Tails Trouble - Chapter 3 - Unfaithfulness

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#3 of Tails Trouble

And the next Chapter. This was a LONG time between chapters. Thanks Draegwolf for getting it going!

A long, long time between chapters for this one! This is for Draegwolf, who is a big sonic fan. He was the one who got me to post the old Sonic stories. Only did a couple of them, though there are some sonic characters in my crossovers. Some new fetishes in this one! Cheating wife, risk of pregnancy. Tails is also the age of consent in your country! Bunnie, in this is married to Antoine, and still has her bionic parts?


Tails' Trouble

Chapter 3: Unfaithfulness



Tails struggled a bit. The teen fox was still tied up on the well-used bed. All four of his limbs were strapped down on the bed. Which would be bad enough, but he was in some bedroom in some sex fetish club which Rogue had dragged him in... and traded him to a panda as if he was nothing more than a commodity. He tried to pull free again... no luck. He tried to bite the ropes around his wrist, but he couldn't get his fangs close enough.

"Are you not enjoying yourself?" A familiar Texan twang filled the air.

The two tailed fox turned to face the door, now wide open. "Bunnie!" The tan furred rabbit that was half machine was there. Her right metallic hand leaned against the frame as she took in the sight. Tails moved to cover his exposed groin... to no luck. He had forgotten his hands weren't free. He had wished Sushi, the hot panda, would have at least tucked him in before leaving! His red cock was still hanging free for all to see. "What... what are you doing here?" He blushed hard which the rabbit could see even through his white furry cheeks.

The rabbit leaned against the door frame... she was wearing a leather corset which pushed up her tits giving her even more cleavage. Her nipples were still exposed in the sexy get up... making the fox even more uncomfortable if that was possible. "Looks like the same thing you are up to." She casually shut the door behind her and walked over to the bed. Her metal feet made little clanks on the tile floor as she sauntered over. She leaned over to bed and ran her strong fingers on her natural hand over her body. "Although I hardly expected you off all people to end up here Tails. You always struck me as the goody two shoes type!"

"I'm not... I mean..." Tails stuttered a bit. He was trying to keep this a secret... but it just all came blurting out! "I was breaking into Rogue's apartment to steal a Chaos emerald and I agreed so sleep with her so she wouldn't tell Sonic and everyone and I came with her here and to this sex club and slept with that panda... I don't even remember her name!" He spoke a mile a minute as he regaled her with the entire back story.

"Wow... breaking and entering, theft, sexual favors with strangers." Bunnie moved down and took the limp cock in her hand and squeezed it. "You've got a bit of a bad boy in your Tails... And some guts to be doing all that."

"Uh!" The Two tailed fox couldn't help but groan as one of his best friends touched him down there. He thought he was spent, but his penis had other ideas. Just a few strong strokes of his shaft had it throbbing again. Also, Bunnie had strong hands and knew her way around shaft. "Bunnie... you're married!" He managed to get out after a few seconds of the hand job. "Is... is Antoine here?"

"Antoine?" The Texan rabbit couldn't help but snicker. Though she didn't stop he work. Her palm moved up and down the slippery shaft as she talked casually. "Could you imagine him in a place like this? Not in a hundred years." She gave Tail's shaft a hard squeeze just to punctuate the point. "I admit I do love him... but he is so... vanilla." She sighed and talked about her love life casually as if she was not stroking the vulpine's teen penis. "You know he doesn't even like blow jobs? Just plain missionary sex!" She vented a little. "Seriously... what kind of guy doesn't like having his cock sucked on?"

"I... none I know..." Tails squirmed a bit. His knot started to inflate a bit from the constant stimulation. He really didn't know what to do in the situation. Not that he could do much. He was hog tied pretty tightly to the bed and was at the mercy of the obviously enamored rabbit.

"I was coming to this place for years, even before I dated Antoine." The rabbit moved her head down. "I still come once in a while... just enough to get the edge off, y'all know?" She placed her lips into the furry groin of her partner and gave the nutsack a bit of a suckle. "Mmmm... just want a guy who likes to experiment a bit... and gets turned on by, say, bondage and getting blown another man's wife." She smiled and dragged her tongue up the red pole ever so slowly, till she reached the peak of the fox's arousal. "Tell me Tails... are you turned on by that idea?" She asked as she ran the head over her furry cheeks. "Feels like you are."

