The Collar

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Written by Leo_Todrius

Commissioned by wahrheit

When a jock catches the eye of a punk who isn't all he seems, life will change for both of them starting with a collar. Where it stops, no one knows.

The Collar Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Wahrheit

Fall had come... and David Spicer had never been happier. It had been over two months since he'd seen precipitation of any kind, but at last the weather had changed. The end of two months of morning sunshine had rendered the campus completely comatose, but not David. The young man had woken up to the silvery clouds distilling only the best remnants of sunshine to sprinkle across the wet foot paths and bark dust. David had wasted no time putting on an old t-shirt, running shorts and his favorite red and white shoes.

The side dorm to Clark Hall swung open as the nineteen year old came out, squeaking as it swung shut again and locked with a click. David fished an MP3 player out of his pocket and brought the ear buds up, nestling them into place before he broke into a sprint. He passed the university convenience store, wove his way through the fraternity houses and bolted out into the park that bordered the campus.

David had the stride of an experienced athlete. His arms swung perfectly, his legs moved with grace and vigor. It came from years of honing his skills both on the field and off, though most recently he had proven himself as a running back for the school's football team. Life couldn't have been better for David. The young man ran past a reflecting pool in the center of the park, his image rippling on the surface. David was five feet and eleven inches tall with his brown hair shaved short and his face smooth. His shirt was an old high school track and field shirt and his shorts were from his basketball club. He was dripping with sportsmanship and sweat, just the way he liked it.

David lip synced the words to the songs playing on his ipod, finding it hard not to bob his head in time to the music, though that would have thrown off his stride. His feet came down, the red rubber gripping at the cement just long enough to propel him forward again, his shirt rippling in the wind he was generating. His dedication and focus were apparent, so much so that he had earned the gaze of the only other person in the park.

Amber eyes surveyed David as he ran, looking him up and down slowly before a smile crossed dark lips. The stranger slowly inclined his head before he took a sniff of the morning air, the gold ring in his nose glinting as his nostrils flared. The stranger smelled the sweaty scent of the jock... and he liked it. The figure looked at the path ahead of David and started to calculate everything before he started moving himself.

David rounded another corner as the song on his player changed. Despite his vigorous training, David could no longer escape the siren song of his playlist. His eyes closed as his lips mouthed the words perfectly.

"Oh I'm ready for it, come on bring it!" David sang, unafraid of the consequences as he came up to the chorus, "So kiss me goodbye, Honey I'm gonna make it out alive." He called out, opening his eyes again... but just a moment too late. All he saw was a blur of black and blue before he felt his body impact a very solid object. David's inertia came to a dead stop and then rebounded on him, launching him backwards.

The deflected jock instinctively tucked and rolled, protecting his vital parts as he hit the cement path and rolled off of it into the grass. David groaned gently before he opened his eyes and looked up slowly, his eyes widening. Another young man was on the path, slowly getting back up. The eighteen year old had electric blue hair in spikes and his ears were loaded down with a ladder of gold rings. The lower portion of his earlobes had been filled with small black plugs with a blue spiral on them. Even his mustache and sideburns were blue, though the roots were black.

The punk rose back up to his feet, those being clad in spiked black boots that seemed to match the general aesthetic of the rest of his outfit. His chest was covered in a tight black shirt with what seemed to be the emblem of a blue canine skull. Over that he had a long black coat with silver spikes embedded in it, just like the ones that wrapped his wristbands. David stared up at the punk in shock before remembering to get up himself. He sprung up with little effort, moving over to the stranger.

"I'm so sorry; I should have looked where I was going. Are you okay?" David asked. The punk grinned a bit, showing off his sharper than usual canine teeth.

"I'm fine, it's my fault too. I shouldn't have gotten in your way. I'm not used to seeing you college kids out this early on a rainy day." David said.

"Oh it's just a bit of mist, and I love days like this... plus I like running when I don't have a lot of other people to worry about." David said.

"Because you can't steer?" The punk joked. David laughed at that. He was used to getting shit from his classmates.

"My name's David, what's yours?" David asked, offering his hand. The punk grinned a bit more at how friendly the jock was. He reached out his hand and clasped David's, his black painted nails pressing into David's skin a bit. David inhaled involuntarily, feeling a strange sensation passing through him.

