Fly Off the Wall (Filth)

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Commissioned by rbbrmutation

Written by

With a relationship at stake, a young punk will turn to any means to give his boyfriend exactly what he wants... but the method they chose will change them forever.

<<<Warning: This story contains material not suitable for all audiences. Read at your own discretion.>>>

Fly off the Wall Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Rbbrmutation

[May 22nd, 2010] The senior prom was an important time for many teenagers across the country, but never before had those opposed to the conventional form of prom staged such a successful opposition party. The community counter culture prom, or the CCCP as it had been nicknamed, had become a raging success. Heavy metal music blasted out of a network of speakers rigged together with electrical tape and borrowed wire. Kegs of beer had been snuck into an empty backyard pool and the old ranch style home was full of every non-jock from the local high school.

Stoners, flamers, punks, thugs... they all brushed shoulder to shoulder. In an odd way, it was the same as prom. It was the last social function they were going to attend with one another. They'd reached the end of school, the future was opening up before them... but for Jameson 'Mesa' Coulter, he was looking for something more primal, a hook up. Mesa was one of the few punks that was openly gay. He'd once dyed his spiked hair pink and beat up anyone that dared to make fun of him. Still, it seemed like there just wasn't enough option for a fuck buddy at his school. He hoped that the counter culture prom would offer him one last chance.

Mesa stood above most of the crowd at six foot two, his spikes adding another four or five inches. He sported a short brown chinstrap beard along his jaw, a faint immature split mustache adorning his upper lip. He certainly looked tough, second only to the one kid that had gotten his own motorcycle and embraced biker culture and the few thugs in the group. Mesa reached down to grope at his bulge, feeling hornier than fuck, feeling like he was going to have to give up... when he saw him.

The sliding glass door opened as someone came in from outside, holding a red Dixie cup full of beer. He was a senior but had only arrived at the school half way through the term. Cody 'Coda' Spencer had dyed his blond hair black and it hung down, chemically straightened around his face. He would have looked emo if not for the turquoise spacers in his ears, apparently he was stretching them to a larger gauge. As Coda reached up to brush his bangs out of his face, his fingers grazed soft sideburns that ran down to his jaw, the only facial hair he could grow.

Mesa grinned, feeling as if he had his shot at last. He started moving over, taking stock. Coda stood out from the rest, he might have been drunk enough to have lower inhibitions and he'd always seemed a bit eager to please. Mesa came up to Coda and gave a grin to his classmate.

"You wanna go fuck?" Mesa asked. Coda's eyes widened sharply. He'd had a crush on Mesa since he arrived at the school. Being offered everything so bluntly was a dream come true. He downed the last of his beer before dropping his cup, giving an eager nod.

"Hell yes." Coda replied. Mesa licked his lips at that before he turned, heading for one of the bedrooms. Coda's eyes rolled into the back of his head in joy before he ran after the tall punk, his own erection growing in his pants.

[June 20th, 2012]

The air was thick with humidity and blazed with heat. The road sizzled as the tar glistened and shifted like molasses while the sidewalks held the heat in killer silence, ready to bake anything that came into contact with it. The lawns had long since died and the sound of animals had been replaced with the heavy buzz of air conditioners. Garbage had been left out, the garbage cans deemed too far to reach and so a faint putrid scent wafted in the air. It wasn't pleasant to say the least, but it was what was waiting for Coda and Mesa when they got home.

The green and red van came around the corner, covered in the sprawlings of anarchy, of freedom, of chaos. It moved at a break neck speed towards the run down house at the end of the street, pulling into the driveway and swerving around the old couch that was half on the lawn and half in the way. The van doors opened Mesa climbed out, his black boots almost sizzling as they hit the driveway.

Mesa's hair stood in a full, tall, proud Mohawk with red at the tips. The black of his Mohawk was countered by the glinting silver rings that climbed up both ears like ladders, as well as the septum ring so thick that it almost blocked his nostrils. He had snake bite piercings and several dermal beads along his cheek bones, eyebrows and beneath his chin. Mesa's arms were covered in sleeves of tattoos of black tribal patterns with the anarchist A hidden inside, a bold statement of his beliefs.