"Y... kinda." The inexperienced fox couldn't help but admit. Of course, he was a teenager with raging hormones. Anything that even remotely reminded him of sex aroused him. "But... Uhhh!" He tried to explain himself... but he couldn't finish his sentence as his penis went straight into the rabbit's muzzle. "Bunnie!" He squealed and thrust his hips up as much as he could in his current predicament.

The rabbit started to suckle on the shaft. She took it deep into her muzzle with a murr. She pushed the sides of her cheeks in to massage the shaft as she bobbed her head up the cock. Her normal hand move to lightly stroke his balls. Every so lightly. She knew her way around a canine like cock... even excluding her own husband there was an abundance of them in the club here.

The two tailed fox squirmed as his emotions ran wild. The forbidden passion of it all... yeah he had the hots on her for a while. Who wouldn't? Bunnie was a shapely brave warrior... Granted half of her shape was carved in metal... but she had one of the nicest racks Tails had ever seen. "Uh that feels so good..." he stuttered as he felt the cum start to churn in his testicles. Her mouth was so good on his throbbing shaft. Any thought he had of resisting was fast disappearing under the oral skill of the rabbit fighter.

Bunnie continued to bob her head up and down with favor. Tails was getting there... a bit slowly though. She could taste a female on the dick... Bunnie wasn't huge into girls. But here, everyone experimented a little. But she could tell it would take a little to get him to go all the way. Whoever used Tails before did a good job in tuckering out the kid. But then, Bunnie had a few tricks up here sleeve. Or in this case, her robotic arm.

Tails was squirming like a mad man as he was brought slowly to another orgasm. It was quite arduous... his body was fighting against itself. Half of him was tuckered out from the last day of activity, especially with Sushi... the other half of him was pulsing with arousal as the hot married piece of fur stroked him off, fulfilling one of his darker fantasies. A buzzing sound filled his triangular ears. Definitely mechanical. "Bunnie? What's that... whoa!" His eyes went wide as something pressed against his furry tail hole and vibrated like a miniature earthquake.

The rabbit's middle finger was oscillating rapidly. "Oh Sugah, just breaking you in a bit more... bet a young lad like you never thought about a little old stimulation here?" She pressed the thick finger up under his twin tails and rubbed it up and down the furry taint. She had Rotor, the purple skinned walrus tinkerer build this in for her. He didn't say anything though he probably knew what it was for... she didn't have the skills to install it herself. Needless to say, it was Bunnie's favourite attachment. Even after she was married.

"UHh... not till... recently." Tails blushed as the fat finger rubbed his furry asshole. Sushi, the panda from before, had use a thin vibrator on him.

"Oh really? You are kinkier than I thought." This made the rabbit chuckle a bit more. "How does it feel?" She asked as she pressed the fingertip to the furry sphincter and held it there.

The fox's eyes went wide as he squirmed on the table. "Oh... it feels..." He couldn't really describe it... he had never thought as his tail hole as something that could give him some pleasure. He would kick his legs if they weren't tied down firmly by the straps. His erection was soon at full blown strength as the real flesh and blood hand continued to jerk him off. "Bunnie... don't stop!" He shouted over the buzzing of the finger vibrator.

"I don't intend to Sugah..." The sexy little Texan bunny smiled. The red fox shaft pulsed in her hand. She was getting the reaction she wanted... but she needed to hurry it along a little. She pressed her cute little nose to the veiny cock and inhaled his aroma. Next she slid her mouth over the tapered tip and inhaled the top half. Her buck teeth slid over the head as she pressed her cheek against the sides.

Tails looked down and saw the rabbit blowing him... it blew his mind as he blew his load. "Bunnie!" He said in a high pitch squeal. The sheer arousal of the situation was more than enough to squeeze one more load out of him.

Bunnie continued to suckle the shaft as the fox freedom fighter filled her muzzle with salty cum. She made deep gulping sounds as she greedily drank. She didn't even mind the taste... actually preferring to swallow than get it in her fur. Dried cum was such a pain to get out of your hair. Doubly so when your entire body was covered with tan fur. Besides, the men here always seemed to like a gal who swallowed. She took her lips off after a minute and made a big show in licking her lips. "Mmm quite a tasty treat for a gal." She took her finger off his asshole and turned off the attachment. The buzzing sound instantly stopped. "Antoine doesn't like it when I touch his asshole. He clams up like... well, a clam." She giggled as she ran her fingers over his chest.