"I'm Gage, and it's a pleasure to meet you David." Gage said, his golden eyes boring into David's brown ones. David seemed to relax more and more in the gaze, feeling the pressure on his hand increase. For some strange reason, feeling contained and trapped felt like the most pleasurable thing he'd ever experienced. When Gage finally released his hand, David panted softly, looking the punk over before he noticed the spiked bracelets.

"Are those comfortable?" David asked, pointing. Gage smiled, stretching one over his wrist before popping it off, followed soon after by the other.

"Wanna give 'em a try?" Gage asked with a predatory grin. David reached out for them as if hypnotized. Gage moved to slip one over David's hand, letting it constrict around his wrist. David could feel the metal base of the spikes against his wrist, rubbing at his flesh. Soon Gage had the other bracelet on and David was nearly shuddering. Some small part of his mind was thinking how out of place the bracelets looked on him, how out of his style they were, but David felt oddly good in Gage's presence.

"This is great..." David murmured, looking down at the cuffs.

"Well, I'm so glad you took to them so fast. If you like those, then I have something you might really like." Gage said, "But only if you have some time to waste." He added.

"I have time." David replied. Gage smiled at that before he turned, moving back the way he came. David followed after like a ghost, tracing every foot step the punk took. They moved to the edge of the park and David laid eyes on a custom black and blue Japanese motorcycle. The frame was thicker than David had seen, the blue frame pieces segmented into compartments and covered with graffiti paint. Gage moved over and unlocked one of the compartments, opening it up before withdrawing a long black strap with a gold clasp.

David looked at the object with uncertainty before his eyes returned to Gage. David could feel that something was wrong, that something was different. He'd never been drawn to another man like this, but he couldn't look away. Gage carried the strap over, looking David in the eye before he grinned again, reaching up to run his painted nails over David's neck and then shoulders, considering for a long moment.

"Jocks are certainly interesting beasts. Strong, virile, powerful... but their spirit, sometimes it can take a while to get their spirit just right." Gage explained, "For some it is a display of leadership, for others the vow of protection. For you I am pretty sure it'll be another road entirely." Gage said, lifting the strap up. David inhaled as the leather came around his neck and went through the gold loop. Gage secured the strap into place, feeding the peg through the hole until the collar was snug and secure.

David reached up, his fingers tracing the loop. It was thick, bulky and heavy and it was very much his. David felt shocked at everything that had happened, and then the shock started to become too much. David's eyes slowly rolled into the back of his head and he started to slump. Gage shot forward and caught David, holding him close before leaning in close to his ear, "Don't worry, I'm here for you." Gage whispered. David felt both reassured and scared as he passed out, the world going dark around him.


David woke up with a soft gasp, his eyes scanning his ceiling for a moment, trying to remember what had happened. He pushed his blankets aside before he sat up and swung his legs out of bed, pushing off onto the floor so he could stumble groggily to the mirror. He reached up to rub at his face before he turned and looked at his reflection. David was surprised by how groggy he looked, but more than that how scruffy. His face had a light fuzz of stubble, his eyes were darker than usual, his hair was more messy... and he had a collar on.

The jock stared at himself in surprise before he looked down at the rest of his body. Sure enough he was wearing his familiar red and white shoes and basketball shorts, but he wasn't wearing anything above the waist but a collar and some black leather wrist bands. They lacked spikes but they were wrapped pretty tightly. David blinked in confusion before he reached up to remove the collar, but as his hands laid on the gold clasp he felt suddenly fearful or sad, as if he was going to get in trouble if he took it off.

David's hands lowered to his sides again before he reached for his leather bracers, finding the same feeling flooding his mind. He let out a grunt of confusion, not sure how he could want to take them off so much but be unable to. He turned back toward his bed and froze, spotting the clock. The digital display read one fifteen in the afternoon. He'd already missed a quarter of one of his classes.

"Shit!" David grunted, moving to his closet. He dug through it all before he pulled on a black t-shirt to cover his abdomen and reached for the door, pausing as he looked back at the mirror. The collar and cuffs stood out completely. There would be no mistaking that he was wearing them. The other guys would think he was a freak or a fag, that something had changed in him. David was about to be humiliated by the thought, but as the mental image lingered, he realized all the guys would be looking at him... and that sort of attention would be very nice.

