Gift Wrap

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Written by

Commissioned by Williamca

Guest starring Peable

When an over worked computer programmer gets a gift, he can't resist trying it on... with unexpected consequences.

Gift Wrap Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Williamca

The lights in the office had gone into power saving mode, leaving only one out of three banks on. It was all part of a schedule, but for William Stratton it was just another reminder of how the company was taking advantage of him. He sat at his desk, slumped forward a bit, the glare of his computer monitor shining off of his rectangular glasses. His fingers swept across the keyboard before him, continuing the song of clattering clicks that had been going on for so many hours already.

The picture on the badge hanging around William's neck showed a lean, eager employee with short brown hair and glasses, a smile on his face and a comical tie. The man sitting in the chair had shaggy brown hair and had lost even more weight, leaving lean behind in favor of thin. His brown eyes were weary, his shoulders sore and his mind foggy.

The project was running behind schedule and he had been the only one without family. Night after night he was stuck with the late shifts both because he had the time and because he was one of the best coders. It was the reason he'd been hired despite the bad economy, though William was starting to regret it all. He let out a weary sigh as he continued on before he came out of his mental auto pilot, realizing that he'd reached the end of the section.

His eyes eagerly went over the code he'd written again, checking for errors. There were a few typos he corrected but the checks seemed to verify that everything was done. Even exhausted, he'd managed to pull it off... William sat up with excitement at the prospect of being done and he ran the code checker. The software ran through line by line and returned a report that there were no predictable errors. It was time to compile, and compiling time meant he could leave it for the next shift.

William set the software to compile and turned off his monitor before writing a hasty note. He sprung to his feet and dropped the note on his co-worker's desk before he darted for the door, barely grabbing his coat before he was out into the hall, setting the security code to lock down their offices. The light blinked from green to red as everything was secured, leaving the coder to head down the hall with a delightfully exhausted grin on his face.


The walk home was lonely but somewhat romantic, at least to William. He'd seen a lot of midnights and sunrises at his new job. A thick fog hung in the streets, glowing in large spheres around the orange street lights... but the first signs of dawn were approaching. The sky had turned from black to gray, the horizon was faintly purple and the rest of the fog seemed to be catching the early light and taking on a faint glow of its own. Still, William was excited that there was so much fog. It would make it seem like earlier in the morning than it was and he'd get better sleep.

William all but drooled as he thought about how rewarding sleep would be, turning onto his own street. He lived close enough to work to walk each day, though he'd always pictured going into work after a breakfast doughnut. Still, money was money. The coder turned onto his street and approached the small house he rented, though as he approached he saw something he hadn't expected... a delivery truck in front of his place.

The headlights speared into the fog as the delivery man returned from William's doorstep, climbing in. The truck clattered as the door shut and soon pulled out, rolling down the street. As it passed William he could see that it was a dark blue truck with the white outline of a conch shell with wings. William faintly remembered it as the logo of the Daedalus delivery company.

William moved across his dewy lawn and up to his front porch to see what had been left behind. Resting on his door mat was a medium sized box wrapped in brown paper with a myriad of unidentifiable shipping labels made out of bar codes and QR squares. William couldn't remember ordering anything which made it an unexpected surprise. He lifted the box up and gave it a gentle shake. Something inside flopped around and then William grimaced, realizing it could have been some sort of technology.

With a careful tuck of the box under his arm, William soon opened the door to his house and moved inside, carrying the box over to his dining room table. He set it down and looked at it, wondering if he should open it right away or fully enjoy it by changing out of his work clothes. Then again, if it was some sort of work related non-sense, he didn't want to build himself up for nothing. William decided to compromise. He pulled his watch off and set it on the table before pulling his ties off, tossing it across the back of his chair. Stepped in the heel of his left shoe with his right foot, he popped his foot out without untying it and soon did the same for the other, standing in his socks.

William rubbed his hands together before he reached out and started pulling at the paper wrapping. The brown paper came off easily, but to William's surprise there was another layer of paper beneath... gift wrap. He pulled the outer layer off and was soon presented with a fully wrapped package, one wrapped in the most unique gift wrap he had seen. It was glistening as if glitter had been fused into it, a deep dark black at first but as the light hit it, it looked almost red or purple.

The coder reached out to run his hand across the paper to see how smooth it was, but everywhere his hand touched changed color as if it was heat sensitive. The black brightened to a lighter red, though there were hidden symbols in the paper too... silver bone shapes. If anything it looked like a pattern for a dog owner, but William had never seen gift wrap so extravagant. He ran his hands all over the box until the bone pattern was fully revealed, though where he had started rubbing was starting to fade back to black again.

