Blackmail - Chapter 1 - Kneel Before Me

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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Yes, another series. May be a few more!

For all those involved, Kari is at the age of consent in whatever region you are in! Way off character for Gabumon and company... but just lie back and enjoy the pointless porn! Again, this one is for Crescent. Sorry it took so long, I am trying to get back in the swing of things. This one has a watersports warning on it again! Was debating, but hey he wanted it. Not to mention this story bought me Walking Dead, the video game.



Chapter 1: Kneel before me Gatomon/Matt & Gabumon/Kari



The feline digimon was at the apartment door in the Tokyo high rise. The kitten looked rather annoyed. Her ears were flattened against her head as she looked up to her much taller digidestined partner. "C'mon Gatomon you promised." She looked embarrassed to be there. She was wearing a yellow shirt with her favourite bandana around her neck. She always wore something around her neck, a whistle, a camera. It is a habit she got into since she was a toddler wearing a pacifier around her neck. She almost felt

The feline had her hands crossed, not looking directly at Kari. "But... I didn't even do anything wrong..." She huffed a bit as she looked at her feet as if they held her interest more than the digidestined.

Kari sighed. "I know... I know... But... you don't want me to get in trouble..."

"Noo..." The white kitten agreed. "But..."

"And... it's not too much... I mean... It is not like you have to fight some mega digimon to the death or anything."


"And... You did try and hunt me down the first time we met... I mean I know this is big... but it should make us even... right?"

"I guess." Gatomon closed her baby blue eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. "Fine... I'll do it. But just for you!"

"Thanks Gatomon." Kari smiled and knocked on the door with her soft knuckles. There was a soft echo in the hallway before the door creaked open ominously.

"Hey Kari." Gabumon was there, the pudgy yellow pelt wearing digimon. His horn jutted from the middle of his forehead. It looked like he polished it for this special occasion. "I was wondering if you were going to show up...' He looked to Gatomon who was standing there silently. "And you did bring Gatomon. Wow... you must be a good friend."

"Harrumph." The champion digimon made a sort of snorting noise.

"Well... you didn't leave me much choice." Kari blushed. The red on her cheeks was quite evident, especially since the girl had extremely fair skin. There wasn't a single blemish on her face, as if she was carved from porcelain.

"Well, there's always a choice." The chubby mon smiled as he stepped to the side and held out his left hand. "Come in."

Kari led the way with Gatomon trailing from behind. Gabumon locked the door with a click. "Don't worry... Matt's folks are out on vacation. They won't be showing up." He grinned as he slid the bolt in place with an ominous metal clunk.

"Great." Gatomon just stood in the middle of the living room in front of the flat screen TV. Her eyes seemed to randomly go around the room, anywhere but Gabumon. As if not looking at him would make him go away, or at least delay the inevitable. "Just great." She replied sarcastically. She clearly wanted to be anywhere else... but she was Kari's partner and friend to the end. Or even this rather unrefined display.

"All right..." Kari blushed a bit, holding her left arm to her side and rubbing it up and down. "We're here... So how should... I mean..."

"Well you both can kneel in front of me." If the yellow digimon smiled any wider the top of his head would fall off.

Gatomon did a weird mix of growl and sigh, and got down on her knees. Kari moved a bit slower, but Gabumon held out his hand. "Wait... something is wrong here... Kari you are not naked. Like the both of us"

This just made the young girl blush even harder. "You are wearing your pelt Gabumon." The feline champion looked up at the bottom of the sofa, commenting on Gabumon's favourite attire. Gabumon was sitting against the back of the sofa. He was so short his knees didn't even bend over the edge: his feet just stuck straight out. She could clearly see the bottom of those rather big feet. They were proportionally larger than the digimon... and rather dirty. Digimon typically went barefoot, unless they formed with shoes. Gatomon herself never wore shoes... well those high heels that ONE time... it didn't end well either.

"Well Kari can keep her bandana on then... it should be fair." Gabumon snickered madly. He was wiggling a bit on the seat... clearly excited. "C'mon... strip for me."

The young girl blushed some more. She took off her shorts first, stripping them down to her ankles. She then picked them and folded them up. Kari always was meticulously neat. Her shirt went next. She didn't even bother taking off the pink bandana that hug around her neck as she pulled the simple yellow t-shirt off. It too got folded up and put on top of the shorts. She had no bra on... her breasts were so tiny there was no need of them. All she wore now was a pair of white cotton panties. She just stood there for a moment with her thumbs in the elastic as she worked up the nerve... before she pulled them down as well. They went down her slim legs and off. She stood up straight again. Her hands crossed over her pussy, giving her just the smallest mediocre of decorum.