David slowly ran his hand up and down his chest, rubbing at his nipple a bit before he grabbed his backpack and headed out of his dorm room, turning to move down the hall. Already a few of the dorm neighbors had to take a second glance at David as he passed. David just grinned all the more, starting to get horny from the attention. His basketball shorts tented, pushed out by his member without any shame at all.

In less than a minute David was down the stairs and out of the building. He had made it half way to the class when his pocket suddenly vibrated. David reached in and fished out his phone, seeing that he had gotten a new text. He opened the text as he walked. It was from Gage, a wish that class would go well. David slowed his pace for a moment, realizing it hadn't all been a crazy dream. It had been even crazier reality. Gage wasn't sure what he was going to do about class, but he had a new feeling sweep over him.

The jock opened up a text back, typing out that after class would be far more fun. He checked it for typos before sending it off. He dropped the phone back into his pocket and grinned a bit brighter, rounding the corner for class when something jumped out at him... a colorful neon sign being held by one of the campus nerds. Free hugs. He'd heard about it before, but he'd never paid it any mind.

The blond haired waif of a freshman gasped as one of the football players ran over to him and before the nerd had a chance to prepare himself, he had arms wrapping around him. The blond boy murmured in relief before he dropped his sign and wrapped his arms around David. David all but growled in pleasure, pressing his body tightly against the nerd's, taking in a soft breath.

"Hug me tighter." David whispered. The nerd blushed at the request but squeezed more. David let out an audible moan of relief, loving the pressure and the strength before he let go of the nerd with a grin, "Thanks, I needed that." He said before running into the language building for class. The nerd was left standing by his sign, gazing at the building, wondering what had just happened... and if David Spicer had really been wearing a collar.


Class had been excruciating for David, not because of the looks from the other students but because of his seeming rapid onset of attention deficit disorder. Nothing the professor said was staying with him. David had lost all context of reality and had spent the class texting Gage beneath the table. He had tried to figure out what was going on and Gage had apologized, saying they had a bit to drink and David went off the deep end. David found that hard to believe as drinking went against his scholarship for sports, but there was no other explanation... and David couldn't help but want even more.

Class had let out and David had gone back to his room. There had been a delay in Gage's responses, a delay that seemed like an eternity to David. He had spent the time in front of the mirror, hoping he looked alright for Gage. He had considered shaving before realizing that punks probably felt more comfortable around men that were relaxed with their appearance. David reached up to rub his soft brown stubble, though when his phone rang he almost fell over trying to wrestle it out of his pocket.

"Hello?" David asked hopefully.

"Hey, how was your day?" Gage asked.

"Not as good as my morning, hopefully not as good as my night. What are you up to?" David asked. On the other end Gage chuckled.

"Just getting some stuff to make our evening a little more enjoyable." Gage said. David brightened at that.

"Our evening?" he asked.

"Hey, you've got my collar around your neck. You belong to me now... and don't you forget it." Gage said. David blushed.

"I promise, I won't." David replied bashfully.

"I'll see you outside your place around six." Gage said before the phone went dead. David was about to say something to Gage before he realized the call had ended. He grimaced before he put the phone back into his pocket, though something suddenly felt very off about the whole situation. How had Gage gotten his phone number in the first place? How did Gage known where his dorm was? David reached up to rub at his neck before realizing it was a bit sore. He moved over to stand in front of the mirror, looking at himself again.

With hesitant hands, David reached to the clasp and started to loosen the collar. The leather peeled from his warm flesh, revealing the skin below... and a red mark on his neck. David's eyes widened at the fear it was an allergic reaction but he soon pushed that thought aside. It was too specific, too focused, almost like a hickey or some sort of bite. It also was incredibly cold. David reached out to the counter for support, feeling light headed without the collar. He quickly secured it back in place before feeling better again.

The questions faded from his mind and he smiled, thinking about Gage in a way he had only fantasized about girls before. David thought about Gage's muscles, his blue hair, his sideburns and his motorcycle. He couldn't believe how much more interesting the punk was than the girls around campus and he certainly couldn't figure out why he had never thought about guys before, but he felt like he had started at the top and he had lucked out. Not anyone could claim to be collared by such a sexy beast of a man. David had no idea how close his thoughts were to the truth.


