The Twelve Talismans : Body Swap - Chapter 2 - Gender Bender

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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Long time between chapters. Enjoy this little bit of gender bending!

Zohaku wanted another one. And we are adding yet another fetish to my list of gender transformation! This takes place between chapter 13 ("Ying and Yang") and 14 ("World Tour"), before World Tour started. Consider this an alternate time line, especially if there are more added into the series! All characters are 18, or whatever age is legal in your area! And the Gabumon you will see upcoming in this series? Sort of reminds me of Chroma, Demiglenn's female Gabumon character. Man she is hot!


The Twelve Talismans: Body Swap

Chapter 2: Gender Bender



Gomamon snuck out of Kari's apartment in the middle of the night, being a bit of a heel. He did, at least, have the common courtesy of changing her back to a human instead of leaving her as a digital feline. The monkey power certainly had its uses once he discovered he could use it others. Of course, it was icing on the cake that he managed to convince the girl she was Gatomon and his boyfriend on top of it. That certainly took a fair bit of smooth talking!

"That was fun." The seal snickered as he headed over to Matt's apartment. He currently was using his power of flight to soar through the sky. The plethora of powers he had somehow acquired had given him a wide range of abilities. And certainly made like a hell of a lot easier for him. Getting around the city was a breeze.

Gomamon landed on the window outside Matt's room. "Gaaabbuuu." He tapped on the glass lightly once. No answer. He must be out for a change. Probably getting food or something... Lord knows it was hard to pry him away from his pron. He opened the window from the outside and easily slipped in. Who would bother to lock a window when you were multiple floors above ground level?

"Vulpix?" The furry rookie called out next. The seal had brought Gabumon one of his hand-me-down sluts. A furry plush pokemon brought to life with his rat power. The red fur pokemon was certainly fun and the pudgy friend of Goma's deserved a bit of excitement. Maybe if she was here he could have a nice little fun romp... Leave Gabumon's new toy all messy.

Again no answer. "Both out?" That was a touch odd. Vulpix was a pokemon and couldn't exactly travel without being noticed. Of course, there were now a thousand and more different types of digimon in the human world. A fox pokemon could probably blend in much easier now. Heck, half the digimon looked like some sort of pokemon... Gomamon swore if another little girl called "Seel" again he'd snap.

"Hmmm..." Gomamon went over to Gomamon's porn stash hidden behind the bed. He removed the metal grating and went into the air vent to pull out his prize. A bunch of USB drives, DVDs and a hard drive. The DVDs had some of the older stuff Gabumon filmed in secret of random girls. Up skirts, onsens, in the bathroom. Anything that may give the digimon a flash of something naughty. Still pretty tame.

The newer stuff was where it was at. The USB drives held all of Gomamon's exploits. Gabumon must have been putting them on the brand new external hard drive... made sense. No reason to have a dozen sticks of data around. "No one home...but at least his collection is safe and sound." The seal snickered and pulled out the hard drive and went over to Gabumon's computer. "Why not relive some old memories?"

The seal climbed awkward into the leather desk chair. The wheels squeaked a bit as he leaned over to plug the device into the computer. It whirred a bit, and a large file opened up. Gabumon was pretty organized with his porn. Everything was clearly labeled and dated... from Gomamon's first encounter with Kari to his more recent exploits. "Nice. Maybe I should take Gabumon on as my director." He laughed a bit as he grabbed the mouse and moved to a random file. "Palmon I think... finding the horse power... that was amazing." The horse power had the ability to heal... but also revitalize, so it allowed the seal to blow his load almost nonstop. The seal wondered if you could actually die from orgasming too much... Be a fun way to go!

The screen turned on... Gomamon moved the movie ahead to around the midway point. Right when it was getting really hot and heavy. There Palmon was... the green skinned plant girl riding him reverse cowgirl style on the Hawaiian beach. She was already drenched with a dozen loads from the horny seal. Her flower head was drooping a bit from the added weight of the sticky sperm. The stigma that jetted from the center of her head was bent over a bit... a long bead of cum dripping off and on the Gomamon's ball. The dialogue was nothing but animalistic grunts and groans as the two horny digimon just fucked for all they were worth.

"Mmmmm..." Gomamon, surprisingly, had never watched any of the tapes. Yeah he got a giddy thrill taping his exploits and had planned on getting around to seeing them. But he would then find a new power, rush off to try it, and then be onto the next girl! It was... strangely hot to see yourself in action. He really just wanted some video of the girls fucking... But man...

