Legacy of the Vampire 3: Unholy Child

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#1 of Legacy of the Vampire

This is an older lemon, the final of a trilogy! It hasn't been proofread and is fairly rough, but it is about time I posted here!

RED ROVER: For a lemon that was supposed to be a short little story based on a great character by Trillermon, this series keeps going.

GOMAMON: It's called milking your success.

RED ROVER: Anyway the first lemon Legacy of the Vampire ended up being the longest lemon I ever wrote to that point. And as Gomamon so eloquently put it, it was one of my biggest successes.

GOMAMON: So like any good egotistical manic, he did a sequel.

RED ROVER: And because there was a huge demand for a sequel. So I did Legacy of the Vampire 2: Endless Night. I didn't think I could make a sequel to that one, but I came up with an idea I was proud of.

GOMAMON: And you had to kill the cute AquaVeemon in that one you jerk. She was hot!

RED ROVER: Don't plan on getting any sex in this one now. Yet again Legacy of the Vampire 2 was a success as well, although I got requests to rewrite it with a happy ending.

GOMAMON: Well that was the most depressing thing you ever wrote! I am surprised that you just didn't kill everyone off!

RED ROVER: keep it up and I may kill one more. Just too warn everyone, the one rape scene is pretty brutal, so skip it if you are not into that sort of thing. And there is some sadomasochism as well.

GOMAMON: Wimps. But I am surprised Red can even spell sadomasochism right.

RED ROVER: Before I begin, I must of course thank Trillermon for allowing me use of his Vampmon character. Piccolo for being both a beta reader and a proofreader, not to mention helping me with the sound track. Waru also deserves credit as a beta reader and helping with the music as well. And last but not least, Acchan, as a beta reader and general adviser as well. Anyways, with out further ado, I proudly present the final in the trilogy....

Legacy of the Vampire 3

Unholy Child


Red Rover

"Huh, huh, huh...." The Floramon ran through the forest as fast as her stalked legs could do make her moves. Tiny branches tore at her green skin, forming tiny scratches on her body, but she did not feel them. All that ran through her mind is to escape, to flee. She could hear her pursuers closing in on her, and she tried to run even faster.

Floramon stumbled once as she failed to see a half rotted log covered with moss sticking out of the ground. She went head over heels, a thin cut opening on her cheek as she came to a stop. "Got to..." Floramon got to her stalky feet as quickly as she could. "Hide..."

"No wear to hide...." Floramon didn't even turn around as she tried to run. She didn't take one step as a powerful pair of hands grabbed her by the arms, black claws digging into her sensitive green skin.

"NO!" Floramon struggled in the vice like grip, fighting for survival, trying in vain to escape these monsters.

"Now don't struggle...." A clawed hand dragged slowly across her face, across the cut dripping with green blood. The dark figure spread his black reptilian like wings wide as he opened his mouth, baring two white fangs as he slowly inserted the finger between his black lips. He sucked on the fingers for a few seconds before taking his finger out. "I don't want you to waste a drop..."


Veemon sat at the edge of the bed sighing. He knew he should be excited about what was going to happen tonight, but... he couldn't be. He was supposed to be at Gatomon's in less than an hour, and all he could do was sit here and look at his clawed feet. His friends had been telling him to move on, at least talk to Gatomon. Funny, last time he was terrified to ask Gatomon out because he had never had done anything with a girl before. Now, he found out that he had two past loves a lifetime ago, and that scared him even more.

Davis stood at the door. The goggle wearing boy was Veemon's first and best friend and partner. They had been through more together than just about anyone who ever lived. And still, Davis had no clue how to talk to his friend. Davis sighed after watching Veemon pick at his toes for the umpteenth time. "Vee?" Davis said Veemon's nick name as he walked in the room and sat next to Veemon on the bed, his digimon partner looking more frustrated then Davis had seen him in almost a year.

"I got a date tonight..." Veemon had his arms crossed, his eyes only half open.

"Yeah, I kinda know..." Davis replied back.

"I mean, last time... I was so nervous to ask Gatomon out to a dance." Veemon dangled his legs over the bed.

"And you aren't nervous this time?" Davis sat next to his buddy.

"I am.... just in a different way." Veemon looked at his pointed toes. "I mean, I had two loves that I didn't even know about till last year. My first love, Flamegatomon, was... raped and murdered in front of my eyes." Veemon could hardly say that out loud, his whole body shaken as the memory hit him once again. "Then LadyVampmon, I attacked her when she came back, my friends nearly killed her, and then she sacrificed herself to save Hawkmon."

Davis took a deep breath and collected his thoughts. He was in way over his head he fully admitted to himself. Veemon had changed a lot since that night a year ago. He was still Davis' best friend, which would never change. But Veemon was more... withdrawn, depressed even. Not that Veemon could blame him. Veemon could never talk about what had happened that night, the blue digimon always started to get misty eyed and his voice would just trail off. Only from Gatomon and Armadillomon was Davis able to get the full story. "Yeah... um...." Davis struggled hard to find the right words. He finally took a deep breath and sighed. "Listen, Veemon. I am not good at this, I never was. I always feel like I am going to say the wrong thing, or make everything worse, so I am just going to be honest." Davis placed a hand on Veemon's shoulder. "You like Gatomon; that never changed. Maybe you'll never love her, I don't know. But I do know that you are going to spend the rest of your life regretting it if you don't try."

Veemon looked up into Davis' face, surprised for a second. "Davis... that was... profound...." Veemon suddenly cracked a smile. "I didn't know you could be so insightful."

"Well I didn't know you knew words like profound or insightful either." Davis chuckled as he slapped Veemon lightly on the back once.

Veemon smiled as he got off the bed. "You are right Davis, as always."


Gatomon sat in the park near her apartment block, the same one she saw everyday when she awoke in Kari's apartment. She was sitting on a checkered blanket on a small grassy knoll. Gatomon had chosen this setting since it was private, but not overly intimating. Too be honest, Gatomon knew that the only reason that this was going on was because Kari and Davis somewhat arranged this and pushed Veemon. It was becoming the general consensus that Veemon, should move on as it were. Everyone knew about it about it. The girls helped get Gatomon ready for this date, something Gatomon never cared too much for. Kari even made her take a bath, something Gatomon loathed. She never cared for water, and being surrounded by it never made her comfortable. Gatomon was also never big on personal appearance or grooming. Hawkmon suggested the idea for a midnight picnic himself, said it reminded him of his own first date, when he fell in love.... _(I still feel sorry for him, losing his love like that. I cannot think of a worse tragedy then to be forced to kill the one you love... except maybe for Veemon. To watch someone you loved die in your arms and be completely helpless... that is truly horrible.) _ Gatomon flashed back all those years ago suddenly, cradling Wizardmon's head as he lay on the ground...

"Gatomon?" Veemon tapped Gatomon on the shoulder.

"Vee!" Gatomon turned around suddenly; surprised she had been taken unaware. "You startled me!"

"Oh sorry Gatomon..." Veemon blushed. "You looked rather focused... Are you ok?" Veemon looked in gatomon's face with concern.

Gatomon couldn't figure out why, until she felt something wet streak down her face, across one of her whisker. "Oh yes, of course." Gatomon wiped her blue eye quickly. "Just a speck of dust."

"Oh, ok." Veemon nodded as he sat down on the blanket, trying to think of something to say.... It was like his first date with here a year ago, and that one ended rather badly. (Rather badly.... That was putting it mildly...) Veemon wasn't here and his mind was already starting to drift back to a year ago. The Freedom Day celebration, the appearance of Vampmon, the bloody fights...the rush of memories. Veemon remembering his first life, his first love, before he was sealed under that digiegg. And not the big moments too... Veemon missed waking up in his bed, Flamegatomon snoring so softly it sound like a string of constant purrs. The smell of sweat as the two worked to build the hut they planned on spending the rest of their lives in. The taste of her lips against his own....

And then there was the horror. Veemon hearing Flamegatomon's painful cry as she died in a brutal rape, inches from Veemon. The thirst for vengeance as Veemon killed Vampmon, driven by an unquenchable rage. Finding love again with a Vampmon... a lady Vampmon... and then watching her sacrifice herself to save Hawkmon. For some reason, that memory was, as painful as when Flamegatomon whispered his name that one last time. Hawkmon was laying there, his core corrupted when Panpumon tried to force him to convert to a Vampmon. Hawkmon was a breath away from deletion when Lady Vampmon kisses Hawkmon, feeding her own core energy so Hawkmon may live. But Veemon discovered a horrible fact shortly afterwards. Any Vampmon who gives their core energy.... Dies themselves. Veemon did not blame Hawkmon of course. Veemon blamed himself. He blamed himself for not being able to fight when Flamegatomon was taken from him. He blamed himself for not trusting Lady Vampmon when he should. But he blamed himself for letting anyone get to close. (It's a curse... no...) Veemon thought to himself. (I am the curse.)

"Veemon?" Gatomon prodded Veemon faintly with her paw; though she had enough force to knock over a lamppost with ease she still had the gentle touch.

Veemon didn't even feel her caress at first, the memories flooding back as if it was yesterday. "Gatomon..." A year ago Veemon felt weak-kneed at the slightest touch from Gatomon, now the gentle caress of fur reminded of his first love, Flamegatomon, all those years ago. Veemon looked across the blanket. "Gatomon I am sorry... I can't do this...." Veemon took a deep breath. He hardly believed he had said that. Since he first came out of the digiegg he was imprisoned in all those years ago, he had his eye on the sexy strong feline. Gatomon was not only cute, she was strong and kind and...

Gatomon smiled softly, and placed a paw tenderly on his blue hand. "Veemon, I know you are trying, but I also know that you are only doing this because you believe you should move on. That and everyone else believe you should move on as well."

Veemon looked up at Gatomon. "Do you?"

Gatomon smiled, but it was a sad smile. "You know Wizardmon?" Gatomon's voice dropped to a whisper.

"Well... um... kinda...." Veemon didn't really know much about Wizardmon. He was a hero who threw himself in front of blast from the evil Myotismon to save Kari and Gatomon. But other than that Veemon knew little. No one ever brought the subject it up, as if it was taboo.

"Wizardmon saved my life, but it was more than that. I loved him." Gatomon sighed softly. "Not... like a boyfriend or anything, but he was so much too me. He was my protector, my teacher, and my friend. He was a shoulder to cry on when I thought I would go mad from beginning under Myotismon's thumb. Even when I treated him like dirt, he still stuck by me, never asking anything in return." A small tear formed on Gatomon's left eye.

"Gato...I had no idea." Veemon whispered.

"I didn't even know I loved him until I saw his body shredded in front of me. Not a day goes by when I think of him, or am thankful to have known him." Gatomon turned away from Veemon; she was ashamed to be crying. "It still hurts to talk about it, and I am almost a shame that I hate telling anyone how I feel, since it still tears me up in side." Gatomon whipped her eyes, taking a small breath to regain herself. "But I learnt one thing Veemon." Gatomon looked back at Veemon. "You will never forget them or what they did for you. Sometimes a smell or a sound will bring back their memory, and you will feel as bad as the first day they were gone. But you will learn to live with it." Gatomon rubbed her paw slowly on top of Veemon's blue hand. "I did."

Veemon looked into Gatomon's blue eyes, smiling at her warmth and strength. He felt it was almost hard to explain, comfortable. Gatomon knew what he went through, knew what the pain was like. Veemon... needed to know the pain would get better, and for some reason that simple fact made his past a little more bearable. He couldn't help himself suddenly. He closed his eyes and moved his face forward. Gatomon made no motion to stop him, closing her eyes in response as she felt Veemon move even closer. Veemon kissed Gatomon lightly on the lips, very softly as their lips barely touched. The pair held the kiss for only a second before breaking it, both of them blushing softly. "You don't... have to wait till I am ready... I know Patamon has asked you out, I am sure there are others."

"I don't have to wait." Gatomon stressed the word have. "I just choose to." Gatomon smiled softly. "Besides, if Lady Vampmon could wait a few thousand years, I can wait a few more months if need be."

Veemon was surprised suddenly. It was the first time someone spoke Lady Vampmon's name to him. And for some reason... it felt... right. He was hiding from his past, his hurt. And Gatomon accepted his past life, even admired it in some way from the way she just spoke of Lady Vampmon. "You are something."

Gatomon made a low purr. "You aren't the first to say that."

Veemon chuckled now, the mood lightening. "Well the night is young..." Veemon got off the blanket. "I say we do something fun and exciting."

"We can do exciting." A sudden flutter of what sounded like large bat wings filled the sky, as dark winged figures blotted on the moon in the night sky.

A dozen Gazimon landed in front of Veemon, quickly surrounding the pair. But these were not normal Gazimon. Their canine teeth had elongated so they reached past their lower lips. All of them had dark piercing red eyes, but the most striking of all was all of them had large black wings that seemed to stretch into the night sky. "No.... this isn't possible!" Veemon's heart skipped, actually feeling something he had not felt in a while; pure and naked panic. His worst nightmare coming true again.

Gatomon however, took control. "All right bat boys...." Gatomon hissed, her gold ring twitching softly in the midnight moonlight. "I'll make you a deal... leave now, and I won't force feed you your wings."

The converted Gazimon started to laugh. "Cat talks tough." One of the Gazimon moved close, inches from Gatomon's face. "Come on pussy; give me your best shot."

Gatomon smirked as she bet back on her knees, bringing her claws up. "I love it when they ask for it."

Gatomon leapt forward at top speed, but the Gazimon laugh as he let Gatomon sail under him, flying straight up. "And here I thought you were one of the best fight-erk!" Gatomon's tail wrapped around his ankle and slammed him into the ground, force sending up a spray of dirt.

Two more converted Gazimon moved to stop her, but Gatomon swung her tail in a long arc. The Gazimon her tail was currently holding made a satisfying thunk as it collided with the other pair. Gatomon let him go, sending the trio tumbling into the grass. "New powers." Gatomon jumped up, gripping an in-flight Gazimon by a fist of chest fur. He screamed as Gatomon twisted in mid air ripping off a good chuck of his gray hair, landing on the ground with both of Gatomon's heels in his back. "New moves." Gatomon twirled, still on the Gazimon, and caught another Gazimon under the chin with a powerful front kick, his head snapping back like a pez dispenser. "Still losers."

Veemon was still trying to make sense of this, he was struck dumb as Gatomon tossed and batted the Vampmon around. "But LadyVampmon was the last Vampmon, there were none left..." Veemon watched as another Gazimon went skidding to a stop at his feet, three claw marks raked across his face, but already healing thanks to his new regenitive power.

"Wellll... she was telling a half truth." A voice spoke behind Veemon.

Veemon turned around, snapped out of his stupor. The creature had move so silently Veemon did not hear him approach. "This... isn't possible! A Vampmon!" Veemon cried as the dark creature moved close. Black reptilian wings and red eyes adorned this creature like the Gazimon, but this Vampmon had black bat like ears, and long black claws. This wasn't a converted Vampmon, Veemon could tell. He was pure.

"The Vampmon." Vampmon smiled as he moved closed. "In case you forgot, all of my kind are dead. Well except me of course."

"But... but how could you exist?" Veemon stuttered. "Lady Vampmon...."

"Ohhh.... My dear sweet mother." Vampmon smiled, baring his fangs.

"M...mother?" Veemon went pale, his eyes filled with confusion and panic.

"Yes." Vampmon moved close, face to face with Veemon; Veemon could smell the coppery aroma of blood and death as the Vampmon spoke to him. "She sired me."

"She... she wouldn't!" Veemon suddenly growled as he put up his fists. "How DARE you speak her name you filth!"

"She did, she herself admit that she was the last. And you know Panpumon hated Vampmon so much she killed them on sight?" Vampmon smiled softly. "Who else could have made me?"

"LIAR!" Veemon snapped as he threw a powerful blue fist forward.

Vampmon slapped the fist away, moving to the inside of the punch as Vampmon delivered a powerful strike of his own to Veemon's white belly. Veemon gasped, the air leaving him as Veemon doubled over in pain, unable to get up. "So... fast..." Veemon looked up.

"You thought I was an ordinary Vampmon?" Vampmon chuckled again. "I am twice the mon you are." Vampmon laughed as he swung out with his foot, catching Veemon under the chin, the helpless digimon could do little more than roll in blow, his eyes now seeing double as he strained to focus. He could taste his own blood on his lips as he weakly tried to get up.

Gatomon was holding her own with ease. The Vampmon were almost as strong as her and healed fast. But the Gazimon knew little of fighting, being just over powered bullies. "You jerks..." Gatomon slammed both sides of her paws on the side off a Gazimon's head, the Gazimon stumbling back disoriented. "You have no idea how to treat a lady." Gatomon turned on a dime, hearing another Gazimon's less than stealthy approach. Her claws flew like lightening; ripping a dozen knew cuts on this Gazimon before Gatomon simple threw him into a large oak tree.

"Never send a minion to do a superior's job." Gatomon turned, but a powerful blow struck her across the face, so fast Gatomon didn't even have a chance to register it before she went sprawling on the grass.

"Uhhh..." Gatomon coughed as she got to her feet as the Vampmon reached out and grabbed her by the neck, picking her off the ground like a rag doll. Gatomon felt the world start to shut out around her, not able to breathe. Gatomon coughed as she grabbed the Vampmon by the arm, ripping her claws into his left arm to make him release his grip.

Vampmon grimaced as he squeezed harder, Gatomon's struggles growing weaker. "You think your paper cuts will stop me?" Vampmon smiled as Gatomon started to go limp in his grip, his left arm bleeding for a moment, before his injuries started to heal. "Pathetic." Vampmon kissed Gatomon once on the lips, just as Gatomon went completely dead in his arms. "But cute."

Veemon saw Vampmon kiss Gatomon on the lips, and he felt his panic replace with red anger. "DON'T TOUCH HER!" Veemon screamed as he leapt forward at Vampmon again, blind seething rage filling his soul. Veemon stretched his arms out, ready to rip Vampmon's throat out with his bare hands.

Vampmon turned half around, grabbing Veemon with his free hand. Vampmon's vice like grip encircled Veemon's left blue arm, changing his trajectory and sending him right into a large oak tree. "Blue fool." Vampmon sighed as he dropped Gatomon on the ground at his feet, Gatomon breathing softly but that was all. "Weaklings.... Nothing but weaklings."

"Tell me about." The Gazimon started to converge around the Vampmon, their battle wounds already healing. Veemon was still trying to get up, but he failed, his body refusing to obey his mind's commands.

'I was talking about you, you sorry lot." Vampmon bent down, and delicately took the gold ring from Gatomon's tail. The gold ring was the source of Gatomon's power, increasing her speed and strength dramatically. Without it, she would have the strength of a mere rookie digimon.

