Island Haze

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Written by

Commissioned by Canine80 & Tyrik

When two friends venture to Pleasure Island, they are soon lost in the haze of pleasurable opportunities the island has to offer.

Island Haze Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Canine80 & Tyrik

Fresh, salty sea air blew across the waves and up the white sandy beach, blowing grains about before the wind slipped past the guard rails around the promenade. There it swept up new scents of corn dogs, of fresh beer, or smoke and sweat and blended it all together before heading back out to see, crossing the waves toward the horizon where a cruise liner slowly approached. The ship was a modest size but still held over two hundred passengers. While there had been plenty of festivities onboard, all the passengers were eager to make land fall... especially when Pleasure Island had come into sight.

The island was unlike anything Eli had ever seen before. The roar and cheering of the people on the island was as palpable as the sound of the ocean lapping against the white sand beaches. Huge spot lights streamed up into the evening sky, dancing across the orange and purple clouds, a beacon to every eye within sight of the island... and their boat wasn't the only one that was docked. Two other cruise liners were moored at the shores and a cargo ship emblazoned with half a dozen corporate endorsements of beer brands sat at another dock just at the edge of sight.

Eli stood near the bow of the ship, gazing into the distance. He was twenty six years old, six foot one with brown hair and hazel eyes. He had a normal build for someone his age, though his Opeth t-shirt, jeans and combat boots harkened back to the sort of relaxed wardrobe he'd frequented before falling into the daily grind of work. It had taken almost a year of accumulated days off to accommodate the trip, but if he hadn't used them he would have lost them.

Another figure stood next to Eli, the man that had convinced Eli to come. Xaie was skinnier than Eli, tall and lithe, but it seemed in recent months he'd put a bit more muscle onto his frame. His black trench coat whipped around in the sea breezes, contrasted by how his skin tight black leather pants and mesh shirt clung to his body. Unlike Eli, Xaie's green eyes surveyed the island with familiarity. He had been there before, he'd spent a fair amount of time on the island and he was delighted to be back. Xaie reached up to run his hand across his brown hair, smoothing out the strands that had blown around by the wind.

"So... where do you want to start Giles?" Eli asked with a grin, though his friend soon shot him a glance.

"You know I want to be called Xaie now." He reminded Eli. Eli nodded.

"Sorry, sorry. It's easy to forget after calling you by your name so long..." Eli replied. Xaie shook his head.

"Yes, but this place was a new beginning for me, like I was reborn... so here it's especially important that you call me Xaie." Xaie explained.

"I won't forget again, I promise." Eli replied, looking around as the speakers on deck chimed.

"Attention all passengers, this is your captain speaking. We will be pulling into port momentarily. Disembarkation lines will begin on levels two and three and let me be the first to welcome you to Pleasure Island." The captain announced.

"It's good to be back... You're going to love it." Xaie said, grinning to Eli before he turned to make his way for the ramps. Eli moved to keep pace, looking around at all the other people that had come to take advantage of what the island had to offer.


The door to the hotel room clicked open as Xaie fidgeted with the lock, allowing Eli to move in carrying the bags. Eli huffed and puffed before he dumped them at the foot of one of the beds, groaning in relief. He turned and flopped onto the mattress, stretching a bit.

"Oh this is nice, very nice... Maybe I won't even have to unpack anything until I need new clothes." Eli said.

"Not anything?" Xaie asked in surprise, opening up his own suit case to pull out a tooth brush and some other amenities.

"Yeah, well, it's not like we're going to be spending a lot of time in here." Eli said. Xaie shrugged a bit.

"You never know. This is like your surrogate home after all." Xaie said, moving over to open the night stand. Just as before, he found a complimentary humidor, lighter, clipper, stimulating lotion and a half dozen other amenities. He slid the drawer shut again and moved over to the edge of the bed, grabbing Eli's hand before yanking him up.

"What's the big idea?" Eli smirked.