"Damn that is sexy..." Gabumon eyed up the naked human girl. Sure he had seen naked humans, mostly on the computer. Who hadn't? But this was better, having a live human here... and Kari! She was utterly adorable. No fur or feathers or scales... but humans had this cute, vulnerable quality to them. "All right you can kneel in front of me now Kari."

Kari did so, keeping her young snatch hidden till she was on her knees. She got on Gatomon's right side. The two girls looked up at Gabumon... at this angle they pretty much saw feet, a belly, and his yellow horn sticking out. "Let's start slow... Why don't you girls give my feet a bit of a licking?" The pudgy mon began to wiggle his toes a bit. He only had three of them. Each of them where tipped with a short blunt claw.

"Really?" Gatomon made a bit of a face as she looked at the rather dirty soles. "You can't be serious..."

"Well we can go lick something else maybe." Gabumon parted his legs a bit so now the two got a good view of his groin. It was swelling a bit with arousal, but his cock hadn't been exposed yet. The digimon placed a massive hand there and began to rub up himself a bit blatantly.

The two girls looked at each other. Without saying a word, both moved their faces up against the dirty soles. Two tongues began to lap the feet... Kari's tongue oh so soft and Gatomon's having a slight rough texture. "Mm yeah, get them nice and clean..." He remarked, loving the feel.

Gatomon and Kari were not enjoying themselves as much... tasting the sweat and dirt from a couple days of walking all caked up on there. Each lick made the feline wince a bit, but she kept at it. She ran her tongue up and down over the tough digimon hide. The dirt was stuck there pretty firmly... it took some hard licks to even get off part of the black marks that were worn into the skin from years of walking sans shoes.

The licking continued for some time. Gatomon tried to take her mind of it... she tried to make a game of removing one black spot under the heel. Her tongue went over and over the same spot, making it smaller each time... till it finally disappeared. It took quite a while to remove it... But it gave the feline some task to do to try and get her mind off it.

"Wow... you were right... I didn't think they'd come."

"Matt!" Kari moved her dry tongue away from the digimon's feet and instantly covered her nipples and her pussy with her arms. Gatomon did the same... and felt silly. She was always naked... Why'd she even bother? "What... what are you doing here? And... Why are you in your underwear?" Kari asked with a bit of a shudder. The tall blond teen was wearing tight briefs. He had a nice build, a bit slim, like a runner's build.

Gatomon flashed an angry glare at Gabumon. "You said you were alone!"

"I [i]said[/i] Matt's parents were gone... Matt was just waiting in the bedroom to see if you two were serious." The male digimon grinned. "Why'd you'd think I asked you to bring Gatomon?"

Matt took a swing of beer, a cheap Japanese brand of corn beer and took a seat next to Gabumon on the other end of the couch. "So which one of you wants to do my feet?" He stretched his legs. They were as long as Gabumon was tall.

The feline looked back and forth from Gabumon's giant yellow feet to matt's human fived toed ones. She didn't particularly want either... but Matt was a human... as was Kari. The last think she needed was for Kari to get knocked up or something. She shuffled on her knees over to the boy's feet and started to lap. Although they were cleaner than Gabumon's by a fair bit, his feet were nice and sweaty... the taste strong.

"Uhhhh..." Matt leaned his head back on the couch, giving Gatomon a little shove of his left foot. The cat, taken by surprise, fell on her back. Normally she wouldn't have been taken off guard but her mind was, for obvious reasons, distracted. Before she could get up though, Matt had lifted his feet onto her face as if she was a foot stool.

Gatomon let out a long sigh as she laid spread on her back, arms to her side. She began to lap again, tongue moving down the soles one by one. The feline tongue slid down between the toes back and forth, cleaning them quite thoroughly.

Kari... Seemed a bit more eager than Gatomon was. Gabumon was looking down with a cocky grin as his toes got the best cleaning they ever had in their lives. His paw moved back down to his groin after a bit and started to rub slowly. His penis, a large yellow sucker that looked vaguely canine in appearance, slowly began to flop out of its hiding place. Kari blushed harder as she saw the large cock, which looked even larger on the smal creature. But she didn't stop licking... though her eyes were firmly locked on the cock. "Mmm you having fun?"