"Don't..." Veemon got unsteadily to his feet. He still could not focus, his eyes seeing a blurred image of what was truly around him. Blue blood dripped from his lip as he tried to lift his hands, but his arms felt like lead. Yet still, Veemon tried to bring himself to fight, he would not let them take Gatomon.

"Oh the game is not over yet." Vampmon tossed the gold ring to Veemon's feet. "It has only just begun." Vampmon laughed as he took to the skies. Two Gazimon grabbed Gatomon by her arms, carrying her as the entire army took flight.

"No!" Veemon started to chase the army, his entire body crying in pain, but his mind forced himself to move. "NO!" Veemon shouted again as the Vampmon slowly began to grow smaller, the sound of their wings growing fainter. "NOOOO!" Veemon cursed at the sky again, his howls echoing into nothingness.


"Thanks for coming over again." Cody asked as he sat on the bed watching Yolei hunched over his computer system.

"Not a problem." Yolei opened the box with the new graphics card. "It gives me a chance to focus on someone else's problems."

"Someone else's problems?" Cody repeated, catching the statement.

"Oh, sorry Cody." Yolei carefully removed the plastic cover from the brand new graphics card. "I didn't mean to start whining."

"Well if you want to talk, I am here." Cody politely replied. Cody always was exceeding polite to his elders and especially to women.

Yolei smiled as she placed the card on the ground for future use. "Always a gentlemen..... Well...." Yolei placed the computer she had disconnected on its side. "It's Hawkmon."

"Ahhh...." Cody nodded knowingly. The young boy figured as much. Hawkmon's was Yolei's digimon partner, the brown-feathered hawk. And Cody knew from his own digimon partner what Hawkmon went through. A life he had forgotten, a wife named Panpumon Hawkmon thought dead. And that would be enough to try anyone, Panpumon turned out to be a converted Vampmon that Hawkmon had to kill to save his friends, driving a dagger through her heart to stop her rampage. Cody felt sorry for Panpumon in a weird way; all she wanted was to be with Hawkmon, even trying to convert him into an eternal vampire like she was so their love would be eternal. But Hawkmon refused as Panpumon tried to force being a Vampmon on him, the procedure almost killed him. Only LadyVampmon, Veemon's own long lost love, managed to save Hawkmon, by feeding life energy from her body into his. But this too had a tragic effect.... Apparently LadyVampmon saved Hawkmon's life at the cost of her own. (Hawkmon found his forgotten wife to be a murderer vampire whom he killed, and then had his life saved by having another Vampmon, who died in his place. I am not surprised Hawkmon has some issues. Come to think of it... I wonder how Veemon is dealing with his new life...with losing LadyVampmon like that. I know Armadillomon has changed...) Cody was thinking to himself even as Yolei started speaking her mind.

"Hawkmon has gone through a lot, I am sure you know." Yolei knew Hawkmon didn't like people talking about his tragedy. But Yolei knew everyone would talk about it anyway. "I tried talking to Hawkmon, but he has been so distant." Yolei talked as she took a small screwdriver, and started to undo the graphics card.

"Well can you blame him?" Cody replied as he sat cross-legged watching Yolei work. "He discovered he has a wife, and she ended up being a killing monster. One that Hawkmon had to kill to save our digimon friends. You don't get over that easily."

"I know, I know, but if anything he is getting worse." Yolei sighed as she undid the screw fully and placed it on the side. "He hardly talks anymore, hardly eats. I can't remember the last time he smiled. He spends half his time trying to find himself, going to the Digital World alone, not hanging with me or any of his friends...." Yolei sighed as she removed the cover completely, and placed the metal plating on the side. "It's like he is a different person."

Cody sighed. In away... he knew exactly what Yolei was going through. "I can kind of relate. Armadillomon...." Cody shook his head. "He's changed a lot to."

"How so?" Yolei asked concerned. She had been so wrapped up with Hawkmon she hadn't really noticed any change in Armadillomon.

"Well... he is..." Cody blushed red. "Frisky." It was the most polite thing he can say.

"Frisky?" Yolei looked confused for a moment as she pulled out the old graphics card. "Oh... frisky...." She figured it out, a grin coming to her face.

"He's been out on dates every week, and never the same girl. A Lopmon this week, a Floramon the next, a different Floramon the week before that!" Cody shouted exasperated. "I mean I caught him in a three some in my room with a pair of Floramon twins!" Cody looked over at Yolei who was chucking now. "It's not funny!"

"Sorry!" Yolei took a breath, but still had a wide grin on her face. "I just...." Yolei chuckled again, having trouble sliding the new graphics card into the slot she was upset with the giggles. "No offence Cody, Armadillomon is a great guy but he is hardly the looker....and he talks like a redneck half the time"

"Well..." Cody sighed as Yolei started to replace the cover to his computer. "It would seem that his date tonight disagrees..."


"MMmmmm yeah!" Armadillomon pounded in and out of the tiny Floramon fast and hard.

"Arma...dillo..." Floramon panted as the large yellow cock penetrated her insides again and again, her leafy arms wrapped around Armadillomon's neck. "Keep... going..."

It wasn't like Armadillomon planned on stopping. He murred loudly as he slammed in with force, the bed creaking as he thrust in hard two more times. "Mmm YEAH!" Armadillomon moaned as he started to pump Floramon full of his creamy digiseed.

"Mmm...." Floramon moaned as she felt her inside coat with the warm fluid. A small orgasm coursed her little body, causing her entire body to tingle as Armadillomon pulled out. "Armadillomon..." Floramon bent up, and kissed him on the cheek.

"That was good Floramon." Armadillomon smiled as he looked down. He loved the fact that Floramon almost always had the same name, that way he didn't have to keep track of both of them.

"Now, now." Armadillomon felt some green finger dance around his ears. "We aren't done yet."

Armadillomon turned his head; the roommate of Floramon was there, naked of course. She was an aquatic digimon with a green body and a decent rack for a champion. "Who said I was a done Lanamon?" Armadillomon smiled goofily.

"I hope not, I've been fingering myself while waiting for you two to finish." Lanamon dragged her green fingers over Armadillomon's lips. "See how wet I am?"

Armadillomon smiled as he took the fingers in his mouth, sucking on the gently. "Mmmm I see..." Armadillomon murred as he slid of Floramon, her cunt dripping. "But ya could have joined us."

"I don't know..." Lanamon blushed slightly. "It's weird enough sharing a guy...."

"Awww come on, lie down." Armadillomon moved over to Lanamon, pushing her down gently.

"Armadillomon..." Lanamon giggled softly as she was forced to lie on the bed. "I am not gay."

"Who said ya were?" Armadillomon smiled as he sat on Lanamon, facing away. His yellow balls bounced in Lanamon's face.

"Mmmmm a 69...." Lanamon moaned happily as she took a good long lick of Armadillomon yellow balls.

"Ohhhhh yeah... but not with me..." Armadillomon smiled as he placed his front paws on her knees, forcing her legs open. "Come here Floramon..."

"O... ok." Floramon blushed as she crawled over meekly.

"Armadillomon come on...." Lanamon blushes as she struggled a bit, but not too much. "This is a bit extreme..."

"Nah, you'll love it, trust me." Armadillomon smiled as Floramon looked up at him confused. "Now then, put yer head down between her legs..." Armadillomon reached up with his left paw, and pout it on the back of Floramon's head. He smiled as he pushed her head down, Floramon too shy too do anything but allowed Armadillomon to guide her.

Lanamon struggled a bit under Armadillomon's weight, as a champion she could have easily taken him but she felt somewhat intimated, and as she felt her roommates face pressed into her cunt, she felt a rush of exhilaration. Her head bounded as Floramon just lay there for a moment, as Armadillomon started to mover her head around between Lanamon's legs, giving the girl a nice thrill. "Ohhhhh Floramon." she moaned as the tip of her rose petal head brushed along her clit, sending shivers up her spine.

"Now come on there Floramon, you ain't going to just let yer friend hang there are you?" Armadillomon chuckled, still holding Floramon's head in place with ease.

Floramon was still blushing, never being this close to her friend before, the green pussy lips grinding in her face. She cautiously opened her mouth on Armadillomon's command, and licked the length of Lanamon's slit.

"Ohhhh...." Lanamon moaned and bucked once into Floramon's face, she had never been touched there before by another girl... and it was thrilling her. "More...." She moaned as she bent up, and sucked on Armadillomon's left nut some, taking the ball sack into her mouth.

Armadillomon murred as his balls were service, Floramon becoming more intense in her licking. The young plant started to lick freely at Lanamon's salty cunt, lapping the swollen pussy lips in long hard laps. Floramon's petal hand drifted between her own legs, the thin stem coming out at the end brushing in between her clit as she felt herself start to get wet between her legs. Lanamon was clearly enjoying herself now, as an orgasm started to build in her shapely body. Armadillomon looked over at Floramon, the girl starting to masturbate in beat with her friend's moans. "Now then." Armadillomon slid off, his wet balls sliding down Lanamon's chin as he grabbed Floramon by the waist. "No need to get yourself off."

"Mmmm!" Floramon looked half up as she was picked up by her butt, and slammed down on Lanamon's face, a leg on either side of her head. She didn't even say one word as Lanamon grabbed one ass cheek in each hand, and buried herself into Floramon's perfume smelling snatch, licking the hole out. "Ohhhhhh!" Floramon shivered as she was being eaten out.

Armadillomon watched Floramon send out one long moan, before he placed a hand on the back of her head. "Now then, git back to work!" Armadillomon chuckled, shoving Floramon's head back into the familiar surroundings of Lanamon's cunt. Floramon didn't need much more encouragement though as she started to eat out her best friend's tasty twat again, trying to mimic the movements Lanamon was doing to hers. It was so hard to tell though; her pussy was tingling from the sloppy tongue and the sheer eroticism of this, both girls moaning louder and louder in their lesbian embrace.

Armadillomon sat back, arching the scene for a moment. He loved watching a girl get her first taste of lesbian cunt.... Although there was one thing better, joining them. "You girls haven' fun?" Armadillomon smirked as he made his way to Floramon's back.

"Mmm hmmm...." Two twin moans of relief echoed from both of them as they had forgotten Armadillomon was even there for a moment. Floramon was snapped out of her trance though as she felt Armadillomon climb on her back. "Armadillomon... ohhh..." Floramon moaned as she pulled her mouth from her cunt. "Um... my pussy is...ohhhhhh..." Floramon let out another loud groan as Lanamon licked her clit. "Kinda occupied...."

"That's ok." Armadillomon smiled as he wrapped his front paws around her neck, poking his yellow dick around under her tail. "I'm lookin' fer another hole..."

Floramon's eyes lit up. "Armadillomon what are youuuUUUHHHH!!" Floramon cried as the large yellow dick was shoved unmercilessly up her asshole. "AHHHH, TOO BIG!" Floramon cried as she involuntarily tried to get up.

"MMmm... so tight!" Armadillomon kept her pinned though, and Lanamon wrapped her legs tightly around her head, not letting her face leave her dripping cunt.

"Ahhhh it hurts!!!"" Floramon cried into the cunt as he anal virginity was ripped from her in one fill swoop, she struggled for a bit, but the pain dulled as Lanamon continued to lick her cunt. The massive dick in her too tight hole still hurt, but she was getting over it. Floramon bent down, and started to lick at Lanamon's green cunt once again, giving her mind something else to occupy on other then the intruder that was pounding in and out of her tail.

"Mmmm lick yourselves!" Armadillomon ordered, though there was truly no need to. Both girls were frantically eating out one another, licking their sweet little holes out. Armadillomon slammed in Floramon's overly stretched asshole, the girl still whimpering some as Lanamon continued to eat her out. Floramon frantically ate at Lanamon's hole even as the yellow balls bounced on the bottom of her pussy going faster and faster.

Lanamon came first with a squealing, crushing salty sea cum on her partner's face, Floramon licking it up as her burning ass felt Armadillomon reach a new crescendo. Floramon pulled her head out of Lanamon's cunt a moment later, screaming loudly. "Oh God! Oh God!" She yelled again and again, form both the pleasure in her licked cunt and the pain in her ass; it was hard to tell what she was feeling. Suddenly just as she thought she couldn't stand in any more, a blast of cum hit her right up the tail hole, coating her sensitive walls with the sticky fluid. Floramon came right then with a scream that died into a whisper, her entire body shaking as cum dripped out of her well fucked asshole and down her pussy crack, only to be lapped by the cum hungry Lanamon.

Armadillomon wasn't done though, and continued his assault on her ass; Floramon whimpering as she passed the afterglow and the pain in her ass began to build again. After all these months of near constant girlfriends and fucking, Armadillomon had gotten better at reaching orgasms, not to mention he was never short of ideas for being kink. Armadillomon fucked Floramon's ass for a good twenty minutes, the plant girl being resorted to lying on her friend as she waited for the yellow plated digimon to finish. Her ass was now a dull burning; having gotten used to the intruder, plus the helping of cum Armadillomon had forced into her helped lube her up. Finally, Armadillomon felt the cum building in his balls a second time, but had other plans for this load. Armadillomon moaned as he with quickly withdrew his dick from Floramon's ass, Floramon feeling oddly empty as the huge dick left her. Armadillomon moaned at both girls. "Cum and git yer prize!" Armadillomon smiled as he got up awkwardly on his hind legs, and cupped his dripping cock with his front paws as best he could, enticing the girls to cum close.

Both girls quickly crawled over, Lanamon to Armadillomon right, Floramon to the left. They both quickly worked to make Armadillomon cum, Floramon bending low and sucking on his balls as Lanamon licked the shaft. Even Floramon's ass had a flowery smell, and the taste of her ass on Armadillomon's dick didn't seem to bother Lanamon in the slightest as she licked and nibbled the dick.

Armadillomon stood their for a moment as the two girl licked, sucked, and nibbled every square inch of his large yellow shaft, the extra treatment was just as he need as he felt his jizz begin to shoot up his pisshole. "Time for the money shot!" Armadillomon moaned as he came loudly, both girls sucking and licking the head, fours sets of hands moving over his hands and shell. Armadillomon came hard like his species does, shooting a huge wad of cum over both girls face. Both girls held their mouths wide open, first aiming the dick on Lanamon's face, then Floramon's, until the fire hose slowly died down, a few drops of cum landing on the bed as Armadillomon got back down on all fours.

Lanamon licked her licks. "Tasty." She chuckled as she swallowed what was in her mouth.

Floramon just let the cum dribble in her mouth, blushing slightly. "Awww good girls swallow." Armadillomon chuckled as he rubbed his front paws over her green chest, feeling her tiny breasts. "Makes your tits grow nice and big."

"Like mine." Lanamon chuckled as she ran a hand over Floramon's chin, scooping up some cum on her finger, and sliding it in Floramon's mouth.

Floramon blushed more as she swallowed her roommate's finger, sucking gently. The taste was not that bad, a bit salty, but ok. She swallowed her seed as Lanamon pushed her over on the bed. "Lana..." She blushed as the champion digimon began to turn her fingers over her leafy face.

"I am just going to help your tits grow." Lanamon smiled as she started to clean Floramon's face of Armadillomon's seed on her fingers. She would then hold her fingers over Floramon's face, and let the cum slowly drip off her green fingers into Floramon's mouth.

"Mmmm you two have fun; I have to use the john." Armadillomon smiled as he jumped off the bed. He wanted to watch, but nature called.

"Hurry back!" Lanamon turned around, wiggling her ass a few times. "You haven't fucked my asshole yet." Lanamon chuckled as she let another drop of cum land in Floramon's mouth.

Armadillomon almost jumped back on with that comment. "I will." Armadillomon smiled as he sauntered off to the toilet, closing the door behind him as the two girls cleaned each other up. A flush rang through the house a few minutes later, Armadillomon coming out after washing his hands. (Those damn thing are not meant for digimon, especially ones that are quadruped like me. But hey, all things considered, life is pretty good.) _ Armadillomon murred softly, he could not believe he had so much trouble with girls before. In his reborn life, he was always a little awkward around members of the opposite sex. Truth be told, he was a virgin.... Well... sort of. In his past life he was a member of the Three, a group of proud Vampmon hunters known all through the digital world. Veemon, the strong, silent, and ruthless Vampmon slayer, killing Vampmon as revenge for the death of his love. Hawkmon, the first of the group, who hunted the Vampmon not for revenge, but for a sense of purpose and justice. And then there was Armadillomon... He was a great fighter yes, but Armadillomon didn't kill Vampmon as a purpose, revenge or anything like that. He was in it for the sport and fame. He enjoyed the worship, the rush. Armadillomon knew the Vampmon were evil, but Armadillomon was the glory hog, the one who enjoyed girls fawning over him, the gifts, parades, and fanfare. And Armadillomon used his fame to his full extent. Every town he visited in his first life there was always some starry eyed rookie who would do anything to spend a night with him. While those days of Vampmon were long gone, Armadillomon discovered something he still had it. He was still a hero in this time. Armadillomon Defeater of the Digimon Emperor, Destroyer of the Black Spires, Vanquisher of Malomyotismon. He was just as famous now as he was back then, perhaps more so, since he was heard of in two worlds and not just one. And just as back then, there were still cute digimon women who still think the biggest thrill was being with any of the chosen digimon heroes. And the best part was... most of the chosen digimon did not abuse this little fact. Veemon, Hawkmon and Gomamon were always brooding over their lost loves. Armadillomon felt sorry for them, yes, but they do need to move on. Agumon was too wrapped in his job as the official digimon ambassador. Gabumon was like he used to be, shy and awkward around girls. Tentomon and Patamon went on dates, but they were looking for more serious relationship, going out for month, seeing if it was the 'right' girl. Armadillomon chuckled. _(The only right girl is the one wiling to spread her legs for you...) _ Armadillomon smiled as he walked back in the bedroom. _(There will always be fan girl for someone like me... the more things change; the more things stay the same.) Armadillomon came back to his bed, there was some movement going on under the covers. "Now girls..." Armadillomon smirked as he jumped on the bed. "Are you having fun with out me?" Armadillomon licked his lips as he pulled the thin covers back.

Lanamon was there, squeaking softly, as two white fangs sank into her neck, a thin trickle of green tinged blood dripping down her neck as powerful claws gripped here. The red eyes suddenly looked up from the prey, as the mouth slowly left the girl's neck. "No..." A dark voice spoke as the Lanamon's head fell limp, Armadillomon just sitting there, stunned. "The fun has just started..." Vampmon chuckled softly, as he put a hand on Lanamon's drooping head. Faster than the eye can see, Vampmon twisted his hands, a sickening crack filled Armadillomon's ears, the most horrible sound he heard in his life. Lanamon's eyes went wide as she fell forward, her body bursting apart even before she hit the sheets. Vampmon stood straight up, sucking on his fingers one by one. "Mmmm a nice Alarumon salad, followed by a Lanamon for dessert." Vampmon's face broke into an evil grin. "Did you know Lanamon's blood taste like mint jelly? They make a nice light snack."