"Uhh..." The two tailed vulpine looked totally wiped now. His saliva ridden cock was now plastered on to his left thigh as he lay there. "Bunnie, that was incredible..."

"Wasn't it though?" The rabbit made a low humming sound as she got up. "I don't think you are quite done yet though." She came to the head of the bed and ran her fingers over his scalp.

"Oh gods Bunnie, I don't think I could... you know." Tails looked absolutely exhausted... what he didn't expect is for the rabbit to open his muzzle and pop a blue pill in his mouth. "Mmmph?" He squirmed as the hand quickly closed down on his maw and held it shut.

"Just a bit of Viagra Hun." The long haired rabbit smiled as she held his muzzle tight. "I admit even here you should watch the pills they give you... But you can trust me can't ya?" She placed two fingers on his throat and coaxed him to swallow.

Tails made a bit of a gulping motion as the chalky taste of the pill slid down his throat. "Yeah... I guess." He heard of it... but he didn't actually think it would work. He was just so tired right now. Of course that changed after a few minutes. His groin began to stir like it had a mind of its own. It was almost like magic... his red cock slowly began to rise much to the delight of his long-eared companion. "Uhhh..."

The rabbit snickered in her Texan twang. She ran her fingers over his ears as she watched the fox come to attention. "Excellent... especially for the next step..." Bunnie stood up. "Normally I keep this closed here..." She moved to her groin and pressed an almost invisible button. The metal around her groin slid open, exposing a furry slit which was dripping wet with arousal. "Mmm nice to let it air out." She smiled as she brought a finger to her pussy and ran it down the length.

The now horny vulpine looked up with a pant. He always thought that she was all metal from the waist down... which always begged the question how she went to the washroom. "Bunnie?" He squeaked nervously as the rabbit got on the bed and straddled his waist.

Bunnie stood over him. She was so aroused now. A drop of her lust dripped down her left metallic leg. It left a shiny trail showing her utter lust. The smell alone was driving the drugged fox wild. "I suppose you know Antoine and I have been trying to have a rugrat of our own..." She began to lower herself ever so slowly. Agonizingly slow. "But... he is not the best in bed. Performance anxiety... besides... I can think of another canine like fur who would be happy to supply what I need." Antoine was a tan coyote, Tails almost the same colour but a fox. The similarities were certainly close enough.

"Ye... Bunnie... you don't mean!" The two tailed freedom fighter began to struggle yet again. "I... am not ready to be a dad!" The rational part of his mind was reeling... but everything below the belt wanted her body more than anything and damn the consequences.

"Of course not!" The rabbit moved lower till the tip of his cock touched her swollen sex. "You're a fox... so is my husband. He'd never know..." She started to press down a little harder, feeling the red cock slowly penetrate her. "Mmm it'll be our little secret my perverted little freedom fighting fox... That... and this..." And with that Bunnie sat the rest of the way down to Tail's expanding knot.

"Bunnie!" The fox let out a high pitch squeal as he penetrated the married woman. He thrust up instinctively. His body was not used to Viagra and respond with a fever. Even trying to argue was pointless. He just wanted to cum so much. It was an odd feeling. Being utterly exhausted and incredibly turned on at the same time.

"Oh yeah Tails." The rabbit began a slow fucking. She wanted to make this last. Her metallic legs made a bit of a grinding sound as she moved up and down. She left just the tip of the cock inside of her before going back down to the swelling bulge at the base of the canine shaft. Her legs were metal, with a nigh-inexhaustible power source. She could do this for hours without breaking stride. "Come on... ram me with your shaft. Fuck your married slut friend..." She panted. One hand, her natural one went to squeeze her right furry tit. Her nipple was nice and perk. You could easily see it poking through her fur as she fucked her lover cow girl style.

It was so wrong, but Tails couldn't stop himself. Not that he had any choice being tied to the bed like he was some mad man in a lunatic asylum. "Mm yeah Bunnie... Fuck me..." He tried to talk dirty like she was... and failing. He couldn't even say fuck without blushing. It seemed so dirty even with the fact the cheating spouse was plowing him in a public sex club.

Bunnie continued to move, ever so faster increasing her speed. Tails was only going due to pure lust and a healthy dose of drugs. It made him last oh so long. Ten minutes... twenty minutes. Bunnie had her first orgasm around then... she had been holding back but let out a deep drawl and cried out "Sugah!" As she came. But she didn't stop slamming the fox. She had no need too. Her legs could continue doing squat thrusts in her sleep if she gave her bionic parts the right command!