The seal felt a twinge in his loins. His favourite toy was jetting out of his white fur. The seal prick had escaped from its hiding place and was looking for the light of day. "Uhhh..." The seal got of his belly and leaned on his back against the back of the chair. His prick continued to grow slowly as he was mentally stimulated by the voyeuristic display. His flipper went down to rub himself even before he knew it. "Wait... this is Gabumon's house..." he thought for a moment. Whacking off in his friend's room? Dangerous... but... Gomamon had of course been sending his friend video off all the perverted stuff he had been doing for weeks now! How could his friend walking in on him jerking off possibly be worse? It actually made the seal laugh a bit as he started to jerk himself off in earnest now.

Gomamon heard the door open as he finished... lying on his back against the chair with a decent load on his furry belly. "Oh hey Gabumon..." The seal snickered as the Palmon swallowed another load with a loud gulp even audible onscreen. He snickered and turned his head around in the chair. "Never got a chance to see it my WHOA!"

"Gomamon!" TK and Matt were there. Both blond haired attractive youths in their teens. And both lived here. Gabumon was Matt's digimon... and somehow, in all his sexcapades, Gomamon had forgotten that his voyeuristic friend lived with others! Matt, the elder of the two, looked down wide eyed. "What the hell are you doing?"

A look of panic crossed the seal's face. That was pretty stupid of him. "Ummmm..." He thought quickly and a plan began to form in his mind. His claws reached over to one of the many symbols that adorned the back of his flippers. "Gatomon!" The seal smacked his black claw down on his other flipper and hit the transformation monkey once more. It was fast becoming one of his most favourite powers. His body morphed rather quickly. Hind flippers became bipedal legs, knees and all. The red hair on his head receded into his scalp even as his long ears shorted and flattened into leathery triangles. Purple tufts of hair sprouted at the end of each of his ears. His flippers became much thinner as he ended up standing upright on the chair.

"Go... huh?" TK blinked in surprise as their male seal friend transformed into another digimon right before their very eyes. "What's going on?"

The Gatomon looked at them... her eyes shimmering a bit. "Cat's eyes hypnotism!" She shouted loudly as she looked at the both of them. This was why Gomamon chose this form... Gatomon seldom used this power... but right now it was handy for the transformed seal. He just hoped it would work on humans.

The young teens both looked at the cat... her eyes glowing, mesmerizing... It was hard to look away. Soon it was impossible. The just stood there... mouths agape as the feline poured on the mental power. TK even was drooling a bit as his mind seemed to very far away. "Good... Now..." Gomamon waved her paw over her. "You never saw Gomamon jerking off in your room."

"Never saw." Both of them chanted in unison. Kinda creepy in a way but still it was the best solution to their problem.

"Good." Gomamon smiled again. "Damn this is a useful ability. Surprised Gatomon doesn't use it more. Save a fortune on speeding tickets!" She snickered a bit... not getting a laugh from the other two. "Laugh." She said.

Instantly both boys began to laugh as if they heard the funniest joke in their lives. It went on for some time... till Gomamon held out his paw. "Stop..." The brothers stopped laughing as if someone had thrown a switch. The seal gave a little smirk. It was a rather neat trick. "Huh, you two will do whatever I say, right?"

"Yes master." They answered in almost perfect unison.

"Ohhh master... I kinda like the sound of that!" This made the seal a bit curious. Would they really do anything? Worth a check. Time to try something rather extreme. "All right... both of you strip naked."

Both boys began to disrobe without a second thought. TK threw off his white hat first and began to pull of the long sleeve T-shirt he normally wore. Matt had on his green school uniform which he was quickly removing as well. He kicked off his shoes and socks at the same time as he took off his jacket. His pants and underwear came down next. Matt was pretty well hung... An uncut cock right now that hung flaccidly over his balls sack. He began to unbutton his dress shirt even as TK pulled down his long shorts. TK's briefs came next. The young teen threw them into the corner casually. He looked like a smaller version of Matt. A couple years younger, a slightly smaller uncut shaft, and a few less blond pubes.