"Come on, we have so much to see... And you don't want to prove yourself wrong already. Let's party!" Xaie grinned.

"Lead the way, master of ceremonies!" Eli smirked, following Xaie out and tugging the door shut behind him.


Pleasure Island had been a resort designed to put all other parks to shame. It had hotels, bars, night clubs, a carnival, shows and more food stands than anyone could shake a fist at. Colored paw prints had been painted on the pathways to guide people to various attractions and services and young men in green vests and brown pants moved around to offer guidance to anyone looking for anything... luckily enough for Eli, he was with someone that knew right where to go.

Xaie looked around at everything, excited that it all lived up to his memory. He had been so shy and nervous when he had first come, but it had chased away all his inhibitions and concerns... and it made him realize what was truly important. Eli had been his friend for years, but as they got older and focused on their lives, work took over everything. There wasn't any more time for fun and no time to see each other. Xaie didn't like that life was keeping them apart and that was all going to change.

"There it is, the Coach House!" Xaie said with excitement. Up ahead was a vintage looking bar made with real wood and glass, old storm shutters and drain pipes, looking like something out of the eighteenth or nineteenth centuries. There were even old wooden kegs stacked up outside, holding the island's version of several different brews. Eli could feel his heart racing as they approached the building. He'd had a few drinks before, but he'd never gone into a situation with the express intention of getting drunk or losing control. It was scary and exciting and completely new.

"Now remember what you promised." Eli said. Xaie chuckled.

"Yeah, I remember. First drink and smoke is on me." Xaie said, pushing through the doors. Eli followed Xaie in, looking around. Men of various ages had come from all over the world. Some looked too young to be there, others looked only young at heart, but they all looked to be having a good time. The bartenders kept glasses full, the air was thick with the potent island haze. It was overwhelming.

Xaie strode over to the bar with confidence, settling onto a stool. He gave Eli a reassuring grin before he sat down too. Eli pulled over an unusual leather bound menu, opening it up to see that it offered alcoholic beverages and a variety of things to smoke rather than food. Xaie met eyes with the closest bartender in his late twenties, thick brown mutton chops covering his cheeks, just as thick as the hair on his head.

"What can I get fo' ya boys?" The bartender asked in an old accent. Eli appreciated the attention to detail, thinking about the novel Pinocchio had been based off of.

"I'll have the Donkey Rum Punch and a Monte Cristo." Xaie said. The bartender wrote down the order before looking at Eli. Eli scrambled through the menu, trying to find what jumped out at him most.

"I'll have the..." Eli prefaced, still honing in on his choice before he saw a description that seemed to suit him. The 'Red Wolf Ale' described itself as an island take on Flemish Sour Ale, with a fruity taste to match the aroma of its raspberries. It was rated as being a cultured flavor and Eli decided that would work for him, "Red Wolf Ale and a..." he trailed off again, flipping through the smoking section. There were so many options to choose from, he decided to stick with the culture emblem.

"Come on, he's waiting." Xaie smirked.

"And a pack of Seven Seas." Eli said, elbowing Xaie. The waiter nodded before moving off, leaving Xaie to smirk.

"You've got fancy taste." Xaie said.

"Well, I figured if you were paying that I could try some luxury cigarettes. If they're good enough to be international, maybe they are good enough for me." Eli smirked.

"Well I'm sure you'll love them, this place never steered me wrong before." Xaie grinned. Eli turned and looked as their drinks were brought over. A large glass of caramel brown rum punch was deposited before Xaie while a stemware glass with a reddish beer was set down before Eli. A moment later an individualized humidor was set down for Xaie and a beveled blue box of cigarettes was given to Eli along with a complimentary island lighter for each of them.

Xaie opened the humidor and removed his cigar, running the length along his nose with a slight inhale, appreciating the bold flavor and scent before he reached into his jacket and withdrew his own personal tool to clip the end of the cigar. Eli watched in awe as Xaie made short work of the cigar, clipping the end before bringing the cigar to his mouth. With a flick of the lighter, he ignited the end and puffed away, drawing smoke through the length of it and into his mouth where he held it there.