"Oh Bunnie!" Tails' head was swimming. His knot was fully expanded now. Bunnie was just coming down to the top of it and not taking it inside of her. His groin was soaked with her lust and a good healthy bunch of his precum. "More... please!" He begged. He had been on edge for so long now. It was probably the most excruciating thing ever... Frustrating him to the point of madness. "Please, take the knot!" He started to beg like a pathetic puppy.

"Mmmm yes... beg me." Bunnie could feel another orgasm build up in her body. "Let me hear you beg to tie in my tight little cunnie sweetie." She took her metallic finger/vibrator and activated it once more. The buzzing sound filled the air once more as she brought it down to her clit once more. Another orgasm of pleasured fill her as she used her favourite toy on her body. It was doubly enjoyable with the red fox dick penetrating her deeply. "C'mon Sugah, beg!" She squealed like a horny bitch in heat.

"More!" Tails shouted loudly. He didn't care if anyone in the club could hear him right now. The feel of Bunnie on him coupled with the smell of her filled his nostrils. Foxes had a wonderful sense of smell which was almost a curse for the bound fox right now. "Knot... take the knot... I need it Bunnie!" He begged shamelessly. "Please let me cum!" He so ranted to reach down and squeeze his knot to help finish himself off.

"Uhhh..." Bunnie let the little fox hang on for a little longer... just long enough so she could get a third climax building. Tails pleas became more frantic and more desperate. The rabbit so loved to be begged too. Antoine was never the most forward. She had to be the one to initiate any sexual encounter. A girl loved to be looked at and lusted for, even if some pretended not to. "Yeah... you want it Sugah... don't you?"

"Yes yes yes!" The fox repeated himself. He was almost out of his mind in sexual frustration. "Pleaseeeee!" He squealed like he was begging for his life. His fists were clenched into tight balls. His fingers ached, his toes curled tightly as he was on the cusp for so long... "UHHHhhh!" The fox's eyes rolled in the back of his head as he felt himself totally locked in. Bunnie had slammed down and taken his knot. His entire shaft was inside the warm female. It was finally enough for him to get over the precipice. He exploded in white hot lust. Tails saw nothing but light as a half hour of sex came shooting out in a few seconds. He couldn't say anything other than thrash on the bed like a fish on the bottom of the boat.

"Ohhh yeah..." Bunnie felt a good helping of fox sperm inside of her. "Fill me up... knock me up with your bastard..." She almost cooed as she was locked on the shaft. She was used to taking a knotted dick... her husband had a knot of course. And one thing a good wife does is learn to take her hubby all the way in. But this wasn't her beau. This was her longtime friend... and that made it all the better. "Mmm yes Sugah..."

"Uhhhh..." Tails just hung to the side... he was wiped now. More so. He couldn't move. IT was like he ran a marathon back to back. He couldn't even keep awake... his eyelids fluttered a bit as he made one last valiant attempt to stay lucid. But he failed... passing out with Bunnie still locked on him.

Bunnie herself was having her final orgasm. She couldn't really hump him, but the cock inside of cunt and the vibrating on her clit was enough to finish her off. She didn't even realize her partner had passed out halfway through her own climax. "MMmmm?" She finally pulled the buzzing digit off her furry nub between her legs. She switched it off to look down at Tails.

The two tailed fox was snoring softly. He was in probably the deepest sleep of his life right now. A little bit of drool trailed from his mouth onto the heavily stained pillow. "Sugah?" Bunnie ran her fingers over his white tuft of chess fur. "Guess I tuckered you out." She smiled. "We're gonna have to work on your stamina." She joked to herself, not going anywhere for a while. "But of course... we'll have lots of time to improve that... what with this dirty little secret you have now, right Tails?" She smiled and placed her finger on Tails nose. "Yes... lots of practice." She grinned as the fox just continued to dream.


Well this story was years in the making. I made the first two chapters.. God almost a decade ago. But man, some series won't die. Thank again to Ishoka for the artwork and Draegwulf for getting me the pictures! Anyway, feel free to contact me for previews of upcoming stories, or simply to chat with me about stories or about commissions.

Msn is [email protected] Aim is mrredrover Yahoo is [email protected]

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