
Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Written by

Commissioned by Silverfly

A young man attempts to make the world a better place by adopting a cat, but when a six foot tall, talking punk cat shows up on his doorstep it is clear that things are not going to go as planned.

Inspired by the artwork:

Adoption Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Silverfly Inspired by Revy

After a long, hot summer, fall had briefly flirted with the promise of a gray day and cooler weather before settling on a muggy, last minute heat wave. The sun had barely risen and already steam was billowing from the sidewalk as the night's dew evaporated away. It wasn't quite the ideal weather but Tommy didn't care. There was no way that the day was going to be ruined for him. After a week of work, his first apartment was perfectly set up. Every appliance was working, every piece of linen had its place and every knick knack was situated. He had all his textbooks for the semester, his brand new bike was perfect, but most of all... this was the day his family grew.

Tommy moved through the living room, double checking everything a second time. He still couldn't believe it. For the first time in his life he was finally getting a pet. It had been a battle his entire childhood. With allergic parents, the only pets they could have allowed were fish and lizards. Tommy hadn't wanted that. He wanted a cute and cuddly fuzzy pet like everyone else. Still, the years had passed and Tommy had grown up. Despite not being allowed a pet, he had been an enthusiast from afar and had learned the plight of America's animal population. The only responsible thing was to adopt.

The eighteen year old moved over to his desk, picking up the newspaper clipping, reading it over again. Lucky; white short fur American domestic cat. In need of a good, loving home. Affectionate. The description was fairly generic, though the name Lucky usually indicated that the feline was lucky to have survived something. It was all the more reason to adopt that particular cat. Tommy smiled as he sat down in his office chair, his reflection catching on his laptop screen.

The young man was five feet and eleven inches tall with willowy black hair coming down to his eyebrows. He had a trim body with a few muscles, but mostly he was just skinny. Even his skinny jeans didn't look skinny on him. Tommy turned his chair, looking at the transformation to his living room. He had a waist high scratching post, a litter box, fifty pounds of kitty kibble and an arsenal of toys that rivaled the selection of Petco. There was no way that his new cat was going to be unhappy.

A few minutes passed and Tommy rose to his feet, starting to pace back and forth. He never had been that great at waiting for anything. Still, he knew that some pets would respond to the moods of their owners and he didn't want an anxious cat at all. He wanted his cat to feel completely at home. Tommy moved over and sunk down onto the couch, turning on the television. He flipped past CNN and Fox, sick to death of their biases before he came to a stop on animal planet and sighed with relief.

With something to capture his attention, Tommy relaxed and stopped watching the clock. Time flowed a little faster for him, but somewhere at the back of his mind he still kept an ear peeled for the traffic outside. Every so often he'd glance out of his window at the street and then look back to the television. When he heard the screeching of some tires outside he assumed it was the neighborhood hooligans again and paid it no mind, but there was a heavy rattle of the back of a truck and an animal control van nearly spun its tires as it sailed away.

Tommy's eyes went wide as he saw the vehicle leave in such a hurry, springing to his feet in shock. He ran to the door to see if they had left his cat on the door step before leaving. With eager hands he turned the knob and yanked the door open, coming face to face with a rather bewildered individual... an individual covered with white fur. Standing on Tommy's door step was a five foot ten, white furred anthropomorphic cat, but that was far from the most defining feature.

Like most hybrid's, the anthro cat had human hair that contrasted with his soft white fur. In this individual's case, it contrasted far more than normal. The cat's hair had been dyed in stages so the tips of his unruly hair were red, followed by orange and then yellow, green at mid length and then blue and finally violet at the roots. The rainbow pattern was repeated for the last foot of his long white tail and his tall pointed ears were loaded down with at least ten piercings each, most of which repeated the rainbow theme. The cat even had four colored studs below his bottom lip.

Icy blue eyes gazed at Tommy hesitantly, one hand raised in a fist to knock on the door that had opened without prompting. Tommy looked at the hand, noticing that the cat's claws were even painted different colors, though his four rings were a nice silver that matched his fur. The cat looked Tommy over for a moment before his black nose sniffed the air and his whiskers shifted a bit.

"Tommy?" The punk cat asked. His voice was a little higher pitch than Tommy's but it had a resonance to it, the same sort of weight that a true male cat had in his meows. Tommy looked at the punk cat before him with a torn up pirate logo t-shirt and cargo shorts before he realized that a question had been posed. Tommy's brain churned to catch up to what had just been asked.

"Y... Yes, that's me." Tommy said.

"I'm Lucky." He said after a moment, his slight muzzle pushing into a shy grin. Tommy's jaw opened a bit as he looked the cat over again. Tommy couldn't believe his eyes.

"But I adopted... a pet, not a person..." Tommy said. Lucky pushed his lips together for a moment.

"But why get a pet when you can get me? I'm so much better than a normal cat. I promise! I'll do the cute things any cat would do. I'll play with yarn, I'll roll around on my back. Or if you wanted the whole tom cat thing, I can lick my balls and stick my leg up in the air. Whatever you want. Just please, don't send me back." Lucky pleaded. Tommy had been listening in awe to all of Lucky's offerings, but the last sentence stuck in his head as all of his years of wanting a pet jumped back at him.

"Don't send you back? What's back where you came from?" Tommy asked. Lucky reached up to rub behind his right ear.