"Mmm hmm..." Kari nodded a bit. Her tongue went up and down with the bobbing of her head. She was squirming a bit on the floor... getting excited.

Gatomon, meanwhile, was looking at Matt. He too was rubbing himself through his briefs. His own dick began to stretch the fabric a bit, making it a bit more see through. Only for a bit though. Soon the cotton prison became too much for the teen, and he pulled down the elastic. It was a decent size cock, with an uncut head and some blond pubic hair growing around its base. The cat tried not to look at it through the tiny gap between Matt's feet, instead concentrating on the rather demeaning job at hand.

It went on for some time... the boys just played with their cocks, rubbing them and flopping them up and down. The sound of flesh going through the air. After a bit Matt flipped on the TV. His parents didn't even know that he had signed them up for some of the more... special channels. Some Japanese porn was on... with the genitals blurred out as was tradition in this country. It did take a bit away from the show... and Japanese girls never seemed to enjoy it as some of the western porn. Always seemed to be in pain or something. Still, it was all you could get here and there wasn't enough room to huddle around a computer.

Gatomon's ears flattened against her head as she heard the soundtrack. The low grunts of the guys on screen mixed in with the high pitched squeals of Asian girls being rammed over and over in some orgy. She could only see a bit of the screen with these toes over her eyes... her mouth starting to get dry from the constant licking. Her lips began to chap up a bit... but she continued, as did Kari.

The porn seemed to encourage the boys to go faster. Fwapping sounds filled the air as the cocks moved up and down in a frantic rhythm. The testosterone was heavy in the air now... "Almost there..." Gabumon grunted. His strong paw was wrapped tightly around his cock... He spread his legs a bit wider so Kari got a clear view of the throbbing shaft. Dripping pre moved over his fingers as Gabumon's dick started to throb. "Uhhhh!"

Kari closed her eyes as she felt the warm splatter of jizz over her face. It was a pretty impressive load. Gabumon had not masturbated for a good three days, saving himself for this. "Mmmphh..." The salty taste was heavy on her lips... and she even parted them to let a bit of it land in her open mouth. One shot made a long white strand from her bottom lip to her top teeth. It hung there for a moment, before she closed her mouth and swallowed. She was thankful for at least a bit of moisture.

Gatomon felt the feet removed from her face. She just lay there for a moment...panting a bit with her tongue hanging outside of her maw. She was just too mentally tired to move right now... even when she saw Matt lean over with his uncircumcised shaft. She just closed her eyes like Kari, and let Matt cum all over her face like she was a cheap whore.

"Yeah..." The blond teen continued to jerk off over Gatomon's face. He too shot a good portion of white over the kitten's face as she lay there. Beads of white stuck to the fur... a rather good chunk ended up in Gatomon's upturned left ear, making a pool in the leathery triangle. After a good ten seconds of cumming, Matt leaned back in the sofa. He took another swing from the beer. "You know, there are people really into digimon. I was never one of those, but you are kind of cute, Gatomon." He placed one foot back on the feline's face and began to move it around, smearing the cum in her fur. Gatomon just took it. She could really smell the cum and sweat now as Matt tormented her.

Kari smacked her lips once; her mouth still felt too dry. She looked up at Gabumon. His yellow dick now hung to the side, stuck to his inner thigh by some residual spunk. She looked up with her brown eyes. "Can I have a drink now please?" She smacked her lips once more. "I'm parched..."

"Sure Kari..." Gabumon leaned forward and unglued the yellow penis from his side. "I got one of your favourite drinks right here..."

Gatomon opened her eyes... she had to wipe the right one a bit as it had too much cum on the eyelid. "Ugh..." She looked to her side... and saw Gabumon press his dick to Kari's lips. Looked like it was progressing to oral. Kari's slender hands grabbed the base of the shaft, holding it gingerly. She was making gulping motions. The cat could see her throat making the swallowing motions... was Gabumon cumming? Gatomon thought to herself... It seemed like he was orgasming for a long time... Till she saw Kari move her head back, just a touch. A small stream of golden yellow that puttered down to a few drops, which the male digimon promptly shook off into Kari's face. Gatomon's eyes went wide as she turned her head. "Kari... did he just..." She really didn't get a chance to finish her sentence as a stream of piss hit her own mouth. She gasped in surprise... Swallowing the first bit with a bit of a gag. She closed her mouth and eyes and turned her lead to the side as Matt held out his own dick.

