The Last One

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Commissioned by Gorillajack

Written by

The town of Coburn has undergone a metamorphosis, becoming a dark and vile version of its former glory. With it, too, were the citizens changed. One lone man remains uncorrupted, but can he escape his fate?

<<<WARNING: The following story contains extreme filth. Read at your own risk.>>>

The Last One Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Gorillajack

Coburn had been a beautiful town... once. It had been a peaceful harbor town that was the heart and soul of a thriving ecotourism community. Tourists had come from across the world to see the rare and unique animals and plants that thrived in the last bastion of natural prosperity, but that was all gone now. The only sound filling the harbor town were the regular thumps of the massive drills, sounding like terrible artificial hearts of the planet. The sky was thick with smog and haze, turning the five o'clock sunset into a brilliant fire of reds, oranges and browns as the light tried desperately to cut through the filth.

What little breeze blew through town was hot and caustic, smelling of sulfur and ammonia and a dozen other unnamable chemicals. The town buildings had deteriorated, metal siding rusting and windows caked with grime. Even the harbor water didn't slosh as it should have. The water was thick, slimy, full of the sludge and scum from processing ore. There were no more animals to be found there, not even fish. The lucky had swam out to sea as the water was contaminated, but the rest...

A young man stood on a rock outcropping sticking out over the water. He was twenty two, his brown hair cut short and neat, his fingernails well maintained. He had been sent to Coburn as an environmental major for his thesis... but the nature of his paper had changed dramatically. Mordecai could not believe how far Coburn had fallen... and how it had all started with a child.

Mordecai had been coming in from a kayaking trip and found reporters gathered around a young child on the beach. He had unearthed a peculiar red stone. No one could identify what it was despite the surplus of rock hounds in the area. Analysts had been brought in, then scientists, then companies. It was the discovery of a lifetime, a new compound element with unimaginable properties.

Over night the town had been transformed. Companies moved in to harvest the element and everyone in town had been paid a fortune. It became easier for them to accept the disappearance of the natural wonders when they had so many new things of their own to pay attention to, but Mordecai had seen it all. One by one the citizens of Coburn had changed from nature loving coastal folks to greedy, rich slobs... but it went a lot deeper than that.

Mordecai had been running a long time, but he didn't have any choices anymore. The enemy was too powerful. Mordecai sighed gently, contemplating his only two remaining options... Death, or giving in. He looked down at the bubbling silvery sheen that coated the harbor water, knowing that it would lead to his death, just likely a long and drawn out one. The sound of car doors behind shook him from his thoughts.

"It's about time..." Mordecai said gently before he turned. Two men had climbed out of a big truck and advanced towards him, dressed in red and black flannel shirts left open over black t-shirts that were stretched too thin over huge hairy bellies. The men had greasy stubble beards and pudgy fingers with red slime caught under their long nails, their nostrils thick and their noses slightly upturned. It would have been hard to tell the difference between the two if one hadn't had a dark earthy brown skin tone.

"We've been chasin' you for a long time, boy." One of the men said.

"Mister Sledge wants to see you." The other grinned, showing off his yellowed, gnarled teeth. Mordecai smirked.

"I bet he does... wants to collect us all. I'm going to do you a favor boys, I'm not going to run this time." Mordecai said sadly. He'd tried for two months but every time he tried to get out of Coburn he'd been cut off. If there was any way out other than death or meeting Sledge, he didn't see it. Mordecai moved off of the bluff and over towards the truck, passing the two men. He winced as he did so, smelling their foul and acrid BO. He opened the door to the truck and waited for the landslide of aluminum cans and plastic snack food bags to finish before he climbed in. The two men grabbed onto the side of the truck and swung themselves in, snorting as they landed on the seats.

Mordecai grunted, pinned between them. He could feel their sweat soaking through their shirts, feel the heat radiating from their skin... He glanced down at their jeans, seeing that the groins were caked over in an almost sort of plaster from all their bodily fluids. Mordecai wish he could say it was the foulest thing he'd ever seen, but after living in Coburn it was far from it. The truck started up and rumbled along, spewing out black smoke from the exhaust as they sailed towards the single brightest part of town - Sledge Inc.