Gage leaned against a lamp post, watching as David came out of the building with a spring in his step and a flail of his hands. Spotting Gage, the jock ran over to the punk and unashamedly pressed his face to the punk's neck, nuzzling him and wrapping his arms around the other man. David felt so happy to see Gage that he was soon grinding on the punk's hip before his lips parted and he licked Gage's neck. Gage reached up and ran his fingers through David's hair.

"You're already so loving and obedient, just like a pup should be..." Gage said. David moaned, nodding eagerly.

"Oh yes, I'm your pup... I love you." David panted, humping more.

"You are mine completely, only mine." Gage said, turning before he kissed David. David melted into the kiss, his lips working Gage's frantically. He could feel the punk's tongue stud against his, the feel of his stubble rubbing Gage's mustache. It was so bristly and sexy at the same time. David couldn't stand how wonderful it felt and soon a hot wet spot was spreading in the crotch of his pants. Gage slowly broke the kiss, his amber eyes all but glowing. David soon wobbled to a stop. Gage smirked, "Come on pup." He instructed.

The punk turned and started leaving campus, David following after. They walked between the fraternities and the recriminating stares of the others. The frat boys had seen the kiss and murmured obscenities about the two, but David had a proud grin on his face. He didn't care what they thought, they were just jealous of him to have such a sexy master. David strutted his stuff off as he walked and as he moved, the mark on his neck beneath the collar started to throb.

Every step David took with Gage seemed to empower him more and more. The stubble on his face was pushing out longer than ever before. The skin above his upper lip darkened, his cheeks grew fuzzy and then his chin. Before long his stubble beard was as thick as his shaved head, creating one uniform texture across most of his skull... but that wasn't all. David's ears throbbed gently, the tips slowly rising into slight points and his grin widened as his teeth started to grow sharper, especially his canines.

The two left the campus property and came up to the street where the motorcycle was parked. Gage swung his leg over and settled down but left plenty of room for David on the back. David climbed on and slid up tight to Gage, wrapping his arms around his master. He brought his groin flush with Gage's ass and resumed his humping, soon panting as his tongue hung out of his mouth. To David's surprise, Gage's tight black jeans had a hole in the back but it was above his ass cheeks. David was sad at the near opportunity missed. Gage brought the motorcycle to life and pushed off, merging into traffic and heading down the street.

David kept panting and humping, loving the feel of the wind in his face. He had the vaguest inkling that he was forgetting something, doing something wrong, but with each hump that thought grew more distant. Nothing was wrong about where he was. It was perfect, it was what he was meant to do. He loved his master completely... The only thing wrong was that he was hugging his master when it was he who should be held tightly, contained somehow. David wondered how to fix the situation for a few moments before another load emptied into his shorts and he let out a long sigh of delight.


The ride had taken several long minutes, bringing the two to the edge of the college town. Despite David's seemingly endless lust, his eyes were wide as he took in the house they pulled up to. It was old and battered with a few broken windows. There were beer cans around and a metal barrel for burning things. It was a rough and tumble abode, the sort that a punk most likely loved. Gage started to climb off the bike and David followed, though his feet were stiff and tight for some reason.

"I think it's time." Gage said, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a long leather strap with a gold clip and brought it up, sliding it into the clasp on David's collar. David shuddered in delight as his cock grew rock hard once again. Gage gave the leash a tug and led David to the house. He passed through the front door and David followed, bypassing the living room and the kitchen before going right for the bedroom. Once inside the bedroom, Gage turned and pushed David to the wall before grabbing at David's shirt, starting to pull it in two directions, about to split the fabric.

"Gage..." David moaned. Gage shifted gently, breathing a little harder as the moonlight spilled through the back window of the house, washing over him.

"David, there's something you need to know. I'm not like other men, I'm different." Gage said before he tore David's shirt open, revealing his torso. David gasped at that, relieved that the only thing confining his upper body were the leather straps and collar.

"I know, I never could love another man like you. I want to be like you, I want to be yours forever!" David called out. Gage chuckled, opening a drawer, pulling out a bundle of more leather.

"You're already on your way my pet, but it isn't being a punk. It's something even better." Gage whispered. David looked down as Gage pressed the leather straps against his chest and around his shoulders, clipping them on his back. David gasped, realizing that he had been placed in a black leather harness with a gold ring on his chest, showing off all his muscles.

"What could be better than this?" David whispered. Gage grinned.