He moved for the door, not waiting for Coda. Coda slipped out on the passenger side of the van, gazing out at the world from his red horror contact lenses. He'd left the house with his hair spiked up like an urchin but the heat had started to cause the gel to turn. He smelled like sweet sweat and Coda wasn't sure that was entirely sexy. He moved toward the house, rubbing at his nipple rings through his shirt, his huge turquoise gauge ear plugs swinging as he moved. He ran his pierced tongue over his pierced lips, squeezing into the house after Mesa before shutting the door behind him. A wall of cool hit him as the heat they let in dissipated, almost sending Coda to his knees.

"Thank god... I think my piercings soaked up the heat to the point they were going to cook." Coda murmured.

"The price we pay for looking bad ass." Mesa smirked, opening the fridge and fishing out some beers. He turned and moved back toward the couch, glancing at his boyfriend recovering from the heat. He'd known since he was fourteen that punk was the way to go, that chaos and drive and masculinity were what he craved. He'd been with Coda for so long, but he'd always pictured himself with someone tougher, bigger, more impressive. Mesa tried to push the thoughts out of his mind as he sat down on the couch, offering him one of the beers.

"So, whatcha wanna do tonight?" Coda asked, popping the lid off the beer.

"Maybe we should try hitting up the gym." Mesa said. Coda looked surprised at the answer.

"Working out in the heat?" Coda asked. Mesa shrugged.

"Yeah, but the place is air conditioned." Mesa replied. Coda considered for a moment. It didn't sound like the best option, but he'd been starting to sense Mesa's waning interest and anything he could do to revitalize their relationship would be worth it. He would do anything with Mesa, he loved being with his boyfriend. If he wanted to go to the gym, well that was good enough for him.

"Then that's what we'll do." Coda said. Mesa gave a nod at that as he leaned back and flipped on the television, navigating to the first channel with a heavy metal music video on, watching bearded and pierced guys thrash around on the screen as they savored their cool drinks.

[August 3rd, 2012]

The heavy clank of the exercise equipment came with every repetition Mesa managed on the machine, bringing his arms together as the weights hoisted up and then dropped back down. Sweat soaked his wife beater, his tattoos on display for all to see. He looked fierce with his Mohawk, his short buzzed beard and his piercings... he looked fierce enough to leave Coda with a severe erection in his gym shorts, though it was the only part of him that didn't feel soft.

After weeks and weeks of going to the gym, Coda hadn't seen any improvement in his muscle tone, his ability to lift or even his endurance. He felt like rubber stretched out too many times and he felt like Mesa was losing even more interest in him with the exposure to other, more muscle bound men. The only thing working on Coda's favor was that the other men were just jocks and had no body mods, though Mesa had been trying to convince the others how cool they were.

Coda was worried about losing Mesa, though it seemed his friend was hitting a bit of a brick wall as well. He hated seeing Mesa struggle to build more muscle, to push past the plateau his body had reached. They both needed help, they both needed an extra push... and Coda was starting to think he knew another way. For the last few days he had heard murmurs, rumors, discussions and hints at a supplement... a supplement that wasn't quite approved or legal yet. Coda had a great suspicion they would have clammed up if he looked less like a drug taking punk, but they'd been relaxed enough so that he could overhear... but now it was time to check it out.

Coda made sure Mesa was in the zone with his workout before he slowly rose to his feet and wiped his head off with a towel. It was a short walk out of the weight room and around the corner, heading toward the back of the building. He got to the rear exit, noticing the lock had been taped open. The gym was twenty four hours so presumably it was always open, but the stack of boxes along the sides of the hall indicated it was not an access point the gym expected people to use.

The punk eased the door open and peered out into the alleyway behind the building, unable to believe what he had stumbled across. The alleyway had been converted into a night time marketplace. Music spilled out of killer stereo systems built into the trunks of souped up street racing cars, van doors were left open to reveal stall like arrays of all sorts of equipment and supplements. People wandered from vehicle to vehicle and cash changed hands.