"Well, you saw how fast those catchers left. They aren't too fond of me at the shelter. It's a pretty common story, really. Runt of the litter from a kitten mill has to try for attention, falls in with a bad crowd of stray cats and keeps getting in trouble. Pretty soon no one wants to adopt him. They come along and just look for all the cute, young cats. Soon I'm acting out just trying to get noticed. They'd given up on me at the shelter but I saw one of their adoption ads going out and took some liberties. They were so shocked it worked that they were pretty happy to drop me off here." Lucky said.

"But... but..." Tommy hesitated before he blushed, a weak smile crossing his lips before he sighed, "This wasn't at all how I was picturing us meeting. I wanted to be all confident and happy and make you feel at home." Tommy said before he stepped back into the house and off to the side, gesturing to the living room. Lucky did a double take.

"You mean... I can come in?" Lucky asked in disbelief. Tommy smiled gently.

"I adopted a pet to make the world a better place. It's starting to look like I adopted just the right one." Tommy said. Lucky's blue eyes lit up with more hope and joy than he had shown in years. He ran in, not to see the house, but to get to Tommy. The cat jumped up, his arms wrapping around Tommy's neck and his legs wrapping around his new owner's waist. Tommy stumbled back before he got a footing, but Lucky had already leaned in for a kiss.

Tommy's eyes went wide as he felt the fuzzy lips against his, pushing them apart before a sandpapery tongue plunged past his. Soon Lucky was purring, his entire chest cavity reverberating and vibrating against Tommy. The vibration was so intense that it seemed to throw his heart into another rhythm. Tommy was still wide eyed but Lucky was working the tongue back and forth as his rainbow tipped tail swished around behind him and his pierced ears went flat against his head. Lucky was so excited that his claws slid a little out of his fingers, puncturing through Tommy's shirt and pricking his skin.

The human murmured in shock as he felt tiny pricks of pain in his shoulders, but the moan only made more room for the cat tongue ravaging his mouth. Lucky brought his tongue forward and back several times before he pulled back and broke the kiss, looking into Tommy's eyes. Tommy stood there, holding the punk cat who was surprisingly lighter than he looked. Lucky soon grinned wide, his ears standing up all the way.

"I love you!" Lucky declared. Tommy chuckled at that before he reached up, tracing his fingers through Lucky's rainbow hair. When it fell forward it covered his eyes and even his nose, leaving only his lips visible unless it was parted like Lucky seemed to normally have it.

"Already?" Tommy asked. Lucky nodded.

"You taste good." Lucky said before he nuzzled his furry face against Tommy's neck. Tommy continued to hold Lucky, blown away by what had just happened. He took a few more moments to take stock of everything before he blushed, looking around at the living room.

"Uh, the stuff I got... I thought I was getting a... animal cat." Tommy said. Lucky grinned like a child on Christmas.

"You got me stuff?" He asked, jumping down from Tommy's body, looking around. He took a few steps with his ragged boots before he saw the twine covered pole. He moved over and dragged his painted claws along it before moaning a bit, reaching out to swat at a yellow ball of feathers on a spring, bearing his fangs as it dared to swing back. He leaned down and dug through some of the baskets of toys, giggling and cooing as he saw them, batting a few balls around before he froze in place, his tail going stiff.

"What is it?" Tommy asked in concern. Lucky slowly withdrew a small plastic bag full of dried leaves. His blue eyes dilated and he took a tiny, hesitant sniff of the bag.

"You got me cat nip?" Lucky whispered.

"I..." Tommy whispered, not sure what to do. Lucky held up his hand before five different colored claws emerged at full length and he sliced the bag open. He took a deep sniff of the bag, getting some of the dried leaves stuck to his black nose before he opened his mouth and dumped some in, chewing at it and gulping it down. Soon his eyes slipped shut and he moaned again, a bit of drool leaking out from the corners of his mouth. He took a staggering step before he flopped down onto his back, gazing around in a slight daze.

Tommy rubbed at the back of his head, watching his new 'pet' tripping on cat nip. He had never paused to realize what was cute in cats was actually more like a drug and he wasn't certain he had made the right decision. Still, Lucky seemed to be enjoying himself immensely so maybe it wasn't all bad after all. The human moved to sit down on the couch, watching Lucky go at it, wondering what the next step was going to be. ****

It had been a long, strange, exciting and weird day. Tommy had waited for Lucky's nip trip to wear off before he showed him around the house and explained about his life. Lucky was a little sad that his new owner was going to be going to school so much, but unlike his wild cousins he understood that sometimes humans had to go places. Tommy had taken some of now useless cat items out of the living room and put them in the wash room, particularly bemused by the tiny cat bed. While Tommy moved the unusable items, Lucky wandered the house curiously.

The punk cat emerged from the kitchen with a can of Friskees in hand, peeling back the metal lid. He dipped a finger in and collected some of the meat and brought it up to his lips, savoring the fishy flavors. He'd had to subsist on pretty generic foods at the shelter and it was a relief to have name brand. Lucky turned the corner and spotted the litter box before looking down at his pants, realizing how long it had been since he had gone to the bathroom.

