The Twelve Talismans : Dimensional Travels - Chapter 37 - Don't Hold Your Breath

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#55 of The Twelve Talismans

Short little one to let you know I am still alive!

Part two of the Anamanics universe. Bit of breath control in this one.

Reminded: we're referring to Goma and Gato by the gender of the body they are currently occupying.


The Twelve Talismans: Dimensional Travels

Chapter 37: Don't Hold Your Breath


Gatomon was in a pissy mood. And wasn't just because of the incident in the bathroom. Gomamon's body was awkward as hell. He could barely stand on his back flipper, much less walk on them. Merely reaching a doorknob was a hassle. "How the hell he is so cheerful all the time?" He bitched to no one in particular as he walked across the warm beach to the waterline. His flippers dipped in the ocean to splash water on his face, then he decided to just get in and soak properly. Gatomon never really cared for water, but the need to be clean overrode his dislike of baths so he scrunched his eyes closed and dove.

Everything changed.

Gomamon's body, unwieldy as it was in land... now flew. Gatomon could feel the waves, the currents... his body glided effortlessly. It was better than flying. Gatomon had flown many times as Angewomon and Nefertimon, but it.. required conscious effort to stay aloft. A mere twitch of his flippers would send Gatomon tumbling in another direction. She hadn't even realized she was holding her breath until a good ten minutes into her swim. It was absolutely exhilarating, breath-taking.

The seal burst out of the water's surface with a delighted giggle, corkscrewing in midair before landing back in a splash... not exactly a comfortable landing. He was still not entirely used to this body and its sensations. This jostling and the new sensitivity it had underwater were actually stimulating the beginning of an erection. Gatomon instantly felt the cool sea water wash over the bared dick. "Whoa..." He flipped over in the water and tried to reach for the shaft with his flipper, but he still was no better at it than he had been earlier. Thumbs... What I'd give for some thumbs... He used his claws as chopsticks to grab the member and try to force it back in its pouch. ALl that accomplished was to make them rub down the red shaft.

"Oh, gods!" He let out a loud groan as a rush of unexpected pleasure coursed through his body. The air jettisoned by the orgasmic exclamation bubbled upward as he arched his head back, white seed shooting out to be soon washed away in the sea.

His mind was in another place when he gasped, and the mouthful of water he inhaled quickly brought it back to earth. He reached for his neck as panic set in; he needed a second or two before he thought of kicking himself back to the surface, spewing and choking madly. "Gahh!" The seal flipped on his back as he tried to get back his breath, which took him some time. "Uhh... I shouldn't have done that underwater..." He cocked his head up and gave a glare to the penis that still flopped on his belly. It shone a little in the moonlight, a darker shadow against his belly's white fur. He knew he should be trying to put it back in there, but all he could think of was how... easy it had been.

He swam to the shoreline and crawled on the shore near where he and Gomamon were to meet. He had more more than enough time for some... self-stimulation. Fortunately they had picked this because it was a rather secluded place: he wanted to be able to hear anyone coming. The seal smiled as he slid up on the sand, half lying in the water. All right, let's see if it's always this easy... I barely touched it and it went off! Gatomon moved his flipper down and tried to grab the penis with his claws... which again was easier said than done. Gomamon had years and years of practice on him... It took Gatomon a few minutes to get good enough a grasp on the red member, using his claws again like chopsticks on a piece of sushi. He tried to rub the sensitive flesh... but getting a second erection proved frustrating.

Geeze come on... Gomamon is going to be back soon, and I want to get at least one more... man that was so amazing...

The seal-bodied cat body was stroking ever more desperately... but the flippers just weren't dexterous enough, and he had already cummed once. It didn't even dawn on him guys needed more time than females to get ready for their next orgasm. "Grrrrr..." With a growl he next tried to wiggle his hips, but all that accomplished was flopping the piece of red flesh around. "Come on, you little bastard... get up already..." He panted. "No wonder Gomamon tries screwing everything that moves!" Gatomon mumbled. That quickly brought up the memory of Gomamon fucking him... as Veemon in the fountain... froth moving all over the water, spilling over the edge. The seal sighed wistfully, a flipper resting onto his crotch... "Ohhh..." Where he found the member springing to life , which rather shocked him, that the mere idea of sex could have such an effect! Wow... I just thought about sex and it got hard... man... How does a pervert like Gomamon not sport an erection 24/7? He has more control then I give him credit for.