Coda moved along, studying the different options that had opened up before him. He saw places to bet on horse races, he saw drugs, he saw off-brand home workout equipment... but what drew his attention most, as usual, was the glint of light off of piercings. Off to one side of the marketplace was a heavily muscled man in his mid-twenties. His black hair was slicked back and greasy, his face was covered with thick, bristly stubble and he had designer sunglasses on that fit his eyes almost like goggles. He sipped something through a straw, four rings through his lip on either side of the straw. Coda grinned, feeling a kindred spirit.

The punk moved over toward the man, admiring the black long sleeve shirt fit so tightly over his muscle bound arms. I was like tissue paper, barely able to contain him... and so were the man's pants. In the back of his mind Coda was glad that Mesa hadn't found the marketplace first or he was sure he would have lost his boyfriend to this stranger. Still, if there was a chance to keep Mesa, to win him over, Coda was going to find it.

"You new here?" The man asked between sips from his drinks. Coda grimaced.

"Yeah..." He admitted. It was fairly easy to tell with how small he was. Coda looked around, "You have anything to make it look like I wasn't?" he asked. The man chuckled.

"Sly, kid, sly." The man smirked before he set his drink down, "But it just so happens that I have what you need... I'll admit though, I'm a bit surprised you came right to me." He said, staring at the punk through his glasses. Coda shrugged.

"You looked more like my friends look." Coda said. The man cracked a wider grin at that.

"Now that's nice to hear." He murmured, "So, you want to bulk up in a hurry?"

"Yeah, but... you know, without getting tiny balls." Coda replied. The man smirked again, nodding.

"Oh trust me, there's nothing worse than trying to be manlier and losing the thing that really defines it. No, there's a lot better options out there than that. There are whole branches of drugs that can help you without sacrificing that sort of thing." The man turned and reached into his van before pulling out a large plastic bottle almost the size of a half gallon of milk. He unscrewed the top and reached in, withdrawing several pills. Coda looked at the pills, surprised by their design. They appeared to be gel caplets but the outer shell was ribbed, smaller at the two ends and thickest in the center. Each caplet was printed with a tiny white little number on it.

"Cenezoa-Musca, muscle enhancer. Bulks you up, makes you resilient, makes you a real survivor. Most people blend up a couple caplets in a milk shake to use during their workout." The man said.

"How much?" Coda asked.

"Three fifty." The man replied. Coda's eyes went wide.

"Three fifty? That's enough for like... a major appliance... What happened to the first one's free?" Coda asked. The man smirked at that.

"That's for when you're not sure the stuff is good. This stuff is sound... but, well, how about the first one's at discount? Two hundred?" The man asked.

"One fifty." Coda replied. The man groaned.

"You're killing me kid... but... alright." The man said, shrugging. Coda grinned, feeling like he at last had a chance to save his relationship.


Mesa grunted, using his legs to push, watching the weights lift and drop. He was putting on a good show, though inside he was exhausted. He'd been working out for hours, for days, and nothing was really showing for it. He was starting to think his dream was a useless one, that there was no chance... He'd enjoyed being the dominate male in his relationship, but if he wanted bigger and better he might just have to suck it up and become the bitch of a bigger punk somewhere, if he could find one. Mesa sighed softly, trying to sort out his thoughts, though he paused as he realized someone was standing next to him. He looked up to see Coda with a big grin on his face and a cup in his hand from the gym's restaurant. Coda smiled even wider.

"Peanut butter shake?" He offered.

"A milkshake?" Mesa asked, wondering if Coda was trying to undermine him. Coda rolled his eyes.

"A special soy blended omega three nutritionally balanced health shake... with some flavoring." Coda amended. Mesa considered before he nodded and sat up.

"Well, as long as its healthy." He said, taking the shake, sipping at it. He made a face at the flavor at first, finding it an unappetizing mix of putrid and creamy, but the aches in his body started to disappear, his muscles relaxing. For the lack of fatigue alone, Mesa considered it well worth the taste. He slurped and slurped at the shake, gulping it down, his eyes slipping shut. When he'd consumed half the shake, he climbed off the machine and stood up, leaning in to kiss Coda. Coda melted against Mesa as their lips met, hugging his boyfriend. Mesa pulled back and licked his lips, then Coda's.

"You like it?" coda asked.

"Thanks for thinking of me babe." Mesa grinned, "You up for another hour before we head home?" Mesa asked.

"I'm up for anything." Coda promised.

