Krystal's Torment - Chpt 5 - The New Girl

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#5 of Vixentamer's Krystal Series

Poor Krystal. She and Renamon are always raped, abused, and used!

I guess I should work on this one more. It is one of my more popular series I admit. Everyone really wants to see poor Krystal get used and abused. And there seems to be some love for my new fan made character Whisper, the blind mouse so she gets a little bit of love her too. A few cameos from the Star Wolf team. This is a bit tamer than the last story though, but it shall pick up next chapter! Sadly no reference pic for this one.


Krystal's Torment

Chapter 5

The New Girl


Krystal was not up for too long. Her system was still processing the harsh chemicals, and she had passed out after a few moments. This sleep was still very restful, but her body craved it badly. No one disturbed her for a good day. After her second slumber, she felt a little better. Whisper, her vision impaired roommate had to help her up, guiding her to the bathroom in this unfamiliar locale. Whisper had to help show her how to use the strange metal device... she had never used a toilet before. The Lizardmen used chamber pots. And in the wild? Any tree or bush served its purpose. It was a bit better than the mouse could see nothing when she taught her how to use the washroom like a child, her white eyes always looking off into some far seen speck in the distance. The blue vixen felt vulnerable as before, but there was a bit of a sense of renewed hope. She had hurt the guards and her new master. The security did seem more lax as well. But they were above the clouds and then some... a daunting task for one who wished escape. But Krystal would figure out that hurdle when he came to it.

The next day Krystal was feeling better... but dreading her first day on the job. The clothes, as they could be laughingly be called, didn't cover much. It was a thin silk harem number of light pink that covered her nipples and groin, though one could still see her privates through the flimsy material. They also fitted her with a gold collar on her neck, which had an odd latch that prevented her from removing it. She noticed Whisper, as well as the rest of the slaves here were wearing these collars as well. Her breakfast was served by one of the guards, a burly tiger like creature who gave the vixen a fairly wide berth for now. The food... was surprisingly good. Not half rotten meat scavenged from towns prepared by Lizardmen who barely could make a fire. The meat was cooked thoroughly, and even had some exotic spice that the vixen had never had before. She ate all down, and felt a little queasy from the rush of protein, but forced herself not to be sick. She needed her strength back. The months of neglect at the hands of the lizard army, she was at maybe a third of her old self. She needed time to recover. After she was done her meal, the feline guard looked down. "You are to serve tables outside. I trust you know how to clean dishes."

The warrior vixen got up slowly, snarling a bit. "Better than you know how to fight I wager." She bit back. Some of her old self was returning.

The tiger didn't seem too scared, but he kept an eye on her. "You just clean tables and serve the guests right now wench." He snarled, curling is lip up. "Attack any of the guards, or any of us? And you will get a rather unpleasant shock."

Krystal wasn't sure what a 'shock' was. Perhaps a beating or something. But she decided not to press the point now. She acted rashly last time, and at least wanted to scope out the place. Exits, how many guards, possible allies? She walked past the beaded curtain into the main floor. The smell hit her nose again. Of stale air and sweat and desperation. Sure, Hebi the snake master tried to keep it clean, but the cold recirculated air of the space station never did it justice.

It took a minute for the vixen's eyes to readjust. It was a large room, fifty tables at least, possibly more. On one end of the room was a large stage. Nothing was going on it right now, but it looked like a platform of such. Half full right now with creatures from all over the galaxy. Spacing fairing pirates and travelers and raiders and traders and more. Hebi's was just one of many places one could stop for illicit substances, information, and of course, women.

Intermingling in the tables were several females, dressed in skimpy clothes, or even going topless. They carried trays of exotic food and fermented beverages to the waiting tables. They moved quickly, paws from random customers groping tails and breasts as they went by. The slaves didn't seem to notice them... Though Krystal's tail went up when she felt a paw slide down her ass.

"Hey there hot stuff." Krystal turned around to see an unshaven fat pig, chewing down on a stogie that smelt like burning rubber. "You must be new here. How much for a blow job?"

Krystal snarled, raising a paw to strike the back of the customer, when her world went white. A new pained filled her, rendering her unable to move. She dropped to her knees, spasming out of control. "Sorry about that Mr. Dengar." The tiger guard smiled to the pig. "She is a new slave and we haven't fully broken her in yet." He was holding his finger down on a remote, pointing it squarely at Krystal. After several seconds he released the button.