The teen continued to urinate on the feline... not normally into watersports but with Gabumon here spurring him on? It was easy to get corrupted. "Stay still Gatomon... I don't want to get it all over the floor!" Matt joked.

The feline growled a bit... for a moment she wanted to slug him one... But the bond between a digimon and a digidestined ran deep. She would do anything for Kari... including being used a urinal. Her mouth opened half way through... letting Matt literally go in her mouth. There was a soft melodic sound as her mouth slowly filled up... She winced at the bitter taste... Forcing herself to gulp it like her partner did. She had to repeat it three times before the stream ebbed... leaving her panting. She was in an odd way happy to get a bit of moisture... but the taste... not to mention the smell. She finally opened her eyes again, looking down at her fur. Normally the purest white it was tinged around her face and chest with that ugly yellow piss colour. She hoped it wouldn't stain... "Can I please go wash now?" Gatomon went up... asking permission for something so basic.

Matt got up, his dick hanging out from his underwear over his elastic band. "Mmm sure..." He went and picked up the cat under the armpits. "Why don't we all go in the shower?"

Gatomon's ears flattened against her face. She was soaking wet, stained, and had a rather annoyed look on her face. She was hoping it was over... Apparently not. "... Fine..."

"Try and look a little happier." Matt took Gatomon under his arm like she was a hand bag. He carried her into the bathroom, small like most Japanese ones. There was a traditional squat toilet and a sit down shower with a nozzle. A little plastic stool was in front of it where you would sit down to scrub. Matt took Gatomon and sat down on it, after taking off his underwear and throwing it in the hallway through the door.

The feline snorted a bit as she was pulled into the human's lap like an infant... Matt's hands roamed her body a bit as he molested her before he turned on the water and began to clean her up... Of course it was an excuse to cop feels all over but she was grateful to get the pee out of her fur. She was a cat and as such meticulously clean. Though she was certainly not a fan of water--she preferred to use her tongue for most of her cleaning. Agumon had once caught her on the balcony licking herself in those hard to reach places and he had creamed himself on the spot, the pervert.

Right now, the digital cat had closed her eyes as the shampoo ran over her body. She looked a bit sulky as the strong fingers massaged her scalp. Least Matt was decently good-looking... even if his boner was poking her backside uncomfortably. If it weren't for that, she could maybe have found this relaxing. Especially after all she had been through.

"Uhhhh Gabumon!"

Gatomon's eyes shot open. She had almost drifted off for a bit. Kari and Gabumon had joined them two inside the tiny bathroom. The pelted digimon had her partnerup against the wall... Holding her by her naked ass as he fucked her like she was in some cheap porno! Her legs were wrapped around his waist, the ankles locked behind him. His own hands held on to her tiny ass and squeezed. Of course Gabumon was fairly short... her rump was only a good six inches off the tiled floor. Her hands squeezed tight around the husky digimon's neck as his yellow cock slid in deep. "Mmm fuck can't believe you are still tight..." Gabumon panted. His tongue lolled out a bit as rammed into the girl. His yellow hairless balls slapped back and forth which each thrust.

Gatomon blushed a bit as she watched her friend get shamelessly fucked like she and her lover were alone in the room. She never realized how Kari didn't seem to have a shred of embarrassment in being screwed by one of their friends. "Huh!" The cat looked down... and saw Matt was positioning his dick at her opening. "Matt..."

"You are pretty cute." The boy smiled as he held on his shaft... about the size of Gabumon's cock though maybe a hair thinner around the base. The foreskin rubbed against her pussy as he searched for an opening. "I never would have thought of digimon girls as sexy... well maybe your Angewomon form... But then Gabumon showed me some of those digimon on girl videos." He remarked as he began to push in.

"Uhhhh!" Gatomon let out a groan as her tight furry snatch was penetrated by the human shaft. Her gloved hands clenched up as the cock slowly entered her.

"Mmm you'll like it Gatomon." Matt told her as the cock slid in a little deeper. "I know I am." It was a weird feeling. She felt like any normal vagina on his dick. Not that he had too much experience. Sora a couple times... Davis' sister Jun a lot more times. But the furry coating around the entrance was nice on the base of his shaft. Even the tail whipping across his chest felt like a gentle massage. The long furry appendage tickled under his chin as he slipped deeper into the tiny cat. It seemed amazing that such a small creature could take his entire cock. Though digimon were naturally stretchy... They could take most any dick. It helped them to breed with one another since digimon could be of any size or shape.