Deciding the paper was so unique, William took great care to unwrap the package. He popped the double sided tape free and unfolded the paper, setting it aside. The underside was silvery like aluminum foil, no doubt the heat sensitive material. A slight grin crept across William's lips as he realized like a kid at Christmas that the box was half the fun. Still, he had been sent SOMETHING. With the nice gift wrap out of the way, William attacked the box itself, pulling open the flaps.

Little white foam pellets spilled out as the box opened, raining down across the table. William reached in and dug around before his hand found something firm and somewhat heavy like a leather strap. He gave it a tug and pulled it out of the box, sending more pellets raining down... but what he pulled out was in fact a strap, a strap looped around and secured into a collar... a leather collar.

William stood, staring at the collar for a long moment. It was a very dark brown leather, practically black but just enough smoke to the finish to see it wasn't. The ringlets and buckle were reinforced with a reddish silver metal, contrasting the strap. It was a rather bad ass looking collar, but William didn't have a dog or anything to put the collar on. He slowly reached over and lifted up the outer layer of paper, checking the shipping labels again. It all had his name on it, his address. It had been sent to him... but the return address was just a bar code he couldn't read.

It didn't make any sense to William. Why would anyone send him a collar? His mind tried to run through the possibilities before he settled in on a disturbing one. What if it was from the guys at work? He knew he had been a slave to them, a lap dog, a coding pet. What if they were making fun of him? He could see it already. They'd ask if he got anything unusual, he would pretend he hadn't, they'd think he was sad... That wasn't how it was going to go, not this time.

William took a breath and looked at the collar, trying to steel himself before he unclasped the buckle and opened the collar up. He lifted it behind his head, resting the leather against his neck before he brought the strap down around his throat. He walked out of the dining room and into the bathroom so he could make sure it was straight as he started slipping the strap through the buckle again.

"I'll show them that I'm fine with it." William murmured, situating the collar into place. As he pulled the strap through, he moved the pin through one of the ringlets, feeling it lock snuggle into place. The excess strap was pushed through a loop like on a belt, securing the collar around his throat. William stood in the bathroom, looking at his reflection. He was a scrawny, thin coder in a bad ass leather collar. It was still laughable.

William shook his head, feeling like an idiot... an exhausted idiot. He turned and left the bathroom, deciding to get ready for bed. A warm breeze passed over him as he moved into the hall, making his body feel warmer with every step. His sore shoulders throbbed and ached a bit more, though William had no way of realizing just why. The button up shirt he wore had started to fill out a bit more, his shoulders widening and thickening gently. His arms were thickening too, the baggy sleeves filling with more biceps and triceps.

The coder reached his room before realizing he'd forgotten his watch and its alarm feature. He sighed and turned around, walking the other way in his socks, moving back down the hall. His feet started to tingle and throb, growing slowly. The white socks stretched around his heels as they widened, then pushed out with his toes as they elongated. William's socks soon looked almost comically large, but something else was going on... something specific.

The socks warped a bit before the front of the toes began to unravel and split. Dark black spikes pushed out through the ends of the toes, curving down before sinking into the carpet. The claws widened and thickened, becoming more substantial as the socks continued to stretch out over the large paw like feet. Parts of the toes and the foot expanded even more, rounding and swelling into paw pads.

William reached the dining room and reached out for his watch, snatching it up. He didn't notice that his fingernails had turned black, nor that they were growing longer and honing into points. He turned and started the long walk back to his bedroom for the second time, feeling oddly good about himself, though he felt a bit like his nose was running. In fact, something had started to leak from his nostrils... but it wasn't mucus.

Two silver rivulets ran down like liquid mercury, though they slowed as they got about an inch out of his nostrils. The silver liquid began to harden, the last of the goo flowing down to the bottom, forming into little balls. The goo solidified and turned into a reddish silver metal ring, resting through his septum. A hot bead of liquid soon spilled out of his chin as well, forming a ball that anchored beneath his lower lip.

William reached his bedroom and set his watch down on the counter top, stretching and yawning. As he stretched, his biceps and triceps swelled more, filling out his shirt again. For the first time in months, he was no longer thin. He wasn't even quite lean anymore. He'd regained the mass he'd lost and then some, starting to look almost fit. The buttons on his shirt were tight, his chest and stomach taking up more space.