After a few moments Xaie exhaled, the rick smoke spilling past his lips to curl around him and hang in the air. He held the cigar in one hand, taking a sip of his punch with the other, looking quite comfortable with it all. Not wanting to be left behind, Eli tapped his pack against the bar a few times before he opened the lid and withdrew one of the cigarettes, bringing it to his mouth before he lit up.

The flame danced across the end of the cigarette, waiting in earnest before Eli drew in. The fire was captured and brought into the cigarette, catching the tobacco. The smoke moved through the filter and into Eli's mouth, almost overwhelming him where he tasted the rich, broad flavor. Still, he knew the perils of taking the smoke in too deeply and soon exhaled, moving the cigarette away long enough to take a drink of his sour ale... and to his surprise, it tasted better... a lot better. Eli chuckled, taking another puff and then another drink, grinning at Xaie who was quite at home with his cigar.

"I'm surprised it took us this long to do this together." Eli said after a few moments. Xaie snorted some smoke through his nostrils.

"If we'd waited any longer I don't think we would have been able to do it. Life was pulling us in too many directions." Xaie said. Eli set his drink down.

"But I don't want that to happen to us, I don't want that to be the end. We came out at the same time, we confided in each other. We have to keep going. This needs to be the start of something, a new page in our friendship." Eli said. Xaie nodded and smiled at that, though for him Eli had struck it very close to the heart. Ever since Xaie had come to Pleasure Island on his own, he felt that things weren't right. He needed his friend, he needed that completion. He was too shy to admit it, but he had feelings for Eli... Xaie loved how tall and strapping his friend was, how smart and kind and compassionate... and with luck they'd soon both be too drunk to hold back.

"Waiter, another!" Xaie called out.

"But you haven't finished that one." Eli smirked. Xaie cast him a look before he lifted his donkey rum punch and tipped it back, gulping it down until nothing was left. Eli rolled his eyes as Xaie grinned, taking another long draw of his cigar. The two were certainly playful at times.


The sun had set, the stars had come out and the island lights had grown brighter. Webs of little blue 'fairy light' bulbs covered the promenade between the various buildings, the carnival was a beacon of color and activity and small guide lights had snapped on from their hidden positions in recessed portions of the guide rails along the walk ways, though from inside the Coach House, all Eli and Xaie could see was the faint blue glow of the webbing... and even that they weren't sure about.

The two had continued to enjoy everything their trip had to offer, downing more drinks than they could keep track of, though that was the point. Their ash trays were emptied and brought back fresh and their glasses disappeared before they had even finished them, replaced with fuller ones. It was an easy way to get wasted. Xaie's green eyes were glazed over as he looked around the bar, puffing away on another cigar, holding the smoke before he let it go again.

The smoke leaving Xaie's lips curled up around his face, almost as if it had a life of its own. It started to dance and spread across his ears, joining in with the heat and tingling that had come there in his blood. His ears ached and throbbed before they started to stretch, the pressure feeling relieved as they extended into points and those points lifted up higher and higher on the sides of his head.

The same milk chocolate brown hair that covered his head started to grow out along the backs of his pointed ears, though the hairs were softer, more like fur. Xaie set his cigar aside and took another swig of his rum, feeling the alcohol hit him like a tsunami that raced through his system. When it got to his ears, they surged upwards in growth, rising past his head, standing up tall and proud as what they were - donkey ears. Even his earrings had moved up with the ears, sticking through the tough extensions.

Xaie turned his head and felt the weight of his ears, realization slowly dawning on him. He'd been to the island before, he knew what he was in store for... but to Eli it was new. Xaie looked at his friend with concern, wondering how he'd take it. Eli, however, was focused mostly on remaining on the bar stool without falling off. He felt he had completely lost his sense of balance. His eyes were blood shot but he felt great... so great that Eli felt it was time to do something he had been putting off for far too long.