"It's Pigma. Ain't never been called mister in my life." He chuckled as Krystal took several deep gasps. It took a while for her body control to return. "No worries man. Ya got to let them know who is boss right?" He reached down to grab one of Krystal's breasts, giving it a good hard squeeze.

Krystal snorted once, but allowed the groping this time. There really wasn't much she could do about it. So that was what he meant by shock... it was like lightning almost. "I don't plan on being here long enough to be broken."

"Hah!" Pigma squeeze a nipple hard through the silk in his fat fingers, making the vixen wince. "Been here enough, and I ain't seen anyone leave yet. Least, till there worn out." The pig let go of her tit finally. "Now why don't you get off your ass and get me some nachos and a synthale? I wanna have some food before the show starts!"

The fox got up, readjusting her see through bra to try and gain some semblance of modesty. No go. She merely followed the other females, watching them go to the kitchen, and come out with food. It was best to keep up appearances for now... She requested the pig's food, bringing it back to him a while later. She took something called credits from him in return... apparently that is what they used for trade up here. She also got another groping at his fat hands. The fox took it... random fingers on her fur were still better than what she had to endure back on Dinosaur Planet.

She fell into the routine for the next hour. Remove dirty dishes. Bring out food and drink. Receive these so called credits. Let the customer grab you... All the while Krystal was checking out her escape routes and options. Most of the females were totally docile, not a warrior among them. The clients were no better. Greedy, lecherous things. She was bending over a table to clean it, some panther's paw attached firmly to her firm rump when a loud voice boomed over the drone of the entire room.

"Ladies and Gentlemen... well, mainly gentlemen." Hebi hissed through the intercom. "We at Hebi's Fire bring you one of our star attractions." He chuckled softly. "You know you want to see her... more of her... Whisper!"

Krystal turned around to the stage. She had forgotten about Whisper, her blind ally. It made sense she could serve tables in her condition. She watched as Whisper walked on stage, blank eyes looking forward into the distance. She wore black ribbons over her entire grey body, even around her long pink tail like a spiral. She smiled to the crowd, as the music started to play.

It was low deep beat, the tempo soft. The mouse dancer moved with grace, sliding around the stage in a well-rehearsed routine. The ribbons danced behind her like the wind, whipping around as she twirled for the customers. The pace of the song increased, as did Whisper's dancing. Ribbons started to fly off one by one, revealing more of her slim body. The crowd began to chant and cheer, watching as she displayed herself... another strand slid off, revealing her firm breasts, pink nipples jetting from her fur. And still she danced. All eyes were on the rodent as the final ribbon slid of her tail, the nude mouse now in all her glory...

But the tempo did not stop. Whisper ran her pink fingers over her mouth, licking them softly. Her paws began to slide down her body, rubbing, touching her all over. She began to moan as she continued to move to the deep beat, squeezing her breasts together. Her perky nipples stood out as hard nubs in her grey fur as she ran her digits all over her fur. Her left paw trailed down her belly, sliding over her furry snatch for all to see. A single pink finger slipped inside of the folds, rubbing herself. Her moans got a little higher, a little more intense. She got down on her knees for all, spreading her legs wide so the entire crowd to see. Her insides were as pink as her thin fingers, a stark contrast to her grey fur. Two fingers pushed inside her tight vagina now, Whisper masturbating for all to see. The mouse continued to pleasure her, squeezing one nipple hard as fingers plunged deep inside of her over and over.

"You... Vixen."

Krystal snapped out of her trance when she was addressed. She was watching the show, utterly engrossed. She had never seen another female masturbate before and it was oddly fascinating to watch.

Panther Caroso, at least that is what his space uniform tag, purred deeply at her. The feline was wearing blue and white leather space suit, and judging by the bulge in his pants he was clearing enjoying the display. He took out some plastic cards from his pocket, handing them to the vixen. These credit chips were the main source of currency off planet. "Under the table... I could use a little pleasure while I watch the show."

