Collared - Chapter 8 - The Perfect Canvas

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#1 of Duez's Collared

Sorry for the wait in the series but here is the next one! Enjoy!

This story is going to be a bit rough as well! A bit of blood and sexual torture. Not full on gore or anything, but going to get a touch rough. But it is a good thing digimon are so tough that they can take a bit of a beating. And yes, this one was free for Duez. That guy who was harassing him before? Came back. Insulting me. So, true to my word? Another free story! I promised Duez free stories if this guy keeps harassing him and me for no reason. I am stubborn that way. Today's fetish? Tattooing. One I have never done before. Enjoy!



Chapter 8: The Perfect Canvas



A black leather whip sailed across the room at the speed of sound.

"Uhhhhhh!" Palmon shuddered as the whip went across her chest again. She was spread eagle across the door frame to the bathroom. Duez had his sluts add some shackles here and there. He was getting into bondage lately, as well as some other fetishes. Metal cuffs held her by the wrist and ankles, keeping her spread eagle and exposed. Her chest and belly, as well as her legs were covered with deep green bruises from the whipping. Some of the worst wounds were even bleeding lightly. Her blood was a thick green, sap-like fluid. The plant digimon's hide was thick like tree bark though, so overall she was handling the whipping fine... in fact, a trail of minty smelling liquid trailed down her left leg. She had been dripping wet the entire time. The groans were an odd mix of pleasure and pain as she was struck over and over. A tiny little pool of lust was forming at her left stumpy foot. "Punish me more Master." She arched her head back, silver tag jingling. Duez had one made for her, with her new name stenciled across the digivice.

Duez wiped his brow. "I think you had enough, Honeypot. I don't want you to get too damaged." He had been punishing Palmon again for her little display when she was first captured. Though he wouldn't really call it punishing... the girl thrived on attention, as harsh as it was. As Gomamon seemed to love being using as a urinal, Palmon seemed to get off on pain. Maybe the collars made them so they simply couldn't be mad at him for anything whatsoever... or it simply brought out their darkest fetishes. Another possibility was that the various harem members were trying to find their own little niches for him. V-Slut would always pleasure him when he was being fed. Bubble-butt, now given occasional roaming time, walked around with his paws tied behind his back. Watching the chubby digimon eat, or suck cock, did amuse the brown cat. "I think we can take you down now. " The cat moved forward, clad in only his tented briefs. He hadn't come once today: he had gotten a call from his pets.

"Mmmm I don't think I am done for yet Master." Palmon wiggled in her bondage. "At the very least, my ass should match my front... even if only from your paw." She smiled. "I mean... you are waiting for your newest pet. Shouldn't you work out your aggression on my rump first?" The plant moved her green rump around, shaking it as Duez stepped above and behind her. "I mean, you must admit... my skin bruises SO much nicer than anyone with fur or feathers... you can't even see the marks when you spank the birds!"

Duez chuckled a bit. "True..." He pulled his paw back and brought it down hard on Palmon's green ass. "You look sexy with some wounds on you." Another smack with his bare paw, then another, and another still.

This made Palmon shudder some more. Not as painful as the whip, but it still made a dull ache in her backside that was wonderful. She tried to grind her thighs together. She was dripping so hard and the lust was filling her. "Oh Master... spank my ass..."

Duez did so, giving a few more swats to her rump. It was turning a nice dark green, when the door to his bedroom opened. "Master Duez!" V-Slut came in, holding on to a metal choke chain. "Look what I've got!" The blue Veemon was actually wagging his tail in excitement. "I went over to his place, and got him drunk! Getting the hood on him from there was easy!"

The feline grinned as he stopped spanking his plant. "Oh good V-slut!" He walked over and took the chain from the happy little dragon digimon. "Was looking forward to him, after those birds screwed up with the last pick up... no offence Honeypot." He picked the newest black collar from his dresser. He had it ready for his delivery.

"Mmmm none taken sir." Palmon giggled, flexing her fingers a bit. Her wrists and shoulders were a bit sore, but she drank in the discomfort.

"Anyway good job." Duez ran his paw over Veemon's head. Veemon looked like he was about to die from the gesture. "You can take down Honeypot there... and as a reward you can sleep with me tonight."

"Oh thank you master!" Veemon went over to Palmon to free her. His blue cock was bouncing up and down hard... maybe if he got lucky his master would even let him cum! It had been so long... But as long as he had master's wonderfully spiked cock up inside of him, everything was right in the world.

