Collared - Chapter 7 - No Name Given

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#2 of Duez's Collared

Palmon gets it next! Welcome her to the club!

We needed some more chicks in this series. The harem is getting skewed to the cock side of things! So, we brought in some new pussy. I am surprised that no one was upset over the watersports in the last one. Warning, there is more watersports in this one, and some female domination too! How is that going to work with Duez in control? Let's see!


Collared Chapter 7: No Name Given


Duez was still working hard on his project downstairs. A giant ring-shaped metal structure had been completed, attached to a large control panel. A lot of the heavy work was done, and the scientist cat was into the fine tuning. He currently lay his back, fixing around some circuit boards his harem had scavenged. Supplies were much easier to come around now, with his growing mind-controlled servants bringing him whatever he needed. His ears picked up one of his pets coming down the stairs, the scraping of claws on the cement floor told him who it was.

"Hello master!" Gomamon cheerfully crawled in to the basement lab. "I am back from fishing. I caught a nice selection for sushi and seaweed, master. V-slut is preparing some rice and dinner should be ready in an hour."

"Excellent Aqua-slut." The brown cat wiped his brow and scooted out from under the control panel. He was shirtless, bits of metal and dust sticking to his chiseled chest. "Was getting a little sick of noodles." He remarked, sitting crossed-legged on the floor. Tools and supplies littered the ground all around him.

"I figured as much master. " The seal cheerfully replied as he came closer. "I just came to see if you need to use the washroom!"

Duez chuckled a bit... the seal had taken to this surprisingly well. Maybe he even had this fetish before? "I suppose. Save me a trip Aqua-slut." The cat merely unzipped his fly, pulling out his limp shaft, a bit sweaty from all the work he was doing. He wasn't horny... he had banged both Hawkmon and Biyomon before the two went out on their errands. Hawkmon up the ass and Biyomon up her feathery snatch, one after the other... while each watched the other. It was fun... they were still boyfriend and girlfriend in an odd way... yet they didn't do more than hold wings and kiss anymore. And they had to watch their partner get fucked regularly by the feline master! Not that they minded, but Duez could see a bit of longing they had for one another. The birds were gone for now anyway...Fetching more supplies as well as looking for another digimon he had the hots for. But they were only to do a capture if they got the opportunity... Duez didn't want to risk losing any of his pets

Gomamon climbed into his master's lap, flippers on the feline's knee. He took the red barbed shaft on his muzzle and made a tight seal so not a drop would escape, then looked up to his master with big green eyes, smiling as he waited.

The house cat smiled as he started to piss slowly, chuckling as he listened to Gomamon's gulps. The seal never lost a smile on his face as he drank deeply from his bladder. "You really do like that don't you? Kinky little aqua-slut."

"Mmmm hmmm!" Gomamon nodded as he felt the salty liquid slide down his throat. Truth be told it wasn't that much different from salt water. Unlike most mammals the seal could drink salt water and process it easily. Urine was quite similar, but since it was coming from his master it tasted all the better. He nursed at the cock like a teat as he felt the stream reach a zenith, and then slowly die down... he continued to suck hard after he drank the last drop of piss... hoping to coax an erection from his master, and maybe get a nice ass fucking or at least mouthful of cum.

"Sorry Aqua-slut." The brown cat pulled his dick from the seal's mouth. "Your bird friends milked me dry a while back. And I have work to do." He ruffled the piss drinking digimon's red mohawk a bit, snickering.

"Can't blame me for trying Master!" Gomamon nuzzled into the paw like he was a common house cat. He figured as much.. he could taste Hawkmon and Biyomon on the cat's shaft. "Anything to keep your dick in my muzzle just a second longer." He reached up and licked at the dirty fingers a bit, his own erection hard as a rock... and rather raw looking.

Duez noticed the seal's red erection, it looked rather scuffed. "Aqua-slut, what happened to your cock?" He reached down, touching Gomamon's dick lightly with his fingers.