Two mahogany double doors swung open and Mordecai was pushed through the half hallway toward the office where a high backed chair sat before the window, facing away from the desk. A thick puff of cigar smoke lifted up before a three fingered hand came down on the arm rest of the chair, holding the cigar, the fingers ending almost in cloven hooves. Mordecai came to a stop as the doors behind him shut.

"Mordecai Danner... You have been rather elusive these last few months." Came a deep voice.

"I guess I was always a bit of an introvert." Mordecai said. Sledge chuckled.

"Do you know what I see when I look out there, Mordecai?" Sledge asked.

"Profit?" Mordecai asked. Sledge laughed out loud.

"Oh no, far more than that. I see progress, I see the future, I see the world as it is going to be... I see family." Sledge replied. Mordecai had grown sardonic in his hiding but Sledge's views were too far.

"You've destroyed a town, you've destroyed a piece of the world, you've destroyed people's souls!" Mordecai exclaimed. The chair swung around and Sledge faced Mordecai, causing the young man to gasp. Sitting in the chair was a being far stranger than a simple CEO. Sitting in the chair was a demon. He had the body of a four hundred pound man stuffed into a greasy suit, but the similarities to other CEO's ended there. His ears were pointed, his nose completely upturned into a snout. A double set of thick tusks rose up from either side of his mouth and a brown Mohawk followed the curve of his fat head.

Sledge's head was mostly short bristly boar fur, but he had a thick ring of brown fur sticking out from his collar around his neck. His skin glistened and stunk with sweat and sludge that filled every crease and fold of his skin. Even his exposed belly button seemed to dribble goo of some sort... but the most disturbing feature of all came from Sledge's temples, from the thick black horns that curved up and away from his Mohawk.

"Who better to do it than a demon?" Sledge whispered.

"You are a monster." Mordecai shot back.

"No more a monster than what the humans have made themselves. They all behave exactly as I would expect. Did you look around your precious town before? Sure there were plants and animals, but they were being papered over with advertisements. Whether I'm here or not, buying products, consuming resources, it's all a status symbol and humans love it. It comforts them, it helps them get by in their lives... and pollution is just an extension of that." Sledge said.

"But we were trying to change that, to become better!" Mordecai replied. Sledge snorted.

"Humans have evolved for thousands of years. You don't need to drink out of your hands anymore, you deserve a big frosty Coke in a newly forged aluminum can every time. Only the weak and poor recycle like scavengers... You need to be proud of your heritage, of your world. It really isn't that bad... Can't you smell that air? Doesn't the burning just wake you right up?" Sledge asked.

"What do you want from me?" Mordecai asked, feeling completely beaten. Sledge paused, a smile crossing his face.

"What... I want from you? Mordecai, you wound me. I have known for some time you've been writing a thesis about Coburn, about the changes. I want to give you the chance to see it up close. How about we go on a tour of the rig, the refinery. You can see exactly what we do and write what you feel about it." Sledge said.

"You... my thesis?" Mordecai asked in shock. Sledge grinned, "Boys, get the truck ready!" he said, moving over to a mini-fridge. He opened the door and pulled out a small silver and red can, glancing over to Mordecai.

"Coke?" he asked with a mischievous grin.


Mordecai moved along after Sledge but ahead of his goons, feeling the vibrations work up the rig from the ground to the top, shaking his very core. It was hot, it was stinky, it was foul. Pipes oozed reddish brown sludge like blood, but it was nothing compared to what the refinery was getting. Sledge came to a stop, turning to face Mordecai. He had on a hard hat with a slit down the middle to make room for his Mohawk, though the front had a light affixed to it like a miner's hat.

"And here we are; the pinnacle of the mountain." Sledge said. Mordecai looked around it all, trying to look for a weak spot he could exploit. There seemed to be a few options, though he was particularly drawn to some of the pressure valves and pipes, wondering if the government would be forced to step in if he caused an explosion. Still, he had to buy himself some time.

"What is the stuff you're extracting, really? I know you said it was a fuel source, but..." Mordecai trailed off. Sledge grinned slowly.