Still unaware of any of the changes, William reached for his shirt and unbuttoned it. The fabric came apart to reveal firm pectorals and an abdomen defining into a washboard. The coder peeled the shirt from his muscled body and tossed it aside, reaching up to scratch at his left ear. It itched a bit but he felt nothing as he scratched it. Once his claws had pulled back, though, more hot wet silvery goo began to leak from his skin, looping around his ear before hardening. He gained two earrings and a metal cuff around the ear, though the ear itself was changing too. The cartilage began to reform, stretching up into a point, the points on each ear growing taller and taller.

William reached down for his pants next, his claws slicing through the string holding the button in place. As it clattered to the floor William grunted in disgust that he needed new pants, but all he wanted right now was sleep. He pushed his pants down, shocked as they had trouble fitting over his thigh muscles. He finished getting them down around his legs before he moved to fall backwards into bed, landing on his back. He maneuvered around, wearing only his boxer briefs and his socks, socks now stretched to their limit by his large foot paws.

The coder closed his eyes, too tired to even pull his blanket over him... not that it was a problem. His body was roasting warm and climbing in temperature... though not just from the inside. The wispy brown dusting of hair on William's arms started to grow softer and thicker. New hairs pushed out, old ones grew longer. It spread across his arms, becoming so dense in patches that the skin beneath was invisible - and the patches were spreading.

William's chest was being dominated too as new hair pushed out all over it, then his legs. His body was becoming quite hirsute, but it was so soft and plentiful it was almost more like fur than it was hair. William tried to fall asleep, but his body felt so warm and good it was hard. His nipples were erect, his cock was hardening and tenting his briefs. He wondered if it was the excitement of reaching a milestone in the project or something else, but he just wanted to sleep.

As William rested, his body began to change in more ways than just becoming furrier. The pigment in his skin started to change. The base of his nose darkened, soon followed by a ring over his nose and half way down his cheeks. A darker triangle formed on the bridge of his nose and two lighter colored spots started to form above his eyes. The markings were unusual, almost tribal, but they started appearing all over.

Like long forgotten tattoos, dark rings formed around William's knees that stretched back into triangles with flesh toned spots down the center. There were even rings around his wrists, but they were wrists that had been covered with fur... and it was the fur that darkened. While most of his fur kept his dusty brown colored hair, the tattoos were more like dark chocolate in tone. Fur spread across his knees and replicated the pattern his skin had, filling in all over.

The fur grew across more and more of William's body, sweeping up his back and over his shoulders, growing into his chest and arm fur. It moved down over his wrists and hands as paw pads grew in on his palms, but even more it grew over his already over-large feet. The white socks strained to the limit, the fur starting to become visible between the rows of the knit material before a tearing sound came. One sock split down the side, the other all but exploding. The huge paws unfurled to their full glory, the toes wiggling... and it was then that the changes hit Will.

The changing coder sat up slowly, wondering what the tearing sound had been, but as he sat up he saw a body that was not his own. He gasped in shock, looking down at the furry, muscled, large body that was connected to him. He saw his nipples disappear into a tuft of fur, he saw his hands growing larger, he saw his huge paws wiggling... and he saw his boxer brief's straining larger. The fabric was bulging more and more, his entire groin throbbing and pulsing with such heat.

William let out a loud moan of pleasure before he realized how terrified he should have been. He pushed out of bed and started moving for the bathroom to get a better look at himself, but just as before, each step he took changed him a bit more. He was panting as his boxer-briefs filled out even more, but the most distinct change came from his backside. Before William reached the bathroom, he gasped as his tailbone pushed out from under the waistband of his underwear and started to rapidly grow.

The coder fell forward, landing on his hands and knees, panting in shock. His backside was changing rapidly, his pelvis shifting as his ass cheeks parted. His tailbone grew longer and longer, new bones forming in between the old, forcing them apart. Muscles stretched over the bones, hooking it all together, but all of those changes were barely visible beneath the changing skin.

Tight, small patterns appeared across the growing tail, too clustered to see... but as the fur started spreading down his tail and growing out fluffier, the pattern became far easier to make out. Dark brown lines grew out of the dusty brown fur, crossing back and forth around splotches and diamonds. It was like a wood carving, an etching, but it was all in his fur. Will groaned as the tail reached a foot long, then two, then three. Will could feel the weight and the strength of it, but he still couldn't see it.

Desperate to know what was happening, Will grabbed onto the bathroom door frame with a paw hand and pulled himself up onto his enormous feet, wobbling before he stumbled into the bathroom, panting hard. He closed his eyes for a moment before he turned, gazing at his reflection, his jaw dropping slightly. From the neck down he was a furry creature with a tail almost half as thick as it was long, but even his head was changing. His ears were no longer on the side of his head, replaced by furry, pierced canine ears standing up on the top of his head.

