The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 38 - Hired Help

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#56 of The Twelve Talismans

And the next chapter done. Another crossover and some great suggestions from fans! Puss in Boots and now Deadpool!

Puss in Boots was a suggestion by Draegwolf, a longtime fan/friend of mine. I was originally going to use Knack the Weasel for this... but this was a much better idea!


The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional Travels

Chapter 38: Hired Help Gomamon/Puss in Boots


"Urgh..." Gomamon got up slowly... the entire train car spun, she could swear it. She tried to get up and of the bunk bed, but promptly faceplanted on the floor, having forgotten she was a bipedal cat at the moment. She cussed a few times and almost poking herself in the eye with a claw as she rubbed her nose. "Oh right. Still Gatomon." She stumbled out of the box car. The train was eerily empty: few people wanted to get closer to Washington under the current circumstances. "Gatomon?" She called out. She felt like hangover, except not quite. Must be crashing or something... Fuck catnip... couldn't have she warned me about that?!

The digimon started to move down the hall, wondering where Gatomon had disappeared to. She didn't think the seal would wander off too far. Or could: they were in a train, for Pete's sake! "Gatomon?" She crossed into the next box car and stopped in her tracks

Her body was strapped up, flippers bound tightly with rope and a gag shoved into his mouth. Gatomon was left speechless and obviously annoyed, spread-eagled under a bar stool occupied by what looked to be an orange musketeer cat. He had his back to her, lapping cream from a shot glass. Great... Leave my body for five minutes and this is what happens. Well... It is just the one cat... I mean, I took on a whole pack of dogs earlier. Gomamon snuck behind the captor quietly. A quick little jab and...


Gomamon stopped in her tracks. The cat had pulled out a rapier in a blink of the eye, the tip of which now brushing the feline'sraised hair. He didn't even turn to look at her, finishing the milk with a few more laps of his tongue. "You dare try and sneak up on the Diablo Gato? You must be very brave... Or foolish..." He put the glass back on the bar, turned around to look down... and let out a long purr. "Or perhaps very beautiful." With a flick of the wrist and a swooshing sound the sword was back in the feline's belt. He hopped down from and whisked off his hat. "Forgive my rudeness my lady. I am Puss in Boots, your humble servant."

"Uhhh... Gomamon." The seal took a quick moment to catch his breath. "Didn't you just say your name was Diablo... gato?" Gomamon had picked out those two syllables... for second she'd thought maybe there was even more mind switching shenanigans going on!

"Oh merely one of the many, many names I earned in my travels as a thief and bounty hunter." Puss returned his hat to his head, a claw running over the rim. "It means Devil Cat in Español"

"That's kinda neat. So 'gato' means 'cat'?" She looked to Gatomon, who was still tied up and mumbling something. "Wow... a weird coincidence."

"A male cat to be precise... You would be 'angel gata'." Puss's tail whipped behind him. The 'g' he pronounced rumbled in his throat. It took Gomamon a moment to piece it together.

"Wait wait... Gato means... guy cat?"

Gatomon squirmed in her gag: she did not enjoy the memories that factoid brought up.

"Sí... Definitely all male cat." Came the accented reply.

That made Gomamon snicker madly, Gatomon letting out a growl through the gag. "Oh I can't begin to tell you how happy that little tidbit made me." Gomamon covered his snickering lips. "But I'm gonna have to take my friend back."

"Alas, I cannot let you. I was paid quite handsomely, by some mice, believe it or not, to bring him in." Puss pulled out a roll of parchment from his boot and revealed a "WANTED" poster with a likeness of Gomamon sketched on it and accompanied by the word "reward". "And I cannot allow my reputation to suffer, even for a gata as unique as you."

"Well I am afraid I'll just have to insist!" Gomamon flung a quick jab, trying to take him by surprise.

"My dear!" The other cat danced on his boots with a half step more than he dodged out of the way. "I do not wish to fight one such as you." Another punch, then a kick from the feline digimon had him spiraling out of the way and flipping over to land behind Gomamon. "Especially when there are much better ways we could spend our time."