[August 21st, 2012]

The sounds of the gym had become the soundtrack to Mesa and Coda's lives. After his first shake, Mesa had started to feel everything turn around... but that was nothing compared to what Coda was feeling. Coda lifted the barbells up above him, feeling the burn in his arms and chest, feeling his muscles strain. With each repetition it was as if his chest was expanding, and in many ways it was.

Both Coda and Mesa had to buy new shirts after the first week, but already they were stretched to the limit and soiled from the workouts. Coda heaved the weights up and watched his meaty pecs grow upwards towards the weights and he felt the sweat trickle down his abdomen, turning the creases between muscles into little rivulets before soaking into the shirt more.

Coda tilted his head and sipped from his shake, tasting the putrid, creamy substance leak into his mouth from the straw. The shake had long since melted, leaving the contents warm and fouler than usual, but Coda didn't care. He knew it was that stuff that had turned the tide on their progress. Coda pushed the weight again and again and again before he finally returned the weight up to the slot to hold it in place.

Thick, beefy legs swung off the bench before he rose up onto large feet, standing almost six foot four. His sleeveless white t-shirt was so sweat soaked that his nipples and abs were visible through the fabric and his biceps and triceps were completely unrestrained, his tattoos stretched over the larger arm. Even his neck had widened, leaving him with the head of a punk with floppy gauge earrings on the body of a muscle stud.

Coda left the weight room and headed for the gym, passing several smaller jocks who looked after him in envy. Coda grinned in pride at that before he moved into the locker room and began peeling off his shirt. Thick, sausage like pierced nipples sprung out into the cool air, the rings of metal through them keeping them eternally erect. He opened his locker and tossed the shirt in before he decided to head for the shower to wash off before finding Mesa, moving to slam his locker shut. The door hit the shirt hanging out of it, remaining ajar.

As Coda left the back of the locker room for the showers, a pair of eyes watched him go from the corner of the locker room. Mesa had grown quite a bit as well at the gym, but not nearly as much as Coda. Mesa had thicker arms, thicker chest, stronger legs. He was built like a brick house, he just wasn't as big as Coda. Still, Mesa felt like an idiot for ever feeling like he needed someone else. Coda had been through every part of their reinvention together, he'd bulked up, he'd gotten so damn hot. Mesa loved everything about Coda... even his scent.

Mesa snuck across the locker room and slowly opened Coda's locker before drawing out the wet, hot, yellowed, sour shirt. He inhaled the spicy, musky, salty aroma before his lips parted and his tongue emerged. Mesa licked at the chest and savored the flavor of the sweat before he moved beneath the sleeveless hole, nuzzling his face against the sweat that had dripped from his lover's pit. He rubbed it across his beard stubble and his nose, basking in it before he grunted.

The punk slowly looked down, watching a wet spot form in his shorts before milky white pre ran down his leg and collected in his shoe. Mesa knew if Coda was this sexy from afar, it would be even better up close... but he knew Coda was in the shower at the moment. He'd have to wait until that night, maybe after a run, get him to sweat a little more. Mesa rubbed at his groin in imagination of it all.

[September 3rd, 2012]

The workouts had continued and so had the changes. The garbage can was full of empty shake cups and the house had fallen into disarray. The two punks spent so much time at the gym that they never managed to clean, though they were starting to feel more comfortable with that. Mesa had convinced Coda not to shower after their workouts and the sex had been marvelous, though the smell was starting to reach monumental proportions.

Coda was the first to awake that day, slipping out of bed and wandering down the hall. He'd made it half way to the kitchen before he remembered the gym was closed for maintenance. They'd been dreading it for weeks, but they'd have to take some time off... He turned back toward the bedroom to get some more sleep before he realized he had to take a dump.

The punk turned into the bathroom and wandered past the mirror, turning to sit down on the toilet bowl. The cool porcelain ring was an unwelcome temperature against his hot ass, but soon he was bearing down and thick, rich, hot brown logs of shit were extruding past his pucker, collecting in the bowl. Coda thought little of it, especially given that his eyes were itching.

