Bottom's Abound

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Written by

Commissioned by Northernwolf

Based on a commission by

Part 1:

When a conservative young man gets a hug from a flamboyant rainbow punk, his life begins to unravel in many wonderful ways.

Bottom's Abound Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Northernwolf Based on a commission by Guderian

When selecting a college, many different factors came into play. Many students took a look at what athletic programs the colleges had to offer. Some looked at extracurricular activities, others found location to be the most important while a few focused entirely on what they could afford. Vince Gillan had been the latter, but as he stood outside of Long Hall, he was feeling a bit better about his choice. At nineteen years old, he was already a year behind the rest of the incoming freshman class, but the campus was putting him at ease.

Vince was five foot ten, his dark blonde hair sticking out as a fringe just past his black stocking cap. It was the only non conservative part of his clothing. He wore simple blue jeans and a black t-shirt with no emblem. His skin was somewhere between a rosy pink and a Californian tan, the hallmark of a Californian gamer. His nose was wide but attractive as it fit the shape of his jaw perfectly and his almond shaped eyes were particularly unique as they scanned his surroundings. To Vince, the campus was a wonder. Everything about it just seemed... right. The buildings had the heft and presence of the many decades they'd been there, but at the same time they were perfectly maintained so they didn't seem to have deteriorated in the least. The grounds were perfectly groomed, the students looked happy... in fact, they all looked incredibly happy to be back.

Vince watched as students moved around the building, embracing one another and catching up. His eyes darted to a six foot five football player coming around the corner. His skin was a rich, dark brown and his head was shaved but he had a full, bushy black beard that went down to his red jersey. What caught Vince's attention most, though, was the fluffy tail sticking out of the huge jock's jeans.

"A furry?" Vince murmured. He'd heard about furries before but he'd never seen one, let alone someone that could beat him to a pulp. He watched the jock move towards the building before the door opened and a shorter football player with shaggy brown hair emerged. His jersey was well worn, but he didn't seem to have a tail on. The two moved over, clapped each other on the back and then pulled into a very tight, intimate hug. Vince's eyes widened again as they embraced. Back home no jock would dare be so close for fear of being accused of being gay. Still, they said college was going to be different.

Vince felt a little voyeuristic watching the two hug so he moved down the sidewalk, heading away from his dorm and towards the quad but he found it harder to escape the feeling as more students hugged as they reunited. Everywhere he looked, people were hugging - under the cherry tree, on the building steps, on the quad, even around the edge of the lake. Vince was starting to wonder if he was crazy, but then he started to notice the other freshmen... He wasn't the only one being creeped out.

Sensing some sort of common fellowship, Vince started to walk towards a group of the freshmen before he noticed them scatter. At first he wasn't sure why, but then he saw another student. The young man had to be twenty or twenty one. He was only five foot eight but stood with confidence and self assuredness. His straight, light blond hair was dyed cherry red at the tips, but that was nothing compared to the colors in his rainbow tie-dye shirt and knee socks. The unusual young man's lips were full and his ladders of earrings glistened in his ears.

Vince's eyes drifted to the sign that the strange man was holding, realizing even the guy's fingernails were painted in rainbows. Vince was about to turn when he saw what the sign said - free hugs. Suddenly it all started to make sense, or at least it could make potential sense in a variety of ways. Either the entire campus embraced the free hugs movement, or no one wanted to hug the freak and so he had to advertise on a sign... and that thought made Vince very sad.

Physical contact had never been once of Vince's strong suits. His family had either been gone all the time or sick and neither promoted touching, and after reaching adulthood he just hadn't built up the experience to feel comfortable. In a way it had been the reason he had fled the embracing football players. Their actions didn't offend him, he just didn't know how to cope, how to handle it, how to embrace embracing... and the problem hadn't gone away. Deep down Vince wanted to hug, but he was too shy and embarrassed so he slowly turned and began walking away.

After three years, Reece had become a fixture of the campus, welcoming all of the freshmen to their new year of school and helping them settle in. He could see the hope and reluctance in Vince. So many poor souls came to college without a knowledge of how amazing it could be to hug someone, to truly let go, to connect to another being. It was something Reece didn't want anyone to be deprived of.

"Are you sure you don't want a hug?" The young man called out. Vince blushed and tried to pretend he hadn't heard. Reece grinned a bit at the challenge and started moving after him, padding along the grass in worn out sandals that showed off his rainbow socks. Vince grimaced, realizing that his faint of not hearing wasn't going to work.

"No thanks." Vince said glumly. Reece stuck out his pierced tongue.

"But everyone wants to hug... It's part of human nature. Even if you haven't hugged a lot before, there's no better time to start." Reece said. Vince swallowed a bit and kept walking. Reece took a breath, "I promise, one hug can change your life forever." Reece said. Vince's brows fell a little as he tried to contemplate the statement, but then he thought of the football players and the other students... so unafraid to hug, unafraid to show affection, unafraid of anything. Vince slowly came to a stop and turned to look at the rainbow punk.