Lucky brought the can of cat food up to his lips, tipping it back, letting the fishy food flow over his fangs and tongue before gulping it down, setting the can down on a chair before he undid the clasp of his belt and pulled it aside. A claw caught the loop of the zipper and drew it down before he stuck his hand in. Lucky reached down quite a ways in his pants, his fingers curving around the heft of his manhood before he started feeding it through the fly of his shorts.

In some ways Lucky was a bit bigger than Tommy. His shoulders were a few inches broader, his tail added some mass, but the size of Lucky's manhood would put almost any male to shame. While it had been carefully hidden in his shorts, Lucky's feline phallus was fourteen inches soft and four inches thick at least. The reddish length was darkest at the tip where rubbery barbs stuck out. Lucky held his long member with both hands, aiming at the litter box before he released.

The thick yellow stream arched down before splattering into the sea of litter. The dried flecks absorbed the moisture and started to swell, sticking together and clumping. It even turned from a dull gray to a slightly more colorful periwinkle. Lucky tipped back his head and moaned as he relieved himself, the stream seemingly never ending. The moisture spread and spread before the entire litter box had turned into one big blue clump. The last few drops of Lucky's bounty left him and he gave his shaft a slight shake to get the last drop off. Lucky was about to tuck his shaft back in his shorts when he realized that Tommy was standing in the archway leading to the kitchen, his jaw hanging open. Lucky looked down at the litter box before he blushed, realizing what he had done.

"Sorry, I should have used the toilet. Force of habit." Lucky blushed. Tommy tried to say something but failed. Lucky's shaft wasn't the first dick he'd seen on another man, far from it. He'd learned half way through high school that he was gay and porn was so easy in the Google generation... but never before had he seen one so big, let alone one in front of him. Tommy tried to look away from the sheer gravitational pull of the mighty member, looking back at Tommy.

"I haven't figured out where you're going to sleep yet, I was going to put your cat bed in my room." Tommy said. Lucky's blue eyes lit up again.

"Your room?" he asked before turning, stuffing his cock in his shorts as he moved, pushing into Tommy's room. Tommy ran after him, worried about how messy it was. He had been expecting a non-judgemental cat, not a pet that could speak. Lucky moved right to Tommy's closet and threw it open before suddenly looking disappointed. The cat scowled, flipping through the shirts, "No hipster plaid? No biker leather jackets? No punk vests?" Lucky murmured before he crouched down, picking up a shoe.

"I... I have a pretty simple wardrobe." Tommy said, watching as Lucky suddenly stuck his short muzzle into one of his shoes. Lucky took a big whiff before he pulled his head back, his jaw hanging open as if he'd smelled the most foul substance in the universe. Lucky took a few shallow breaths before he stuck his face back in and took another sniff before coming back and moaning.

"Oh my nine lives..." Lucky murmured.

"Ew, stop it!" Tommy said, chuckling as he snatched away the shoe, "Why do cats do that?" Tommy asked.

"It's so bad it's good?" Lucky said, trying to put it into words. Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Well, at least something about me is interesting." Tommy said, tossing his shoe back into the closet. Lucky rose back up to his feet, his blue eyes going wide.

"But you're so amazing, it's okay..." Lucky whispered. Tommy gave a gentle shrug.

"I'm sure it will be, but I guess neither of us is what the other expected." Tommy said, moving to get ready for bed. Lucky moved up behind Tommy, wrapping his arms around his master. The hands played with Tommy's chest before the claws extended and pushed through the fabric of the shirt. Tommy gasped in shock as his nipples were needled. Lucky leaned in close, his wet nose brushing the human's ear.

"You're far better than I expected, better in every way, but if you ever want to try something a little more wild... All it takes is a leap of faith." Lucky whispered before he licked Tommy's ear. Tommy shivered at the sandpaper tongue before he leaned back into Lucky's chest.

"I... I'll have to remember that." Tommy said softly, taking a breath. He could still smell the ammonia from the litter box outside his room... but for some reason it was almost so bad it was good. Tommy pushed the smell out of his mind before he pulled off his shirt.

"Oh my god! You took off your fur!" Lucky shouted. Tommy froze in place, looking at the cat. Lucky held the horrified expression on his face for a moment longer before he cracked a huge grin, "Nah, just kidding. I know what clothes are dude. I just thought every pet owner has to have that moment." Lucky grinned.

"You ass." Tommy smirked, kicking off his shoes and socks before climbing into bed. Lucky tilted his head a bit.

"You sleep in your pants?" Lucky asked.

"No, I sleep in my boxers but I... haven't had company before." Tommy admitted. Lucky grinned before he pounced into bed, crawling along on all fours before he flopped onto his side and rolled onto his back, gazing at Tommy.

"I'm not company, I'm your kitty cat." Lucky said, reaching out to pet Tommy's bare chest. Tommy paused for a moment.

"You're sure?" Tommy asked. Lucky smirked and nodded his head.

"I'm sure." Lucky replied. Tommy shrugged at that a bit before he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, pushing them off before kicking them off the bed. Lucky grinned at that, "See, not so hard." Lucky added before he pulled off his shirt and tossed it aside, untying his boots next. He pulled out two foot paws with painted claws, wiggling his toes before he pulled off his shorts. Tommy's eyes widened at that move.

"What... do you sleep in?" Tommy whispered. Lucky looked up as he kicked off his shorts before he grinned.