"Ugh!!" Gomamon continued to throw wild attacks, but Puss was far too skilled, and she was far too hungover. After five minutes she was huffing... and the bounty hunter didn't even look winded. "Geeze, can't you try hitting me instead of hitting on me?!"

"Hit a Gata?" Puss put a paw to his chest. "You wound me my dear." He backflipped onto the bar. "Please, let us have a drink! They have some good cream in the fridge." Without waiting for her answer he slipped behind the bar, voice calling: "Do you prefer you milk nips warm or chilled?"

Gomamon growled exasperatedly, then turned to Gatomon. "Well, that was a dud..." He moved over to him, but suddenly Puss was in front of him with two shot glasses of cream in paws. "Your drink, mi amor."

Gomamon was just about ready to try punching again, but Gatomon was quite clearly trying to tell her something. He was making... kissy faces? It was hard to tell with the gag, but when Gatomon started making goo-goo eyes toward the other feline, the nature of the seal's plan soon dawned on her.

"Why... perhaps you're right." She gave a forced smile and took the glass from him. "Perhaps I do need a drink while we talk." She brought it to her lips. While Puss just lapped it with his tongue in quick little darts, she chose to drank it like humans... or her seal body. Great... I need to seduce a guy. Hope Gatomon appreciates the irony! She continued to drink, her body soon taking over and just lapping... it was better than she'd expected, and it was all gone before she'd even realized. Gomamon handed the glass back with a smile, feeling a bit light headed. "Wow... that was good milk." She swayed a bit, a deep purr going through her body.

"Glad to her that, mi amor." Puss lapped up more milk, and soon his glass too was empty. "Allow me to make us more milk nips." He leaped over the bar, tail snatching her glass in mid sweep.

Gomamon chuckled a bit as another glass soon appeared in her paw almost as if by magic. "Smooth pussy aren't you?" She grinned, putting her maw to the rim and proceeding to chase the entire glass. She felt warmth fill her.

"I have never seen a Senorita handle milk nips so well." Puss smiled and took a few more laps at his own class.

"Rrrrrrr..." Gomamon purred softly, feeling the rumbling in her belly. "This is good milk... Wait... are those... cocktails?"

"Oh yes, my dear... a little bit of tequila," Puss then pulled a small bag from his black boot, a familiar scent floating across the air, "and a little bit of nip. The good stuff." The orange feline held it to his nose and sniffed deeply. "I detected an inferior form on you, some common wild plant. A señorita like you should experience the finest things."

Gomamon looked down at her empty glass. She felt the familiar feeling of being high crawling upon her... and fast. The combination of alcohol, milk and ingesting the catnip instead of merely sniffing it was hitting twice as hard. "Uh oh..." She stumbled a bit.

"Mmmmmphh!" Gatomon cast a glare that could kill. He struggled in his bounds, but couldn't free himself right now.

"Such a lovely bouquet, Ganja Dwarf has." The Spanish feline slipped the plastic bag back in his boots. "Quite potent as well."

"Mmmm hmm..." Gomamon purred softly. Her thoughts were becoming so much... softer. She had not even fully recovered from her first round, so if anything it eased the headaches. "I noticed..." What she did not notice was the paw on her back, at least not before it had moved down and to her ass. "Whoa there stud, moving kind of fast aren't ya?" She giggled a bit.

"The train shall arrive at the next stop in a short while." Puss' tail wrapped around the female's waist. "Then I can turn in the seal for the bounty, and we can celebrate... or we could celebrate now..." The orange tail pulled Gomamon closer, their chests pressing together. "What do you say?"

Gomamon's uncontrollable giggling turned into a putt. "Rrrrrr... your body is warm..." Her paws started to move up and down Puss's orange back. "And I do love the purr..." Everything was kinda fuzzy right now, kinda like a dream. Especially her body, and it loved the paws on her back.

"As do I..." Puss suddenly pressed his warm fuzzy lips to her own in a suave motion.

Gomamon allowed the kiss without even realizing, his tongue soon allowed past her lips. It didn't dawn on her that she was kissing a guy: the chemicals had gone from simply running amok in her body to running the show. After a few moment Puss broke the kiss and ran his paw up her unusually long tail: "Let us retire to another car, mi amore... for privacy..."