"Y... Yes." Vince said. Reece let out a squeak of excitement before he dropped his sign and bounded over. Vince looked almost afraid as the punk came at him, but soon arms wrapped around his shoulders and the short, lithe body of another man was pressing against him. Vince felt claustrophobic, crushed, scared and isolated for a moment... but the fear started to melt away with Reece's body heat. Vince could feel his heart beat, his breath, every part of him.

Vince's breathing relaxed and slowly he lifted his arms up, wrapping them around Reece. He felt hesitant, unsure of placement, but as one arm draped across Reece's round ass cheeks like a shelf, the other soon situated across the small of his back. Vince was surprised how right it felt. He held Reece a little closer. Reece smiled at that, leaning in to nuzzle Vince and squeeze him more, moving to grind against him gently.

The freshman inhaled sharply as he felt another man's junk rub against his, but he couldn't resist. Reece was so soft, so warm, so close. Vince wanted to be closer and pressed back into Reece, starting to grind and even hump against him. Years of being shy and conservative were being stripped away by one hug. He wanted more contact, the most contact. He was soon humping Reece lewdly, panting and breathing harder... but all too soon, Reece let go. Vince looked forlorn, as if he'd been shown heaven and had it taken away. Reece spotted the look and bit his lip with faintly buck teeth.

"Oh, I'm sorry... I've got class soon..." Reece admitted.

"But... but... the hug, I want more hugs..." Vince whispered. Reece grinned.

"Well then I know just the place for you to go." Reece said, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a scrap of paper with 'hug coupon' printed on one side but he started writing an address on the back before handing it to Vince, "These are some friends of mine, pretty cool cats. They live just off campus. You could wait for me there, have some fun while you wait." Reece smiled. Vince accepted the piece of paper and watched the rainbow punk pick up his sign and scurry off to class, all but romping along between the trees.

Vince slowly looked down at the coupon he held in his hand, feeling more lost than he ever had in his life... but like he had more direction. He didn't want to not have contact, he wanted more hugs and if he had to go to a stranger's house to get them, so be it. Vince turned and started moving down the pathway, a slight sway in his hips and a bulge in his pants. It seemed his manhood was as eager to do some more hugging as his heart was.


It had seemed with every step that Vince took that he left more of himself behind until he stood at a stranger's door with a mild erection, a desire to be hugged, and no fear. He reached up and knocked on the door, clutching the address in his other hand. There was a long moment before the front door opened up, revealing a six foot two, hundred and eighty pound pillar of muscle. His hair had been shaved pretty close to his head, bleached platinum blond and spots had been added in with dye later. He was wearing a sports jersey with a soccer ball on the chest, but instead of a conventional soccer ball it seemed to be made of yarn.

"Can I help you?" The man asked. Vince gazed up at him for a long moment before he offered the coupon as some sort of explanation.

"A guy told me to come here and wait for him for some more hugs..." Vince said. The man took the coupon and looked at it before grinning, looking over his shoulders.

"Hey guys, Reece sent over a visitor to hang out for a while. He had a hug coupon." The man said. Another lithe soccer player type appeared from around the corner, his hair a dusty blonde. He had a slight goatee that hugged the tip of his jaw. He grinned, showing a lot of teeth.

"That's awesome! Are you going to show him in Lance?" the second man asked.

"Of course... Don't mind Pete, he's got a sense of decorum." Lance said, putting an arm around Vince's shoulders. Vince gasped at the grasp before he leaned into a hug, burying his face in the stranger's chest. Lance grinned and held Vince close, rubbing his back. As Vince started to hump him, Lance ground back, using sinuous movements that were quite disarming. Soon Lance took a few steps back and Vince followed, just to stay in the hug. Pete moved over and shut the door behind them both.

"I'ma go grab some beers for us I think." Pete said with a smirk before he moved into the kitchen.

"I'm only nineteen..." Vince murmured. Pete grinned as he left the room.

"All the more reason." He smirked. With Pete gone, Vince focused on Lance, gazing into his eyes. Lance continued to back up before he flopped down onto the couch, pulling Vince with him. The two landed on the soft cushions and Vince panted hard. Lance reached up and maneuvered Vince into position to hump and grind against, letting the stranger straddle him. Vince was so lost in the moment. His cock was as hard as a diamond and as hot as lava but he kept humping, panting and sweating. Beads of sweat ran down from his forehead, an oddly musky tang to the salty drops, but the change in flavor wasn't the only change.

With each hump, Vince's dark blonde hair started to shift. Like the colors of the sunset, it turned from a faint blonde to a light orange and then to a deep red. The change spread to his arm and leg hair, though his small amount of chest hair seemed to stay blond. If anything, it was lightening up a bit, almost like platinum. Lance grinned, knowing that Reece's spell was starting to take hold. Vince's inner animal was starting to come out.