"Uhhhh" Gatomon groaned a bit as she felt herself penetrated deeply. She went balls deep on the human dick. And even though she didn't really want to be here... she couldn't help but start to get moist down there. He was a handsome guy... and she hadn't been touched down there for quite some time. Her whines and complaints began to disappear as she began to feel herself tingling down there... getting wet and moist. And when Matt reached down and rubbed her clit with one hand she screamed and creamed. "Matt!" She couldn't help but yell out as she came. Her pussy became like a vice as her body spasmed wildly. She even reached down to hold Matt's hand in place as he played with the furry nub as if afraid he may take away her pleasure.

"Yeah that's a good girl... Let me hear you scream..." Matt talked dirty as he played with his sex toy. He hadn't cum yet... but then he already had an orgasm once. It was going to take him a little longer... of course that didn't mean he couldn't let the kitten have some fun.

The cat could not help but comply and moan loudly. Her screams of lust echoed in the tiny room to mix with Kari's. She too was groaning in delight as the yellow shaft penetrated deeply. Her hairless stretched lewdly around the cock with each thrust. She had already had a nice small orgasm, leaving a hickey on Gabumon's shoulder when she did so. But it almost seemed like foreplay. A second one was building in her... it was getting close.

But Gabumon couldn't hold back anymore... his own yellow dick exploded with lust and painted the inside of the girl's womb. Kari felt the cum in her and hugged tighter with her arms and legs, trying to milk the penis for all it was work... but she didn't quite get enough as he finished off loading in her tight snatch. The yellow head flopped out of the opening, along with a good helping of digimon spunk. It leaked down her leg as she fell to the wet ground. Her butt sat on the floor, pussy exposed and dripping on the floor. She reached down with both hands... Two fingers in her snatch and two rubbing her clit rapidly as she tried to finish herself off.

It looked like Matt had a bit more staying power. He could go at any moment now, but he was holding back till his kitten had her finale. She was already groaning, even begging for more shamelessly. "Do it... do it Matt!" She screamed as she passed the point of no return. "Cum in me!" She squealed to the wind.

That was all Matt needed. The young teen exploded in white lust. He filled the kitty with a different kind of cream he was normally used to. "Mmmm yeah... good pussy..." He held her wet body to his chest as he blew his load. A lot more silently than the feline was. Her howls sounded like that of an alley cat in heat... Spittle flew from her maw as she had a powerful orgasm. It synced with Kari, who brought herself to her own zenith with her fingers. She didn't scream like the feline... mainly because Gabumon had shoved his limp cock in her mouth and she was busy sucking his jizz from it. It only seemed to spurn her on more... till her hands finally slowed down. The high had past, and she just sat on the floor, nursing the cock slowly until she was too exhausted to do that. The head fell out of her mouth, leaving a long trail of cum spittle from her lower lip to the penis tip which stretched and stretched until it finally snapped.

No one said anything for several good long seconds. Gatomon felt the human dick flop out of her. Cum dripped out of her snatch and on to the ground to be washed down the drain. She was the first one to speak. "Are... are we good now?" She asked as she slid off the lap on to the ground. Her paws made a little splash on the floor as she looked at the males.

"For now." Gabumon smiled as he took his dick and whipped it on Kari's face once. The girl let him... just too used to care. "But you girls aren't done yet."

"What do you mean?" Kari lifted her head a bit... a finger went to her pussy and played with herself a bit... just because she needed something to do right now.

"Do you think I was the only one who found out Kari's secret?" The pudgy digimon smiled at the two ladies.

Gatomon and Kari exchanged twin looks of horror. "Who... who else knows?" The girl pulled her hand from her slit... the fingers coming back glistening.

"Well." Matt turned on the plastic stool to face them. "It's not for me to say... But I hear Gabumon discovered you secret when he was with some friends."

The pudgy digimon snickered a bit as he looked at the well used girls. "And they are dying to meet you."


What was Kari's big secret? Why is she here, licking feet with her furry partner in crime? Well, we may have to make a sequel one day. Anyway, feel free to contact me for previews of upcoming stories, or simply to chat with me about stories. I do find a lot if inspiration from my fans. I've been known to add chapters, characters, and so on based on fan input.

Msn is [email protected] Aim is mrredrover Yahoo is [email protected]

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