It took Krystal a second to realize what he wanted. A quick glance around the room though confirmed her suspicions. A good chunk of the waitresses were pleasuring the guests in public. Some were sitting next to the customers, giving hand jobs... One particularly skilled rabbit was doing two customers at once. She stroked the massive cocks, one from a jackal, the other a leopard. Her paws moved up and down in rhythm, the males watching the masturbation show as the waitress did her work. Others had slipped under tables ... Another female cardinal had actually climbed on a customer's lap and was actively screwing him. She had her red wings on the lizard's shoulders, bouncing up and down like a pogo stick... Absolutely no shame for either of them.

"Vixen?" A bit of a growl from the space-riding panther. "Did you not hear me?"

Krystal sighed, touching the collar on her neck. "Sorry... sir." Too many guards and this so-called shock collar... best to be subservient for now. At least till she found some allies, or maybe an escape route. She got down on the floor on her knees, the floor slightly sticky, scooting under the round table. She walked on her knees until she was between his legs. She looked confused as she ran her paws over the oddly shaped fabric. It was nothing like she felt before... not fur or silk like her loin cloth was... something artificial. And she couldn't figure out how it worked... the Lizardmen didn't even wear loincloths, having some odd genital sheath that kept their privates hidden. She ran her paws over the large bulge, trying to figure out how it worked.

"Boy you aren't a very smart whore are you?" The black panther laughed a bit as he felt the vixen grope randomly him. "Have you ever seen a zipper before?"

"Uhhh no..." No one in her world even wore pants, simple loincloths at best. She had no idea what a zipper even was.

"Man you must be a fresh primitive." Panther Caroso snickered as he reached down, grabbing a metal tab that was hiding in the folds of his leather space suit. He pulled it downwards slowly, metal teeth breaking apart one by one. The male's cock sprung into view... a large one. A bit smaller than General Scales' scaly shaft. But it was covered with these odd hook shaped barbs on it. Even nastier looking than the bumps on the Lizardmens' dicks. "There you go whore, enjoy yourself?"

The blue vixen winced as she looked at the dick. She ran her paws over it, wincing a bit as the barbs dick into her paws. She couldn't imagine how any female could take this inside her. But even as she stroked it, she couldn't help but thankful that she wasn't with that disgusting pig from earlier. She rubbed up and down the barbed cock a bit... at least she had lots of practice with males, thanks to her stay with the Sharpclaw army. It made her chuckle inwardly slight as she took the head of the shaft in her muzzle and started to suck. She had learnt with the Lizardmen that orally pleasing them quick often saved her a fuck in the pussy or ass. So she had become really good with her maw. Her paws stroked down, and up once... which she learnt was a mistake. The barbs dug into her paw, making her wince a bit as she suckled on the shaft had. She had never practiced with a feline cock before... looked like there were some tricks. She tried simply grabbing the top of the cock with one paw, and stroking to the base of the shaft. At the same time she grabbed the top of the red penis with her other palm, and stroked down. Like she was trying to climb a firemen's pole, one paw over the other. It kept the barbs from digging into her paws, and kept the cock fully satisfied as well.

Krystal continued to suckle hard on the shaft tip. Her strong paws moved down the length as she tried to milk it. The cheers began to increase from the crowd... the vixen could not see why but she assumed something else was happening. All Krystal could see right now was the dirty underside of the table and the crotch of her customer. She was a touch concerned for her new friend, but Whisper was here longer. And as she detested her new master Hebi, she at least knew he valued money more than anything. He would not hurt one of his slaves... not unless the money was well worth it. She was tempted to look after that thought, but a paw came down and held the back of her head. Panther held the back of her blue hair tightly as he thrusted in her mouth. "OH yes vixen, almost there."

The blue servant felt the cock slip deeper into her mouth. The barbs jabbed her tongue a bit, making her wince. She pitied the poor female felines that would have to take such a dick even to have a child! The lizards' penises seemed tame in comparison. But Krystal continued to suckle like a newborn calf even as she was rewarded with some precum. She groaned softly, one hand reached down to lightly tease the furry balls a bit... It was her first mammal in a long time but she still remembered some of the finer points of pleasing males a little closer to her species.