"Oh..." Gomamon moaned softly as his master touched him there, however briefly. "Just thinking about you master makes me hard... and I can't walk easily with an erection... But the pain is well worth it to serve you!" The seal's belly dragged on the ground when he moved... normally not a problem. But he had been so horny as of late... he couldn't stop thinking about his Master Duez fucking him, using him... and even dragging a load of fish on his back across the beach couldn't soften his arousal.

The scientist cat didn't think of that. "Yeah, you aren't built like my other males... I mean, yeah, they are hard but it's not like it is hurting them..." Duez stood up slowly of the ground. "Hmmm yeah I can't have you damaging yourself and getting infected or something." The cat thought for another moment. "All right, you can wank yourself off Aqua-slut, whenever you are horny."

The Aqua-slut's eyes lit up, rolling on his belly. "Really master?" He reached down with a flipper, clumsily trying to stroke himself. Masturbating was hard in his form. "Can I think of you please when I do so?"

"I'd expect you to!" Duez smiled as he watched the seal rub his crotch rapidly. It only took him a minute to blow a load over his stomach and chest, coating his white belly with seed... it wasn't enough to get rid of that erection, and the seal frantically went to work on another load.

The cat continued to watch the show, with mild amusement. "Master!" One of his slaves shouted from upstairs... Cunt from the sounds of it. "Look what we have Master!"

There was a sounds of banging as the two birds brought their prize to the basement lab... a big green eyed flower headed Palmon. She looked shocked and scared. Her friends had jumped her in her apartment before she knew what was even going on, dragged her to the digital world... and now... Gomamon was masturbating furiously on the floor here and didn't even stop when she was brought in! A ball gag had been shoved in her muzzle and her arms were bound tightly with plastic police ties, digging into her green hide a bit. "Mimi left her alone to go to school, so we figured..." Biyomon exclaimed proudly. She and Hawkmon each had a wing firmly wrapped around each of Palmon's flat leaf-like arms. They even used the plastic ties to bind her fingers together so she could not use her poison ivy attack, rendering her helpless

Duez looked down at the pair of birds. "Quiet you two!" He snapped at them.

The birds instantly shut up... their god had spoken. Instantly the duo looked ashamed. They had done something wrong... an affront to their master. Even Gomamon looked worried... but he didn't stop rubbing his shaft. "I didn't ask for this one!" Duez snorted as he pointed to Palmon. "I don't find this green thing the least bit attractive... or useful."

Palmon... even through her gag and bindings looked a little insulted! "Mmmphhh!" She thought at the least, she had a nice rump compared to her friends.

The scientist cat didn't say anything else. "And you two risked getting caught for some ugly tree stump?" Another growl from Palmon. "It's like being sexually attracted to a vegetable."

"Mmmmmph!" Palmon was downright angry now, struggling a bit in the birds' grips. Who does this cat think he is?

Duez sighed as he went to his lab bench, grabbing a random collar... no tag on this one. He didn't make one for Palmon. He never planned on taking her into his harem. "Well maybe the jack o'lantern faced bitch can clean toilets or something..."

The green plant's fury had made her forget about her fear and confusion. She fought a bit as the cat came forward and snapped the black collar around her neck... her struggles ceased in that familiar fashion Duez had become accustomed to. "Anyway, you two birds? You are going to be punished for being stupid. Both of you... you will not have sex with me for two weeks. And I want to hear no word from either of you unless I tell you to talk."

It was like you told the birds that the world was ending, such a harsh punishment this was. They still could not speak, as per the earlier order. So they merely bowed their heads and nodded. "Aqua-slut?"

"Yes master?" Gomamon panted, a second helping of jizz on his belly... he felt bad for the birds in a way... but if they weren't getting fucked? That meant more sex for him! That idea alone helped him blow his load.

"Take Bubble Butt down from my bed." The master cat referred to Gabumon. "He can sex. Then you will have to find some sort of chastity belts for those two. I heard the human sex shops are surprisingly well-stocked..." Duez took a knife from his tool kit and started to cut the plastic ties that were digging into Palmon's skin, freeing her arms.