She just mewed and nodded, and letting herself be lead away and leaving a very angry tied-up seal behind.


Gomamon ended up lying back in the nearest seat as the orange cat peppered her all over with kisses and licks with that rough tongue of his. She couldn't stop purring... everything felt so good, so warm and serene right now. Especially with a warm vibrating body against her own. "Ohhh you feel so warm..." The half-drunk, half-stoned and half-sex crazed cat moaned hard as the latino feline began to rub up against her. Puss tried to pull her up, but things started to spin as soon as her had was lifted, so she was quite content to have the other cat laying down to lick at her cheeks.

"Mmmm mi señorita gata..." The feline continued to lap over and over as if to groom the feline. His tongue was designed for the task, too, rough bumps sliding down her neck over and over. "You taste like the angels..."

The female feline snickered madly... it was so corny, she couldn't help herself! she wondered if she sounded that bad when she was putting on moves. Her laughter was still ringing when she felt twin pangs of pain bite down hard on the side of her neck. "Gah!" Gomamon took a sharp breath when she was bitten. She'd had hickeys before... but never from a cat, never as a cat, and certainly never as a female cat! It was far more painful, intense... and gods she wanted more. "Oh Pussy, pusssssyyyy..." She incoherently moanpurred as she was essentially gnawed on...

Puss hissed softly through a mouthful of white fur. Biting was all but second nature when mating with gatas, especially such an attractive one. The females craved the sensation of fangs in their necks almost as much as they desired pleasure in their loins. He let go of the left side of her neck only to latch on the other side. Her hide was tough... she was not the delicate flower that many females he bedded were. He could feel the battle hardened skin of a warrior. He ran his claws down her sides, scratching her lightly. Sensitive paws which could pick a lock in the bat of an eyelash felt the faint scars of a thousand battles. Too light a touch would not do it here... She needed to feel him. A more powerful approach was needed: a female of this stature required his full attention and the fury of love making.

The transformed Digimon moaned loudly. Such a beast! And her body... was racked with sensations that she couldn't really describe. She knew it should have hurt... the fangs, the claws... pressing into her skin to almost but not quite draw blood. And she craved more. Not that she could say so: the most she managed was "Gods!" or "Puss!" but mostly it expressed a raw mixture of utter lust and complete delight. She could feel the arousal of her partner rubbing on her belly... not the most impressive length to be honest. It seemed to reach a few inches at best... not even Gomamon's original size. Still, even though she... err... was straight, in this new body, with her drug-addled mind all he wanted now was to feel it inside of her brand new vagina. She reached down rather awkwardly, unused to those overly large gloves Gatomon always wore (or even, technically, to fingers), so after a good minute of fumbling for the shaft she just took the damn things off. There they were, the twin scars on the back of her left hand. The worst by far of the many she had. Most were hidden under the fur, but these were so bad the fur never grew back. Gomamon noticed them briefly, but promptly forgot all about them when Puss bit down just a little harder... on her ear. She reached down with loud moans and her now naked hand, grabbed the barbed member and guided it to her entrance. That alone was complicated: she wasn't exactly used to having the orifice, so wasn't quite sure where it was. Fortunately it only took a few thrusts before it found its way in.

Gomamon's world exploded in lust. This cock was... perfect for her. She had no way to cope with the new sensation it was sending through her. She came almost the second Puss started pulling out. The rough barbs scratched her inside and dug into her sensitive walls. It should have be painful. More accurately, it was painful, but oh gods, it felt so good! She let out a wordless scream of delight as she climaxed. Every muscle tensed as she arched back over the seat, her hands digging deeply into the cushion as she continued to scream even as no air was left and the lustful moans became nothing more than a soundless gasp...

Puss hadn't cum yet... He wanted to hold it to make the señorita truly enjoy it... and since she had hit her zenith already he would have to slow down to let her catch up. His talents in bed were only matched by his skill with a blade. His body moved in deliberately slow motions, the feline penis moving with a purpose. The barbs pressed flat as he inserted himself only to flare out when he withdrew. Each motion brought him closer and closer... he could feel the second orgasm building in his girl... he began to lose himself to the dance of love... His teeth bit down harder into the soft flesh of her ear. A droplet of blood formed around each fang, bringing the lovemaking to a crescendo. Gomamon felt another female climax coming closer, closer... oh so close...