"You... How could you still exist?" Armadillomon tensed up, snapping out of his stupor. "Your kind were wiped out years ago.... A good portion by me personally."

Vampmon chuckled as he stretched his wings wide. "Oh I know... Armadillomon, one of the Three. The good humored one of the group who will stick his dick in anything with two legs and a cunt... well not even the two legs." Vampmon smirked as he flapped his wings softly and started hovering.

"Leave my hobbies out of this ya sick freak..." Armadillomon growled as he tensed himself. "What did ya do that for? Killing those two girls?"

"Well you see, I am currently on a mission." Vampmon floated to gently to the left, there was a small bag on the nightstand; Armadillomon had not noticed it before. "Originally, I had planned on killing the Three, but that seemed to easy... I decided making your lives miserable first would be more fun." Vampmon picked up the bag; a metallic clank was muffled by the canvas cloth. "That's why I killed the girls in front of you, but in retrospect, it doesn't mean much. I mean, they were just two more whores for you to fuck. Just another way for you to get off. You would replace them tomorrow with another pair."

Armadillomon never heard it put so bluntly before, he actually felt ashamed. "We were just having a little fun...."

"That all it ever was for you, fun." Vampmon threw the bag at Armadillomon, the bag making the cheap mattress bounce. "You killed Vampmon for fun and fame. There never was a higher purpose for you. It just gave you an endless parade of drooling fan girls. At least Veemon and Hawkmon had some purpose or reason." Vampmon stretched his black claws wide. "So there really isn't a whole lot I can do to you like I plan on doing to Veemon and Hawkmon. I could kill you partner Cody... but that seems pointless. He is nothing to me, and besides, after I am through with you, I think it will be much better seeing his Armadillomon pal beaten like a mangy dog."

"Ya talk big.... But I've killed more Vampmon then I can count. I may be a bit out of practice, but I could do this with my eyes closed." Armadillomon hunched his back legs, getting ready to spring.

'You want to see how much I fear you?" Vampmon looked down at the canvas sack he threw at Armadillomon. "Open it."

Armadillomon kept one eye on Vampmon as he slowly opened the bag. A gleam of silver filled the room. Armadillomon actually in surprise. "My gauntlets!" Armadillomon dug out the matching silver pair of gauntlets, the silver gloves slipping over his yellow front paws with ease. Armadillomon smirked as he finished slipping the gauntlets on, one after the other. The Vampmon made no move to stop him. "Ya even dumber than ya look."

Vampmon just smirked as Armadillomon prepared himself, slipping the silver gloves on one after another. "I wanted to make sure when I beat you, you know that there would be no excuse. That even at full strength, you are no match for me."

Armadillomon arched his back legs. "We will just see about that!" Armadillomon roared as he sprung forward ready to start the fight.


Biyomon hummed as she sat on her favorite spot, a ledge overlooking the city. She was carrying a torch, big time. She had a crush on Hawkmon for the longest time. No, more than a crush. She knew that. But she still wanted to give Hawkmon his space. It may have been a year since Hawkmon had to kill Panpumon, his wife from a past life, but what was year for a loss like that? Biyomon wasn't stupid; she knew Hawkmon would always carry that burden, even if he had no choice. But still, Biyomon had hope that one day, Hawkmon would come up here, embrace her... kiss her.


Biyomon almost fell off the ledge she was so startled. Not that it matter much for someone with the power of flight. Of course by the same token she hardly expect to run up into anyone up, especially this late at night, flight or no flight. "Who's there?"

"Biyomon?" A clearly British accented voice spoke from the shadows. "Is that you?"

"Hawkmon?" Biyomon knew his voice well. "What are you doing up here?" Biyomon looked in the shadows; it was bit hard to see him there was little light, which was why she liked it here. The view of the night sky was spectacular here.

"I needed to see you..." The strong British accent spoke louder as he came out of the silhouette. "No... I needed to be with you..."

"Hawkmon..." Biyomon gasped, this was just like her dreams, her fantasies.

"Shhhh... close your eyes..." Hawkmon spoke as he slowly came out of the shadows into the pale moonlight.

Biyomon obeyed without hesitation, her heart fluttering as she closed her eyes. A pair of strong wings embraced her, and her breathing quickened. She felt someone's breath breathe over her beak as someone moved close. Then, she felt soft cold lips press against hers, and she moans, kissing back, hugging back around his slim waist... until she realized something horrible. She was kissing lips... not a beak. Biyomon's eyes flew wide as she looked into a pair of deep red eyes. "Mmmphhh!" Biyomon snapped her head back; a pair of dark black wings enveloped her.

"Mmmm was it everything you thought it would be?" Vampmon laughed as he released Biyomon from his wings, Biyomon stumbling back on the ledge.

"What kinda sick game is this?" Biyomon wiped her lips as she sat on the ledge, spitting to the side.

"So this is Biyomon." Vampmon's voice had changed to a darker, more sinister tone. "The girl that Hawkmon killed his wife, his one true love over." Vampmon slowly looked her over. "Personally I was expected more of a looker."

Biyomon jumped up on her yellow talented feet. "Who ARE you?"

"Vampmon, at your service." Vampmon bowed, not showing the least bit of fear of the angry pink bird.

"I know of you... but I thought you were all gone...." Biyomon kept her eye closely on the Vampmon, a sneer still on her lips.

"Missed one it seems." Vampmon chuckled, as he stood straight up. "Anyway, let's get to the cliché exposition. I am out on a personal mission to make the Three's lives as miserable as possible." Vampmon held out his fingers. "Kidnapped Gatomon, which takes care of Veemon. One. Got back at Armadillomon an hour ago. That's two." Vampmon smirked, as he looked square at Biyomon. "Now... how to get at Hawkmon?" Vampmon stroked his black chin with his claw like fingers, pretending to think.

Biyomon's heart raced, but this time not for passion. "You are wasting your time. Hawkmon hasn't shown any interest in me. He is still..."

"Yeah, yeah, mourning over the loss of Panpumon. Cry me a river." Vampmon placed a hand on his heart and pretend to swoon. "Give me a break, I know the Three much better than you ever could fathom. I know Veemon's greatest fear is being helpless as some he loves is hurt and killed. I know Armadillomon's appetite for meaningless sex, and that his greatest fear is simply to lose his pride. And I know Hawkmon cares deeply for you."

"R... really?" Biyomon perked up, even in this life and death situation, hearing that... meant something.

"Oh yes. And not just as a friend. If that were the case I'd kidnap Tentomon or Palmon just as easily as you." Vampmon chuckled softly. "But no, he harbors deep feeling for you, I know. So I am going to use you against Hawkmon's own greatest fear."

"How do you mean?" Biyomon did not like the sound of that.

Vampmon opened his mouth wide, bearing two glistening white fangs. "So tell me...." Vampmon moved his face close to Biyomon's. "How do you feel about eternal life?"

Biyomon gasped as she leapt back and took flight. Hawkmon's greatest fear... his loved one being turned into a Vampmon. It had happened to his love Panpumon, and this freak wanted to do it to her! Not that she would ever willingly go through with that horrid transformation... but it didn't look like that would stop this creature of the night. "SPIRAL TWISTER!" Biyomon flapped her wings hard and poured herself into a blast of green energy.

A spiral of green light hit Vampmon in the face like a sledgehammer, smacking his face to the side. Biyomon just hovered mid air for a second, waiting for him to fall. Then....Vampmon turned back around slowly, smiling. "That the best you've got?" Vampmon wiped his lip clear of the small cut on his lip, which was already rapidly healing.

Biyomon hovered back, terrified. Her best attack, and he didn't even look fazed. "How..."

Vampmon cranked his neck around. "Vampmon are very hard to hurt, unless you use silver, sunlight, or garlic." Vampmon chuckled as he approached Biyomon. "Of course, I am even tougher than most."

"Well I don't care how tough you are." Biyomon put on her best tough face, though it didn't really make her look any tougher. "I will still rip you apart."

"You don't want to do that...." Vampmon's voice suddenly dropped. His talking became melodic... enchanting.

Biyomon looked straight into Vampmon's red eyes, unable to turn away... no... They weren't evil red eyes; they were soft caring eagle blue eyes. "No... No I don't...." Biyomon looked at Vampmon, smiling softly. "How could I dream of hurting you?" Biyomon looked back at Vampmon, seeing her true love. Vampmon was gone. It was Hawkmon now, complete with British accent. And more than that, she was in complete and utter love.

Vampmon smiled as Biyomon tenderly latched on to his arm, cooing softly as she places her head on his shoulder. "There, there you are just confused my dear...." Vampmon petted Biyomon tenderly on the forehead, stroking the long feather growing on her forehead.


"Thanks for inviting me back to your apartment Cody." Yolei smiled as she walked into place.

"Well mom bought microwave pizza for us, for helping fix the computer." Cody walked into the open kitchen, and started digging in the fridge.

"Ahhh, the perfect end after a night of chip instillation." Yolei leaned over the counter and chuckled, her purple hair drifting all over the marble kitchen sink. "Got any soda?"

Cody looked up, blushing as he got a decent view down Yolei's loose shirt. "Oh um..." Cody blushed red as he turned around, and started to dig in the fridge. "Yeah..." Cody forced himself to look in the fridge, modesty taking over.

Yolei giggled slightly in spite of herself, recognizing what Cody saw from the blush on his face. (I didn't mean to, but I just gave the kid a cheap thrill, I may be on my way to being a tease.) Yolei stood straight up as Cody brought a couple of cans of Pepsi. (Awww what the heck, ever kid needs to learn about breasts some time.) Yolei smiled as she cracked open her can of Pepsi, sending up a small spray of fizz. (Besides, I was about his age when I first played doctor.) "So anyway, what kind of pizza we have?" Yolei chuckled to herself.

"Oh we have Hawaiian and..." Cody stopped speaking; a small clank was barely heard. "Did you hear something?"

"Yeah, I did." Yolei looked around the apartment. "Sounded like it came from your room."

"Oh no..." Cody placed his hand on his forehead as he started walking towards the door. "Armadillomon! I know you are in there!" Cody grabbed the cold brass knob, and turned it once. "I told you once, I told you a hundred times, no bringing girls here!" Cody flung the door open, walking into his room.

Yolei couldn't help but giggle as she decided to take a peak. (Gee Maybe I should get tips from Armadillomon on how to get dates, he seems to know all the tricks.) Yolei laughed as she walked into the bedroom a second after Cody. _(Of course, he sounds so good he probably end up seducing...) _ Yolei's thought died in her head as the Pepsi can slipped from her hand, sending dark liquid all over the carpet. _(Me...) _ Yolei looked over Cody's head, the young boy still not being able to digest the sight before him.

Armadillomon hung their crucified to the wall right across from the door. His silver gauntlets were shattered on the ground in front of his feet. Four claws were ripped out from the wreckage, and used to pin him to the wall for all to see. Armadillomon hung limply. "A... A..." Cody started to shake dropping to his knees as a blood dripped down the walls, Armadillomon looking like he had taken his last breath.

Yolei, however took charge, she had to. "We have to get to him to the hospital, FAST!" Yolei shouted as she ribbed her vest apart for makeshift bandages. She tore at her vest, surprising herself, as she somehow did not panic. It was amazing how things changed so shortly... a few minutes ago she was talking to Cody, the budding lad blushing as he got abit of a view. Now here she was, ripping the bottom of her shirt like it was tissue paper, binding Armadillomon's wounds and at the same time trying to coax Cody from his shock and horror. "CODY!" Yolei screamed as she wrapped the tatter cloth around one of the bleeding hooks. "If you want Armadillomon to live, call for help NOW!"


An hour had passed since Armadillomon was found pinned to the wall. Paramedics came, treated the wounds as best they could

"Don't worry Cody." Hawkmon put a wing on Cody's thigh. "We will find whoever did this. You best be heading to the Hospital now..."

"But you may need me...." Cody started to press the point.

"Armadillomon needs you more." Hawkmon replied as he looked up at Cody.

"Yes... you're right." Cody got up his eyes still tear stained.

"I'll drive him." Matt replied quickly. He was the only other one here who could drive and had a motorcycle, so naturally he was the only choice.

"Good." Hawkmon smiled up at the tall blond musician. "But hurry back Matt..., we may need all the help we can get."

"Right." Matt nodded once as he took Cody by the shoulder. "I am sure Armadillomon is fine, he is one of the toughest digimon around."

"Yeah..." Cody smiled weakling as they walked out of the door. "He is."

Hawkmon watched the pair leave, before turning around, looking at Yolei and Davis. "I am going to get my crossbow." Hawkmon hissed softly as he walked to his and Yolei's room. "Try and get a hold of Veemon and Gatomon as quickly as possible."

"Of course." Yolei replied already on the phone. She figured Hawkmon would want Veemon, the only other one besides Armadillomon with any decent experience hunting Vampmon.

"He's after the Three." Veemon replied growling. "But not just to kill us, he wants us to suffer."

"Veemon... what..." Davis replied stunned. Veemon looked like he had been through a small war.

"They attacked me, obviously right before they got Armadillomon." Veemon walked in, having the tiniest limp. He had vainly tried to hunt down the Vampmon and his herd of converted Gazimon, but to no avail. He was too injured, unarmed, and couldn't fly. "I... was no match for them..."

Davis bent down; taking the sleeve of his jacket and wiping some stray blood from his lip. "Are you all right?"

Veemon looked up at Kari, and shook his head. "No.... Kari...."

"Veemon, what about...." Kari spoke up suddenly, her heart racing.

Veemon couldn't even look Kari in the face. He just held up Gatomon's gold tail ring. "I... tried my best..."

Kari started to shiver, her older brother Tai holding her. "They didn't..."

"No....." Izzy spoke up, looking at the gold ring. "The ring is a part of Gatomon. If she died, it would cease to be."

"We need to move fast." Veemon looked at the Digidestined who were here. Only Izzy, Tai and Yolei though had their partners, Tentomon, Agumon and Hawkmon respectively. "Izzy, get on the communicators, get as many digimon and partners as fast as possible."

"Right, Yolei where is your computer?" Izzy looked at Yolei.

"Oh my room, come on." Yolei grabbed Izzy's arm and dragged him to her bedroom, Izzy couldn't help but be momentarily excited despite himself.

"This shouldn't be a problem." Veemon looked up at Kari to reassure her. "There're only a handful of them. With all of us working together we can..."

"VEEMON! DAVIS!" Yolei screamed suddenly from her room, her voice reaching a shrill pitch in panic.

Veemon's limp didn't slow him down; he was already in battle mode from last night. Veemon made it to the door first, smashing it down with a well place head butt, not taking the time to even unlock the door. The door shattered into splinters as Veemon landed, ready for a fight. Izzy was holding Yolei on the bed, the purple hair girl obviously shaken and crying.

"Yolei..." Kari walked up to her, sitting down next to the young girl as the rest of the group surveyed the room. "What..."

But Veemon had already figured it out. "Hawkmon's gone..." Veemon growled as he looked towards the computer. The computer screen was glowing slightly, the tell tale sign of a digigate just closing. A shattered picture lay on the carpet, shards of glass glistening from the ripped picture of Hawkmon and Yolei. On the wall, Veemon's silver dagger was implanted. The dagger was holding up a black headband with a red and white feather sticking out of it. Yolei instantly recognized it as the headband Hawkmon wore.

Veemon read the note on the computer out loud to everyone in the room, Yolei couldn't read it herself; she was too distraught. The text was bold and blood red, which did not surprise Veemon one bit.

Vampmon invites Veemon and friends to come to Gatomon's shameful past. Biyomon, Gatomon, and Hawkmon are already here, waiting for the party to start.

"Gatomon's shameful past..." Veemon growled as he walked to the wall, instantly recognizing the silver baled as his. "This creature delights in torturing us." Veemon spoke out loud as he ripped the blade from the plaster with ease.

"What is he talking about?" Davis looked down at Veemon, his friend looked grim, his features dark.

"My apartment?" Kari spoke up. "She was there under Myotismon's orders..."

"No... too public." Veemon thought, it was amazing how the old warrior resurfaced in him.

"The TV station then." Tai spoke up. "It makes sense, Wizardmon..."

"Was her fondest memory." Veemon looked up at Tai. "No. She hated what happened, but Wizardmon was her friend. She could never be ashamed of him. It had to be something... she is ashamed of... Myotismon."

"Him? But he is dead!" Sora spoke up. Like Kari and Yolei her partner Biyomon was gone as well. And she would stop at nothing to get her back.

"Yes, but Gatomon is ashamed she worked for him." Veemon pieced the pieces together slowly.

"Of course." Kari agreed with Veemon. She never knew Veemon knew so much about Gatomon.

"Gatomon battle Myotismon all over the city. There must be a dozen places." Izzy started to recant the battles that took place all those years ago.

"Yes, but Vampmon would need a base of operations. And where better than where Gatomon was raised to be the perfect assassin?" Veemon looked up from the ground, staring hard at the group. "Myotismon's castle."


"GOD, PLEASE STOP!" The Floramon cried as she cringed on the ground. There were two puncture marks on either side of her neck, her rapists feeding on her a bit before they had their fun. Her breasts had tight rope around the top and bottom, squeezing the painfully tight, making them more pronounced. Her arms were tied tightly behind her back, the rope digging into her delicate green skin. And the finale, her legs were spread by a spreader bar, which kept her legs separated with ease, even if she had the strength to keep them close.

"Mmm fuck yeah!" One Gazimon turned Vampmon murred as he slammed his unlubed dick in her asshole again and again. His claws hand dug roughly into her breasts, the tiniest pricks of blood dripping around them. "Mmmmm get ready bitch..."

"God no please!" Floramon begged some more as she was bounced hard, the entire shaft going into too small asshole. Tears streamed down her face, as she was violated again and again.

"Mmmm God... yes!" Gazimon thrust to his furry crotch, burying his cock in her and cumming hard.

Floramon just whimpered as she felt the warm dick cover her insides with cum, something she had never felt before until she was taken prisoner a week go. Now, all she had was rape and torture. They would drink from her, but only enough to quench their thirst, never enough to end this suffering. "Uhhh..." Floramon cried as she was dropped roughly, slamming her face to the ground as Gazimon walked behind her, pulling her tail.

"Damn.... You are such a good fuck." Gazimon pulled her tail roughly, dragging her across the floor a bit.

Floramon just had to be dragged, with her arms bound behind her, not to mention her legs spread with that spreader bar, she could do nothing. Not that she had the power to fight a converted Gazimon. Besides, at least there was only one now... the days were horrible. The Gazimon were forced out of the sunlight, and the only thing they had to do while they waited for night was her...