"Yes master!" Gomamon barked as he flipped on his cummy belly, making a bit of a wet splotch on the ground from the twin loads. "Come on you two, let's get you dressed up!"

The avians followed sullenly up the stairs. "Stupid birds... Not even close to the one I wanted." He finished freeing the newest slave with a look of disappointment. He reached behind Palmon's mouth and pulled the ball gag from her wide mouth. "And I was so looking forward to fucking something new that could actually get my dick up."

"Good enough for me!" Palmon suddenly held out her left hand. "Poison Ivy!' She shouted as her vines wrapped tightly around the legs of the cat, pulling him down on ground with a loud THUD, knocking over his tool kit and sending tools flying.

Duez was completely taken by surprise! His pets should not be able to attack him, or even think of doing so! "What are you doing?!" He shouted as he tried to get up, only to have two feet slam into his chest, pushing him down.

Palmon moved quickly, shoving the red ball into her master's mouth hard. Using the vines on her right hand, she quickly secured the latch on the back of the cat's head. "Following your order, master." She grinned as the anthropomorphic house cat struggled under her. "You wanted to fuck something new... I am something new!"

The cat realized he had been a bit careless in his words. His slaves would obey any order given... He tried to say something else, but only succeeded in drooling on his lips thanks to the big rubber ball in his maw. "Nu-huh master... the ball stays in till I get fucked at least once ..." Palmon smiled as she dragged Duez over to the metal ring he was building. "I don't want you to give me another order till you have had a chance to see how good a fuck I can be!" She smiled and pulled her vines up around the ring, using the structure as leverage to pull Duez up like a marionette.

The cat struggled a bit, growling, biting down hard into the rubbed. His fangs pierced the red ball in his mouth as he was strung up. Palmon was very skilled with her vine fingers, able to control each one of them independently. The tendrils were as strong as the toughest rope too, keeping Duez in place as she casually tied his ankles to the metal ring structure using some wiring scraps. She did the same to his wrists too, so he was spread-eagled, arms and legs stretching into a giant X. The feline hung there in his jeans at Palmon retracted her vines and snickered a bit as she tapped her collar. "Now Master? You were being a bit of a dick..." She reached up, undoing Duez's jeans and pulling them down. "I mean, there's not a lot of digimon chicks out around... and come on!" She turned around and wiggled her little green ass. "I do have one of the nicest, tightest rumps out of all the rookies." She ran her fingers over the tiny green rump, a smooth green tail sticking out above the crevice of her ass. "Come on, you got to want to tap this at least!"

Duez didn't say anything, not that he really could! He squirmed some more, but Palmon knew ropes like the back of her hand... which, they pretty much were! She hummed softly as she undid the button of his jeans, and pulled down the zipper, freeing his cock. "Mmmmm there we go..." She smiled as she fished out his red barbed shaft, running the tips of her fingers over it. "Ohhh little hooks here... But that must've hurt when you first fucked my friends..." She stuck out her pointed tongue, running it over the length of the shaft. "Mmm little pain is good I think, right master?" She smiled as she took the penis in her mouth and started to suckle, nice and hard. Her skilled digits danced over the tan balls sack, and more. She could extend her fingers with surgical precisions, and they began to snake around, rubbing his firm muscular ass.

The cat shuddered a bit... he had never been tied down for before. It was quite the exhilarating feeling. He was still angry to be used by this, by a pet no less. Yet... being helpless had an allure... and Palmon was certainly talented with her fingers. She was better at blow jobs than the hard beaked birds, but she wasn't as good a cock sucker as Gomamon was, who could go down on him for half an hour without a breath of fresh air.. But those slender fingers of hers dancing on the base of his shaft, his ball sac, his ass? It was like being rubbed down by three of his slaves at once. It wasn't too long until his barbed cock was at full attention, a throbbing length of sex meat in the plant's broad mouth.