Vince rubbed at Lance's back, rubbing and petting, though as his fingernails got caught in the shirt, he grimaced. He could have sworn they were trimmed better. He went back to rubbing, but soon the nails caught again. Vince pulled out his hand to figure out what was going on, and to his horror he soon saw. He hadn't been catching fingernails in the stranger's shirt, he had been catching claws in the fabric. His fingernails had stretched into sharp points and the points had turned black, spreading all the way back into his fingers. He gasped in shock.

"What... what's going on?" he whispered.

"Reece did say this would change your life..." Lance said, leaning in to nuzzle at Vince's ear. The affection felt amazing, but it also felt different as his ear stretched into a point, a point that was growing fuzzy. Soon his other ear grew to match, stretching up and up. Vince moaned as his cheeks tingled and whiskers began pushing out, but that was nothing compared to the aching throb of his teeth as they started to stretch into fangs.

"What am I becoming? What is this?" Vince asked, afraid. Lance leaned in and kissed his chin as it grew thick red hair.

"You're becoming a sexy red wolf... and you're going to love it." Lance grinned. He reached down and started to unbutton and unzip Vince's pants, but as he did he leaned in to kiss the transforming freshman. Vince was caught off guard by the supple, hot lips and he let the tongue invade his mouth soon after. He was helpless in the kiss, particularly perplexed by how sandpapery it felt. Lance worked his tongue back and forth in Vince's mouth, pawing at his groin before he flipped the button open in his boxers and reached in.

The manhood that Lance extracted from Vince's undergarments was far from normal. It was hard, swollen, red... and changing. The mushroom shaped head pushed out, tapering to a point as the shaft itself widened, veins bulging along the thick meaty length. It was the shaft of a party animal and soon Lance was stroking it eagerly. Vince was helpless at the attentions, trying to hold on, but as he humped into the hand, he felt himself slipping away more.

The shoes around the freshman's feet groaned as the feet grew inside them, pushing longer and wider and taller and thicker, toes gaining paw pads, toenails becoming claws, the arch of the foot increasing. Soon the leather popped as tiny claws poked through the front while the other shoe split down the side, a paw emerging. Vince lifted his head, groaning sharply as his ears turned fully wolf, sticking out of his now red hair and his stocking cap.

He was panting for breath, for a grip, but as his eyes opened he saw something he had never expected, a puma man. Pete had disappeared into the kitchen and came back changed. He was tall, lithe and covered in creamy sand colored fur with a faint black mustache. His fur glistened on his muscles and his tail flicked around behind him. His barbed cock was out and exposed, dripping a bit, but in each hand he held a pair of beers. He juggled them around to pop one open, pouring it into Vince's panting mouth.

Vince was shocked by the sudden onslaught of the cool amber liquid, but he only had the choice of making a mess or drinking it and he chose to drink it. He took several gulps and soon the alcohol was flooding his system, numbing what pain had been there that he hadn't noticed, increasing his pleasure and dropping his inhibitions. Pete put the beer aside and grinned, licking his feline lips.

"What a sexy little red wolf..." Pete said before he leaned down, kissing Vince, cramming his puma tongue into the boy's throat. Vince tried to keep up with the kiss, going through the motions, overwhelmed... but Lance wasn't to be outdone. He started pulling Vince's jeans down, exposing his furry red ass with the fuzzy tail nub growing in. He also worked at his pants, opening them up until his shaft was exposed. With great gusto, Lance repositioned Vince and thrust up. Vince broke the kiss in a moan of ecstasy as he was filled for the first time by another man. Pete grinned, looking down the hall.

"Hey Axel, you better come join the fun!" Pete shouted. There was a rumble of a door before another man moved out, or at least part man. His black hair was gelled into a Mohawk, but the rest of his head was covered with blond and black fur in cheetah spots. His velvet tail flicked around as he rubbed at his pierced nipples, spotting the new recruit before he smirked.

"Who let the dog in?" he asked, moving around Pete and Vince, reaching in to massage Vince's shoulders. The freshman felt like the luckiest man in the world to have three men going after him. He grunted and moaned more, feeling the pressure build up in his face as it pushed forward, aching and throbbing as his jaw elongated, making more room for his teeth. His upper lip extended forward to keep up, bringing his nose with it. As Vince's nose stretched, his nostrils upturned, his nose blunted and the bridge widened.

Every passing moment rendered Vince less of a man, becoming more of a beast. His muzzle grew, red stubble growing up from his chin across his cheeks, then across his nose and even his forehead. His wolf ears migrated up his head more, pushing the stocking cap off so his red hair cascaded down around his head now. With his ears and muzzle in place, there were only a few slight alterations to the brow and cheek bones before he had the head of a red wolf... and the rest of Vince's body followed after.