After a few moments of thought, Coda realized he had left his novelty contacts in. He reached up and started trying to fish them out, his fingers managing to catch hold of the red rubberized plastic. He pulled it off, revealing a sticky film beneath... and eyes that were no longer quite human. His irises were red on their own, though the pattern extended out from the center of his eyes, taking on an almost compound, faceted pattern. With the contacts out of the way, the pattern spread across the rest of his eyes.

Not knowing anything had changed, Coda slowly got up and wandered back toward bed, passing the mirror, the early light casting across his skin with a faint bluish green hue that matched his earrings, but as soon as he was out of the light he looked normal again. Coda made it to the bedroom and climbed up into bed, snuggling against Mesa... but Mesa soon awoke.

The punk reached up to rub at his beard, though his stubble had started to stand out straight almost like bristles or fur, thickening quite a bit. In fact, his body hair on the whole had thickened after going to the gym. His arms were dark, his chest thick and his legs coated with hair. Mesa slipped out of bed and started wandering toward the kitchen, craving one of Coda's shakes... when he smelled a familiar, putrid scent.

Mesa paused, sniffing at the air before he turned and wandered into the bathroom. He wondered why Coda would have made one of his shakes in there, but when he saw the source of the smell he was almost revolted. He'd never seen Coda take such a huge dump... but there it was, right there... smelling delicious. Mesa tried to turn, to leave, to make Coda clean up his mess, but the more he fought it, the more he started to lick his lips and rub his stomach. He was so very hungry...

Mesa took a step, then another, then a third before he stood before the toilet. He couldn't believe what he was considering, but the shit... really was just a pre-digested milk shake after all. Mesa slowly lowered to the floor, kneeling before the toilet. He reached out with one hand, a single finger gingerly skimming the surface of the feces. It was still warm, still creamy and thick.

The punk brought the stank covered finger up to his nose and took a sniff, finding it heavenly. His lips parted and he slid the finger in, closing his lips and pulling it back out. The nutty, putrid, methane laced cream filled his senses as it melted on his tongue and he let out an involuntary moan. Mesa couldn't hold back any more. He plunged a hand in, taking a fist full of shit before he brought it to his eager mouth, stuffing it into the hole and smearing it across his beard, gulping at it.

Soon Mesa was using both hands, greedily swallowing as much as he could, dribbling it onto his chest and his underwear before he grabbed onto the toilet and stuck his head in. His Mohawk got a bit crushed as he went down into the toilet, sucking and slurping and biting at the crap before him. He was unstoppable, his brain shutting off to make more room for the enjoyment of the feces... unaware that something had just snapped inside of his body.

Just as if he were at the gym, Mesa's muscled body was starting to grow and change... but not in the same ways. His firm ass cheeks started to grow and expand, pushing out away from his body. His arms started to widen and stretch, but not in any human way. A crease formed down the middle of his arms and his hands started to twitch and reshape. New fingers began growing out of his hands, his wrists splitting before his arms started to peel apart.

His limbs split from the hand up the forearm to the elbow, new joints solidifying on both parts before the division continued. As the splitting reached the shoulders, the arms pried apart more, even dividing his thick, heavy, meaty pectoral muscles. The biceps and triceps grew in again, making all four arms strong and sultry, though the tattoos that had covered the arms had been divided and faded away to normal flesh where the arms had split.

So wrapped up in his meal, Mesa hadn't noticed his extra arms or his larger ass, even as it started to push out of his pants. The blood pumping through his skin carried with it more changes, his skin darkening gently as a black sheen spread through the pigment. Soon his skin matched his rough beard, his hair as dark as night. Even Mesa's tongue hadn't escaped unchanged, the tube of flesh becoming more of a hollow tube. Mesa plunged the tongue down and sucked, getting a direct stream of shit down his throat, murmuring in delight.

Mesa closed his eyes as he moaned, reaching the bottom of the toilet basin. He tried to lick his lips with his unusual tongue but soon gave up, still covered in waste. The punk leaned back up and opened his newly transformed, red compound eyes and felt a gurgling in his gut. After his big meal, it was time for him to go to the bathroom himself, but he didn't want to leave Coda out. He'd give his lover breakfast in bed.

