdie laid her head back on her paws. "What do you mean?" He itched his ear. "Well, your mother is going to have another litter' Pongo spoke as Perdie looked at Lucky, her eyes sparkling. "A litter?" The pup swallowed. "Yes dear. You are going to be a father." Lucky's eyes shot wide open before he slumped over to the side, unconscious.

101 Dalmatians: Perdies Infidelity

Written by MonaBella [http://monabella.sofurry.com/](http://monabella.sofurry.com/) Request/Commissioned by me It was just after lunch and the plantation was quiet. All of the pups were spread out under the trees, napping. All except Lucky. The...

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