"And as for you... Armadillomon." Duez bent down on one knee, running his hand over the hard shell of his newest pet. "Welcome to my humble abode."

"Mmmmmmphhhh!" The four legged Armadillomon tried to shy away, but his head was in a black canvas bag and a choke chain was wrapped around his neck. He backed away as much as the chain let him, till he started to choke. Every time he tried to curl in a ball, or pull away, he'd almost choke to death and pass out. He was still a little tipsy from the drinking too, which didn't help matters much. Veemon brought a good bottle of Sake over... and they had downed it together. Before Armadillomon knew it, he get jumped, chained, and dragged here like a common mule.

"Armadillomon... Or should I say..." The cat snapped open the black collar and back around the thick yellow neck of the Texan-twanged digimon. "Hard Ass?"

Armadillomon went rigid as something seemed to rewrite his very thinking. His body relaxed instantly. He arched his rounded back into the paw. Duez smiled as he undid the choke chain and the black bag around the digimon's head. The yellow plated digimon smiled as he saw his master for the first time, a dreamy little look in his eyes as he gazed up at his master. His mouth was duct taped though, explaining why there had been no loud complaining or shouting. "Let me get that. You are going to need your muzzle." Duez reached down and pulled off the grey tape wrapped around the large yellow mouth.

"Yeow!" Armadillomon shouted as his lips were free. A pair of dirty underwear fell from his maw and onto Duez's feet.

The cat looked down at the pair of his own briefs, dripping wet with saliva. "Nice touch, V-Slut." A pause, then an arched eyebrow: "How did you even smuggle them in?"

"Thank you master! It's a secret!" Veemon smiled as he helped the whipped plant girl down fully. Palmon was a touch unsteady. But digimon always healed fast. They could be battling... or just slapped around, and be right as rain after less than two days.

Duez smiled down at his newest pet. Ever since he started experimenting, he always wanted to try a quadruped. "So how are you feeling, Hard Ass?"

Armadillomon smiled up to his tall master feline. "Just fine sir. A bit tipsy. That sake Veemon brought... it'll knock you on your ass!" He smiled over to his friend, all animosity forgiven. "Got me good there! Boy I ain't too swift. Veemon came out of nowhere with that choke chain... geeze."

"Don't worry about." Veemon came over to the newest pet along with Palmon. "I didn't even realize something was up, and I was getting fucked up the ass by our master!"

"Still!" The Texan speaking digimon tapped his head. "I must have stupid written on my forehead ta fall for that!'

"Mmmm..." Palmon came over and dragged a purple finger the red diamond in the center of Armadillomon's forehead. "No... But we can add it if you like."

"Add it?" Duez asked curiously. He was already getting aroused. A nice tent was being formed in his red briefs.

"Tattoo him master." The plant digimon snickered as she continued to drag her fingers over Armadillomon's shell. "Some nasty names, some pictures... maybe some tribal marks?" Palmon walked around the armadillo slowly as she sized him up like a blank canvas.

Duez chuckled for a bit. He got a nasty mental image of that. "I don't know how to tattoo sadly..." The cat ran his right paw over his newest pet's face. Armadillomon's yellow lips latched onto the furry fingers, suckling on them happily.

The plant digimon snickered a bit. She extended a purple vine finger, making it as hard as a thorn. "A little trick I learnt. " She tapped the vine on Armadillomon's head once. It made a bit of clicking sound on the shell. A drop of dye came out of the thorn. "Mimi, my ex-digidestined wanted a tattoo... but she was too young to get one. So I practised on myself, and, well... she has a lovely little heart on her rump now."

"Sounds like a fun idea." Duez pulled his wet fingers from Armadillomon's maw. He grabbed his briefs and pulled them down to his ankles, kicking them off into Veemon's face. "You can have those while you go fix dinner V-slut."

The happy little blue dragon smiled ear to ear. He pulled the underwear to his nose and inhaled his master's musk deeply. His tail thumped on the ground a few times happily. The digimon's cock was so hard he almost came right then and there. "Thank you master!" Veemon answered as he headed downstairs to whip up a meal for his lord.

"And as for you, Hard Ass." Duez sat down on the edge of the bed, spreading his furry legs. "Why don't you blow me while Palmon marks you as mine?" The cat smiled. His hard barbed cock stood straight up. It was throbbing and dripping pre already.