Floramon heard another Gazimon come up from behind the first one. "Hey you asshole." One Gazimon looked at the whimpering Floramon on the ground. "Quit hogging her!"

Floramon half expected a fight, but the first Gazimon simply scuffed. "Meh I am done." The Gazimon smiled as his dick shriveled up into his pouch. While the Gazimon where not truly digimon anymore, they still had hidden dick pouches like most digimon did. "Go nuts."

Floramon whimpered as she saw a new fresh rapists take the old one's place. "Please..." The Floramon cried as a new fresh winged Gazimon descended on her. "Have mercy..." Floramon looked up, tears in her eyes, unable to move to in her bounds. "Don't rape me any more..."

The Gazimon smiled as he reached over the table next to the Floramon, taking a large purple candle from a holder. "Well then, if you don't want to be raped.... We can just go for torture." Gazimon smiled as he held the candle high, letting a drop of wax hit her cheek.

Floramon whimpered as the wax burned her sensitive cheek. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I can." Gazimon chuckled as the Floramon tried to flip to her stomach, to slither away. "Now then, where are you going?" Gazimon laughed a little louder as he grabbed her by the tail, and roughly dragged her back. "I haven't even started yet." Gazimon putt a hand on her ass, shoving her down on her belly, Floramon squirming but unable to do much.

"No... Please.... Eeeyyiii!" Floramon screamed as bead of wax was splattered agasint her neck.

"Ahhh this can almost be as good as a fuck." Gazimon chuckled as he starts to coat the back of her head and tied up arms with hot wax, Floramon trying to protect her self but could do nothing but scream. Her pitch went up an octave as Gazimon grabbed her short little green tail, and lifted up, to thoroughly coat her ass cheeks and legs with the burning wax.

Floramon screamed and thrashed, but the Gazimon's grip was strong. While a few drops missed her soon her legs and ass where coated a deep purple, Floramon screaming so loud that her throat was going horse. "Puh... puh... please..." Floramon panted as she was flipped on her back, Gazimon placing a foot on her stomach.

"Please wax your slutty tits?" Gazimon chuckled as he waved the candle around, some more was pooling at the top. "Why I'd be happy to."

"No... please not my breasts!" Floramon pleaded some more as Gazimon stood on her chest, his rough foot paws scratching her sensitive plant skin. Try as she might, she couldn't wiggle free, allowing the burning hot wax to land on her right breast.

Her screech was ear popping, almost throwing Gazimon off as her entire body spasmed. Gazimon just used his newfound wings to steady himself, as he laughed. "Got some life in you after all." Gazimon chuckled at his own joke as he started to coat her tits with the purple wax.

Floramon's second scream was not as impressive as her first one, her breath was leaving her and she simply hadn't the energy. That did not make the pain any less intense. Every time the wax found fresh skin it was like another blinding rush of pain, her tits were particularly excruciating, Floramon was sure she'd pass out, but there was no such relief. Finally, after her entire from was reduced to a wax breastplate with a few thin hole of missed skin, did he stop. "Uh..." Floramon breathed a sigh of relief catching her wind. "Oh god..." Floramon cried as tears streamed down her face. She just wanted this to end, the pain, the humiliation, the torture.

"And now..." Gazimon turned, his foot never leaving her stomach, and held the candle between her legs. "The grand finale."

"NO!" Floramon screamed, slamming her legs shut as drops of wax hit her knees, Floramon hardly feeling them from the fear. Gazimon put his knee down on her stomach, and used his free hand to pry apart her legs. "Please, ANY thing but that!" Floramon felt one bead of wax run down her inner thigh, coming dangerously close to her most sensitive of area.

"Now now..." Gazimon murred as he struggled to get into position, his strength more than an asset. "I want to coat your fuck whole with wax.

Floramon shivered defeated. "No...." Floramon thought frantically as Gazimon started to get ready to coat her most sensitive of areas with wax. The Gazimon licked his lips his red dick sticking out of his grey fur as he dripped hot wax on Floramon's belly above the crotch, just so he can heighten her pain. "F... fuck me."

"Hmmmm?" Gazimon looked up, interested. "What did you say?"

"Fuck me... fuck me hard...." Floramon whimpered, hardly believing she was saying this. "I need some big Gazimon cock in me..." Floramon tried to make it sound convincing, anything would be better than the torture he had planned... even... fucking him.

Gazimon chuckled as he turned to look around. "You aren't just saying that so I won't hurt you?"

"No.... I need it... I need it badly...." Floramon's voice wavered as she gave the rapist what he wanted.

Gazimon smiled once, bringing the candle down to her cunt again. Floramon braced herself, then, in a surprising act of compassion, blew it out. "Well then..." Gazimon chuckled as he took his knee off her stomach, and got up, kneeling between her legs. "Who am I to argue with that?" Gazimon licked his lips as he held his dick at her well-fucked opening.

"Yes, fuck me!" Floramon agreed as she felt Gazimon's dick slide into her, all four inches going in with no problem. She was much looser now, after having her virginity ribbed away in an orgy of violence and pain a few days ago. Now as the dick started to pound into her again, she just leaned back, panting, wanting it to end....

"Ohh yeah still a good fuck!" Gazimon moaned as he sat up, pulling Floramon with him so she was riding him as he sat on the ground, legs together.

Floramon panted, she hadn't the strength to help even if she had the slightest urge to. She got no enjoyment from these brutal sessions, just more pain and humiliation, and there was only one escape. "Bite me!" Floramon moaned as she was violated again and again, this may be her only escape, and she hoped she could forgive herself.

Gazimon didn't even waste any time as he lunged forward, sinking his fangs into her neck, starting to drink her life essence as he spewed pre into her hot cunt. His tempo increased even as Floramon grew limper in his arms, Gazimon only dimly aware he was killing her, not that he cared.

Floramon felt the lights go dim, but she sense new arrivals. Her head lurched singly to the side as she thought more rapists would come, to prolong her agony... but... it wasn't Vampmon or a converted Gazimon. There was... hope.... "Help... me..." Floramon cried as she looked at the new arrivals. Already it was getting harder to cry as she felt the Gazimon drink from her and fuck her at the same time, but she saw a hero, someone she looked up to, admired, coming down the hall even in her blood loss state.

Vampmon paid no attention to the Floramon's pleas as he walked by, nor did his companion Biyomon, who stayed longingly by his side. Under his seduction spell, Biyomon's only care was what Vampmon wanted. And Vampmon could not care less about some poor Floramon. "Hellppp..." Floramon turned her head and looked pleadingly towards Biyomon, hero of the Digital World as she walked by, hardly giving her a second look as Floramon no longer had the energy to lift her head, darkness creeping around her vision.

Vampmon and Biyomon continued their stroll down to his main quarters. Biyomon was a piece of his grand design, to help strike at Hawkmon. Hawkmon would be the most difficult to break... but he was also the least threat now. Hawkmon had no escape form his prison, he and the rest of the Three would disappear from this world, and Vampmon would reign. "So my pet..." Vampmon smiled as he placed a black hand on her shoulder. "Should we help the Floramon?"

Biyomon half turned her head as the Gazimon pounded harder and harder into the Floramon, the Floramon growing weak as the Gazimon drank heavily from her. Floramon's head went limp as Biyomon turned back to Vampmon. In her true state, Biyomon would fight to the death to save an innocent, even one she did not know. Now, she only looked at Vampmon and asked. "Why?"

Vampmon chuckled softly as Gazimon cummed, just when the Floramon's suffering ended. His jizz sprayed out onto the floor as he came, shooting it clear through the girl as she broke up all around him, beads of purple wax falling like blood snow to the ground as Vampmon moaned in content at his orgasm. "MMmm..." Gazimon leaned back, licking his lips as green atoms floated away from his body. "Got a little carried away there." Gazimon yawned as he leaned back on the stone ground, the only thing left of Floramon was some beads of wax on the ground, and the ropes and bars used to tie her. "Ah well..." Gazimon muttered as he stood up, rubbing his ears back. "I was done with her anyway."

The Gazimon turned just as the main force of Gazimon returned from a hunt, their bellies full after ravaging a nearby village. "Hey!" One Gazimon looked around the room. "Where is our pet?"

"Awww you asshole!" Another Gazimon returning from the hunt already looking for the Floramon. "Did you kill her?"

"Yeah." The Gazimon murred as he patted his belly. "What's the problem?"

"I wanted to have a fuck!" The Gazimon growled. "Had I known you were going to kill our pet, I would have gotten a new one."

"Meh, why bother?" The Gazimon pointed to Vampmon as he walked by, Biyomon following slightly behind him like a faithful dog. "We can use her."

"Mmm yeah." The rest of the Gazimon murred in agreement as they started off after Vampmon and his newest acquisition. "I feel like a change."

Vampmon smiled secretly to himself as he walked down the halls. He had chosen these rejected Gazimon for a reason; he could see their appetite for cruelty and mayhem. These Gazimon worked for someone called Etemon a few years ago, an ultimate digimon who ruled this section of Server with an iron fist. Since his defeat, many Gazimon have reformed themselves, trying to fit in this peaceful society, but there are always a few Gazimon who prefer the old ways, and he found them. These Gazimon were instantly drawn to the power, converting with ease. While essentially considered fodder, mindless grunts, they served Vampmon's purpose. Even Vampmon did not believe how heartless they could be, raping and tormenting their prey for hours, sometimes days before finishing her off.

The castle, when Vampmon had found it, was all but destroyed. But a few sections were still standing. Enough that few repairs with the help of his stooges it made a decent base of operations. Though of course he would need grander accommodations when he ruled this pathetic dimension... but one step at a time... speaking of steps, it looked like the Gazimon had a plan of their own. "Yes?" Vampmon stopped in his tracks, and turned around. He had heard every word of their conversation, and could sense that these Gazimon were about to try something stupid.

"I see you've got a new pet for us." One Gazimon smiled as he looked at Biyomon like she was meat... literally.

"She is not your pet." Vampmon looked back without a word of emotion. "Besides, I told you, you could keep a Floramon around if you absolutely need one."

"Yeah Floramon are nice..." One Gazimon twisted a claw in his teeth. "But that's all I've been eating. Can't we nibble on the Gatomon downstairs?"

"Yeah, when are we going to eat the kitty?" One of the Gazimon whined; his black wings twitching as he looked at the pink bird digimon on Vampmon's arm. "Or the sweet meat you have on you right now."

"We don't touch them." Vampmon ordered coldly.

"Awww...." One of the Gazimon's ran a finger over the Biyomon's beak as she hung on Vampmon's arm. "I wanted to try Biyomon... I bet you she'd taste just like chicken..." The Gazimon continued to drag his finger down the center of her chest, Biyomon not moving in the slightest, not scared or unconcerned, just indifferent. "Not to mention that there are other ways we can have fun."

Vampmon's hand latched out like lightening, grabbing the Gazimon's finger. A snap was echoed in the stone halls, the Gazimon screaming as Vampmon snapped the finger bone, before pushing him into the ground. "You can do whatever you want to any Floramon you catch, I don't care. I gave you your power; on the condition you serve me. And for now, you do not touch the Biyomon or Gatomon. Do you understand?" Vampmon cast a glare at the Gazimon clutching his injured finger, surrounded by his Gazimon allies.

The largest Gazimon of the group looked from the whimpering ally to the Vampmon, who was a good foot taller than the rest of the Gazimon, his status was most intimidating. "Well maybe we don't want to listen to you any more." The brave Gazimon chuckled as he moved forward. A chorus of yeahs and agreements were heard behind him.

"Rather ungrateful." Vampmon's face was rather stoic as the Gazimon seemed to get braver and braver. This Gazimon was exceptionally tall. "After all the power I gave you."

"Well, we got the power now." The Gazimon smirked as he put a single claw on Vampmon's chest. "And we don't need you anymore."

The entire posse of Gazimon moved forward, just as a black clawed hand rammed through the Gazimon's chest, faster than anyone could see. The Gazimon's body jerked a few times, in death throws as his core was shredded with ease, before he slowly dissolved into a foul smelling black ooze, dripping on to the ground as the muck fizzled away. Vampmon looked up, a small smirk on the face. Biyomon watched silently, holding on to Vampmon's arm with out the least bit of concern. "The fact is, I don't need any of YOU." Vampmon withdrew his hand, closing his extended hand into a fist, the Gazimon's bravery disintegrating as fast as their now dead comrade. "And while you are far more powerful than any single Gazimon, you are nothing to me. I can replace the lot of you over night." Vampmon looked back at the remaining Gazimon. "Any questions?"

All the Gazimon shook their heads. "No boss, you're the man." And various other phrase of supports were shouted as Vampmon turned and left the Gazimon group alone.

"Mindless thugs." Vampmon shook his head as he walked out, Biyomon still hanging on his left arm. "They should be beneath me to even speak to them, let alone let them fight by me."

"They are my love." Biyomon kisses Vampmon on the cheek. "But a general needs his army."

Vampmon chuckled. "True, if I am going to make the name of Vampmon feared again, I have to start somewhere."

Biyomon started to drag one of her wing tips up and down his black chest. "MMmmmmm oh I am terrified of you...." Biyomon cooed softly, admiring his chest.

Vampmon could not convert Biyomon yet. He was still using his natural seduction on Biyomon. To convert her, she would have to do it off her own free will, but Vampmon smiled. It would take time and patience, but he would slowly mold her, using his seduction less and less, till she was nothing more than his love struck puppet. If there was one thing Vampmon excelled at was patient. "Oh really?" Vampmon smirked as Biyomon cooed softly at him.

"Oh yes, I am." Biyomon licked her beak. "If you promise not to hurt me, I will do anything you want...." Biyomon moved forward and licked Vampmon across his black cheek once. "Anything. Just say I am yours love." Biyomon smiled softly at Vampmon.

Vampmon chuckled as he ran a clawed finger over her beak. "I don't know. Would you be willing to be my slut, to do whatever I want, whenever I want?"

"Oh love, I would do that anyway." Biyomon murred as she let her pink wings drag behind his body, feeling his tight black ass.

"Well then." Vampmon smiled evilly at the enthralled bird. "You can get on your knees and suck me dry."

"Of course, Vampmon." Biyomon smiled as she slowly got down on her knees, running her slender bird tongue down his chest as he did so.

"Mmmmm no, call me master from now on. You don't deserve to be my equal." Vampmon chuckled as Biyomon started to lick around his penis pouch.

"Of course Master." Biyomon replied as she continued her oral treatment of his pouch. "I am just yours to fuck." Biyomon brushed his black thighs with her pink wings, murmuring softly as his dick slowly started to extend. "Use me however you want Master." Biyomon smiled as she gently caressed the growing black shaft, and took the black head into her mouth. She moaned slightly into the dick, playing with the pisshole with her long slender bird tongue.

Vampmon moaned as he started to roughly pull on Biyomon's feathers. "MMmm suck it bitch." Vampmon smiled as he glared down, his white fangs gleaming in a masochistic smile. "I know how much of a cock sucker you are."

"I am your cock sucker Master." Biyomon replied as she took the cock in her mouth, and began to suckle on it harder. Vampmon continued to pull at the feathers on her face and head, wanting more. Biyomon just cooed softly as the black cock forced it's way into the back of her throat, Biyomon excepting it like it was an honor to be at her knees in front of him. The pain Vampmon was causing her just reminded Biyomon that she was his bitch, his cock sucker, so she sucked harder to show her appreciation Biyomon began caressing his black balls with her wings, hoping that her master would like this new treatment and cum in her mouth just like she always dreamed.

Vampmon murred happily, he hadn't realized that Biyomon was so good at this. Of course in her state, her only desire was to please him and she would do that and more. "MMmm just a little more..." Vampmon smiled as he shot a little precum into Biyomon's throat, the bird guzzling it down and hungry for more. Vampmon face fucked her harder now, smiling as he felt the cum boil in his balls. "Mmmmmm yes slut!" Vampmon let out a triumphant moan as he came hard and fast in her beak, coating the inside with his jizz.

Biyomon let out a content mummer as she sucked the cum down, swishing it in her beak to savor the flavor her master had allowed her to taste. She let out a loud coo as she took the dick from her mouth; licking it a few times around the head to make sure she got every last drop. "Master tastes wonderful."

"Of course slut." Vampmon smiled happily as he gave the big feather in the middle of her head a pull, getting a little squeak from Biyomon. "And don't you forget it."

"Of course not master." Biyomon shoo "Can you fuck me now master?" Biyomon looked up smiling, cum dripping down her beak. A single drop of cum dripped down her hard beak on to the stone floor underneath her.

"Hmmm I think so, but I have to punish you for wasting cum." Vampmon looked at the single cum drop on the ground, clucking disappointed.

Biyomon nodded softly, bending down with out a word, and licking up the drop of cum off the cold stone floor. "Of course master, I should be punished harshly and with out mercy." Biyomon looked up on her wings and knees.

"Good answer." Vampmon looked around for something to hurt Biyomon with, but not too much. While Vampmon felt like hurting Biyomon some, he wanted the pain to be superficial. Not that he cared for her that would simply be foolish. He merely needed her alive for the rest of his plans. "MMmmmm..." Vampmon grabbed two clams that looked like two wooden blocks with screws on either side to pull them together. Most likely used to be crushing fingers or toes slowly, but Vampmon had another idea in mind. "These should to nicely." Vampmon smiled as he turned around. "Ready to have these beauties on your breasts?"

"No master." Biyomon shook her head once.

"No?" Vampmon looked confused at Biyomon for a second. Was she breaking his seduction? That was impossible while he held attraction on her, and Vampmon knew that couldn't go away. It was impossible.

"If you want the clamps to hurt more, I suggest rubbing them or sucking them for a moment master." Biyomon looked into Vampmon's cold eyes. "Of course, whatever my master wishes will be fine with me."

Vampmon thought for a moment, and then smiled. "Sure pet, that sounds like a good idea." Vampmon smiled as he bent down slightly, brushing his hands into the feathery down of Biyomon's chest. Biyomon cooed softly at the light touch, but she knew it was only a prelude to pain. Vampmon groped for a minute in her thick pink feathers, finding the two harden nubs, one each of her almost non-existence tits. Vampmon fingered them in his tough claws for a moment, felling the flesh grow hard as rains. Vampmon then bent forward ever so slightly, and stuck his tongue out, washing each nub in small tight circle.

"Ohhhh Masterrrr...." Biyomon cooed softly at the rather pleasant sensation. She wanted to rub her watering clit with her wings, but since she was not ordered to, she just stood there and allowed the dark creature to molest her body.