William looked at his earrings, his nose ring, but then he made the mistake of looking at the reflection of his eyes. As he gazed into them, the brown slowly faded away to be replaced by blue, a blue that started to glow. The light spilled out of his icy blue eyes and a strange, feral grin crossed his lips. It was like his reflection was telling him to go with the change, not to look a gift box in the mouth... to embrace it... and he wanted to, so very much.

Will panted and groaned as his teeth started to sharpen, his fear fading away. Where there was terror there was now lust. William knew he was becoming something great, he had only to embrace it, and there was one particular part he wanted to embrace more than the rest. William's glowing blue eyes looked down to his groin and the bulging mass that his boxer briefs had become.

He lowered a paw to the waist band and slid a claw underneath before tugging. The claw easily sliced through the undergarments, letting them fall away, revealing a big furry brown sheath and tennis sized balls. There was a faint glint of light from a piercing that had formed below his sheath and above his balls, drawing the attention of any that might have been looking.

Like a dog with a new toy, William slowly leaned down to paw at his sheath. The furry mass responded by starting to retract from around the meaty member inside. What emerged was the mushroom shaped head of a human, though before his very eyes it started to change. Blood rushed into the member, causing it to swell and grow more, turning a brighter and then darker shade of red. The head pushed out forward, tapering into a point... but the tip wasn't the only point forming.

As William's cock became more canine, it started pushing past the breed, becoming something else entirely. Small rubbery barbs began pushing up along the underside, angled back as if to lock the shaft in whatever orifice it was plunged into. William groaned in pride and delight at how wonderful his shaft looked and started to wrap a paw around it, stroking up and down.

What began as a gentle exploration soon became a firm grip, a vice sliding up and down as he thrust into it, panting. A long, wet tongue slipped out of his human lips, hanging down the side of his cheek as he worked his cock, feeling it grow in his hands. The red cock stretched longer and thicker, even gaining more rubbery barbs along the underside, curving back as more traction to lock him inside his target.

William gazed down at his cock as if it were as hypnotic as his glowing eyes, falling in love and lust with it, licking his lips. He watched as the base of his cock slipped out of the sheath, the base swollen and rounded into two half globes like the knot of a true dog... and like a true dog, Will felt overwhelmed with the desire to lick those balls. Will slowly sat down, his tail wagging behind him before he leaned forward and down.

With surprising dexterity, Will's back curved and his head dropped, his paw hoisting his cock up. His tongue stretched and soon plunged into the thick, salty sweet pre leaking from his shaft. He tongued his urethra before he felt something wiggling back. A reddish silver metal bead pushed out of the urethra before another formed near by, the ring growing through his shaft. He growled and grunted in bliss before he lunged forward, the head of his own cock popping into his lips.

William sucked at his animal shaft, drawing in the salty musk, letting it saturate and stain his mouth. He loved the sensation so much, working it forward and back... though as he tried to pull back more, the rubbery barbs grabbed onto his lips, anchoring in place. Will groaned, feeling his face starting to stretch out around his cock. His jaw throbbed and elongated, his upper lip followed and his nose started to tilt up, the pierced nostrils facing forward.

As Will started to gain a muzzle, the brown fur that dominated the rest of his body moved up across his throat and cheeks, covering his upper lip and then even his nose. The complex pattern that covered his nose became more distinct as the fur copied it. His pink flesh disappeared beneath the fur coating, the area around his eyes much darker, showing off just how bright his glowing blue eyes were. The fur grew into the shag of his hair, hair that was as soft and even as the rest of his body. The last of his human flesh was gone, obscured as it became hound hide.

William had forgotten all about any concerns or any changes. His sole focus was how good his cock tasted in his mouth. He sucked and slurped, drawing on his cock as his muzzle extended. It grew out to two inches, then three, then four. In many ways William looked far more like a beast. He had the tall ears, the extended muzzle, the paws and the tail. His back bent far more than a human, his arms were flexible. It was almost uncertain whether he was naturally going to prefer to be on two legs or four.

William grunted sharply, feeling his orgasm approaching. His balls were pulsing with primal pleasure, with limitless lust. He felt the surge approaching and he couldn't stop. He plunged his muzzle as deeply around his cock as he could before he felt himself tip over the edge. His cock pulsed, the urethra split and a hot, sinfully slick torrent of sperm began spraying across his tongue.