"Happily sir!" Armadillomon put his feet up on the cat's knees. He opened his maw nice and wide, and took the cock in his muzzle without a moment's hesitation. He had never even considered sucking another's dick before, but now? It felt so right! The yellow digimon groaned happily as the salty pre slid down his gullet.

"Mmmm... not bad for a first timer." Duez stroked the big flappy ears of his pet as he nursed. "All right Honeypot, let's see you work. How about we put his name across his back? In nice big black letters."

"Certainly sir." Palmon grinned as she held out her needle like finger. She forced the dyes in her body to change to a dark inky black. A moment later she pressed the tip to the back of Armadillomon's shell hard, making a little black spot. "Don't bite down now!"

"Mmmmphh!" Such a thing was unthinkable of course to any of the mind controlled sluts. Even as he felt the pin prick in his back, marking him for life, all he could think about was pleasuring the perfect feline. The pain was minor for a digimonm, and he didn't have much feeling in his shell anyway. Right now, all he was concentrating on was making his master cum. He tried to think back of the times he got his cock sucked off... tried to duplicate it. He used his tongue under the side of the cock, rubbing it over the barbs. It was an odd feeling as the barbs dug into his mouth muscle. It made him shudder in delight.

"Oh yes... not bad." The cat moaned as Armadillomon experimented. "Use that tongue..." Duez spewed a little more precum into his newest slut's muzzle. He was getting close rather fast. Breaking in a new slut was always a fun time. Not to mention watching Palmon work.

The little plant digimon grinned happily as she jabbed the thorny finger into the hard yellow shell over and over. She worked fast, but meticulous. She didn't want to screw up branding one of Master's pets for life. "There's hard..." Hard was written across the front of the shell in big black bold letters. She was pretty good at calligraphy. The letters were neat and crisp with just the right amount of flair. "Now the ass!" She snickered as she moved down to the lower part of the Armadillomon's shell. "How are you doing master?"

Duez moaned happily... cumming down his pet's throat. "Mmm doing fine here... just getting the first cum out..." Armadillomon continued to suckle and drink the jizz down greedily. His very first taste of master. You could almost see his eyes gloss over in pure pleasure. The cat had been saving himself all day for his pet. He wanted to get as much use out of him as possible.

"Mmmm..." Armadillomon didn't stop sucking even as his plant friend moved behind his rump. She lifted his tail nice and high and began to poke him over and over under his sensitive area there. He squirmed just a little pit at the sharp thorn jabbed him repeatedly, but he kept true to his duty.

"Rrrrr got a nice muzzle on your hard ass." The furry master remarked as his cock was suckled for several long minutes after his first orgasm. Soon the Texan-twanged digimon managed to coax another erection from Duez. The cat was getting so much pleasure from his growing harem he was almost constantly aroused now.

Palmon moved quickly as she finished up her tattoo on the thick yellow tail. "Well why not give all his holes a test run?" The plant snickered as she moved back, wiping her brow once. "Show him your new tattoo, Hard Ass."

Armadillomon let the cock flip from his muzzle. "Sure thing!" He was new, and probably shouldn't be following orders from the plant girl. But he wanted to make his master happy... not to mention have a chance of having a nice hard feline cock shoved up his asshole. He had a finger in there before from a kinky girl... but never a dick. And such a beautiful dick! He turned around and presented his ass to the master without a hint of shame. His large yellow balls swung freely between his hind legs, moving back and forth like a metronome. His hard, and rather impressive shaft touched the ground. He was dripping pre like a madman. The armadillo was so rigid and aroused just thinking about his master fucking him.

Duez snickered as he looked under Armadillomon's tail. His Honeypot had etched an arrow with the tip pointing to the asshole. "Cute." He remarked as he grabbed the digimon's legs and lifted them straight up so that the digimon was standing on his front paws. "Ready to lose your ass cherry?" The cat stood over the smaller creature, pointing his cock downwards.

"Ride me pardna'!" Was the instant response back. Armadillomon looked up, seeing his master upside down from his odd handstand angle. His large cock almost touched his chin. The grand member slapped against his chest a few times as Duez positioned himself and slammed downwards hard. His barbed cock tip pressed against the hole and went in through sheer strength. Duez pushed down with all his force and easily penetrated the tight sphincter. "Oh yeah!" Armadillomon grimaced as he struggled to hold the pose. "Slam down in the sucker!"