Mesa moved out into the hallway and reached out for the wall to steady himself, but as the thousands of tiny hairs on his hand anchored into the paint, an idea crossed his mind. Mesa put more weight onto his hand and brought himself up before grabbing on with the other. Soon he brought up his other two arms and then his legs, fully suspended above the floor. Mesa grinned and crawled along the wall, scuttling around the door frame and into the bedroom, moving all the way up to the ceiling above Coda's sleeping form.

The insectoid punk reached down with one hand to pull his underwear down, revealing his swollen, elongated ass and his hard, red cock. He positioned everything carefully before he started to bear down. A thick spray of fly shit began to rain down on Coda before it thickened into a tube of slop, but even the rain had started Coda's final change. The bluish green sheen in his skin became brighter as his skin toughened, taking on a plasticy feel. His body hair hardened as well, becoming more bristly... and his entire body started to grow larger, thicker, longer and taller.

Coda stirred in his sleep, licking his lips, moaning as his spine stretched and his limbs expanded, his body soon reaching six foot five in height. Mesa was delighted at how big Coda was, feeling instinctively that his mate should be bigger than him. He continued to bear down and his shit landed on Coda's face and chest. Coda moaned louder in is sleep, opening his mouth and taking some in before he woke up, looking around disoriented.

Coda didn't know where he was or why he felt so good, but soon he realized he was being fed the most delightful warm soft serve he'd ever had. He gulped it down and brought his hands into his boxers to curl around his cock, starting to jack off... but as he did that, his hands tingled and started to split, his arms dividing. Coda's back arched and he got shit all over his chin and throat, his arms splitting to the elbows and then the shoulders. Coda panted hard, looking up, seeing the form of his lover suspended from the ceiling.

"Mesa?!" Coda asked. Mesa dropped down from the ceiling, landing on Coda without warning. Coda grunted in surprise before he felt a hot, slick cock sliding into his mouth. Mesa started to thrust in and out unrepentantly, face fucking his lover. Coda gulped and licked and sucked at the cock, running his four hands all over his lover, feeling himself change more and more. Even his ass started stretching out, the cleft between the two cheeks becoming more of a tube as the ass stretched into a thorax.

Mesa maneuvered himself around to nuzzle at Coda's groin, finding his lover's cock. He went to lick it and return the favor, but used to feeding, his fly tongue plunged down around the cock, enveloping it completely. Coda gasped in shock before sucking harder in glee and Mesa decided to go with it. He used his feeding tube tongue to suck and slurp and draw in the cock, pleasuring it more than any human could.

As Mesa milked Coda of his pre-seed, his back started to tingle and throb and ache. The flesh rippled, warping and shifting before it split open a bit and long, crystal clear blades of something firm began emerging. The wings continued to stretch out, gaining veins and divisions, hardening and thickening, fluttering as Mesa went to town. His transformation was nearing a completion, at least for the moment. He started to buzz his wings, catching enough wind to lift him up and then drop him down on Coda, fucking him even more.

Coda growled in response, feeling his own wings starting to grow in and his own tongue changing. He slurped and sucked Mesa's cock like a beast, feeling so turned on. The pleasure was too impossible to ignore and soon his cock was spurting its rancid, fly sperm down his lover's throat. Mesa gulped at the cum down, feeling the searing pleasure of his own orgasm hit him and soon he was feeding Coda his seed. The two drained each other of their juices and kept on sucking. Even as their cocks grew softer, the suction kept them swollen and full and over sensitive. The pleasure was too much for any human to stand and it was rotting away their minds, leaving little more than the love of filth, sex and muscle.

At long last, Mesa finally pulled off of Coda's groin and turned to collapse, but Coda wasn't done. He turned and crawled across the bed, mounting his boyfriend. Mesa was shocked, feeling that the larger fly had to be the submissive, but Coda wasn't taking no for an answer. His cock soon hardened again as he slid in and out, rubbing his hands all over Mesa's thorax, grinding like a mad man. He slid in and out, his wings buzzing every so often before he came again, filling Mesa's ass with thick fly sperm, collapsing onto him.

Mesa was crushed into the bed by his blanket of muscle, not that he minded. He moaned and sighed in bliss as Coda relaxed, leaving him feeling complete and satiated. Somewhere in the back of his mind he thought back to the party where he had met Coda, ashamed he couldn't have realized then how lucky he was... They were truly meant to be together and there was no denying that.