"A fur coat." Lucky replied before he cuddled up to Tommy's side and laid his head on the human's chest. Lucky listened to the human's heart beat before his eyes grew heavy and slipped shut, his body relaxing. Tommy reached over to turn his light off, laying in the darkness for a moment. His eyes adjusted and he made out the moonlight coming through the window, shining off of Lucky's white coat. He really was a beautiful cat... and somehow the rainbow hair dye and piercings made him that much more interesting.

Tommy felt a bit crazy, but at the same time he couldn't deny how lucky he had been to wind up with Lucky. His very own guy to have around the house, happy to see him come home, to care about and care for. Tommy just wondered if Lucky was... that kind of cat or not. It was hard to tell if his behavior was being part cat, being a care free punk, or if he was gay. Still, Tommy didn't want to take advantage of Lucky. He'd just have to see how things worked out on their own. ****

It had been the most restful night of Lucky's life, hands down. There were no cats or dogs waking him up, there was no risk of someone hurting him as he sleep, no threat of gang retaliation. He had an owner and a home and a new life. As dawn cracked, Lucky's blue eyes slowly opened. He blinked fuzzily before he stretched two arms and a leg out, his muzzle widening with a huge yawn. He shifted a bit before he moaned, another sensation hitting him... a heavy sensation from his groin.

The cat slowly lifted his head, looking down at his morning wood. His erection was full and insistent, standing up at attention at over two feet in length. His furry white balls had swollen as well, nearly the size of oranges as they jostled on his groin. Lucky's whiskers twitched as he glanced over to Tommy. The human was deep asleep, deeper asleep than he had ever slept as well. Lucky slowly looked back at his shaft before he decided to risk it.

Lucky reached over and slowly wrapped one paw around his cock, feeling his rings press against the soft flesh. He soon wrapped his other hand around the immense length closer to his shaft, giving it a firm squeeze. He closed his eyes and lifted both hands up and then down, trying not to go too fast. He still remembered what had happened last time, why the vets disliked him so much... he didn't want to make Tommy mad, but he was so horny.

The cat started to work his shaft more, lifting his hand up and down. The shaft pulsed and throbbed with the heat of his lust and Lucky gave into it more and more. Before long he felt something hot and silky slipping over his fingers. Lucky opened his eyes with a soft gasp, realizing that it was happening already. He saw his milky precum flowing down his shaft and across his fingers, soaking into the fur at the base of his shaft. It seemed so simple, so innocuous, but it was a prelude of something far more dangerous, something that had cost him more than one home.

Lucky continued to work his shaft, the bed slowly starting to bounce in time with his thrusting hands. Lucky bit his pierced lip in nervousness, unable to stop but knowing what he could do to Tommy... but slowly the idea started to replay in his mind. Lucky looked at his cock and then his sleeping master. Lucky loved Tommy. Tommy was perfect. He gave his love, his attention, his home and his resources. Still, Lucky remembered how Tommy had seemed a bit hurt when his wardrobe was pointed out, as if he wanted to be something more.

The cat suddenly looked back at his pre drooling shaft, realizing it had the power to give more. Lucky's tail twitched in nervousness as he brought his paw up, collecting some of the pre on his finger. He licked his lips a bit before he rolled over onto his side, leaning over. He gently brought his finger down, sliding it across part of Tommy's upper lip, smearing the liquid onto it. For a moment the skin glistened through the pre, but then tiny dark hairs began to push through the skin. The hairs grew longer, thickening up and curling slightly at the very tip. The hair was only a few centimeters long but it was enough to form half of a black mustache.

Lucky shuddered a bit as he used his forbidden essence, nearly cumming on the spot but he found his arousal, intent on doing more. He gathered more of his juices and caressed the other side of Tommy's upper lip, making the split mustache match on both sides... but that wasn't enough. Lucky wanted more. He kept going back for more pre, letting it soak his fingers before he spread it across Tommy's cheek and jaw like he was wielding a paint brush, coating his chin especially thickly.

Stubble darkened Tommy's cheeks but the hair growing out of his chin pushed right past that of stubble. It grew out in front of his jaw before curving down around his chin, coming to a point right behind the bone and an inch below his jaw. It was distinctive, unique and fairly thick. It also smelled a bit musky. Tommy shifted a bit in his sleep, his dreams shifting. He looked a bit more confident as he dreamed, his natural shyness deteriorating slightly.

Lucky moaned, loving the look of Tommy with a beard, but it still wasn't enough. He rubbed more of his seed onto Tommy's cheeks before the sides of his beard grew in almost an inch thick, blending down with his goatee until it was one full mass of black hair. Tommy's bed head worked well with his beard, looking a lot like a sleeping bad ass... but it would only take one more thing to make that a bit more of a reality.

The punk cat held his breath before he gathered a bit more of his seed on his fingers. He held his hand up for a moment before he brought it forward, tracing a finger across Tommy's lips before he pushed it in. Tommy shifted in his sleep, surprised by the finger before his lips parted. As the salty, musky seed hit his tongue, it was a different story. The black bearded human eagerly sucked the finger in, suckling on it until the manly flavor faded... but then his eyes opened, looking around in confusion. Lucky's heart skipped a beat but he grinned lovingly. He knew that the first few moments would be the most important. He had to take advantage of his powers.