The seal looked the two of them over. Never really got a good look at a naked human male before. Yeah he had seen Matt and TK in the hot springs before but Gomamon really didn't pay attention. Not to mention he was too busy trying to sneak over to the woman's side. Males were not really his thing to be honest. Maybe if he was really hard up. Of course, thanks to the multitude of powers he was getting tail left and right. Sometimes quite literally tail. Digimon quite often had tails of all shapes... a rather sexy feature that humans sadly missed. "Hmmmm... I order you to listen to me when I turn back to Gomamon." He pressed the transformation power on his flipper. His ears began to thin out and red hair sprouted from his head once more. He found he could no longer stand upright and had to go down on his widening flippers. Soon he was back to his old seal self, the purple marks on his face appearing last. "All right Matt? Come forward. I want to try something."

Matt did just that. His cock bounced up and down a bit comically. It made the sea digimon snicker a bit. "Those things must be such a hassle naked... you guys need hiding places for your dick like us." He reached forward and placed a claw on the teen's knee. He pressed his other claw to the top of his flipper. The monkey power began to glow brightly as Gomamon shouted. "Gabumon!"

Matt's body slowly began to change. First his skin began to turn yellow as he slowly shrank down. His thin body, sporting just a hint of a six pack, began to get a little husky. A Buddha belly appeared with a rather intricate design as he got shorter. A horn slowly grew out of his forehead, long and golden as his pinky finger melded into his hand, leaving him with four fingers. Next his hair began to turn white and blue... growing down his body... it slowly formed into a pelt that covered most of his back. Except for the thick tail that sprouted over his growing rump. His human cock began to change as well. It actually grew a good inch in length and half an inch in thickness. Finally he stopped morphing... An almost exact replicate of Gabumon was now in front of the seal, except for the external, exposed junk.

"Cool." The seal snickered as he admired his work. "But... I wonder..." He still had his claw on the Gabumon now... but his stomach this time. "Female Gabumon!" He said as he activated his power once more. He figured he would try something completely new. He had never seen a female Gabumon before... he wondered if he could change someone into something he had never seen before.

Matt's body began to morph once more. His chest began to sprout out. The pudgy male's slight manboobs turned into a sizeable, perky rack and his facial features softened a bit. His cheekbones shrank in a bit to give him--well her--a more... feminine appearance. His hips broadened ever so slightly and even his stance changed. Matt was now a fully female Gabumon... a rather chubby cutie.

"Nice." Gomamon couldn't help but not as he admired the boy turned digimon. He looked to TK who was still standing at attention, buck naked. "Yeah TK? Go and lock the door to the apartment and make sure no one else comes in. I want to have some alone time with your sister." He couldn't help but chuckle at his private joke.

"Yes sir." TK turned out of the bedroom and headed to the apartment door. He was still under the little Jedi mind trick of Gomamon's and would obey for the time being.

The seal just looked at the stoic female digimon for a bit. "Just stand right there for a second Gabumon-Matt." Gomamon joked a bit. The female digimon just stood there as Gomamon dug into Gabumon's little hidden cache. He grabbed the digital camera from the back along with the tripod and set it up quickly in the corner of the room. He certainly knew his way around the electronics now, thanks to the last few weeks of videotaping every one of his conquests. He normally used his invisibility power to make the cameras invisibles so the girls wouldn't know they were being filmed. Though this time? It seemed unnecessary.

Gomamon pressed the record button the camera. The red light came on with a welcoming blink. He smiled to himself and turned back to Matt. She was still standing there blissfully in the deepest of hazes. "Hmmmm..." Gomamon took one of his black claws and dragged it over his yellow groin slowly. The dull black digit moved back and forth to stimulate her. Ever so slow her body became aroused. Labia began to swell ever so slightly exposing an almost invisible slit. Digimon who didn't wear clothes, such as the plant rookie Palmon, had vaginas with labia that lined up so perfectly you couldn't see any sex organs whatsoever. It helped to perpetuate the myth that digimon had no gender. Of course Gomamon knew better. "Nice... Virgin I take it?" he laughed as he began to slip the end of his claw into her sunny snatch.

"No sir." Matt replied still standing at attention. She answered honestly. It didn't even dawn on her to lie. Gomamon wasn't surprised, though obiously that particular bit of anatomy had never seen use. He was surprised that the seemed oblivious to getting fingered in a brand spanking new cunt, though. She didn't seem aroused, but her body was certainly responding naturally to the intruder.