The digimon suckled at the shaft with all her might, coaxing a nice erection out of her new master. After she tasted the first drop of precum, she removed her mouth from the dick, giving it one last slurp. "Mmmmm you see master, this ugly slut can make you happy..." She ran the dick over her smooth cheek, letting the barbs scratch her green skin slightly. She then released the shaft and took a step back. "Now then master... do you want this 'pumpkin-headed whore' to fuck you or not?" She reached out with one finger, the tip of it dancing on the head, dripping pre.

"Mmmm hmmm..." Duez nodded slowly, defeated. He was raging hard now... and self-control was hardly something he could work on around this slew of willing sex slaves. Even before he had his first Gatomon sex pet, if he ever felt any urge he would rub one out. Now with a harem of whores? His slightest whim was fulfilled in heartbeat, no matter how perverted!

"Are you sure?" Palmon reached down with another finger to rub herself in between the legs, spreading her pussy folds a bit. Her cunt was hairless, with thick green labia that pressed tightly together. You couldn't really see the slit normally unless you looked closely, or unless she was aroused, which she was at the moment. Dripping wet in fact. The slight smell of mint wafted in the air... Palmon had a unique aroma down there which anyone with a sensitive nose could detect. She rubbed her glistening pussy up and down slowly with a digit. "You want to fuck an ugly plant stump like me?" She slid the finger inside herself with a soft moan.

"Mmm hmmm!" Duez nodded frantically as he watched Palmon masturbate in front of him... his sluts wouldn't dare do such a thing. But then, he hadn't given her any orders not to... yet.

"That's better, Master." Palmon took the finger out of her cunt, extending it and running it over her Master's chest slowly, down from his neck to his belly button and back up again, leaving a slightly glistening trail of pussy juice. She then reached up, her vines wrapping around the back of Duez neck. She used his head as leverage to pull herself up, wrapping her strong legs around his waist. Her dripped snatched pressed against the throbbing erection, Palmon teasing him a bit as she rubbed back and forth. Not letting him enter, just enough to give some stimulation. "Ohhh you are hard master... you want it, don't you? Want to fuck the vegetable?"

"Mmmm!" Duez drooled slightly in the gag, trying to thrust up. Being denied was so infuriating! He wanted relief more than anything.

"Good..." And Palmon let her body slide down, taking the large barbed eight-incher inside of her with a squeal. It was a big shaft, but she was a taller rookie. And she masturbated with her vines so much she took Duez to the hilt in one thrust. The barbs dug into her flesh when she pulled back up... but she just squealed in delight. "Oh master... it feels like the thorns on my vines... but better!" She rammed herself back down again, letting out another orgasmic moan of delight. "Ohhh fuck master... such a big brutal cock in me... I never thought I could find a man who felt as good as my vines!" She panted as she began to ride hard, bouncing up and down. Her little tail bounced behind her as she enjoyed herself for all she was worth.

Duez was moaning now as well, drooling a bit over the ball. He couldn't do much... Palmon was doing all the work. She wasn't the tightest snatch (years of fucking with her own vines probably had loosened quite a bit), but she had strong muscles and took his cock with no pain in her eyes... if anything she seemed to get off on it. That too was arousing. He spewed precum into her vagina, getting closer and closer as he was egged forward.

The plant panted as she looked up, lust in her eyes. "Mmm you want to cum in me, don't you master?" The flower petal on her head dropped over her eyes. "Cum inside your big mouthed slut like a tsunami?"

The house cat nodded a few times. He hadn't wanted to climax so badly since... he couldn't remember!

"Then you have to name me like the rest of your sluts!" Palmon pulled herself up with her vines and looked straight into her master's sapphire blue eyes. "I don't want to be Palmon anymore... you cum in me like a whore? You name me like one of your whores!" The tip of the dick rested just in her pussy for now. She could feel that the Master cat was just on the verge of cumming. She wiggled a bit on the shaft, keeping Duez on edge. "Do you have a name for me? Do you have my whore name?" She panted... she too wanted to cum, but more than anything she wanted to be part of the master's harem and not just an outside.