"How is my handsome beast?" Lucky asked. Tommy was surprised at being called a beast, but as the phrase bounced around his mind it quickly seemed to fit perfectly. Tommy grinned, his beard framing his feral glee.

"Beastly." Tommy said, "Looks like you're doing well too there." He said, gesturing to the huge rod coming from Lucky's groin. Lucky blushed beneath his fur before shrugging.

"Morning wood, what's a guy to do?" Lucky asked. Tommy chuckled at that.

"Well there are a couple of options, but I better get things rolling for the day." Tommy said before sliding his legs out of bed. He stood up and moved out of the bedroom and entered the bathroom, going to the mirror. He lifted his hand and ran it across his beard, admiring his reflection. He was a handsome beast. Lucky appeared in the doorway, watching Tommy admire himself. He had no memory that he hadn't had the beard before. It had worked. Lucky's tail flicked around, wondering what he'd be able to accomplish if Tommy remained just as open to his essence. The sky was the limit. ****

It had been a fantastic day to say the least. Tommy had taken Lucky to the mall and around the neighborhood, showing him off the sights and sounds, but it was really like Tommy was seeing everything for the first time himself. He'd never felt so alive, so powerful, so happy or so wild. He found himself grinning almost all the time and Lucky absolutely loved seeing Tommy so happy. The punk cat walked along with his thin white furry arm looped through Tommy's, rubbing shoulders as they moved through the mall.

Lucky leaned his head up and nuzzled his chin against Tommy's black beard before licking at his ear, causing Tommy to murmur happily. Tommy shifted his hips a bit, trying to let his manhood adjust in his pants. It'd been half hard all morning. Lucky was completely wrapped up in Tommy, though his ears started to perk as he heard the familiar buzz of a neon sign near by. The rainbow haired cat turned and froze, seeing a piercing parlor in the mall advertising a buy one, get one free sale.

"Oh Tommy! Look!" Lucky said, frolicking forward, his tail swaying wildly behind him. Tommy caught up to the shop and looked in curiously. Lucky turned to his master and grinned, "So what kind do you want?" Lucky asked. Tommy looked a bit surprised.

"Me?" Tommy asked. Despite his beard, he still managed a shy smile that was rather adorable. Lucky reached his paw up, holding it against Tommy's cheek.

"You'd be even more handsome... Snake bites, eyebrow ring, ear ladders..." Lucky whispered. Tommy blushed a bit but grinned.

"I guess all I have to do is pick one, huh?" Tommy asked. Lucky looked confused.

"Pick one? Oh, to start with, yeah." Lucky said with a grin. Tommy looked through the windows again before he gave a resolute nod.

"I'll do it." He said. Lucky gave a meow of delight before he reached over and cupped Tommy's package and gave it a squeeze. Tommy gasped in shock and delight, hardening quickly.

"This is so great!" Lucky exclaimed before moving into the shop, leaving Tommy horny and dazed, but as blood left Tommy's head for other extremities it seemed with every moment that Lucky's suggestion was an even better idea. ****

Tommy and Lucky moved along the street back towards their house, Tommy having a bit of swagger in his stride. He'd never realized how much getting pierced could boost confidence, but he felt like a new man. Two thick rings looped over his lower lip, a ring hung from his nose and two gold balls stuck out just above his eyebrow. Still, they were nothing compared to the myriad of barbells, studs and rings going along his ear lobes. Tommy looked far tougher in general, but Lucky had talked him into a new jacket as well, covered with straps and studs and even a few spikes. Tommy looked quite different.

Lucky moved along with Tommy, breathing heavily, finding it hard to restrain himself. Tommy was putting off so many pheromones now, he was intoxicating. Lucky had never been so turned on and it was starting to show. The right leg of his shorts was bulging obscenely and the head of his manhood was starting to peek out from the leg of his shorts, emerging into the world at large, though Tommy hadn't noticed yet.

Tommy unlocked the door and kicked it in brazenly, strutting in with a grin. He slipped his jacket off and tossed it over the back of his couch before moving to the fridge, throwing it open before riffling around, a frown coming across his face.

"There isn't any beer..." He mused, not remembering that he was too young for it, let alone that he had never had it before. Tommy settled on some root beer before coming back to the couch, sinking down on it. The can hissed as he popped the top and tipped it back with a drink. Lucky shut the door and moved over to the couch, sitting down on Tommy's lap. Tommy murmured, surprised by the movement but as Lucky's muscled ass centered over Tommy's groin, he let out a soft groan.

Lucky merely smiled, gazing right into Tommy's eyes like a cat that knew where the center of attention was. Lucky said nothing as he started to grind his ass against Tommy, making his master's rod grow harder and harder. Tommy moaned more, looking back at Lucky before he leaned in, pressing his lips against his cat's. Lucky melted into the kiss, his muzzle parting and his rough tongue sliding back and forth with great eagerness.

"Luck... Lucky, I meant to ask you... a while ago, if you're... if you like men." Tommy panted. Lucky looked puzzled by that before he grinned.

"Of course I like men... But I love you." Lucky said, leaning in to lick at Tommy's neck before biting it affectionately. Tommy groaned at that, a hand grabbing Lucky's head and holding it in place. Lucky started purring heavily, rubbing his nose along Tommy's neck, his whiskers twitching before his rough tongue came out again to lap eagerly.