Vince bounced between Lance's cock and his hand, having paws rub at his shoulders and a cougar kissing at his lips. He writhed and shifted, his tail growing out longer and fluffier, his chest dominated by white fur while his shoulders throbbed. His pecs and abs started to firm, his back growing and his arms thickening. He was gaining a fine degree of muscles, ones he used in his gyrations. Soon Axel was draping himself over Vince's back, humping against his spine, licking and biting at his neck. Pete tried to get in edge wise, moving to rub his cock against Vince's hand until the freshman got a hint and wrapped his paws around it.

They were all going at it, but as Vince opened his eyes, he saw Lance starting to change to join him. His platinum blond, speckled hair was starting to grow softer, turning into fur... fur that spread down his face and neck, spilling over his shoulders. His chest and arm hair followed suit. He looked similar to Axel in a way, but his wider jaw set it off somehow. It took Vince a moment before he realized he was being mated by a leopard. Lance chuffed in satisfaction as his upper lips split, his nose blunted and pushed out and his face extended into a slight muzzle.

The Leopard leaned in and kissed Vince, their animal lips rubbing, their tongues swapping saliva. They went at it hard and fast, but soon Lance was tilting his head back, his clawed paws stretching as he came. Vince felt several hot jets of seed spray up into him, filling him... but not enough. He wanted more. Knowing he had his turn, Lance grabbed Vince around the waist and lifted him up. Axel wasted no time slipping his legs in, moving to sit on Lance's ass, his own cock standing up proudly from his loins.

Vince felt himself lowered again and his stretched, cum filled anus felt another intruder... one he didn't know. Vince gasped, throwing his head back as Axel entered him. His cock was a bit shorter but much wider than Lance's had been. Thankfully he was already lubed up. As Axel started to bounce between Lance's cock and Vince's ass, the most delightful wet sloppy squealching noises came out of Vince's ass.

The cats licked and pawed at the wolf, working at him in bliss, but Pete was jealous, wanting in more of the fun himself. He nuzzled under Vince's arm, moving to rub his furry cougar cheeks against Vince's wolf cock before his lips parted and a rough feline tongue came out. Vince howled as the tongue lapped at his shaft, stimulating it in all the right ways. Pete worked at it more and more before his head came down around the cock, sucking and slurping. For the first time, all four males were working in tandem with Vince the center of it all.

Vince hadn't felt so fulfilled since Reece had hugged him tight, but this was even better. It was as if he could feel their pleasure as well as his, feeling the cock slide up into him, searching for his core of pleasure before sliding back down and dropping onto another cock... but it was more than that. The cock in him was barbed and feline, tugging at his insides, toughening them up while still massaging and stimulating. Vince clenched down, increasing the pressure and friction for his mate, though when he opened his eyes he gasped softly, catching sight of his reflection in a picture frame...

It was hard to believe what he had become, a red wolf being mated by a cougar, cheetah and a leopard. It boggled the mind, but it seemed so right at the same time. He reached up to rub at his chest with one paw, looking down at the cat head suckling his sloppy wolf cock. He let out a howl of pleasure and started thrusting into the mouth with renewed pleasure, not holding back in the slightest and the cats weren't holding back either.

Paws explored bodies, finding all the right spots. Vince could feel that the roommates did this a lot. They knew every minute pressure point, every pattern of fur to pet, every way to stimulate each other. He found himself a bit envious at it all, having that kind of connection and bond... but at the same time he'd been welcomed into the family, at least for some fun times. He ground his hips, drooling as the cat hilted on his cock, the feline's fangs gnawing at the base of his cock where the flesh was bulging out into a thick red knot.

Vince tried to hold back, but it was just too much. Muscle, fur, cocks and balls - it was a recipe for pleasure and Vince had indulged in a huge dose. Soon his furry white balls tugged up closer to his body, his cock pulsed and he began to unleash his sperm down Pete's eager throat. The cougar slurped it in as deeply as he could, letting it fill his gullet. Axel, too, was enjoying the benefit of Vince's orgasm. The cheetah's cock was being squeezed and massaged as Vince's ass fluttered around him.

Axel tilted his head back, but then he decided to lean forward, bringing his maw to Vince's neck, parting his muzzle before clamping down with his fangs. Vince reached up, grabbing onto the cat's head with a paw, panting as the fangs pierced his neck, but his thick wolf hide soon healed itself right back up. Vince felt invigorated and then he felt filled as a second hot load of cum started pumping into his ass.

The cats had been focused love makers, but as orgasm swept over them all, they started to get disorientated. They wobbled on the couch before falling to the side, landing awkwardly in a heap on the carpet. Vince was a bit stunned, but the cats soon moved to lick and rub at each other, their tongues and hands going everywhere. Vince felt reassured as his wolf ears were licked, his muzzle nuzzled and his chest preened. It was like everything was finally right.