The seal continued to learn about self-pleasuring as a male. "Mmmm..." Panting, he tried rolling his cock in his claws. Eventually he found a motion that seemed to work. "Not bad... but..." Gatomon closed his eyes... reminiscing her few past experiences...

Spyro, the purple dragon, licking her cunt when she was split in two... That reptile tongue sliding in deep and touching all those places...

The blue bunny Buster... The speed and enthusiasm of youth moving inside of her...

Kiba, that muscular tiger ninja... That giant barbed cock hurting her to orgasm... surprisingly gentle despite this...

That lion Simba, feral and unafraid to completely dominate her... the first to have no qualms about what he did... biting her...

Tails, the two-tailed hero... and his knot. The vulpine penis... smooth, yet... big... locking inside of her...

"GODS!" Gatomon screamed as he managed to force a second orgasm out of himself. The buildup... having to just... work so hard at it. And the exhaustion afterwards... It was so intense. And the afterglow... it was completely draining and wonderful.

It took the feline several moments just to get the energy to move again. "Oh by the gods..." Gatomon murred as he rubbed her penis gently with the palm of his flipper. He had orgasmed before, as a female. But it took so much work... A guy's climax... seemed to come so easily, almost casually. She felt all the energy drain out of her... the strange sensation of being empty, and unable to orgasm for a while. He had fought demons and devils, been beaten, injured and battered... but he had never felt so utterly exhausted both mentally and physically... and still he yearned for more!

Another few minutes passed which he spent fiddling with his privates. "Wow..." He just leaned back on the sandy shore line, playing with the limp dick. His belly was coated with the impressive load those memories had triggered. "Man... No wonder Gomamon thinks with his dick all the time... Cock is so much fun."

"Oh If only I could have recorded that!"

"Gah!" Gatomon flipped on to his belly... and sent his member rubbing into the wet sand. "Ye-OW!" He shouted, flipping back to his original just as quick. "How do you keep sneaking up on me when I am masturbating?!"

"Mmmm technically it is my body that is masturbating..." The cat jumped off the grey boulder... and almost face planted a few feet away from Gatomon. Gomamon just managed to keep standing.

"How come I didn't hear you?" Gatomon tried to shove his dick back in... but the dick had a mind of its own. Trying to grab it with his claws was easier said than done.

"Oh, s'cool." Gomamon started to twist her left ear, than her right ear. "Your hearing is wayyyy better than mine... 'least above water. I could so, like, zone in on you... and hear what me... you... I was doing!" She started giggling madly. "So... I decided to sneak up on myself masturbating... Masturbating... what a funny word!" Gomamon snickered again and started twirling. "Master, master, masturbate!"

"What the heck's gotten into you?!" Gatomon snapped.

"Mmmmm, never could masturbate very good... no fingers you know!" The cat held out his hands, wiggling his claws as he completely ignored the question. "Fingers are SO nice... and fun!" She twiddled all of them randomly. "Surprised you could get off at all... course I guess you know your way around penises a bit..."

The seal came forward, and eventually got a whiff of a familiar smell. "Wait, have you been 'nipping?" Gatomon tried to hiss, but it came out as a weird garble. Obviously the seal's body was not built for it.

"It's not like it's illegal... well, here anyway?" Gomamon really wasn't sure about the laws in this universe. It wasn't like he had time to do research. He just smiled as he looked over his old body. "Sides it just some random herbble... herbble." When did these four letters get so hard to pronounce?

"Which is basically like meth to you right now!" Gatomon tried to hiss again, which this time made her sound like she was choking. "Kari bought some for me once as... I spent the rest of the day playing with my tail while sitting on the balcony! I was loopy for a damn week." He made sure not to mention what he was doing with the tail, or where he was sticking it.