"I mean... are you gay?" Tommy asked finally. Lucky said nothing but he brought one paw down, a pink claw emerging before he cut into Tommy's jeans, slicing through the denim easily. The fabric popped apart before a bulge of underwear emerged. Lucky grabbed at the waist band and pulled it down, allowing Tommy's manhood to emerge. Tommy blushed a bit, embarrassed by how small it was compared to Lucky, but Lucky slowly slipped back off of Tommy's lap before kneeling before him.

The punk cat closed his eyes and leaned in, his muzzle parting as his tongue slipped out, slathering against the shaft as he drew it up. Tommy gasped suddenly, his fingers digging into the couch cushion as he felt the sand paper tongue dragging across his cock. Lucky moved from base to tip, circled the mushroom shaped head and went down again, coming up from another direction. Tommy expected to grow used to the sensation, but it only grew more intense. Tommy slowly relaxed, draping his arms over the back of the couch, going limp. His legs spread a little and he gazed up at the ceiling, moaning in lust.

Lucky opened his eyes slowly, gazing up at his master as he gave into the pleasure. The punk cat kept licking eagerly, not missing a stroke, but he reached down to unzip his own shorts. He brought them apart and his two foot cock sprung out in front of him, flicking precum across the carpet. The cat gave himself several generous strokes of the cock to get his juices flowing before he cupped his hand and collected some. When he had gathered enough, he slowly brought it over to Tommy's shaft and slowly tilted his hand.

The milky transparent seed flowed over the side of Lucky's paw and drizzled down Tommy's cock, flowing in thick silky rivulets. It clung to the flesh, glistening gently, but it also dribbled down into Tommy's bush. Where the seed hit his hair, the black bush started to soften, no longer bristly. A tingling spread into Tommy's cock and balls, but the human assumed it just had to do with the best blow job of his life, well, the only blow job of his life.

Lucky leaned in and brought his tongue back to the base, his taste buds plunging through the coating of his own seed before he dragged his tongue back up again. The rough tongue seemed to grab onto the human's cock, tugging at the skin, poking and stretching almost like Velcro. At first Tommy just felt raw, but slowly small bumps of flesh started to push out, forming into rubbery barbs. Lucky kept licking at them, causing the barbs to grow larger and thicker and more sensitive, his paw flying over his own cock more and more.

Tommy groaned, basking in the pleasure unknowingly. He had no idea he was becoming more feline. Lucky moved, pressing his muzzled lips to his master's shaft before he plunged his head down, engulfing it in a hot, wet orifice. Tommy moaned louder, feeling the rough tongue, sharp fangs and thick saliva of his pet going at him. Lucky sucked for all he was worth, the pressure causing more blood to rush to the cock, making it grow redder and brighter than ever before.

The cat lifted his head up, sucking hard before he came down again, soaking the shaft liberally... but it was only a prelude. After almost three minutes of sucking, Lucky pulled his maw off of Tommy and moved to climb back onto his lap. Tommy looked up in a daze as Lucky pressed against him, but soon Tommy felt the hot, spiked cock of his pet pressing against his own cock. Lucky reached over and sliced a claw through Tommy's shirt, letting it split open to reveal his chest and stomach before he leaned in even tighter, pinning the two cocks between them.

With a deliberate and careful movement, Lucky rolled his hips forward, grinding his cock against Tommy's, pinning the two between their stomachs. Lucky started to repeat the movement, humping and grinding Tommy. Tommy moaned, his eyes slipping shut again. Lucky grinned, leaning in to lick at Tommy's neck, nuzzling it with love as they humped. As time passed, their body heat caused Lucky's saliva to evaporate from Tommy's cock, the lubrication slowly disappearing. The friction increased and with it the heat.

Soon Tommy felt like his cock was on fire but the sting was so bad it was good again and he kept humping, drool leaking out of the corner of his mouth and absorbing into his beard. Lucky humped even harder, slowly changing his hip movements but for another reason entirely. As Lucky's muscled abdomen pushed against Tommy's hard cock, the cock stretched longer, growing a few centimeters. Lucky rolled back and tried again, getting just a bit more length. It was as if he was kneading dough and stretching it out, but it was in all actuality his lover's manhood.

The moments ticked by and Lucky kept going at it, humping without mercy. Tommy's barbed feline cock stretched to ten inches, then eleven, then twelve. Five minutes went by and still they humped, the two caught in an almost hypnotic trance. As Tommy's cock reached fourteen inches and then sixteen, he had no idea that almost twenty minutes had gone by. His flesh was raw and red and oh so hard.

The juices that had soaked into Tommy's bush continued to change him as well as brand new soft black hairs began pushing out across his balls, slowly covering the entire surface. The balls themselves were growing, swelling, stretching. Tommy basked in the pleasure, mesmerized by it all the more. His huge shaft pushed to eighteen inches, sliding up past his abdomen and between his pectoral muscles. It throbbed and drizzled its own seed, but it was nothing compared to Lucky's.

Lucky panted hard, feeling his master grow, craving that hot rod in him one way or another. He felt like he was finally doing some good, finally mastering his abilities... and mastering his master. He wanted Tommy to be as happy as he was, to be content, to be the proud tom cat Lucky knew he was. He kept humping, watching the cock grow, stretching up toward their faces like a plant leaning into the light.