"It's a completely renewable resource actually... Human physics is a somewhat narrow view of reality. When people picture heaven and hell, they picture some intangible plane of existence limitless in space. But that's just hard to manage. It's much easier to take something plentiful and convert it into something useful. We demons learned a long time ago how to turn emotions, concepts and thoughts into physical constructs. It just took a while to adapt it all for this realm." Sledge said. Mordecai froze.

"This is..." Mordecai froze. Sledge grinned.

"Greed, gluttony, desire, sin. Solid, liquid, gas... it doesn't matter. It's the future of humanity. It's the one resource you have the most of and now you can put it to work for you." Sledge said. Mordecai shook his head.

"Not if there's anything I can do about it." He said before he ran, bouncing between the guards like a pinball to get to the other side. He ran over and picked up a replacement pipe he had spotted before taking it to the pressure valves. He gave it a good whack, another, a third. The guards moved to intercept but Sledge held up his hand and stopped them. Mordecai took one more good whack before he knocked a valve off. A thick cloud of brownish red gas spilled out, engulfing him.

Mordecai felt dizzy at once, stumbling back and falling to his knees. He felt so hot and sweaty, blood rushing to his groin, his stomach growling. He felt strange, creepy, wanton. In the confusion of the gas, he barely noticed when cold hard steel closed around his neck. Sledge locked the collar into place before he gave it a tug and nodded with approval.

"Mordecai, you have no idea... all of this extraction so far has been in vain. You've been here the whole time, poisoning the well with your innocence. Once I show you the pleasure of our way, of what we have to offer, there won't be anything that can compete... and we'll go global." Sledge whispered. Mordecai tried to speak but he said nothing, his mind full of fevered dreams and fantasies. Sledge pulled on the leash, a grin on his face as he led his new 'student' off for re-education.


Consciousness slowly came back to Mordecai, his eyes opening wearily. He felt hot, sweaty, uncomfortable... and very restrained. He looked down and saw a rather horrifying sight; he had been tied up to a chair wearing nothing but an old, dirty jock strap... and it most certainly wasn't his. The white and red material was stretched over his erection, stained faintly yellow from its previous wearer, the cloth leaving a film on his shaft. Mordecai tried to get free but the ropes tugged into his wrists and thighs, the chair refusing to budge from its position.

"Ah, so you are awake at last." Sledge said with a grin. Mordecai's eyes darted to where the hog was standing in the room, but his garb had changed as well. His suit had been set aside, leaving the demon naked. His long, pointed cock glistened with a collection of juices, a trail of slop trailed up the slope of his belly.

"What are you doing Sledge?" Mordecai asked. The demon moved forward and reached down, groping Mordecai's insistent cock. The human shuddered in pleasure despite himself, trying not to enjoy it.

"It's time to teach you about the future you refuse to embrace. Normally people pick it up a bit faster, but for you it's time for an inductive course. You have four lessons. When you've mastered them, you will be free to go." Sledge said.

"To go where?" Mordecai asked suspiciously. Sledge smirked.

"Anywhere you want to go." Sledge replied. Mordecai was silent at that for a long moment. Sledge nodded to himself, "Well then, it seems you are ready to start. The four lessons are as follows: Gas is great, crap is contentment, piss is pride and cum is karma." Sledge stated.

"What the hell kind of lessons are those?" Mordecai asked. The hog leaned down and slowly licked up Mordecai's chin. Mordecai leaned away, but the saliva clung to his chin like slug slime.

"You do know where my textbook originates from after all." Sledge smirked, moving to stand before Mordecai, "Lesson one. Gas is great. You've heard the saying for ages, better out than in. While the gas going in has some aphrodisiac qualities, it is generally better to go out than in. You see, humanity has suppressed this urge for hundreds of years and it has made the species weaker. Have you ever really just let go with a belch or a fart? Felt it fly out of your ass with a ripple of all that is holy? Maybe so much so that you left a few track marks that you were secretly proud of?" Sledge asked, reaching to bring a three fingered hand to Mordecai's head.

Mordecai shuddered as a fabricated memory entered his head, the memory of a big, juicy, rippling wet fart that soiled his underwear with streaks of brown. He had been so embarrassed going around that day, but feeling the hot brown against his ass, feeling so much less bloated without the gas in him, it had been liberating... or so the false memory went. Sledge brought his hand back and Mordecai shook his head for a moment, his thoughts returning to normal.