"I'll show you." Gage said. He grabbed David's basketball shorts and dropped them to the floor. David was now naked from the ankles up, wearing only harnesses, collars and cuffs... but there was still a shock of color, a difference David never would have anticipated. His hard shaft was almost eleven inches long, tapering to a point and quite red and wet. A fold of flesh hugged the base of his cock, a sheath, and the base of the shaft inside the sheath seemed to be swelling.

David gazed down at his canine member before he looked back up at Gage in confusion, still feeling horny but so confused... but Gage wasn't done. The punk leaned down and grabbed one of David's shoes. David felt the rubber and leather stretch around his foot before it popped off, revealing something shocking... a paw. It was a furry black paw with claws. David tried to move his toes and the toes of the paw wiggled. Gage pulled off the other shoe and revealed the same thing.

"What is this?" David whispered.

"This, my pet, is the start of your new form..." Gage replied, though his voice was deeper. David looked back up and gasped, realizing that Gage's features were starting to shift and change. His blue and black sideburns grew thicker, his mustache longer. Stubble pushed out across his chin and his yellow eyes practically shimmered. His ears pushed up into points, his mouth gnashed as his teeth sharpened into fangs and soon his face itself started to shift.

David gasped as Gage's jaw elongated, his nose stretching out with it. The longer skull made more room for more fangs and a long wet pierced tongue. The facial hair started to soften into fur before spreading up past his cheek bones, crossing his nose and surrounding his eyes. The punk's pierced, pointed ears lifted to the top of his head as they grew furry and angled. Gage's nose grew moist and then black, the nostrils becoming rubbery and thicker. His eyes closed one last time as a human before opening as a wolf.

With the head of a wolf, the changes accelerated. His body hair grew thicker and softer, more hairs pushing out all over. His chest expanded, spreading his black t-shirt to the limit before it tore out around the neck, a thick mane of black and neon blue fur spilling out. His fingernails stretched into long black claws as paw pads pushed out of his palms and fur covered his fingers. His tight jeans bulged obscenely in the groin, but the hole in the back of the jeans also stretched as a thick black tail started to emerge from it.

The furry wolf tail flicked and twitched from side to side with a few streaks of neon blue in it. It reached a foot long, then two, reaching four feet long in a few moments more... but that wasn't all. The fur on the tail was growing out very long and very thick, the tail becoming disproportional, almost comically large. It was huge and thick, swaying around with impressive muscles. Gage growled happily as his claws pushed through well worn holes on his boots right between the metal spikes, giving him almost twenty deadly talons on the end of each foot. A clawed paw reached down before cutting at his fly, splitting the denim before a fat, fourteen inch pierced wolf cock emerged along with two huge softball sized furry black balls.

David was standing stock still in shock and awe at the punk that had become a werewolf before his very eyes. The werewolf had pierced ears, a pierced tongue, blue and black fur... even fuzzy cheeks and what appeared to be a split mustache above his muzzled lips. He was muscled, he was big, he was horny and he was amazing. David looked at the black and blue wolf before he looked down at his own canine phallus and paws before grinning wide.

"My master..." David whispered before he fell to his knees and leaned forward. Gage watched as the once straight and independent jock opened his fang filled mouth and let out a thick tongue, bringing it to the glistening pearl of milky white that had collected at the tip of the werewolf's shaft.

"My bondage loving slave." Gage whispered back, leaning down to grab David's head and push him forward. David barely had time to savor the spicy musk of the dew drop on his tongue before his cheeks bulged wide with werewolf cock but soon he was sucking and slurping away, bobbing his head, gulping and groaning and growling. Gage moved David's head back and forth like a fuck toy, grunting loudly... and David couldn't have been happier, though the activities were certainly triggering their own changes.

With every suck and thrust, David's body was tingling. His well groomed chest was growing hairier as thick curls of brown pushed out. The hair on his arms thickened as well and his stubble beard started growing thicker than his head hair. His mustache grew down over his upper lips, his cheek hair extended to an inch long, then two, then three. It was quite impressive, but it wasn't limited to hair. His fingernails were darkening from white to brown, then eventually black as they grew longer, narrowing into points before the points curved down and thickened, becoming claws.