The red wolf tried to return the affections as best he could, licking and rubbing back, but soon the pleasure overtook him and his eyes fluttered into the back of his head. As the wolf went limp, the cats cuddled up against him, becoming one large pile of cum soaked fur, tails sliding back and forth in contentment.


The excitement of the new school term had slowly faded into the calm routine of fall, especially as an early rain hit. The lake was fuller than usual, the paths were soaked and the cafeteria windows were covered with streaks of water. The gray outside made any color indoors stand out more and Reece was the center of it all. The rainbow punk sat at a table half way between the window and the fireplace, eating waffles with peanut butter on them, gazing through the window at the trees outside. He longed for spring, the time of new life and love and mating, but he had a long winter to be cozy. He lifted the waffle again and took another bite, chewing it completely, though his eyes slowly drifted down as two hands started to slip around his waist.

The hands were large but soft, the fingernails painted a bright pink. Reece glanced over his shoulder, grinning as he saw the sort of man that Vince had become. Vince's hair had retained the red coloring of his fur, never to revert even in human form. He was wearing his old black stocking cap but fake ears had been sewn into it, giving it a more animal look. The boys had given Vince a side braid of pink and purple dyed hair that hung down past his ear, complimenting the pink and purple tie-dye shirt he wore, though the shirt was far too small. It showed off his mid-riff, along with the belly button piercing he had recently obtained. Reece looked down Vince's body, taking in the skinny blue jeans that accentuated his ass and hips. He even looked to the boy's sandals, showing off his painted toenails.

"Wow, looks like they really made a bottom out of you." Reece said. Vince gave a grin of glee, his hands lowering. He cupped Reece and started to grope him in public. Reece moaned, surprised but not objecting.

"I'm such a slut now, I can't help it... and it's all thanks to you. I have no idea how to thank you for making my life so good." Vince whispered.

"Well... My boyfriend and I were thinking of having a quiet night, but we love new friends. You'd be more than welcome." Reece offered, "He's a bottom too, like you."

"Will you fuck us both Reece? Like you did all the kitties?" Vince begged. Reece spun around to face the human wolf, reaching out to rub his hips.

"It's a promise." Reece whispered, "But first, tell me how it went. Was it good for you?"

"Oh yes, it really was." Vince said, pulling a chair over, sitting down to face Reece, "They embraced me right away, made me one of them, showed me the ins and outs but now they have me sharing a room with Axel. They let me in! Can you believe that, a wolf." Vince said with glee.

"I knew they would like you, it was just a question of meeting you. Plus sometimes it is good to have some protection around the house.

"Or a pool boy... and a cabin boy." Vince beamed, reaching to rub at his already erect nipple. Reece smirked at that, his nose wrinkling up a bit as he smiled.

"Bottom's sure do abound, you're such a cute little wolf now. I love how gay you are." Reece said. Vince blushed a little bashfully, looking around at the other students. Reece smiled, "I could use some of that at my place tonight. My boyfriend has to live off campus since he graduated, but you can come have dinner at our place, maybe play with the big leagues after..." Reece offered. Vince's eyes lit up in surprise.

"Really? Me over at your place?" Vince whispered. Reece nodded and opened his arms for a hug. Vince was stunned and overwhelmed for a moment but soon he slid forward, hugging the rainbow punk for all he was worth. He knew he was going to have a lot of fun.


Vince strutted down the avenue away from the college, walking on the sidewalk between the road and the railroad tracks. The number of cat calls he got were staggering, some from men who thought he was a girl and some from gay men... but Vince didn't want any random street hookup. He wanted the king of the hill, he wanted to be with Reece. At long last he reached the address, a refined apartment building for some of the town's more successful individuals.

Solar panels rested on the roof, catching the last of the evening sun while a few people enjoyed their glass lined balconies. What stood out most to Vince was the large billboard off to the side of the building, showing a latino man with cinnamon brown skin but his black hair was bleached to a most unique tannish brown three quarters of the way up from the tips. The advertisement was featuring the model in an array of North Pole winter wear, from the thick green fur lined coat to the firm brown leather boots around his feet. He sure was attractive. Vince wondered if Reece's room faced the sign so he could ogle it all the time.

The red wolf moved through the foyer and up the stairs to the second floor, taking a right. After a few more doors he reached the apartment he had been told about. He lifted his hand and rapped on the door. There was a long pause before the door eased open, revealing the apartment's other occupant - Tucker. Tucker had been Reece's roommate in college, but being two years older had resulted in his graduation... after which point he had become a model. Vince could not believe the man from the billboard was standing before him, though his cheeks were covered in more stubble than the picture. Tucker grinned wide.