Vampmon didn't really spend long on this exercise; Biyomon was enjoying it far too much. After he was satisfied that her tits were as sensitive as they could be, Vampmon reached to the side, and grabbed a pair of the wooden clamps. Vampmon smirked as he pulled one of the nipples through the wood, and slowly began to tighten the nut, bringing the two blocks of wood closer and closer together. "Now don't move...." Vampmon chuckled as the pressure began to build on the sensitive tit.

"Uhhhhh...." Biyomon cried as her left tit was slowly squashed flat. Her nipple stuck straight out between the wooden confines. "More..." She moaned as her left breasts felt like it was on fire, each minor turn of the crank doubling her agony, and still she stood, letting the creature abuse her.

Vampmon stopped as it began to take a bit of force to close the clamps, the tit bright red now between the wooden slated. Vampmon could continue turning the clamp, reducing the breast to a mangled bloody mess, but he didn't want to severally hurt the girl today. That could wait. "Now then..." Vampmon flicked the red nipple with one of his claws. "Shall we do the other one?"

Biyomon breath left her when her nipple bounced, that little action causing her to almost fall over. "Yes Master. Please, torture me as much as you want."

Vampmon grabbed the other wooden clamp, he had planned on doing so anyway but it was nice how she begged. Vampmon grabbed the other nipple and repeating the same procedure, pulling the nub through the wooden blocks, and slowly turning the nut on the device, sealing the nipple in. These clamps had the added benefit of being rather heavy, so even the slightest move would fill Biyomon with pain.

"Uh... uh... uh..." Biyomon cried as her second breast mirrored her first, both of them feeling like a huge hand just grabbed and squeeze. She dug her feet into the ground, clinching with her bird toes to find some, any release, to keep from moving. "Master... hurt me... hurt me more!"

Vampmon continued to turn the clamp close, until both tits stood like red cherry, it looked painful just to watch. Vampmon loved it as he finished, standing up to admire his work. Vampmon smiled as Biyomon shifted left to right slightly, in obvious pain but hiding it rather well. "So pet..." Vampmon looked at the pain-ridden bird. "Do you think you've been punished enough?"

"Oh no Master." Biyomon shook her head frantically, because that is what he wanted. "I need to be punished more."

"Well then..." Vampmon reached against the wall, and grabbed a long thin bamboo pole. The function of this device in the torture room was obvious as Vampmon swung it experimentally once.

Vampmon cracked the bamboo pole once on the table. "Will this do slut?" Vampmon chuckled, knowing the answer.

"If Master thinks it will." Biyomon nodded once. "What does master want to cane first?"

Vampmon ran the pole slowly up Biyomon's belly, and between her clamped nipples. "Let's do front first, then work the back... put your wings behind your back." Vampmon smiled as he flicked her left tit once with his pole.

Biyomon whimpered slightly at the pain but complied. 'Yes master." Biyomon placed her wings behind her back, holding them tightly. "Your slut is ready to be punished now."

"Good." Vampmon arched his arm back. "And whatever you do, don't move."

"Yes..." Biyomon cried out with pain as she was hit hard on her left tit, almost causing her to fall but she stood strong. "Master!" She let out in a combination of a scream and a cry as the brutal beating began.

Vampmon grinned evilly as he began to rhythmically beat her clamped tits. Vampmon knew this must hurt like hell, but surpassingly, Biyomon was still standing all be it a bit wobbly. "How does that feel slut?!" Vampmon hit Biyomon hard in the stomach when he asked, winding her.

Biyomon almost double over but she forced herself to stay straight. "It hurts so much..." Biyomon whimpered as another powerful blow landed right in the middle of her stomach again.

"Do you want me to stop?!" Vampmon yelled at her as he struck her left tit again, the nipple bobbing up and down rapidly.

"Oh no Master!" Biyomon shook her head rapidly, despite the pain. "Beat me more master! I deserve it!"

Vampmon smiled as he struck her once more on the right tit, just to even things out. Biyomon cried a little in pain, but still stood her ground. "Turn around slut, its time for the back half."

"Yes master." Biyomon replied instantly turning around and leaning against the wall with her wings. "Is this ok master?" Biyomon didn't even turn her head; all she had to know is if Vampmon liked this position.

Vampmon chuckled as he swung the pole hard, a screech coming from Biyomon's beak as the harsh blow connected. "Yes slut that will do." Red chuckled as he starts to spank the poor memorized bird harshly and without mercy.

Biyomon cried with every blow, her feathery down offering some protection, most likely the only thing that was keeping her down to dark bruises and not cuts and welts. The bamboo whistled through the air again and again, followed by another cry as Biyomon screamed in pain, yet through it all she cried. "More master, please master beat me more!" Biyomon cried, even as she felt her legs grow week, standing up form sheer force of will as she pressed her head into the wall.

Vampmon started counting the blows, but lost count after about twenty, he was much more into the beating. Only when his arm began to tire, and the fact he realize he may very well beat Biyomon to death if he completely lost control, did Vampmon stop. "So slut..." Vampmon said, Biyomon still panting from the last strike, her knees shaking. "Did you like that?"

Biyomon cried as she pressed her wings against the wall her ass covered with flesh bruises. "Ohhhh master... it hurts...."

Vampmon smiled as she struck her again on the ass, another painful squeal escaping Biyomon's lips. "More slut?" Vampmon smiled, punctuating his sentence with another brutal cane to the ass.

"P... please master....more..." Biyomon cried as her legs began to grow weak, the savage beating starting to take its toll. She didn't think she could take much more before she was reduced to a quivering pile of feathers on the ground.

Vampmon smirked as he struck Biyomon hard one last time against the ass, Biyomon moving forward, pressing her cheek in the wall. "Mmmm I think that is enough for now..." Vampmon chuckled as he discarded the cane to the ground. Not that he didn't want to hurt her more, but Vampmon had other ideas now.

"Thank you master..." Biyomon moaned, her body on fire, her tits still aching from the two tight clamps. "Do you need to hurt me more? Because if you think slut deserves it..."

"Mmm maybe later..." Vampmon smiled as he grabbed his own dick, and rubbed the hard shaft once. "I feel like fucking you now."

"Ohhh thank you Master." Biyomon spread her legs a little wide, getting ready for the black dick.

"I don't want you to feel any pleasure off course." Vampmon chuckled as he looked at the bent over Biyomon.

Biyomon moaned at the pain of her freshly spanked ass and clamps on her nipples. "Then fuck my tailhole master. It will hurt me." Biyomon used her wings to spread her tail feathers wide, her asshole barely visible in the feathery down. "I suggest you do it hard Master and with no lube, it will hurt me more. Plus the fact my ass feels like it is on fire, which will cause me even more delicious pain."

Vampmon chuckled softly as he licked his lips. Raping a girl was fun yes, but a girl begging to be hurt, instructing him on the best ways to hurt her. "That sounds good slut..." Vampmon walked behind her, and rubbed his black dick up and down her tail feathers a few time. "So, are you a virgin?"

Biyomon moaned at the sensation. "I was saving myself Master for the right person.... And you are the right person Master." Biyomon let off a soft coo. "It would be an honor for you to be my first."

Vampmon chuckled as he grabbed a scruff full of Biyomon's tail feathers in each hand, lining up his dick with the tail hole. "Mmmm you will remember this for the rest of your life... as my whore." Vampmon chuckled as he pulled Biyomon back hard, impaling her on his six-inch dark black shaft.

"SCREEEE!" Biyomon shouted, feeling an entirely new kind of pain as her anal virginity was ripped from her. Biyomon was a small digimon, and Vampmon was well endowed, making it feel like he was twice as big as he was. Biyomon cried as Vampmon started to pound in her without mercy, still holding on to her tail feathers to cause her even more pain. "Oh God, Master! It's so big!" She screamed, dragging her wings down the walls as she gritted her beak tightly, trying to focus away from the pain.

Vampmon just panted as he ravaged the poor bird again and again, he was actually surprised she wasn't bleeding from the asshole.... Any larger though and she most likely would. As it was now Biyomon's legs looked ready to go, so Vampmon just wrapped his arms around the bird's waist, pulling her upward. "Mmmm fuck yes!" Vampmon moaned as he used his vampire strength to hold Biyomon completely off the ground, slamming her down on his cock again and again, his back balls bouncing with every penetration.

Biyomon, who was just getting used to the fucking, redoubled her hoarse screaming. Her entire weight was being slammed on to his dick, forcing the swollen member up to the hilt. She grabbed on to Vampmon's hand encircling her waist, crying more as her ass burned. "Master! Use me!" Still, throughout the pain, she managed to plead and beg with Vampmon to use her; she was reduced to slut with nothing more than a hypnotic suggestion.

Vampmon slammed in again and again, bringing Biyomon down hard and fast. He grunted, though it was more from immediate release than it was from exertion. "Mmm... Mmmmm...." Vampmon murred loudly as he felt his cum boil in his balls, Biyomon's screams fading to a mere painful whimper, getting used to the new position though the pain was still there. Vampmon fucked up the bird's raped hole a few more times, before he felt the floodgates open to his balls. "MMmm fuck yeah!" Vampmon moaned as he came, coating the feathery back door as Vampmon squeezed her tightly.

Biyomon whimpered as he finally came, her bird tongue protruding from her beak slightly. She moaned softly as the pain ebbed away, Vampmon just enjoying the after glow for a moment before throwing her roughly to the ground like used garbage. She panted from the ground, looking up slightly as she ached in pain. "Did I please you Master?" Biyomon asked the only concern on her limps.

"For now." Vampmon simply replied as he looked over the cum slut. "Clean out your asshole slut, but leave the clamps on for now." Vampmon smiled as his penis went back into its dark little pouch. "I have to get things ready for the final show down." Vampmon smiled as he started to walk out the door. "You remember what you have to do?"

Biyomon wiped the cum from the fine feathers on her ass, and began to suck them dry. "Of course Master. I shall kill Veemon for you."


"How does he KNOW so much?" Veemon growled as he dragged a sharpening stone over his dagger blade. This was used to sharpen kitchen knives, but it worked just as well on his own weapon.

"What do you mean?" Davis sat by Veemon on the bed. Izzy was organizing the digidestined as fast as he could, bringing them all up to speed and to Yolei's apartment. Kari was making a trip through the digiports to get Mimi and Palmon from America. Veemon would want even more digidestined to help him, but there simply wasn't time.

"I left this dagger at Flamegatomon's gravestone, in the depths of the Digital World." Veemon took another drag of the stone over the silver blade, sending up a small shower of sparks.

Davis looked nervously afraid Veemon would start a fire, but didn't want to say anything to his distraught friend. "We all knew that..."

"But no one knew WHERE the gravestone is! Only Gatomon came with me." Veemon took another turn with the stone before flipping the blade, working on the other side. "And he knew all about Gatomon's involvement with Myotismon and her tail ring weakness, Armadillomon's obsession with women, Hawkmon's hidden love. And he outfought Armadillomon, Hawkmon and I. I've seen both of them take out five Vampmon without breaking a sweat." Veemon took another angry swipe with the blade, more sparks flying. If Davis was worried about Veemon starting a fire, he didn't say anything.

"Maybe he has been studying us..." Davis tried to help.

"He knew my moves, better than I did." Veemon growled again, sending up another shower of sparks. "He knew my deepest fears, hell he knew all off our fears!" Veemon took one more swipe, before placing the rock on the nightstand. "He even knew to use Gatomon against me..." Veemon shuddered a little. He needed to focus on the mission... no his purpose. "Is everyone here?"

"Yeah... all the original digidestined are here.... We are trying to recruit more from around the world but..." Davis started.

"No time." Veemon got up, his blade sharp, ready for action. "We have a deadline." _(Emphasis on dead...) _ Veemon couldn't help but think. He got up and headed towards the door, swinging it open. All the murmurs and talking died when Veemon enter, his normally happy face stoic and cold. "We all know why we are here, right?" Veemon looked around. A general concuss was made by the group. Agumon, the fire breathing orange miniature T-rex stood next to his partner Tai. Wormmon, the green caterpillar was on his black straight haired Ken's shoulder. Mimi and Palmon, the pink tank top girl with her green plant digimon were rounded up from America, the only pair from out of town, stood in the corner. The boy genius Izzy and his electric insect Tentomon stood poised in red next to the tall blond Matt and his friend the fur wearing reptile Gabumon. The budding doctor Joe held the white furred seal Gomamon under his armpits as he listened to Veemon speak. Cody was at the hospital with Armadillomon, and wasn't planning on leaving any time soon, and no one played him. Kari, Yolei, and Sora were planning on going as well with the group, they had no digimon partners of course, but if they did manage to find their partners, they were needed to digivolve. And they insisted of coming of course, Veemon was not the least bit surprised. "Good. Now, Vampmon wants us to come and attack him, so he knows we are coming."

"How do you know that?" Davis asked his blue buddy, surprised still at how well he took charge.

"He could have killed me with ease. Or Armadillomon. But he was leaving us messages. I am alive simply to prove I am nothing to him." Veemon patted his dagger under his arm once. "I intend to prove him wrong."

"Then why did he leave us these?" Yolei held out the black headband and pink feather. The only reminders of Hawkmon and Biyomon they had left.

"Simple." Veemon held out the gold ring Vampmon had tore of Gatomon's tail. "Reminders. Digimon don't leave bodies when they die, we break up. But when we die, everything that is part of us dies. Our weapons, clothes, everything." Veemon fondled the gold ring once, before slipping the metallic circle over his dagger's sheath.

"So they are still alive...." Yolei felt a little bit of relief, she hadn't thought of that.

"For now. But Vampmon will carry out his threat I know his kind. He left us these reminders. If we take too long to plan or gather a force, he will kill them one by one, and we will know." Veemon grimly told the news to everyone there. "He wants us to go in half-cocked and disorganized. But we will show him. We will strike hard and fast. That undead blood sucker won't know what hit him!"

A general cheer of agreement echoed through the room, as everyone prepared themselves for the battle ahead. Palmon had the leather quiver filled with arrows on her back, and the crossbow in her leafy palms. She felt awkward holding a weapon, usually relying on her natural vines for protection. But they needed silver weapons, and simply put, she was the only one with the hands that could work this besides Veemon, and he had his silver dagger. The plan was she'd digivolve to Lillymon before the battle, and use her new weapon from the air. Veemon was not underestimating this Vampmon one bit. The plan was everyone would digivolve to their most powerful forms, and strike hard and fast, get Hawkmon, Biyomon, and Gatomon out before the Vampmon force knew what was going on.

"Ok here is the plan." Veemon took charge, which surprised everyone. Veemon was the sidekick to Davis, the cute brave one, but no one thought of him as a leader, until tonight. Veemon's old life came back and full force, and while it was Hawkmon that lead the Three, Veemon clearly picked up a few things. "We will digivolve to our highest forms. Wormmon and I will biomerge to Imperialdramon. We will lead the attack; get Gatomon and the others out of there as fast as possible." Veemon looked at his partner, the green worm like insect Wormmon. They would be the most powerful there, and the fastest. Armadillomon was out, and he biomerged with the longed winged-ear Patamon. Hawkmon and Gatomon were the only other two who could biomerge, and the rest of his friends never learned the technique.

"Got it." Wormmon nodded as he sat on his partner's lap, the straight black haired ken.

"Lillymon will use the crossbow and keep cover from the air. Only fire if you have a clear shot, make sure none of us are in line of sight." Veemon looked to Palmon next.

"G... got it." Palmon nodded, a bit more nervous as she stood by Mimi, who had pink dyed hair with star sparkles. She never even thought about hitting someone with this contraption, but Veemon was right, it was one of the best weapons they had again.

"The rest of you will digivolve and provide cover. The digidestined MUST stay hidden. A Vampmon has no problem killing, and they will go for the weakest of us..." Veemon looked at the human friends in the room. "No offence."

"None taken." The tall blond Matt nodded as he stood next to his much smaller partner, the reptile Gabumon. He had returned from dropping Cody off at the hospital where his injured digimon was staying. While digimon science and medicine was relatively new, Matt was relieved to hear Armadillomon would be fine. One of the remarkable things of digimon is that if they were critically wounded, if they survived, they almost always recovered to full health.

Veemon would much prefer to leave all the digidestined behind, but they were needed to digivolve. Luckily, all of the digimon had combat expertise, while not with Vampmon but with evil digimon in general, all while their digidestined were near by. "Ok, get ready. We digivolve as soon as we exit the digiport. They may be camped by the digiport to attack us the moment we go through."

"Ok Veemon." Davis took out his blue D3 from his side. "We're ready when you are."

"Do it." Veemon nodded once. He was ready to face this evil once more.

"All right then." Davis nodded once. "Digiport open!"

The computer screen opened wide with bright light. The amazing thing about the D3 is that like the other digivices most digidestined have which allowed digimon to digivolve, is that they opened portals to the Digital World. Currently there were only six in existence, and the only know way to travel back and forth through the Digital World. The portal opened up, encompassing everyone in the bedroom for a second before fading away.

"What the hell..." Tai looked around, the digidestined were all mulling about, general looks of confusion on their faces. "Why didn't we go through?"

"No... half us went through." Izzy looked at his feet. His insect companion Tentomon was gone, as were the rest of the digimon. "Only the digimon went to the Digital World."

The computer screen flickered for a moment, a blurry picture crackling. A pair of red eyes came into view, followed by a pair of glistening fangs. "We're sorry; we are unable to process your digiport." Vampmon's cackling face appeared into view. "Please hang up, and go to hell."

"You... you son of a!" Kari started to speak.

"Temper, temper." Vampmon smirked as he waved a finger over his class. "You really must watch the language Kari."

"What did you do?" Izzy took control; he needed to figure out what went wrong ever being the analytical mind.

"Well you see, I fully admit, I am not ready to take on a legion of Megas and ultimates that your friends can digivolve into." Vampmon went on, his grin never failing. "Now, I know that currently only D3 digivices are able to still currently the only way to open digiports. So I just made sure I managed to get a hold of each and every one, and added my own little changes."

"What sort of changes?" Yolei asked, looking over Izzy's shoulder.

"Nothing major. I just added something that would prevent biological matter from being turned to code." Vampmon shrugged. "To make it simple for the humans in the room, digimon could pass through since they were code, but humans can not."

"Well it will only take a second to find out what you did..." Izzy looked for his digivice. "What, my digivice!"

"Ohhh right!" Vampmon slapped his head on the screen mockingly. "Your digivices were made out of code to, so they would go to the digiworld. And correct me if I am wrong, only humans can open a digiportal. I am sure that you will eventually find some way of opening a portal to the digital world.... But my guess is it won't be in the next couple of hours."

"This isn't fair!" Tai shouted angrily at the screen. "Why don't you fight like a man?!"