Eli turned to his friend and opened his mouth to say something, though something was different. His alcohol addled eyes moved over Xaie, trying to figure out what had changed but soon he gave up and shook his head, returning to his original train of thought before he lost it entirely. He swallowed a bit before he nodded, reassuring himself. Xaie sat on the stool, watching Eli prepare himself for whatever was to come, wondering if his friend had even noticed the changes.

"Xaie, we've been friends for... like ever, right?" Eli asked, his speech a little slurred from the alcohol.

"Of course we have!" Xaie replied. Eli smiled at that.

"And we know that we're gay and we're friends and we like each other, but... we never really went that extra step, took the time... to say... what really mattered." Eli said, reaching out a hand to rest on Xaie's shoulder. Xaie looked into Eli's hazel eyes.

"What do you want to say?" Xaie asked.

"Xaie, I think... you're really hot. I've found you attractive for some time. I just can't hold it back any longer, especially tonight. There's something even wilder about you tonight." Eli admitted. Xaie blushed a bit, his ears flopping down forward a bit.

"I feel the same way Eli, I... When I invited you on this trip, I sort of hoped that you would feel the same way. I really like you too." Xaie said. Eli grinned at that and leaned forward, though he started to fall. Xaie steadied him by the hips and the two came together. As their lips pressed, years of pent up attraction met with an exchange of saliva. Eli's eyes fluttered closed as he embraced the experience, loving every moment.

Eli could taste the donkey punch rum and the cigars on Xaie's breath and in his saliva. It made Xaie even more exciting, like a real man, like the sort of man he wanted to be with. Xaie could taste Eli's sour ale and the cigarettes and was glad he wasn't a blank canvas, though he could also feel something else. Eli's teeth seemed unusually sharp. It seemed that the island was already starting to have its way with him as well. The two kissed and rubbed, Eli even going so far as to reach over and grope his friend's surprisingly large bulge. Xaie loved the exchange, but he wanted more.

"Eli..." Xaie panted, breaking the kiss, "Let's go to our room... See where this goes."

"I hope it goes in your pants." Eli said with a grin, slipping off his bar stool. Xaie grinned, glad that he hadn't fallen to the floor. He pulled out his debit card and swiped it through the card reader on the bar, paying for the drinks before he put his hand around Eli's shoulders and walked him out of the bar. Before they turned down the promenade, Xaie turned to give one last glance back into the coach house. His hadn't been the only animal ears on display. There were already several more pairs of donkey ears, horse tails, cow horns and other features starting to show up. It was going to be a hell of a night.

"So you're having fun?" Xaie asked as they moved toward the hotel.

"Are you kidding? I just had the best romantic break through of my life, not to mention you paid for everything. This is great!" Eli grinned.

"Just promise me you won't pass out before the real fun begins." Xaie replied. Eli held up two fingers.

"Wolf scout's honor." He promised. Xaie smirked at that, turning off the main path to head toward the hotel. Even outside, Xaie could smell the scent of tobacco... Then again, Pleasure Island had its own Tobacco fields. It produced some of the world's finest cigars as well as importing them. Xaie knew it wasn't very normal, but he loved cigars so much he almost wanted to retire on the island... but only if he could do it with Eli. The two opened the doors to the hotel and headed towards their room, unable to contain their desires for much longer.


The door to the hotel room burst open as Xaie and Eli spilled through it, kissing and groping and grabbing. Xaie gave a firm, quick kick to the door that sent it slamming shut. Eli tugged at Xaie's leather jacket, letting it fall to the floor in a heap before his fingers tangled in the mesh shirt, groping at his friend's nipples and caressing the soft hair that covered his chest. Xaie moved his hands up under Eli's Opeth shirt, groping his pectorals and tracing his abs before he started to pull it up over Eli's head.