Puss's eyes rolled back in their sockets. He was frozen there for a second before rolling off and thumping down on the floor. His red dick "towered" above his crotch as he lay on his back, and after a split second began spewing cum all over himself.

The feline continued to thrust, moan and squirm even though her partner was gone. It was a good half-minute before she realized she was not getting anything back anymore. "Hmm?" Gomamon looked up, a bit bleary-eyed. His old body was looking over him with a half-empty body of tequila in his flipper. "Oh... heya Gatomon... or Gomamon?" She snickered madly.

"Don't joke around!" The seal snapped. "The only reason I did not brain you first is that you are in my body." Gatomon growled, then scowled. "Did I not mention _ not to do any damn drugs in my body?! _"

"Hey... I distracted him for ya so ya could get free... didn't I? All part of da plan!" The feline chuckled as he reached down to her exposed snatch. "Well... maybe not that part... Pussy is fun though!" She slipped a claw in her folds, moved it around a bit then pulled it back out, a string of white spunk connected to it. Gomamon pressed the claw to her lip, and slurped it up. "Pussy does taste better than cock anyway!"

"Rrrrrrr..." Gatomon growled at the high feline. "I swear I am going to find the largest dick I can find and have him fuck me up YOUR ass..." She looked down to the unconscious swordswinging cat. "And I swear to all that is unholy if you got me knocked up..."

"Chill... he pulled out!" More laughter from the feline. "Sides... we're not really animals. We're programs. We're more likely to get knocked up by an Ipad than a mammal," she slurred.

Gatomon sighed. That was true. They might have looked like animals... but they were, at heart, computer code. "Where did he come from anyway?" He looked down at the cum-soaked feline. "He doesn't look like he's from here..."

"Mmmm... The Brain? Bet he's bringing bounty hunters from various universes to life... To hunt me... err you down..." Gomamon murred wistfully. "Betcha he wants my, your... our powers?"

"Hmmmm probably... good deduction." Gatomon agreed grudgingly. That was more than he would have expected of Gomamon even if she had not been uselessly drunk.

"Nah... Boba Fett behind you was a big clue." Gomamon pointed a finger over Gatomon's shoulder.

The seal whirled around. At the doorway stood a man clad from head to toe in faded green battle armour. The black visor of the helmet essentially left him faceless. He brandished a pistol and aimed right for the pair. "There is a significant bounty on your head, seal... 100 000 galactic credits. Alive. Lucky you."

"Oh for..." Gatomon growled. "Alright Gomamon..." He turned to his friend... to find her passed out on the seat, legs spread wide and showing to the world her abused hole as a small pool of spunk soaked into the fabric. "Now, you pass out?"

Approaching steps brought Gatomon's attention back to the Star Wars bounty hunter. "Remain motionless. You have no chance."

He snarled. "I wouldn't be so sure... you need me alive to get your money. I, however, am pissed off and in need of something to take my anger out on!" With those last words he leapt at the armoured warrior claws first.


"Mmmmmphhh..." Gomamon blinked awake. Her head was throbbing again. "Ugh... fuck... what the hell did I..." She looked around and found out she was leaning against a tree. "Wasn't there a train... and a cat?" her thoughts were muddled... Gatomon got kidnapped... by a feline swashbuckler. And he... "Did I fuck a guy?!"


"Whoa!" Gomamon flung herself to the side as a muscular albino with black hair slammed into the tree, which snapped in two in a shower of splinters. "What the hell?!"

"Wow! The kid's tougher than he looks." The grungy biker got himself up and cracked his neck once, then noticed the white feline sitting on her rump on the grass. "Hey girly." He smiled at Gomamon. "The name's Lobo. Intergalactic bounty hunter, and all man."

"Uhh huh..." Gomamon scooted on her rump backwards a bit. "Errr... Nice to meet you..."

"Oh you haven't even begun to meet me!" The albino biker grinned, twirling what seemed to be a kusarigama in one hand. "Now, why don't you wait here cutie. I got a bounty to catch..."