"You must be Vince, I've been hearing about you all week from Reece and the boys." Tucker said. His voice was soft but strong, an unusual and attractive combination. The model moved forward and wrapped his arms around Vince, pulling him into a hug. Vince was unable to resit, swept up into Tucker's grasp. Soon the man was hugging and humping him, grinding. Vince inhaled the scent, finding Tucker to smell earthy and spicy at the same time. Soon he was drooling uncontrollably, his cock throbbing hard before it began to drool too. A wet spot formed in Vince's skinny jeans, spreading out quickly to cover a larger area. Tucker stepped back and reached down to run a finger across the wet spot before he brought it up to his lips and licked it clean, grinning in bliss.

"Desert is going to be very tasty." He said before he turned, leading the wolf into the rest of the apartment. Vince followed after in a daze, too overwhelmed to think of anything. The inside of the apartment was decorated in glass and steel and fake fur carpeting. There were bowls of nuts and pictures of Tucker posed everywhere, though many featured the outdoors, the woods, snow lined mountain peaks... but some of the pictures were a bit fuzzier than others.

As Vince went around admiring the photos, he realized that Tucker had antlers in some of them... as well as hooves and a furry white chest. He looked out of the apartment window and saw the billboard with the winter wear before he turned, looking at Tucker, "You're a reindeer?" he whispered.

"Oh yeah, and Reece loves playing with my jingle bells." Tucker smirked, "Isn't that right honey?" Tucker asked. Vince turned, spotting Reece.

"And what are you?" Vince asked softly, looking at the rainbow punk that had started it all.

"Do you want me to tell you, or show you?" Reece asked, moving over. He lifted a hand to pet Vince's chest and as he did so, his rainbow painted fingernails started to stretch into claws. Reece poked them through Vince's shirt and dragged his hand down, cutting through the cloth. Vince moaned as his shirt split open and his perky pierced nipples were revealed. Reece leaned in and began to lick and lap at them, causing Vince to feel weak in the knees and start to stumble, though powerful arms grabbed him from behind. Tucker leaned down to lick and nuzzle at Vince's neck, starting to pet at his sides.

"You smell like such a cute wolf." Tucker whispered. Hearing the words, Vince couldn't help but shudder, feeling his ears start to stretch into tips as fuzzy red fur grew out across the back. Soon the model was nibbling at them, licking the fur and nuzzling them, encouraging them to grow. Reece, however, was more focused on the gay punk's chest. He pawed and stroked and rubbed his face against the chest until fuzzy white fur started to emerge. Reece leaned in, nuzzling at Vince's chest, licking in tiny furtive strokes with his tongue, raking his slightly buck teeth along the nubs.

Vince wobbled gently, unable to process all the pleasure. His new roommates were amazing, but it seemed like Reece and Tucker could teach a class on intimacy. It was true, they had shared Reece's gift with many and gained much experience, but to them each transformation was special and Tucker couldn't wait to see the wolf for himself. He pulled Vince's shirt off of his back, casting it to the floor before he reached around, unbuttoning his pants. The pants slowly slipped down, revealing the cum soaked boxers from beneath.

Every instinct told Vince that the boxers would be the next to go, but to his surprise, Tucker reached down into them, massaging his ass cheeks before feeling the crease. Vince wondered for a moment if the model was going to penetrate him with his fingers, but soon Tucker started massaging at the tailbone, working at it, all but prying it away from Vince's pelvis. The bone began to shudder as it stretched out, new segments and muscle filling in. The fur erupted from the flesh more quickly than before, as if it knew what to do.

Tucker calmly and carefully stroked the tail as it grew out longer and longer in his hands, extending to a foot, then two, then three. The tail was thick, had natural curves and was quite a bright red. Once the tail had reached full size, Reece all but squeaked in delight. He lifted one of Vince's hands and nuzzled his face against it before his lips parted and he moved to suck one finger, coming off of it to reveal a long pink claw. Reece moved from finger to finger until the entire hand was a bit more paw like, especially the thumb.

Reece pulled off of the hand and gave Vince a mirthful smile before he moved onto the next hand, repeating the process. Vince panted hard, flushed, sweating gently as Reece pleasured his fingers in ways he assumed only his manhood could feel. It took almost a minute to finish, but as Reece pulled off again, he shuddered gently with delight, reaching down. Brandishing his own claws, Reece made short work of Vince's shoes and socks before his growing clawed feet emerged.

"What are you doing to me?" Vince whispered. Reece grinned.

"Playing with my prey, making sure my bottom is sexy. Take it however you want it. I like my boys with a dash of kemonomimi before I have them all the way." Reece said with a smirk before he pulled Vince's boxers down. The rainbow punk reached out and wrapped his hands around Vince's shaft and started stroking, feeling the rod stretching in his hands, elongating to eight inches, then ten as the shaft grew red and tapered to a point, the point of a wolf.