David reached up his clawed hand to stroke Gage's hip, though the denim felt different to his hands as his finger pads puffed up and portions of his palm swelled. The brown hair on his arms crept downwards, growing across his palm and the back of his hands, surrounding the pads but not covering them. The hair on his arms grew in thicker and thicker by the moment before soon his skin disappeared beneath the pelt, and the pelt was spreading. His nipples disappeared beneath the fuzz next, then his eight pack of abdominal muscles. The fur stuck out past the black and gold leather harness, his brown fur contrasting with it nicely.

The former jock humped the air as the fur covered his balls and his legs, joining up with his foot paws. Soon his chest fur moved up his neck before it joined with his beard hair and David felt a charge move through his body. His bulging cheeks worked around the punk's cock extra hard, sucking away. As he thrust his head forward and pulled it back, his lips seemed to try and stay in the same spot. David could feel his face stretch around the werewolf cock.

His bearded cheeks elongated, his nose stretched and his bones shifted. His lips widened back across his cheeks and his nostrils tilted up, growing black and rubbery. The beard thickened into fur and David's face was left in a long furry muzzle. The fur swept up across the rest of his face, growing into his hairline and across his ears. The only remaining flesh exposed was his red cock, his paw pads and his nose. The jock's ears lifted up to the top of his head, settling into place before they laid down flat against his skull in lust.

David sucked and slurped away on his master's phallus, waggling his hips a bit where the last change was starting. His ass cheeks slowly pushed a part, making room for his tail bone to grow. The bones filled in, connecting from one to the next, new muscle sweeping over it. The extension shifted about as it continued to stretch but the sausage like meat was soon engulfed in brown fur that hid the base.

The tail grew longer and thicker, though not nearly as huge as Gage's. The punk's tail threatened to knock everything off of his night stand as it swung around in its massive glory. Gage grunted sharply, his wolf prick leaking precum as he saw David's body changed before his very eyes. The brown wolf still had on his collar and harness, the perfect pet. Gage knew he couldn't hold on any longer. He felt the base of his cock swell into a knot, prying David's muzzle wide and locking it in place.

David murmured, feeling a shift a moment before he had hot werewolf jizz running down his throat. David forgot everything else as he greedily gulped at the hot flow of seed, his own cock pulsing before spraying a shower of cum all over himself. David's load started out white but soon grew slightly yellow as he lost the last of his human cum and sprayed his first load as a full werewolf. The shower of musky spunk soaked into his brown fur and dribbled from the gold ring on his chest, but he didn't care.

When at last Gage had finished cumming, David seemed reluctant to pull off. He lapped the cock clean, gave it a few more good sucks before he pulled his muzzle off and looked up at his master obediently, panting while his tongue lolled out of the side of his mouth. Gage looked down at his cum soaked bondage slave and reached down to pet his head with his paw, letting out a growl of consideration.

"We'll have to do something about your fur color, it's a bit basic right now." Gage said, letting out a large muzzled yawn before he moved over toward the bed. David followed after, waiting for Gage to collapse onto the mattress before he climbed on as well, snuggling up against the punk.

"What sort of colors did you have in mind?" David asked, feeling sleep threaten to overtake him as well. Gage murmured with heavy eyes as he draped an arm over his pet, rubbing his furry backside.

"Red maybe... or orange. Some hot colors for my hot pup." Gage whispered before his eyes slipped shut and his body relaxed, his chest rising and falling gently with a sleepy breath. David gazed at Gage for several minutes, watching the punk sleep before he leaned in and lightly licked his neck before closing his eyes as well. Before long both wolves had fallen asleep in each other's embrace, completely content.


The sun was setting on a new day and orange light spilled through the windows into the stair well as the sound of foot steps echoed. Jason Reeves and Hal Conners jogged up to the second floor of Clark Hall, moving out into the hallway. Jason was six foot two and two hundred pounds while Hal was slightly more modest in height and weight. They looked as though they could be brothers though with their similar bone structure, buzzed blond hair and similar dress sense. They were typical jocks and they were concerned about a team mate that hadn't reported to practice in two days.

"There it is, two ten." Hal said. Jason moved up to David's door before he knocked on it. There was a long delay before a groggy growl came from the other side. The lock clicked and the door swung open, revealing one of the room's occupants. Hal and Jason backed up a bit, shocked by the man in the room. They were certain they had gotten the wrong dorm.