"I'm right over here." Gatomon crawled out of the trees and over the body of a cowboy in grey Confederate regalia. His face was covered in old burn scars. "Sorry... Jonah Hex here was giving me some trouble." His fur was heavily scuffed up and his eye patch askew, showing part of the messed up eye socket. "Okay, your turn."

"Hah!" Lobo laughed as he walked forward, the chain swinging around. "You got spunk, kiddo. But you ain't got nothing on the main man..."

Gatomon growled in an attempt to look tough, but even Gomamon knew that hardly ever did anything but make him look even cuter. "Geeze... Gatomon..." She wobbled over to the seal. "Are these guys really giving you that much trouble?" She ignored the human, head pounding horrible with every step toward her body.

"Trouble?" Gatomon glared as he held up his flippers. "I got nothing! I mean... look at you! You throw fish! You can barely run, much less jump! What am I supposed to do? Make sushi? And I've been stuck dragging your carcass for the last twenty four hours while fighting off bounty hunters as you slept off your drunken, drug-filled stupor!" By the end he was, to Gomamon's great dismay, screaming into the female's face.

"Whoa... Booze... Drugs?" Lobo's tongue ran over his lips as he leered at the feline. "I knew I liked you when I first you, kitty. Bit small, but old Lobo likes himself a little pussy..."

"Try bathing first." Gomamon snarked without turning from the seal: Gatomon's nose was sometimes a curse as much as a blessing. "Really? Have you forgotten why we are here in the first place?" She reached down and grabbed the seal's left flipper.

"What are you babbling about? If you're trying to do the 'why you hitting yourself' routine I swear I will...." Gomamon pressed down on his flipper without a word. The claw tips began to glow brightly.

"Huh?" Lobo managed before he was blasted off his feet and well into the stratosphere by a blast of dragon energy. A rather impressive line of curse words in English and Czarnian was audible as he sailed across the sky with a trail of smoke behind him.

"What the..." Gatomon blinked twice in surprise.

"You're in my body, duh!" Gomamon dropped the flipper. "You know... super strength? Speed? Laser eyes? and the goodies we've spent weeks collecting?" She snickered a bit. "Are you seriously telling me you forgot all about them... and have been fighting with just claws..."

Gatomon blushed a bit, completely mortified. "Don't make fun of me for that... and I won't mock you for getting laid in my body! With a guy!"

Gomamon instead let out an impressed whistle. "Dude, I'm still amazed. I would normally try to get away from these guys if I had to fight them only with my flippers. But you actually brought them down?" The seal blushed a little that Gatomon seemed to fight better in her old body than she did. "So I take it that was the last of them?" She asked further.

"Nope! Ya missed the number one merc!" A pair of bolas flew in and wrapped around them, the weight of the things, made for beings much larger, sending the squirming pair flying.. with Gatomon's seal face pressed into Gomamon's brand new pussy since the seal's head happened to be at her hip level..

"Gatomon! Get your face out of my groin!" The feline protested as she wiggled madly.

"It's my groin! And today you complain, uh?" Came the angry, muffled response.

Gomamon didn't answer, eyes crossed as they stared down the barrel of a rocked launcher aimed squarely at her head. A heavily geared human in red and black spandex held it. "Deadpool, mercenary, bounty hunter, and vice president of the Justin Beiber of fan club!"

"Leomon's balls... You are true evil..." The cat said, just before the flash bang knocked them out.


Sorry for the wait all! But now I'm back into the swing of things. Feel free to contact me for previews of upcoming stories, or just to chat with me about stories. I do find a lot if inspiration from my fans. I've been known to add chapters, characters, and so on based on fan input.

Msn is [email protected] Aim is mrredrover Yahoo is [email protected]

No really, it's not Red's fault, it's mine, the copyeditor. I sat on this for waaay yoo long. -- Circeus

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 39 - Fourth Wall? What Fourth Wall?

Deadpool was also a suggestion by Draegwolf. The guy's like the funniest character ever. Whether he shows up in a game, comic, youtube... he's just awesome. ...

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Blackmail - Chapter 1 - Kneel Before Me

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The Twelve Talismans : Dimensional Travels - Chapter 37 - Don't Hold Your Breath

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