The white furred sea mammal continued to explore the girl a little more. He took two claws and used them like chop sticks to spread the top of her cunt. She had a little clitoris in between the fat folds. A cute little yellow nub that leaned ever so slightly to the left. "Damn... Nice. Sure looks like the real thing." The seal shoved his white furry face between the chubby yellow legs. He took a deep breath and inhaled. "Smells like pussy too." Gomamon laughed a bit as he moved his maw and back forth. His facial fur brushed over the yellow labia over.

Matt's brand new body began to react in spite of itself. The lips started to glisten a bit with vaginal juice at the stimulation. She didn't say anything and just stood there as the seal face brushed this new area. Even when the seal started to lap the cunt she didn't say anything and just stood there, letting the magical infused digimon slurp up and down her yellow crotch.

Gomamon continued his pussy meal for a bit. He couldn't tell it from the real thing. It tasted like snatch. Slightly salty woman taste. Of course digimon were as varied in their genitalia as they were in rest of their bodies. Palmon tasted ever so slightly of mint for example and Biyomon cooed to the havens when she orgasmed. And Gabumon? The female version seemed to have a very slight rainbow sheen to her vaginal juices. Gomamon moved his head back... it was almost hypnotic the way her pussy just shone. The sea mammal licked his lips once. He looked up at Matt's rather bored face. "Hey, you,re supposed to enjoy it. In fact, you just want the seal. Badly."

Instantly the look on Matt's face changed. A look of needy ecstasy filled her face as she looked down. The eyes under her furry mask just beamed with desire. "Oh god I need you Gomamon." Matt panted. Her dripping cunt seemed too intense. A thin stream of female cum formed on her leg as she reached down and grabbed the seal by the shoulders. Her hand were as strong as those of the lizard Gomamon knew. She pulled him up in her arms and against her tits. The dark yellow nipples were pert and erect. They rubbed against the seal's chest as the female Gabumon ran her tongue over the seal's face.

"Ohhh yeah you're a horny digimon aren't you?" Gomamon chuckled as the Gabumon's hands slide down his shoulders and sides. She grabbed the seal's furry bum firmly. The little tail stuck out between her chubby fingers as she pulled him in between her legs.

"Yes sir... I am so needy." Matt grinded her dripping cunt against the seal's red dick. Gomamon's dick became slick with her juices as she used him to try and get off. "Come on...fuck me Gomamon!" She begged harder as she tried to pull the seal inside her. "Break my new cunt in!" She tried to guide the red dick inside her but she wasn't even really sure where the entrance was. It was all brand new to her.

The sea mammal enjoyed the filthy words coming from Matt's mouth. "Yeah... let's pop your brand new cherry." Gomamon lowered his hips a bit. The seal dick slid over the clitoris and between the yellow labia. He felt the entrance to the women start to swallow the head of his red tapered seal dick. She was so wet she was positively dripping with arousal. "You want it babe?" Gomamon teased with just the head of his cock in the wanting cunt.

"Oh gods, fuck me!" Matt growled in utter lust. She got a firm grip on the tuchus and pulled Gomamon towards her hard. The seal dick slid in deep. New feelings filled Matt's digimon form. The feeling of a hole that so desperately needed to be filled. She never even realized she was empty until that red shaft penetrated her. That was all it took for the pudgy gal to have her first female orgasm. The Gabumon began to shake as a tiny little orgasm rocked her yellow form. It was a brand new feeling. This was something new... She came yes. Her body spasmed, her breathing became shallow and quick, her heartbeat quickened. But... she didn't feel the drain that came after an orgasm. The climax wasn't nearly as intense as a man's orgasm was either. All it did was leave her wanting more. She pulled hard on the seal, pretty much taking control for now.

The seal was certainly enjoying the eagerness of the Gabumon. He really didn't have to do much: she had a good strong set of arms that easily supported his weight. "Ohhh yeah! Wanting little slut aren't you?" He panted. His flippers held on tightly to Gabumon's shoulders. His claws dug into her blue and white fur coat.

Matt frantically nodded and agreed with her lover. "Yes, yes, yes!" The Gabumon panted over and over. She could feel another orgasm building inside of her. Already she could tell it was going to be more powerful than the last one. The first orgasm seemed like but an appetizer to the inevitable banquet.

The seal felt the cum starting to churn in his furry nutsack. Gabumon's virgin tight pussy welcomed him like an old and very eager friend. "Ohhh needy girl... yeah... take my cock." He groaned loudly as every time he entered the yellow scaled cunt brought him closer to another climax. TK could hear the sounds of his radically transformed brother fucking the home intruding digimon shamelessly. Yet he still waited at the door and would continue to do so until Gomamon gave another order or until the spell wore off.