The human knew the deal. If he mastered the courses he was free to go. Right now it didn't seem like belching or farting was a very big deal. He didn't have to progress further if he didn't want to. Mordecai started trying to swallow air to get his burp on, but Sledge shook his head and moved forward, bringing his hand down to Mordecai's stomach.

"If you're going to practice, best to have the right study tools." The demon said. Mordecai looked confused for a moment before he murmured, feeling his intestines slowly bloating, his waste fermenting inside of him to produce an ample supply of gas. His stomach distended slightly as well, the gas filling him up there. His stomach pushed out against the ropes a bit. The pressure was intense, it was too much. Mordecai suddenly looked miserable, feeling like he was going to explode.

"You bastard..." Mordecai murmured.

"Mordecai, you hold the keys to your own escape... Just let it out." Sledge said. Mordecai hesitated before he relaxed his ass hole just a bit. The trapped gas sensed the shift and moved, pushing out of his cheeks, letting out a slight trumpet. Sledge chuckled, "No, Mordecai. If you want this pain to end, you have to get rid of the whole problem. Just push it out, get rid of it!" Sledge said.

Mordecai closed his eyes and bore down, but to his surprise his ass wasn't the first place the gas came out. His lips parted and a smelly belch echoed out of his mouth, rumbling for almost ten seconds. The gas wafted away from his mouth and Mordecai gave a sudden grin of relief, feeling a lot better before he returned his attention to his bloated mid section. He pushed down and began moving the gas through his body.

The fart that escaped was so strong that his ass cheeks rippled, the hot wet gas coming out of his ass in record volume. Mordecai moaned as the gas inside his body decreased, but to his surprise once it started going, he couldn't stop... and he could feel things shifting. The gas soaked waste that had filled him had nothing holding it back anymore. The gas was almost gone, but soon the rush to his ass was unstoppable. Mordecai tried to hold back but he felt a flood hit his jock strap, oozing out like old pudding, staining the cloth and soaking his ass. Mordecai blushed furiously, looking betrayed. The hog, however, clapped his hands together.

"Oh good, Mordecai, very good..." Sledge whispered. Mordecai said nothing. The demon smirked and leaned down close to Mordecai's ear, "You've moved onto lesson two, crap is contentment. If you can come to grips with it, you'll never know a greater peace. You can be happy in any condition." Sledge said. Mordecai looked away, ashamed. Sledge sighed and stood back upright. He knew he had a lot of work to do.


The hours had passed, Mordecai knew not how many. After giving into one lesson had led into another, he didn't want to take any chances. He had stopped participating despite his body seeming eager to move on. His bladder had filled to the breaking point, his cock fully erect just as the body's defense to keep the urine inside him. Sledge was impressed by the human's resolve, but he wouldn't stand for it.

The hog demon moved forward and reached down, stroking the length through the jock strap before he started to peel it back. The soiled cotton tried to cling to the rod, leaving its slight film on the sweaty, rubbery flesh beneath. Sledge lowered the jock strap and then brought his hand over to it, pulling the foreskin back just a bit before he let out a coo. A slight film of Mordecai's own had gathered around the base of the head, a sort of gummy whitish color.

"Oh yes, Mordecai, you've been holding out on me. This is a fine delicacy, smegma... head cheese. Precious because once its gone it takes a while to come back." The hog said, bringing in a finger. He ran it around the base of Mordecai's cock, collecting the smegma before he brought it up to his face. He took a snort of the smell and then plunged his finger into his maw, letting it melt on his tongue into a cheesy, chalky taste of exquisite delight. He moaned, his own cock leaking cum in response to the flavor... but the demon had more work to do.

His eyes opened back up and he circled the human before coming to stop at him again. He reached down and pushed on Mordecai's abdomen just above his shaft. Mordecai winced, feeling the pressure of his bladder. He didn't want to give the hog the satisfaction but it felt like he was losing already. Sledge grinned a bit.

"Do you know why piss is pride, Mordecai?" Sledge asked. Mordecai said nothing so Sledge continued, "It's a trick question, there are many reasons. It is the most bountiful thing our cocks create. We control when and where and how we do it. We can write our names with it, demean someone with it, astronauts even recycle it into water. I'm not sure why they don't just treat themselves to it directly, it's rather delicious." Sledge said.