[September 6th, 2012]

The sun was setting and the gym was really starting to liven up. The first few vehicles for the black marketplace sales had arrived, including the van. The driver climbed out of his van and stretched a bit, pausing as he realized he had stepped in something sticky. He looked around before grinning gently, moving to peek around the corner, his grin growing larger.

The gym's dumpsters had been opened wide and Coda and Mesa sat on the rim, spraying out digestive fluids from their tongues. The garbage sizzled and fermented and deteriorated before they leaned in and drank it in, their stomachs faintly rounded with good nutrition. Coda shuddered deeply in pleasure before he bore down, his thorax convulsing before tiny gel filled blue caplets began to squeeze out, raining onto the cement like a ripped bag of gummy worms. The salesman moved over and eagerly began scooping up the capsules, watching the two eat their fill of filth. He stuffed his pockets full of the capsules before he reached up to pull off his sunglasses, red eyes peering to the two flies before him.

"My, my you two are handsome... I would have loved to be a fly on the wall to see your change, but I have a feeling you rowdy punks would have been flying off the wall with all the changes." The salesman said. Mesa's brain felt heavy and sluggish but he turned, his brain starting to click through several thoughts.

"Who... are... you?" he asked, his voice deeper and more gravely.

"You can call me... well, you'll think it silly, but... McFly." The salesman said.

"More... shakes?" Coda asked, licking his lips.

"Oh trust me kids, you make something better than the shakes now... You've made it even more potent. Just think of all the lives you'll change now." McFly grinned. Coda looked over at Mesa for a moment, knowing he'd changed the only life he cared about. He stopped caring about eating and grabbed Mesa, pulling him into the dumpster.

Mesa found himself on his back, feeling his lover line up along his lower section. He leaned in, their bristly bearded faces rubbing and their tongue tubes touching before Coda penetrated him again, sliding in. Mesa squirmed in delight, knowing that Coda's cock was getting fatter and wider with each day, stretching him open and pleasuring him in ways unimaginable.

Coda thrust in and out, his hands worshipping Mesa's body... loving every aspect. While they had become very much like flies, there was still the unique traits that they both loved in each other. Mesa's exoskeleton was emblazoned with the pattern of his tattoos and his Mohawk was bristly and deep black. Two metal rings hung from Coda's reinforced chest, sealed into the firm shell over his juicy middle parts and even his plugs remained.

The two kissed and rubbed and fucked, covered in every form of filth imaginable from sweat to garbage to shit... but they loved it. To them it was life, to them it was love and completion. They had become something better, something resilient. They needed nothing but decay and garbage to live and they had nothing but time on their hands to fuck and suck and kiss and love. They continued to go at it, though outside the dumpster McFly had started to masturbate on his own, panting hard.

He watched the two mating, feeling his own tiny hairs anchoring into his cock as he jerked off, giving himself a fly quality hand job. He felt the draw of finishing his own transformation, of giving into it all, but if he did there would be no one else to share the pill, to bring more into the brotherhood of the flies. McFly decided it was time to train a successor, to give someone else the heavy burden of changing others so he could give in and enjoy the freedom Coda and Mesa felt.

As McFly reached his own orgasm outside of the dumpster, Coda and Mesa were approaching theirs. Coda thrust as deeply as he could get before holding himself there, locked in place as he came hard. The cum pumped into Mesa's thorax and Mesa soon came as well. The two collapsed on one another in sexual exhaustion, their wings buzzing every so often to signal their joy. They were as happy as flies in shit... and would always be that way.

Bottom's Abound

**Bottom's Abound** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Northernwolf Based on a commission by Guderian When selecting a college, many different factors came into play. Many students took a look at what athletic programs the colleges had to...

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Gift Wrap

**Gift Wrap** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Williamca The lights in the office had gone into power saving mode, leaving only one out of three banks on. It was all part of a schedule, but for William Stratton it was just another reminder...

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Meta - 1-04 - Hybrid

_ **META** _ _It is an old saying that nothing exists in a vacuum. Both nature and society operate with many pieces of the whole, acting and interacting, creating something new in turn. Still, it is a lesson that few learn easily and history is full...

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