"Give it to me..." Matt felt her loins ache with need. Gomamon's furry crotch rubbed over her sex organs. It was such a wonderful feeling. She never realized how good fur could feel against her skin. It was still fairly similar to his human form's though it was far more colourful. "Come on... cum in me... Cum in me!" The Gabumon begged.

The seal let the floodgates open. Hot cum pained the inner walls of Matt's cunt and leaked out down her leg in a small white stream to stain the carpet. "Mmm yeah that's a good girl!" He moaned at the wonderful release of an orgasm. He held on tightly to Gabumon's shoulder as he drained his balls into the wanting snatch. The camera got a wonderful shot of the seal's furry rump as he came like a geyser.

"Yessss!" Gabumon shouted. She held on tightly to the climaxing seal. She pulled him in tight and held him place as she started to cum herself. The first little orgasm was nothing compared to second one. Her loin became wet with her sex juice. Her body shook like a paint mixer on high. Her mind was just swimming with all sorts of emotions. It was like an orgasm, yet an orgasm she had never felt before. She let out another breathless groan of desire and let Gomamon slide out of her. His dick slid down her left as Gomamon fell to the ground on his belly. Another orgasm... and she still wasn't finished. Maybe it was the fact this was a brand new body, or maybe digimon females just had far more stamina than a human.

The red headed digimon hadn't exhausted himself yet either. Besides, he still hadn't fully explored the Gabumon's new form yet. "On the ground." Gomamon ordered the still aroused digimon female. "I am not quite done with you." He turned and gave a little wink to the camera. "And besides, we still have a lot of memory left." The seal laughed a bit. "Thank the gods for four gigabyte memory sticks!"

The feminine Gabumon instantly complied. The mental hypnosis was still controlling her mind so she couldn't stop if even she wanted too. She got down on her back. Rather awkwardly. She had a big tail now which was almost as new to Matt as a vagina was. She had to twist a bit to get comfy. She spread her legs and reached down to pull her labia apart. Her insides were a nice sunshine yellow and just shimmering with her rainbow lust. "Yes sir." Her body ached with such need for the mind controlling seal.

"Nuh uh." Gomamon shook his head as he climbed on top of the girl. He let his dick slide over her pudgy belly and into the crevice between her breasts. "You are about the only rookie digimon I've ever seen with tits... And the human gals I know don't have a decent rack either. It is so hard to get a half assed tit fuck."

Matt got the message. She took her fingers off her snatch and pulled the seal on her yellow boobs. The nipples were still as perky as anything. She squeezed hard and sealed Gomamon's prick in her cleavage. "Yes sir!" She couldn't help but desire the red penis more than anything right now and the cum that came with it.

The sea mammal digimon began to pump in the cleavage. The breasts had a wonderfully soft texture, like that of the soft leather. "OHhhh yeah..." Gomamon wrapped his flippers around Gabumon's long yellow horn. It made for an excellent handle. He began to fuck with earnest now. Pre cum started to drip down his dick to be rubbed into her cleavage as if it was massage oil. "Mmmmm yeah feels nice." He pulled harder on Gabumon's horn so she had to lift her head up. "But I think you can do better! Suck it bitch!" The seal talked dirty. He was having quite the power trip right now. Utter control over a freshly made virgin female? What guy wouldn't be corrupted!

Gabumon opened her maw nice and wide. Her teeth were nice and white, pointed yet blunted at the end. Just like a canine's. She had to really crank her neck to take even the tip of the seal prick in his mouth but he managed to do so thanks to Gomamon holding on her horn tightly. She made a big happy groan as she suckled the tip of the shaft. She could taste her own juice as well as a hint of his cum on the slickened shaft. She still held her yellow breast around the base of the shaft as Gomamon used her tits as a make shift cunt. The salty precum began to drip precum freely into the pelted digimon's maw. She eagerly took every drop like it was the finest wine. She craved anything the seal gave her. And she wanted even more.

"Yeahhhh suck it." The dominant furry digimon moaned. He held on tightly to the horny with both flippers as he pounded away. Gomamon groaned as he increased his speed. He was on his second cum with the transformed female and his third overall. He really had to work to get this one going. But that was half the fun. Squeezing out one more load was always such a wonderful draining experience. "Suck it you cock guzzling whore!" He pulled on the horn even harder, forcing another inch of seal shaft past her yellow lips and touching the roof of her mouth.