Eli grunted a bit as his view of his handsome friend was blocked. He almost wanted to just tear his shirt apart to get at Xaie, but then again he did love that shirt. Soon it was tossed aside and Eli gave Xaie a feral grin before he pounced, knocking his friend onto his back on the bed. Xaie was surprised and delighted, but he wasn't to be outdone. He grabbed Eli and rolled his friend until he was pinned to the bed. Then the part donkey started to hump and grind Eli.

Their manhoods were hard and firm, trapped beneath layers of denim, fighting for freedom and dominance. Xaie reached down to start undoing his jeans, though he could feel his fingernails hardening and thickening. The white keratin turned tan and then a dark brown, almost black as it grew out. The nails spread over the tips of his fingers, growing flat with beveled edges. They were almost like tiny hooves on each finger.

Xaie muttered under his breath at the timing, finding his task a bit more difficult with the hoof tips. He decided to thrust his massive package against Eli, over and over until he couldn't take it any more. Eli moaned each time the black denim wrapped package of hot man meat slammed against his, but he wanted to open his package. He reached out and clawed at the fly before the button relented and the zipper split open. Xaie moaned as ten inches of hot, hard man cock slapped against Eli's stomach.

Eli eagerly wrapped his hands around the length, starting to work it up and down, giving his friend a hand job to beat all hand jobs. Xaie thrust into Eli's grip, groaning as he felt his changes accelerating. He knew it was because he had been to the island before, it had its hooks in him, but he didn't want to fight it. He wanted to embrace it. Xaie's donkey ears flopped about on his head, but the hair between the ears started to change. The tips of his brown hair started to lighten, bleaching out a bit before they took on a bright red hue... and that hair wasn't the only hair changing color.

As Xaie thrust his meat into Eli's hand, he looked down to watch his chest hair turn from brown to a creamy tan. It grew in thicker, softer, longer and covered more of him. It crept all the way to his arm pits and part way up his throat as well as trailing down his stomach to his groin. As the hair reached his bush, even that hair turned tan, growing into one even fur covering across his balls. Xaie was shocked how fast it was going. He didn't want to scare Eli before it was too late. He was going to have to up his game.

Xaie took a hold of Eli once more before unceremoniously flipping him. Eli landed on his chest with a grunt, gasping as his shoes and jeans were ripped off. The underwear came a moment later, leaving him naked. Eli panted in excitement, groaning as Xaie came down on top of him. Xaie rubbed his still human cock back and forth between Eli's ass cheeks to get him prepared before the half donkey man tilted his hips and speared down. Eli's eyes went wide before his expression melted into bliss.

Eli pushed his hips back to meet with Xaie's thrusts and then they pulled apart again, falling into a very good natural cycle. Xaie watched his still human cock disappear into Eli's ass over and over, but he also watched more and more of his body disappear beneath the donkey façade. His arm and leg hair thickened into brown fur, the skin between his toes webbed together, pulling the digits tight. Soon even his toenails spread out, hardening into the same brown coating that tipped his fingers.

As his feet reshaped and reformed into hooves, even Xaie's ankles and thighs shifted. His muscles changed, his hips widened, his balls grew... but there was still so much left to change. The fur covering his right arm began to shift as the pigment from his tattoo affected the hair follicles, the brown hair turning black to match the tribal marking he had. Xaie licked his lips, loving the change.

"Oh yeah... Heee yeah... Heee haw...." Xaie moaned. Eli tried to ask what Xaie was saying but gave up, drooling as the cock invaded his ass over and over again. He had no way to know that he was being ridden by a donkey man, especially since the cock in his ass still felt so human for the moment. Xaie kept thrusting into Eli like the lust receptacle he was, but he soon couldn't help but close his eyes.

Xaie's face ached and throbbed, his jaw popped, his nose tingled and shifted. Soon his mouth began pushing out, his face extending. The tip of his nose started to melt into the rest of his face, leaving his nostrils exposed and on the surface. His lips widened, his eyes moved apart a little. Even the inside of his mouth was changing as his tongue elongated and his teeth flattened. Xaie forced his eyes open and cross eyed, watching the fur spread across his muzzle.