Vince started panting in pleasure, his chest rising and falling as his cock changed. Tucker watched on in appreciation, knowing Vince could have made the cover of several magazines as he was, but right now he was their plaything and nothing more... but playing with the puppy only brought out more of the wolf and Vince wasn't able to hold anything back. He grunted and groaned as his muscles started to expand, his shoulders widening as his chest and abdomen thickened with defined slabs of meat. The white fur on his chest came in thicker, his body hair softened and spread and whiskers began pushing out of his cheeks.

A wave of changes started moving up Vince's body, starting from his feet as they warped into paws. His leg hair soon spread down across the feet, engulfing them in red hair. Vince's tail swung as his heavy balls bobbed beneath his shaft, his bush turning white as the fur spread over more and more. Vince felt like he was on fire, making it all the hotter as Tucker leaned in and wrapped his arms around the wolf. Vince writhed in the embrace, feeling so very warm and loved and complete... so complete that flashes of his life started to play before his eyes.

Vince thought of every time he had felt unsure, incomplete, unworthy, inferior... He thought of all the times life hadn't seemed right or had seemed boring, but now it was all falling into place. He knew where he should be, what he should be doing. It was like the moon of his life was rising and it was time. Vince lifted his head, his lips parted and he let out an animalistic howl that ripped through him.

Vince's mouth pushed out around his howl, forming into a muzzle as his nose widened and his eyes repositioned. Fur slipped out of his cheeks and then the rest of his face, fur dominating the rest of his body soon after. His muscles bulged a bit more before he settled into his final form, standing before the others. He panted, regaining his composure, looking down at the others around him... but before he spotted any difference, he could smell it.

The air was getting thicker, muskier. It smelled like the woods and sex to the power of a thousand. Vince looked down, watching Tucker's hands grope his chest, starting to change. His fingernails grew darker, turning from white to brown to black, thickening before they slipped over the tips of his fingers like miniature hooves. The hair on his arms started to grow out, lightening from brown to a creamy sandy tan. Tucker pulled one hand back to liberate himself of his clothing, letting pieces fall one at a time to the floor.

Tucker had changed many times before, but he still loved showing off. He slowly slipped off of Vince and moved around, showing his body to the new recruit. Vince watched avidly as Tucker started to change more and more. The model's back stretched, his cinnamon chest expanding, broadening, widening. Even his nipples engorged in size before white fur began sprouting out of his chest, coating it and dropping down over his abdominal muscles like velvet. Vince only realized then that Tucker hadn't been wearing shoes... which was a very good thing.

The model's feet cracked and popped, the toes starting to grow together from the inside out, the skin webbing before everything pried together. The toenails darkened before the keratin coating spread out over the base of the foot, surrounding the fused toes and looping around the back to the diminished heel. Bones popped and shifted even more, particularly from the knee to the ankle, rendering the legs far more animal in nature.

Leg hair became fur, arm hair did the same... but for the most part Tucker's head was still human, save for two large lumps. The flesh on his temples continued to bulge and push out, growing more and stretching before the skin could take no more. At last it broke, allowing velvet covered bone nubs to push out. The nubs pushed forward before splitting off into a V shape, making room for more to emerge. The horns proved to be antlers as the bones curved slightly, splitting off into more points, then more.

As much as Tucker loved showing off his antlers, he was having a hard time focusing on each change. It was all starting to hit him. His ass cheeks pushed apart as a small sandy tan flag of a tail flicked up, signaling to his mate that he was ready to breed. His ears started to stretch outward, taking on teardrop shapes that soon folded a bit more in on themselves... and most surprising of all was the muzzle. In fluid, steady motions, his face began to extrude forward with no sound, no discomfort, taking on the streamlined face of a reindeer.

Tucker shifted his weight from hoof to hoof, flexing his fingers as his fur filled in before he reached down, massaging at his furry sheath. Vince found his eyes drawn to it, particularly as the sheath parted and a long, slick reindeer cock emerged, looking faintly like some sort of fleshy tentacle. It dripped pre and Tucker lifted his head, letting out the mating call of a reindeer. Vince would have been so afraid in his last life, but now he saw Tucker for what he was... a supermodel in any form.

"Tucker was once like you were, but he embraced the world, he embraced possibility... just as you have." Reece said.

"You are all so amazing, I can't even begin to say." Vince murmured. Reece chuckled softly, pulling off his shirt before dropping his pants and stepping out of his shoes.

"You don't have to say, you can show us, just like we're showing you." Reece smiled, leaning in to nuzzle his cheek against Vince's.

"But I have to know... I've seen so many species, so many amazing people... But you started it all... Are you a wolf? A lion? A bear? What gives you the power to reveal bottoms to this world?" Reece asked.

"Simple, I worked my way up from the bottom." Reece said before he stepped back. Tucker pulled Vince into his arms, holding the wolf's back to his chest so he could watch Reece's change. Vince wasn't sure anything had changed at first before he noticed Reece's legs had changed, the muscles reconfiguring. The rainbow punk's feet grew longer without widening much, but they looked truly different as his body hair started to bleach out completely.