"What is it Hal?" David asked, further shocking the two. They knew it was David, but it couldn't have been. They looked David over again, still stunned. David's brown hair graduated to bright fiery red spikes across his head, a red that matched his straight, soft beard that showed almost a month's worth of growth in two days. In addition to his wild hair, his ears had been stretched with gauges and a thick septum ring hung from his nostrils. There was even a new tattoo, a red wolf paw on his shoulder. The jocks stared at David in shock, but even his wardrobe had changed. A spiked leather collar was wrapped tight around his neck and his sleeveless t-shirt was emblazoned with the anarchist A.

"Dude, what happened to you?" Jason asked.

"Did you have some sort of identity crisis?" Hal asked. David actually chuckled at that.

"I suppose in a way I did. I realized I didn't have an identity before, I was just another cookie cutter athlete... but now there's no one out there like me, I have an identity." David said. Hal looked at Jason uncertainly before looking back at David.

"Are you... still going to come to practice?" Hal asked. David paused, a bit surprised that they were still interested despite the way he looked. It was more tolerance than he would have anticipated. Still, he had made new life decisions and his responsibility was not to the team. David shook his head gently.

"I'll let the rest of the team know I'm not coming back. It wouldn't be fair to you guys or to me." David said. Hal and Jason gave gentle nods.

"Well, hope you're okay man." Jason murmured. David nodded.

"I'm great, but thanks for checking on me." David said. The two jocks nodded before they slowly turned and headed back the way they came. David eased the door shut and locked it again. He turned to look out his open window, watching as the sun continued to sink lower and lower. The sky turned from orange to pink to purple and finally a deep, dark blue as the stars started to come out... and then he heard it, in the distance, the growl of the motorcycle. David grinned as his brown eyes turned gold and he peered out of his window, checking to see if there were any students walking by. When he spotted no one, he took a running leap and charged out of his window.

As David arched through the air, his beard grew thicker, his ears pushed into points and his face extended out into a muzzle. Fur exploded from the rest of his body and a thick red tail moved out from the waistband of his shorts. He landed in a three point stance on paws rather than feet and a hand, a fang filled grin crossing his face. He turned and broke into a run, fearlessly navigating through the campus buildings before leaping over the last hedge. Up ahead Gage was waiting on his bike, his huge thick tail draped behind him.

David moved to swing up onto the bike, lifting the tail before him and hugging it like a stuffed animal, the bulge of his groin sliding right into the cleft of Gage's muscled ass. Gage brought the motorcycle out away from the curb and moved into very stunned traffic, drivers and passengers alike staring at the very gay, very punk werewolves on the motorcycle. Gage took advantage of the shock and wove between them before clearing away from the traffic jam and sailing into the night.

"I bought you a present my bondage loving pet." Gage said. David's red tail wagged happily behind him.

"What is it, what is it?" he asked eagerly.

"I'll give you a hint, it's nine points." Gage chuckled. David stuck out his wolf tongue.

"You big bad wolf." David replied with a grin, hugging Gage and his tail at the same time. Gage grinned to himself, still amazed at how lucky he had been to see just another jock running through the park on his own... Gage had been waiting for that moment of pure creation since he had become an alpha himself and it had finally paid off. Still, one thing perplexed Gage. No one had ever been that receptive before. It was almost as if David had wanted the collar, had wanted to be mesmerized and give up the rest of his life.

While Gage knew David would be his one true mate, the wolf started to wonder if all other jocks had a craving to be different, unique, to unleash their beast... and he started to wonder what it would be like to collar them all, making the jocks his personal pets. The alpha wolf let out a growl of delight, his grin wide as the wind rippled through his blue mustache. David snuggled up against him some more from behind and Gage's thoughts of domination shifted back to his mate. He was going to get plenty of action that night, that was certain.


**Internment** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Gotommax _It had started with a single birth, both a mystery and a miracle. The child had been born as the perfect synthesis of man and animal. He had the head and fur of the wolf, the...

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Epidemic 2

**Epidemic 2** -The Cure- Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Matt123 _'Six months... Six months since the world came crashing down. It's funny in a sad way, all the times society thought about the end of the world. The shows, the video...

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Iron Willed

**Iron Willed** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Beardbear The sun had started to raise, streams of light coming in through the curtains, spilling across the bed that hadn't been slept in all night. The blankets and sheets were made, the...

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