"First lesson of an evil overlord." Vampmon chuckled. "Don't fight like a man, fight like an evil overlord. Oh and don't bother running to Cody to get his D3." Vampmon smirked as he waved a yellow D3 in front of the screen, clearly Cody's. "It appears that the poor boy has so much on his mind that he overlooked if he missed a little something."

"You heartless...." Yolei hissed; her eyes filled with hate behind her glasses. Kari, Sora, and herself had insisted on coming. Veemon agreed, since they could make their respect digimon digivolve. Not like Veemon had much of a choice, the girls were coming wither Veemon liked it or not.

Vampmon gave a big wave to the screen as the hate filled faces glared at him. "I'd love to stay and chat, but currently you digipals are still going to vainly try a rescue, and I want to be there for the blood and mayhem." Vampmon slowly licked his lips. "But mainly for the blood." Vampmon laughed loudly one more time, before the screen flickered, and blacked out.


"What happened?" Agumon looked around. All the digimon were there, but Tai and the other digidestined were missing.

"None of the digidestined came!" Palmon looked around panicking now.

"We have to go back! They'll open us up a portal." Gabumon looked at the digiportal television.

Tentomon looked on the ground, picking up his digivice. Even though it looked like all the other digivices, he knew it was his instinctively. "No they won't...." Tentomon looked on the ground. All the digivices were here, littering the ground like snowflakes.

"Son of a...." Veemon grimaces as he looked at his own D3 digivice, a different design then the old model. He slipped the blue D3 onto the leather holder strap holding his dagger under his shoulder. Veemon picked up Hawkmon and Gatomon's as well, snapping on the sheath for his silver dagger. Gatomon's gold ring was wrapped around the bottom, glinting softly in the moonlight. Veemon fingered Gatomon's digivice and gold ring slowly it gave him some comfort. If Gatomon were dead, the ring would burst apart. It was why Vampmon let him have it, as a remainder. Do as I say, or she dies.

"Do we wait? Find another way to get back?" Wormmon looked to Veemon for advice.

"No, Vampmon had this planned. And I know full well he will kill them all if we don't show." Veemon sighed and took a deep breath. "We go."

"I knew he was going to say that." Gomamon nodded slightly, but Veemon was right. They had no choice. None of them were going to let their friends down.


Veemon fingered the hilt of his dagger as he approached Myotismon's castle, the full moon shining, casting dark shadows everywhere as the castle loomed over them. "Well... what's the plan?" Agumon whispered.

"We will draw the Vampmon into the trees where their wings have little use." Veemon replied. "Palmon will beg them off with the silver arrows; it is the most effective way of killing them. Leave Vampmon to me though. He is mine."

"But Armadillomon lost to Vampmon Vee, don't you need some help?" Agumon whispered next to him. "My fire breath..."

"Is needed to handle the riff raft. No offence, I know you guys can handle yourselves, but you all have no experience fighting Vampmon. They aren't normal digimon. Remember that." Veemon lectured.

"No. We're better." Vampmon suddenly burst out of the treetops, moving faster than anyone could react. Palmon gasped as the cross bow was wrenched from her hands and the quiver from her back, the leather strap ripping as she was lifted six feet up in the air. Palmon went her sprawling as she landed on the dirt as Vampmon flew up. Vampmon was smiling, as he was silhouetted over the moon, holding the weapons he swipe.

"Get ready!" Veemon shouted loudly as his dagger flew from his sheath.

"You are all fools." Vampmon hovered in the air, smiling at the land locked group below. "Especially you Veemon, you blue fool. You may have had a chance if you could digivolve, but without your humans that is impossible. So I give you one chance, run. Gatomon, Hawkmon and Biyomon die, but you live."

Veemon hissed. "No deal." That went without saying. They would save their friends, or die trying.

"Suit yourself." Vampmon smiled as a flutter of wings suddenly burst forth from the castle. His converted Vampmon came screaming over the walls, ready for battle as they took position behind Vampmon. "Kill them all. Painfully, if possible." Vampmon replied to his crowd of thugs and hooligans as he turned in the night sky. "Time to kill the hostages!" Vampmon laughed manically as he tore off back to the castle, disappearing behind the stone wall.

The battle instantly bloomed around Veemon. Veemon's dagger flew like it had a mind of its own, cutting down two converted Gazimon who were unfortunate enough to choose him as their target. Fire, vines and electricity mixed in the air as converted Gazimon swirled around his friends. But Veemon had only one think on his mind now, to stop Vampmon. "Handle them!" Veemon cried as his dagger flashed again, a winged Gazimon crying in pain as a cut opened on his leg, bubbling from the silver blade. "Agumon, take charge!"

"But..." Agumon started as he let out another burst of fire, sending a Vampmon screaming as his left wing burst into flames.

"I will stop Vampmon, just take care of yourselves!" Veemon didn't wait for an answer as he suddenly burst through the clearing. One brave Vampmon swooped down to tackle him from behind. Veemon hardly turned as his dagger flashed, leaving behind a hissing pile of ooze as Veemon burst through the metal gate with a solid head butt, leaving the savage battle behind.


Veemon knew that he should be stealthier; this was an obvious trap. Veemon was no fool when it came to Vampmon. And he knew right now what this Vampmon wanted him, and him alone. But Veemon knew this Vampmon would kill his hostages one by one, just to spite him. Simply put, Veemon had no choice.

Veemon moved into the main hall, a large oak table adorned the stone halls. In the front of hall were three wooden crosses, about forty feet tall. And on each cross were three straw puppets covered with crude cloth. Crudely made, Veemon recognized them instantly. They were of the three. Armadillomon, Hawkmon, and in the middle, a puppet made out of blue dyed straw and burlap with a yellow V painted on the forehead. (Straw dummies...) Veemon moved close, drawn to the Veemon doll. (I remember this...) Veemon forgot where he was for a moment. (We would use straw dummies in beds as bait for Vampmon...cover them up over sheet and when the Vampmon attacked their helpless victims, we would strike from behind. It was a stroke of genius on Hawkmon's part...) Veemon touched the straw dummy on the face, feeling the coarse texture of painted straw. (But that was a lifetime ago! How could this Vampmon KNOW this?!)

A fluttering of wings snapped Veemon from his stupor. His old training took over, as he turned around, his silver blade in a defensive position. His eyes widen though. "Biyomon?" Biyomon was floating in mid air, his pink wings fluttering softly as she stared at Veemon. She didn't look scared, or happy. She looked... blank? "Biyomon... what is...."

"SPIRAL TWISTER!" Biyomon never let him finishing answering the question, launching a blast of green energy at her blue friend.

Veemon dived under the oak table as the Hawkmon straw dummy burst apart behind him. Hawkmon's straw head bounced once and rolled by Veemon's feet under his hiding place. "Natural seduction." Veemon hissed as he hid under the wooden table. Biyomon must have been charmed by the Vampmon. "I do hate it."

"SPIRAL TWISTER!" Biyomon fired another bold of green energy, hitting the table, sending blackened splinters flying.

Veemon realized this table was not going to last another solid hit. "Biyomon snap out of it!" Veemon jumped from his hiding place as Biyomon strafed the floor, trying to hit Veemon as he dodged Biyomon's attack. "You're under Vampmon's spell!"

"You will not hurt my love!" Biyomon flapped her wingers harder, forming another green twister of energy at Veemon as he dived behind a stone pillar.

"I don't have time for this." Veemon hissed as he heard the stones crack with the blast. Veemon could hit her with the dagger in mid-air, but that might kill her if she moves in the wrong way, and he could not to that, no matter how good a shot he was. Biyomon was not in her right mind Veemon knew that. But as long as she stayed in mid air and used her projectile attack, he was in trouble. (Come on, every second counts....) _ Veemon couldn't waste time fighting, Hawkmon may be dead now. Gatomon was alive still; the gold ring was still on the dagger sheath. But she may in pain... raped... Veemon shook his head as another blast hit the pillar, a shower of gravel landing on Veemon's head and shoulders. _(No! I will not let this happen again! I will stop Vampmon, no matter what it takes! Even if I have to go through you Biyomon!)

Biyomon hovered in mid-air, waiting for Veemon to reappear. The stone pillar was cracked and burnt, but held against her attacks. "Come out you coward!" Biyomon started to swing in a wide arc around the back of the tower, getting ready to finish her enemy off. She flew around, and charged a blast... and stopped. There was no one there. "What the?" Biyomon flew close; Veemon couldn't have snuck around without her seeing. Biyomon looked confused as she moved close.

"YAH!" Veemon shouted as he jumped from the top of the pillar. It was a good thing he had strong clawed hands and feet, it was the only way he could get up to Biyomon's level.

"Uhhh!" Biyomon grunted as Veemon slammed into her full force, taking her to the stone floor. She grunted as she landed, Veemon on top of her. "I'll KILL you!" Biyomon hissed as she snapped her beak forward, catching Veemon on the white cheek.

Veemon winced slightly at the pain. "Sorry Biyomon..." Veemon brought the side of his blue hand on the side of her neck fast. Biyomon suddenly slumped underneath him, her body suddenly shut off with the powerful blow.

Veemon stood up, panting as he pulled out his silver knife he had sheathed earlier. He knew he hurt her, but not too bad. Biyomon would be out for hours and have one hell of a headache when she woke up, but by that time, this would be all over one way or another.


As fast as Veemon moved, he felt he had to move faster. His friends were fighting out side, and while he knew just what they were capable of, he also knew what the Vampmon were capable of. He had just beaten Biyomon, in the full thralls of a Vampmon's seduction spell. _(I honestly thought Biyomon would have more will... I can't blame her though... I myself was attracted to a Vampmon myself... once upon a time.....) _ Veemon turned the corner, feeling something thin against his ankle, just as he heard a familiar click.

THWUNK! The arrow vibrated in the door a few times, just over Veemon, who laid spread on the ground. Veemon's natural impulses saved him, recognizing the sound of a crossbow being fired.

Veemon grimaced as he stood up, ripping the silver arrow from the wall. "Least the old reflexes are there." Veemon ripped the shaft from the wall. Veemon looked down at his feet. A thin wire ran against the floor at his feet, up to Hawkmon's crossbow, which was pointed right at his face, though unloaded. "A bit cliché isn't it?!" Veemon shouted as he walked up to the modified booby trap, ripping the cross bow from the holdings. "Killing me with Hawkmon's weapon?!" Veemon shouted to the air. Vampmon must be close; he had just taken the crossbow from the battlefield. "You want me?! Face me yourself!!!"

"Mmmmm....." A low moan was heard from the next-door, solid oak with a small slot underneath it, presumably to push food and drink to the prisoner.

Veemon turned towards the direction of the sound. "Who's there?!" He shouted; Veemon was not about to fall into another trap.

"Uh not so loud Veemon..." Veemon heard something shuffling around the cell, the soft sounds of feathers moving against one another, not the sound of leathery wings.

Veemon still moved cautiously, using one hand to undo the giant latch that bolted the door shut. Veemon pushed the cell door inwards as the torchlight flooded the room, revealing a stumbling brown and white bird. "Hawkmon?" Veemon edged in the cell slowly, still cautious.

"Veemon." Hawkmon walked forward, blinking a few times to allow his eyes to adjust to the light. "Am I glad to see you..."

Veemon breathed a sigh of relief. Biyomon and now Hawkmon were safe. "I'm so glad you are ok." Veemon handed Hawkmon the quiver and crossbow. Hawkmon wouldn't be seduced by Vampmon; he hated them with a passion equal to Veemon. Not to mention Hawkmon did not swing that way.

"I don't know what happened." Hawkmon took the crossbow and quiver from Veemon, and expertly loading a silver arrow in the weapon. "I mean... I do... I was in Yolei's room, there was a flash from her computer, and before I could do anything, I swear a Vampmon leapt out and cold cocked me!"

"You were right." Veemon growled as he held out his silver dagger, his weapon for killing Vampmon. "It was a Vampmon. There's one left."

"A Vampmon...." Hawkmon let out a long hiss. "I can't believe I let a Vampmon get the better of me." Hawkmon made a quick knot in the quiver's sash, before slipping it over his wing.

"This Vampmon is different." Veemon comforted as he made his way out of the cell. "He knows us."

"I know..." Hawkmon loaded the crossbow with a smooth movement, like he had done several times before. "He bested me with ease.... I had no chance... so... why didn't he kill me?" Hawkmon looked confused at Veemon.

"That must be his plan." Veemon couldn't believe how natural Hawkmon looked with the crossbow, as if it was a part of him. "He wants us to battle him together, weapons and all. Then defeat us both together."

"Makes sense." Hawkmon nodded slowly, his crossbow ever ready. "Vampmon said I was no sport, none of us were. He wants to thoroughly defeat us, crush us."

"This is why he kidnapped Gatomon... because he knows..." Veemon clenched his dagger tighter, his teeth grinding against one another in furry.

"Gatomon..." Hawkmon spoke up. He knew Veemon's past well, how Flamegatomon was raped and killed before his eyes by Vampmon. That was Veemon's worst nightmare. "How foolish of me!" Hawkmon looked frantically at Veemon. "A pair of the Gazimon walked by my cell, talking about when they would kill the Gatomon downstairs! I wasn't thinking!"

Veemon long stopped listening, hearing all he needed to hear. He was already tearing down the stairs to rescues Gatomon, Hawkmon quickly in hot pursuit.


Veemon and Hawkmon stormed in the downstairs room. A torture room, just like something Veemon would expect Vampmon to have. "Be careful...." Hawkmon warned as he descended the stairs behind Veemon, crossbow at the ready. "It's most likely a trap."

Veemon nodded as he turned the corner. That was sound advice, but the minute he saw Gatomon against the stone wall, chained by all four paws and her long tail with strong steel bands, he forgot about Hawkmon's advice. "Gatomon!" Veemon ran up, sheathing his silver dagger as he rushed up to her. "Are you all right?!"

"I am fine!" Gatomon smiled never so glad to see Veemon in her life. "The Vampmon said he was saving me for his final plan."

"Not going to happen!" Veemon was already working on the bonds that held Gatomon in place.

"Where is the Vampmon?" Gatomon asked as Veemon's fingers strained at the bond.

"Haven't seen him... but I'd like nothing more than to get my hands on that Vampmon...." Veemon growled as he looked up at Gatomon, his voice welling with anger at mention of the name. "Damn it, what are these made out of?" Veemon balled his fist up as he struck the metal clamp on her long purple and white tail.

"You and me both..." Gatomon hissed as Veemon frantically tried to pry apart the lock on her tail.

"Kidnapping you on our date..." Veemon grimaced as he slammed his fist into the lock once again. Veemon slammed his fist in it again, hearing the metal grown slightly. "Hurting Armadillomon, my friends......

"Not to mention kissing Gatomon in front of you." Hawkmon reminded Veemon from behind.

Veemon hissed at the memory. "The evil son of... a..." Veemon stopped as he stood up straight, something suddenly seeming wrong about this whole situation. "Hawkmon, I never told you... How did you know?" Veemon slowly turned around.

"I know everything...." Hawkmon smiled evilly as he had the crossbow aimed at Veemon. "Blue fool." Hawkmon smirked as he let the arrow fly.

"GAHH!" Veemon flew back as the silver tip arrowed imbedded in his blue skin.

"VEEMON!" Gatomon screamed, straining at her bonds once again. The weakened bond on her tail snapped, but that was it.

Veemon panted as he slammed again this wall. "I'm.... all right..." Veemon panted as the arrow lurched in his shoulder, blue blood dripping down the side. Then Veemon looked back up at Hawkmon, who lurched over him, smiling like a deranged psycho. (I hope I am all right...)

"Geeze, you are as stupid as you look." Hawkmon smirked as he calmly removed another silver arrow from his quiver.

"Hawkmon... what are you doing?" Veemon had his left hand clamped on the bloody arrow; he could feel the cold metal inside his body unnaturally.

"Let's see... killing the chosen digimon, resurrect the Vampmon...." Hawkmon pulled the string back on the crossbow. "Looks like I have gone quite mad."

"I'll say..." Gatomon hissed as Veemon's right hand slowly moved down to his dagger sheath even as his left hand tried to stop the blood on the arrow.

"Ah, ah!" Hawkmon leveled the crossbow at Veemon's head. "Hands off until I finish my speech!" Veemon growled but complied, holding his closed right fist up. Hawkmon, with one wing holding the crossbow on Veemon, removed Veemon's silver dagger from under his arm. "I mean you are so rude... I worked long and hard on my address, and you almost made me kill you before I could finish it..." Hawkmon chuckled as he flung the blade across the room, the blade coming to a stop embedded in a wooden oak table. There was a soft hum as the blade vibrated a few times, before coming to a dead stop.

"Well then..." Veemon breathed in and out slowly, his shoulder starting to burn with every breath. "You can start by telling us why you suddenly seem to have gone crazy Hawkmon..."

"Oh, Hawkmon is perfectly sane." Hawkmon took a step back. "At least... part of the time...." Hawkmon chucked, but his voice took on a higher cackle. His laugh grew more and more high pitched, like the laugh of a maniacal madman.

"Hawkmon?" Veemon spoke in but a whisper as Hawkmon suddenly doubled over, his laughter suddenly turning into a high pitch scream. Hawkmon's body began to seem to stretch at the sight. He suddenly looked up at Veemon and Gatomon, who stood speechless at the sight. His yellow beak slowly sunk in his face, as the feathers seemed to be sucked into his body. His back began to stretch grotesquely large, Hawkmon letting out one final scream as two giant black wings burst out from his back.

"My... god..." Gatomon could hardly speak, as Hawkmon stood straight up. His feathers were gone, replaced with black smooth skin. His natural wings shrunk to two black arms with pointed clawed fingers and two reptilian wings.

"Oh, I never get tired of that!" Vampmon laughed as he stretched his newly formed wings growing from his back.

"H... Hawkmon?" Gatomon gasped at the frightful transformation.

"Hawkmon?" Vampmon laughed again, as if he was the only one in on the joke. "The little coward doesn't even realize that I am using him as a time share."

"What... what are you?" Veemon looked in amazement how his best friend turned into his worst nightmare.

Vampmon slowly walked around. "That's a good question. My guess is that Hawkmon wanted to convert, to be with Panpumon. His heart wanted but his consciousness wouldn't allow." Vampmon continued to parade around the beaten digimon. "Then Lady Vampmon fed her core energy, her life force, into Hawkmon to jump start his own code. Two life forces. Hawkmon took one, and I took the other. And poof, I was made. Hawkmon was my father, Lady Vampmon my mother." Vampmon scratches his head. "Not the typical nuclear family, but it works." Vampmon smirked as he walked in front of Gatomon, and slowly dragged a black claw over her chin, Gatomon hissing softly. "Kinda religious almost. A virgin birth as it were...the proud fearless father, the self sacrificing mother."