"I'm not going to..." Mordecai whispered. Sledge grinned.

"Oh, but you are. You can't stop yourself. You will, soon now. The only question is how you will do it and how much you'll enjoy it." Sledge said, moving to take a grip of Mordecai's rod, aiming it back at himself. Sledge licked his lips, "Do it Mordecai, master lesson three." Sledge whispered, "Give in, be a man, be the most manly man you've ever been. Embrace it, embrace all of this." Sledge said. Mordecai groaned, trying to resist, trying to hold back but it was getting harder every moment.

Mordecai felt like he was a dam about to burst, especially as a few amber drops oozed out of his shaft. Mordecai felt the power tipping. He tried to keep it in, but a stinging came from his shaft as the piss came through his erection anyway. The urethra split and the stream of yellow shot out, arching up and splattering Mordecai in the face. Mordecai coughed and sputtered, feeling the odd heat and smelling the distinct smell.

The piss washed down his sweaty face, seeming to clean the built up dead skin off his cheeks, revealing the stubble beneath. The hairs grew bristly and thickened, pushing out into a fine coating like a designer beard, but there was nothing designer about sledge. As the piss kept baptizing Mordecai in filth, his mustache grew out thicker, covering his upper lip as his cheeks grew patchy and uneven, looking messier as a result.

Mordecai had tried to stop from peeing and had failed. Now he was trying to stop from enjoying it, but everything that Sledge had said felt like the truth. He felt oddly proud of what was coming from him and how much. He opened his eyes and saw the yellow stream hitting his bearded face and dripping to his hairy chest and slowly it all seemed right, like this was his purpose, his way of life... and he slowly opened his lips.

As the urine hit his tongue, Mordecai's shaft started to grow longer and thicker, confining the piss into a tighter stream. Mordecai gulped at the urine, drinking it down, moaning harder. The hair on his arms and legs thickened, his foreskin grew stretchier, his balls expanded slowly and his hair started to darken, turning to a dirty brown instead of blond. Even his fingernails grew grubby and thicker.

Sledge wrapped both hands around his demonic member, watching as Mordecai gave in, growing a messy mullet, a beard, a hairy body. The fit student's body began to distend as his pectorals filled in with a bit of fat, his belly rounding a bit, his hips gaining curves and his shit soaked furry ass rounding more. Sledge moaned sharply, working his cock as hard as he could before he noticed that Mordecai was, at least, running on empty. The stream ran down his chest and stomach before dribbling to a stop. Mordecai whimpered in loss, wanting more even though his stomach was full of hot piss already. He could feel the heat radiating out through him, saturating his essence, washing away his old self.

"See, my little piggy?" Sledge whispered, "Piss is pride. You're so proud of what you just did, you can't put it into words. You feel free, you feel manly, you feel amazing... And you should. You did a good things and good things need rewards, karma... and when you do good things, you get to play with cum... like my cum." Sledge said, moving forward.

Mordecai grinned eagerly as the hog cock approached, ready for his reward... at least for a moment. Slowly his old mind started to fight back, trying to crawl up to the surface, to stop him. Mordecai hesitated before he turned away, clenching his lips shut. Sledge's eyes narrowed. He had never met a more stubborn human in all his life. It was no surprise he had been the last to be turned in Coburn.

"Maybe you need a little something before we start... something to get you in the mood." Sledge said, bringing his fingers back to the base of his pointed cock. He plunged his finger tips into a thick layer of head cheese, collecting it. Unlike Mordecai's, it was thick and yellowish red from the demon's own skin color. He brought it forward to Mordecai's nose, holding it there. Mordecai coughed and sputtered, overwhelmed with the smell, but that didn't stop his mind from trying to process it.

The demon head cheese smelled like sin... Like sweat and musk and lust and being bad, like piss and shit and farting and cumming and so much wrong. It was salty, it was sinfully sweat, it was captivating. Sledge let him soak it in before he pushed it forward, rubbing the greasy slime on Mordecai's lips. Mordecai tried to resist, but as soon as the pungent sauce hit his tongue, he couldn't hold back.