The hound began gulping at his own seed, feeling it flow down his throat and fill his stomach. The heat and flavor flowed into him, saturating him, unlocking things deep inside of him. His body had changed already, but it wasn't done at all. William could feel part of his cheeks tingling, what would have been the sides of his upper lip before he gained a muzzle. Flesh started growing out, spilling into a long fiber on each side like some sort of living noodle. Faint lines emerged on the flesh, glowing faintly blue like his eyes.

The tendrils dropped down past his lips, then his chin, coming down almost six inches before the tips of the tendrils curved out with a bit of flair. In many ways the tendrils looked almost like the mustache of an eastern dragon, swaying gently as he sucked himself off. William had never felt so good, so complete, so wonderful... and he had never had so much pressure in his head.

William grimaced as his head throbbed and ached, the skin feeling so tight. His ears went flat against his head in pain and discomfort before the pressure reached critical. Much like his socks, the skin behind his ears soon split open as black horn tips began pushing out. The skin healed and firmed around the horn, but the black bone continued to extrude and push out, curving down around the slope of the back of his skull, looping around the underside of his pointed ears.

The horns thickened and widened, hardening before they finally slowed to a stop, looking like the horns of a young ram... but on the head of a dusty brown furred hound - a hell hound. William's load finally stopped and he pulled off of his own cock, cum dripping from his lips. He panted and then slurped up the juices before his tail wagged some more. He pushed up onto all fours and started moving back toward his bed, looking completely natural on all fours, but when he got to his room he stood up and dropped down on his bed, cuddling up in his blankets.

William lay on his back, his cock bobbing above his waist, his toes curling and uncurling. He reached up to stroke the collar around his neck lovingly, wondering who had been so kind as to give him such a wonderful gift. He felt truly happy and he knew the whole experience had revitalized him. Work was going to be so wonderful the next day. With that thought in mind, William closed his eyes and passed out, the happiest hell hound in the whole city.


Morning had come and gone, then afternoon with it. Sunset was spreading across the city with its rich orange and salmon pink glow. The cars had their headlights on, the smog of the day drifted high in the sky. The chill of the fall was forgotten as summer made one last desperate attempt to lay claim to another day, and beneath it all William was heading to work.

In an attempt to look presentable he had put on his tie and watch and glasses, though his glasses practically glowed with the light of his eyes before he discarded them. He could see perfectly now and he loved the feel of the wind in his fur, he didn't dare wear clothes. He'd made it half way to work and past several envious teenage boys getting off of school, but it wasn't until about a block from work that he paused, sniffing the air. Something was different.

Since becoming a hell hound, William had to adjust to many things. He had better hearing, better sight, better smell and every touch was more sensitive than ever before. What surprised him most, though, was that he seemed to 'remember' scents he hadn't been able to smell as a human. His own musky scent was familiar, the smell of the neighbors, and now there was a smell on the air that was so familiar that William knew it was a friend... It was a sort of sporty scent like sweat and pride, but still with a dash of class to it.

William ventured off of the sidewalk and around a corner, pausing as his blue eyes fell across exactly who he had guessed. Standing at the end of the alleyway was an English bull terrier. He was tall and muscled, a black spot over his right eye and his left ear. His purple eyes sized William up before his muzzle formed into a grin. A slight breeze ruffled the bright handkerchief around his neck.

"Peable, I should have known... That fancy gift wrap, you reused it from one of your dog gifts, didn't you?" William chuckled.

"Hey, it was too nice to waste... Did you like the present? I thought you could use a pick me up after how hard you've been working." Peable said.

"Picked me right up. I feel like a new dog." William grinned.

"Well I'm glad. I went to that Personal Package site, tried to pick out something that would fit you. Looks like I picked the right one." Peable smirked, moving over to clap an arm around William's shoulders.

"You've got good taste, plus I guess this means we can go to the dog parks and dog bars together?" William smirked, "I have a lot to learn about my new lifestyle."

"I'll show you the ropes, don't you worry... but first I think it's time you show yourself off to your coworkers. Maybe they'll take you a bit more seriously." Peable grinned.

"At the very least I can make them feel guilty, tell them I sold my soul to finish the code in time." William smirked.

"You mischievous hell hound." Peable smirked, giving William another hug before the two turned and moved out of the alleyway, walking towards William's work. The two had always been close, but William was delighted that his friend had gone to such lengths. He knew his life was going to be a lot better now, and William wondered just what sort of present he might re-use the paper on to change someone else's life one day.

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