"Oh." Gomamon couldn't help but snicker some more, no matter how hard she fought it. She could tell she was still affected. She didn't care. "Well you didn't warn me not to do catnip!"

"Well I'm telling you now: don't do drugs in my body!" Gatomon waved a claw up at herself. "I thought that went without saying!" He reached up until the tip, still coated in seal semen, pressed right up to Gomamon's nose. "And try to not stick firecrackers up my ass, sell my kidneys, or drink Drano or anything else stupid!"

Gomamon wasn't listening. He was sniffing... he was still amazed at his sense of smell now. "Wow... I can really smell the jizz in this form!" She snickered, sniffed it some more then started licking it.

"Oh for..." The seal snatched his claw back. "You're high! And straight! And high!"

"Oh like I haven't tasted myself before." The feline chuckled some more and flicked her wrist. "Tastes different to you though... Still not my thing. I like da pussy!" She laughed some more. "Guess I am a lesbian!" She laughed and flopped down on her rear. "I'm a pussy who likes pussy!" More hysterical laughing ensued.

"Oh for the love of..." The seal snarled. "The zombie universe was less stressful than this!" Gatomon looked over at the feline, who had found a new favourite toy in the form of a plastic bag. "You could have at least tried to find the mice!"

Gomamon looked up from the piece of trash and extended a finger upwards. "Found him!" She pointed to a giant TV screen that was on the side of one of the hotels. On it, larger than life, was the big-headed white lab rat. Except he had on a black Fu Manchu moustache and was dressed in red and yellow Chinese imperial garb. A small picture box popped in the corner with a blond reporter who instantly began her spiel.

"The National History Museum's terracotta warriors exhibition came to life tonight and marched on the White House." There was a pause as the reporter stared at her news brief. "They are led by one Brain Foo Young, who stated himself to be the reincarnation of the Qin Dynasty emperor who originally created the army. He has stated that his 'invincible stone warriors' will 'lay waste to the countryside' unless and until the world leaders surrender to him."

Gatomon stared up at the monitor. "Oh you've got to be kidding me."

"Oh yeah, looks like we are headed to D.C." Gomamon grinned from ear to ear, then threw her paws up in the air. "Road trip!"


Gatomon sighed a bit. Gomamon was still high off catnip... She would spend half her time staring at shiny objects and the other playing with her tail between stealing full boxes of candy bars from the nearest 7/11... And they had no money, which invariably led to some awkward conversation with the pimply faced clerk. He wasn't sure if this was an improvement from being shot at with guns at first sight. He better not put on weight in my body.

They were on a train to Washington. Apparently the animated museum pieces had shut down all airports in the Washington area. He wasn't sure if they would have been allowed on a plane on their own anyway.

Gatomon was asleep in their seat. Hopefully she'd be done jonesing by the time they got to Washington. Gatomon, meanwhile, was walking down the aisle of the train. "There has to be some sort of dining car. I really could use some food."

"Why, sir, allow me to offer my assistance."

Gatomon turned around. "Oh?" He hadn't really been paying attention. His senses were all screwed up. Sights and smells in particular were all askew, and she could hear much lower tones now, but she couldn't hear the higher ones a human could! It was probably something to do with Gomamon's ability to hear underwater.

"The dining car is down three cars that way."

"Oh thank you, err... I didn't catch your name?"

"Puss." An orange feline with a black leather cape and cavalier hat, a yellow feather sticking out of it, look down from a nearby seat. He slipped down and did a quick bow. Before Gatomon could even move a sharpened foil was pressed again his neck with surgical skill. The feline clopped his boots on the floor and gave Gatomon a smile. "In boots."


Someone mentioned that I wasn't really using the talismans from world to world... so for this one? I am going all out. The rat talisman will be used to its fullest! Reanimated statues, bounty hunters from fictinal universes. It was going to be Nack the weasel from the Sonic... But Draegwolf came up with Puss in Boots. A much better idea! Anyway, always available to talk. Comments certain worth it!

Msn is [email protected] Aim is mrredrover Yahoo is [email protected]

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