He knew he had the head of a donkey now... the head, the body... only two parts had yet to change, and he had a suspicion he knew what was next. Xaie caressed Eli's hips with tender love, watching as the cock disappearing into his friend's pucker started to shift. Splotches of dark brown appeared on the pink rod, almost like a mottled horse cock, but soon the brown spread out to cover the entire length.

"HAWWWW!" Xaie brayed out as the cock grew longer.

"XAIE!" Eli screamed out as the cock grew wider. The brown cock stretched in every direction, even deep inside of Eli. The mushroom shaped head began to flatten and flare out, the urethra swelling, leaving the cock looking far more equine than human. Xaie grabbed onto Eli's hips even tighter, fucking his friend with his new donkey cock. Xaie loved it, it felt so right... but to Eli, things were starting to feel very different.

Eli had been getting very into the sex, embracing it completely. He moaned and writhed and clenched and flexed like a very experienced slut, but to him it was all instinct. He'd never done anything like that before, at least nothing that good. Xaie was a natural, a beast. Eli dug his fingers into the sheets, tugging and pulling for friction and for grip, though to his surprise he was getting more of a grip than he expected.

As Eli kneaded the bed, his fingernails had started to stretch out. They honed into points, darkening from white to gray to black. The nails even sunk down deeper into his fingers, the flesh slowly growing over the top of the claws to anchor them better. The claws sliced through the sheets like tissue paper, making short work of the mattress beneath and only coming to a stop on the bed springs. Eli was in too much of a sexual euphoria to understand immediately, allowing his body to continue its metamorphosis.

Xaie watched with eager eyes as Eli's ears started to grow, rising into points like his... only smaller. Xaie pummeled Eli's ass with donkey cock, but he could feel that ass growing wider, larger, thicker and stronger. In fact, all of Eli's body was bulking up. His biceps and triceps emerged thicker than ever, his glutes and lats following soon after. His shoulders broadened slowly, his back became chiseled. Xaie had a hard time not cumming on the spot, so turned on.

Eli groaned and growled with growing pleasure, wondering how Xaie made it feel so good. His jaw dropped open, revealing saliva soaked fangs as he panted, his tongue growing longer. Soft hairs started to grow up the backs of his pointed ears, taking on a dark brown like his hair while the inner edge of the ears took on a lighter, almost silver color. Eli panted more and more, his face darkening as stubble began pushing through the skin. His jaw darkened up, his upper lip grew fuzzy, but more than that... whiskers began pushing out of his cheeks. They were thin but still quite present.

Eli was still none the wiser, humping his groin into the mattress, squeezing his ass around Xaie's member. He felt so much passion rising up inside of him, though the passion was taking on a different flavor. He wanted more than good sex; he wanted to be the one giving the good sex. He wasn't the type to just lie down and take it. He was the alpha. Eli started to buck more, using surprising body strength. Xaie yelped, trying to stay on his mount before he grinned, feeling like a cowboy.

"Yee HAWWW!" he brayed, bouncing on that strong ass. Eli thrashed and nipped at the air as his finger tips swelled and rounded, his arm and leg hair thickening. The hair on his arms even spread down across his hands, covering everything but the swelling paw pads he had gained. Xaie gasped as the soft brown fur moved down Eli's spine before fanning out to the sides, covering his broad, muscled back. Xaie had to resist the urge to pet the fur and tip Eli off, though as he watched, that became even more difficult.

The hair spreading across Eli had started out his natural hair color, but it wasn't staying that way. The brown fur was starting to bleach out just like the tips of Xaie's hair. The brown lightened up and then took on a much more vibrant ginger red tone. The color change spread like wild fire from his back down his arms and legs, even to his head. His soft shag of hair turned wild red, even dominating his soft beard.