Duez grunted as he began to do little hip squats. His barbed cock sank in to his balls as he humped his newest pet. "Rrrrr... always fun to break in your new sluts." The brown feline remarked as his eight-incher was shoved in again. He didn't have much lube besides a bit of saliva from his previous oral pleasure, along with some cum residue. But digimon were tough little critters and could take a pounding. Even so, after a few minutes of frantic fucking Armadillomon began to tear, just a bit. A bit of blood coated the cat's penis as he continued his assault. "Mmmm yeah... loosening you up a bit there, Hard Ass." The cat joked as his he felt the crimson fluid lube up his cock some. He spewed some precum into the hole as his tempo increased. He could feel the orgasm start to build up inside of his body.

"Yeah, got to fuck me a lot harder to break me!" Armadillomon looked at his upside down partner. His big thick cock slapped against his chest over and over, in rhythm with the cat's fucks. It provided a little stimulation along with the relentless pounding of his prostate. Not enough to cum, but certainly enough to start dripping a steady stream of pre cum. The salty liquid dripped down and splattered on his chin and down over his lips. Armadillomon licked his maw frantically to taste himself. It was good. Not as good as master, but still nice. He was surprised he had never thought of fucking guys before!

"Ohh yeah fuck him hard master!" Palmon squirmed as she watched. She longed to touch herself, but the plant girls had orders not to. Only master may touch them. Still, the show was enough to stimulate her. A faint whiff of mint filled the air as a steady stream of precum leaked down her left leg. It made the tiniest of rivers as it reached her large stumpy foot and began to make a small little wet spot at her feet.

"Going to, Honeypot." Duez groaned as he felt himself quickly move to the point of no return... instead of cumming in his pet though, he pulled out quickly. His bloody dick hung like a tower as the cat grabbed it and stroked off hard. The other paw was on Armadillomon's tail, holding him steady as he continued to jack off. It didn't take long before the cat exploded with white hot lust all over the digimon's face. "Rrrrrr yes..." he grunted as he sprayed a decent size load on the digimon. "Give you a nice welcoming facial." Streaks of white coated the broad yellow face as Duez's tan paw frantically worked that shaft.

"All right!" Armadillomon closed his eyes as he felt the jizz stick like clue to his face and ears. He opened them a moment later when master was finally done jerking himself off. His left flappy ear had a nice string of sperm that streaked all the way to his nose and down to his upper lips. He flashed his broad white teeth to his feline master.

"A good look on you. Hard Ass." The cat master smirked as he flopped his limp dick up and down a few times. He then placed the cock to his brand new pet's muzzle. "Here you can clean up a bit." Duez traced his pink cock head over the male's lips in a slow, counter clockwise circle.

The digimon let out a bit of a lustful groan. Just touching his master's shaft filled him with such glee. "Oh thank you sir." He opened his maw and took the shaft, fresh from his ass and suckled with a happy moan.

Duez just let his pet spit polish his shaft to a nice shine. He pulled out after a few minutes later. "Mmm, that's enough for now." The feline remarked as he gave the digimon a pat on the head as if he was a common bitch dog. "Honey Pot?"

The green plant digimon was standing at attention waiting until master needed her. She watched the whole breaking in of the new pet with just a hint of jealousy. She was dripping with arousal from watching the show. Her pussy dripped slowly and let a tiny river flow down her leg. She so ached to touch herself. But only master was allowed to touch her and pleasure her down there. "Yes master?"

"Fetch me some clean briefs. And pants." Duez motioned to his female pet. "The work pants." he specified. "I'd like to get back to work now, as much fun as buggering Hard Ass is. The portal machine is almost done."


Foreshadowing ho! What is this mysterious portal? Anyway, comments, votes, feedback are always appreciated. And I am available to chat, give previews and so on as [email protected] on MSN, or mrredrover on AIM and Yahoo. Comments and the like keep me writing by the way! I am a sucker for feedback and the like!

Again here is Duez's pet list!

  1. Biyomon - Cunt
  2. Gatomon - Pussy
  3. Veemon - V-Slut
  4. Hawkmon - Fudgebird
  5. Gabumon - Bubble Butt
  6. Gomamon - Aqua-Slut
  7. Palmon - Honeypot
  8. Armadillomon - Hard Ass

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