The large breasted Gabumon loved the dirty name calling... she was a cum guzzling whore now. Her nose slid in between her own breasts as the seal was drawing to a close. Gabumon moaned softly. Her own pussy was dripping freely now. A tiny little puddle of sheen formed and then soaked into the carpeting of her room. The smell of sex filled her nostrils. Her sense of smell was greatly enhanced in this form. She could smell Gomamon's sweat and slight musk, which would have been undetectable in her old human form. She could smell her own lusty drippings between her legs. The aroma seemed to permeate every corner of the room. It made her even more aroused if that was possible. She desperately grinded her chubby thighs together to try and alleviate some of the wanting pleasure. She managed to get a bit of stimulation done there but it wasn't nearly enough. It just kept the edge off her budding desires. She wished she had another hand to reach down there and explore her new vagina thoroughly... but that would have left the seal hanging and she couldn't have that. His pleasure, in her mind, came first!

The seal was fucking in broad strokes now. He fed the digimon a healthy helping of his precum as he got closer and closer. His balls slid over her belly like it was a hill. The furry nuts completed the same pattern repeatedly. Each pass of the testicles got a little faster as he closed in. "Almost there... almost... Get ready..." He warned her as he past the point of no return. Gomamon felt his balls empty into the eager digimon's mouth. Matt didn't even flinch as she took a big load of seal spunk in his muzzle. She drank every drop of seed as if it was the last serving of water on earth. She continued sucking long after the torrent of seed ended.

Gomamon let the horny digimon suck his shaft for a bit. He was pretty much spent for now. But it was always nice to let his penis soak in a warm muzzle. After a few minutes he pulled his cock from the maw. A trail of saliva stretched from his dick head to her yellow lips, stretching long before it snapped. "That's enough of that." The seal slid off her belly and on to the carpeted floor. His left back flipper made a bit of a wet splashing sound as it hid the wet spot she made on the carpet.

"Yes sir." Matt reached down and grabbed her legs to spread them wide. She wasn't too flexible in this form, but she certainly could give a rather shameless show. Her yellow pussy glistened. Her entire body shuddered in anticipation.

"Mmmm nah." Gomamon chuckled as he rather enjoyed how blatantly Matt tried to entice him in for yet another round. "I think I had my fun with you for a bit."

"But I am still horny sir." Matt pleaded. She pulled his legs apart even farther till her muscles ached. Her vagina spread open a little wider so the seal could get a good view inside her nether regions. "Come on Sir... you have one more in you?" She whimpered with big puppy dog eyes.

"Ohhh..." The magically infused seal traced a black claw down his flipper to the horse symbol. "I certainly have more than one in me." He gave the symbol a flick. The healing power flooded through his body. It revitalized him, instantly draining away his exhaustion and making him aroused once more. His testicles filled once more with sperm as the boundless stamina power charged every cell. It probably was his favourite power. Though the monkey power of transformation? Certainly was giving the horse power a run for its money. The seal just looked at the lewdly spread digimon female for a few more seconds, before giving her a casual dismissive gesture with his flipper. "You just sit there and masturbate for a bit." Gomamon snickered as he hit the rooster power on his flipper next. He then made a gesture to the still recording camera

Gomamon mentally commanded the camera to face Matt for a bit, getting a parting shot of her playing with her pussy. She wasn't used to all the ins and outs of her vagina, but from the looks of it she was a fast learner. Gomamon spent a few more minutes recording the still horny gal, before he turned around and headed to the door to the TV room. He saw Matt's naked brother standing guard stoically at the door way. His naked rump faced the bedroom as the blond boy stood watch. Gomamon just let a rather sly grin cover his face. "I think I am going to play with your brother for a bit... well, your soon to be sister."


Looks like TK is going to be next... a female Patamon? A random digimon girl? Who knows where the perverted seal's mind will go. Well... I do. The rest of you will have to wait. I admit... I really enjoyed this story. It was fun to write. Though I simply DO hate gender swap pronouns. Especially with Matt, who is a male, and Gabumon, who is a male. I kept switching back repeatedly!

If you want to contact me? Msn is [email protected] Aim is mrredrover Yahoo is [email protected]

The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 39 - Fourth Wall? What Fourth Wall?

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Legacy of the Vampire 3: Unholy Child

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Tails Trouble - Chapter 3 - Unfaithfulness

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