The only part not to turn red was the fur growing from his chest and groin. The hair there started to lose all color, the pigment fading away to leave it a vivid snowy white. To the untrained observer, it might have looked like Eli was turning into a fox, but Xaie knew this wasn't the case. He'd suspected what Eli would become from his very first menu choice, the sour red wolf ale... and it was coming true.

Eli panted and grunted, feeling his body on fire with pleasure and passion far beyond any other imagining. He needed to be the alpha, he needed Xaie to be his. Eli let out a roar before he thrust his body up and back. Xaie brayed in shock as he was knocked off the bed and landed on his back. Eli descended like a predator, landing on all fours before he grabbed Xaie's legs, lifted them and went in for the kill.

Xaie's back arched as he was invaded. He felt surprised, used to being the top, but at the same time... it wasn't a bad feeling at all. He groaned and moaned, starting to clench his ass around the invading cock, trying to provide as much stimulation as possible. He gazed up at Eli and watched as his change continued. Eli was so focused on sex that he hadn't noticed his own change or Xaie's change either. He thrust forward and back, deeper and tighter, tilting his hips to increase the friction. He was relentless... and he was becoming more of a red wolf every second.

Eli already had the sharp fangs of a wolf, but soon his bearded face was extending forward. His jaw moved out, his upper lip and nose followed suit. His beard softened into nothing but fur and his nostrils upturned, facing forward. The tip of his nose grew more rubbery, then spongier as it turned from pink to brown to black. The nostrils grew moist as he sniffed the air, smelling the musky tang of sex all around.

Eli's face settled into the elongated, narrowing muzzle of a canine. His whiskers jutted out proudly, his pointed ears moved up the sides of his head to the top and his eyes almost sparkled as they changed from hazel to a bright, haunting amber yellow. Eli filled Xaie's ass with purpose and pleasure, panting so much his tongue soon hung out the side of his mouth... but the best was yet to come.

With every thrust, Eli felt a bit more confident, a bit more sure that he was the alpha. Part of it was dominating another creature, but part of it was also his physiology. With each thrust into Xaie, Eli's manhood was taking on a form better suited to the task. His cock grew harder, stretched longer, and shifted in delightful ways. The head started to taper to a point, the entire length secreting lubricating juices. The flesh around the base started to thicken, building a sheath for when Eli wasn't using his manhood... though if he had his way, the sheath would always be retracted.

Xaie kicked his donkey hooves in the air as he was mated, feeling so brilliant and so blissful. His head lolled about and his ears twitched. He looked half way in heaven and half dead from bliss... and for some strange reason, that turned Eli on even more. Xaie was his prey, his mate, his toy. He ground and humped and moved to lick and nip at Xaie's neck. Xaie gasped at the play before he shuddered, his ass clenching down tight.

The sudden embrace of around his lycan member was too much for Eli. Something inside him had been triggered. He felt a sudden pressure building in the base of his cock, the base swelling rapidly. Eli followed his instinct and thrust in as deep as he could go, letting his knot swell in Xaie's ass. As the two half spheres blocked off Xaie's ass, Xaie arched his back in surprise. He was trapped, pinned, secured on Eli's cock. There was no where to go, now way to escape.

As that fact dawned on Eli, he tipped his head back and let his muzzled lips part to release a loud, resounding wolf howl. The howl ripped through his body, resonating with every muscle before his love muscle responded. The red wolf's balls tugged up, his shaft throbbed and soon hot wolf spunk was spraying deep into Xaie, filling his ass and heating up his prostate. Eli wriggled a bit, trying to drive the donkey a little madder - and it was working. Xaie panted and groaned, basking in the pleasure himself before he was overcome.

"HAWWWW - HEEE HAAWWW!" He brayed, writhing and moaning, his hard equine shaft sending out a creamy load of sperm all his own. The two held and embraced each other for several long moments, Eli closing his eyes to recover. He could feel Xaie move around on him, but it wasn't until he heard the flick of a lighter that he opened his eyes. Xaie had managed to reach the night stand and extract a cigar. He puffed away on it before lying back against Eli with a relieved sigh.