His lips parted and he pushed his lips around two fingers at once, sucking and licking. The greasy clay melted in his saliva, coating his teeth and tongue in a chalky, cheesy film that didn't seem to go away. It coated every inch of his mouth in the forbidden flavor and wouldn't relent. Mordecai mourned his soul, knowing he was forever marked... marked and addicted to that delicacy, always craving it. He wanted more now, even as he chewed and swallowed the last of it... and he knew where it came from.

"More, please more!" Mordecai begged, panting as his cock started to drool precum. Sledge brought his cock forward.

"It's about time for your karma." Sledge said before he moved his hips. Mordecai felt the slimy, pointed demonic cock pushing between his lips. He wondered how many demons, how many converted humans, how many foul and sordid places Sledge had put his rod... and somehow Mordecai felt glad to be included in that list of mystery. He pushed his lips forward over the head of the shaft, sucking and bobbing his head.

Sledge grunted and moaned, thrusting harder, pushing past the human's teeth to the back of his throat. For a moment Mordecai felt like he was going to gag, but that sensation passed. His throat relaxed suddenly and the hog moved forward with unbelievable speed. Inches of red demon meat pushed down Mordecai's lips before his face was buried in a bristly, cum and urine soaked pig bush with balls rubbing at the human's bearded chin.

The cock had rushed down Mordecai's throat, plunging almost all the way to the human's stomach. Sledge started thrusting back and forth, using Mordecai's throat as a fuck sleeve... and Mordecai loved it. His cock throbbed and ached with pleasure, his balls trembled with might. Mordecai felt completely content and he knew what to do when he felt that way. He relaxed his ass and let loose his bowels, a hot flood of thick shit pushing out of him like soft sausage.

The smell hit Sledge and Sledge moaned in triumph. At last, after so long, he had succeeded. Every human on Coburn had been corrupted. They all were children of sin, craving for the darkness... and their sin was being converted into the tool that would bring down the rest of civilization. No one could resist the fuel source, even if it did pollute. They would all want it. Sledge fucked Mordecai's face harder, grunting and growling as his cock started to release his thick demonic sperm.

The yellow flood wriggled and swam down Mordecai's throat before dropping into his stomach, swimming around the piss there, causing it to thicken into a nasty slime. Mordecai shifted as gas started to rise up his throat around the cock, the human managing a belch... but it was only the start. Soon Mordecai's stomach was pushing out more, rounding and fattening up. His pectorals sagged and his face thickened beneath his thick, unruly beard.

Having so much more fat on his body, Mordecai started to sweat up a storm but the smelly sweat collected in the folds to ferment and increase in strength, just like Sledge. Sledge reached down to rub his dirty hand through the human's greasy hair. He truly was a splendid specimen, a delightful beast of sin and debauchery craven only to the foulest things a body had to offer. Sledge felt so proud... and so he willed Mordecai to cum.

The human gagged a bit around the cock before resuming his sucking, but his thick, fat cock began to spasm and spray his tainted seed all over the legs of the demon. At long last Sledge finished his load before he pulled his long cock out of Mordecai's mouth. Mordecai tried to trap the cock inside of him but he no longer knew how to keep anything in his body, retrained to push it all out.

The cock left his eager lips and he panted softly before licking his fat, greasy lips, looking up at Sledge with adoration. Sledge looked down at Mordecai for a long moment, realizing that he wasn't just special because he was the last one in Coburn... he was special because he was the first human convert in the long, arduous experience that would be the rest of the world. Sledge murmured happily.

"You know, Mordecai, I've sent other filth demons out into this world to pave the way for my arrival, but they've always been from back home. I think it might be time for me to give you a promotion, make you my personal assistant. Still, the position requires a bachelors. Finish your thesis about how wonderful this new fuel is, about humanity's bright future... and I'll see that you go places." Sledge said. Mordecai nodded eagerly.

"Oh yes sir, of course sir." Mordecai said gleefully. Sledge grinned wide before he moved to untie the human. He could only dream of the fun things that were yet to come.


**Adoption** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Silverfly Inspired by Revy After a long, hot summer, fall had briefly flirted with the promise of a gray day and cooler weather before settling on a muggy, last minute heat wave. The sun...

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The Shift

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The Collar

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