"Rrrrrr that's the way..." Panther Caroso spewed a little more salty precum into the waitress' mouth. He was fast approaching his orgasm spurned on by the talented mouth of the fox and the show going on stage right now. Sounds of sex filled the air. Several customers have already came by paw or muzzle or vagina. A few of the more talented sex slaves had moved on to other customers to try and earn a bit more coin. The slaves never saw any money of course, but Hebi rewarded the ones who made more money. Time off, better perks, and so on. The red feathered cardinal was already on her third customer.

Krystal was mostly oblivious to the going on, but she could hear the squeal of pleasure, and smell the semen from a dozen species mixing in the air. She wrinkled her nose a bit at the strong aroma of sex. This was enhanced when the panther finally shot off his own load in her muzzle. A strong burst of semen flooded Krystal's muzzle. The vixen kept her lips tightly wrapped around the cock... she knew she'd either have to drink it or wear it, and frankly she didn't feel like walking around with jizzum leaking down her cleavage. So, she drank hardly from the pilot's balls, drinking in deep gulps. The slimy cum slid down her gullet. The taste really wasn't that bad. Krystal had gotten used to eating cum, and worse, on the Lizardman's ships. She wasn't fed very well, and sometimes, even a mouthful of lizard spunk satisfied her hunger for an hour or so. If anything the feline's semen was better tasting. Or maybe it was because he was at least cleaner than the majority of the Sharpclaws.

"Ohhh that's good vixen." Panther released his grip from the back of the blue fox's head, settling back down to watch the end of the show.

Krystal slid out from under the table with a lick of her lips to clean up any spunk still dribbling from her lips. She stood up slowly. "Is that all?" She asked.

"Yes yes, good job vixen." The panther took out a small plastic card, and slid it in the waitress' ample bosom. "You can go now." He made a rather dismissive gesture towards the fox who just sucked him off, as if he could no longer be bothered. His paw reached down to his groin afterwards and tucked his semi flaccid shaft back in his flight suit. He then returned to watch the show, smiling in delight as he watched the show with a look of content on his black furred face

Krystal looked at the bit of plastic stuck in her tits. She still couldn't figure out how these little bits were considered so valuable here. Different cultures or something. "Thank you... sir." She forced the sir out as she removed the card from her tits. She learnt to give the credits to the slave master in charge. Apparently they kept tallies. More money meant you had fewer chores... though frankly, Krystal would have preferred to scrub toilets. Far less demeaning, at least to her eyes. She turned around, finally able to see what Whisper was up to.

Apparently while the vixen was servicing the panther under the table, the mouse had moved on from a solo show to a group presentation. She was serving two large furs right now. A black rhino about the size of a house was slamming into her from behind. He was a massive thing of solid muscle, and a dick that looked to be on par with General Scales. Yet Whisper was taking it in her pussy with the greatest of ease. She was on all fours on the ground, giving the entire audience a good show. Her skinny pink tail was wrapped around the rhino's stomach like a belt. In front of the mouse stood the burly tiger guard. He was being orally pleasured by the rodent and it looked like he was clearly enjoying himself. Krystal could see the barbed cock from here. Bigger than the panther she just sucked off. She wondered if Whisper had a choice... she frankly would rather have the rhino down there in between her legs despite the impressive girth. Just imagining the barbed shaft in her vagina made Krystal wince a bit. Yet Whisper was taking it in her muzzle, deep throating it with ease. How she handled the barbs was beyond Krystal's knowledge.

The vixen tried to get back work, though she had a wandering eye that kept going back to the live sex show. Luckily most of the males who wanted service had either finished shooting their load, or simply did not seem interested in pleasure. There were many other forms of debauchery. Cheap booze, illicit drugs. A lot of the conversations Krystal overheard had a twinge of forbiddance and illegality... not that she understood half the terms. But criminals and scum always had a universal look to them. And pretty much everyone in this den was involved in something underhanded. What sort of reputable fur would come to such a place anyway?

The sex show went on for a good hour... Krystal didn't know who to be more impressed with. Whisper seemed to be every bit of energetic from start to finish, groaning and moaning, rolling on the cocks nonstop. The two furs had switched somewhere in the middle. Somehow the grey furred rodent managed to wrap her tiny little maw around the black leathery cock and was sucking hard... and almost deep throating it. Her tiny pink paws rubbed the base of the rhino's shaft as he thrust in to her... He must have had incredible staying power as well... Keeping it up for that long? Krystal had to admit, that is a pretty impressive feat for any male of her tribe.