"That was damn good." Xaie whispered.

"An after glow smoke?" Eli asked. Xaie smirked.

"Want one?" Xaie asked, offering Eli the cigar. Eli grinned and accepted, bringing it to his muzzled lips. He took a few puffs like a seasoned pro before exhaling, watching Xaie light up another. Soon they were both smoking away in the glow of their mating. They could feel the smoke tingling in their lungs even though they'd tried not to breath it in all the way, and that tingling soon spread through their bodies, honing in on the only parts of each of them not to change.

Eli puffed on his cigar, looking at Xaie's furry, muscled body and then his own, taking everything into account. He considered the changes, the sensations, trying to remember when they started. He had felt something was different about Xaie at the bar, but he wasn't even sure if he was hallucinating. He'd gotten so focused on the changes to them both, he almost didn't notice the wriggling against his lap. Eli looked down, noticing a little nub wiggling above Xaie's ass cheeks.

While the rest of the man had turned into a sex crazed donkey, the tail hadn't yet developed. Now, as Xaie enjoyed his cigar and the cum in his ass, it was as if his body was finally ready. T he tailbone grew longer and longer, the bones segmenting and splitting and regrowing. Velvety brown fur stretched down thee tube of flesh before black hair erupted from the tip in a thick tassel. The tail whipped around in Eli's lap, practically begging to be pet.

Eli took a puff of his cigar and reached to pet the tail, but as he did, his own ass started to throb. His butt cheeks soon pushed apart, the furry mounds making room for the nub above to push out as well. Eli gasped as he felt it stretch out, moving around behind him. Unlike Xaie, the fur growing out of Eli's tail grew longer and longer, stretching far wider than the meaty core. The tail was a bright ginger like the rest of his fur. It was turning out to be a fantastic tail, wide and full and rich. The tail stretched out to two feet, then three, then four before the growth slowed.

"Wow..." Eli whispered, curling back against Xaie, taking another draw on his cigar before murmuring happily. Xaie chuckled, leaning back against Eli before licking his lips.

"So you're having fun on your trip?" Xaie asked. Eli let out a laugh at that.

"Are you kidding me? My only fear is that I might forget some part of this in the island haze of booze and smoke." Eli smirked.

"Well, you'd be surprised how much you'll remember... In fact, as time goes on it'll get even more clear." Xaie said.

"Like when we became animals?" Eli asked. Xaie gave a naughty grin.

"Weren't we always?" he asked. Eli stuck out his tongue.

"Hey, you can't pull the wool over my eyes... That's my job, a wolf in sheep's clothing." Eli grinned.

"Don't be racist. I'm not stubborn." Xaie smirked.

"So... how many more days do we have on this trip?" Eli asked with a grin.

"Five more days. This is just the first night." Xaie replied.

"Now that's what I wanted to hear... My god, I could retire here." Eli chuckled. Xaie grinned a bit at that. It seemed that great minds truly did think alike. Xaie set his cigar into one of the ash trays before he slid off of his mate and moved to face him. Eli soon did the same. They gazed into each other's eyes for a long moment before they came together, kissing and embracing, letting out all the pent up emotion they had hidden for so long. It had taken the island haze to clear their minds and to show them what was truly important... each other.

Fly Off the Wall (Filth)

_\<\<\<Warning: This story contains material not suitable for all audiences. Read at your own discretion.\>\>\>_ **Fly off the Wall** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Rbbrmutation **[May 22nd, 2010]** The senior prom was an important...

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Bottom's Abound

**Bottom's Abound** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Northernwolf Based on a commission by Guderian When selecting a college, many different factors came into play. Many students took a look at what athletic programs the colleges had to...

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Gift Wrap

**Gift Wrap** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Williamca The lights in the office had gone into power saving mode, leaving only one out of three banks on. It was all part of a schedule, but for William Stratton it was just another reminder...

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