"Mmm...mmm mmmhh!" Duez frantically agreed with a nodding of the head, fast thinking of an appropriate name for the sentient plant.

Palmon's fingers reached around the back of Duez's head, and undid the clasp on the ball gag with a flick of her slender digits. The red ball came out of his fanged maw, bouncing off Palmon's shoulder and landing on the floor. The rubber was coated with saliva, several holes punctured in it from his fangs. "What's my name?!" She shouted loudly at her master.

"Honeypot!" Duez groaned in absolutely need. He could have ordered her to fuck him... but he had given complete control to Palmon now... No, complete control to Honeypot.

"Honeypot!" Palmon replied as she drove herself down as hard as she could on the barbed shaft, squeezing her thighs together and holding herself there. "Cum in your Honeypot!" She moaned in orgasmic delight as she felt her own zenith start to hit.

Duez let the flood gates loose, just so thankful to be able to cum. He let his balls open, flooding the green pussy with his seed. It was an impressive load, especially since he had already cum twice today. The fact Palmon built him up, kept him on edge... It was like having double the orgasm at once. "Oh man.. Fuck..." The cat shuddered as he continued to jizz. It felt like his balls were going to turn inside out!

"Mmmmm yes... yes..." Palmon hugged on her master's neck tightly... pressing the side of her face into his chest. "Fill your Honeypot up Master... fill her with your seed..." She was cumming hard as well, her entire body shuddering like a leaf. Minty pussy juice leaked down her left thigh like a river, streaming with a mixture of cum, and splattering on the floor.

The two of the panted hard, chest to chest, as their twin orgasms died down. No one said anything for a moment, Palmon clutched tightly to the chest of her new master. Finally, Duez spoke. "All right Honeypot... untie me now." He panted, taking control.

"Yes master." Palmon smiled as she slid off of the sweaty dirty chest of her master and landed on her legs... a bit unsteadily. She had fucked herself on him so hard she couldn't stand straight. Her legs had a wonderful numbness that just crept over her body. She reached around to start undoing the bindings that held up her master. She had been given a direct order now, and the very code of her body forced her to obey.

Duez waited patiently as his newest slut freed him from his invention. His arms came down last, the master rubbing his wrists a bit. His limbs were a bit sore. "Well Honeypot, I admit, you are a better fuck than I expected." He started to crank his shoulders around in a broad circle, loosening up his joints a bit more.

"Why thank you master!" Palmon smiled and bowed deeply. Spunk still dripped slowly from her well used cunt. "I knew I could be a good sex slave to you, and not just some janitor." She murred, basking in the afterglow.

"True. Though you are still going to have to clean up around here. There is more to being one of my harem sluts than just fucking me you know." The brown cat pulled his jeans up, totally spent now. He had never felt so totally drained before. For the first time since he got his harem, sex was the furthest thing from his mind. "I guess I am going to have to make up a tag for you now, like the rest of my little sex-starved clan. And you are still going to be punished for this. Tying up your master like that, I am sure has to be worth a pretty severe punishment!"

Palmon stood up, a happy smile on her face. Unlike the avians, the idea of being punished a bit... excited her. "I look forward to it master!" She grinned from cheek to cheek. "And I hope you punish Honeypot here as much as she deserves."


Again here is Duez's pet list! 1. Biyomon - Cunt 2. Gatomon - Pussy 3. Veemon - V-Slut 4. Hawkmon - Fudgebird 5. Gabumon - Bubble Butt 6. Gomamon - Aqua-Slut 7. Palmon - Honeypot

Anyway, comments, votes, feedback are always appreciated. And I am available to chat, give previews and so on as [email protected] on MSN, or mrredrover on AIM and Yahoo. Comments and the like keep me writing by the way! I am sucker for feedback and the like!

Collared - Chapter 8 - The Perfect Canvas

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