The tiger was doing well to, doing Whisper doggy style from behind with that barbed cat cock of hers... It made Krystal wince every time he hitched into his nuts, yet the rodent took it. Neither male had cum yet... Though it looked like they were rapidly coming to a climax. The sounds of primal mating grew louder. The two larger creatures spit roasting the tiny little female over and over. Whisper's soft groans seemed to float through the entire bar... All of this came to a crescendo as both males pulled out of her by some unseen cue. Whisper moved too, getting on her knees and cupping her delicate pink paws under her muzzles as both males took position to either side of her. Her mouth opened wide as the rhino and tiger both stroked their throbbing members a mere inch from her face. Only for a moment though. The black rhino came first, a split second before the orange furred tiger.

Cum came out in buckets, utterly coating the face of the tiny female rodent. Both of the males had impressive loads. The jizz rained down on Whisper's face in large, gooey streaks, pooling in her wide open mouth and cupped hands. She didn't swallow, she merely let it rest on her face as the two employees of Hebi milked ever drop of spunk out of them. Krystal couldn't help but wonder if such impressive loads were typical of mammals, or if maybe Hebi had some strange concoction.

Whisper slowly held up her pink paws over her head once the penises finally stopped shooting their loads. She tilted her paws back slightly, letting the sperm that she had collect slowly spill over on to her face and in her open maw. She closed her lips slowly, swallowing once, and then opening her mouth to show the crowd she had drank the seed. A bit of applause and some name calling came from the crowd. Whisper merely stood up, and bowed, cum still caked on her face. The rhino and the tiger did likewise, the show finished. The announcer, not Hebi, said something about thanking everyone for watching, and something about a special show for later on at night... and that the girls were available to rent for those who want special one on one action. Or several on one, if the client could afford it... Krystal really had stopped listening as that point. She figured that out right whoring out would be the next step. Prostitution was a universal consent, and even in her tribe, females were not above selling their bodies. Never the less, she admitted, pleasuring one male at a time was a huge improvement of trying to keep an entire Sharpclaw army happy.

She spent another hour cleaning, before the tiger guard came to her, saying she had a half hour break to clean up, eat, and prepare for the late evening shift. Krystal went to the back room without a word. Whisper wasn't in her room right now... unfortunately someone else was. The four mechanical limbed snake. Her mater, the green snake man Hebi.

"Greetings Krystal." Hebi hissed, speaking softly. His jaw was wired shut right now so his voice was so much softer. "How are you enjoying my... hossspirtality?"

The vixen fought down an urge to rebreak his arms. "I admit. Certainly more pleasurable than the Sharpclaws." She glared, rubbing the collar on her neck once. "Only by a little."

The snake flicked his tongue out. "Well unlike those brutes I see value in you... and felt it..." His tail came out and snaked between the vixen's legs. "And alssso unlike those lizardsss, I am not foolish enough to waste the money you could make for me breaking my jaw. Still... I do need to remind you I've invested consssiderable resources in you, freeing you. Not to mention repairing my jaw and arms And you ssshhaallll repay it."

Krystal tried to keep still as the very end of the rattle slid in side of her, pushing her silk cloth inside her folds. "I can earn it on the planet. You have my word. Release me, and I shall pay back you in gold, food, or whatever."

Hebi chuckled. "Gold and food are uselessss in space. What is precious on your planet is trasssh here. No, your body is your currency." The snake removed his tail from between Krystal's legs. "And you shall pay me back..." The snake man slithered to the door. "And you shall be punissshed as well... do not worry. It issss not too painful. Merely... unpleasant." The viper turned to give the sex slave one last glance. "I suggessstt ssstretching a bit. You may want to losssen up." He chuckled and left the vixen alone, to prepare for her fate.


And another chapter of Krystal being abused and my little fan made character Whisper having to put on a show. I admit I do like her. A bit tamer, but Hebi has something special planned for the next chapter. And we can always have more Sharpclaw fun with flashbacks and the like! Feel free to comment on this site, or contact me at email on [email protected] or on MSN or AIM as mrredrover. I also do give previews of stories. I often work several stories ahead in this series.

Collared - Chapter 7 - No Name Given

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Enslavement - Chapter 1 - The Visitors

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