From Reece's arms to his legs, from his pits to his bush, his body hair soon lost all color, becoming a uniform downy white. The hair thickened and softened, hanging down around his manhood like a pelt - a pelt that was spreading. The white fur surrounded his hips and grew into his leg fur, coating his ass cheeks and creeping up his spine. His arm hair moved down across the backs of his hands and parts of his palms while the remaining fleshy parts swelled into pads.

Vince tried to make out what he was becoming, but every time he formed a guess, he soon was disproven. The white fur covered Reece's torso and legs and feet, soon moving up his neck and cheeks... but something else was growing, something far larger and far faster. Vince tilted his head in confusion as a large sheet of white fur began unfurling behind him, growing longer so fast that it was practically unrolling like a carpet. The tail lifted up past the small of his back, his shoulders and then his head, climbing upward almost another foot before the top wobbled, shifted, and fell back into a limp little curve.

Reece moaned and smiled as his face pushed forwad, his nose softening and whiskers pushing out of his cheek. Only the rainbow dye from the fringes of his hair remained, giving his head fur a look of actual hair, but the rest of his body had become something more, something far more adorable and yet special at the same time. Vince was stunned, flabbergasted, and in utter disbelief.

"A squirrel?" he asked in surprise.

"An albino winter squirrel." Tucker whispered.

"But I'm a wolf..." Vince said. Reece grinned.

"A wolf that's going to have fun being a bottom for the rest of his life." Reece said, moving over, running a paw over one of Vince's ass cheeks. The wolf let out an involuntary moan as his ass quivered in need, the need to be filled. He soon doubled over before Tucker, falling onto all fours, moaning loudly. Tucker looked to Reece for permission and Reece gave a nod. The reindeer beamed happily before he moved to slide his slimy, hot reindeer cock up and down between Vince's cheeks like a hot dog in a bun before he shifted, bringing it down.

The tip easily slipped through Vince's quivering ring, plunging deep. The reindeer moved his hands to Vince's hips, holding the wolf in place as he thrust forward and back. Tucker seemed quite skilled, but he had learned by example. He had been the perfect bottom for Reece and he knew the hungers and the needs well... they were the same hungers he felt. The reindeer moaned, his tail flicking about. He wanted to be mounted, to be the bottom... and Reece wasn't going to deny him.

The white squirrel circled around the reindeer and the wolf, petting them and groping them, appreciating them in general, but as Reece got behind Tucker, he felt his old love and lust fitting into place. He moved forward, humping Tucker's ass, forcing the reindeer to thrust into the wolf deeper. Reece ran his hands all over Tucker's back, massaging his shoulders and his hips before he latched on like he was taking hold of a tree, anchored deep before he suddenly thrust forward.

"YES!" Tucker bellowed, rammed forward by Reece, using the momentum to force even deeper into Vince. Vince was experienced in being the front car on a love making train and he was enjoying the position. It was as if all that lust was aimed at him, giving him several times the normal impact. He never wanted it any other way. He felt so special, so loved, so gay, so bottom, so slutty, so complete. He was who he was born to be. At last he had achieved his perfect place. He lived in a world full of bottoms, but he could be at the bottom of them all, feeling that love pressing in on him.

Reece, Tucker and Vince moved in a perfect pattern, forward and back, bouncing off of each other, swaying forward and back like the tides of the ocean. Their bodies were hot, their asses tight, their lust high. They moaned and groaned a symphony of joy and lust, working each other into a mad frenzy. Reece reached around to stroke Tucker's stomach and Tucker rubbed his hooves against Vince's sensitive nipples through the fur. They worked at it harder and faster, tilting their hips to increase the friction.

Despite living in a house of three gay felines, Vince hadn't yet learned how to delay spilling his own cream. He tried to make the sex last but he soon came, spraying his seed all over the carpet floor. He writhed and clenched, bringing Tucker over the edge soon after him. The reindeer's shaft pulsed with seed, pumping it into Vince... but because Reece hadn't come, the three kept going. They thrust, they moved, and Tucker started to make ever higher sounds. Post orgasm, his cock was over sensitive and it was getting used past the point of no return. He rolled his eyes into the back of his head and let out one more animal call... and that was all it took for Reece.

The squirrel clenched his eyes shut, thrust his hips as far forward as they could go before he came, spraying his seed into Tucker, the reindeer somehow managing to cum a second load into Vince. The three kept moving until Reece had emptied his load, but no sooner has the last drop left the squirrel's shaft before the three collapsed unceremoniously into a heap of sexual exhaustion. They panted, sweat and lay there, unable to move... but grinning from ear to ear, which in the case of beasts with muzzles was quite a far way. As the moments passed, Vince slowly regained the ability to speak, leaning back into the two lovers behind him.

"Thank you..." Vince whispered softly. Reece grinned at that.

"No need to thank me, the hugs are free." Reece said.

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