"Unholy birth you mean." Gatomon snapped suddenly, growling at the dark creature even as she strained at her bonds some more.

"True." Vampmon slapped Gatomon on the face one, causing Veemon to rise slightly, but Vampmon still had the cross bow aimed at him. "It wasn't instantaneous at first. I could only control Hawkmon for a few minutes a day, and even then I could not manifest myself. But it was a start. Hawkmon became more and more bleak, letting his own self-hatred eat away with him, letting me take over gradually as an escape from his own pathetic life. He let any absences be attributed to his depression. I mean, even he wouldn't believe he had a Vampmon living in his own body." Vampmon chuckled at the irony of it all. "Eventually, I forced Hawkmon down, taking control of his body as easily as my own. And as Hawkmon, I could move freely amongst you. I swiped Cody's D3 when I was consoling him about Armadillomon. I managed to implement my viral code into the rest, so that the chosen digimon would show without their digidestined. I even managed to seduce poor Biyomon by turning into Hawkmon."

"Sick twisted..." Gatomon spat at Vampmon, but Vampmon continued to speak undisturbed.

"As Hawkmon, I could gain access to any of the chosen digimon with ease. No one would ever suspect one who laid down his life for all of you. Reprogramming your D3's was a simple task." Vampmon tapped his head once. "Hawkmon picked up quite a bit from Yolei's computer expertise. Not to mention Hawkmon's fighting prowess. I've seen Armadillomon fight a hundred times, so I know all his moves, and more importantly, how to counter them."

"That's how you beat him." Veemon looked at Gatomon; Gatomon was looking back at him, looking for a way out of this nightmare as well. "And how you knew where the gravestone of Flamegatomon was. I thought only Gatomon and I knew where it was located... but Hawkmon helped me make the grave all those eons ago, when he arrived too late to save my wife."

"Well yes. Hawkmon was the only other who could have found your knife." Vampmon turned and looked at Gatomon. "Not to mention he suggest the idea for a midnight picnic for you and Veemon. The perfect place for an ambush. And as for Armadillomon, you know he was never the smartest of the Three. He was content to let Hawkmon make the plans of attack; he was just over glorified muscle. That is what he fell so easily to me. But there is another reason." Vampmon suddenly reached forward, and grabbed the shaft jetting out of Veemon's shoulder.

"GRAAAHH!" Veemon screamed as the arrow was retched out of him.

"STOP IT!" Gatomon shouted as Vampmon pulled the bloody arrow from Veemon's shoulder.

Vampmon just smirked as he stepped back, looking at the arrow. He chuckled as he gave the silver arrowhead a long lick, tasting Veemon's blood. "Mmm not bad, not as good as Floramon's, but a nice hearty taste."

Veemon just panted heavily, his wound bleeding more freely now as he tried to hold the bleeding in place with his left hand. He suddenly realized something as Vampmon licked the bloody arrow shaft. "You... aren't vulnerable to sliver."

"Nope. I can touch silver with out the slightest bit of pain." Vampmon took one last lick from the arrow before replacing it in his holster. "I can stand in the brightest sunlight and not worry about a fatal suntan. And I discovered mixing a little garlic with my blood gives it a really kick. All of the frailties of a Vampmon, gone." Vampmon smirked as he looked at Veemon. "Hawkmon's code mixed with mine, making me one of the most powerful creatures ever. I will convert the digimon to serve me, and rule the digital world, and then I will conquer earth next."

"You're mad!" Gatomon yelled from her shackles.

"Duh." Vampmon laughed as he looked down at Veemon's pain ridden face. "Well, I really should salute you for being worthy foes and all, but in all truth, I really did hate your guts." Vampmon slowly leveled the cross bow at Veemon. "Too bad I can only kill you once, but I promise that I will let you linger long enough for you to see me rape and kill Gatomon."

"You sick bastard." Veemon hissed as he looked at the silver arrow tip pointed at his stomach.

"Quaint." Vampmon moved the crossbow close to Veemon's gut, smiling as he did so. "Any more last words before I cut out your tongue?"

"Yeah." Veemon had one last card. "CATCH!" Veemon flung something from his closed hand at Gatomon, Vampmon catching a twinkle of gold as the Gatomon's tail ring sailed towards Gatomon

Gatomon's tail whipped out, as if by magic, the gold ring landed around her tail. Gatomon gasped as instantly she felt her body serge with strength. "GRAH!" Gatomon pulled her arms and legs together once, the metal groaning once before shattering like fine crystal.

"You!" Vampmon hissed as he pulled the trigger on the crossbow, the silver arrow flying at the injured Veemon, aimed right at his heart.

Veemon's gasped as he heard the familiar twang of Hawkmon's crossbow. Time seemed to slow down as he saw the arrow fly towards him, Veemon having time to gasp once before he felt the arrowhead in his sternum.

Everyone just hung motionless for a second. Gatomon spoke first, looking at Veemon. "You ok?" Gatomon's tail encircled the arrow's shaft, the point just poking into Veemon's soft white chest.

Veemon looked up at Gatomon, his heart starting again. Gatomon moved faster than he realized. "Never better." Veemon started to get up, his shoulder still hurting, but damned if he was going to sit this fight out.

Vampmon smirked as he threw his crossbow away. "Should have sprung for unbreakable digizoidium manacles." Vampmon cracked his knuckles. "But then, I wouldn't have the fun of beating you a second time like the bitch you are."

"Well then..." Gatomon's flashed her claws as she hissed. "Let's see what've you got!"


"Uhhhhh!" Palmon went head over heels into Gomamon. The two quickly got two their feet, Palmon throwing out her hands. "Poison IVY!" Palmon's hands wrapped her vines around the Gazimon who was swooping in for the kill, and slammed him into a tree.

"STICKY THREAD!" Wormmon opened his mouth, and fired a blast of strong webbing on the Vampmon before he could recover, keeping him out of the fight at least for the moment. The problem was, these vampiric Gazimon would not stay down. Mortal hits on other digimon took only minutes for the Gazimon to heal, and they were all but impossible to kill with their own natural weapons.

"I am beginning to think this was a bad idea...." Agumon leapt back as he let loose another series of pepper blast at a pair of approaching Vampmon. Vampmon hate fire, and his and Gabumon's dragon breath were the beast weapons they had right now.

"ELECTRO SHOCKER!" Tentomon flew straight up, and let loose another volley of lightening into an airborne Vampmon. The Vampmon took the burst head on, his fur standing on end, but he just laughed. Tentomon hissed, the Vampmon were rather immune to electricity, not to mention they were better flyers than he was.

"Any ideas fearless leader?" Gomamon's left eye was swollen shut, and he had a half decent gash on his forehead. Gazimon he could handle, but these guys.... They were fast, could fly, and any injury they suffered was recovered almost instantly.

Agumon shot another ball of fire, driving off another Vampmon. He hated to admit, but they were outnumbered almost two to one, and out powered. The only thing saving them was that the Gazimon were green fighters, fighting as individuals and not as a team. But the Gazimon weren't tiring, and Agumon was. Each fireball took more effort than the last. Everyone one of his friends was hurt in this two hour-long battle. The only thing that was keeping them alive was the fact that the Vampmon were tormenting them, like a cat playing with a mouse.... No, exactly like a cat playing with a mouth. They were playing with their food, wanting them to run or beg....

"Agumon?" Gomamon looked up at Agumon, who just stared at the circling Vampmon.

"RUN!" Agumon shouted as he suddenly turned, taking off into the forest.

"Agu..." Palmon started as she got up off the ground, one of the petals in her forehead torn in half. "Veemon?"

"You heard him, retreat!" Gabumon shouted as he turned tail, following Agumon. There was no time to question, Agumon lead, and the only chance they had was to stay as a group.


"Ouuffff!" Gatomon went back, skidding on the ground as she dug her back claws into the stone floor, halting her advance. "Uhh tough guy...." Gatomon coughed, winded for a second, she had taken a good blow to the stomach.

"The toughest." Vampmon hissed as he advanced on Gatomon, Gatomon being a much tougher fight this time around. "I like my women strong and tough, gives their blood flavor."

"You will not touch her!" Veemon clamped a hand on Vampmon's shoulder, twirling him around. "I've spent years fighting Vampmon!" Veemon threw a punch with his good arm, his other left shoulder bleeding from the arrow wound. "I will beat you here and NOW!"

"Rightttt..." Vampmon caught the punch, and pulled Veemon forward, elbowing him in the stomach. "But you forget, I posses every one of Hawkmon's memories. I know every trick the Three knew at their peak." Vampmon backhanded Veemon across the cheek once, letting him fall back. "And you've grown soft." Vampmon walks forward again, and kicks Veemon hard in the stomach as he starts to get up. "You've grown weak."

"Uffff...." Veemon coughed as he went back, his eyes spinning as he slammed into the oak table. Veemon tried to focus as a flash of sliver hit his eyes from his blade, still stuck in the table from before, but his ears wouldn't stop ringing, he was feeling punch drunk from the battle. He vainly tried to reach out for his weapon, but his first grab attempt missed. He would not have time for a second.

"I mean, back those eons ago, you were feared. Veemon's name brought fear to the Vampmon." Vampmon smiled as Veemon turned his head towards him, the blue digimon throwing another punch, which Vampmon easily brushed off. "Now, you are nothing a comic relief, the cute sidekick."

Gatomon growled as she shook her head, seeing Veemon in danger. "Drop dead cute!" Gatomon hissed as she leapt forward again, ready to tackle Vampmon.

Vampmon half turned, his black wing slapping Gatomon in the face while she was in mid fight, sending her tumbling again. "You have such bad taste."

"You should talk!" Veemon lurched forward, head butting Vampmon in the chest. Gatomon had bought him the opening he needed.

"Ugh!" Vampmon stumbled back in the wall, Veemon not giving him a chance to recover. Veemon forced the pain out of his body as he moved forward, ripping the dagger from the oak table with his right hand. Veemon flipped the blade in his hand to a downward killing motion placing his left palm on the butt of the knife handle, a movement he had done more times than he could count. Before Vampmon knew it, the silver blade tip was pressed into his heart.

Vampmon looked at the deadly blade pressed at his heart. Silver or not, such a strike would kill him. But oddly, Vampmon let out a slow mocking chuckle. "What are you going to do? Kill me?" Vampmon gestured to Veemon. "Come on, you know killing me, kills Hawkmon."

"Hawkmon would die to stop your kind!" Veemon rested the silver tip on Vampmon's chest.

"He would." Vampmon agreed fully with Veemon, but the smile did not fade from Vampmon's lips. "He is fully willing to die. But he also knows that you could never kill an innocent. Can you?"

"I...." Vampmon tried to be strong, pressing the danger a little harder in his chest, a small drop of black blood forming on the tip.

Vampmon chuckled, not showing any pain. "Can you?" Vampmon repeated as Veemon hung there, trying to summon the will to finish this nightmare here and now. But no matter how hard he tried, he could not deliver the killing blow. Vampmon's black wing shot out suddenly, catching Veemon hard on the face with a resounding slap. Veemon skidded across the ground, the dagger flying from his grasp as he came skidding to a stop. "I thought not." Vampmon laughed as he picked up the silver dagger. He gripped the end of the blade between his thumb and forefinger and strained. The metal waned in his vice like grip, before the blade snapped in two. "You can't win, either of you." Vampmon chuckled as he advanced on Veemon and Gatomon again, discarding the pieces of Veemon's treasured dagger to the ground. "Because neither of you will kill Hawkmon. The perfect hostage. You can't hurt me without hurting him, and you can't separate us."

"Separate..." Gatomon thought for a second as Vampmon unearthly laughter echoed the room. "That's it!" Gatomon's tail whipped out in front of her, grabbing her digivice in her left paw. "Veemon, use Hawkmon's digivice!" Gatomon aimed the screen of her digivice right at Vampmon. (Please, please work without Kari!) Gatomon said a silent prayer.

"What are you planning..." Vampmon started to speak, as Gatomon's D3 started to glow with light, shortly before a beam of pure light shot out from the tiny screen. "GRAAAAHHHH!" Vampmon stumbled back in pain as the beam hit him square in the chest. "WH...what?!" Vampmon stumbled to his feet, as dark body was flooded with energy.

Veemon didn't know what the hell was happening either, but Gatomon did judging by the smirk on her face. Veemon took the digivice.

"What the hell?" Vampmon looked to his side, Hawkmon's limp form slumped next to him.

"Hawkmon and I can digivolve together." Gatomon smiled as she slipped the digivice back on her tail. "DNA digivolve, I am sure you know of it, having... no when you used to have Hawkmon's memories."

Vampmon hissed softly at Gatomon. "When you and Hawkmon combine you form into a more powerful one."

"I get it." Veemon's eyes lit up as he looked at the digivice in his hand. "And you can separate when you run out of energy."

"Or when our digivices pull us apart." Gatomon smirked at Vampmon. "Generally it's not that painful."

"Hawkmon's code was attracted by the digivice, and pulled out of me." Vampmon growled as he touched the silver on the ground with his foot. As expected, the touch burned liked acid, his skin bubbling. "And you pulled all my immunities out."

Veemon held onto his dagger tightly. "So silver hurts you now." Veemon held his dagger out and pointed it at Vampmon good.

Vampmon growled as barred his claws. "You weakened me permanently. No more games." Vampmon hissed as he leapt forward. "NOW YOU DIE!"


"Where are we running to?" Wormmon asked from Agumon's side, panting heavily.

"Just run and don't stop running." Agumon panted as he tore through the forest. He remembered this area years ago when they battle Myotismon. He just hoped that he was going in the right direction.

The converted Gazimon hovered overhead, following the fleeing party through the forest. "Cowards." One Gazimon laughed as he flapped his wings. "You'd think that they'd at least die fighting instead of running their Asses off." Gazimon eyed the Palmon through the trees. "Though I love watching that Palmon run, mmmmm.... Maybe we will keep that one alive for a day or two."

"Well I say we finish them now, this has been fun." Another Gazimon flew close, laughing.

"No need." The lead Vampmon pointed ahead at the forest clearing. The forest cleared into a valley with cliffs on either side. The valley narrowed as the trees thin into a deep ravine. "The Agumon is leading them into a dead end. We will chase them into the dead in; it'll make sure none of them escape."

"Dead end." The Gazimon laughed out loud. "How appropriate." The Gazimon force laughed out loud, their cackling could be heard for miles in the night sky.


"GAH!" Gatomon went bursting through the door, shards of wood flying as she skidded across the main chambers stone floor.

"Why won't you DIE?!" Vampmon hissed as he flew after her. The fight had been going on for some time now. Gatomon had struck him more times than he could count. If it weren't for his healing factor he'd be dead ten times over by now.

Gatomon rolled with the impact. She too was pushing her limits; Vampmon was truly an excellent fighter. Of course the experience of Hawkmon was in him plus the sheer ferocity of a Vampmon. "Too stubborn I guess." Gatomon leapt forward again, hoping for a clear shot at his throat for a quick beheading.

One thing Gatomon neglected was Vampmon's strength. "GAH!" Vampmon's claws dug into the wooden leg of the oak table, and swung hard. Gatomon made a woofing sound as the heavy oak table hit her, the table to massive to dodge in mid air as she went sliding into the fireplace. The wooden crosses that held the straw dummies of the Three went flying, the one of Armadillomon landing in head first in the fire. It didn't take long for a roaring fire to consume the dry hay and spread to the wooden table that penned the stunned white Gatomon. "Enough games!" Vampmon roared as the room filled with thick smoke, but the acidic stanch did not bother him in the slightest for he did not need to breathe. Vampmon walked over to Gatomon who was trying to get up, but she had not regained her senses enough other than to struggle. Vampmon ripped the oak leg from the table like it was tissue, and held it over Gatomon's head. "You all just DIE now!"


"Agu... mon...." Wormmon huffed as he ran. "We are... in.. a..."

"Just... keep running." Agumon panted, his left arm burning now, dangling lifelessly from his body. Everyone was exhausted, but they followed Agumon.

"Agumon, it's a box cannon." Gabumon looked at the steep cliffs, all but vertical. "There's no way out!"

Everyone started talking, panicking. "Maybe I can make a silk ladder." Wormmon spoke up, looking at the top cliff, hoping he had enough silk left in his belly.

"No need." Agumon looked at the far end of the cannon; the Vampmon swooped down the far end of the ravine. Agumon stood in front as the cackling Vampmon flew low, catching up to them with ease. They start circling like vultures, laughing manically as they circled their prey.

"You all look like dead man walking." One Gazimon laughed as he flapped his black wings, a small cloud of dust forming under him from the air currents. "And we should talk." The Gazimon laughed at his own joke as if it was the funniest thing in the world.

"Well, well, well." The lead Gazimon hovered in the center of the cavern, the steep rocky walls made climbing all but impossible. "Some leader." The other Gazimon chuckled behind him. "Leading your friends into a dead end alley."

"Looks like." Agumon stood in front of his friends. They were bruised and battered, but still stood firm, ready for one last stand. No one blamed Agumon they knew he tried.

"I mean seriously...." The lead Gazimon flew lower. "No trees, no cover, no escape."

"Right again." Agumon panted as he held on to his left shoulder. It hurt something furious, every movement causing him extreme pain, but he hid it.

"Well, I'll make you a deal, give up and we will kill you quick and relatively painless." The Gazimon looked over Agumon's shoulder at Palmon. "Except for you, you look like you'd be fun." The Gazimon grabbed his crotch once, as he licked his lips, his buddies laughing manically.

"Drop dead!" Palmon snapped as the men move around her as to shield her from their leering eyes. She didn't truly need their protection; she was as good as fighter as any of them. But she also knew that they were outclassed now.

"Did that." The Gazimon laughed louder as everyone moved closer, ready to shred them.

"Just one more thing." Agumon smiled suddenly, his breathing a bit labored. Just a little more time...

"Going to beg for your life?" The Gazimon chuckled as he cracked his knuckles.

"Nah..." Agumon looked behind the Gazimon, smiling. "Just wondering if you had brought any suntan lotion."

"Suntan...." The Gazimon turned around, a look of horror crossing his face as he saw the horizon turning orange. "Oh god...."

"No trees, no cover, no escape?" Agumon smiled as the first rays of light entered the cavern. The cliffs were step, but not steep enough to cast any shadows. "Isn't that what you said?"

"You tricked us!" Gazimon looked back in horror, his face no longer calm and cooled.

"That was the plan." Agumon smiled as the Gazimon took off, his friends joining him in a frantic effort to reach the edge of the forest. They didn't get far as the sun peered over the tree line, the first true beams of light chasing away the night. The Vampmon screams as their skin began to crack and bubble. The screams reached a crescendo as one by one, the Vampmon burst into flames, and even that didn't stop the howls of anguish. A dozen fireballs fell into the stone canyon, the fire still holding a somewhat humanoid form. The screams seemed to take forever to die as the fires twisted and turned, until finally, the echoes slowly died, the flames slowly dying as small pools of black dark liquid bubbled and burned.