Tommy felt drunk with pleasure... more than drunk, he felt like he was on the biggest natural high ever. His hips throbbed and his muscles ached but still he went at it, his cock stretching to unimaginable heights, pushing past twenty two inches, twenty four, then twenty six. Tommy had a monumental feline phallus, over two feet in length. It was bright red, glistening, barbed and throbbing. It was so huge that its mere weight and presence finally weighed enough on Tommy's mind for him to open his eyes, seeing it for the first time.

"What in the world?" Tommy whispered, looking at the two huge cat cocks before him. Lucky wasted no time and pushed his cock forward to Tommy's lips before burying his own maw around Tommy's rod, sucking hard. Tommy was about to say something before the cock was lodged in his lips, his tongue teasing the barbs and the slit instinctively, but after over an hour of humping they were both on the edge... and Lucky was the first to topple over it.

There was little warning before the hot, thick jet of yellowed cat sperm sprayed into his mouth, coating his teeth and flowing down. Tommy had to gulp at the spunk to keep it from backing up through his nose, but as he swallowed it down he felt the effects at once. Slowly his teeth tingled, the calcium and dentin flowing outward, the teeth reshaping into sharp fangs. His tongue toughened and roughened up as the taste buds shifted, but biggest change of all came from Tommy's lips.

A slight crease dented Tommy's upper lip, creeping up toward his nose before it started to pull the lip in the center, causing the two sides to round. His bottom lip started to swell to make up the gap, the lip rings hugging the flesh tighter. As the crease reached Tommy's pierced nose, the nostrils flared and flattened, the flesh becoming a little spongier than before. Even the tip of his nose started to flatten, squaring off. The bridge of his nose evened out and soon Tommy's jaw was stretching forward a bit, forming a slight muzzle.

Tommy continued to guzzle Lucky's seemingly endless seed, unable to stop himself from drinking even as he felt the changes. His beard shifted a bit as several thick, long whiskers pushed out just like Lucky's, dangling to the sides of his face. Even Tommy's pierced ears throbbed as they stretched up into points, growing larger and tilting to face forward. Tommy took a few gasps of breath when he could before resuming his suckling, feeling more into the change by the moment, starting to bob his head up and down, a feral grin on his face.

Lucky moaned, seeing his master going into heat, caring about nothing more than sex. It was a wonderful sight, but so was seeing his master become a very handsome cat. Tommy's beard remained just as it was, but newer short black hairs began pushing up across his cheeks, covering his nose and forehead before sweeping over his ears. The black fur was shorter than his beard but coated his flesh much more thickly. Soon his ears were fully covered and the fur crept down his neck. Tommy's natural body hair was shifting as well.

The hair under his arms softened, his arm hair thickened and his leg hair grew much more concentrated. The black fur swept across his body, covering his chest until his nipples disappeared beneath it. The fur even stuck out of his torn pants, his furry black balls almost the size of grapefruit. The sensation was amazing, Tommy feeling like a cat guzzling cream, but something still wasn't right. There was a pain building in his backside.

Tommy's fingers tensed as the pain grew, his fingernails throbbing and aching as they changed. The nails narrowed, growing thicker but smaller. They pushed out into points with a slight curve as the flesh grew over the nails themselves. Tommy winced at that, though soon his claws emerged from his fingers at an impressive two inches length, slicing into the couch and releasing the fluffy stuffing from inside.

Lucky felt Tommy wriggling around more but still he kept at it, sucking on his master, gazing up at him with deep blue eyes. Tommy drank down the seed even as his jeans wrenched down, revealing the growing nub behind him. The tailbone had separated from the pelvis, growing new segments and new muscles. It grew out longer and thicker, the flesh itself six inches thick but the black fur growing out of it a fair bit thicker.

The tail stretched faster than the cock had, pushing to a foot long in a little over a minute. Still Lucky's huge furry balls spilled seed into Tommy's greedy maw and still the changing black cat drank. Tommy's tail reached two feet, three, then even four, growing a bit fluffier at the very end. The tail flicked around against the couch as Lucky's load finally subsided. Tommy finally pulled off of Lucky's cock, cum dribbling down from his brand new cat lips.

Tommy and Lucky looked at each other for a long moment before Tommy gave a feral grin. He suddenly pushed Lucky off of him, knocking him back onto the floor. Lucky landed on his back in shock, panting softly before he felt the weight of his master land on him. Tommy brandished his claws as if he knew what he was doing, eviscerating the last of Lucky's pants, the scraps falling to the sides.

Lucky let out a mew of surprise as his hips were grabbed and lifted up, exposing his ass hole. Tommy licked his cum soaked lips before he moved in for the kill. His huge shaft pushed at Lucky's hole, spreading it wide before spearing in. Lucky's back arched as he felt the rod so deep inside of him. Tommy ground a bit before he pulled back and speared in even more, thrusting in and out with growing urgency.

Tommy felt as if he'd been reborn. All his doubt and hesitation and shyness had been done away with. He was a bearded, pierced, super hung tom cat with his mate. He grinned down at Lucky possessively, thrusting his cock in even more, grinding lewdly. Lucky's body shook up and down on the carpet with the force of the thrusts, moans escaping his lips as he was filled so well. His pierced ears went flat against his head as he took it, his eyes too content to open.

Tommy tilted his hips a bit to increase the friction, though the barbs on his cock already did enough to maximize that. They tugged at the flesh, trying to anchor him inside. Tommy panted hard, exposing his fangs, his tail flicking and his claws digging into the carpet. He went at it like a mad man but finally he felt his body falling into sync. His tail went out straight, his balls tugged up, his huge cock pulsed and soon his potent sperm was spraying into Lucky. Tommy tilted his head back and let out a feral yowl of a lusty tom cat in heat and soon Lucky joined him, the two embracing the amazing orgasm as long as it lasted before finally Tommy collapsed onto Lucky's chest.

The two cats panted, thoroughly spent. They moved to rub noses together, too weak to even move, but with each breath Tommy took he felt something growing inside of him. At first it felt like a few stones rumbling around in his chest but soon it grew into a powerful vibration so intense it could be heard outside of his body. Lucky soon started purring as well, their bodies shaking together with the power of it as they passed out, still fully embraced. ****

The electronic chime of the convenient store sounded as the door opened and Tommy moved in with Lucky right behind him. The last week had only cemented the bond between the two, Tommy embracing punk culture more and more. He had bleached the tip of his tail and the fringes of his hair, both turning a bright orange with the hair bleach. While Lucky stuck to mostly white clothing, Tommy embraced the black cat he had become with spiked leather jackets, torn jeans and a thick belt that held his pants about mid way down his ass, leaving his tail plenty of room to swish.

The twenty three year old red headed clerk behind the counter glanced up at the punk cats from behind his black rectangular glasses, hoping they wouldn't be any trouble so late in the night. Lucky moved down the junk food aisle and started gathering two of every kind of jerky they had, but Tommy headed for the coolers in the back. As he came around the corner and saw that the milk and the beer came right up together in the same spot, he slowly let out a moan.

"Perfect..." Tommy murmured, wanting to make that part of the convenient store his. A strange sensation started welling up in the black cat. His tail slowly hiked up and Tommy turned around, closing his eyes. His tail started to twitch as his scent glands began expressing themselves, a fine mist spraying out. The cloud permeated the area, soaking the cooler doors and the floor, hanging in the air. Tommy drooled a little as he marked his territory for the first time, but after a few moments he was out. He reached up to wipe his arm on his sleeve before he opened the door and grabbed some beer and a gallon of milk, moving to the counter. Lucky followed soon after, dumping a pile of meats onto the counter.

"Are you, um, over twenty one?" The clerk asked uncertainly, looking at the black furred cat. Tommy smirked.

"Of course I am good fellow." Tommy said, trying to sound a bit older. The clerk grimaced before he decided to just get the transaction over with. He rang up the rather sizeable order, dumping everything into a number of bags which Lucky picked up, leaving the milk and beer to Tommy. The black cat picked up the case and gave the clerk a nod of his head and the two moved out of the store.

The clerk sighed with relief, going back to play tetris on his cell phone before he paused, smelling something odd in the store. He slowly moved out from behind the counter, moving along the aisles. It got stronger as he got to the back of the store but it wasn't until he reached the cooler that it hit him full strength. The clerk coughed and sputtered at the smell, his jaw hanging askew from the smell, but as much as he wanted to run away, something caught his focus. He stood there for a moment before taking in a large whiff, then another, then a third.

With each pant, the clerk's body began to tingle. His cheeks twitched a bit before long whiskers started pushing out, red stubble following soon after. The clerk's ears throbbed as they started stretching into points, red fur sliding up the back of his ears while white fur filled the insides in. The clerk moaned, reaching down to rub at his package as it hardened, grinning in a heady daze. The spray wasn't strong enough to fully transform him but he was now the proud owner of cat ears and a mighty erection, feeling that his night had gotten quite a bit better. ****

The moon was full and the air was crisp with the cool of the fall, but Tommy and Lucky couldn't have been happier. They sat on the roof of the apartment, cans of beer in their hands, looking at the city beyond... or at least Tommy was. Lucky gazed at his master and how confident he was. He was still loving and sweet like he had been as a human, but he was so cool and strong and handsome as a dangerous black cat no one wanted to cross the path of. Lucky leaned in and rested his head on the black cat's shoulder. Tommy reached up to stroke Lucky's rainbow colored hair.

"Wanna go to the harbor tomorrow?" Tommy asked. Lucky grinned.

"Fresh fish? You know I'm in." Lucky said.

"And maybe afterwards we can go deep sea fishing, if you know what I mean." Tommy said, reaching down to cup Lucky's ass. Lucky purred at that, nuzzling Tommy's neck all the more. Tommy grinned wide, feeling that everything in the world was perfect.

The Shift

**_\<\<\<CAUTION: The following story contains graphic, uncensored transformation. Read at your own risk.\>\>\>_ The Shift** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Pansy04 In any given college, there were almost as many ways to decorate a...

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The Collar

The Collar Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by [Wahrheit]( Fall had come... and David Spicer had never been happier. It had been over two months since he'd seen precipitation of any kind, but at last...

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**Internment** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Gotommax _It had started with a single birth, both a mystery and a miracle. The child had been born as the perfect synthesis of man and animal. He had the head and fur of the wolf, the...

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