Agumon breathed a huge sigh of relief. He couldn't help but smile as the burning piles of ooze slowly dissolved away. He hated causing anyone suffering, but these digimon, twisted by the Vampmon curse, where true evil.

"Agumon, you are a genius." Gabumon patted Agumon once on the back.

"Ouch!" Agumon winced his body ached all over. "It was all I had left... I couldn't tell you guys what I had planned; from what we saw the Vampmon had decent hearing. I had hoped that they would have fun tormenting us as we ran blindly into a dead end." Agumon shrugged with his good shoulder. "Guessed it worked."

"Worked like a charm." Palmon kissed Agumon on the side of the cheek once affectionately. "My hero."

Agumon blushed strongly for a second, before focusing his mind back on the problem. "We have to help Veemon."

"Fat lot of help we are going to be." Gomamon whined softly, blood staining his white fur pink.

"Doesn't matter." Agumon looked at the castle in the distance. "We go."


Veemon forced himself to his feet just as Vampmon was ready to drive the stake through Gatomon's eyes socket. "NO!" Veemon got up and off his feet and started to run, but he stumbled, falling on top of a wooden cross with his own effigy crucified to the wood. Veemon's head was swimming as he tried to force himself to move again. He could not move fast enough as Vampmon moved for the finishing blow.

"GAAAAH!" Vampmon screamed as an arrow imbedded in his shoulder. He dropped the wooden weapon on top of Gatomon, Gatomon hardly noticing as Vampmon screamed in pain. He could smell his smoldering flesh as the silver burned his skin. He turned around, his eyes lit with pain and fury.

Hawkmon held his crossbow unsteadily lying on his belly on the stone ground, already trying to load another silver arrow. Normally, Hawkmon could split a grape from fifty paces, now it was all he could do to hold the crossbow up. "Forget... about me?" Hawkmon coughed a quip; it had taken him three minutes to load this arrow, and twenty minutes before that he spent weakly crawling after the fight. Hawkmon felt so drained, but he would help, even if it killed him.

Vampmon growled as he ripped out the arrow from, his back, new pain searing in his hand as his palm smoked from the reaction with the silver. The acidic smell off burning flesh filled the halls as Vampmon moved close. "There's one good thing about the fact you are no long a part of me."

Hawkmon tried to load the arrow faster, a process that normally took him less than second was now a complicated ordeal. Vampmon moved swiftly, smacking the oak crossbow across the stone floor. "Uhh..." Hawkmon coughed as a heavy foot was slammed into the back of his neck.

"At least now I can kill you!" Vampmon held the arrow high, his palm still smoking, but there was no pain, only rage.

"No..." Veemon placed his hand on the burning cross, trying to get up. He winces as his palm burned from the smoldering wood. He couldn't move it seemed, his body screaming at him to stop. But his heart told him that this creature had to be stopped, here and now.

"SPIRAL TWISTER!" A blast of green energy caught Vampmon in the chest, sending the weekend vampire back into the stonewall.

"GRaaaah!" Vampmon feel to his knees, chips of stones raining down on him.

"Come on honey." Biyomon swooped down from the rafters, raking her talented claws across Vampmon's face. "How about a KISS?!"

Vampmon screamed again as black blood poured over his face. His healing factor was being pushed to the limits. "Mindless wench!" Vampmon hissed as he struck Biyomon with the back of his hand with all his might. Biyomon went head over heels into the wall. "I am your master! OBEY ME!" Vampmon shouted at Biyomon as the bird unsteadily got to her talon feet again.

"Sorry." Biyomon held out her wings in front of her. "Looks like the love has gone out of our relationship!" Biyomon tried to gather her thoughts together for another blast.

"BITCH!" Vampmon just walked up, and backhanded Biyomon as hard as he could.

Biyomon had nothing left in her, the fight with Veemon, and the blast to Vampmon. All she could do was take the blow, skidding across the stone floor into unconscious once more. Vampmon hissed as he walked forward, the fire spreading across the walls, but Vampmon did not feel the heat. All he felt was rage. Vampmon walked up to the slumped bird, his claws bared ready for the death stroke. "I'll send you to HELL!"

"You... first!" Veemon choked out from behind.

Vampmon turned just as Veemon lunged forward, a burning cross held tightly in Veemon's vice grip. Flames licked at Veemon, burning his hands as Veemon let out a loud scream, ramming the wooden lance at his target. "GRAHHH!" Vampmon screamed as the flaming cross was shoved into his chest. His eyes went wide in surprise in pain as Veemon shoved the weapon into him with enough force to actually embed the cross in the stone wall.

Veemon puffed, looking into Vampmon's face for a second, locked in a gaze. His hands screamed in pain once, reminding him that the whole castle was erupting into an inferno. Veemon released the cross, leaving the dark creature pinned to the wall, as the flames starting to close in on him.

"I'll KILL YOU!" Vampmon screamed as his body was consumed by the blaze, his skin bubbling and cracking. Vampmon grabbed the cross in his belly, vainly trying to pull the wood from his belly.

Veemon took a step back, the flames consuming the silk purple drapes and spreading fast. Gatomon was up now, in pain and moving as she shouted to Veemon, who seemed to be in a trance. "VEEMON!" Gatomon shouted as she picked up the unconscious Biyomon in her arms. "We've got to get out of here!"

"Right!" Veemon turned away from Vampmon, the dark digimon still screaming at him. Veemon ran right to Hawkmon, throwing him over his shoulder.

"Vee... so... sorry..." Hawkmon coughed as he was forced to his yellow feet.

"Talk later!" Veemon followed Gatomon as she bolted to the nearest door. "Run now!"

"GRAAAAHHH!" Vampmon screamed again, his flesh completely on fire, still trying to tear the crucifix from his body. "I WILL NOT DIE!" Vampmon proclaimed to the word as the ceiling above started to creak and groan, stone starting to fall as the flames ate away at the support rafters. "I AM VAMPMON!" Vampmon's screamed as the roof collapsed, his world descending into never ending flame.

Gatomon carried Biyomon as fast as she could, dodging a burning rafter as the roof collapsed. "Veemon!" Gatomon shouted as the flames licked at her fur, her whiskers starting to dissolve to ash.

"Right behind you!" Veemon yelled back as he smelt the acidic stanch of burning fur as he follow Gatomon, her tail dancing in the flames in front of him. (Man... is she something...) _ Veemon smiled to himself, as a large chunk of burning ash landed on his tail. _(And this is NOT the time to be checking her out!)

Gatomon burst out of the stone structure, Veemon right behind her, just as they heard an ominous cracking. The two continued to run even as they heard the walls of the rebuilt castle collapse in on them selves, sending out a plum of ash and flames into the morning sky.

Gatomon finally slowed down as she felt her heart pound through her chest, the heat of the inferno behind them. "Veemon?" Gatomon placed Biyomon gently on the ground, turning to Veemon as he stopped beside her.

"Yeah?" Veemon gasped, trying to catch his breath as it just seemed like hell had exploded around him. Hawkmon leaning heavily on him, still weak from being forcibly ripped from Vampmon.

Gatomon chuckled softly. "You look like hell."

Veemon looked at himself, bleeding freely from a dozen wounds, covered with soot and ash, an arrow-puncturing wound still burning in his right shoulder. "You've look like you've seen better days yourself."

Gatomon snickered softly, her white fur gray with ash. She could feel a dozen fist shaped bruises under her fur, and her lungs felt like they were in a smoked filled volcano. "Uhhh..." Gatomon stroked the stunned bird once on her forehead, just to affirm that she was ok. "I'd never though I'd say this..."

"What's that?" Veemon also put Hawkmon down, the bird having passed out. The whole ordeal must have been too much for him; hell it was too much for Veemon.

Gatomon brought her arm up her nose and sniffed once. "I am sooooo looking forward to a bath."

Veemon chuckled softly as Gatomon soon joined him. It soon turned into full-blown laughter, the tow of them finally collapsing as the rising sun lit the Digital world; a brand new day had begun.


Epilogue 1 -

Hawkmon was in his familiar spot over looking the city, a stone ledge about a hundred stories up. It was where he came to think, to be alone in his thoughts. The place was ideal since no one could come and disturb him... no one without wings. "You know..." Biyomon landed softly on the ledge next to Hawkmon. "People are starting to think you are a statue or something."

"Biyomon... I... need to be alone..." Hawkmon started to speak, Biyomon was the last person he wanted to see right now.

"Last time you said that to me, I listened, and look where we ended up." Biyomon sat down next to Hawkmon on the ledge, her yellow legs drooping over the stone overhand. "So you'll forgive me if I decide to stay this time." Biyomon just crossed her wings in front of her as she looked back at Hawkmon, indicated that no matter what he said or did, she was not going anywhere.

Hawkmon shifted uncomfortably for a second, not wanting to say anything, but knowing he had to. "I don't know how you can stand the sight of me..." Hawkmon couldn't even look Biyomon in the eyes. "I mean..."

"You had a monster force you to do stuff that was against your will, like attacking your friends?" Biyomon reminded him. "Now why does that sound familiar?" Biyomon placed a pink wing on his shoulder. "In case you forgot, I did the same things you did. I watch those converted Gazimon hurt and kill without lifting a finger. I had... relations with Vampmon. I even tried to kill Veemon, one of my best friends."

"But that was..." Hawkmon started.

"NOT your fault, any more than it was mine." Biyomon interrupted. "If you blame yourself for what happened, then I am just as guilty for what I did. I had no control over my actions, and YOU had no control over your actions..."

"I... know..." Hawkmon looked away. "But what I, no, Vampmon did to you... I remember... How could you forgive that?"

Biyomon moved her beak close to Hawkmon's ear, and whispered softly. "Maybe... I like it like that."

Hawkmon blushed beat red at this, before Biyomon kisses him softly on the cheek. "Bi..."

"No more talking about it." Biyomon wrapped her arms around Hawkmon's neck. "I don't want to live my life brooding about something I could not, help, and neither are you." Biyomon started to pull Hawkmon lightly to the ledge.

"Biyomon... what are..." Hawkmon started to speak as Biyomon licked him on the white cheek once.

"Besides... out off all this I learned one thing from Vampmon." Biyomon moved her beak close to Hawkmon's yellow beak, not even a quarter inch from Hawkmon's. "You love me."

"Biyomon... I... I...' Hawkmon stuttered as Biyomon kissed him softly on the beak for a second.

Biyomon broke the kiss, looking back at Hawkmon. "And I love you too. I am not going to let Vampmon win by breaking us apart.... Are you?"

Hawkmon gazed into Biyomon's eyes for a second, before smiling, his first true smile he could remember since who knows when. "No. No I am not..." Hawkmon closed his eyes and kisses Biyomon passionately.

Biyomon murred into the kiss as their beaks interlocked; wrapping their wings around one another in a powerful embrace as the moonlight silhouetted the lovers under the star lit sky.


Epilogue two-

"Uhhhhh..." Veemon moaned as he lay on the bed, bandage and bruised. "I am going to be sore for a month...."

Davis took another bandage, and placed it gingerly over a cut on Veemon's ear. "I can tell. I am sore just looking at you." Davis smiled as he finished dressing Veemon's wounds. Joe had helped with the more serious arrow wound in his shoulder, before leaving to check on all the other digimon. Davis was just glad digimon had accelerated healing rates.

"Trust me, it feels worse." Veemon lay back on the bed, taking a deep breath. "But... it didn't happen..." Veemon smiled softly.

"It?" Davis appeared confused for a second.

"She didn't die, Davis. I didn't allow them to take her away from me." Veemon sighed softly. Despite all that happened, Veemon felt... relieved. His worst nightmare, the nagging thought that one day, his past would come back to haunt him like it did before had come... and he had made it. No, more important, his friends... his...love?

"Ahh..." Davis got up off the bed. "I am going to get you that hot water bottle now, if you like."

"Please...." Veemon forgot his thoughts and leaned back on the bed closing his eyes, trying to make the bell ringing in his ears to go away. He heard foot steps vaguely a minute later, followed by a warm sensation on his head. "Mmm, thanks man."

"Man?" A clearly female voice followed by a purr replied in mock respect. "Not the last time I checked."

"Gatomon!" Veemon jerked up, a little two fast as his body yelled at him. "Uhhh.... My body did not like that."

Gatomon made a little chuckle at Veemon. "You look like I feel." Gatomon smiled softly as she closed the door behind her. Her left eye was puffy, and her fur was tinged pink from blood in a few places that would not wash out easily. Her white coat was burnt in half a dozen places, and she still had the charred hair aroma about her, though Veemon wouldn't dare say anything.

Veemon laughed a little as well, the chuckles coming naturally. "What are you doing here Gatomon? I figured you'd be licking your wounds like me."

"Old wife's tale." Gatomon smiles as she sat on the same pillow as Veemon. "I am not a huge fan of licking my wounds. We have Band-Aids and rubbing alcohol." Gatomon tapped the flesh colored Band-Aid on his forehead. The band-aid stuck out like a sore thumb against Gatomon's soft white fur, looking almost comical.

"You know what I mean." Veemon looked up at Gatomon, her paw still on his forehead.

Gatomon shrugged as she moved closer. "Well to be honest, I wanted to see how you were doing. So I asked Davis if I could have some time to speak to you alone. I mean, we didn't exactly get much of a chance to talk the last couple of hours and after all that happened, I wanted to be sure.."

"Honestly?" Veemon looked at Gatomon and smiled softly. "I feel... relieved."

"Relieved that it's over?" Gatomon inquired.

"No... relieved that... I am not cursed." Veemon tried to find the best way to explain how he felt.

"Cursed? We have to deal with Voodoo now?" Gatomon looked at him with mock horror.

"No not literally... it's just that... whenever I got close to a girl... she was taken from me horribly." Veemon blushed now, his blue skin turning an odd shade of purple. "That is why... I was sort of afraid of getting close to you. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to save you... or protect you."

Gatomon looked at him form a minute, then started to laugh softly again. "I can lift a small car by myself, I can leap several stories in the air, and I have claws that can go through concrete... and you are worried about protecting me."

"Well... yeah..." Veemon realized how silly that sounded.

Gatomon stopped laughing as she scooted closer, and placed a paw around Veemon back. "Veemon, I have an idea. How about instead of you protecting me... we just watch out for each other?"

"That... sounds... nice..." Veemon blushed softly as Gatomon kissed him on the cheek. "Gatomon?" Veemon felt his heart pound in his chest; he knew he had to say something now.

"Yes Vee?" Gatomon didn't move, still holding Veemon in a half hug.

"I love you..." Veemon said the three words he thought he'd never say again.

Gatomon didn't look surprised or shocked. She just nodded her head slightly. "I love you too." Gatomon moved her head forward, kissing Veemon softly on the lips, the two embracing in a gentle hug, the long nightmare finally over.

_ _


RED ROVER: Well that is the end of the trilogy, and it's safe to say their probably won't be any more sequels, simply because there is no where to go.

GOMAMON: But there is a prequel to the whole series, isn't there?

RED ROVER: It is in the works, coming to a lemon theater near you. I hope you enjoyed the lemon all. I figured that after the depressing story of Legacy of the Vampire 2: Endless Night, we need to have a happy ending this time.

GOMAMON: Especially at how you jerked poor Veemon around. Every time the guy got some, you killed his partner off. I half expect Gatomon to bite it at the end.

RED ROVER: Kill off Gatomon! She is my favorite character!

GOMAMON: What about me?

RED ROVER: What about you? Stay tuned for sound track info, fun facts, and other assorted stuff I added simply to stretch out the lemon a bit longer.

Soundtrack - (In order they should be played from the lemon). My AIM is mrredrover if you want the soundtrack from me.

1) Floramon attacked - Orchestral Game Concert - Castlevania Theme

2) Veemon Theme - Linkin Park - In The End

3) Gatomon's Theme - Nickelback - Someday

4) Gazimons attack arrival - MegaMan X5 - Zero Virus Stages

5) Vampmon's Theme - John Williams - Batman Theme Song

6) Armadillomon's theme - Neil Diamond - Hooked On A Feeling

7) Armadillomon fights Vampmon - Symphony X - Castlevania - The_Requiem_of_Gods

8) Biyomon's theme -Evanescence- Bring Me to Life

9) Biyomon meets Vampmon - Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil

10) Hawkmon's theme - Johnny Rzeznik - I'm Still Here

11) Preparing for Battle - Justice League - New Theme

12) Veemon storms the Castle - Soundtrack Terminator - Terminator Theme (Full)

13) Final Vampmon Battle Theme - Grandia II - Battle Theme (Ver 4)

14) Vampmon's Death and Fire -Klaus Badelt - Pirates of the Caribbean - 05 - Swords Crossed

Fun Facts-

The Floramon/Lanamon/Armadillomon trio was chosen by Acchan, who seems to think Floramon is cute. We could use some art of her Acchan by the way.

There was no Hawkmon/Biyomon love scene or Veemon/Gatomon scene since I thought it would be more dramatic to have a fade out effect.

There is a belief that my first Legacy of the Vampire was a rip off the movie "Clockwork Orange." This is false for the simple reasons that I never saw the movie, and had absolutely no idea what is was about until someone told me.

There have been several requests for me to rewrite Legacy of the Vampire 2: Endless Night with a happy ending. Not going to happen. Neither is brining back Lady Vampmon... it would make her sacrifice meaningless.

This lemon was inspired in part by Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, as is some of the dialogue when Vampmon reveals himself. If I am going to use a movie as an inspiration for a lemon, I will have the guts to admit it.

There are twenty nine thousand, four hundred and fifty-one words in this lemon.

Made up Characters

Flamegatomon- Sylia Stingmon's creation from my old RPG.

Panpumon- Really good pic I got from Jodan, but no clue to where it came from.

Vampmon- Trillermon's creation, an excellent author. I highly recommend reading his infected series.

Fear the Rover

Tails Trouble - Chapter 3 - Unfaithfulness

A long, long time between chapters for this one! This is for Draegwolf, who is a big sonic fan. He was the one who got me to post the old Sonic stories. Only did a couple of them, though there are some sonic characters in my crossovers. Some new...

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Tails' Trouble - Chapter 2 - Share and Share Alike

A second sonic lemon. This is sort of an amalgamation of the Sonic comic, Sonic video games, and Sonic X TV show. This lemon was a request of sorts from another talented artist by the name of Nitro. He showed me his art, and I was introduced to a...

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 38 - Hired Help

Puss in Boots was a suggestion by Draegwolf, a longtime fan/friend of mine. I was originally going to use Knack the Weasel for this... but this was a much better idea! ...

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